Back Pain
Natural Remedies

Top Natural Back Pain Remedies for Holistic Relief

| Modified on May 24, 2024
Posted by Mike (Kent, UK) on 02/10/2024 26 posts

Stretching for Back Pain

This worked very well for me really. Reduced the pain to about half, which is enough to at least allow you to function.

Pretty much I was just arching my back backwards. I don't think it matters whether you do it lying on your front and using your arms, or standing up and arching backwards by pushing your butt with your hands or something.

I was told it's good to do this 4-5 times for 20-30 seconds per time. Seems to work well!

It will hurt a bit at first of course and I don't think there's any need to overdo it. You wouldn't want to hurt yourself either so go easy. But yeah it was a bit of a lifesaver for me to be honest.

Oregano Oil
Posted by judith (USA) on 12/10/2023

I discovered that oregano oil completely took away my back pain (which I should qualify is not chronic and only happens when I overdue things) on a long car trip. I happened to have a bottle of it with me as I had a cold and after taking a few drops under my tongue noticed that my back pain subsided almost immediately. I did the same today at home after three hours of heavy lifting and experienced the same relief. Worth a try! Blessings to all!

Recommended Books
Posted by Lois (NE) on 09/23/2023

I agree and highly recommend Dr. Sarno's books.

Ball Point Pen Technique
Posted by Clay (KY) on 08/19/2023

I too have been dealt with back problems for years pretty much the same thing you described. And thank you for being so thorough and concise. You spent a lot of time describing and it is much appreciated. One thing you mentioned that stood out to me was the word "fear" and the statement that you felt nothing was damaged. I believe all of that wholeheartedly, especially fear. Dr John Sarno wrote books on getting rid of back pain and his method works for me. When you got rid of the fear according to him and had the belief that physically you are okay gradually start to make more movements physical and mental and then stay with that. He mentioned that anxiety based on internalized rage was a precursor to an episode I found that to be my case. His instructions were to own it and get rid of it, get rid of the fear and realize that you're mad as hell about something and that you are the one who is in control. I do have episodes every few years but I go back to that process and it works. As with anything we do I'm not saying it will work for everyone but it is definitely worth looking into.

Posted by Paul mcloughlin (Ballycastle ) on 08/08/2023

Surely he means 20 seconds on left knee

Posted by KarenM (West Australia) on 05/25/2023

What is "sw***on" and "EC"?

EC: Swanson
Earth Clinic

Posted by Hollyhock (America ) on 05/17/2023

Boswellia for pain and inflammation

I was taking hyaluronic acid for my back pain,,, it worked for a few months and then stopped working. So after doing a little research on EC, I found a supplement called boswellia, which comes from the same tree as frankincense. I went to my favorite online supplement site and ordered the sw***on double strength boswellia capsules. Within a little over a week I started noticing less pain! I will continue using it and hope it doesn't wear off the way the HA did. I still use the stoppain roll on as well. Also read it has benefits for those with asthma.

DMSO & Castor Oil
Posted by Katzie (Calgary, Canada) on 04/21/2023

After starting to feel a "toothache"-like ache in my lower back, I started applying a thin layer of Castor Oil first, then 7 drops of DMSO on each side. You need the oil to protect your skin as DMSO is a solvent and very drying. I made the mistake of applying the DMSO "raw" (no oil), and the resulting rash disabused me of the notion of ever doing that again.

As the days went by, I needed fewer drops and less frequently since it actually heals! It took just a few months to take care of the issue. That was 3 yrs ago and have had no recurring disc pain. DMSO doesn't just treat, it heals.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Glen (Langley, BC Canada) on 11/19/2022

Thanks for sharing your use of coconut oil for back pain. But recently I fell off the roof. I was having great difficulty standing because of the pain. About an hour after rubbing my lower back with coconut oil, I was able to stand for about two hours. I have put on a second application. I will try and remember a longer term view of this issue.

Posted by lorettta (chandler az) on 11/13/2022

Scott, how much borax are you taking?

Valerian Root
Posted by Caroline (Nyssa) on 11/06/2022

I fell 5 ft off of a ladder on my buttocks. I was in excruciating pain. My x-ray revealed a compression fracture. My chiropractor recommended icing and ibuprofen 4X daily. After a week and a half my stomach could no longer handle the ibuprofen. I was in too much pain to sleep so I took some Valerian Root. It was like a miracle.....I slept all night and woke the next morning with very little pain!

Posted by scott v (grand rapids mi) on 08/23/2022

I was diagnosed with arthritis in my back by a chiropractor. he said there was nothing that I could do about it. I investigated and found articles on Borax.... I started taking it every morning. it was scary at first, taking a cleaner.

on the fifth day, I got out of bed and wow! no pain! I've been taking it for 10 years, every day. no issues. Doctors and nurses are amazed when I tell them I take it daily. it works!

MSM and Vitamin C
Posted by Cfitz (Georgia) on 06/15/2022

Hello, Olivia! Beware of synthetic supplements. Here's some info for you:

I've been taking Dr Mercola's LIPOSOMAL (super-absorbent) also contains sunflower lecithin, and MCT (Medium Chain Triglycerides). Since the body cannot store Vitamin C, take one 500mg capsule two times a day.

Liposomal Vitamin C has several advantages compared to regular Vitamin C tablets. Firstly, liposomal Vitamin C will protect Vitamin C from degradation from gastric juices, enzymes, change of pH, and oxidation within the gastrointestinal tract. Besides that, Vitamin C can achieve better absorption into our systems because the liposomal formulation can diffuse easily through the intestines into our body.

- - - - -

Natural Vitamin C – This vitamin is readily available in citrus, red bell peppers, berries, and many more fruits and vegetables. In nature it is combined with flavonoids and phytonutrients that help in its absorption and use.

Synthetic Vitamin C – Ascorbic acid is an isolated vitamin from genetically modified corn sugar that is hydrogenated and processed with acetone. It does not include the flavonoids and phytonutrients that make it work.

There are two forms of Vitamin C variety: L and D. The L variety can be found in both natural and synthetic forms of ascorbic acid. It's the best form of Vitamin C to take. You absorb L-ascorbic acid naturally from fruits, vegetables, and whole foods. Most supplements also carry a synthetic version of the L variety. Meanwhile, D-ascorbic acid cannot be found in nature. Chemically, it looks identical to the L variety, but D-ascorbic acid differs at the molecular level. It is not used in supplements because it cannot be synthesized by the body.

Source: and

MSM and Vitamin C
Posted by Olivia (NC) on 05/30/2022

I would like to know what type of vitamin C as well. I have the ascorbic acid powder vit C but not sure how to take it. And I have the powdered MSM, but even a 4th of teaspoon gives me extremely bad headaches. Does anyone know how I should these two together? My lower has been hurting severely for almost a week. I did nothng strenous unless raking weeds out your veggie garden counts. I really don't want to go to the doc or emergency room for a shot or pills.

Posted by Cfitz (Georgia) on 05/18/2022

Hello, Maggie!

Funny I just came across your post, because yesterday I typed up a list of the benefits of lemon juice. Here 'tis:

Drink Warm Lemon Water Every Morning: 1 Tbsp in 8 oz warm water

Helps You Digest; Cleanses Your System As a Diuretic; Stimulates Your Immune System; Balances pH Levels; Cleanses Skin; Gives You Energy and Improves Your Mood; Boosts Healing; Freshens Breath; Hydrates Your Lymphatic System; and Helps You Lose Weight.

And in regard to Diuretics, here's more: Eliminate toxins from the body. Consume Watermelons, Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Blueberry Juice, Carrots, Celery, Grapes, and Asparagus. Of course, certified organics are the best.

Leg Lifts
Posted by Doreen (NS, Canada) on 05/07/2022

Look up BobandBrad on YouTube, or They are physiotherapists who have lots of videos on the body.

Low Back Pain and Spondylitis
Posted by Dana (Cabarlah, Qld.) on 05/07/2022

Have you researched the No Low carb. diet for AS; Facebook group.

Stomach Stretch
Posted by JOHN (PERTH - AUSTRALIA) on 05/06/2022


As we grow older we grow lazy, the muscles attached to the spine that was once taut have become soft and can no longer support the spine and the weight of the upper body. thus, the nerves in-between the discs of the spine get jammed, and it is these jammed nerves that give you pain. so to regain some strength in your muscles that support the spine, you MUST DO SOME EXERCISES.


Lie on your stomach. put your hands in front of you and lift your chest up to 30degrees. count ten (seconds). when you get a hang of this, add some deep breathing. as you lift your chest, inhale. as you count ten, hold your breath. as you lower your chest, exhale.

Do this every day of the first week. after that, you can do it just once or twice a week. maybe you could lift your chest further up...40-50degrees. (dont break your spine trying too hard! )


Leg Lifts
Posted by Edy (CA) on 05/06/2022

Look up Sciatica flossing. Same sort of thing, but you are actually "flossing" the nerve that's giving so much pain back and forth rather than squishing it by bending or walking.

Posted by Carolyn (Ontario) on 05/06/2022

Always drink lemon water with a straw to protect the enamel on your teeth!

Posted by Maggie (Kansas) on 02/27/2022 5 posts

Is there an ailment category for stiffness or achiness upon waking in the mornings that goes away after awhile? I couldn't find anything on EC about it. And/Or if there is a place for liver help, whatever you name the category, here is the remedy I want to share:

Lemon Slice a Day

In a glass of water, squeeze a slice of lemon. Cut and scrape out the membranes and put them in too. Drop in the wedge. Drink everything up at your leisure (not the wedge of course! ). Pour in more water after you drink it throughout the day. Have more lemon pieces if you want, but one wedge a day is the minimum. I read that lemon is the best at helping out the liver. Lemons helped me better than ACV even! - and this has really helped me not feel so stiff and painful with tight muscles in the mornings when I wake up.

Keep hydrated and avoid Tylenol to help your liver out too!

Clove Oil
Posted by Maria (London) on 02/10/2022 9 posts

How much clove oil should I apply since this post is from 2007 and the DeAun is unlikely to reply?

Coconut Oil
Posted by Shelly (Virginia) on 12/12/2021 6 posts

This is my go to site for all things natural cures. It's an awesome site. Was having lower back pain for a week now. Even took my heating pad to work and used it almost all day. Definitely helped, but the pain kept lingering. So I came to good ole EC for help. I rubbed my back with coconut oil and OMG, my pain was gone! I am dumbfounded!! I thought that people were just saying that. How could that be true? But trust me, it's so true. Thank you EC for all your wisdom.

Posted by Alice (Minneapolis, Minnesota) on 07/28/2021

I am in complete agreement about the doctors and unnecessary (and harmful) surgery! I had a herniated disc -lumbar L4-L5 -apparently (i just doubt everything they say now). After a year of excruciating pain, I agreed to a spinal fusion. This was in 2013 and of course they gave me a lot of pain meds. Now it's 2021 and over the past two years it's so bad I can't walk without being in pain & it keeps getting worse.

Very grateful I found this site and will try the apple cider vinegar also MSM since I happen to have some I just bought but haven't tried. Thank you for your story.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Ashley (East Susssex) on 06/05/2021

I've had severe lower back pain all week (hurts to sit, stand, lie down, walk, move...)

I took a 1/2 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda & 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a full mug of filtered water at 9.30am this morning.

I went back to sleep and woke up at 2pm. The pain is vastly reduced.

Side note: I usually drink 1-2 tablespoons ACV in juice almost every day - and this didn't reduce my back pain at all.

Inversion Table Therapy
Posted by Nancy (FL) on 04/24/2021

Inversion table cured my lower back pain, almost immediately, Amazing!! I hung upside down for 30 seconds only, now I continue to do it for 30 seconds only 2 times per day, only that! Is enough for me!

Posted by Katzie (Calgary) on 04/04/2021

After taking Xrays with my first chiropractor after a bad fall, he showed me how I had almost no cushioning between my discs and that he estimated I had 6 more months without pain before I felt it. Well, 5 1/2 months later I had what felt like a toothache on each side of my lower back. I was like, "hell to the no" and ran for my DMSO bottle.

I like to use it straight and not watered down. I use a thin layer of Castor Oil first as it is the only oil viscous enough to protect the skin. I started with 7 drops on each side, 2x per day. DMSO actually heals on a molecular level, so I needed less and less as time went on.

A few weeks ago I was telling a friend about what DMSO did for me, and suddenly realized I had not put any DMSO on my back in 2 months! So from now on, I will just apply a "maintenance dose" 1x a month to keep things good. So, know how much you started with and be prepared to cycle down by either using fewer drops per treatment or skipping days, etc. It's not like a big Harma med where you have to take it forever and usually need more to get the same result, DMSO is the opposite!!

Happy healing, everybody!

Posted by Beamer (Brissy) on 03/25/2021

I have found eating 2 leaves a day of pennywort (Centella Asiatica) relieves back pain in a few days.

Just collect them and chew them up. They have very little taste. It takes a few days to start feeling relief.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Beamer (Brissy) on 03/25/2021

I have found eating 2 leaves a day of pennywort (Centella Asiatica) relieves pain in a few days. The next time you have a flare, take activated charcoal and fibre like psyllium husk - you can also take these at the time of falling off the diet wagon.

Tailbone Pain Remedies
Posted by Beamer (Brissy) on 03/25/2021

2 leaves of pennywort - Centella Asiatica - a day.

Just collect them and chew them up. They have very little taste. It takes a few days to start feeling relief.

Neuromuscular Massage
Posted by Tim L. (US) on 05/17/2020

20yrs back, I dealt with a recurring spasm in the lower right side of my back. The Dr that I was seeing at the time could only prescribe muscle relaxers that did nothing and also anti inflammatories that helped a little. His recommendation was to find a Neuromuscular Specialist, like a massage therapist w/sports medicine training. The last episode with this went beyond previous flair ups that I could grin & bare. This last one felt like a hot fire poker stuck in my back with a lighting bolt pain shooting down into my big toe. I couldn't even walk and had me layed up for almost 2 weeks.

I found a specialist that explained to me that a knotted up muscle can remain in our bodies forever and won't even know it's there until the next flair up unless a knowledgeable person can find & reach the problem to apply the right pressure to get it to relax and lay flat again.

Turned out that my issue stemmed from stupid things done in my teen years and had followed me into my late 30's. When she first started working on me there was even more discomfort & pain inflicted.

After 4 or 5 sessions over the course of a couple of weeks.The pain started to ease off,was able to start walking normal again. There was another time months down the road when I went back to her for help...straighten me out again. From my late 30's to present (57soon),I have not dealt with sciatica nerve pain at all but also within the last ten years I have steered clear of all Pharma...even over the counter meds, no aspirin, Tylenol, Ibeprofon and ect . Only depend on natural herbs & oils. Turmeric & Ginger are 2 tops for me. I happened to come across crystallized Ginger at Big Lots today. I tend to snack on it to curb cravings for sweets but it also helps the body feel better.

Horsetail Extract
Posted by Marilyn (Long Beach, CA) on 03/04/2020

I have osteopenia, some scoliosis, whiplash injury to neck and back. Latest thing I've tried is horsetail extract. Read a big 13 page article in Well Being Journal a couple of years ago that I found online about a French researcher and his beliefs about horsetail extract being better for your bones than calcium. I took 6 extract caps a day for 3 or 4 weeks and felt a difference in strength of my back. They say to take the extract off and on -- a couple/few weeks on then off. I now take one or 2 caps a day along with my other minerals and supplements.

Well Being Journal article entitled Strong Bones or Osteoporosis by Earl Staelin re horsetail extract research better for bone building than calcium.
