Bladder Infections
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural UTI Remedies for Quick Relief

| Modified on May 23, 2024
Art Solbrig Protocol
Posted by Art (California) on 05/02/2024 2165 posts

I Have Used The Following Remedy Effectively To Treat UTIs In Family And Friends

This is what I make :

  • A 500 ml bottle of filtered water.
  • Add a half teaspoon of sea salt
  • Add 6 drops of Grapefruit Seed Extract
  • Add one and a half teaspoons of D Mannose powder

After adding all ingredients to the bottle, shake very well and drink.

I repeat this process 3 times per day until symptoms start to noticeably improve and then I reduce to two bottles per day and continue for two days after all symptoms are gone. My family and friends have reported this to be a very good alternative to the potent antibiotics they have used in the past. Symptoms generally start to reduce around 3.5 days.


Borax, Vinegar, Magnesium Chloride
Posted by Misaw (India) on 04/27/2024

I am a 47 years female. Last night I felt a very severe urge to urinate many a times which I realised that the feeling of the UTI infection while urination has increased tremendously. I couldn't remember when I had UTI infection in my life but I could remember I had it once or twice . I was not taking an medicine and didn't wanted to. On searching on this website which I usually do for any remedies, I found out about ACV which unfortunately I didn't had at my home as I gave a new bottle of ACV to someone else.

Unable to bear the UTI increasing tremendously I decided to try with RED WINE VINEGAR. I boiled water for a foot bath, poured in a bucket, I put 2 TSP RED WINE VINEGAR, Borax 1/8th of teaspoon and 2 Teaspoon Magnesium chloride (I know it sounds crazy). As the water was too hot, I sat on the bucket exposing my groin area. I took the steam for 5 minutes or so and drank a glass of 1 Teaspoon RED WINE VINEGAR mixed with 1/8th teaspoon Baking soda. Immediately I got the relief and sat peacefully taking the footbath. Before going to bed I put on coconut oil on my vagina to get some relief. And morning I don't have any UTI issues at all. However today and tomorrow I will drink the solution for complete recovery

Posted by PayItForward (PNW) on 04/22/2024 49 posts

Edited 4/24/24 at 4:25 pm
Arterium Urolesan Tincture on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before food and 2 hrs after food.

Urolesan increases kidney function and excretion of urine, acidifies urine, increases the elimination of the urea and chlorides, amplifies the production and secretion of bile, and improves the flow of blood to the liver. Use in cases of kidney problems, presence or formation of gallstones, inflammation of the kidney and the gallbladder, tumors of the liver and gallbladder, impairment of the proper function of the bile tracts.

Pharmacological Properties: The agent has a strong bactericidal, analgesic, aseptic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic and choleretic, antiparasitic and antidiarrhoeal effect. The preparation stimulates the secretory functions of the stomach, reduces the tension of the smooth muscles of the intestines, bile and urinary tracts, prevents stagnation of bile, improves its flow, accelerates the process of urine and bile excretion, heals the liver, and cleans the intestines, liver, urinary, bile and the entire digestive tract.

Recommended Dosage: Place 8 to 10 drops on a cube or 1/2 tsp of granulated sugar (or ½ tsp honey) 3 times daily on empty stomach, allowing the sugar to dissolve under the tongue. Course of treatment depends upon the gravity of the sickness (from 7 days up to 1 month).

In cases of kidney and liver inflammation increase the single dose to 15 to 20 drops on the sugar.

Side effects: May include mild vertigo and nausea. Note: It is necessary to increase the intake of warm liquids and rest while taking this remedy.

Contraindications: Pregnancy, lactation period.

We follow each dose with a large soothing cup of calming herbal tea like chamomile, 30 minutes after ingesting. Calming our body with gentle controlled breathing for 5-10 minutes each time. We enjoy a customizable app called 'Awesome Breathing: Pacer Timer.' Meditate - Pray. Body and Soul (mind, will, emotions ♥).

Sea Salt
Posted by Frenchie (California, San Clement) on 03/15/2024

This is the second time Sea Salt worked for my UTI pain. It takes about 30 minutes and the pain I just put 1 teaspoon of sea salt in a glass of water and chugged it!!! I was in so much pain and now I'm peacefully resting. Thanks be to God!!!

Hibiscus Tea
Posted by Ella (London, England) on 02/25/2024

Hibiscus Tea Prevents UTIs Flavonoids in hibiscus tea possess antibacterial activity. Gossypetin prevents bacterial biofilms that cause UTIs. I few years ago I developed recurring cystitis to the point that my GP wrote me a prescription for a course of antibiotics. Antibiotics are the worst option because they destroy both good and bad bacteria. Once antibiotics are stopped an infection can often resume with a vengeance. I tried D-mannose first, which worked OK for a while and then I tried hibiscus tea. Hibiscus tea was a complete game changer. Within two days my UTI had completely cleared. One cup of hibiscus tea taken every night with my evening meal is enough to keep UTIs at bay. I have never suffered a UTI since. I always try to make sure that my kitchen cupboards are stocked with enough hibiscus tea.


Cream of Tartar
Posted by Suzanne (Springfield LA) on 01/25/2024

Cream of tartar for uti

Cream of tartar absolutely works. Took 1/2 teaspoon in 16 oz water and within half an hour felt relief.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Elena (Dallas) on 12/24/2023

Urolesan sold on Amazon (overpriced of course because it's sold by private companies)is the #1 European medicine for UTI. It's the first thing doctors in Eastern Europe recommend for UTI. Manufactured by pharmaceutical companies. Every woman knows about Urolesan. Works fast.

Active ingredients: 1ml of product contains 67.6 mg of fir oil, 16.9 mg of peppermint oil, 92.95 mg of castor oil, 194.35 mg of wild carrot liquid extract (1:1), 278.8 mg of hop cones liquid extract (1:1), and 192.95 mg of wild marjoram (Origanum majorana) liquid extract.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Elena (Dallas) on 12/24/2023

Since you have UTI regularly, always keep D-Mannose and Urolesan in your medicine cabinet.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Bella (Sydney, Australia) on 12/22/2023

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda

Oh my goodness, this WORKS. Woke up pre dawn with a nasty UTI. Constant urgent need to pee. Very painful and uncomfortable urination with blood in my urine. By the morning I was thinking cancel yoga and ‘there goes Christmas' as no drs open, no script for antibiotics. Went to Earth clinic, found this.

I mixed 2-3 tablespoons ACV + 1/2 teaspoon Bicarbonate in a large glass of water. Tastes fine, down the hatch in one go.

20 minutes later, symptoms COMPLETLEY GONE. Miraculous. Went to yoga, no problems. Looking forward to Christmas 🤶

I get this quite regularly, so glad to have this cure as I prefer to avoid antibiotics. Thank you again EC. 💕

Posted by Julie C (Louisiana ) on 10/22/2023

I started getting UTI's frequently after sex with the hubs and did not want to continue taking the dreaded antibiotic poisons. So I searched for some answers here and tried them all! ACV, helped but not a lot. Oregano oil better but not great, did help with the pain. D-mannose, somewhat- maybe more for overall bladder health support. And many other things...all lessened the pain but even after a week or so of one or all of the above, it wasn't 'cured'. After going down the rabbit hole of CDS, I discovered that taking 3 drops of it in water every hour diminished the pain greatly! And after 8 days of 3 drops every hour for 8 hours (not at night) and increasing the drops depending if feeling Herxeimey of not - got up to 6 drops - the UTI was gone!! Hadn't had one in months!! Praise!! Then - got one. Dang it!! But right away I started taking the 3 drops every hour, after several hours I took 4 then 5. I'm on day 2 of taking the drops and the pain is pretty much gone!! This will be my go to for a UTI from now on. The meds given out like candy for the white coat peddlers are not for me anymore!! For more info on CDS - Dr. Kalcker is a great source! I hope this helps you! Xo

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Cathy (Chesley, Ontario ) on 09/29/2023

Hi so you took the drink, I just did, so1/2 cup 3 times a day or 1/2cup for 3 days?

Posted by Art (California) on 09/14/2023 2165 posts


Here is one US supplier :

If you are using it for kidney stones, another product which is very good for that purpose is Chanca Piedra. Here is a link to typical products :,aps,206&ref=nb_sb_noss_1


Posted by sue (Bellingham) on 09/14/2023

Can you suggest a source of Urolesan in the US? Thanks.

Avoid Coffee
Posted by DianeC (Riverside Ca.) on 07/22/2023

Dear Earth Clinic,

I was having a very difficult time with UTI's off and on, including using various over the counter medications and UTI aids. I was about to go to my Doctor for help. Instead I decided to eliminate my love for COFFEE and see if my love for coffee was the culprit! And sure enough my UTI's stopped bothering me when I eliminated Coffee for good!

The first few days of no longer using coffee (and I drank loads of it starting at the AM) and my UTI problem halted! I still am no longer drinking coffee and I am doing FINE! I just wanted to share this with other sufferers! I still use the AZO cranberry capsules twice a day for good measure! Thank you DianeC.

Corn Silk
Posted by Lisa (Claremont, Ca) on 06/13/2023

Once again, I got a UTI. I'm older and seem to be getting them more frequently. This time after I had an illness (was told by a cupping practitioner I'd had COVID) and I had had diarrhea for a couple of weeks. This gave me the UTI, even though I clean always with water and soap after using the bathroom and am careful to not do the things I should not. I got it anyway.

I'd gotten other utis in the past couple of years and never want to go on antibiotics but I could never get rid of them on my own. Cranberry never worked for me, I tried D-Mannose without success.

Then I read two solutions that worked for others that also worked for me. I'll post this under each solution.

The first is lemon water. One person said cranberry never worked for them (me neither) but lemon did. Hot lemon water 2x a day. It was so much reduced at the end of the day, I was so surprised! I did it for two more days but I still felt twingey.

I had a doctor's appointment the next week, and I thought I'd have to go on antibiotics because even though lemon helped tremendously and immediately, I could still feel it.

So I came back here and started going through every cure. One woman posted about oil of oregano and cornsilk tea, and that she'd had a bad bout of diarrhea and got the UTI right after that, like me. It helped her so that she did not need antibiotics.

I have both cornsilk tea in the house and oil of oregano and made it right away. This was the solution that kicked the final bit of it out of my system. I had to do it for several days. By the time the doctor appointment came days later, I didn't need to say anything to them about it. I felt a little twinge about three days after I stopped taking it. I took two more cups on two more days.

This is the first time ever I have not had to go on antibiotics for a UTI. I hope this helps someone else.

Also the practitioner I saw said if you have diarrhea and UTI, after using the bathroom, first rinse the area with water, then wash with soap and water. Then mix a teaspoon to a tablespoon in a small container of warm water (like a handheld bucket, mine is maybe four cups max). Use that to cleanse the area well. Don't do it frequently because you don't want to kill the good bacteria in the area, but this can be done as a cleanse on a short term 3days or so basis to keep the area clean to help heal. It helped me feel better right away. It doesn't heal the UTI, but does a great job of sanitizing the area for you.

Thank God for this website. May our Creator bless and heal everyone who comes to this site looking for cures, to those who post their solutions and give all of us hope, and blessings to the developer and people who work on this site.

Oregano Oil
Posted by Lisa (Claremont, Ca) on 06/13/2023

Once again, I got a UTI. I'm older and seem to be getting them more frequently. This time after I had an illness (was told by a cupping practitioner I'd had COVID) and I had had diarrhea for a couple of weeks. This gave me the UTI, even though I clean always with water and soap after using the bathroom and am careful to not do the things I should not. I got it anyway.

I'd gotten other utis in the past couple of years and never want to go on antibiotics but I could never get rid of them on my own. Cranberry never worked for me, I tried D-Mannose without success.

Then I read two solutions that worked for others that also worked for me. I'll post this under each solution.

The first is lemon water. One person said cranberry never worked for them (me neither) but lemon did. Hot lemon water 2x a day. It was so much reduced at the end of the day, I was so surprised! I did it for two more days but I still felt twingey.

I had a doctor's appointment the next week, and I thought I'd have to go on antibiotics because even though lemon helped tremendously and immediately, I could still feel it.

So I came back here and started going through every cure. One woman posted about oil of oregano and cornsilk tea, and that she'd had a bad bout of diarrhea and got the UTI right after that, like me. It helped her so that she did not need antibiotics.

I have both cornsilk tea in the house and oil of oregano and made it right away. This was the solution that kicked the final bit of it out of my system. I had to do it for several days. By the time the doctor appointment came days later, I didn't need to say anything to them about it. I felt a little twinge about three days after I stopped taking it. I took two more cups on two more days.

This is the first time ever I have not had to go on antibiotics for a UTI. I hope this helps someone else.

Also the practitioner I saw said if you have diarrhea and UTI, after using the bathroom, first rinse the area with water, then wash with soap and water. Then mix a teaspoon to a tablespoon in a small container of warm water (like a handheld bucket, mine is maybe four cups max). Use that to cleanse the area well. Don't do it frequently because you don't want to kill the good bacteria in the area, but this can be done as a cleanse on a short term 3days or so basis to keep the area clean to help heal. It helped me feel better right away. It doesn't heal the UTI, but does a great job of sanitizing the area for you.

Thank God for this website. May our Creator bless and heal everyone who comes to this site looking for cures, to those who post their solutions and give all of us hope, and blessings to the developer and people who work on this site.

Lemon, Cornsilk, Oregano Oil
Posted by Lisa (Claremont, Ca) on 06/13/2023

Once again, I got a UTI. I'm older and seem to be getting them more frequently. This time after I had an illness (was told by a cupping practitioner I'd had COVID) and I had had diarrhea for a couple of weeks. This gave me the UTI, even though I clean always with water and soap after using the bathroom and am careful to not do the things I should not. I got it anyway.

I'd gotten other utis in the past couple of years and never want to go on antibiotics but I could never get rid of them on my own. Cranberry never worked for me, I tried D-Mannose without success.

Then I read two solutions that worked for others that also worked for me. I'll post this under each solution.

The first is lemon water. One person said cranberry never worked for them (me neither) but lemon did. Hot lemon water 2x a day. It was so much reduced at the end of the day, I was so surprised! I did it for two more days but I still felt twingey.

I had a doctor's appointment the next week, and I thought I'd have to go on antibiotics because even though lemon helped tremendously and immediately, I could still feel it.

So I came back here and started going through every cure. One woman posted about oil of oregano and cornsilk tea, and that she'd had a bad bout of diarrhea and got the UTI right after that, like me. It helped her so that she did not need antibiotics.

I have both cornsilk tea in the house and oil of oregano and made it right away. This was the solution that kicked the final bit of it out of my system. I had to do it for several days. By the time the doctor appointment came days later, I didn't need to say anything to them about it. I felt a little twinge about three days after I stopped taking it. I took two more cups on two more days.

This is the first time ever I have not had to go on antibiotics for a UTI. I hope this helps someone else.

Also the practitioner I saw said if you have diarrhea and UTI, after using the bathroom, first rinse the area with water, then wash with soap and water. Then mix a teaspoon to a tablespoon in a small container of warm water (like a handheld bucket, mine is maybe four cups max). Use that to cleanse the area well. Don't do it frequently because you don't want to kill the good bacteria in the area, but this can be done as a cleanse on a short term 3days or so basis to keep the area clean to help heal. It helped me feel better right away. It doesn't heal the UTI, but does a great job of sanitizing the area for you.

  • Thank God for this website. May our Creator bless and heal everyone who comes to this site looking for cures, to those who post their solutions and give all of us hope, and blessings to the developer and people who work on this site.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Art (California) on 05/22/2023 2165 posts


I almost missed your post as it was pretty far back in the postings. The following links will explain the differences. I generally use unrefined VCO when I use it.

And this one : Coconut Oil is Better, , including 50% lauric acid.

I use a mix of other ingredients for UTIs so I have no experience with VCO for that purpose.


Coconut Oil
Posted by Denise (California) on 05/19/2023

Art, do you know anything about Refined versus unrefined/ virgin coconut oil?

Coconut Oil
Posted by Denise (California) on 05/19/2023

Thank you M to M. I will check out more about the sea salt and baking soda remedies. D-mannose only slightly helpful for me. Please let us know about methylene blue. I considered trying it.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Denise (California) on 05/19/2023

Gary, thank you for your reply. Can you please clarify for me. One cup of what? coffee? Himalayan sea salt in water? Glad that it works like a charm for you! Do you personally just need 2 doses. (I ask because salt can make my urine overly alkaline, so I have to watch it. I can try to counteract the over alkalinity by eating some bread later on)

Coconut Oil
Posted by Gary (Kitchener On) on 05/17/2023

Hi Mana to Many,

I found the quickest and long lasting relief from my U.T.I. is taking 1 cup in morning and 1 coffee cup bedtime.

Put 1/2 tea spoon of Himalayan Salt in warm water, stir well and drink it.

Works like a charm..

Take care


Coconut Oil
Posted by Mama to Many (TN) on 05/17/2023

Hi Denise,

Well, it seems like trying the unrefined for your UTI would not hurt and might help! Let us know, please.

It seems like refining would not hurt certain aspects of coconut oil, but if whatever is helping with a particular issue is the same element that is responsible for the smell of it, then perhaps it won't help. I don't understand enough chemistry to know.

Check out the sea salt or baking soda protocols for UTI's and do that as well, if this is urgent. D-Mannose always works for me.

I do have chronic UTI's because of a structural issue. Just today I am starting Methylene Blue to see if that will help!

~Mama to Many~

Coconut Oil
Posted by Denise (California) on 05/16/2023


Urgent request re UTI, does Refined coconut oil help for a UTI?

Virgin coconut oil is helping with UTI, I quickly noticed the difference. At first it tasted good, but after 8 days of virgin coconut oil flavor, it now tastes unbearable to me. According to website both refined and virgin coconut oil have the same nutritional profile with 63% medium chain triglycerides, including 50% lauric acid. I've had refined coconut oil and it has almost no flavor, but will it help for a UTI? Some people on this website have posted information about refined coconut oil not being helpful for health conditions.

Thank you, Denise

Sea Salt
Posted by Henk (Pretoria, South Africa) on 05/07/2023

Sea Salt for a UTI

Absolutely helps the best with the pain!

Do you then miss the pain? Want it back quickly?

Then drink coffee!! Haha!

1 heaped teaspoon sea salt or Himalayan salt in half glass water. Then after 20 minutes 2 glasses plain water to flush.

No sugar, bread, coffee. Water water water!

Posted by Sam (Miami ) on 03/29/2023

Every woman should have in her medicine cabinet: Urolesan #1 remedy in Europe, it works fast, D-Mannose #2, authentic essential oils#3: thyme or oregano ( never from Amazon)-a trace of the oil in an empty capsule, swallow (1drop is too much). I guarantee your UTI will be gone in 3 days if you only take Urolesan, but take all 3 remedies if you worry. 8-10 drops of Urolesan on a cube of sugar or bread-in your mouth, swallow in few minutes.

Posted by Wendy (Dublin, OH) on 03/26/2023

What I'll add is the following: With any UTI, make sure you request the doctor (your regular doctor, Urgent Care, etc.) send your urine sample to the lab to do a CULTURE. This is how they determine exactly what kind of urinary tract infection you have, whether it's e-coli or, what I have had, klebsiella pneumoniae, thus what kind of antibiotic to prescribe.

I'll share my story: back in 2018, I had been getting monthly UTIs. Docs put me on 3 different antibiotics over those past months, including Cipro (which definitely messed up my hamstring!). However, after each 10-day course, I'd get another infection 4 days later! Turns out I had the klebsiella pneumoniae super-bug (lab count was greater than 100,000!), which is NOT killed off by the antibiotics (including Cipro, even though this is the go-to antibiotic for klebsiella pneumoniae!), thus causing and allowing (IMHO) the UTIs to recur. I then did my research, and discovered Oil of Oregano, which is purported to kill off the super-bug. (Additional info at this EC link:

Cream of Tartar, Essential Oils
Posted by Sam (Miami ) on 03/25/2023

Urolesan. Available on Amazon (unfortunately overpriced x10).

Active ingredients: fir oil, peppermint oil, castor oil, wild carrot liquid extract, hop cones liquid extract (1:1), wild marjoram (Origanum majorana) liquid extract. 8-10 drops on a cube of sugar or bread. Works as magic. #1 in europe.

Cream of Tartar, Essential Oils
Posted by Christen (Capel) on 03/25/2023

Look up D-Mannose! It's the only thing that stopped my chronic uti's and can also be used in place of antibiotics to kill the uti infection.

Cream of Tartar, Essential Oils
Posted by Torontogirl (FLA) on 03/23/2023

I found using cream of tartar and internal ingestion of essential oils finally cured a nasty antibiotic resistant UTI.

The oils I used were mostly Juniper, and less of Eucalyptus, Lavendar and Siberian Pine.

The UTI calmed down within a day!

Lemon, Baking Soda and ACV Tonic
Posted by Watcher248 (Canada) on 03/21/2023 10 posts

UTI infection, March 2023...Well this may be anecdotal evidence from a 70-year-old male but I had a UTI infection, which caused a lot of standing-on-your-tip-toes pain during voiding, and many nightly trips to the bathroom with little to show for it, but the urge was there, I ended up light headed with foggy brain function and with what can only be described as kicked in the balls swollen testicles, I went t to outpatients, they put me on intravenous anti-biotics I did this for 3 days, went home with an anti-biotic prescription for another 10 days, what seemed to be working stopped as soon as the meds were gone, then back to the hospital for another round of antibiotic intravenously, and still, it came back.

Then I thought I remembered from earth-clinic there was a treatment for an acidic body, I tried it again... I used1 decent-sized squeezed lime/lemon juice, 3/4 tsp of baking soda added in small increments (the fizzing never stops), and 1 tablespoon of ACV, mixed in distilled water, within 4 days the results were amazing this may be as I say anecdotal but if it walks like a duck, sounds like a duck, empirical data is much more than what scientist like to claim as not pure science, this worked for me and it worked damn well just throwing this out there...
