Natural Treatment for Epilepsy

| Modified on Feb 18, 2024
Epsom Salts
Posted by Jualsy (Torrevieja, Alicante. Spain) on 08/28/2010

Epilepsy has been around for a long time and it has interfered with the quality of life for a lot of people. The medication that is recommended may stop the fits, but the side effects can be dismal, and the epilepsy continues and the medication recommended has to be increased. After doing research on the subject, because I had a good friend who was on the strongest medication and was STILL having grand mal fits every day, I was impressed enough to ask her to trust me to try something. The solution is to take magnesium in the form of Epsom Salts. Half a teaspoon in orange juice every morning. From the first dose her fits stopped. She ceased taking the medication and her quality of life was restored, after suffering for over 12 years. I advertised in the paper for more people with the complaint and visited them at home and recommended the Epsom Salts. In EVERY case it worked. My chemist refused to sell Epsom Salts to me any more as he said I didn't know better than the doctors, but there were many more places to buy it!! I contacted the Epilepsy Sopciety and offered to give a talk at their meetings..... But they didn't want to know!! I can recommend it with confidence........ Half a teaspoon of Epsom Salts in some orange juice...Try it!!

Epsom Salts
Posted by Talassis (London) on 09/24/2016

Someone in my family developed grand mal seizures just over a year ago at the age of 52. He had 4 big seizures within a 6 month period, lost part of his memory & he refused to take any form of meds. I read here on EC about Epsom salt and I immediately bought food grade Epsom salt. He takes half teaspoon in the morning & same in the evening with pure orange juice. We also had to cut out on food additives & went on natural food.

It's now 8 months of seizure free & we thank God & EC for this forum. It will take a while for the body to rid the toxins so don't give up. Epsom salt is natural and has no side effects.

I hope this post will help someone & save lives.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Rosie (New Orleans, La, Usa) on 05/25/2012

I have had epilepsy since about 17 yrs old. Now am 34. Because I had partial temporal lobe type, I never took meds (scary side effects!!! ). But last year I started having seizures more frequently and I wanted to do something about. Did ketogenic diet (strictly) for about 3 weeks, then switched to low-carb. Still had seizures. By the way, seizures seemed directly linked to my protein/fat intake. Ate lots of almonds, etc. Not as many seizures, but not cured. About 8 months later, I started drinking teas on a regular basis, teas that aid in kidney and liver function. Still had seizures.

Then I got organic good coconut oil and started using as lotion every day 2x or more. 2 months into the coconut ritual, I had allergies/cold so I took massive amounts of Vit. C, zinc, echinacia, etc. I This was in dec and january of 2012. I realized about 3 weeks ago that I have not had a seizure in about 1-2 mnths.

I think it is the coconut. That is the only thing I do every day without fail. And I have only been putting it on my skin!!! I plan on eating a little bit every day.

Of course, my Dr. has no interest in my "cure."

All along, I have noticed a direct relation between my seizures and food intake, and in particular protein/fat. It's not protein, though, it's fat that I need.

Also, my seizures started when I was in high school and started skipping lunch and eating candy and drinking Cokes.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Faithinhealing (Forest Park, Ohio) on 10/16/2010

Remedy to Treat Epilepsy...

I read about a Ketogenic diet that was helping children with seizures control them! I tried it for a while but it was too difficult.. Although I had success... So instead I just started using 4 Tablespoons of coconut oil every day. It worked... I HAVE NOT HAD A SEIZURE IN THREE YEARS... Knock on wood! Please try it and get off the drugs today... Natural cures are the KEY!!!

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Hippocrates (Odin, Missouri, U.s.a.) on 04/28/2012 9 posts

Hello all, This is my first post. I figured that this information could possibly help someone. So here goes:

My grandmother once told me a story about her mother's sister, my great aunt (I knew all three women).

Way back when, when she was an infant/toddler, she had massive seizures. They called the doctor and he came out to where they lived and looked her over. He left and came back and gave her an enema of Blackstrap Molasses. I do not know the molasses/water ratio. I do not know if there was possibly anything else in the enema solution. As far as my grandma remembers, the doctor only did it the once, but was unsure if the family continued treatment on their own or not.

But soon after, she was cured of her seizures and never had any more for the rest of her life (died recently of old age).

Blackstrap molasses are high in Potassium. I postulate that either through direct mechanism or more likely through a Potassium deficiency being rectified by the addidion of Potassium into her system in large quantities, that it somehow cured her.

Again, not sure if this can help a child or possibly an adult with seizures, but I am just putting this story out there not as medical advise, but as something that has worked for someone in the past.

Epilepsy Protocol
Posted by Namaste (Australia) on 09/08/2014

I suffered with mild epilepsy for 14 years, only ever had 20 seizures before being medicated. I am depending upon tegretol but never really feeling myself, I could write pages on pages on how I figured out how to fix my epilepsy and my passion behind getting off the medication that I later found out was making the epilepsy worse when I was not depending on it. Anyways I am not trying to sell anything nor am I saying it will work for everyone.

I am only posting this because I wish I had have found this out 14 years ago and if I could help anyone that is going through it that is all I want, but here it is straight up:

*Vitamin b6 200mg twice a day ( whatever your body doesn't use , you pee out)

*vitamin d3 every second day (tegretol depletes your vitamin d levels ..)

* magnesium complete 1 tab per day

* 5-htp natural amino acid 1 capsule per day

*excercise at least half hour a day to boost positive hormones

* the main thing is: meditation!

Gain control of your own mind through letting go and you will be able to control anything; this being said I understand many people won't try it as it has been portrayed to be "alternative " and "hippie " and even I laughed when I heard about it for the first time, but not a word of a lie it works for me. * I also eat a healthy natural diet and use fluoride free tooth paste, as fluoride is a neuro-toxin which can not help things .and I try to avoid things with chemicals when I can help it . Don't get lazy, be strict with it, make time to meditate. I would like to add that I have been seizure free for 4 years now with no medication. It was scary at first and I failed twice only to learn that I did need to supplement as majority of the problem is just being deficient in b6 , magnesium , serotonin , and vitamin d3. I hope this helps someone or their parents who are desperately searching for answers to something that until recently they knew nothing about, or someone looking for answers that no one will post anywhere on the net.

Epsom Salts
Posted by Violet King (Spain) on 08/03/2017

Take half a teaspoonful of Epsom quality.... in a small drink of orange juice every morning, and see the results!! Fantastic when even the grand mal fits cease....and its all natural too......Try it!

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Audrey (Florida, US) on 07/19/2014

Thank you for sharing your story, it was very interesting. I had 2 seizures and both times my potassium was very, very low, along with blood sugar and electrolytes. The Doctors of today are great drug dealers, but as healers of the sick...not so much!!

Avoid Artificial Sweeteners
Posted by GG (Colorado) on 04/29/2021

This is a late response but may help others. About 15 yrs ago, a friend's daughter woke up, was completely off balance, had to hold on to the hall wall to get to the kitchen. Her husband sat her down, called a member in the family who is a doc. She began losing her sight, and by the time she arrived at the ER her hearing was muffled. I was aware she consumed over a 6 pack of soda daily. Knowing the danger of aspartame, my concern fell on deaf ears. The daughter was in the hospital for some time (she was also pregnant). Not drinking soda, her symptoms began lessening to the point they released her - in a wheelchair. Sugar substitutes are dangerous. Please avoid them at all costs.

Epsom Salts
Posted by Janice (Eupora,ms) on 12/30/2013

My son 23 and has been having seizures since he was 1year old. He ran out of one of his meds and could not get it until today. He started having seizures back to back all night and I found this article and decided to try the Epsom salt and I am happy to say after giving him the Epsom salt mixed with orange juice he has not had one seizure since 8:00 this morning. Thank you!

Posted by Walt (Canada) on 11/16/2023

My grandson had grand mal seizures and was prescribed Keppra for two years. Even though on Keppra, he sitll had seizures. My daughter Liz did research online and found an article by Dr Manfred Mueller with Homeopathic Associates about cures of several children with brain pathology. Luke does not have known brain pathology, but she wanted to try this anyway. I was very skeptical at first, but within eight months, Luke's seizures slowed down and then stopped altogether. She weaned him off Keppra (praying), and he has not had any seizures in three years. Liz and I are thinking they might be cured.

Avoid Sage
Posted by Marla (Burkesville, Ky) on 10/27/2016

For years I have had seizures. The medications finally got to the point of not controlling them. I was doing research on anything I could find to help. I would notice mine would tend to be more in the fall/ winter time which didn't make any since to me. I was a attending a lot of meat shoots and winning fresh sausage, eating dressing at Thanksgiving and at Christmas. What did this have in common? Sage! I looked up in my herb book that anyone that had seizures was to avoid sage. Since I have done this I have now been having less seizures (it's been 7 1/2 years now)since I have had one. A friend also tried doing without sausage just to see, (he couldn't make it through breakfast without having a seizure)so he ate bacon a week and was seizure free, and when he ate the sausage again, BOOM a seizure. Just wondered if anyone else had this before.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Tina (Oh) on 11/15/2015

I've had seizures since I was 13 years old, now I'm 53. Went through lots of experimental drug tests and all the other testings.They have never found where there coming from.I seen an article about coconut oil, started taking it and went from 3 seizures a month to seizure free for 5 months now.

I take 1 heaping teaspoon ever morning with 3 other prescriptions plus I have a VNS box that is suppose to help my seizures. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Maureen (Sturgeon Bay, Wi) on 07/31/2014

I have had seizures since age 3, and I have been taking medicine my entire life since. Going from one medication to the next, my seizures have never been under control. I am now 42 and I take 3 different types of meds for my seizures. Doctors always say that one will work, then I go back for a prescription for a different med. I have thought that there is some medicine out there that works, I just have not found it

Reading about the many stories where people have tried coconut oil for different conditions, I thought that there maybe coconut oil could help with my epilepsy. I have only been taking a tablespoon a day for 1 week, but I can feel a change in myself. I feel more energy, motivation and I can tell my brain is much more clear. I am still taking medicine, I feel I will most likely be taking meds for the rest of my life. I figure if is something that will help, I am going to try, if it does not do the trick, it is very good for your hair. My family does not support me, I believe that my mother would. She passed 15 years ago. Hopefully, the coconut oil will help. I know there is no cure for epilepsy, but I pray that it can help me control my seizures.

Eliminate Mercury
Posted by K. M. (Los Angeles, Ca) on 09/05/2011

A friend started having seizures as an adult and couldn't understand why. All the scans and tests came up negative. He was put on medication but it just gave him bad side effects and didn't really help so he stopped taking them. Then he was sitting in a theatre eating thick taffy candies when he felt something happen on one of his back teeth but it was so fast he swallowed it. Turns out a candy had stuck to a loose mercury filling and pulled it off his tooth. He figures he pooped it out because after that all his seizures and mental issues went away.

Epsom Salts
Posted by Jualsy (Costa Blanca. Spain) on 10/14/2016

Adelle Davis is my favourite natural health guru.....I have all of her 4 books, and have used the remedies for all things over 40 years. Here in Spain I have not been to a doctor for 16 years....natural remedies are amazing It's not what you take, but how much you take re vitamins and there is a cure for cancer too, which no one wants to broadcast. That cure has been around for about 40 years.....B17....laetrile, kills only the cancer cells. It works!

Coconut Oil, Vitamins
Posted by Bill (Steamboat Springs, Co) on 10/16/2016

Coconut oil and vitamins are a big help for seizures.

I eat, drink, cook with organic coconut oil as much as I can. One of my favorite drinks is coconut water. I also enjoy flavored drinks that are partially coconut. These drinks are all organic. Every time that I cook in a pan, I never use vegetable oil or butter. Instead, I use organic coconut oil. When cooking in a pot, the recipe usually asks you to add some butter. Instead of butter, I always add coconut oil. That tastes good and is very good for the body and brain. My coconut oil hardens on it's own, so I usually take a chunk out of the bottle. When I do want to measure it, I put it in the microwave for a short period of time. That liquefies it. I also use the coconut oil on wounds. It heals them quickly. I also take vitamins to help my epilepsy. The ones that I take, because I feel that they also are healing my epilepsy, are: Omega, Turmeric, CoQ10, and Methyl B-12. I no longer eat any Dairy foods or drinks. All of this, is on top of how I still am taking my medicines. Even though I do, I lowered my medicine dose about a year ago, mainly because the doctors dislike lowering their patient's dose.

This year, I'm 58 years old. Before I changed my diet so strongly, about 2 years ago, I was having 2 seizures every week, during my whole life. As of today, it has been 4 months since my last seizure.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Ben (Bremerton Wa ) on 03/21/2016

A very common trigger for seizures is the ever increasing amount of excitotoxins in our food. Certain substances have the ability to stimulate neurons to the point of killing brain cells by over stimulation. Free glutamic acid is a really bad thing for causing dangerous neuronal stimulation. When the amino acid bonds are broken that link glutamate to other amino acids the result is glutamate can readily bond with glutamate receptors on brain cells (same with cancer cells). It is kinda like having a car with the gas pedal stuck going wide open fast as it can go. What are the usual sources for free glutamic acid? Aspartame, modified food starch and msg.

Dr Russel Blaylock might soon be your best friend. Read his articles and books to understand the problem in depth. You need to avoid all forms of free glutamic acid like the plague. That is not an easy chore since modified food starch is deliberately put in almost everything you eat these days.

Aside from excitotoxins, food allergies can also trigger seizures. Damage to the intestines can result in intestinal permeability. Candida can do that as it grows roots called hyphae through the intestinal wall and into the blood stream. An example, cancer patients invariably have tons of cellular debris in their blood from candida hyphae and foreign proteins entering through damaged intestinal lining. Serrapeptase, a systemic enzyme, quickly acts to digest all this cellular debris cleansing the blood and thereby reducing autoimmune reactions to foreign proteins. Serrapeptase also acts as a very powerful anti-inflammatory, reducing brain swelling. Often doctors give steroidal anti-inflammatories which certain organisms feed off of such as mycoplasma. End result is the patient often gets worse after treatment instead of better.

A host of many different types of virus and mycoplasma can initiate seizures as a result of brain swelling and inflammation. Its a good idea to get tested for viral types associated with causing seizures. If found then you are one step closer to a cure.

High dose vitamin c has helped quite a few to remain seizure free..

Boswellia herb has kept seizures under control for many as well. It is a powerful antiinflammatory that crosses the blood brain barrier. Works to control brain tumor too

Here is a cool article on a glutamate restricted diet that seems to greatly reduce seizures.


Avoid Artificial Sweeteners
Posted by Maureen (Maine, USA) on 01/27/2008

re: Seizure control. I realized that aspsrtame brought on seizures years ago...on my own. The doctor didn't see it. Why is it not of public knowledge? Why do they not put this on the yogurts or drinks? Why does aspartame exist? It doesn't even taste good! And our body doesn't even know what to do with that sugar!! Another sugar to avoid is sucralose. I have noticed that works against me too, often bringing on a seizure. It would be nice if a GOOD sugar, such as stevia, were of normal regime in american foods and drinks. It's ok to dream! Another good thing to include in the diet to avoid those seizures is coconut oil or coconut milk! The list of benefits is priceless!
