A Comprehensive Guide to Natural Treatments for Erectile Dysfunction

| Modified on Mar 12, 2024
Posted by Mr Black (Ontario) on 03/12/2024

Moringa is a natural remedy derived from a plant, usually comes in powder form. Moringa contains many minerals that help support male reproductive function.

Panax Ginseng + Garlic
Posted by Peter (Valencia, Spain) on 03/04/2024

I have read many of the threads here regarding erectile dysfunction and possible natural remedies. I can say that I have been suffering with partial ED since 2019. Sometimes it is all good, and other times, maybe 50% of the time, I experience difficulties. Thankfully my wife is in it with me, never makes me feel bad, always supportive, and together we always find a way through things. I am also of the personality that I never give up. This has been a project for me to find a natural path to success as I despise taking prescription drugs unless absolutely necessary. I am now 55 years old, and have never had previous issues before 2019. Since then, I have tried so many different paths, all natural, as I have not wanted to go down the Viagra path if avoidable. The interesting thing is that about a month ago, February 2024, I was so frustrated and disgusted with my situation that I decided to throw in the towel, went to the doctor, explained my situation and came home with a prescription. I talked it over with my wife and we both decided maybe to give a pill a shot and see the effects. I was hesitant, sat with the pills for a week or so, unused. Coincidentally my last effort to a natural remedy had just arrived from Amazon. I had ordered some garlic pills as well as Panax Ginseng. So let me share that after about 2 weeks of using the garlic and ginseng I started to feel sensation on a more frequent basis. My wife and I decided to put those sensations to the test and we had liftoff, all systems go. Okay, not to over exaggerate, it was not the same as it was years ago, but so much improved. I continue to take the same combination every morning and I feel continued improvement, not just stagnated improvement. Now after about a month of using the garlic-ginseng combo, I feel no need for any prescription drugs at all. My wife tells me to throw them out, never having even tried them once. All I can say is I am much happier now and as a couple we have more enjoyable moments, less stress, less anxiety when the moment arises. One thing I have learned so far is that there is no natural quick fix, and no one remedy is a fix-all for everyone who tries it. For me, the cayenne, ACV, Maca, etc... none of them had any effect. My solution so far has been the garlic pills and the Panax Ginseng, a miracle for me. I hope this proves to be helpful to all of you out there that are experiencing issues with ED. Maybe for some the prescription way is the only way, for me I got lucky I think finding this natural combo. I have no idea if it will last forever, but for now I feel good, enjoying life a little more.

Thank you so much for this website, it has been a tremendous resource for me for so many ailments over the years. I encourage people to keep sharing here as it is a true benefit for all who come here.

Posted by Bill (Melbourne, Australia ) on 02/06/2024

Forgot to add…use 100% pure honey. Does not have to be raw or unfiltered. Just 100% honey. I read that some honey in the US is mixed with corn syrup. Do not use honey that is not 100% honey.🍯

Cayenne and Garlic
Posted by Bill (Melbourne, Australia) on 02/06/2024

Try true 100% pure honey 1-2 desert spoons daily.

Posted by Bill (Melbourne, Australia) on 01/30/2024

Honey for erectile dysfunction

I have previously left feedback for hydrogen peroxide being successful in treating ED. That review was when I was 48. Now aged 55 I have long since discontinued not because it wasn't effective but more due to the taste when drinking a couple of drops in a glass of water daily.( I am sure I had success using 3% sublingually by just leaving it sit under my tongue of a couple of minutes….i digress) Now aged 55 wanting to reclaim that wood that H2O2 gave me 7 yrs ago, I experimented with honey after reading a research paper saying it increased testosterone in rats. I am happy to report that this sweeter option is just as effective at waking me up with powerful erections that are rigid as! Cannot be bent left, right, fwd or backward….not morning wood more like morning iron!

Dosing: I originally took a dessert spoon daily and noticed a difference but have increased to two dessert spoons daily and am going strong. Adjust as required more or less according to your body's unique needs. Has to be the best tasting ED remedy out there.

Here is the link to the study which may me try this. I will get bloods done to check out my testosterone levels and see if that the reason it works.


Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Bill (Melbourne, Australia) on 01/30/2024

Try honey 2 dessert spoons daily or H2O2 …both have worked for me

Cayenne and Garlic
Posted by pdrozin (Ny, New York) on 01/22/2024

I have been taking Cayenne and Garlic supplements for a few weeks now and zero difference felt unfortunately.

L-Citrulline, Pycnogenol, Ginseng
Posted by Ringgo (indonesia) on 11/15/2022

hello ED folk,

Try these combinations - l-citrulline malate - pycnogenol - Panax ginseng

it will do wonders!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Walter Braunbaum (Germany ) on 11/06/2021

Eggs, Liver and Butter.

maybe horsetail tee

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Teena (Victoria) on 10/02/2021 233 posts

Rod, it could take four weeks before you start to see benefits, take into account your health before this, you're likely trying to unclog decades of arterial plaque.. take the 1/2 tsp cayenne together with the shot of Apple Cider Vinegar twice a day, mag daily should be 1000mg, have you added the ALA in the form of flax or walnut oil? How much niacin are you up to daily? And have you noticed any differences in your health yet?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Rod (Montana ) on 10/01/2021

Okay, so with acv, cayenne, magnesium, b3 (niacin), and I take vitamin c I have had no effect on my ED. Hope something helps.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Rod (Montana ) on 09/22/2021

Thanks, I'm very fit and don't know why my libido dropped to nothing, hope this helps.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Teena (Victoria) on 09/22/2021 233 posts


ACV has helped people with ED, just as a side effect of getting healthier, improving blood flow through arteries.

Sea kelp, not sea salt, one tablet a day for iodine, supports the reproductive system.

Yes. L Carnitine L Tartrate, but wait on this, you should see improvements just from the mag and the GLA.

Cayenne pepper very simply improves circulation, you can see how used in tandem with ACV it will be of benefit

B3 niacin flush, you want to open arteries, capillaries, get the blood flowing, start low, you'll feel this one, slowly build up.

Dr. Carolyn Dean recommends 1000mg mag for healthy young men. Sick and older use more, research, and find your own dose, keeping in mind Magnesium and Linolenic Acid. Makes pge1, a natural hormone that is a vein dilator. They make this synthetically for Erectile Dysfunction and charge good money, it's called Alprostadil.

Best sources Linolenic Acid, flaxseeds and oil, walnuts and oil, pumpkin seeds and oil, borage oil, and evening primrose oil.

Hope that helps.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Rod (Montana ) on 09/21/2021

How much cayenne pepper and what delivery method do you recommend? I already take magnesium 400mg. Thanks

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Joseph A. (Stockton, Ca ) on 09/20/2021 73 posts

Hey Rod, I just read your comment and another one from some person in Australia that used a combinations of things that don't make sense to me or how to use. Did you also view that with magnesium, sea salt, L-Carnitine, cayenne pepper, Vit B3 Ala, dosage? I just asked for some clarification, if I get it I will send it to you. Joe

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Joseph A. (Stockton, Ca ) on 09/20/2021 73 posts

Very interesting comment, however I have questions since I am a young 80 yr old.
Where does ACV come into usage?

sea salt 1/4 tablet or 1 tablet?

product L-Carnitine is that the total name or is

L-CartineL-Tartrate the real name?

still don't know where: cayenne pepper (dosage) comes in

Vit B3 Niacin flush type or B3 Niacinamide no flush!

magnesium ionic (liquid) 1/2 cap full (cap is from magnesium container?

take sea salt capsule with water or is everything mixed, blended together?

at the end you have more writing regarding other names Prog E1 or whatever, however spelled, does that come into play with ED? Whew…. Can you send me a simple formula?

Will appreciate. Thank you. How often do you use this daily or will it last for sometime?

please as specific as you can.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Teena (Melbourne, Australia) on 09/20/2021 233 posts

Now add the cayenne pepper, vitamin b3, and magnesium to your regimen. Also mag + ALA equals erection drug, check it out for yourself


Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Rod (Montana) on 09/19/2021

I've had ED for 10 years now, I tried ACV for a week now. No difference in anything. 2TS 2x a day.

Spinach and Tomato
Posted by Paracelsus (Orlando, FL) on 06/21/2021 47 posts

The reason why this works is due to high nitrate content of spinach. Green vegetables in general are high in nitrate which is a key component for the body to create Nitric Oxide which is critical to getting and maintaining an erection (see my article under "Editor's choice" for a more in depth analysis).

Posted by Paracelsus (Orlando, FL) on 04/29/2021 47 posts

L-Arginine works sometime because this is another pathway for the body to generate nitric oxide. However, according to some studies, L-Arginine supplementation isn't effective for many people. I think that by following the natural path I recommended in my post on Nitric Acid in this section, you will have better success and you won't have to take any supplements. By consuming nitrates from vegetables, especially beetroot, and by creating and maintaining a healthy microbiome (through the consumption of milk kefir), you will be creating plenty of nitric oxide for cardiovascular health. ED is really only a symptom of cardiovascular issues.

Remedies after Radiation for Prostate Cancer
Posted by JJ (USA) on 04/27/2021

Prostate cancer screening and early detection does NOT save men's lives. Let's do the math. Per the USPSTF (a US government health agency): “A small benefit and known harms from prostate cancer screening” and “Only one man in 1,000 could possibly have a life saving benefit from screening”. However about 1.3 to 3.5 deaths per 1,000 from prostate blind biopsies. Also, 5 men in 1000 died and 20.4% had one or more complications within 30 days of a prostatectomy. This does not include deaths and injuries from other procedures, medical mistakes, increased suicide rate, ADT therapy complications, heart attracts, depression, etc, caused by screening and treatments. Detection and overtreatment for prostate cancer has killed or destroyed millions of men's lives worldwide from understated and multiple undisclosed side effects. The doctor that invented the PSA test, Dr. Richard Ablin now calls it: “The Great Prostate Mistake”, “Hoax” and “A Profit Driven Public Health Disaster”.

My story: http://www.yananow.org/display_story.php?id=1659

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYii98gcejA https://www.uspreventiveservicestaskforce.org/Page/Document/UpdateSummaryFinal/prostate-cancer-screening1

https://medium.com/@drsadeghi/early-detection-disaster-4d4740ee5828 https://urologyweb.com/

https://urologyweb.com/uro-health-blog/ https://grossovertreatment.com https://medium.com/@bvorstman/is-psa-testing-for-prostate-cancer-bad-health-advice-7199618e56c5


Recommended books:

The Great Prostate Hoax by Richard Ablin MD (the inventor of the PSA test)

The Big Scare, The Business of Prostate Cancer by Anthony Horan MD.

Arginine, Horny Goat Weed, Cayenne
Posted by Swade (Atlanta) on 03/16/2021

I have had success with L-Arginine, The one by "Now Sports" its pure with no other ingredients I dont work for them nor am I an affiliate either, this is just my personal experience, my cardiologist approve of it also. so consult your physician

Panax Ginseng
Posted by Triton1924 (Nelson, British Columbia ) on 02/12/2021 2 posts

I'm 41 and never had any issues until after my heart surgery, since then I've been on a combo of blood thinners and blood pressure pills. I started having trouble keeping an erection as soon as I started those pills, I've tried so many natural things too many to list here but I finally started taking Panax Ginseng, it worked almost immediately for me it was a in comparison to Viagra but natural with no side effects taste awful like the worst tasting cough medicine but it's worth a try, this is the brand I found but I'm sure there are other brands you could try I only take one full dropper full a lot less then it recommends but don't need anymore. Good luck keep your stress down and keep living. Bye for now.

Remedies after Radiation for Prostate Cancer
Posted by Joseph B. (United States) on 11/18/2019

The radiation therapy will destroy the internal workings of the prostrate as it looks to have caused other nerve damage. Between cancer tumors and radiation you may never produce semen again. Does not mean that you can't have satisfying dry ejaculation. No kids.

Remedies after Radiation for Prostate Cancer
Posted by mandandi (Gaborone, Botswana) on 11/05/2019


I dont know if you are responding to me or not with the question. I live in Botswana, so I am able to get most of these plants in powder form in health shops. The oils can be used to massage the testicles too - particularly blackseed oil. It has been proven to have a positive effect on male gonads as shown in the study below quoted from Dr Axe: A systematic review published in 2015 in the Journal of Herbal Medicine also looked at the effects of black seeds on male infertility. The researchers reviewed studies that took place between 2000 and 2014, and overall, they concluded that black seed can “positively influence sperm parameters, semen, Leydig cells, reproductive organs and sexual hormones.”

Remedies after Radiation for Prostate Cancer
Posted by Nanjay (Nigeria) on 10/27/2019

Do you get all of these in Nigeria? If yes,where please?

Remedies after Radiation for Prostate Cancer
Posted by mandandi (Gaborone) on 10/26/2019

Hi Chandu,

Sorry to hear about your predicament man. Please do some research on plants called Adaptogens. i believe there are about 12 to 16 of them, including: Maca, cacao, pine pollen, Moringa, schishandra, gotu kola, Eleuthero, maral root, shilajit, bacopa monneiri, ashwaganda, astragalus, ginseng, licorice root, holy basil, some mushrooms and rhodiola. Please note that cocoa is the processed form of cacao, chocolate is another form too. Stick to the non-processed forms if you can. These plants help the body return to normal function while cleaning up cortisol. They have many benefits in the body, but help men with too especially with various male issues. How to use them? I get powders of as many of the adaptogens as I can. I then add tablespoon of each powder i have to a container and mix thoroughly. Then I get 500 g of walnuts, pound them into powder and add to the container with with adaptogens.

I then add 150 ml of aloe vera juice, 200 ml of honey and half a cup of lemon juice or more (fresh if possible), mix everything together then put in a fridge in a suitable container. Sometimes I add 350 ml of cognac too if I want something alcoholic without taking moderate amount of alcohol. I then take 1 tablespoon of the mixture 30 minutes before each meal daily. I notice that my family members like my mixture too these days, used to last me a month now it takes a few weeks. Good health to everyone though, so I am not complaining. Look for these plants too since they help men too: Horny Goat, mucana pruriens, Polyrhachis ant extract, Brazil Nuts, Pomegranate, Cistanche, Nettle Root, Passionflower, Cruciferous Vegetables, Tongkat Ali The following plant oils also help a lot: -Olive, blackseed oil, argan oil,coconut oil Lastly, just take a teaspoon of charcoal in a glass of water before going to bed each night to clean out toxins in your body daily.

Remedies after Radiation for Prostate Cancer
Posted by Steve L. (United States) on 03/20/2019

Try zinc 50mg/day, vit D 10,000-20,000IU /day and black gelatizined Maca 1Tbsp/day or more.

Remedies after Radiation for Prostate Cancer
Posted by Chandu (English ) on 03/19/2019

Can anyone help. Had prostrate cancer 8 years ago n had radio therapy. My body did not heal, can you suggest natural remedies to have natural erection n produce semen. Please help.

Cayenne and Garlic
Posted by Bill (Melbourne) on 08/26/2020

Confirmed. Garlic and cayenne pepper works.

Ginseng and Cayenne
Posted by Kev (Qld) on 09/19/2018

Can someone please explain what they think Carlos meant in his post from 2009? He says "swallow many cayenne fruits" and then say not more than 10? His comment in NUMBER 2 is cayenne red pepper powder so what is a cayenne fruit and how are we count 10 fruits?

Garlic and Vitamin C
Posted by Kev (Qld) on 09/19/2018

When you say Vit C, are you referring to Ascorbic Acid (synthetic) or Vit C (natural or whole food). Vit C is very expensive and most store bought Vit C is in fact AA.

Arginine, Horny Goat Weed, Cayenne
Posted by Art (California ) on 08/13/2018 2165 posts

Arginine with NAC is more effective than arginine alone for lowering blood pressure. For people with herpes or certain viruses, arginine may exacerbate the condition and cause outbreaks or feed an existing outbreak.


Arginine, Horny Goat Weed, Cayenne
Posted by Brent (Spartanburg, S.C.) on 08/13/2018

I've been taking L-Arginine for years. It's a vasodilator. Dilates your blood vessels to increase your blood flow. Lowers blood pressure and sends more blood to your manhood. It works. It's in all the men's sex products. I take 3 grams a day when I take it. Probably caution if you have heart problems. Citruline is a similar product. Check with your nearest health food store.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jim (Austin, Texas) on 02/08/2018

Apple Cider Vinegar for ED

Just about 2 tbls in a glass of water every evening before bed. Works for me.

Posted by Art (Singapore) on 03/28/2017

20 Mule Team Borax in the laundry detergent aisle. Wet "Trigger Finger" to 2nd knuckle. Dip in borax and stir into 8 oz glass of water. Drink Up! More energy, blood flow and with stimulation a damn good Woody.

To Duracell last coat crotch with iodine. Use 1 capful of DMSO and get frisky. Takes a lick-in and keeps on tic-kin. You will be amazed. Also gets rid of "Red itchy Balls" ( also good to bring blood and sensitivity to clit )

Cayenne and Garlic
Posted by Barry (Aristomenis Greece) on 03/28/2017

Hi to those who it did not work for, but somewhere it states should be done for 12 weeks as a trail, and you start at a heat that suits you and after that you slowly build up, this cleans your blood, with good clean blood your get good erections, I been on this for 7 years and it still works for me, as I went from no erections to good erections, see NOHARD to NOWHARD, and you have to trust these things for them to work so you really need to do the 12 weeks for it to work, these are true natural products and they take time to work. OK

Cayenne and Garlic
Posted by Nohard (Messinias) on 03/28/2017

Hi Sorry just got around to this as I do a lot of other things, but there is another post which gives my mix. OK


Cayenne and Garlic
Posted by Htownfarmer (Houston, Texas) on 12/11/2016 9 posts

What is the method you are using to consume garlic and CP? How much?

Cayenne and Garlic
Posted by Theresa (Florida) on 12/10/2016

I wanted to share with the group. A few weeks ago I was searching for a cure for the discoloration in my boyfriend's feet. I stumbled around and found this thread because he also had a problem in this area that we were dealing with using Viagra. It is so expensive and I thought that this was worth a try. Well, I am happy to report that not only has it been getting his feet color back to normal it has cured his ED. He is doing so much better in every area and this one area has thrilled us both!

Garlic, Cayenne, Hawthorn, Grapeseed Supplements
Posted by Canadian Dave (Canada) on 12/02/2016 15 posts

This is armchair diagnosing and isn't appropriate. I react poorly to garlic, with heartburn, probably because of a sensitivity. Some people can't tolerate cayenne either, or any particular supplement. I like to encourage people to try supplements, but one should learn from experience. Maybe another herb or supplement would help. I have heard from a doctor on youtube that what we have been told is vitamin C all these years doesn't match natural vitamin C's benefits because it is not actually complete. His words are natural source vitamin C acts as 'roto-rooter' on clogged arteries, and vitamin C should have done so all these years, and would have were it complete, like the natural stuff. Perhaps this would work!

Posted by Canadian Dave (Canada) on 12/02/2016 15 posts

Cayenne pepper can raise blood sugar in diabetics. I had to stop taking it for this. But not every diabetic responds to herbs the same way.

Yohimbine Bark
Posted by Drhoward (Torrance Ca ) on 11/04/2016

Yohimbine bark is or was even recognized by the FDA for ED until the dangerous ED med's came out. Orally or get powder mix with a salve or natural Vaseline use topically on inner thighs, stomach, under bicep areas.

If you have BP or Heart issues check with your doctor. Read up on it carefully. Start, say, with 5mg with food. Works!

Burst Training
Posted by Jack (Short Hills, Nj) on 08/09/2016

For erection issues. Do burst training. Look it up on internet. It raises HGH (Human Growth H), and testosterone. It takes some time. Always consult with Doctor. It can be too intense for some. Takes 20 minutes 3 times a week. Also, eat nuts like broad beans, almonds, pastachios, brazil nuts, walniuts with raw honey. It need not be mixed together but eaten together. A small amount goes a long way. It's especially good eaten before bed. Ask doctor first. Can upset stomach.

Garlic and Vitamin C
Posted by Joe (Short Hills) on 07/11/2016

Taking garlic capsules or garlic with vitamin C is very powerful for Ed issues. It can boost nictric oxide. Try with a small amount at first to test it out. Best on an empty stomach. Be careful in terms of upset stomach. Best if taken on an empty stomach. Increase the amount to see what works. Maybe more Vitamin c, or more garlic. See what's best for you. If done right. it's like rocket fuel. It Can also thicken the penis. Lowers blood pressure, so if your on meds. be careful. Also, it's best if no ejaculation has occurred for at least a week or 2 or more. Experiment and see.

Spinach and Tomato
Posted by Joe (Short Hills, Nj) on 07/05/2016

For ED:

Eat spinach with some tomato on an empty stomach (2-4 hours) after supper later at night around 11 pm-2 am.

I was hungry one night, and had nothing else to snack on. It caused an erection and horniness about 2 hours later. Repeated and had same reaction another night as an experiment.

I think empty stomach and later at night is key.

Posted by Mark (Virginia) on 06/24/2016

Magnesium is blocked by Roundup are in food/Gyophosphate used on crops (grains) and fields. It is how it kills weeds, blocks their ability to use nutrients.

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