Holistic Remedies for a Frozen Shoulder

| Modified on May 29, 2024
Castor Oil
Posted by Mark (Novato, California) on 07/19/2018

Castor Oil for Rotator Cuff (infraspinatus) injury throwing Football

I'm 35 years old and about 10 years ago, I was throwing the football (launching 60 yard bombs over and over) at a Halloween party with some buddies, until my shoulder hurt. I kept doing it even after I felt the pain. Foolish mistake. I've had issues with my infraspinatus (one of the four muscles of the Rotator Cuff) since then. I couldn't even reach over to pull the seat belt over myself anymore without it hurting. So I came across these threads and noticed DMSO.

About a week ago I ordered some and it still hadn't come yet, but during this time (for the last week and a half) I've been slathering my right shoulder and rotator cuff with Castor Oil (Hexane Free). It's nothing short of a miracle (at least in regard to pain). For the last couple days, I feel no pain at all, and could probably throw 60 yard bombs again even though I never thought I could even toss a ball let alone throw one without it hurting. I'm still gonna try the DMSO as well. I don't know if the Castor Oil just masks the pain (but doesn't heal the injury), but I'm gonna throw the kitchen sink at it to see if I can completely heal it!

Posted by Rich (Michigan, US) on 05/23/2014

DMSO cured my brother's frozen shoulder. I don't know if he had calcium buildup in his shoulder or not, but he later did have an artery clogged up with calcium, and had a stent put in for that, so it seems like calcium buildup could have been a factor.

He told me that his shoulder had been bothering him for 3 or 4 years, and that his doctor told him it was frozen, and there wasn't much they could do for it. I offered some DMSO to him, and jokingly told him to go rub some on, and his shoulder would likely be healed, by the time he left.

He rubbed some liquid 99% DMSO that I had bought at Tractor Supply, on his shoulder, morning and evening, for a couple of days, and he told me that his shoulder felt like new, after only a couple of days of the DMSO treatment.

Later, he told me that he had to put some on, for a couple of days, a few weeks after the initial treatment, but he told me that his shoulder felt like it did, when he was 18. He was in his mid-50's, when this happened.

I do believe his doctors had told him that he had some nerve damage, which was causing his frozen shoulder, but whatever the cause, DMSO healed it, and, last I heard, it is still fine, today.

I told this story to a 70-something gentleman, who also had frozen shoulder and also told me that he had nerve damage, so he tried DMSO, and it worked for him, too.

I don't know the details, as to how long it took, but several months later, I talked to someone who talked to the man in question, and he told that person that his shoulder was now fine. So, DMSO might do the trick.

Chinese Stretching Method
Posted by Teh (Australia) on 09/16/2015

La-Jin Self Healing Slides by Master Xiao Hong Chi (2012) 1 of 2

These slides will give you a better idea of the exercise. Hope you enjoy.

Lemon Peel, Olive Oil, Eucalyptus Oil
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 08/29/2020

Lemon Peel/Olive oil/Eucalyptus oil

My journey with frozen shoulder. This is a debilitating condition as I'm sure you know if your searching for a home remedy. It took me about 2 month to recover using these methods. My GF father took over 2 years to get over his frozen shoulder, going to the doctors, had his shoulder scraped, ten units, biofreeze, etc... When I saw him last, his asked how my shoulder was doing and I showed him the results of the Lemon Peel/Olive oil/Eucalyptus oil treatment, he did not believe it (non-believer).

Things I found that work:

Swimming: I recommend swimming, 3+ times a week, the range of movement increased dramatically, and you don't realise how stiff the muscles around the shoulder and shoulder blade become, swimming in the weightless water really eases some of the pain. I flot on my back and do jumping-jacks and other exercises in 4 sets of 10 and try to increase every visit.

I found an ayurvedic remedy that does work.

Topical remedy.

Lemon Peel/Olive oil/Eucalyptus oil

Lemon peel and Olive oil ointment can be used topically to massage into painful joints, arthritis, gout, varicose veins/poor circulation of the arms and legs, skin fungal, viral and bacterial issues, ringworm, shingles, skin burns, cellulite, chickpox sores, chiliblains, cold sores, mouth ulcers and fever blisters of the mouth, diabetic neuropathy, eczema/psoriasis, foot and hand care, rubbed on forehead for headache/migraine/fever, inflammation, insect bites, nail health, phlebitis/thrombosis for the legs (together with internal use), respiratory problems, and many others.

The phenols in the olive oil will coat and fight inflammation, while the other ingredients go to work on pain and inflammation and the root cause of the problem.

Lemon peel and Olive oil for joint pain relief

To use lemon peels to fight the pain of inflammation. Inflammation in the body is the cause of much pain and illness. Inflammation means that the body's blood vessels are dilated and swollen. This swelling leads to redness, pressure, stiffness and pain. Although pain can be felt anywhere in the body, most commonly the pain of inflammation is felt in the joints. Joint pain can occur in any part of the body that has bone to tissue connection. That means that any one of the 360 joints in your body could be experiencing the pain of inflammation.

Nutritional Value Of Lemon Peel

Lemon peel contains 5 to 10 times more nutrients and minerals than does the juice. It contains calcium. Iron. Magnesium. Phosphorus. Potassium. Sodium. Zinc. Copper. Selenium. vitamin C. Thiamin. Riboflavin. Niacin, Pantothenic acid. vitamin B6. Folate. vitamin A and vitamin E.

The Original Ayurvedic Recipe - How to make Recipe #1

Get the most benefit from lemon peel as possible by following this simple method to extract the pain relieving properties:

* Grate the lemon peel of two lemons

* Remove the yellow part of the rind without grating any of the white pith part

* Put the rind of two lemons in a clean jar and fill the jar with olive oil

* Close the jar and let it rest for 2 weeks (Note: I don't have 2 weeks, see recipe #2)

* Apply the lemon infused olive oil onto clean gauze and wrap or place the gauze onto the area where you are feeling pain

* Wrap the gauze with plastic wrap to seal the oil against your skin

* Place a wool or cloth wrap over the plastic wrap to help keep the area warm

The warmth of your own body heat being retained against your skin will help the lemon peel oil to penetrate into your skin and help your joint pain

Lemon peel can be taken internally and eaten, however, the benefits from the pain-relieving properties of the peel are believed to be best absorbed externally. Some compounds found in lemon peel cannot be passed to the bloodstream through digestion.

Rob's Quick and Dirty Recipe #2

When you apply this remedy made with olive oil and lemon peel topically to the affected area, it will help improve your circulation in order to provide joint pain relief. One of the most overlooked benefits of lemons is that they can help prevent joint pain.

*The ingredients are chock-full of nutrients that reduce inflammation, pain, and stiffness.

*Also, the lemon peel contains substances like limonene, citronella and phellandrene, 3 essential oils that help relax muscles and joints, helping with any difficulty moving. https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/medicine-and-dentistry/lemon-oil

*The extra virgin olive oil contains antioxidants oleocanthal acid and omega 3 fatty acids, well-known for their ability to help painful, inflamed tissues.

*Together, these ingredients improve cellular oxygenation processes while optimizing the transportation of nutrients to your joints, a determining factor in preventing the breakdown of cartilage.

*However, it's also worth mentioning that the remedy helps stimulate your lymphatic system, a key factor in removing toxins that play a role in the pain.

*Additionally, applying it using massaging motions helps flush out retained fluids, and as if that weren't enough, prevents the accumulation of uric acid.


*Extra virgin olive oil

*6 - 7 organic lemons

*Eucalyptus oil

*One quart mason jar with lid


*Clean gauze


*Using a potato peeler, peel all the yellow/white (the pith) parts off the lemons. Then, place the lemon peels in a blender and add enough olive oil to cover them completely. Blend the lemon peels/olive oil together. I use the pulse setting on my blender. You will want to blender it to the texture of apple sauce.

*Next, pour the mixture into the mason jar. Top off the mason jar with olive oil to about 2 inches from the rim.

*Place the mason jar into a pot filled with water on the stove. Add a mason jar ring or rolled up pieces for aluminum foil underneath the mason jar so it dose not make contact with the metal pot. Slow simmer the jar in a warm bath for about 6 hours. Stir mixture with a butter knife every hour. Keep a check on the water level and add more water as needed. After 6 hours, turn off stove and allow to cool to room temperature.

*Stir mason jar and pour out one tablespoon into a small bowl then add the eucalyptus oil (10 drops per tablespoon of oil added to the finished ointment).

*Soak some gauze and place it over the painful area. Ideally you should apply this treatment at night, so that the ointment can soak into the skin while you sleep. Use it just like a Castor oil Pack.

Note: Lemon contain natural molecules that react with UV light and cause a sensitivity reaction and a special type of sunburn. Essential oil companies often label their products that contain these compounds with a warning to avoid direct sun/UV light to the area for 12–48 hours after applying.

How to apply

*First, submerge a gauze bandage into the mixture and then apply it to the affected joint.

*Next, cover the gauze with plastic wrap, and then, if possible, with a wool scarf.

*Then, let the oil work overnight for best results.

*Next, apply every night until you get relief from the pain.

*As a preventative remedy, apply at least 3 times a week.

If you would like an even more relaxing effect for joint pain relief, heat the oil by putting the jar in a bowl of hot water before applying it. But remember to check the temperature to make sure it won't burn your skin. Additionally, you can use it to massage your joints, especially if the pain is due to fatigue or fluid retention.

Argan Oil
Posted by Irina (New York, NY) on 07/19/2023

Culinary Argan Oil for frozen shoulder and muscle spasms

A few years ago, I suffered from terrible muscle spasms for several months. I started taking 1 teaspoon of culinary argan oil coincidentally during this time and about 2 weeks after taking it, the spasms completely went away. I suggested it to 2 other people I know who also had muscle spasms and after they took argan oil, their symptoms disappeared as well - they both took the recommended 1 tablespoon a day. A few years later, I woke up randomly with a frozen shoulder, and after suffering from it for several months, I thought to take argan oil for it, and again, within 2-3 weeks, my frozen shoulder stiffness and pain dramatically decreased - I'm about 90-95% healed now and I continue to take 1 teaspoon of argan oil a day - make sure it's the culinary form, not the topical form. I've taken both argan oil from Israel and from Morocco and they've both worked, but you have to be careful to use a reputable brand that's organic.

Chinese Stretching Method
Posted by Jeremy (Portsmouth. Uk) on 10/25/2017

I was in constant pain for at least six months until I read these Chinese stretching method posts below written by fellow sufferers. The positive effects of using these stretches was almost instant. I stopped taking painkillers and expensive visits to the physiotherapist.

If someone was to ask me how to fix a frozen shoulder I would now suggest a glucosamine and chondroitin supplement, acupuncture and these very simple Chinese gravity stretches. Thank you very much earthclinic for ending this miserable period in my life

Posted by Cynthia (Madison, Wi) on 06/22/2020

Here is how I cured my frozen shoulder. I first developed a frozen shoulder in the summer of 2019. I tried everything I could think of, including stretching, exercise, supplements, etc. I suffered increasing pain for several months. But it wasn't until I did the following that I gained relief:

1) I began to take MSM powder, one heaping tablespoon in the morning with water.

2) I used a 50 percent DSMO solution and applied it to my shoulder a few times.3) I added a good Omega 3 fish oil capsule to my daily supplements.

3) I added an Omega 3 fish oil capsule to my daily supplements.

4) I took tumeric capsule once a day.

Within two weeks, all of my frozen shoulder pain was gone! The DMSO helped a lot, but the main thing that really made a difference was the MSM powder. In fact, the frozen pain started after I stopped taking MSM powder. It wasn't until I remembered months later that I had used the MSM powder until I began to travel and then simply stopped taking it.

I also cut the sugar and fat in my diet considerably.

Give the MSM a week or two to see results. If you've never taken MSM powder, begin by taking 1 teaspoon a day the work up to a tablespoon. Some people require more MSM to get the results they seek.

I hope this helps someone who is struggling with Frozen Shoulder. I am so grateful for the MSM and the other supplements I've outlined above -- I can hardly believe that I once suffered as much pain as I did in my shoulder.

Magnesium Oil
Posted by Art (California) on 03/14/2019 2165 posts

Recently I was talking with a neighbor and he was telling me that he had a torn rotator cuff in each shoulder that were very painful and really limited his range of motion. His doctor told him that he needed surgery on both shoulders, but he was not a candidate for the surgery because of an existing heart condition. I told him about mag oil and asked if he wanted to try it. He said, what do I have to lose? I made him a spray bottle of it to try to see if it would help. I talked to him awhile after that and he told me that the mag oil was working great and asked me if I could make him more. I made him a larger bottle so he could use it to refill his spray bottle and he now calls it his secret sauce. He showed me how he could now raise his arms over his head with no problem and very little pain at all! Another friend who has "frozen shoulder" asked me about anything they could use for the frozen shoulder and I suggested trying mag oil which they did and said it was very helpful in relieving the pain and increasing range of motion! We should all have mag oil in our medicine cabinets! Art

Multiple Remedies for Adhesive Capsulitis
Posted by Adhesive Capsulitis-43 (Midwest) on 03/31/2018

Please be aware that Adhesive Capsulitis and other shoulder issues are NOT the same.

I have had Adhesive Capsulitis for about two and a half years. There are adhesions that have grown over my joints. My point is that while you can juice, eat an anti-inflammatory diet, take vitamins, do GENTLE exercises, it's a writing game for the issue to resolve itself. While some may have a quicker resolution, it is probably not a true confirmed case with an MRI/Xray of Adhesive Capsulitis.

Do not feel discouraged that others have gotten over their shoulder issues in a few months, they probably have a different condition and not a true confirmed case of Adhesive Capsulitis. I suggest going on to forums and talking to others with the condition and getting yourself a VERY good RECOMMENDED orthopedic doctor who does not push the surgery on you. Some patients have to have that surgery multiple times and is not guaranteed to work, especially if you are a Diabetic. Not to mention that surgery is pretty darn hard on your body, just be careful with ANY aggressive treatments. Aggressive Physical Therapy actually made my Adhesive Capsulitis worse, so be very careful that that too. It seems to affect us all a little differently, so keep that in mind too.

What helps: Massage does help, hot epsom salts baths, sleeping with a pillow under your arm helps too. A few pain killers are necessary, but be careful not to over medicate or take them too often. Acupuncture helped me for a month or so, but wasn't very effective for me. It just takes time to heal. Hang in there. You are not alone.

Chin Up Bar
Posted by Charles (Australia) on 09/21/2014

I tried the Kirsch protocol for frozen shoulder, which involves hanging off a chin up bar for 30 seconds at a time with a minute or two rest for 10 minutes a day.

Within 4 days my frozen shoulder felt tremendously better, I could move my shoulder above my head and behind my body pain free. Ido Portal loves this method, and it works incredibly.

I love it, so simple! Any gym or playground will have chin up bars, otherwise find a tree.

I hope this helps someone with the same poor shoulder flexibility!

Dietary Changes
Posted by Tess (U.k) on 06/05/2017

Frozen shoulder is said to be a metabolic problem, related to Dupytren's Contracture and Parkinson's. I noticed when struck with it for the second time that when I ate sugars or carbohydrates with fats the pain would go off the scale. So I cut sugars and carbs out of my diet all together. The pain reduced considerably and I'm recovering at a much faster rate than before.

As well as having a genetic predisposition to it I think for me it's a stress/stomach bacteria related problem. Stress alters the stomach bacteria. Stress also lowers your magnesium levels as you use up your magnesium to produce adrenaline. This has knock on effects in the stomach as you need magnesium to digest your food properly. Badly digested food encourages bacteria to thrive that causes stomach upsets and causes inflammation in the body and these alter the ph to encourage Candida Alicans to thrive. I have suffered with CA after being given iron tablets that allowed the small amount of CA to form a biofilm around itself that protects it from the stomach acids and other bacteria, allowing it to get out of control and cause massive problems.

I don't think that as a species we were meant to eat lots of grains and sugars yet that is what the western diet mostly consists of these days - count how many aisles of a supermarket DON'T contain sugar and grains!

I also took Pau d'arco to kill off bad bacteria and upped my intake of green tea, kimchi, kefir and anything else that supported my good stomach bacteria. Even I am surprised at how quickly the spin reduced. Still quite stiff but beginning to loosen up. But I know if I go back to eating carbs and sugars it will bite me again!

Chinese Stretching Method
Posted by Teh (Australia) on 01/04/2014

In regards to the frozen shoulder remedies, I came across a Chinese Treatment which I tried and has cured this issue I had with the frozen shoulder.

The method is as follows:

Lie on your back with your head @ arms hanging over the edge of the bed for at least 10 minutes.

The longer you stay in this position, the better. Initially, you will feel pain but the more you do it, this pain will eventually disappear, as mine did after 3 days. I have not had an issue since, but it is still a good idea now @ again to through this stretching routine to maintain this condition.

Cheers, Teh

Miracle Balls
Posted by Mel (Abbotsford, Bc Canada) on 05/20/2011

I've had issues with frozen shoulder. Painful!!! Thankfully I found out about Miracle Balls, looked up the exercises to do that would help and did them. It was a miracle! Seriously worth it. Not just for the frozen shoulder either, every exercise I've tried with them has helped more than I ever could have expected. Super simple too. Almost too simple but you will feel the difference. Just try it. Look it up online, I don't really know where you can buy them. They used to sell them at costco but I don't see them there anymore. They were cheap too, totally worth the $. Good luck.

Hanging From A Bar
Posted by Lyndon71 (Grand Rapids, MI) on 10/15/2021

I suffered with a shoulder impingement that became so debilitating that I couldn't raise my arm at all. I finally went to orthopedic urgent care. After X-rays I was informed my right shoulder impinged. I was put on prednisone and told to return in 6 weeks for a follow up and then to begin physical surgery. I was warned I would probably need shoulder surgery.

Next day I went to my chiropractor and explained my situation. He advised me to buy a book by John M. Kirsch, MD, a certified orthopedic surgeon. The remedy recommended by this doctor was to hang by a bar or branch, or anything, working up to 30 seconds followed by very specific light weights.

I got the book and started hanging. I made it 4 seconds just holding the bar and not hanging. Everyday I was able to last longer, eventually hanging 30 seconds with my feet off the floor. After 3 weeks my shoulder was fine.

I kept my follow up appointment and gave the doctor a copy of the book. He was astounded by my recovery and promised to read the book.

Posted by Marilyn (Lakewood) on 04/24/2018

A friend of mine said she cured her shoulder joint problem with colostrum. After a year of pain and trying many remedies, she tried colostrum and in 2 weeks she was better. She fell while on a run and may have done something to the rotator cuff because she couldn't move her arm and mobility was restricted.

Chinese Stretching Method
Posted by Pathompy (Delray Beach) on 11/01/2016

I was experiencing frozen shoulder about 7-8 out of 10 in the pain department for about 2 weeks. Sleeping at night extremely difficult for only for a few hours at night. Last night I hung my frozen shoulder arm over the bed for 10 min with excellent results. Sleep last night was pleasant without constant pain of the shoulder all locked up. I'm thankful for the advice and the significant increased mobility.

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