Holistic Leukemia Care: Ted's Remedies & Herbal Insights

| Modified on Apr 07, 2024
Coral Calcium, Milk Thistle, Oregano Oil
Posted by Msoptical (San Diego, California) on 11/22/2014

I have been doing studies on natural remedies for cancer. My husband was diagnosed with bladder Cancer, I was diagnosed with Endometrial cancer and my friend with AML. My husband and I are both in remission and so is my friend, All done with natural herbs and supplements. I had my friend with AML [Acute myeloid leukemia] take Coral Calcium, Milk Thistle, and Oregano Oil with carvacrol 70. After treatment with those three things she went into remission after four months! This is no joke! I did the same, and my husband did also but I had him add frankensense oil to his regimen. I'm not a medical doctor so I cannot legally prescribe any medication. I assume no liability. Just wanted to share my experiences with you.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Carol (Australia)

Ted, Thank you for your posting, it's extremely interesting. I do have a question to ask & hope you can clear it up for me. I use a pH tester for my urine & was told to keep it between 7.0 & 7.3. I have a Chronic lymphatic leukemia & as soon as I started using 1/4 teasp. bicarbonate soda & 1/4 teasp. Citric Acid, all my inflamation disappeared, consequently, I had no need for chemo (which I was to have) & still after 11 months have no inflamation. Would it be possible to clear up the required pH levels. Would they be different in Australia or is this a standard world wide measure? Thank you very much for your time.

Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Posted by Ronniie (Gold Coast, Australia) on 07/28/2015

I was diagnosed with AML in December 2014.This is what I have done:

  • I had chemo, which didn't work, worst experience of my life, so I gave that up as a joke.
  • I placed myself In Gods hands for healing and guidance
  • drink purified water
  • Liquid minerals such as sea MD
  • Eat as much as possible a raw vegan diet
  • vitamin c infusions/liposomal vitamin C/ sodium ascorbate. High dosage daily. The infusions once weekly, but I stopped these a couple months ago and am relying on the other types of vitamin C. You can take it until bowel tolerance which will determine your maximum dosage.
  • Loads of supplements eg SELENIUM, vitamin D, E, K, ionic calcium, ionic magnesium and others
  • Chinese herbal medicine.

I just did a lot of research and bought supplements that were shown to kill AML cell lines.

I got my first favourable report from my haematologist last month. He had me all ready to go to hospital for a transfusion due to low platelet count the previous month (I guess he just assumed with this disease the downward spiral would continue) however this didn't happen. My platelets nearly tripled in number and there were no blasts in my blood.He said he was pleasantly surprised, he said to keep doing what I was doing. That was an amazing statement from him as he does not believe in anything else working except the standard medical route.

I started taking essential oils internally a month before this favourable report.

Essential Oils (Young Living), as follows:

  • frankincense
  • idaho balsam fir
  • idaho blue spruce
  • orange
  • lemon

Here is a great website: trulyheal.com. Please take a look. Chrisbeatcancer.com is also good.


Nettle Tea
Posted by Rosemary (Kitchener, Ontario) on 02/04/2016

In the spring of 2015, a 85 year old lady, was diagnosed with leukemia. She refused a bone marrow confirmation of diagnosis and the recommended treatment with Chemotherapy. The oncologist said she would likely not live 3 months, but scheduled a 6 month follow up appointment.

This lady began a daily regime of nettle tea, about a litre a day, eating the boiled nettles, and also made syrup form fresh nettles, taking a few tablespoonfuls a day.

When this lady attended the 6 mth appointment, the oncologist expressed shock to see this woman and disbelief that she was still alive. Her recommendation was to 'continue what you are doing, because it's working'. the lady's blood work had returned to normal!

This woman claims to have helped friends with advanced cancer to stay alive and thrive, taking her tinctures or teas as long as they used nettles daily. However, both of her friends stopped using the cure after 2 yrs, upon feeling so improved. Within 6 mths they were both overcome with cancer once again.

My friend, now 87yrs of age, continues to prosper and work industriously every day while using nettle tea and tincture.

Wishing good health to all.


Ginger, Honey, Garlic Remedy
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 04/04/2024

I want to share this recipe. I personally used it to cure my 84 year old uncle of leukemia. It took 4 months but it was worth it. He refused chemotherapy after seeing what that stuff did to his friends.

Honey and Ginger Root: He Cured Himself From The Most Dangerous Type Of Cancer And Left The Doctor Shocked

13 years ago, a man called Ante Kresic from Zagreb, was told he had one of the deadliest cancers- lung cancer. Moreover, he was informed that he won't live much longer.

Yet, he is a perfectly healthy man today, due to his natural cancer treatment with honey and natural herbs. He defeated lung cancer and now he keeps bees.

He was released from the hospital in April and he decided to try the honey treatment. After several months he went for a regular check-up in the hospital in Zagreb, and the doctors were shocked because he was still alive.

Hence, they advised him to proceed with consuming his homemade remedies and therapies. In summer, his disease was gone. When he had his blood checked, there was no sign that he has ever been ill.

Afterwards, Kresic decided to share his experience in order to help people with similar problems like his one.

The stories of Kresic and people like him serve as evidence that honey mixed with other natural spices as ginger, pine needles and other herbs can defeat cancer.

A woman from Bosnia also succeeded in defeating cancer with a mixture prepared from honey and ginger. She recommends that the honey used should be homemade, or bought from reliable beekeepers. She also shared her recipe, hoping to be able to help others.


Chop two big ginger roots and mix them with (18 oz ) ½ kg of organic honey.

Note: I also added 6oz of garlic minced to the recipe.

Put the mixture in a glass jar and consume 1 tablespoon (use wooden or plastic spoon) 3-4 times a day. The first effects will be achieved in 4 days.

Remember to keep positive and never give up the struggle for your health, regardless of the doctors' predictions, for that is the first step to your improvement.

Posted by Larry (Chesapeake, Ohio) on 05/24/2020

Chocolate improves low red blood count. Three times a day 1 small spoon full. In less than 3 weeks the red blood cells will increase. I have used it and it works, l have CLL in remission. 83 years old LLB

Essiac Tea, Vitamin C
Posted by Pat (W. Springfield, PA/USA) on 04/08/2009

My husband was diagnosed with chronic myeloid leukemia, and put on the drug Gleevec. Over the next year, he came down with pneumonia three times. So after doing a little research, I started giving him 5 ounces of essiac tea a day as well as 12,000 mg of vitamin C a day (4 tablets with each meal). It's been three years since he started taking essiac, and he hasn't had pneumonia or even a cold since then. Also he had growths on his saliva gland that completely disappeared without any medical treatment, and his doctor said his leukemia is in remission.

Dandelion Root and Flower
Posted by Art (California) on 05/25/2022 2165 posts


This may interest you :


Here is a relevant quote from the study :

>>> ' Melatonin has exhibited antitumoral properties in various hematological malignancies, including AML (8). However, none of these studies have analyzed in detail the effects of melatonin on AML in relation to prognostic factors. Several gene mutations have been identified as leukemia risk factors, with FLT3 the most frequent site of genetic alterations associated with poor disease outcome (3). Two wt AML cell lines (OCI-AML3 and U-937) and two FLT3-ITD AML cell lines (MV-4-11 and MOLM-13) were incubated with melatonin (0.1–1 mM) for 48 h, and the proportion of viable cells was determined using an MTT assay (Fig. 1A). Melatonin induced a dose-dependent decrease in cell viability in all cell lines, although it exhibited a greater effect in FLT3-ITD mutant cells. ' <<<


Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Posted by Ronniie (Gold Coast, Australia) on 10/21/2015

Hello Pat,

I am so sorry to hear about your grandson.

Some things you can try:

Juicing, carrot, beetroot, lemon, ginger. 1-1 and 1/2 kg of carrot, 1med beetroot, 1 lemon, ginger to taste. When you start off, start slowly with the amount of beetroot as it can cause a detox effect. I add liposomal vitamin c to each glass and drink the whole lot over the course of the day.

The budwig protocol, google it. but basically it's 2TSP of flaxseed oil mixed with low fat cottage cheese, enough cottage cheese to fully mix in the oil. Use fresh oil, barleans brand is good. You can flavour it as you wish, berries are good, you can make it like a smoothie and the eat.

A couple of drops of frankincense oil on the bottom of his feet massaged in every couple of hours. Use a good therapeutic blend

Clary sage oil is supposed to be good too.

Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Posted by Art (California) on 10/05/2020 2165 posts

Hi Beth,

If it ends up that your father moves forward with chemo, it might be useful to consider melatonin as adjunctive treatment with it. Melatonin affords multiple protective effects against the damage caused by the chemo and is itself effective against this form of leukemia and has synergy with specific forms of chemo as outlined in this study:


And this one:


If your father decides to go all natural, curcumin has shown benefit against AML.




Another consideration would be EGCG, considered to be the most active component of tea.


One downside to EGCG at pharmacological dosing is that it can have a negative impact on the liver and would require regular liver enzyme testing while being used.

Regarding the declining platelet count, melatonin may be helpful in that area also :


You might also consider contacting Dr. Shallenberger in Nevada via his contact form or by telephone as he can advise on dosing of melatonin as he often uses 300+ mg/day total in divided doses in his cancer patients. Here is his number

(775) 884-3990

Here is a link to his contact form :


Beth, good luck to both you and your dad!


Papaya Leaf
Posted by Kevin (Plymouth, In) on 08/16/2013

I have CLL and also have excellent results to increase low platelet counts with Papaya Leaf Extract. I have had jumps in the tens of thousands over a few months-most recently from 20,000 to 80,000.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) 391 posts

There was a couple of cases I know personally where leukemia was helped by raising the pH.

One case I had from Australia who went into remission from Leukemia, where the scheduled chemotherapy was to take place.

The blood pH needs not be raise, but when we take sufficient alkalinity, the biochemical makeup of the body is changed. The leukemia remedy that one case use was 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda plus 1/2 teaspoon of citric acid in 1/2 glass of water taken twice a day. It takes about 3 or 4 weeks to get the body's pH BUFFERS sufficient level where the body can handle or raise its immune system.

Hence, while the urinary alkalinity is raise the blood pH pretty much stays within normal range the only differences is that pH acid spikes don't occur and this is where the body can be sufficiently "alkalinity" from more pH buffers take place in allowing the body's immune system to be high enough where the white blood cells can digest the excess leukemia buildup in the body.

The remedy that was mentioned was an old one, a newer remedy I think that might help raise the body's buffering system necessary to support the immune system is 1/2 teaspoon of sodium citrate plus 1/8 teaspoon of potassium citrate in 1/2 glass of water taken at least twice (preferably) three times a day.

Once this is taken for about a month whichever remedy mentioned, the remedy is reduced to about 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda plus 1/4 teaspoon of citric acid in 1/2 glass of water.

It is the alkalinity buffer which prevents the acid pH spikes, while it is true the body's homeostasis is excellent, it KNOWS that the body is alkaline, from the changes in biochemical portions in the body and the alkalinity nature of the urine pH is also reflected. Hence, we need not raise the pH in the blood, raise in the urine, and get sufficient alkaline pH buffers is all that is needed.

Mind you this is a simple leukemia remedy that I found to be helpful, when the alkalinity is raised, the oxygen levels in the blood goes up, the carbonic acid waste gas carbon dioxide is reduced, and the nitric oxide levels in the body is raised (it degrades needlessly if there is LACK of alkaline pH buffers). Hence to further raise the oxygen, I believe adding 3-5 drops of 3% H2O2 food grade to the alkaline remedy twice a day. The H2O2 also oxidizes toxins by oxidation and this may also reduce unnecessary toxic burden which aids in the body's immune system.

A much simpler remedy of course, if supplements can't be found is 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice plus 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in 1/2 glass of water taken three times a day.

One other case of cancer that was helped was simply adding 1 drop of clove oil in 1/2 or 1 glass of water three timds a day. After adding this, it is stirred and then drink. However, the clove oil works best when added with the baking soda. Clove oil is the single most powerful antioxidant on the ORAC scale.

Hope this info helps!

Ginger, Honey, Garlic Remedy
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 04/05/2024

@ Anthony

There is no specific weight on the ginger root, it does not come in standard size, so I just eyeball it. I peel and chop enuff ginger root to fit inside 1/2 of a one quart mason jar. Add 6oz garlic cloves peeled (since that's the standard size of the all ready peeled baggies bought in grocery stores), and then put all of it thru the mini salsa chopper. Add it all back to the mason jar a layer at a time and adding honey layer. When it gets to within 2 inches of the top, I used a butter knife to mix it all up in the jar.

Whatever un-peeled ginger you have left over will be used for the next batch.

Also, since making this, I found a mice cancer study involving garlic that reaffirmed my decision to add garlic to the recipe.

Garlic taken for 21 days CURED Cancer

A novel therapeutic anticancer property of raw garlic extract via injection but not ingestion
Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41420-018-0122-x

Prior studies suggest a possibility that the anticancer property of garlic is more effective only when exposed directly to cancer cells than absorbed first by the normal epithelial cells of the gastrointestinal tract wall. We tested this possibility in two mouse models of highly aggressive malignancies that cannot yet be cured by conventional therapies: sarcoma 180- and EL4-induced lethal ascites. Daily oral gavages of raw garlic extract (RGE; equivalent to 100 mg wet weight) for 21 days failed to offer any meaningful effect in the mice with malignancies. However, the daily injection of the same amounts of the same materials for 21 days completely cured all the mice of cancer.

Another study:

Ginger Root contains a pungent compound that could be up to 10,000 times more effective than conventional chemotherapy in targeting the cancer stem cells at the root of cancer malignancy.

Numerous studies are confirming that ginger extract has anti-metastatic properties that inhibit many types of cancer, including breast, colon, rectal, liver, lung, prostate, pancreatic, and melanoma.


The anticancer properties of ginger have been found to activate molecular mechanisms that cause cell apoptosis (cell suicide) in cancer cells by activating a pro-apoptosis gene. Compounds within ginger also down-regulate the genes and proteins associated with cancer while increasing cancer inhibitors.

A new study published in PLoS reveals a pungent component within ginger known as 6-shogaol is superior to conventional chemotherapy in targeting the root cause of breast cancer malignancy: namely, the breast-cancer stem cells. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=6-shogaol

Here is the reason why I blended the two together.

My Uncle (86) was consuming this mixture when ever he remembered. His memory isn't the greatest, but I'm sure it was between meals. Just remember I had him eat it for 4 months straight til I felt confident we had burned the cancer out of his body. His blood work revealed he was not showing any protein markers for leukemia.

Funny side note: The doctor ask my uncle ‘what did you do'? My uncle responded, I'm not sure… you will have to ask my nephew...lol! Still waiting for that phone call….

Posted by Memo (Denver, CO) on 06/27/2023

This is correct. The truth, however, is that it would only take few hours for WBC to increase. In a study, (18) volunteers ingested 50 g of 90% cocoa chocolate (Noir Prodigieux, Lindt) after fasting for 8 hours.

These are the results of their blood test four hours after ingesting 50 grams of 90% cocoa chocolate. 5.9 WBC to 7.0 WBC, this is just after 4 hours.

Parameter Baseline
Four hours after dark chocolate ingestion
Mean±SD Mean±SD p
White blood cells (x109/L) 5.9±0.9 7.0±0.9 <0.001
Neutrophils (x109/L) 3.4±0.8 3.9±0.7 0.001
Lymphocytes (x109/L) 2.1±0.7 2.3±0.5 0.056

More practical approach is to take 2 to 3 teaspoons of 100% Cocoa daily.

Cacao is unprocessed and is even better, if you can not get that, regular 100% Hershey's Cocoa will do.

Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Posted by Pat (Az) on 10/20/2015

I am happy to read the positive results of this post. My 6 year old grandson was diagnosed with 2nd diagnosis AML and very little chance to survive transplant so my daughter opted for no treatment. Hospice was called, but my daughter took him to a homeopathic dr and has been doing her best to follow diet and supplemental regimen. He is still getting blood counts weekly and they have had some slight improvements but red count is dropping and platelets are staying pretty low. I feel like we are doing something wrong and the MD says he likely only has a few weeks left. The homeopathic dr wants him to do a paleo type all organic diet but it is so limiting because he has so many allergies right now. Wish I could find the answers for this little guy before it is too late. Thanks for posting your good news because it is encouraging and so are the web links you posted.

Papaya Leaf
Posted by Kevin (Plymouth, In) on 12/21/2014

You can buy Papaya Leaf products on Ebay, they helped short term get my platelet results up, but I have ceased taking it as I hated the taste and for the fact that I am doing so well. It's been over a year since I last posted and can attest my last visit to my hematologist this was his comment. Quote "If I didn't know better and this was your first visit with the blood results, I would say that you didn't have anything wrong with you".

My CLL is totally in remission with all my blood results in normal ranges. My platelet counts this last visit were 280,000. Of course he won't admit my regime was the answer, but did say on the last few visits, whatever you are doing don't stop doing it.

Since my last post in 2013 I have added in pill form a good multivitamin from Rainbow Light, green tea extract pill form 3x a day, garlic 2x a day, 1000 mg Vitamin C in the morning and evening, Tumeric supplement morning and evening, Bilberry once a day, and was on fish oil-not anymore. Also juiced in the morning on an empty stomach one orange, fresh pineapple, fresh papaya, and mixed other fruits in occasionally. I also add juice that I purchased online: 1 oz of goji juice, 1 oz of mangosteen, and 1 oz of noni juice.

I can tell you I feel so good at where I am at now, but its been a rough journey. If anyone would like me to post my specific bloodwork where I was at over the last few years and where I am at now let me know and I can take the time to do so. God Bless all and good luck. Remember we are all different and what worked for me, may not exhibit the same results in your body.

Dandelion Root and Flower
Posted by Phuc (Houston, Texas) on 12/05/2016

In response to the post whose brother has AML:

drink 3 time/day with empty stomach:

You blend a whole dandelion with root and flower then squeeze about 6 oz, then mix with honey for easy to drink. This helps a man only had 6 months to live, his blood count became normal range after three months drink this liquid.

Dandelion Root and Flower
Posted by Sharon (Utah) on 05/25/2022

I want to look this up and find organic dandelions with roots. I am assuming you would blend with some water and add a little honey, if you want.

Great remedy. I will try it. I was just told to go to see an Oncologist my WBC are very low and so are my platelets. I believe with this kind of stuff you can come back strong. I love reading everyone's choices to heal. Thank you.

Coral Calcium, Milk Thistle, Oregano Oil
Posted by Art (California) on 10/27/2015 2165 posts

Please read up on curcumin and AML:



Coral Calcium, Milk Thistle, Oregano Oil
Posted by Art (California) on 07/11/2022 2165 posts


Two supplements that you might look into are colloidal silver and melatonin for leukemia. Here are a couple of studies that suggest potential efficacy.

This first review discusses the potential of melatonin in leukemia :


Here is a relevant quote from the study :

>>> ' We first reviewed the relationship between shift work and the incidence rate of leukaemia and then discussed the role of melatonin receptors (MT1 and MT2) and their functions in leukaemia. Moreover, the connection between inflammation and leukaemia, and melatonin-induced anti-leukaemia mechanisms including anti-proliferation, apoptosis induction and immunomodulation are comprehensively discussed. Apart from that, the synergistic effects of melatonin with other anticancer compounds are also included. In short, this review article has compiled the evidence of anti-leukaemia properties displayed by melatonin and discuss its potential to act as adjunct for anti-leukaemia treatment. ' <<<

This next study discusses the role of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) in leukemia :


Here is a relevant quote from the study :

>>> ' Among the diverse forms of biosynthesized metallic and metal oxide NPs, silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) have been demonstrated to be one of the most effective antimicrobial and anticancer agents due to their extraordinary properties [69], [70], [71], [72], [73], [74]. The most prominent outcomes of exposing cells with AgNPs are included affecting cellular metabolic activity via arresting the respiratory chain of the cells, influencing cell division through membrane inflicting damage, and inducing numerous subordinate effects, such as the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), gene alteration, enhancement of apoptosis or necrosis, and elevating the oxidative stress and mitochondrial damage inside the cancer cells (Fig. 4) [75], [76], [77]. Additionally, their protective effect against bacterial, fungal, and viral infections could be very desirable during chemo- and radiotherapies due to the decreased immunological resistance of cancer patients [78] ' <<<

Best wishes and please keep us posted on your friends progress.


Alkalizing, Milk Thistle
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 08/06/2012 2063 posts

Lee, I was diagnosed w/ AML in 1997, refused bone marrow transplant, and miraculously survived. I didn't take any H2O2 but did take lots of Vit-C. The H2O2 has the potential to be a game changer in your condition, but since you may not get the first-hand response you requested, follow the rule "start low and go slow" (which is the recommended method). If you don't get positive results after having reached the maximum dose and perhaps a week or two beyond, drop it and adopt a new protocol. The health advocate Jon Barron of Baseline For Health recommends first buffering/alkalizing prior to H2O2 as the oxygen levels of a well buffered body are many more times higher than not. You can use oral routes for this or (and what I would recommend in your acute condition) take whole body hot baths w/ added baking soda & epsom salts (also is very good detoxifier).

I would also recommend Milk Thistle Seed Extract for liver support as the bone marrow will depress w/ a toxic liver. For immune support do the Thymus recommends that I posted a few days ago under a lupus heading somewhere. This will really help your immune system. Also for the immune system and bone marrow support is the herb Astragalus Root. If you are running a temp it is advised to not use as it will raise temp about 1 or 2 degrees.

Hope this helps and good luck. Report your results.

Periwinkle Drug
Posted by Parla (Tx) on 05/06/2011

my grand-daughter had leukemia when she was 6. she is 23 now. they cured her with the periwinkle drug vincristine. they camp they send children with cancer is called "Camp Periwinkle"

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) 391 posts

To Carol,

I am very happy for you that you managed to avoid chemotherapy by keeping your urinary pH between 7.0 -7.3! I thought no one read my article!!! I am happy someone is reading it and applying it to improve one's health!

Yes, this is the ideal pH to ward of cancer and viruses. The standards are the same worldwide. The trick is to get the right amount of sodium bicarbonate and citric acid so that your urinary pH yields 7.0-7.3 In this pH range, the blood will be in alkaline state and increases oxygen allowing your body to heal itself and destroy the cancer.

If you want to clear up your pH to other ranges it is then pH 6.5. However, people with a history of cancer, it is best to keep this level for a fairly long time to kill all the existing cancer cells. I imagine keeping this pH and maintaining this level as long as possible.

Of course, if you find it inconvenient, then you need to make sure the cancer will not flare up again, and this can second time could be risky and you might not be able to tame them. It is therefore, best to try to maintain this ideal pH as long as possible for people who have a history of cancer.

Oh yes, try adding citric acid AND vitamin C to your mix AND sodium bicarbonate for people with cancer. The ones I gave were for general purpose. For people with your condition some vitamin C and citric acid and sodium bicarbonate might be more ideal for you. The reason is really simple: vitamin C is an antioxidant and anticancer too. Also, a little known information for protection against heart disease (it works better than aspirin) is actually vitamin C also.

Acute Myeloid Leukemia

Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Posted by Leslie (BC Canada ) on 10/19/2023


Thank you very much for taking the time to compile these articles.

I'm a holistic health practitioner and have heard probably over a hundred good stories of people using silver for various ailments. It's interesting to see research being done on its use in the field of cancer.

Thank you.

Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Posted by Art (California) on 10/20/2023 2165 posts

Hi Leslie,

The studies regarding silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) for various forms of cancer are slowly evolving, but are continuing to expand and advance in comprehensiveness of details. As a basic example of this, this new study suggests that the reducing agent used to reduce the silver nitrate into AgNPs can increase the effectiveness of cytotoxicity of the AgNPs to cancer cells while reducing the toxicity to normal cells :


Here are some highlights :

Algae-AgNPs synthesized with Noctiluca scintillans contain biologically active anticancer compounds identified using GC-MS.

Algae-AgNPs display higher potency towards cancer cells than to normal cells, reducing cell viability and inducing apoptosis.

Algae-AgNPs reduce cancer cell migration and downregulate MMP-9 level.

In vivo, Algae-AgNPs diminish tumor growth.

Algae-AgNPs exhibit minimal toxicity in vitro and in vivo.

Other recent studies have delved into how different capping agents used on the AgNPs can also increase cytotoxicity to cancer cells while inhibiting aggregation of the AgNPs and extending shelf life. Other studies have helped to determine how nanoparticle size can optimize the effectiveness of the AgNPs against cancer cells while minimizing toxicity to normal cells and these studies have helped determine an optimal particle size range for AgNPs in the 12 to 20 nm size range.

Unfortunately, the human testing for cancer is still lacking leaving people to their own devices when it comes to cancer. Not an ideal situation to be sure.


Bidens Pilosa
Posted by Edward (Melbourne) on 10/13/2014

Biden pilosa aerial (Asteraceae) parts infusion with boiling water taken daily will help to maintain remission in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia.

Avoid NSAIDS, Dietary Changes
Posted by Tam (Okla) on 05/09/2018

Treatment for Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia

Do not take any NSAIDS (motrin, advil, ibuprofen, aspirin).

I been eating slivers of ginger, vegan somewhat (meat 2xweekly - not fried) and my WBC dropped 9 points, and neutro, baso, and grans returned to normal levels. Now I have just the Leukocytes to deal with they dropped too but not into normal range yet.

I think getting off the NSAIDS helped and the vegan help distress my body.

Coral Calcium, Milk Thistle, Oregano Oil
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile , Tn. ) on 07/26/2015

HI U RONALD, , , , , , , , , , , , I too have a blood cancer and I am going down this trail by my lonesome, because I have no faith in our medical folks. If I had cured my cancer then I'd tell you what to do.

I research like mad and here's what I've learned. Cancer can't live in a high pH, loves sugar, can't stand oxygen, nor heat. So what do I do? I take baking soda in water at daylight and dark. I test every week and try to keep my pH above 7.5. I take Transfer Point's Beta1,3 Glucan every morning to build my immune system. I do ozone every way possible including in a FIR Sauna suit. We eat veggies that we raise. I do lots of supplements. I do transdermal magnesium 20 minutes prior to a shower. I pray to God and will go with his plan. I have a Plasma Rife Machine that is programed to address cancer. All these health toys cost lots of money, but is chicken feed compared to cost of Big Pharma.

Can't tell you what to do, but use common sense. We stopped getting vaccinations many years ago and the latest news makes me thankful.


Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Posted by Bee (New York, US) on 10/29/2014

Hi Jassica..

Geez you have a lot on your plate .. What I was thinking was do you know of the Gerson therapy or Budwig protocol for Cancer.. There are utube videos you can look up..........What about cannabis oil? I really don't know how to make it or much about it but again utube has some info on this.. I have also heard the B17 cures cancer which comes from Apricot seeds.. Also keeping the body alkaline .. there are alkaline methods here on EC.. I drink lemons sometimes and my PH goes way up.. Just little old lemons. its amazing.. Well I hope other experts from EC chime in.. I am just learning things myself.

Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Posted by Darby (Des Moines, Iowa) on 10/29/2014

Maybe you can try cat's claw also. I've been hearing a lot about this herb from leukemia forums. One cup of vine bark decoction twice a day is the recommended dosage. It is available in capsule and extract form too.

Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 07/20/2021 461 posts

Lemon is unique, though, aside from being the only anionic food, it's not known exactly why.

There are too many assumptions about it to even determine what to look at but one thing's for sure, it's alkalizing. Personally, I think it's a mechanism involving lemon, the kidneys and Vitamin D. Perhaps it repairs the vitamin D processing that takes place in the kidneys, I don't know, but vitamin D is important when it comes to regulating pH in the body and lemon is good for the kidneys and alkalizing. Whether it's responsible for the alkalizing effect it has, directly, or it's the vitamin D or the kidney or God-only-knows what other function it could be, who knows? There's been research but the effect of lemon is all over the place and many of its effects seem counter-intuitive to the "educated" mind so - there is some confusion, in-fighting and politics but, regardless, lemon is...unique. And awesome. On that, everyone agrees.

Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) Remedies
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 11/01/2013

Hi Nano writer from Hotspot.

Re Ltina and leukemia cause.

Excellent advice. I take the IP6 too and have for about a year now. And your magnesium experience and Vit C experience are proof positive that supplements can have profound effects. If we get all the nutrients we need from the food we eat, then we would have virtually no problems except that which is caused by viral or bacterial infections. But even levels which were normal a hundred years ago are now dramatically lower because of what we have done to the ecology of nutrition by phoney fertilizers and poisons. With no crop rotation, the nutritive values are eroded even more.

And, there is a general misunderstanding of what theraputic levels of supplements can accomplish. Reaching the 1, 000 mg level of Vit C takes us to another level in the body to achieve effects for health and longevity. I'm speaking of the free radical scavenger effect.

Also, Nano Writer, if you're not into at least 400 iu of natural E daily, please consider it. At minimum 200. You just can't reach those levels from a nutrition depleted food supply. Vit E makes the veins and arteries slick instead of them being tacky which attracts oils/sugars and other potentially damaging substances which in turn cause oxydation and then inflamation. All that equals clotting. That equals heart/circulation/stroke issues.

Keep writing with more observations. Thanks again for the point specific info and the advice on IP6.


Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) Remedies
Posted by Ruby (Kansas City) on 08/19/2013

Aadhira, I have CLL also, as did my mother. I have had it for 9 years with no treatment yet and my mother had it for 16 years, with the last 5 years of her life, it had transformed into non hodgkins lymphoma. CLL can be a transforming disease, that turns into other types of leukemia or lymphoma's. Your friend should make sure to find out what type of leukemia it is for sure, it can mimic other lymphoma's, hopefully your friend is able to get a second opinion and has a good Dr. who knows for sure what type he is dealing with. You can find a good site for this disease at clltopics.org, it will answer all your questions.

Papaya Leaf
Posted by La0508 (Neche, North Dakota, Usa) on 07/13/2011

In March 2010, a researcher from Univ of Florida stated that he had found that a water extract from papaya leaf had very strong anti-tumor effects. Granted, leukemia is NOT a tumor, but I have heard from people that it had a very powerful effect on leukemia. Papaya leaf is a folk remedy for cancer of all types. Pau d'arco (tabebuia impetiginosa or tabebuia avellanedae) is a specific for leukemia. Check out this site: www.taheeboteaclub.com -- these people sell only taheebo, period (taheebo is another name for pau d'arco)--because their grandfather had inoperable metastatic cancer--and was cured 15 years ago from drinking this tea. I have contacted them and found that their replies to me were very honest and straight forward, not trying to snow me with salesmanship. Their tea is rather expensive-maybe $25-$30 a month, but it is never bitter. There are other good sites to get taheebo, and a VERY STRONG extract in capsule form--called Taheebo Life Tea--google it. I use the tea for arthritis and cardiac arrhythmia, and it is wonderful. I often buy it from www.mountainroseherbs.com. I would certainly use this combination all day long for cancer, and if I had any form of brain cancer-astrocytoma or glioma--I would add boswellia. But that's for another post.

Essiac Tea, Vitamin C
Posted by Vivi (Atlanta, Ga) on 05/30/2011

Ollie. Check this web side for detail information how to make Essiac tea


I purchase individualy organic ingridience on internet and make my own tea. It's important to get organic, fresh, and potent herbs. If you make your own mix, you can make the tea stronger and always fresh. Google for bulk organic herbs. I buy from www.mountainroseherbs.com/, but any other place is good.

Read about tea dosage, toletance and administration on:


Vivi from GA

Essiac Tea, Vitamin C
Posted by Dogma (Honolulu, Hawaii) on 12/18/2011

The advice is good - has to be organic and as fresh as possible. I suspect Walmart, etc. are not the best sources if you are truly looking for the best of the best. Also note that if you are thinking there is a "magic pill" or "magic tea" as it may be here, there is rarely such a thing. With a dis-ease, you will need to attack it from more than one angle. Here are 4 big areas to consider:

1. Detox (includes heavy metal detox for all the exposure your entire life = hair analysis will show how toxic you are),

2. Build the immune system,

3. Starve the cancer (if applicable),

4. Change your diet - no sugar or white flour (feeds cancer), organic 100% or as much as you can, etc. There are a few great diets for people with cancer. For a wealth of information on natural options for cancer and diet information, try www.cancertutor.com. It's fabulous. And find a good N. D. (Naturopath) who you can work with to determine which things are right for you and your specific ailment.

ON VIT C: Vitamin C drips are so powerful, every cancer patient should be doing them. High doses of Vit C IV'd into your system (usually you sit for a few hours while it is done). It does detox you as it supports the immune system so you may feel tired and worn out - that is just a sign that it is working. They do drips of up to 200,000 mgs so thinking you can get the Vit C benefit from pills alone is not true. But even some supplementation will help - no one with cancer should be w/o Vit C in as high doses as the body will tolerate (tolerate means take as much as you can w/o getting the runs).

Be healed!

pH Therapy
Posted by Robert Jerry (Phoenix, AZ) on 02/09/2021

Try the Baking Soda and Molasses Protocol: 4 to 8 oz. of clean water, 1 Teaspoon of 100% molasses (You can use Natural Honey as a substitute for Molasses), and Two teaspoons of Baking Soda. Drink this drink one time per day.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Lon (Stanhope, NJ) on 07/27/2009

Does anyone know where in the USA, I can get the citric acid or sodium citrate mentioned by Ted? Are these normally sold in health food stores? pharmacies? other? I found a citric acid product with home canning supplies, but it contained other ingredients that probably aren't good.

I was just diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukemia. I've found a lot of extremely promising info about feverfew extract and leukemia, but then the research seems to just drop off. Feverfew is prolific in my yard. Who would have thought! Green tea and EFA are suppose to be good.

Any suggestions for leukemia will be helpful and appreciated. Of course I could be fine for years with this chronic type of leukemia, but want to do my best to stay well. I have a medically dependent son with Down Syndrome, whose daily health care is complex. There is a guardian to succeed me, but the longer I can take care of him, to get him in the best shape possible, the better, so I need to stay well as long as I can.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Lani (Prescott, Az) on 02/04/2011

To Lon,

Citric Acid can be found at any site that carries MMS (miracle mineral supplement).

Ginger, Honey, Garlic Remedy
Posted by anthony (london) on 04/05/2024

Hi Rob,

Is there a specific weight for the ginger?

1 organic ginger root is much smaller than one non-organic ginger root.

Also, when should the 1 tablespoon dose be ingested? on empty stomach 30 min before a meal or 2- 3 hours after a meal or mixed in the meal or right after a meal, or it does not matter?

Thank you

Ginger, Honey, Garlic Remedy
Posted by anthony (london) on 04/06/2024

Hi Rob,

What symptoms did your uncle have and what symptoms went away after 4 months?

You mentioned his memory is not the best. Did his memory get better after the 4 months of therapy?

Thank you

Ginger, Honey, Garlic Remedy
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 04/07/2024

@ Anthony

No symptoms that we knew of. Here in the USA when you get to a certain age, you get a twice a year screening and blood work. If my uncle was having issues, he would never tell us out loud (suffer in silence). The reason we found out was thru this screening. His Dr. (I've know him since I was a kid) is pretty straight forward.

As for my uncle memory, he is 86 years old. He is losing it. And his wife (my aunt) she bat sh## crazy. So, no memory did not improve. I often ask him what was it like to live when there was no electricity, or how was the civil war? He gets mad at me when I tease him but at least he remembers those things so thats a plus.

Aplastic Anemia Remedies
Posted by Art (California) on 06/16/2020 2165 posts

Michelle C.,

Because of the serious nature of this disease whatever you decide to do, you should include your doctor in any decisions you make regarding your niece! Here is something to discuss with her doctor. On that note, the main active constituent from different colored teas is considered to be Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). EGCG and in the following study, EGCG has shown benefit in GVHD models and according to the study linked to below, quercetin is helpful at increasing the uptake of EGCG while quercetin alone has no effect on GVHD, but if the quercetin allows a lower dose of the EGCG to be effective that would be helpful as there is some data that suggests that some people may have liver issues from high dose EGCG. In any case it seems worth mentioning to her doctor for review, since EGCG is a very common supplement that thousands of people use regularly with a fairly good safety profile. It also has potent antioxidant effects which would be important in GVHD. EGCG also has antiinflammatory properties which again would be of importance in GVHD.

Here is a link to a study showing potential benefit of EGCG in GVHD and based on this study, her doctor may be able to determine a functional dose for your niece. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5245838/

Here is a link to typical EGCG supplements on Amazon :


Please note that the percentage of EGCG varies considerably from product to product. Although the study is a rodent model study of GVHD, EGCG has a known safety profile in humans from other studies.

Another consideration is Curcumin which is considered to be the active component of the spice Turmeric. Here is a link to a study that suggests it may be beneficial also: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3688629/

Here is a link to typical curcumin supplements on Amazon : https://www.amazon.com/s?k=curcumin&ref=nb_sb_noss_1

One drawback to curcumin is its relatively low bioavailability, but as you review that Amazon page you will notice that there are many different formulations that offer better absorption.

Good luck to you and your niece and please keep us updated! Art

Nettle Tea
Posted by Faeqa ( Amman, Jordan) on 02/05/2016 66 posts

Hi Rosemary, you said "This woman claims to have helped friends with advanced cancer to stay alive" do you mean by cancer just leukemia or another kind of cancers?

Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Posted by Ronniie (Gold Coast, Australia) on 10/21/2015

In Response to Sarah

Hi Ronnie,

Can you please provide more details about your treatment regimen? I am also hopeful as I read your words. I have a close family member scheduled to start another round of chemo for AML. No remission achieved yet. Thank you!

It really is a work in progress. I do research to try and tweak what I am doing. The main thing is that I am very healthy and happy. I have written a pdf document that I can email to you. In the meantime do an internet search on "the truth about cancer " documentary series by Ty Bollinger. It is being shown online at the moment for free. You have missed the first few episodes but they will re broadcast it, I think.This will give you a wealth of information including practitioners to see and treatments.

One new thing I did learn with regard to AML is that ellagic acid and quercetin increase the effect of resveratrol in killing Leukemic cell lines. You can buy these supplements easily enough. Start your family member on juicing ASAP, I do 1.5 kg carrot, 1 medium beetroot, fresh ginger, fresh turmeric, and one lemon. This yields about a litre of juice, I drink this daily. Use less beetroot initially as I have read that it can cause a detox response. barley grass and wheat grass are also fantastic. You can get the freeze dried powder. With the wheat grass you can get fresh juice as well. Also do an internet search on Bill Henderson, he has a wealth of information.

All the best, Ronniie

Coral Calcium, Milk Thistle, Oregano Oil
Posted by Timh (KY) on 02/10/2015 2063 posts

S: You will not need specifically Coral Calcium, but you will need alkalizing remedies in general. Here a link to E.C. pages for acidosis and alkaline remedies to reverse. https://www.earthclinic.com/cures/pH.html

For online purchase of the other products many European folks order from Iherb.com as they have good international shipping rates. Garlic is also a very important herb for this condition. Ebay.com is also good for international shopping.

Oh, some method of detox will very much help. https://www.earthclinic.com/remedies/oil_pulling.html

Coral Calcium, Milk Thistle, Oregano Oil
Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 07/11/2022

Hi Shauna of Alberta,

A friend of mine claims that seriously high doses of intravenous Vitamin C helped him considerably with his possible leukemia diagnosis.

Be best if you could find a qualified practitioner who specializes in such treatment, as there is probably considerably more to it than just that one thing but that is the one thing he raved about. He now appears to be in remission (quite quickly! ) which is great!

I am following his progress with keen interest, so might post an up-date later on when I learn more and when he is in a better place.


1) There would have been a serious amount of praying going on for this guy - I know that for a fact.

2) Also, he had to be quite assertive in pushing for help in the early stages, so your friend should do likewise: its the squeaky hinge that gets the oil remember!

Hope all goes well!

Cheers from Down Under

Alkalizing, Vitamin C
Posted by Heinz (Tampa, Florida) on 11/13/2014

For Leukemia, I would check my pH and raise it with baking soda and start using liposomal vitamin C.

See the video on the internet about the New Zealand farmer who came out of a coma (from pneumonia and Swine flu) via vitamin C treatment. A year later he found his leukemia was gone also.

I have met and talked with a lady who, at age 21 was given six weeks to live because of cancer. (I believe that was in the late 1970s.) Her father called Linus Pauling who recommended 50,000mg vitamin C daily via IV. The hospital did administer the IV. She was cured. She is a grandmother today.

Liposomal vitamin C taken by mouth is said to be more effective than vitamin C administered via IV. Much information is on the internet.

The pH of our blood needs to be a little on the alkaline side.

An oncologist, Dr Tulio Simonici, and Dr Marc Sircus Ac, OMD both advocate using baking soda to overcome cancer.

You can check your pH in the morning and adjust it as needed. Simply dissolve the recommended amount of baking soda in a glass of cold water and drink. The method documented by the Arm & Hammer Company to raise our pH back in 1925 was:

Day one: Take a total of six doses of half a teaspoon of baking soda in one cup of water. Take at two hour intervals.

Day two: Take a total of six doses of half a teaspoon of baking soda in one cup of water. Take at two hour intervals.

Day three: Take only two doses ? one in the morning and another at night.

Continue taking one dose in the morning until illness is cured.

Again: Check your pH first.


Bidens Pilosa
Posted by Talassis (Kenya) on 03/05/2023

Biden pilosa tea is an a miracle herb that treats cancers, BP, diabetes & more.

Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Posted by Timh (Ky, Usa) on 03/16/2014 2063 posts

John: Hot baths w/ added Minerals will drive out any radioactive isotopes. Equal portions of Baking Soda, Epsom Salts, and Micronized Mineral supplement ag grade found at the farmers center or hardware store.

The herb Sarsaparilla and the antioxidant Rutin both help remove radiation from the body. Lipospheric Vit-C is probably the single most effective cancer remedy known. The herb Astragalus stimulates bone marrow.

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