Lichen Planus Remedies

| Modified on Mar 05, 2024
Posted by janjamz (Richmond VA USA) on 01/09/2024

Oral Lichen Planus-

Here is the new study just in January 2024/ CoQ10

Posted by Gr8shpr (PA) on 05/30/2023

Borax…start there. And yes, I drink it! 20 Mule team dissolved in water. Sometimes I use just a pinch in my drinking water.

Baking Soda and Borax
Posted by Gr8shpr (PA) on 05/30/2023

Flu shot 2017 sent me to ER and then to MD for Lichen planus and LPP.

DERM rx'd Betamethasone lotion at hairline and Rogaine. Now I have vulvar lp and I'm dealing with that.
It seems my lichen, in general, stays in control by eating AIP plan (Autoimmune Protocol) and borax.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Kay (PA) on 05/30/2023

The flu shot, at about this very same date and time, set off my Lichen Planus. I reported this to the FDA. High fever (102); nearly a delirium; ER visit; high (very high) white count. Have been dealing w/Lichen everywhere in my body ever since.

Posted by Gr8shpr (Pittsburgh PA USA) on 05/04/2023

Borax…how I use it … dissolve it in water. The amount that doesn't dissolve (depending upon the temp of the water) will fall down to the bottom of a peri bottle (available on Amazon). A paste can be made and applied topically. I have even used borax to brush my teeth when oral is active.

Dietary Changes
Posted by EB (England) on 12/27/2022

Try making spelt bread rather than wheat, much better for you.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Rosemarie (Dublin) on 12/27/2022

I gave up milk too. I got it very badly after Dental work and know it is an allergy to the metal put in to my mouth that I can't take out.

I am wondering did you give up dairy products like yoghurt as I eat a yoghurt each day. I have completely given up sugar and trying to give up Gluten in Breads and Grains. I find it very hard to give up bread but have 2 slices a day. Well done on helping your illness. All illness of course is from inflammation in the body and cheese is a big one here, also sugar and junk food. wishing you the best


Dietary Changes
Posted by satya (india, bhubaneswar) on 08/12/2022

Hello Poonam, Did your mother cured from OLP, I am also having OLP and currently getting treated. Please reply

Salt Water Baths
Posted by Glenn (Cedar Rapids IA) on 06/08/2022

Sophie, I also discovered my own treatment for lichen planus. I started getting it on my lower legs and arms in my 30s, and it would appear mid-winter and disappear in the summer. This cycle repeated annually from my 30s into my 50s, but not every year. Then one year it didn't go away in the summer. I mentioned it to my doctor (an internist) who inspected it, looked it up on her version of webmd, and agreed with my self-diagnosis. She referred me to a dermatologist, who took a biopsy, prescribed a steroid cream and said come back in two weeks. Two weeks later, he seemed surprised that my legs looked so good so quickly after using the cream. I told him I had a free afternoon after business meetings in Ft Walton Beach FL so waded in the gulf for about a mile in each direction, and my legs looked better. He smiled knowingly and said “saltwater, and particularly sea water, is very therapeutic for people with skin conditions”. Five days in Playa del Carmen cleared it up completely and I've managed to get to the ocean once a year since then. With covid travel restrictions it has been more difficult to get to the beach but I've been taking regular Epsom salt baths and that seems to keep it at bay. Last year it showed up again on my gums so maybe it's time to return to the ocean.

Baking Soda and Borax
Posted by Rebekka (MT) on 03/13/2022

Dr. Berg says the best herbal treatment for it is purslane which I have ordered online. I am also going to ask my dermatologist about Otezla. I have read that there has been success with it and it is not too harmful.

Olive Leaf
Posted by Madelyn (Idaho) on 03/09/2022

Hi Matthew,

Would you mind sharing where specifically you order the olive leaf from? I'm looking for a good source. Thank you :)

Light Therapy
Posted by Matthew (Maine) on 03/08/2022

It's an autoimmune response. Mine was caused by hypersensitivity to mercury.

Struggled for years had it on skin tongue scalp and genitals. I was misdiagnosed with psoriasis geographic tongue dandruff and jock itch.

Olive leaf extract helps.

Hopefully, they will clear after removing dental amalgam.

Olive Leaf
Posted by Matthew (Maine) on 03/08/2022

Olive leaf actually helps your gut. It is Prebiotic and does not adversely affect your probiotics. I buy ground olive leaf in bulk 1 lbs bag from California. A teaspoon or 2 a day in Juice or under the tongue and sip liquid or salivate and swish cleared after a month.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Terri (Mo) on 09/30/2020

I am A+ as well. It IS interesting-the blood type Theory. I get tick bites very easily and my husband gets none. We live in the woods. My sister told me of a study that states the ticks prefer A+ blood. It's a mystery at this point. Thanks for the info.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Rhonda (New Zealand) on 07/03/2020

Take calcium tablets if u cant have dairy

Posted by Meera (Gold Coast, Australia ) on 07/03/2020

Taking LDN has put my LP into remission after two years of trying numerous dietary changes.

Eliminate Vitamin D
Posted by Dionisia (Chester, Sc) on 07/03/2020

I have 4 children and with each pregnancy, I took prenatal vitamins and my LP would go completely away. At my house, we drink a lot of milk and eat a lot of cereal and it does not cause me to break out. I think it is individual to each person.

I am very low on Vitamin D and take pills to bring up my levels but I do not have breakouts. I have been on all the creams and steroids and it did not work. I have been on Plaquenil and all types of antibiotics and they did not work.

Now, I am taking Methotrexate and Folic acid and I am seeing great improvements. Why are people responsive to some treatments and not responsive to others? It is a difficult disease!

Dietary Changes
Posted by Vicky (England) on 12/01/2018

Hi, how do you get your calcium intake if you have cut down milk?

Black Seed Oil
Posted by Rsw (Oh) on 10/12/2018


Do you drink the black seed oil and coconut/Vitamin E oil for LP on mucous membranes or do you have it on your external skin and rub it on? Thank you.

Black Seed Oil
Posted by Pure (Washington Dc) on 10/12/2018

Lichen Planus: I've had most of the same signs that most of y'all are having But let me tell you what helps me 100 percent: black seed oil mix with vit E oil or coconut oil every single day and now I don't see or feel the affect of this curse.

Hyaluronic Acid
Posted by Art (California ) on 05/13/2018 2165 posts


I'll look for your updates, good luck!


Hyaluronic Acid
Posted by Rsw (Oh) on 05/13/2018

Hi Art,

Thank you for the links. I have purchased three 32 oz. bottles of preservative free aloe vera juice (did not but the gel because of the carrageen, but it may adhere better) and will also take the pine bark capsules. Will keep you informed of any progress! Very grateful for your suggestions.

Hyaluronic Acid
Posted by Art (California ) on 05/10/2018 2165 posts


Okay, that sounds like it helps noticeably, but is not completely clearing you up from the OLP. Really difficult to be sure with what you have going on and the break from LDN which could potentially exacerbate a health condition.

I was looking at some other studies, which if you have not seen them yet may be worth going over.

Judging from those studies, aloe vera appears to be worth consideration and possibly something that can be used in combination with something else.

In answer to your question, the link that I see in those diseases is excess inflammation and oxidative stress, so things you do to reduce those should be helpful to varying degrees depending on how much and how often you take it.

Good luck and keep us posted on your progress!


Hyaluronic Acid
Posted by Rsw (Oh) on 05/09/2018

Hi Art,

It's difficult for me to say, because I have trouble only doing one thing at a time, which I realize may distort the results. I had tried to take a break from LDN because a researcher I trust had suggested she had done this. This is the second year I have tried this, and both years, after being off the LDN for a month or more (I was shooting for six months), I picked up a nasty virus that lasted weeks and weeks, after never being ill at all in all the years I have taken it. So that has to be factored in. The HA study said to keep it on at least for half an hour which I may have interpreted incorrectly as more is better, even keeping it on overnight a day or two. My teeth seemed to be more sensitive and hopefully I didn't lose any enamel. I'm also not sure if I was able to thoroughly mix and distribute the HA in the Orabase by hand. I went into a LP flare from all this. I was able to reverse it after using a echinacea/goldenseal liquid swished in mouth and swallowed, and surprisingly, a toothpaste with Myrrh extract, Clove oil, folic acid, grapefruit extract, zinc and CoQ10. I thought the clove would be an immediate No-Go, but it worked surprisingly well. I think the zinc may have been the main help. Not totally, and I have had to back off to a lower usage, but enough to become tolerable again. My dentist felt that I had some improvement but still had inflammation in my front gums, which is interesting because the inflammation used to be all in the back gums and seems to have reversed position. It still is improved and my gums are not receeding as much. My most reliable indication of the status of the LP is that when I first wake up in the morning, the first thing I am aware of is my gums are burning, and this has definitely improved.

I am very grateful to you for showing me studies that I wasn't able to find myself, and showing me different possible remedies that may lead to a cure. This is a creepy, awful little autoimmune, like most are, and I continue to hope to find a complete cure one of these days. I don't think I will try a long term break from the LDN again, but take it less often and at a lower dose, which is sometimes advised. I sometimes think it's not doing much until I take a break! It is subtle, like borax. (It's NOT subtle for people with MS, Crohn's and many other diseases which it helps return the user to a normal life if taken regularly). Thank you, Art, for helping so many of us and always thinking outside the box, which is probably how we will discover a cure or complete remission. I keep returning to that list of LP, psoriasis, Sgogren's, etc into a group and how your supplements were listed for these autoimmunes. What is the link?

Hyaluronic Acid
Posted by Art (California ) on 05/07/2018 2165 posts


Just wondering how your hyaluronic acid experiment turned out regarding OLP? It's been about another two months, so I thought you would have a better idea now if the HA is helpful for you or not?


Posted by Bilal K. (United States ) on 04/04/2018

Could you please post a link to the product you purchased off of amazon.

I believe I am currently experiencing OLP and it's my first time ever. Thankfully it's not too severe, just had horrible dry mouth and burning. Doctor recommend Nystatin then moved to “Magic Mouthwash”, and they've helped, but I want to take care of this once and for all. Please do you feel like the products you got off of amazon will help.

Hyaluronic Acid
Posted by Rsw (Oh) on 03/03/2018

Hi Art,

I would say the Orabase is the consistency of something between regular toothpaste, vasoline and icing right before you ice cookies or cake. It is very smooth and soft. After I mixed the powdered HA with the Orabase, it remained soft and spreadable, and I was able to store it in a glass bowl with a lid. It almost immediately dries upon contact with the mouth, and is not easily moved around. However, after being in the mouth saliva for a while, it softens up and starts to slide down onto teeth from the gums, (some sticks on the gums, too) which is why you need to stay inside. You have to use your finger to get it off, or a q-tip, and also brush your teeth. However, the second I added the liquid tumeric extract to the Orabase, it solidified somewhat, was spongy, and was much less spreadable and much harder to put on the gums. It must react with wetness, and changes from soft and speadable to much drier, and this reaction is almost immediate. Very interesting stuff! Hope this is understandable. After the small filling came out, I did have some concern about the effect the HA might be having on the tooth enamel, but my teeth seem fine now with no increased sensitivity. Thanks for posting the study, Art! I will be interested to see if my dentist thinks there is improvement in May. I am going to add myrrh and goldenseal in distilled water with celtic salt as a mouthwash and see how that goes, too. Will post if anything changes. Hope your psorisis is still gone and you continue to feel well. Thanks for all you do to help people find remedies that would otherwise not be apparent to most of us. Your research skills are top notch, and you are very generous with your time.

Hyaluronic Acid
Posted by Art (California ) on 03/03/2018 2165 posts


Glad to hear you are getting positive effects using the Hyaluronic Acid topical!

For your 30 gram tube of Orabase, it requires about 60 mg of hyaluronic acid powder to get to .2%, which is hard to measure accurately without a good electronic scale. I just weighed some HA powder and 60 mg is close to 1/16th teaspoon. One problem with hand mixing HA powder is that it is difficult to do and get an even dispersion. Anyone who has tried to mix HA will be aware of that problem. The fact that your red gums are now approaching normal color suggests that you are on the right track! Many topical HA products are set at 1% HA, which would contain about five times more HA than what was used in the study, so that study dose is relatively low and if you do not get it mixed well, it will likely be equivalent to an ever lower dose.

I would be very interested in knowing what consistency the Orabase product is? Can you think of a common product that would have a similar consistency? Is it sticky? Does the consistency change much once the HA is fully mixed in. Does the Orabase dry fast? Once you apply it inside your mouth, does it dry in place or does it stay wet?


Hyaluronic Acid
Posted by Rsw (Oh) on 03/02/2018

Hyalauronic Acid (HA) / Orabase trial for Oral Lichen Planus - Observations

I tried the 0.2% HA/Orabase mixture on gums and mouth for 16 days. We estimated that for each 30g. tube of Orabase, adding food grade powdered HA that fit on the tip of a dinner knife would be an approximate 0.2% mixture. Each tube lasted about 8 days. It was applied 3 times/day for a minimum of 30 minutes each time to (a few days)used overnight. Because you cannot go out with this mixture on the mouth, I extended the 14 day trial to 16 days to make up for four missed applications.

This definitely stirred things up. The LP began moving to other areas of the mouth, with quite a bit of burning noticed in the AM. I am not sure if this was due to the HA or the Orabase. I had a very small filling on a bottom tooth (it was decades old from a minimally chipped tooth), which came out when this was left on at night. After that, I discontinued using the mixture overnight. I had a small amount of Orabase left over, so I mixed it with alcohol-free liquid tumeric extract and used that for two days. (The liquid mixed with the Orabase makes the Orabase less able to be spread around). No relief. So I chewed some watercress for a few days, then cilantro for a few days, and left it on my gums to chelate whatever was going on.

I went to the health food store to look for dental products and ran into a woman who had major infected gum problems, and she told me she had read a book that said Goldenseal was needed to cure this. I looked this up when I got home and it seemed to be a good idea for sore gums, and I had liquid, alcohol-free Echinacea/Goldenseal with Burdock Root, Wood Betony and Cayenne Pepper, all recommended (along with Myrr, but I didn't have that). It seemed to help a lot, so I have ordered some more. The Cayenne did not burn, which was surprising.

I am so grateful to have this study posted from Art, because I was about at the end of the line in options. Even though it created some change in the status of the mouth, I think this may be a good thing to alert the body to try and heal itself. It also lead to other options I had not considered. I had a very red mark on my gum for months that is decidedly lessened in color. The results of the NIH study were excellent, so I may have mixed the dosage incorrectly, and I did mix it by hand, so it may not have been totally evenly distributed, although I mixed it for quite a while. I don't want to discourage anyone else from trying this. I have had LP for a long time, and my gums are very sensitive. All in all, I think some progress has been made because my gums looks less inflamed and a more natural color, although some burning remains, especially in the morning. I'm happy! Thank you.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Liette (Ontario) on 02/20/2018

My oral lichen planus is getting worse and the burning too. I had some red rash under my breasts that was really itchy and didn't like the side effects of protopic so I tried aloe vera gel and after I put a cream that I made 50/50 coconut oil and cocoa butter. It took about 3-4 weeks for the itchiness to go away. Now, about 2-3 months later, the redness is almost all gone!

So then I decided to try to swish aloe vera juice in my mouth for the OLP. It burns but my gums turn light pink which is incredible to me since they are pretty much red. I also started swallowing about 1 oz because I have LP in the esophagus as well. It burned at first but now it does't anymore so I think it's working. Will try to take 2 oz now to see if it helps even more!

Posted by Laurie (Michigan) on 02/08/2018

Yes to borax for candida and other fungi such as athletes foot. Please read "the borax conspiracy" online. Good recipe for a solution concentrate of borax. I've been taking the equivalent of 30 mgs daily. Candida gone, bones rebuilding (Xray proof), hoping to eliminate mercury and fluorine toxicities but need to confirm that w hair analysis. It's magical stuff and perfectly safe.

Salt Water Baths
Posted by Amelia (Los Ángeles ) on 01/28/2018

I have been recently diagnose with Lichen Planus and I am very sad. I am using aloe Vera gel on body, taking Monolaurin supplements, taking Dead Sea salt bath, using Triamcinolone and Tacrolimus ointment ( not too often though, mayb once a day ) . The dr recommended PUVA light, and I am have not done it but I would like to get a feedback. I don't know what to do, the scars are very ugly . It started on the sole of my foot and it has been spreading on my body. I am very scared and pray to the Lord to heal me. I will appreciate any advise. I purchased Dead Sea Mud and I hope it can help. I just ordered it.

Hyaluronic Acid
Posted by Rsw (Oh) on 01/21/2018

Hi Art,

Ordered the food grade HA in the form of Sodium Hyluronate and was able to get the Orabase from Ireland, although I think they must have distribution centers in the US. I tried to get Pharmaceutical grade HA from a local compounding pharm, but I had to leave a message and they didn't get back to me all day, so I tried my regular pharm and they said they couldn't do compounding (two ingredients! ), so I decided to make my own from Ted's suggestion of Bulk Supplements. I hope that will be OK. If not, I will figure out a way to get the Pharmeceutical grade, although when I looked on of the sites for this, they also supplied Sodium Hyluronate, so maybe OK.

Will definitely keep everyone informed! Can't wait to receive the supplies. Total investment of about $30!

Posted by Amelia (Los Angeles ) on 01/20/2018

How long ago did you have it for? Are you still taking Monolaurin? I started taking it after seeing your post, I have it all over my body, I am afraid to use steroids ointments due to flare ups . Have your LP come back? How long have you been free from LP? Are you atill taking Monolaurin? Please help, thank you

Hyaluronic Acid
Posted by Art (California ) on 01/19/2018 2165 posts


You are very welcome!

Another major point about that study is that they only used the active treatment for 2 weeks......yes, just two weeks and then they stopped treatment and only observed for the last two weeks. In the last two weeks, the treatment group continued to improve! If this were a drug that they used for the study, it would be one big money maker for the drug company considering the results they got! As it is, very few people are even aware of this potentially great treatment for OLP!

Another major point in this study is that they used such a mild dose at just 0.2% HA! Just imagine what the results might have been if they had used a stronger dose, a more frequent dose or had continued the dose beyond two weeks?!?!

Keep us posted on how you do with it, Rsw!


Hyaluronic Acid
Posted by Rsw (Ohp) on 01/18/2018


I can't thank you enough for posting this study. The amazing thing about the HA is that the LP does not come BACK! Thank you, thank you! This may be it! And I can always add the CS, if necessary. I haven't been this hopeful in a long time. All the research I have looked at, and I never came across that study. Thank you so much. I'll keep you posted on any results!

Hyaluronic Acid
Posted by Art (California ) on 01/17/2018 2165 posts

Rsw made me aware of the limited natural remedies available for Oral Lichen Planus (OLP) so I thought I would mention one that has a pretty good track record, is readily available and is often mentioned here on EC for several health issues. The supplement is Hyaluronic Acid (HA).

Not that I have tried this for OLP, but I have tried it for something else and found it quite effective for the purpose I used it for in a relatively short period of time. The study suggests that it is helpful for people living with OLP and is non invasive. In any case it seems worth considering and there is the potential to realize other health benefits from HA. Another advantage of HA over something like curcumin is that HA mixed as a gel is clear and colorless which means no yellow teeth or extra teeth scrubbing and that seems like a big plus to me!

Here is a link to the full study that used a relatively low concentration (0.2%) HA topical with impressive results:

This seems like a really easy to use remedy for OLP!

I think it would be really interesting to see a study that combined HA with Colloidal silver for OLP. That seems like it would be a fairly easy combo to make!


Colloidal Silver
Posted by Annie (Usa) on 12/29/2017

Can Colloidal silver be used right on LP? How much do you drink of it for Lichen Planus?

Baking Soda and Borax
Posted by Td (Co) on 12/07/2017

I was taking large does of niacin to help with my depression and then now I have LP and gross fingernails and hair falling out. Does large doses of niacin cause LP?

Dietary Changes, UV Light Therapy
Posted by Lp (Eu) on 12/01/2017

Hi. Just wanted to write our experience treating lichen planus in child. We changed our son's diet and treated him with UVB phototherapy and his LP condition improved.

He is almost cured after 4 months and his condition was bad. He had many skin bumps, nail and oral form. He does not drink cow milk, only goat milk and joghurt, he is wheat free. I also give him omega oil, curcuma capsules, probiotic and multivitamin. His doctor prescribed corticosteroid creams and a series of UVB phototheraphy treatments ( more than 20 to be exact) and that helped a lot.

Now we are not sure how to improve condition of his nails. Please share.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Elizabeth (Connecticut) on 10/14/2017

I see this conversation quite a while ago but I just found it looking for natural remedies.. this is what I found: Lily of the Desert. I don't know if that was the kind she used but it's a brown bottle and pure juice like she described and very inexpensive.

Eliminate Vitamin D
Posted by Seema (Va) on 10/02/2017

Very interesting. A year back I was diagnosed with low vitamin d and I added vitamin d supplements to my diet. A year later, I have oral lichen Planus.

Prior to that I never took any supplements. I see a logic here.


Dietary Changes
Posted by Woodsy (Oldham, Uk) on 09/07/2017

I suffered with lichen planus for two years. Fairly mild but a pain nonetheless. I cut out milk and I haven't had symptoms since. Please spread the word.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Rsw (Ohwhat Could Be Termed A Cure Is ) on 08/26/2017

Hi Alison,

I have been searching for a cure for oral LP for over a decade, and the only study to show what could be termed a "cure" is this one:

Best wishes! Thanks for your post!

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Alison H. (Carrickalinga, South Australia) on 08/26/2017

About 9 years ago I had a problem with lichen planus in my mouth, which various doctors, and specialists said there was no cure for. A friend encouraged me to try colloidal silver which he made for his family. I was very happy when I used this to find the ulcers in my mouth healed quickly. I used 20 to 30 mls, 3 or 4 times a day for 5 or 6 days, or less, holding it in my mouth for some minutes. I bought my own colloidal silver maker online, after carefully looking at a number of sites. The lichen planus would return every so often and I continued to use it as needed. I was not always careful to follow through with regular use for a number of days however.

For a number of years I have been free of the ulcers. Recently I had a series of cold sores, and then suddenly lichen planus occurred again, so I quickly made a new batch of colloidal silver and healed my mouth. I wondered if the cold sores somehow were connected with causing the lichen planus to revive in my system. Another small cold sore occurred on my lip while using the CS. After a week I stopped using the silver but the mouth ulcer started up again, more persistent and painful than before, so I went back onto CS again and am still using it with my ulcer not quite healed after a week of CS use. I am concerned that irregular use of the colloidal silver has given the lichen planus some resistance to the CS.

Despite regular use of colloidal silver in the past, I have not turned blue. My CS machine provider (at an Adelaide South Australian business) told me that turning blue is impossible. There is some controversy about this and heated debate about colloidal silver in general.

I have at times also used eucalyptus oil and aloe vera gel from pieces of fresh leaves that I grow, but I have not been systematic with these things. Perhaps a number of different remedies will be necessary to keep lichen planus away.I like using aloe vera because it is fresh and very easy to grow.

I also rub aloe vera leaf on a red cancer sore on my nose and other rough sun damaged areas on my face and hands. My raw nose area heals quickly, but regularly returns after being in the sun again. I slice a bit of leaf open and scrape some of the inner gel off with my teeth, holding the pulp in my mouth then swallowing it. Then I rub more inside leaf gel on my face and hands etc. I believe that this gel also helps to get rid of plaque from my teeth. My dentist told me that my teeth were free of plaque and that my brushing technique must have improved. So regular aloe vera gel use, 2 or 3 times a week makes teeth smooth and clean. While aloe vera pulp tastes bitter, I know that it is very alcaline and healing and have accepted the bitter taste as a good thing.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Taranjeet (Mumbai) on 07/29/2017

Hi dear, I am suffering from oral lichen planus too from past few years and have tried with corticosteroid therapy and steroids injections. Later I started with ayurvedic treatment and it has reduced to some extent.

Posted by Baldev (Mumbai Maharashtra India) on 07/21/2017 185 posts

Hi Siddeswari,

Sorry to read that you are suffering from LP for pretty long time. Aloe vera is good, you can continue taking it internally and application. Borax is very effective on LP which also should be used internally and for application. For internal use you can mix 1/8th tea spoon of Borax in one litter of filtered water and drink this water whole day, only precaution you have to take is that don't drink this immediately before and after the meal. I prefer that this be stored in a glass bottle.

Also you have to change the life style, meaning you have to avoid stress/strain situations, include some exercise ( you must sweat ) in your daily schedule and most important your diet. Your diet has to be more on the alkaline side, I will even suggest taking enema to clean the colon.

Good Luck


Posted by Rsw (Oh) on 07/20/2017

Hi Siddeswari,

Tumeric has been found to be effective in healing oral Lichen Planus. Not sure what kind you have, but since turmeric is widely available, maybe give it a try, both orally and topically. Best wishes.

Posted by Siddeswari (Bangalore) on 07/19/2017

Hi Anjali,

I sugest not go for steroidal treatment for LP event hough it is mostly recommended by dermatologists, as it only relieves it for few months. When you stop your steroidal treatment (especially oral medication) it reverts and the lesions become more aggresive. I am dealing it with for past 7-8 years and this was my observation. Try to go for more natural remedies, such as use applying aloe vera gel and consumption of the juice.

Also, let me know if you have found some home remedy to treat.



Posted by Siddeswari (Bangalore) on 07/19/2017

Hi Baldev,

I am suffering from skin LP from past 7-8 years with no luck with steriodal and cartisone creams. On stopping the steriodal medication(oral), I have been hit by LP more badly, so now I am trying out on the natural remedies like aloe vera. Can you please suggest any other home remedies? if you are aware other than the Borax application to the lesion.



Baking Soda and Borax
Posted by Rsw (Ohio) on 07/15/2017

Can you tell us what drug induced your LP, and also the brand of toothpaste that further aggravated it? I am convinced my LP was caused by statin drugs.

Baking Soda and Borax
Posted by Ej (Ballarat, Victoria) on 07/15/2017

I was diagnosed with oral lichen planus a couple of years ago and despite the specialist dentist (major hospital) telling me little could be done, I found his advice to be (thankfully) incorrect. When I enquired about the possibility of the condition being related to medication, he said it was 'possible' but 'unlikely' and 'too difficult to determine.' Not being satisfied with this answer, I researched various drugs connected with the condition and went through a process of elimination. The end result? I can confirm that my lichen planus was indeed drug induced and was also being exacerbated by a certain toothpaste I was using. Fortunately, the dentist in question knew about the link between amalgams and lichen planus, so I have started having various teeth refilled/removed as a result. I strongly recommend that people research matters for themselves, as we must become our own (health) advocates.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 06/18/2017

Cheryl, try coconut oil too. Spread thinly.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Cheryl (Bradenton, Florida) on 06/18/2017

Can u tell me the type of aloe juice u use? And when u say a shot. How much is it. I have suffered from Lichen Planus since 2012. I have tried every vitamin regimen possible natural oils and creams to use, as well as numerous cortisone creams. Things had settled down to a manageable time until 2 months ago when I became over worked, stressed and a huge flare up happened over my entire chest, neck and under arm area. A new dermatologist is treating me with prednisone but it gives almost no relief. I wake up at 2:30 /3 am every day with insane itching. So I look EXTREMELY forward and hopeful that this may work. Any other ideas u have would b most welcome as anything may help my Bdy get sleep and relief. Thanks so much. Heading to buy some type of aloe today.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Rozanne (South Africa) on 06/15/2017

Hi...please can you tell me is this 100% pure aloe Vera juice that you've been drinking?

Eliminate Vitamin D
Posted by Maria (Vic) on 05/24/2017

What diet did you do, can you give me an example?. I find itching is unbearable. Thanks

Aloe Vera
Posted by Marlene (So. Pasadena Fl) on 05/02/2017

I had a flu shot. Was taken off a two yr stint with Prednisone. I went into fever, chills, nausea, my skin eruptions. I actually have just started the Pure Aloe. I am noticing less inflammation.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Leslie (Los Angeles, Ca) on 03/10/2017

Can you please tell me which brand you are using? Thanks!!!

Aloe Vera
Posted by Rose (Canada) on 03/02/2017

Claudine, that is great to hear about your results! One question- when you say you take a shot of it, what amount would that be?

Aloe Vera
Posted by Claudine G. (Shirley, Bc Canada) on 02/28/2017

Hi there, I have Lichen Planus which is a terrible skin disease. I had it about 15 years ago that took 3 years to control with cortisone shots for a year and left me scarred in the end. It went into remission only to come back worse on most of my body. I read that taking aloe vera might help. I did, at first I took a shot of aloe vera every morning and noticed the lesions were going white after a week and a half. I upped the dose to 2 shots a day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon and kept seeing the improvements daily. After taking the aloe vera for 3 months, 2 shots a day... it went into remission and have been clear for a year and a half now. I wouldn't of believed it if I hadn't experience it myself. It is fairly cheap to take and the brand I buy, which seems to be readily available, is pure aloe juice, not the gel one. It has no preservatives but just citric acid and it is in a dark brown bottle. You need to refrigerate after opening. A one liter bottle lasts about 3 weeks to a month on one shot. It is worth it, you will see results on your skin very fast.... give it a couple of months at least so that you can be sure to see the difference and is worth the try. You cannot over dose on aloe vera and it does not contraindicate with medicines either from the information on research. But, don't take my word for it, do your own research and see the many benefits to aloe vera... you will be amazed and it is natural. I am a living testimony that this stuff really really works. I hope this may help you....

Sincerely, Claudine G.

Light Therapy
Posted by Christi (Virginia) on 02/20/2017

I know this is a old post but I hope you can reply. I have been battling lichens planus for 4 months and like you tried numerous steroid creams and prednisone with no relief. I had to stop working due to my hands and feet becoming so raw and cracked and peeling that I couldn't wear shoes or use my hands. I, too, starting going to the tanning bed last week and it did seem to be getting better but then flared up again. How often and for how long did you go to the tanning bed until you got relief? Do you know what caused yours?

Posted by Frank (Albany, New York ) on 02/02/2017

I've used vinegar for yeast. Seems to work good for me

Salt Water Baths
Posted by Isabel (Florida) on 01/05/2017

I did this and it got worse for me. I'm in distress and I don't know what to do

Posted by Veesp (Georgia) on 11/15/2016

I am so relieved to know that I am not by myself on dealing with LP. My struggle with LP has been going on for 6 months now and the things I've tried a few to mention like oatmeal baths, glycerin soap, shea butter, and many other things has not worked. I am dealing with lesions on a mass amount of my body especially my buttocks, calfskin and thighs. Do you think the Borax and anything else mentioned may help me?

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Tashya (Lawrence, Ks) on 10/19/2016

Severe lichen plains healing:

I have had lichen planus for over 14 years now. The dermatologists say I have the worst case they have ever seen. One even wanted a picture for his medical journal! I have lost all 20 nails, have hair loss, and my esophagus and vagina have constricted and I have to do monthly dilations. I have many other conditions so will list them with the solutions that I have found.

First of all, over the years I have found that any treatment given for herpes works for my lichen flare ups. (Yes, I have been tested for herpes and it is negative). My obgyn had stopped my period to avoid eroding of the membranes, baths with lavender and lemon balm help. I have even applied lemon balm directly to the area when not raw. For severe flare ups, she prescribes me herpes medicine (valtrex).

For brushing teeth, I use Tom's natural toothpaste with propolis and myrrh, and a natural mouthwash. Gums never hurt and blisters have gone away. Dentist can't even tell that I have it in my mouth. I drink whole leaf aloe juice everyday, 4 oz. in with my green tea 2x a day. I watch my argenine to l lysine intake. A diet high in l lysine and low in argenine has worked wonders. A list can be found online. I take omega 369. I take isotonix brand vitamins and the ingredients in the opc 3 help the most.

Hope this helps someone with relief thru my years of finding alternatives to taking steroids. This week, I am going to start researching the immune boosting benefits that mushrooms have, thanks to the advice of the local health food stores. Best wishes on your path to healing.

Posted by Jdh (New Mexico) on 10/16/2016

I had Lichen Planus for 10+ years. I started taking the probiotic strain Lactobacillus casei for arthritis I believed was caused by oral bacteria. Within 30 days my arthritis had improved but the lichen had almost disappeared!! After more research I found there is a link between the two so I added a women's probiotic and vitamin C. 60 days out and only a few white dots left and no itching!! Purchased both on Amazon.

Posted by Shawn (Sarasota, Fl) on 08/15/2016

Can someone tell me exactly how I should use the borax. Was it a paste that he/she applied, or do you drink it and at what strength. Thank you.

Eliminate Vitamin D
Posted by Mrs. Yarb (Emmaus Pa) on 08/10/2016

I agree with her 100% My daughter has had LS from the age of 2. We did everything her Dr. said nothing worked for years. Her LS had gotten so bad I had to take her out of school and started homeschooling. I would be up day and night reading on LS looking for anything to help her out calling LS Doctors sending out emails. One day I he had received a phone call from a Dr. in L.A. He had just finished reading my email. He told me change her diet cut out milk he said to try coconut, almond milk not milk from a cow or any animal. More white meat less red meat lots of green veggies. To buy gluten free foods. My daughter has had no LS problems for 5 years now. But this summer she was at her grandparents house. She came home in pain crying that she had burning again I took a look and her skin was right back. The only thing different my parent did was the milk they drink regular milk. My daughter loves regular milk but I never buy it, so when she was at my mom's she went overboard my mom said she had to buy milk everyday. Now that she is home her pain is less and less I too believe the milk has a lot to do with. Everyone is different but I believe changing her diet and giving her coconut milk or almond milk has helped her alot.

Posted by Palmmmadison (Albuquerque) on 07/21/2016

I've been suffering with Lichen Planus for 2 1/2 years and I tried everything. Oatmeal baths, tea tree oil, olive oil and leaf. I went to my doctor and she prescribed medicine to help with the incredible itching sensation. It didn't work and was referred to a dermatologist. She began saying that it wasn't as bad as she's seen in the past. She prescribed a steroid cream ans sent me on my way. Everything cleared up. Till I ran out of the steroid cream and it came back twice as bad. She then put me on a steroid pill with more creams. But, I knew it was temporary. I could feel it trying to come back. Around my eyes and mouth the top of my genitals. My legs were starting to get it at this point and my arms and my back was also covered now. Then it came to me. I use to go tanning, you know in tanning beds. Just in the spring for a month or two and only a couple times a week. I'm not a sun worshiper but, I didn't like getting a sunburn in the summer. So I would go for a short time just to create some color so I wouldn't burn. But, after I got married three years ago I decided to stop for now on, because it's not good for you anytime, and I didn't want to put myself at risk for cancer. But, like I said I've had this rash for 2 1/2 yrs now. So it became very obvious why this rash was taking over. And what was keeping it at bay for all these years.

I starting going into tanning beds or red light therapy (which is safe by the way) when I was 18 or 19 and just very little in the Spring and I stopped going when I was 31. I never had a single problem with my skin during this time. Before I went tanning ever, in high school I remember a period of time where I had this rash on my face, but then it went away after a few months and trying not wear makeup.

But, now at 34, I have this all over my body... nothing seems to hold it back. So, I decided to go tanning... for small amounts of time 5 to 8 minutes and for a month or two. Also, for only a few times a week. I've gotten through the first week and I have to say I haven't felt itchy even once! I've only gone three times and my sores are healing. All my bumps and new ones trying to form are gone! My skin is smooth. My scars are still there, but they even look better.

I know tanning beds aren't any good for you, but I look at it this way. Small amounts shouldn't hurt me and I'm wearing SPF 50 during the day. Just so I don't get additional exposure from the sun. I feel so much better.

FYI: My dermatologist was absolutely against it! She was not open to hearing this idea of tanning that could help me. My Dr wouldn't hear of it. I'm going to continue to treat my self a few times a week for two months. That should nip it in the bud, at least for the rest of the year. I hope this could be helpful to those out there suffering from this. I know how you feel.

Essential Oils
Posted by China (Kelayres, Pa) on 07/15/2016

I had Lichen Planus on my hands and forearms. But I used essential oils. It was a mixer of lavender, tea tree and coconut oils. Then I mixed all in organic plain cream. This I used sometimes twice a day after my bath. Also I took a bath every day with 1/4 cup baking soda poured in the tub. But you have to rinse private areas good after bath. Some people say you get a itch if you don't. It has taken it away totally. Good luck!

Baking Soda and Borax
Posted by Billie (Ohio) on 05/26/2016

Did you get approval from a doctor to take 3200 mg of ibuprofen?? That is an extreme amount of Ibuprofen could cause gastric bleeding.

Salt Water Baths
Posted by Evelyn (Marshall) on 04/28/2016


Epsom salt would be the easiest thing to start with. You can buy Dead Sea salt on line. Look for a brand with good reviews.

Salt Water Baths
Posted by Cynthia (Maryland) on 04/24/2016

I have had lichen planus for over 4 yrs. I have gone to 3 different dermatologists, biopsies have been taken to confirm, steroid creams given, etc., & to no avail NO CURE. What types of salt water baths? Should I use Epsom salt or can you inform me what kind of salt. The honey would not be good for me because I have diabetes..Pls any suggestion to help would be much appreciated..Thank You!!

Essential Oils
Posted by Ladyb302010 (Grand Prairie, Texas) on 04/23/2016

I've had lichen simplex chronicus since September 2015, and I've been using organic olive oil with the following essential oils: tea tree oil, lavender oil, peppermint oil, and eucalyptus oil. This combination has been amazing for the itching, hydration, and has soothed my senses and skin. When I was first diagnosed, the dermatologist gave me a steroid cream that I used for 1 night, because it dried my skin severely. He also gave me itch relief pills for night-time, which are amazing too. I later started using a cream and soap containing emu oil, and since I've been using that with my essential oils combination, I've been functioning with extreme improvement! I pray this helps someone.

Posted by Tammi (Buchanan, Mi) on 03/15/2016

I have used garlic gel capsules with good success in clearing up a yeast infection. 2 capsules a day until yeast infection clears up.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Jyoti (Bangalore) on 03/13/2016

Is ur lichen planus completely cured?

Salt Water Baths
Posted by Sophie (Edmonton, Canada ) on 02/28/2016

Hey, just wanted to update everyone with my lichen planus remedies.

Since my last outbreak on my thigh, I have another outbreak all over. This time around I wasn't able to get to the ocean :( but I have tried several other things. as of late I have been using frankincense and lavender essential oils mixed into a fragrant free all natural lotion. This has helped with the itching dramatically. Also I have incorporated turmeric pills. There was a study done that showed 9/10 people were cured from trumeric. As you all must know turmeric has known to help with inflammatory conditions and also helps with diseases in your digestive tract. As long as your gut is clean the rash will stay away. Try it out!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Marie (Romulus) on 02/25/2016

I am so appreciative of all this information. Especially yours, as I also have lichen planus in my mouth. I cannot eat anything even a little spicy. My gums hurt to the nerve if I do. My gums bleed just about everyday. My dentist diagnosed me with this problem upon a series of painful tests. Please post more information as I will follow your posts. Need help, Marie

Posted by Baldev (Maharashtra) on 01/09/2016 185 posts

Hi Anjali,

It is not that easy to treat this condition by just taking the steroids, but unfortunately that is the line of action in the western medicine.

You will have to follow three prong strategy, control of stress, diet and external application. You have asked about the use of Borax, make a concentrated solution of Borax with water and apply it two to three times a day on the affected area, keep it for an hour or so and then can wash it. Also try to alkalize the body with sodium bi carbonate, apple cider vinegar etc. You will get good results. Good luck


Posted by Anjali (Delhi) on 01/08/2016

I have been diagnosed with Lichen Planus 3-4 months back. Have been on steroids since then but of no help. Now I'm taking homeopathic treatment. Initially it noticed a very good result but now after seeing new lesions again. Just wondering if I can use borax. Please let me know how to use and the quantity.

Citronella Oil
Posted by Susan (St Pete, Fl) on 12/21/2015

I have Lichen Planus on skin. By chance I discovered that citronella oil has made the red purple marks almost diminish. I had a lemon scented lotion that did not smell very good. So I added about a dozen drops to a 8 ounce bottle of lotion. After using for only a week my skin condition really improved. Just wanted to put it out there for others to try.

Salt Water Baths
Posted by Gale (Nb, Canada) on 12/09/2015

Sophie, thanks. I am going to try this. I too have this "lovely condition" and believe you heal from within. ( I refuse to use steroids) It is nice to hear I am not alone. Sad we have it, but comforting to be able to share with others. I am using TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) herbs and am a reflexologist, vitamins and lots of water daily . I am menopausal and working on that :)

Thanks again, Gale

L-Lysine, B-6
Posted by King Kevin (Illinois) on 12/07/2015

Yikes because the Dr. as well as me and my wife have narrowed it down to the lichen planus being caused by a high lysine dose...especially after you stop taking them...mine was 6 months after I stopped the lysine and my LP lasted close to a year after. Get .05% clobetasol ointment for the skin and a kenalog shot for the instant relief.

Haven't seen a bump in 3 years and have used the ointment twice in those 3 years. Only diet I live by is eat whatever you want so don't let people tell you to stop eating and drinking all your favorite stuff. I know I wish someone had said this to me when I was dealing with it. Just go to your Dr and ask for kenalog shot and clobetasol ointment. Done!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Karen (Ohio) on 11/21/2015

I just recently started using organic virgin coconut oil for lichen planus. The itching is definitely less and within about 2 days they seem to be smaller. I'mm interested in seeing what happens.

I also read about using lavender oil. Has anyone tried this?

Vitamin K, Vitamin D, Baking Soda and Borax
Posted by Jillery (Rawlly, Nc) on 10/18/2015 88 posts

Why ask for remedies when there are so many listed here? I make a list of remedies and then slowly go thru the list to try each one. I list them in order of how I feel they may work with my body. Good wishes!!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Jillery (Rawlly, Nc) on 10/18/2015 88 posts

What is the name of the homeopathic expensive gel you bought? Frustrated here.

Baking Soda and Borax
Posted by Sarah (San Jose, Ca) on 10/18/2015

I have this lichen planus since 2000!!! Absolutely no cure, no relief. Very very very very frustrated in life because of the itching.

Baking Soda and Borax
Posted by Alka (Coppell, Tx) on 09/09/2015

Llp from Houston,

I know your post is from 2011 but I was wondering if you could update us on the latest status for your son and if you are still following the diet?

I was diagnosed with LP and LPP 9 months back and am struggling with it. I am on cellcept and also following a strict vegetarian diet for the last few weeks. My LPP seems to be better - the patches are lighter pink and I dont see any new patches. MY LP also seems better though I do see very very small bumps or just some rough skin in places and do think it is a very mild form of LP.

If you saw such wonderful results I would seriously consider following the McDougall diet.

Thanks and hoping you will reply.

Alka from Coppell, TX

Posted by Mark B (Seattle) on 08/11/2015

Frank, how long did your penis lesions stay? And did they ever go away? I've had mine for over a year on and off :(

Posted by Frank (Pa) on 07/07/2015

I have lichen planus and lichen sclerosis of my penis starting in 2013. I have found that a prescription salve works as long as you continue to use it. The salve is Alcometasone Dipropionate Cream 0.05%. When I stop using it after it heals up it flares up again. I don't have it anywhere else that I am aware of.

Posted by Serena (Flat Rock, Nc) on 06/14/2015

Thank for the posting about borax healing sores from lichen planus!!! I've only used a few days and all the ulcers are gone and my tongue is pink again!! Haven't had any side effects either!! I've had this for over a year tried everything from purslane, vitamins, lymphatic drainage and nothing has gotten rid of it but borax!!!! I'm so grateful to have found the information!!!

Posted by B (Canada) on 06/12/2015

Guys, It's diet. I tried lots lots of things. The itching stopped and inflammation reduced great when I stopped eating dairy, wheat gluten, beans, nuts, eggs. Black pepper. Awesome! Try it b

Posted by Rsw (Ohio) on 05/25/2015


Thank you for your post. Can you tell us how many mg. per pill you took, and the brand? Did you have LP only on your skin, or did it also occur internally, like your mouth?


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