Mite Infestation
Natural Remedies

Effective Mite Infestation Treatment: Top Natural Remedies

| Modified on May 30, 2024
Multiple Remedies
Posted by Elisa (Australia) on 03/25/2024

Mites remedy - Grass mites, harvest mites, cat mites

Cream for eyelids and sensitive skin:

  • 2 parts of Vaseline (petroleum jelly)
  • 1 part Neem oil
  • 1 part Cedarwood oil

Use mixture 2-3 times per day on clean skin, preferably cleaned with skin wipes containing benzalkonium chloride (eg Wet-Ones).
NO make up during treatment. Throw away old make-up after treatment only new make up.

Alternative for the body - Lotion:

  • 75 Baby oil (mineral NOT vegetable oils) because mites cannot digest mineral oils
  • 15 drops Cedarwood oil
  • 15 drops Neem oil

Over the counter medications:

Eurax cream. Use until all the itching is gone (it might take 3 or more weeks).

Prescription medication:

Rozex gel (Metronidazol) careful it is an antibiotic that will make the skin photosentive, need to see a doctor for it.

Tips & Tricks

-HEAT and UV are your friends (hot wash cycles, ironing, steam cleaning, hot cars, UV lamps, sunlight)
- Daily shower better still swimming pools (chlorine water kills mites) or swimming in salt water
- Washing from head to toe (grass mites in particular move up the body)
- Hand wipes as mentioned containing benzalkonium chloride (NOT alcohol wipes, they are ineffective against mites and will dry out and irritate skin further). Benzalkonium chloride kills mites.
- Wash hair daily with a coconut oil shampoo, mites dislike the smell of coconut oils
- Use 3 different tea towels 1 for head, 1 for upper body, 1 for lower body, do not mix.
- Use lint roller on skin before bed time and shower.
- Cut nails really short, wash hands several times a day, brush nails.


- Hot wash, use enzyme laundry powder (BioZet works best, enzyme dissolve the tiny mites and their eggs)
- Hot iron clothes or leave in a hot car


- Steam clean upholstery
- Use disposable food gloves, change daily (and throw away).
- Vacuum every second day
- Change vacuum bag and put bicarb in the bag, it dries out eggs and mites
- Change bed sheets daily, wash on hot cycle
- Wrapping pillows in plastic bags and then putting a cotton cover works well. This way the mites cannot get into the pillow and filling.
- Wrapping mattress in plastic works well too
- Clean plastic covers with a solution of 1 part white vinegar & 1 part rubbing alcohol, this will kill mites

What was ineffective for me:

- Tea tree oil (burns and does not work)
- Clove oil (burns and does not work)
- Eucalyptus oil (burns and does not work)
- Lemongrass oil (burns and does not work)
- Peroxide (burned the skin)
- OTC medications containing Pyrethrum (most mites have become resistant to it in the tropics, burns on skin and can have very negative side effects)

Posted by Patricia R-M (GA) on 03/13/2024

Been suffering with mits going three years, don't know what kind of mites but I will try this kerosene oil

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Marina (Melbourne) on 03/06/2024

Hi! Then the answer to your question is fighting them internally, by creating a more symbiotic environment on your body, because something is clearly off balance. Try eating not sugar and lox carb for 1 month and see how you fee. Also get adequate vitamin d (direct sunlight) for at least 30 min a day.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Marina (Melbourne) on 03/06/2024

Have you tried switching your diet and getting more sunlight (vitamin D). If you are eating sugar, the mites feed off of the sebum which is produces by excess sugar consumption.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Vanessa (Albuquerque NM) on 02/27/2024

  • I have these bugs that come out of my scalp and some are oblong some are little black dots and some bite and burrow under my skin. I have tried most of the stuff you have suggested but nothing seems to work. Every night there are new babies you cant see but you feel them moving in mass. Right now I am taking ivermectin but even that is not slowing them down. I have seen 10 doctors and none can help or they dont want to help. When these things move they go for my ears, my anus and also my vagina. Since you guys have so much experience with this I thought I would ask. Thank you.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Lou (Tyler, TX) on 02/17/2024

If you have bird mites, the best thing to do is spray all of your floors/baseboards with a cedar and sage cleaner. I found one pretty cheap at Tr____ J__'s or on Amazon. Get Prema______ to spray down mattresses. Wash bedding in hot water with bleach or borax. Good luck! Vacuum vacuum vacuum!

Posted by Lou (Tyler, TX) on 02/04/2024

For bird mites—spray floors and baseboards with cedar and sage cleaner. Tr___r J__s is the brand, available at Amazon. Good luck!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Markle (Homer NY) on 01/21/2024

Omg I'm at my wits end. This is no way to live- I am constantly using a lint roller, packaging tape, fly tape, one of those before you paint dust remover mesh sticky clothes sprayed with mint/alcohol. Every night neem oil in my hair, behind and all over and in my ears. I soak q tips in neem and tea tree and leave them in my ears otherwise they will fly in my ears, the love love love my hair. Constantly feeling crawling followed by a sharp bite or pinch every few minutes. They poke through my clothes and leave itchy black dots, my car is infested haven't driven it in weeks, my bedroom, kitchen laundry room, I feel like it is a combination of biting midges maybe, or bird/rodent mites, they fly super fast and range from shiny black to light tan. Even small orange gel looking dots not bedbugs. And demodex came after. I feel like they just fall on me from the ceiling- and another person mentioned they are internal- I feel them around my groin even in my butt. It's so gross even to admit. I always prized myself on my beautiful blonde hair. Now it's all brittle and broken. it was waist length now I've had to cut my shoulders around my ears.

Posted by Kristin (Las Vegas) on 01/16/2024

!!!!!!! Please if anyone reads the post above, please be aware that tree tree oil is toxic to both dogs and cats, and that may be why Veronica's dog's immune system was crashed and kept getting sick with the mites. Because she by treating the dog with tree tea she was unknowingly but effectively killing or severely injuring her own dog! Just a hand full of drops of pure tree tea oil is fatally toxic to both canine and feline.

Posted by Alisa (Iasi) on 11/28/2023

Zinc Pyrithione is available in Europe only as an anti-dandruff ingredient in rinse-off hair products in a concentration of up to 1 %.

I'm adding this so that people would not spend time searching for something that is nowhere to be found.

Diatomaceous Earth, Essential Oil Borax
Posted by Alyssa (WA) on 11/24/2023

So grateful for this page! I had mites for 3 long, stressful months I got from my dog or cats! I tried EVERYTHING before finding this recommendation for DE. I was so miserable & stressed. I was seen by 9 different doctors & none of them would diagnose me properly. They all treated me horribly acting like I was nuts & mistreating me for folliculitus! We know our body! Anyhow I tried ivermectin, permethrin, kerosene, essential oils, all of it with no relief. Finally I found DE & 10% sulfer soap. God send!! I am now 90% clear of bumps & healing thank god!! I didn't know humans could get mites from pets! They can! Especially immune compromised folks! I have washed all my linens with premo laundry additive, treated dog & cats with nexguard & revolution as well as DE & I bathe daily with sulfur soap head to toe. Tea tree shampoo & conditioner & DE all over my body daily. I'm on my 2nd week & finally feeling myself again. What a real life nightmare! I also put covers on my mattresses & washed my linens every single day & ironed/steamed my couch & sprinkled DE on pet beds/trees & put all linens in garbage bags!! Stay positive & don't give up!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Amanda (Washington) on 11/06/2023 5 posts

Hi, I am super interested in this method, first where did you buy the oils, I can't seem to find the cassia or the red thyme in my area. Next how long do you do this treatment for, I have been suffering for two years and 4 months, being told I was crazy, or feeling some kind of nerve pain. 20 Dr's. In that time frame and they all eventually tell me that I am outside their scope of care. Please let me know thanks.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by NR (NYC) on 09/15/2023

Hi Elaine,

I became infested several years ago. The initial signs of Demodex mites appeared mainly on my limbs and torso. Then my hair started falling out by the handful. Went completely bald from front hairline to beginning of crown area. Lost all eyelashes and brows. Dermatologist gave me Soolantra samples (ineffective) My face was a mess of infected pimples. I am not exaggerating when I tell you that I tried every so called remedy out there. I am no longer bald, but my hair is still falling out. Apart from that, I have finally found a solution that has DRAMATICALLY reduced all signs and symptoms of mite infestation.Considering all that I've tried, what I currently do is fairly simple: Fill a spray bottle with 91% rubbing alcohol, buy a bag of cotton balls and Q-tips. When I feel that tiny bite or itch, I immediately spray the spot or area with alcohol - whether it's on my skin or on my scalp. (Alcohol kills the mite immediately - according to studies - & my experience). Saturate a cotton ball with alcohol and swab all red bites 1 or 2 times a day. I recently discovered Neem oil (unrefined organic cold-pressed) which has, among 100 other benefits for skin conditions, kills Demodex mites. I coat my face, affected body parts (limbs) - and also massage into my scalp. The results are miraculous for me. It smells unpleasant, but it dissipates by morning. But having the spray bottle at the ready is KEY. Killing the mite before it has a chance to get under the skin. Any new red spots need to be vigorously rubbed with a cotton ball soaked with alcohol. I hope this helps. Good luck and Best wishes.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Janet (Stanley nc) on 09/06/2023

Does anyone get bitten outside? For four years I have had this and I can't even go outside. I can't enjoy my grandkids. I am being robbed of my life. I pray every day that God will heal me. This is a horrible horrible thing to have to live through doctors think it's delusional. I just wish one of those doctors would have it just for a couple days, someone told me you should always hug your doctor. I pray we all get well and we can help each other. God bless. Now my house is infested with them and I can't kill him. We've tried bombs we've tried poison we've tried cedar sod we've tried apple cider vinegar. No one knows what we're really going through except for us. I just wish the medical community would be aware that this is real and we need help.

Vapor Rub
Posted by Lisa (IL) on 08/26/2023

Hello! Did you put it on ALL over your body....legs, arms, face, etc.? I have them everywhere!

Kleen-Free in Bath Water
Posted by Share (Seattle) on 08/21/2023


Forgot to mention that to get rid of these types of infections one must also treat their environment (house, yard, car, work environment):

Repellent: find an effective bug repellent and use it consistently on yourself and environment to prevent reinfetion if this involves a flying insect or even mites. some people sleep with nano-netting over their beds.

Laundry: depends on the organism. If strongyloides, must boil or iron clothes very well to kill surviving parasites that will penetrate through the skin. Hookworms and some flukes also can do this.

If mites, soak clothes 1 hour in cedarcide solution, enzyme solution, ammonia, borax/soda or borax/salt solution, many other effective solutions. Can add various essential oils to these soaks (e.g., orange, lemon, eucalyptus, tea tree, grapefruit seed).

Best to always iron clothes very well before wearing.

House: spray and vacuum most everything.

Spray solutions: enzymes, essential oils, cedarcide, 91% isopropyl alcohol (kills mites though will ruin some surfaces and very toxic if on the skin), ... there are many effective solutions to spray the environment with. Can also fog the environment with many of these solutions. And/or apply Diatomaceous Earth.

Best to know what organism you are trying to treat to determine the most effective way to treat your environment. Flying insects require additional methods (e.g., screening, zappers, etc...).

Kleen-Free in Bath Water
Posted by Share (Seattle) on 08/21/2023


There are several ways to rid yourself of various ectoparasites or parasites. I like the suggestions in the prior posts. Below are various protocols that worked for us. Depending on the issue, we sometimes alternated them throughout the day. Hope you are able to identify what it is and resolve the issue soon!

1. Kleen Free - Enzymes

This product is not the original solution is used to be. It is not even half as concentrated as the concentrate used to be. This is why many are having treatment failures. We contacted the company when they changed their "coffee dark" concentrate to a VERY weak tea and they responded that they needed to sell more to people who needed it????. It still works if you only use the concentrate straight from the bottle in a spray bottle. Spray this on your skin, rub it in, often throughout the day . This kills many bugs if used frequently. There are other enzyme formulations on the market that are equal or better.

Enzymes are great, they are usually used to dissolve biofilm and even kill some of the parasites if used frequently enough. It is most often used with other treatments such as Ivermectin; Diatomaceous Earth; Anti-Mite Creams such as EmuaidMAX; essential oil blends that kill parasites; sulfur treatments; etc...

2. Ivermectin

Use a 3% cream with 10% DMSO in versa base - this is obtained at a compounding pharmacy. Apply to very clean skin which ideally has had any potential biofilm removed (e.g., abrade the area, apply enzyme then rub/wash off, salicylic acid, etc...). Apply 1-3 times daily and rub in the cream VERY WELL. This alone can resolve the infection. Give it time. Consistency is key. It is best to leave the cream on for a full 12 hours. Some need to apply two layers of Ivermectin cream per application to be more effective allowing each application to dry in-between.

Sometimes it is best to also take Ivermectin orally. Depending on your size and considering any malabsorption issues take anywhere from 12 - 15 - 24 mg daily, check with your physician. There are people taking anywhere from 12 mg twice daily to 15 mg four times daily or more due to severe malabsorption issues from other health conditions.

Some have successfully used other Ivermectin derivatives topically only.

3. Diatomaceous Earth

Only use the real stuff. Many contain mostly fillers. You will know it is the good stuff because it will actually work, you will see results and it feels more gritty on the skin. DE draws any organisms below the skin to the surface when it is briskly rubbed into the skin, this is how it is activated. Then, over time is desiccates the organisms that are brought to the surface. Try to use it as often as possible. DE alone can get rid of some of the parasites if used consistently.

Some find it works better if WET or DRY HEAT is applied, such as overnight. Or, if they apply a "killing" cream first (e.g., Ivermectin, Emuaid, etc...), let it dry for 30-60 minutes, then rub in DE, doing this twice daily.

If taking it orally, the standard dose for an average sized adult is 1 heaping tablespoon x2/day on an empty stomach with 8 oz water. Take this for 90 straight days. Anything less will not be as effective. Most people do see results.

4. EmuaidMAX

The skin must be clean and dry, rub in only a little amount and must rub the cream in VERY, VERY well in order to activate it. Use 2-4 or more times daily depending on the issue. It gets rid of scabies and other mites very well. Along with fungus, viral issues, etc...

This cream is also very soothing, anti inflammatory and an analgesic.

5. Essentil Oils

There are many blends that kill insects and parasites. Must use 2-3 times daily and rub in well. Can alternate with DE and/or enzyme sprays.


Purification blend (Citronella, Lavandin, Lemongrass, Myrtle, Rosemary, Tea Tree) followed by Oregano then apply a carrier oil or cream over these - 2-4 times daily.

Straight clove or peppermint can clear scabies if applied 2-4 times daily. Ideal to first prep the skin with enzyme spray, orange oil, grain alcohol, etc...

OTHER insecticidal oils that you can blend: eucalyptus globulus, citronella java, lemongrass citratus, lemon, orange, catnip, copaiba, thyme, tea tree from Australia, rose, tagetes, etc....

A successful blend used by many:

60 drops tea tree, 18 drops Thieves (rosemary, lemon, clove, cinnamon bark, eucalyptus radiata), 18 drops clove, 18 drops lavender, 18 drops oregano (or more), 30 drops peppermint in 1/2 - 1-1/2 oz carrier oil mix such as real olive oil, emu oil, black seed oil or neem oil. Other carrier oils can be used. Experiment to see how strong you prefer your mix. We use a strong mix. Can also add DMSO to the mix.

If the issue is "tough", some first apply oregano neat to the skin (it does burn), wait, and then rub this oil mix over the affected area since some parasites require stronger treatment.

Can also take an essential oil tea to rid body of mites: 1 drop each of clove, black pepper, cardamom and cinnamon bark to warm tea. Drink x4/day. Or add oil into a capsule with a carrier oil.

6. Sulfur Bath & Cream Treatment

This treatment can be effective by itself if used often enough.

Use a 10% sulfur/3% salicylic soap bar. Soak in hot water for 5-10 minutes then create a very rich lather on the skin, leave on the skin for 10-15 minutes. Soap must remain wet during this time to be active and kill organisms so may need to add more wet soap or water. Rinse and repeat. Best results are seen when "soaping up" twice daily.

Some leave a layer of soap on their skin during the day or apply a 10% sulfur cream on the skin twice daily. Neem oil can be added to this.

Best to also take a good type of sulfur and neem leaves orally, 2-3x/day.

Many have cleared their skin of mites using only the sulfur regimen.

Or, they apply one of the treatments listed above, usually a cream.

7. Salt Treatment

Soak areas in a concentrated salt bath for 1 hour daily. Can divide this into two 30 minutes sessions. Continue for 3 weeks or as needed.

Can also use hot salt packs in cheese cloth with turpentine (100% gum) or other anti-parasitic essential oil added to the skin and/or cloth. Hold over area 30 minutes, twice daily. Can leave on longer. It eventually will kill the organisms.

Epsom salts is often combined with other salts or used alone since it is a powerful drawing salt.

Can use salt therapy with other treatments listed above.

NOTE: some parasitic organisms require physical removal when they surface to the skin, this may be uncomfortable though it must be done to remove any layers of organisms and the dead skin that accumulates between the layers. This is sometimes less painful if the organisms are killed first (e.g., ivermectin cream applied).

And, any dry skin needs to be removed to uncover any additional and deeper layers of infection.

8. Other Internal Treatments

Build up the immune system (vits/minerals, greens, herbs, Ayurveda, ...)

Make the body "repellent" to these organisms, e.g., take natural "repellents" consistently and often such as peppermint, garlic, chrysanthemum, biotin, neem, natural sulfurs (MSM), oregano, rose, etc...

9. Other Treatments that have worked for many:

* MMS topical and/or internal

* KEYS skin remedies (e.g., RediCare cream and various KEYS soaps)

* Ozonated Olive Oil Salve

* NuStock - or something similar (pine oil, 76% sulfur, petrolatum). Instructions: leave a thick covered layer on the area for 3 days, it must remain wet to be active so may need to add more of it or some other essential oil to it). Remove covering, clean, and reapply for 3 more days. Repeat until nothing else surfaces.

* Various drawing salves have worked, apply as you would Nustock.

Kleen-Free in Bath Water
Posted by Amanda (Tacoma wa) on 08/19/2023

I've been fighting this for two years, my case actually got worse and spread to the rest of my body while doing the klean free baths. My suggestion is to go to the Dr immediately and get on a treatment of oral ivermectin and permithrin cream then start on DIY things like topical cod liver oil, papaya scrubs, and dimithicone gel. Get immune boosting items like fermented beta glucans dandelion tea, bui bui suppliment, ect. Additionally, I like live free bed bug and mite killer for laundry and and spraying around the house it kills them in less than 1min. I have literally tried everything on this list except suspend SC and turpentine. On sensitive areas I use a and d ointment. You need immediate and aggressive medical attention or you could be like me. Good thing is more research is coming out now about treating this condition so research as much new stuff as you can. Best of luck friend.

Kleen-Free in Bath Water
Posted by Gary (Kitchener On) on 07/21/2023

Hi, Christine, The easiest way to get rid of mites, red ants, fleas, spiders, bed bugs is to buy a bag of Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth. Make sure it is FOOD GRADE, ONLY. Sprinkle where you think they are, on you at bedtime strip and cover your whole body.Morning shower yourself and so this 2 more nights. They should be all gone, If you have parasites you can put 1/2 teaspoon in warm water in coffee-cup and drink it every night for 90 nights, to kill of the eggs. Almost every farmer use Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth on their livestok. It really kills all little things that I mentioned above.

God Bless Gary

Kleen-Free in Bath Water
Posted by Christine (USA) on 07/20/2023

How much Kleen-Free Naturally in a 70 gallon bathtub?

Just when I thought things were improving for my client -now I think I might have contracted the demodex. When I first met wih her, she had a cat in the room, which rubbed on me until I asked her to please remove the cat due to my allergies. But now I think I was too late. Today I feel like there is something burrowing/biting into my skin. I want to stop this before it gets a good foothold. I have been doing the borax and hydrogen peroxide baths right from the first day, along with steaming all my clothes, bed and furniture, vacuuming at least once a day and cleaning floors with enzymes and applying DE to floors and to all of the furniture that I don't use. But now I am not sure it has been enough. I can't keep on doing the borax everyday as it is not good for the heart. Hopefully the Kleen-Free will help me get this under control. I would appreciate any info as to how much to see in a bath. Please be kind enough to reply to my plea. Thank you and God Bless you!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Brittany (West Virginia) on 07/17/2023

Update? Because I myself agree with you fully...or maybe we both just reached the level of insane that most are sure to reach sooner or later with this bs...but instant death? Is that what you're saying the spray causes to the fkrs?? *crosses fingers and toes kisses lysol bottle

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Brittany (West Virginia) on 07/17/2023

You said...It's a temporary fix. If you have parasites of any kind inside your body it will attract the mites which are a parasite.....could you elaborate more on what you mean here...please and thank you for your sharing and I'm sorry for your situation and hopefully me and my detail fanatic brain aren't too much of a bother but I was intrigued by your story especially with the part about your husband's role in it....I'm almost to the point of getting mine to admit I'm not a least not about something that has basically drained me of life as I knew it

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Cat (Redford Michigan ) on 07/10/2023

Well, I hear ya! I have lesions all over my body..face, eyes ears nose p***y! .I tell you what. I may be poisoning myself, but I'm poisoning these demodex fkrs worse. I straight started spraying myself with Lysol disinfectant spray, and all my clothes! They warn you not to, but, hey. It isn't painful yet, and talk about instant death! I wipe my body continually with witch's working. I also got some spray from Meijer for lice, bedbugs and dustmites. We'll see how that goes tomorrow. My cats have started itching too. I guess I'll be taking them to the vet. This shit's Insane! Arrhhgggg!!!

Coconut Oil, Sulphur
Posted by Janice (HI) on 06/08/2023

Aloha, I've had a Demodex infestation now for a year and a half...currently using Nustock a Sulfar, Mineral Oil and Palm oil Lotion for Animals and mixing it with Neem and Coconut oil. Just bought some Borax and will be taking my 1st Borax/ACV Bath tonight. These Mites/Parasites are a Multi Billion Dollar Industry...from Rosacea to failed Plastic Surgery. Think about it, seriously.

Palmarosa Oil
Posted by Just One Seabird (USA) on 05/06/2023

Hello everyone

I am writing to recommend a relatively inexpensive essential oil from a plant in the same family as lemongrass and citronella. Palmarosa oil.

It has a light citrusy smell, to me, though others say it smells rosy. It is far less expensive than sandalwood oil, which does work well but costs so very much - and therefore is often adulterated, I'm sorry to say.

It works. It works. Some sources recommend using it at 50%, yes that is fifty percent, in carriers. I actually have used it neat, at full strength, directly on my skin, on hot spots. Be cautious about that: it contains geraniol and related compounds and can sensitize people.

It does not feel dramatic - just slightly cooling. No burning. I believe it has "knockdown", which is to say it immobilizes the mites before killing them. This is because there seems to be very little crawling or new / intensified itching after it is applied.

Most importantly, it seems to kill eggs.

You can add it to body lotion or to shampoo and conditioner; use the least complicated formulas you can find or make your own lotion. It blends well with lemon oil, with tea tree oil, or with its relatives citronella, lemongrass, and also with geranium oil.

If you make a hair and body spray using ethyl alcohol, wear a face mask, as the mist WILL make you cough if you don't. I'm serious about this. To use the spray on your face, spray it into your hand to apply.

The hydrosol is supposedly safe for cats. Some sites claim the oil itself is safe for cats. I would urge caution, but it should be safe to use in a rug shampoo, in a cleaning solution for walls and surfaces, etc. as long as you use normal dilutions for it and ventilate the area as it dries. To use the hydrosol on Kitty, first wet a paper towel with water and squeeze out the excess, then spray hydrosol on the damp towel, and work it into the fur, trying to reach the skin. Don't spray Kitty, this oil can irritate the nose and throat to a surprising extent in mist form.

I am putting in a link to a paper I found a while ago, where scientists tested palmarosa and several other oils, and found that palmarosa and clove oil gave outstanding results. Since I found that paper, scientific publishers have been paywalling everything and charging horrible prices for access, so if this is also paywalled now I am very, very sorry. Here is the most important information from the abstract:

Results: Using contact bioassays, 1% clove and palmarosa oil killed all the mites within 20 and 50min, respectively. The oils efficacy order was: clove > palmarosa > geranium > tea tree > lavender > manuka > bitter orange > eucalyptus > Japanese cedar.

In fumigation bioassays, the efficacy order was: tea tree > clove > eucalyptus > lavender > palmarosa > geranium > Japanese cedar > bitter orange > manuka. In both bioassays, cade oil showed no activity.

Conclusion: Essential oils, especially tea tree, clove, palmarosa, and eucalyptus oils, are potential complementary or alternative products to treat S. scabiei infections in humans or animals, as well as to control the mites in the environment.

Here is the link:

And yes, I'm afraid that this publisher is now paywalling everything. If you can get to the paper via your library or your workplace, it is well worth a read, but hopefully the bit I have quoted will help.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Just one seabird (USA) on 05/06/2023

I know this is an old post and I hope you have found a cure. I wanted to suggest something inexpensive you can add to your regimen: palmarosa oil. Palmarosa is related to lemongrass and citronella, but the oil has a different composition - the same things are in it, but in different proportions. It is death to mites, and surprisingly safe for human skin. Some sources recommend it at 50% yes that is fifty percent concentration in a carrier. I have used it "neat", at 100%.

It works, it works, it works. If you braid your hair, you may be able to add it to your hair oil. You can surely add it to almost any lotion you use.

Once I looked up the chemical composition I realized that palmarosa might work well as a blend too, with citronella and lemongrass and geranium, any one of them or even all three. None of them are super expensive, and you can balance the scent so it's very pleasant rather than overpowering. Palmarosa has a surprising citrus scent to it, though other say it smells rosy.

Again I know this is an old post, I am going to put this up as a new suggestion since I don't see palmarosa in the index, and there is a pretty decent scientific paper showing that both it and clove oil are incredibly good at killing at least one species of mite.

I have had beloved neighbors who spoke of Jehovah God. I wish you every blessing.

Neem Leaf, N-Acetyl Cysteine
Posted by Marlana (FL) on 04/24/2023


Unfortunately, this remedy is not working for me anymore. I feel like these things build resistance to whatever you use to treat them. I know that these are some form of a mite that feeds on or leaves behind a film? I don't know if it is yeast or bacteria or both? I do know that it builds tunnels under this film. It has made these tunnels from my hair to my mouth, almost like they needed moisture, so they are getting it from my saliva? I am at my breaking point, my husband and children do not believe me because I have thought so many different diagnosis. My physician has been no help. I have broken up some of the film myself with some different emollients but still a work in progress.

Coconut Oil, Sulphur
Posted by Donna (Bacliff, Texas ) on 04/05/2023

Sulfur and coconut oil OR crisco oil mix well and apply over affected area leave at least 2 hours. I had mites as a teenager and the dog now has them and spreading to people.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Pamelia (NC) on 03/26/2023

Oh my God!! Everything you described is exactly my story as well and I'm still fighting this God awful mess! If you've had total success please share 🙏 Thank you, Pam

Mustard Powder
Posted by HealedAndHopeful (MI) on 03/05/2023 1 posts

Dry Mustard Powder completely eradicates mites immediately. Take a bowl and put some some coconut oil in it (approx. 2 teaspoons) & then mix some mustard powder in it (approx. 1 teaspoon). Mix it with a spoon until it becomes like a paste or lotion consistency. From there, slather it all over your face. Be careful not to get the mixture in your eyes because it will burn. Next start massaging your face in circular motions. Within 3-5 minutes, you will see mites and clogged up debris come out of your pores. You will need a paper towel close by to wipe off the particles & then continue massaging. The goal is to eradicate as many mites as possible. Continue this regimen for a month consistently. P.S. You can use this paste for your entire body. If you live in the US, you can buy the mustard from the grocery store or Amazon. It has to be the dry mustard - not pre mixed. I hope this helps someone.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Kennedy (South Dakota) on 03/02/2023

Hi Ashley! I am just recently discovering this awful problem and am so grateful to have found this website and your comment! I have been seeing the ‘shiny specs' you're describing as well as sometimes black ones and occasionally white. I really thought I was going crazy.. I can see why people contemplate ending it all.. which is heartbreaking. I can't believe you've been dealing with it that long and gone through that much. Im so sorry :( have you found a solution yet? Or any help at all? There's a website that seems super promising. Ted is amazing. I just started the “lipiase sandwich” method he posted there, hopefully it works

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Paula (TX) on 02/24/2023

Apple Cider Vinegar works great! It is by far the best treatment I have found for my hair and body! When I'm in the shower I have ACV in a spray bottle and I soak my hair and spray my entire body. Wait for 10 minutes, rinse. It kills all forms of the mite including the eggs. I did that twice a day for 5 days, once a day for 10 days, then every other day for only 5 minutes. It is very drying so I use Moo Goo MSM cream on my face and body. I have long hair so after I rinse I turn my head upside down and put conditioner only on the hair, not the scalp--rinse it. I've easily spent a thousand dollars and the cure was quite simple. Also, I bought a 32oz bottle of permethrin and I put 1oz in each load of laundry so I didn't reinfect myself. Cedarwood oil is awesome sprayed on my mattress and around my bed, it kills the little bastards and the house smells great! Also, vacuum everyday. Also, I am taking neem capsules, MSM capsules, and NAC as a little insurance. I rarely feel a bug and I am immunosuppressed and taking steroids. Hope this helps someone! Peace!

Neem Leaf, N-Acetyl Cysteine
Posted by Paula (TX) on 02/17/2023

I am immunosuppressed [I have RA and can't take biologics] and added MSM to NAC and Neem oil for complete relief. Because I take glucocorticosteroids I will always be a favorite snack for these little devils. MSM has some sulfur in it and it kills demodex. Good luck, much love!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Vikki (Va) on 02/16/2023

Anne! Your story is so familiar to me! May we both heal from this horrible nightmare!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Lakia Lewis (El Paso, TX) on 02/08/2023

How long did you use the uvb light each use? What brand did you use?

Posted by Abe (Knoxville, TN) on 01/31/2023

I've had mites for years and the ONLY thing that worked for me was rubbing wettable sulfur powder on my skin while I was sweating profusely in a Sauna. Did that daily or every other day for over a month. It was the ONLY way to get any relief from the constant pin prick bites and never seeing anything on my skin but bites or welts. MUST keep hydrated when using a Sauna but it was a true life saver.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Anne (WI) on 01/03/2023

I have had what was diagnosed as Contact Dermatitis for over a year. I almost lost the battle because of low immunity from RA and the Drs prescribing me steroids which lowered my immunity even more. I found Earth Clinic through this website- which both have helped me immensely. I am on the Keto diet so no sugar and low carbs -I am currently using a zinc pyrithione bar from amazon Apple Cider Vinegar or Vinegar after the zinc then cover the bad spots with turmeric paste. I also take Hydrogen Peroxide, salt and Borax baths every time I feel I need to. I have been taking Vitamin C- B Complex--Zinc- Astragalus- Quercetin- Elderberry- Echinacea-D3-Andrographis-Coconut oil-Silver Hydrosol(teaspoon first thing in morning)Apple Cider Vinegar (mixed with DE and water with some Stevia) cold brew coffee- low acid coffee beans- Chaga Mushroom tea-Green Tea- Echanatia Tea 9.5 PH balanced water and Im starting MSM in the morning. Im learning that the RA might be a form of yeast or fungus so hopefully if the MSM works it could knock out both problems - This is also a helpful website - which helped me identify the possible yeast and fungal problem. I have also used Tea Tree oil, Clove oil, Neem oil, Yogurt, Hypoclorus Acid MG217 Psoriasis Medicated Conditioning 3% Coal Tar Shampoo, and possibly others I am forgetting. It is all consuming my life and I came so close to the edge but God in Hi mercy brought me back and here I am. I look at pictures of myself before this began and I dont even know who that person is anymore. And as bad as that sounds I dont think I would want to go back to who I was because this horrific experience has brought me an understanding of how to be grateful I would have never known or recognized before. Hopefully the MSM will wipe out the rest, God Bless you all and good luck!

Posted by Anne (WI) on 12/29/2022

they sell Dermaharmony 2% Pyrithione Zinc (ZnP) Bar Soap 4 oz on amazon pretty cheap

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Elaine (Brisbane, Queensland) on 12/27/2022

Hi, just read your comment, as I have an infestation of Demodex mites, I think, and I have tried everything possible, to try and kill these horrible critters, but nothing works, NOTHING!!! I am beside myself right now, mentally too, I ve gone to doctors, Dermatologists, etc, and they don t have answers either, cos nothing works.?? So you think Mustard Powder works, huh. Is this the Mustard Powder you buy from the supermarkets, in the Spice section?? And please tell me what Tannin Acid is, and where do you buy it?? I have had these mites for a year now, and now my 2 cats, I think, are infested with them, so 2 vet bills coming as well. All because a friend of a friend, used and wore my jumper I left by accident, in back of his car, she told him she had Mites, and think she s found my jumper when she s gotten in his car, to take her dogs dog walking, and she s become cold and wore my jumper to stay warm. This is how I think I ve caught them, cos never had b4. Please if you could, reply me. Thanks.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Elaine (Brisbane, Queensland) on 12/27/2022

Yes, I've thought of useing Cloves too, but then I have 2 cats (pets), and 1 of them, is particularly very sensitive to essential oils like Lavender, Peppermint, Clove oil, Tea Tree oil, etc, and I can t use Cloves in my bed or on mattress, cos they sleep on my bed, so I guess that s out of the question. I was useing Lavender oil, 2 years ago to help me sleep, and then my cat got really sick, wouldn t eat, so took her to vet, and found out about the essential oils, etc, as its TOXIC to cats.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Elaine (Brisbane, Queensland) on 12/27/2022

I have just read your comment, concerning the problem you had with skin mites, and I am going through EXACTLY, what you described, at the moment, and I am mentally, going crazy. I am pretty sure I ve picked these mites up from leaving a jumper in the back of my friends car, for awhile, mistakenly, and he has another friend, a girl, who told him she had these mites, and he s referred it to me, about her problem, but think, when she s been in his car, after telling him of this, she s gone and found my jumper in the back of his car, and worn it, but then when he finally gave my jumper back to me, he told me that he d washed it, and I think he lied about washing it, and then I ve believed him and gone and worn it. This is, I think, how now, I have them.?? I ve never experienced anything like this, in my life. I also have to isolate myself from other people and family members, because I am afraid of them catching them. I don t want ANYBODY ELSE having these disgusting critters, that are invading my body. I too, have tried everything, but nothing works, NOTHING!!! I don t know what else to do, even the doctors don t have any answers. I have searched and searched for answers, but to no avail. OMG, I just want to be normal again. It has cost me a fortune . Now I am pretty sure my 2 cat pets, have caught these shit mites, as they are scratching madly. So theirs 2 more vet bills on my list of costs. I feel so helpless at this time, and its getting me so down.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Karen (Spartanburg SC) on 12/14/2022

A recent trip to Panama, Central America introduced me to a product called jungle oil. The Amazonian rain forest is parasitic bug and mosquito paradise. The locals homemake this oil in their kitchens as a repellent in this hot and humid Environment. Only info I have is copal slow heat to dissolve resin into the oil. It worked as an effective repellent while we were there. I bought a few bottles back and want to send this to you. Be encouraged. Maybe it will help. Karen

Posted by TW (Oklahoma ) on 12/05/2022

Did you have it on your scalp and in your hair also?

Bleach in Bath Water
Posted by Erica (Santa Barbara, CA) on 11/16/2022

Could you post a link to the blog post so we can see what that spray is called and who makes it? Thank you!

Avon Skin So Soft
Posted by BeverlyP (TN/USA) on 11/11/2022 4 posts

Hello, I have Demodex mites (my diagnosis). I used Avon's pesticide straight from the bottle on my face and almost immediately these white things started oozing out of the skin all over my face! The they were white soft appropriately 1/8 of an inch long mostly round and tubular. After I waited about 20 minutes I thought they were finished. I am guessing there were at least 100! They washed off very easily. About an hour later I went to check on my face and I guess there were about 20 more. I did this pesticide treatment on the day I took my second day of Ivermectin pills. I also take Supercritical Extract of Neem Leaf Oil Capsules 2xd and NAC 2xd. These demons itch me to the bone. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and am definitely immunosuppressed. The amount of itching has improved significantly. The skin on my face is quite dry so I plan to wait a few days or until the severe itching returns to repeat. Can someone please tell me what those white things that came out of my skin were.

Diatomaceous Earth, Peppermint and Oregano Oils
Posted by Ann (Lubbock, TX) on 10/19/2022

I got diatomaceous earth on Amazon.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Merri-lee (Winnipeg mb) on 10/10/2022

Please be safe and don't put tea tree oil on animals. it can kill them am battling bird mites. Need relief!!!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Ann (TX) on 10/06/2022

No cure yet. I am suffering like you. I took Ivermectin this a.m. It is recommended for scabies. I don't have scabies, I have the mysterious mites. Have you found anything else> I am going to go get some Vagisil. Bathing with ACV in the water.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by An (Ca) on 09/20/2022

Try iodine drops ...daily..every few hours

Be consistent and in time they will fade away

Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Paul (Illinois) on 09/11/2022

What I use to get rid of skin mites on my face and entire body

I take a bath with one to 2 large glasses of food grade hydrogen peroxide and a big sprinkling of Borax. I mix it up a little then soak it in it for 45 minutes. It works better than anything else. It helps rid your entire body of mites! Make sure to soak you hair and face during the bath but keep your eyes closed. Its so powerful you may want to do it every other day or twice a week. In between baths I sometimes use ZZ sulphur rosacea cream from Chia on my face.

Neem Leaf, N-Acetyl Cysteine
Posted by Becca (Washington dc) on 09/01/2022

Hi there! How long did it take you to cure them? What did you do for your kids?

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Jackie (AL) on 08/22/2022

Hate to read about others having to live in the hell these similar issues cause, but no matter what whenever I come across posts like these I feel more and more validated. I have stage 4 endometriosis and had to have a hysterectomy to save my life at 33 because of adenomyosis, as soon as the hospital Covid policy changed back that I could have my “non emergency surgery” the exception was spending ONE DAY (not even a total 24 hours) in the hospital after age normally it would've been 4-5 days-It seemed obvious that and contracting Covid 3 months after this major surgery wrecked my already weak immune system. After everything I've been through and sometimes still deal with symptoms of/aftermath of- serious hormonal issues/imbalances, possibly coming close to leaky gut which made me develop a gluten/dairy intolerance, overpopulation of demodex mites, overgrowth of candida (yeast) in my system, and seborrheic dermatitis-knowing they're all connected has given me some serious validation (which helps since it seems most western medicine won't even consider overpopulation of Demodex) I did have something else brought into the equation not long ago and reading April's post esp made me want to share this-have any of you ever heard of carpet beetles more importantly their larvae and the havoc/disruption they can cause in a home? The building my apartment is in is over 100 years old, was sold a year ago, renovations were started in some other apartments. Things were DEF stirred up out of the walls nearby (one wall we share with an apartment under construction) and we saw many what we quickly found out were carpet beetles. Since they were primarily right beside the furniture I spend the most time on and I had for awhile started and kept having these awful allergy attacks out of no where (found out the adults that don't live long carry in pollen we started finding it and seeing trails) even if they weren't I went into research mode and my mind was blown. I can easily see how having carpet beetle larvae in your home can mimic a lot of supposed ‘mite and creepy crawly esp at night issues” they are hard as hell to spot until they get much bigger usually then covered in dust/dirt ect. they eat keratin off our skin and our hair, will crawl into our hair at night eat cotton, fabrics (hide and live in the seams of clothes), furniture (can resemble a grain of sand) ect. I still know I've struggled and still do sometimes just not as bad with demodex but I urge some of you to look into it. They despise the smell of and cloves, neem, lavender, cedar, eucalyptus.

Colloidal Silver and Coconut Oil
Posted by amanda (Washington) on 08/01/2022 5 posts

Ok I've been suffering for almost 12 months now tried almost all the options on this website most of them helped a little but not enough. I finally got help from a Dr who prescribed me an antiboitic, a pre surgery wash and an ointment they are working but I'm almost out if them. I haven't tried the silver yet because it's expensive. So I need details on how you used it. Did you mix the silver and the coconut oil together and use it topically? Did you eat the silver? How many times a day did you do these things? Did you do it before or after a shower or bath? Did you buy the silver in bulk? It's like 10$ an ounce so how much did you use? Sorry I'm desperate for this to be over I am miserable and so infested I can work. I even shaved my head a couple weeks ago out if desperation.

Coconut Oil, Sulphur
Posted by Lou (Tyler TX ) on 07/31/2022

Hi Tracy,

There's a soap for Demodex mites called Chang Sheng. Search the Internet for it. Also, my scalp was very bumpy and itchy. I was diagnosed with psoraisis. I believe mites are eating away at it. My scalp is now smooth after shampooing with Coconut oil shampoo and adding some peppermint essential oil to it. Also, I did find some mites behind my ears. It feels like there are tiny ticks at the base of my scalp. I soak in 2 C. Epsom salts to 1 C. Baking soda. I have seen tiny black mites floating in the water. Our home is infested with bird mites, I believe. Even after taking the bugs in a Ziploc bag to show the doctors what I'm dealing with, they still think it's caused by a detergent allergy! They're the ones who are nuts!!!

Neem Leaf, N-Acetyl Cysteine
Posted by Victoria (Phoenix) on 07/26/2022

Thank you for your help. I have been dealing with this issue for sometime now. 9 dermatologists and all different medications and diagnosis. Very frustrating. I love neem and use it for facials. I am going to purchase the neem supplement and NAC today!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Gary (Kitchener) on 07/17/2022

Hi Diane,

I got rid of all my mite problems with Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth. Just sprinkle lightly where you think there are, and 2 days later vacum. They will all die. Good luck

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Diane (Fort Worth Texas) on 07/16/2022

I do have mites. My father in law has them. He came over last week. Sat in the chair that I sit in. He was scratching like crazy. I thought it was misquote bites. But the next day he called and said he has mites and is going to have to have his whole house dry cleaned. We can't afford that. I have lung cancer and am having to pay for chemo out of pocket as I have no health insurance. I read on the internet that vinegar will kill them I just hope apple cider vinegar will do it. My sister said if they are not cleared up by the time I go to the oncologist to tell him about it. And if it were her she would give my father in law a piece of her mind. I did not have them when I went the doctor. And my husband keeps saying if he doesn't have them then I familydon't. I don't think that is true. I tried to make another appointment however all doctors are booked up due to COVID outbreak. And my husband said he is not paying for another Dr. visit because he is already paying for the cancer. Hopefully the apple cider vinegar will work. I am miserable. Cars are broke down my husband is using work van. I am not authorized to drive it. All my family live to far away to help. I have a few friends but they either have COVID or are working. Does any one have any ideas?

Neem Leaf, N-Acetyl Cysteine
Posted by Amanda (Washington) on 07/15/2022 5 posts

How many milligrams of the supplements and How often? Were you doing baths as well? I've been suffering for 11 months been doing all the remedies here and none of them worked. Mine started the same as yours. My dr won't even see me anymore. The lint is terrible! I tried neem oil sprayed around my house and rubbed on my body but it didn't work. Consuming it might be different. What did you use to clean your house and wash your laundry in? I'm desperate for details. Also will you take the suppliments for the rest of your life?

Coconut Oil, Sulphur
Posted by TRACY (KY) on 07/04/2022

Thank you so much for that post. I'm going through the exact same thing I've been to five doctors five different doctors and they all diagnose me as soon as I say I think I have an overpopulation of fights they diagnosed me with a psychosis something delusional a paranoia. It's very disheartening. It's ruining my life my marriage is almost non-existent because of the mites. I can't sleep with my husband because he is 23 years older and I'm afraid that I will give him something. I complain about it everyday because for one it hurts it itches and it just makes me feel very disgusting. I have been going through this for 9 months I cry all the time. I have taken lots of evidence in for them to test and they just act like they want no part of it. Like they don't know what to do with it. They don't even want to look at it much less send it to a lab. These doctors who are supposed to be professional are trying to make me think that I'm crazy and in essence they are the ones driving me crazy. This is hard enough to deal with. And at the age of 51 because they didn't do their job I ended up cutting 11 inches off my hair and I can't even say that without crying. This past year has taken so much from me. And this is not something that you can just talk about with people because then they think you're gross. Because they are uneducated and do not realize that virtually everyone has mites on their body. I too have a weekend immune system and have chronic anemia. As I type this I'm standing here in the bathroom with a clay regimen all over my body and my hair praying to God that this will at least suffocate some of them and get them out of my body. I'm literally at my wit's end. I don't go anywhere I don't do anything because I don't want to infect or infest someone else. I wouldn't even wish this on my worst enemy. The Crawling Sensations into rolling the bugs off of my face and my back are horrible. I'm afraid if I do go somewhere and while I'm talking to someone they'll start running across my face. I can't even hold a job right now because again I don't want to give them to somebody else but also because sometimes the itching is so bad. And it's not a normal itch. It's a different sensation all in its own. My body is creating antigens and antibodies to fight them off, which kind of defeats the purpose for me anyway, because they too crawl. I have been able to capture some really interesting pictures and I've learned a lot about parasitology. I have the follicularium on my scalp in my hair and on my face and my eyelashes and I have the brevis on my chest and my back and groin unfortunately. I virtually shaved off all the hair from my body. I now pencil in my eyebrows and wear a spike. Of All Times be going through a midlife crisis. I look at the mirror and I don't even recognize the person looking back at me. I am so unhappy and so depressed. And I pray to God that He gave me a miracle. And I'm not asking for any kind of spectacular miracle I'm just asking for a doctor that can refer me to someone that is accepting new patients and knows what the heck I'm talking about. Until then I keep searching the internet looking for ways to take care of this myself before I do end up in a padded room. God bless you and thank you so much for sharing your story you have no idea how much you've helped me today. Love in God's name, Tracy

Posted by Prez (Sunny California ) on 06/22/2022

3 tablespoons borax, 2 tablespoons 3% hydrogen peroxide, and enough water to make a paste.

Use this as a scrub on your face and neck and the liquid on a cotton ball for your ears

Demodex (Face Mites) Demodex is a type of mite that lives in human hair follicles, usually on your face. Almost everyone has these mites, but they usually don't cause any problems. But Demodex can multiply too quickly in people who are immunocompromised or have other skin conditions. That causes an itchy, irritating condition called demodicosis.

Vitamin D
Posted by Gina (Texas) on 05/18/2022

Not clear how much sunflower oil you took.

Posted by Gina (Texas) on 05/18/2022

Do you have any suggestions on how to get them out of your scalp and hair?

Multiple Remedies
Posted by A (CT) on 05/17/2022

You only need a few natural cures to get rid of the mites.

Wash all your clothes with trader joes lavender laundry detergent and add a 1/4 cup or so of Borax to each load. Change your bed sheets every day till they are gone and when you shower fist stand in shower and rub your whole body and hair with diatomaceous earth from Agway or any garden center(make sure its food grade).
Farmers use this if their chickens get mites snd it gets rid of them naturally. then rinse it off and wash hair and body with trader joes tea tree shampoo and conditioner and do a final rinse with hydrogen peroxide. Make sure you dont get the peroxide in your eyes.

That should do it and as long as you get all the clothes and bedding washes with the borax and detergent it will kill them all in only a few washes.

I had them and it was the worst thing ever but I refuses to go to Dr and get that horrible permethrin cream that does not work and it is carcinogenic.

I promise this works and you will finally get peace of mind.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Lisa (Aus) on 05/09/2022

Use a cheap fly spray morning and night and vacuum then wipe down interior and door seals.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Brandy (Modesto ) on 05/01/2022

Don't forget your mouth. Make sure to hold vinegar in your mouth swish and gargle. Hold it in long as possible then spit. Some of the mites on your neck are in your mouth and they will rot your teeth. Also, a dermatologist at UCSF just started me on a supplement NAC. It helps with your insides. Coconut oil mixed with clove or thyme or mint. Works well as coconut oil is the only oil they can't feed on something to do with the acid. Good luck.

I've been sick 3 years and I fight every single day. Also don't forget inside your ears. I use Hartz mite drops for cats. Sounds crazy but suffering is worse. They hide in so many places one more thing. Vagisil with tea tree and boric acid the green one. For your privates. I only wish the best to all of you. No one deserves to suffer like this.

Colloidal Silver and Coconut Oil
Posted by Joanne (Florida) on 04/28/2022

Thank you for sharing your experience. I have been doing similar things- trying all natural things. Just read that in Australia they use Benzyl Benzoate. I am going to try that and also the colloidal silver. I have used cedarcidal from web, which is cedar oil. Washing everything daily and still get them. I think that there is something with immune system reacting- like your boyfriend not getting them--I suspect that there are nutritional deficiencies &/or low immune system for some reason - probably some other infection in the body and high stress-too much cortisol. Hard to know. thanks again.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Jacqui (Liverpool Merseyside, UK) on 04/18/2022

Hi you could ask your doctor for Mirtazipine 15ml, take 1hr before bed this helps you sleep. As it really affects your mental health if you don't sleep. Also. I am on 180mg of fexofenadine strongest antihistamine stops most itches & your body's reaction to them.

I've also had Permenthrim, Ivermectin at same time, then used Perm a week later, helps to get rid of the worst but I think if I had used borax straight after & ACV washes & drinks may have completely killed off. I use a Uvb lamp to kill off any mites in my bedroom & bedding 3x aweek. Hope this helps

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Barbara (Ogden UT) on 03/30/2022

It is super important to say what kind of mite you are discussing. The treatments for Demodex are very different from other mites, but people are not distinguishing the difference and are spreading a LOT of misinformation. Demodex mites do not live in mattresses or carpet, furniture etc (scabies mites and other environmental mites do).

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Ashley (Nc.) on 03/19/2022

I got squirrels in my home in 2005.i put everything in storage.. kept moving. Everywhere I went I had them. Eventually though I was viligent about personal care laundry etc. Had no furniture in house .sleeping on air matresses. Stayed few times in motel just to get some sleep. Have them also now. I vacuum shampoo and steam carpets.. having problems with my hair now it . Saw dr recently said I had ringworm. During these yrs.having health problems also. Hair breaking off. Skin elastin leaving..colon issues. I believe lot of this has come from these mites. I have noticed them also in other people's homes.the people don't seemed to be bothered with them. I think they get into the wood also.i notice them on the porch also.they can appear shiny spects.or black specs.even white specs.. I need anyone that knows of any help please help.. also had extermination lots of times.. I've almost given up hope. I've had things in storage for yrs. They even sold one of my buildings.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by A. Nonoumous (Fl) on 03/15/2022

I've tried everything from the dermatologist, er, and doctors. I.E Ivermectin, topicals, orals. Also things I probably shouldn't have. The amount of money, time, and effort that I've spent is alarming and I couldn't get any real help or relief. I feel I've finally gotten a grip on things after many years of intense suffering. The things that have worked for me are taking daily baths with apple cider vinegar with the mother and soaking for 30 minutes. Washing my hair separately. I sleep with a shower cap on so not to spread the mites. I treat my hair and scalp 3-5 times a week with the ACV with the mother and leave it on overnight. I also use a variety of lotions and body washes and wash my hands regularly. Pure coconut oil that's organic and unrefined has helped also.

Dove soaps and body washes combined with hylaronic acid, and argan oil body washes and lotions, along with exfoliating has been answered prayers. Using products that had lipids in them is where I really noticed a game changer. You must add lotions numerous times a day to give more support to your skin. Doing this religiously is a must. I also keep my clothes in plastic bags be them clean or dirty, and use a very sticky lint roller to remove the mites from my skin and clothes. I put mattress encasements on my mattress and box spring, as well as my pillows, and change my bedding daily. Washing bedding and clothes separately, on the hottest water setting with bleach and/or color safe bleach. I also adjusted my diet to more fruits and vegetables, plant proteins, and less animal protien as well as less sugar. Also adding more direct sunlight to my day to day, working on raising my immune system and reducing stress, having better gut health, and drinking a lot of herbal teas as well as Apple Cider Vinegar with the mother mixed with warm water every morning on an empty stomach. What I've learned is that these mites can overpopulate into very large numbers and over run our bodies ability to fight them. I'm still not sure why but I think we coexist with these monstrous critters and most people don't know they have them for they're microscopic and hard to see. We can pick them up unknowingly off of used clothes and furniture, animals, people's cars, people, standing in grass or under trees, carpet. I've never experienced anything like this in my life and at times felt no end in sight or how I would ever make it through.

Hang in there. Stay strong. You will get through this. Remain vigilant and don't give up. Things do get better. You need to make it so you are not a good host for the mites and make it difficult for them to populate by interrupting their life cycle. You can do it. This isn't a lifelong thing.

Sending lots of love and positive vibes your way. Keep fighting!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Pay It Forward (PNW) on 03/12/2022 49 posts

Thank you for the Chang Sheng soap recommendation. I've ordered the tea tree oil eyelid wipes and am waiting for them.

Have had itchy eyelids/lash line on and off for too long. Dr sent me to an ophthalmologist who told me to get the wipes and use them twice daily. AND why would they stay contained on your eyelids. They must travel to your brows, hair and wherever else. Going to also add Teds 50/50 Borax Peroxide solution, including baths/shampoo etc. I already drink Apple Cider Vinegar daily. BUT... if they're in the bedding, all that is for not unless bedding/clothing is aggressively treated. Changing bedding daily, or at least every 2 days, would be essential. Or at the very least, putting the sheets and pillowcases into a hot dryer daily for 20-30 minutes to fry those creatures. Otherwise it's a viscous cycle of reinfection each time you get into bed. Not wearing the same clothes two days running is key. Using a disposable garbage bag as a laundry bag so as not to get that infected too. Gosh it makes your skin crawl just thinking about it.

Lemon Juice in Shampoo
Posted by Lou (Tyler, TX) on 02/20/2022

The Suave coconut shampoo works great. It works even better with a couple of drops of peppermint essential oil.

Vitamin D
Posted by Cathi (Portland ) on 02/20/2022

What is the brand you bought for liquid vitamin D? I know it's been only 3 days but do you feel it's still working for you?

Vitamin D
Posted by Lou (Tyler, TX) on 02/17/2022

Vitamin D drops with Sunflower Seed Oil is the cure for Mites!

For the first time in months, I woke up not itching. I did everything—the baths, the Kleen Green, the vacuuming, the laundry, aloe Vera, creams, etc. I even tried the wash with soap and warm water, peroxide, anti itch cream and whitening toothpaste method. I slept that night, but woke up itching like CRAZY! I watched parakeet bird mite video yesterday and a commenter said to put a paper towel with sunflower oil at the bottom of the bird cage and the mites just fall off. I thought, I am allergic to sunflower oil, but do I have any here? I was willing to try ANYTHING at this point. I had a bottle is S_____ Vitamin D drops with sunflower oil and orange flavor which I had been meaning to take back to Natural Grocers.

I opened it last night and took 20,000 IUs of it. I also dabbed some in my spots near my elbow creases to see if any parasites came out. Nope. (My throat was itching a little so I took some Benadryl.) But I almost slept until 10 with no itching! That was a good thing!

The other thing I did differently yesterday was I had pancakes instead of eggs. The mites are after birds, not humans. I was essentially feeding them chickens. No more eggs for a while! The biopsy came back as eczema, and eggs are on the offending food list as well. I am so happy! I just hope more of these bird mites don't hatch! I will keep drinking my C C tea with whole cloves and honey. Cloves stop the hatching of their eggs.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Gary (Kitchener On) on 02/15/2022


I had the same as you a few years ago..

Got rid of them permanently.

Get a bag of Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth,

Rub on the whole body, bedtime, they will die in a matter of days.


Multiple Remedies
Posted by Lou (Tyler, TX) on 02/15/2022

I experimented with putting a dropper full of wormwood combination tincture in some coconut oil and rubbed it all over after they started biting. It calmed them down so I could sleep. They sell a cream like this on Amazon as well.

Neem Leaf, N-Acetyl Cysteine
Posted by ana (can) on 02/11/2022

Thank u for this suggestion.
I am using this method too and so far its working
After four months of hell ..pheww
I feel like crying when I read of some people experiencing this for years : (

Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 02/02/2022

Turpentine Gum Pine Resin Bath is the ONLY treatment used for turkey mites (seed ticks) when they attack you by the hundreds.

Only use turpentine that comes from a plant source like Pine Trees or Balsam Fir (Canadian turpentine). Humco Turpentine Gum Pine Resin is the brand that can be found at most independent-owned family pharmacies or Diamond G Turpentine online. These brands are the only form of pine turpentine used as medicine. Do NOT use mineral turpentine found at the hardware store. Mineral turpentine is a hazardous substance and is NOT used as medicine.

How to take a Pine Turpentine Bath

1. Fill the bathtub with hot water (temperature 36C/97F)

2. Pour 20 drops of pine turpentine and a squirt of baby soap or dish washing liquid solution into a small empty water bottle with a cap and dilute with a small amount of hot water (38-40C)

3. Cap the bottle, shake it up well and pour the contents into a filled bathtub

4. Mix well the water in the bathtub until a uniform of water is obtained.

5. Start bathing at a temperature of 36C for 15 minutes. Repeat daily til infestation is gone.

6. Also, launder the clothing you were wearing when you got infested with the mites with pine turpentine and laundry soap in HOT water.

Interesting Article Published in the (Roy and Ghosh Medical Journal Dec. 1944), From the Department of Medical Entomology, School of Tropical Medicine, Calcutta) When it was noticed that the incidence of scabies is at present extremely high and that drugs such as benzyl benzoate, mitigal, tetmos, etc., are not available in this country, it was felt that it would be worth while to undertake an investigation with the object of discovering a sarcopticidal drug which would not only be efficient but would also be readily available. In this connection, a large number of indigenous preparations commonly used for scabies in this country were tested, and in course of this investigation oil of turpentine was observed to possess properties whereby the mite was quickly overwhelmed and was soon killed on contact outside the body.

The oil was used in the form of an emulsion and was prepared as follows : Oil turpentine, B.P. 20 parts Soften the soap with Soap shavings (bar water; mix the soap) .. q.s. oil and the soap 70 per cent alcohol 80 parts thoroughly in a (If necessary the pestle and mortar; common methy- mix the spirit lated spirit may gradually. be used after dilution). N.B. 90 per cent alcohol makes a very good emulsion, but for economy 70 per cent may also be used. The emulsion must always be well shaken before use.

Dry Mustard
Posted by MARIE L. (Auvergne) on 01/26/2022

How can the mustard lotion stay on the body when you put your clothes on? I tried and after a while, I notice that there is no lotion anymore on my skin, everything is on my clothes!
Putting a cling film can be a solution?

Thank you so much in advance for your answer. I am struggling with these mites for years and I am so tired of this. Excuse my English, I am french

Neem Leaf, N-Acetyl Cysteine
Posted by Heidi (Orlando, FL) on 01/26/2022

Take twice a day for how long?

Coconut Oil, Sulphur
Posted by Elaine (Petaluma CA) on 01/11/2022

I forgot to add that one of the determatolgists even prescribed for me a medication for schizophrenia! Didn't want to accept what I said about the mites that were infesting my head.

Coconut Oil, Sulphur
Posted by Elaine (Petaluma, CA) on 01/11/2022

I had the same experience with the dermatologists--I went to five and they all told me I didn't have mites. They ignored what I told them about all the itching, biting, crawling. They were worthless.

I am trying the colloidal silver that I just read about here. Am grateful for the advice.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lou (Tyler TX) on 01/06/2022

Try Chang Sheng soap for demodex mites. Also try tea tree oil eye wipes. Be careful to not get this into your eyes!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Karen Strickland (United states ) on 01/05/2022

Hey, I'm going through the same exact thing. It's been months now and I'm at my wits end. Please keep the faith. I love these posts, we're not alone. God bless


Colloidal Silver and Coconut Oil
Posted by Art (California) on 01/01/2022 2165 posts


Silver is not an exceptional killer of mites and its effects vary significantly depending on the type of mite. It does kill mites in a dose dependent manner, but povidone iodine is probably a more potent mite killer.


Colloidal Silver and Coconut Oil
Posted by Frank (NC) on 01/01/2022

Will the combo of DMSO and Colloidal Silver eliminate mites (subdermal) or help control them?

Suspend SC Insecticide
Posted by Juliw (Florida) on 12/17/2021

I had a Mite problem for years living in the woods. Suspend sc works it actually can be used inside and outside. I tried everything under the sun but this finally did it and went after the root problem bothering my animals.

Hot Water
Posted by Barbara (OH) on 12/13/2021

I used sulfur soap and shampoo for months and months and it didn't work on the body or on the scalp.
