Natural Remedies for Neck Pain

| Modified on May 16, 2024
The Importance of Stretching for Pain
Posted by Mama to Many~ (Tennessee) on 05/16/2024

My neck has been tight since I slept wrong the other day. While the ACV wrap helped with pain, I was still stiff.

I tried my wobble cushion/wiggle seat and within minutes got a couple of great pops/cracks in my neck - better than when I go to the chiropractor! I learned when I went to a scoliosis clinic for 2 weeks last year how much of my pain and/or stiffness is caused by tight muscles. Since going to that clinic I have done stretches on a regular basis and what a difference it makes.

I highly recommend a wobble cushion. You can get one on Amazon for $20. Don't get the ones that look like a disk. Get one that has a profile of an ellipse.

The chiropractic clinic had me using it twice a day for 10 minutes each time. I am sure there are YouTube videos that will show you how to use one properly.

Also on Amazon you can get a neck traction thing like they have a chiropractors. I still use the one I got from the chiropractic clinic.

My sister-in-law is a runner. She knows a lot about stretching. One time she was visiting and I mentioned my hip pain. She said it was from a tight muscle in my leg. She showed me a stretch to use with a foam roller. I was skeptical, but it worked! The tight/contracting muscle on the outside of my upper leg was stressing my hip. When I have hip pain that stretch works every time.

I am 57. I thought that a lot of my pain was from degeneration. It turns out that often my pain is from tight muscles, a much easier problem to fix!

~Mama to Many~

Wintergreen Oil
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 03/14/2024


In the absence of a history of injury, or absence of evidence of a beginning boil or carbuncle, consider the neck pain due to inflammation of muscles (“muscular rheumatism" ). Muscle spasm with resulting

tilting of the head and stiffness of the neck is common.


1. Apply dry heat to the neck for forty minutes, twice daily.

2. Rub on oil of wintergreen twice daily.**

3. Protect the neck against exposure to cold or wet.

4. Aspirin grain 10 (0.6 gram), four times a day if needed.

Note by Rob: **(2.) Oil of Wintergreen into muscles dilute 1:1 with carrier oil.

From the Book - United States Maritime Service Hospital Corps School Manual 1945 By United States War Shipping Administration page 228.

Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 06/19/2012

As for the person with a severe neck arthritis, for 20 years, went 50% away within 1 week and completely away in about 3 weeks using MSM 2000 mg x 5 times a day plus B1 thiamine 200 to 400 mg a day (for numbness of extremities).


Towel Roll Neck Pillow
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 05/28/2022 461 posts

I had neck issues for years until I found a travel pillow which is the same length as a regular pillow but only half as wide so it doesn't curl up over the top of the back of my head and put pressure on my neck as even the very slight pressure of a pillow cupping around my head was horrible, as if someone was pressing down on my head. SOO, half a pillow - much like your neck roll - problem solved! You DO have to make your pillow cases but that's easy peasy.

Towel Roll Neck Pillow
Posted by Nothy Lane (Ontario) on 05/28/2022

The rolled towel helps a lot. I fold it length wise and put in into a pillowcase. I used to be side sleeper but have really tried to sleep on my back due to neck pain. I find simply starting out on my back helps a lot! I can't believe the difference.

Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 05/22/2021 461 posts

I had neck problems that started when I was a kid. When I got a job in the city, I started seeing a chiropractor, twice a week. Then we moved to a small town in an Amish area that actually had its own chiropractor so I made an appointment there. After the appointment, I went to pay ($35 - it was a long time ago but the one I was seeing twice a week was 65) and after I paid I asked about my next appointment. The woman looked at my chart and said he didn't have me down for another appointment so I should just call if I had any problems. When I left, I realized I could turn my head to the left without turning my whole upper body - which I hadn't been able to do for a long time. I was so excited that my family eventually had to tell me to just shut up about it as they were tired of hearing me go on and on. ROFL!

Magnesium Oil
Posted by Megan (Arkansas) on 03/06/2020

I have used magnesium oil for neck pain and recommend it to family and friends for years. Spray the oil on and leave for at least 15 minutes. Some people leave it on all day but I rinse it out after 20 minutes. Most effective neck pain remedy ever in my humble opinion!

Posted by Janet (Co) on 09/28/2017

Thanks MTM - I do shower after each swim, and will up my Vit. C, it never hurts. Thanks again!

Posted by Mama To Many (Tn) on 09/28/2017

I tend to think the wonderful benefit of swimming overwhelmingly outweighs the chlorine concern.

Not only is swimming helping your back and neck, the exercise is good for every system in your body, including thyroid.

Vitamin C neutralizes chlorine. You could be sure to use vitamin C each day internally.

You could also apply a thin barrier oil (like almond oil) to your skin before swimming to potentially reduce the amount your body absorbs. But frankly, I am not sure I would bother.

Rinsing off after swimming would probably not be a bad idea.

Enjoy your swimming!

~Mama to Many~

Posted by Wendy (Columbus, Oh) on 09/28/2017

I would also like to know how to limit exposure to the chlorine in pools, other than NOT swimming! Is there a natural supplement to take that would remove the chlorine from the body?

Posted by Js5280 (Colorado) on 09/26/2017

About the only type of exercise that helps with my chronic neck and back problems is swimming/floating/water walking. Yet, I suffer from hypothyroidism too.....any suggestions on how to avoid all the chlorine absorption?

Myofascial Stretches for neck pain
Posted by Bobbi (Vancouver, Wa) on 01/08/2017 1 posts

I started getting the old familiar twinge in my neck after bundling up with turtle neck, collared vest, hoodie and a neck scarf to run errands in the bitter cold snap we have had this last week. This morning, after two days of agony and aspirin, Aleve and marijuana salve I turned to my old stand by, Earth Clinic. Watched the video on myofascial stretches, did it and have gotten instant relief. I had forgotten my own Mantra; "Always check EarthClinic first". Thanks again for the many remedies that have helped or cured over the years!!!

EC: Yea! Thank you for reporting that Erica's videos helped. We find the myofascial release work incredible effective.

Posted by Scottso (Boca Raton, Fl) on 12/18/2016

CURED. There is a post on this site under diabetes 'juicing' by someone named Ti in Houston, TX, answering someone else in Bangalore, India.

Not sure why I copied this remedy on 12/24/14, it somehow caught my eye in it's sincerity. So I have been sufferering from horrendous neck pain for the past two years. I have bought too many pillows to count. Wake up in the middle of the night and cannot go back to sleep. Morning after morning with horrific migraines, and pressure in my head so strong that I felt like my eyes would pop out of my head.

Just had a blood test around Thanksgiving, my blood sugar showed 146 in a 'normal range' of 50-99. I remembered this saved post about juicing for diabetes....I searched it and started doing it around the beginning of this month, on or about Dec 1. It's the juice blend that includes one cucumber, some celery, parsley, lemon and ginger, all organic, all juiced and the first thing into your stomach in the morning.

I have not yet returned for a follow up blood test...BUT, after 3 days of this juice blend, I no longer have neck pain. I no longer wake up with migraines. I no longer have my eyes popping out of my head. I no longer wake up in the middle of the night without being able to fall back asleep. I feel like I'm walking on clouds.

In all fairness, I want to say that after the first glass of this juice blend, I had no craving to drink coffee. Not sure how the fact that I stopped all caffeine intake would affect me, but the end result was positive.


Towel Roll Neck Pillow
Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 09/24/2016

When I have had neck problems in the past, I have sometimes got relief by rolling up a medium-sized, bathroom towel and using that instead of a pillow. You might not notice relief for a couple of nights/days but if you persevere you might be pleasantly surprised at the result. I found it was better to roll the towel lengthwise, as it was too bulky the other way round. The towel is placed under the neck rather then the head obviously. It takes a while for the muscles/joints/nerves to adjust to their new position and you to get comfortable. You may end up preferring the towel to the pillow!

04/04/2021 UPDATE:

As a sequel to my earlier post (above), I now wish to promote the Mark!! (improved) version!!

Instead of the rolled towel alone, I now incorporate the same rolled towel into the pillow case I.e. it goes inside the pillow case (with the pillow also inside the pillow case) down one side of the pillow. That way the towel supports the neck and the pillow supports the head.

I have always preferred a less bulky pillow than most other people I know.

Cheers from Down Under


Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Iowama (Iowa, Usa) on 03/20/2015

After driving across country yesterday, it was no surprise that I spent all night with an aching neck. I had never tried the apple cider vinegar poultice on my neck until this morning, and it definitely did ease things quite a bit. Thank you for the posts about this remedy. I have just ordered a new foam cervical collar to replace one I left behind on a plane. As a suggestion to anyone who suffers from a sore neck from travel, you might read the Amazon reviews of this product. The price has come down quite a bit from what I remember paying a few years back.

Ted's Cat Purr Recording
Posted by Koren (Nanaimo, Bc, Canada) on 11/04/2012

I am still amazed that listening to a cat purring works. My neck was acting up again tonight. I did some neck stretches, but it just seemed to aggravate it. Then I remembered the cat purring, so I played it again (in repeat mode) and the relief was almost instantaneous. Try it. Thank-you once again Ted.

Sleep Without a Pillow
Posted by Earthfirst (Chicago, Il) on 09/28/2009

Neck Pain - Stiff Neck:

After a neck injury i got overdoing it at the gym i was unable to look left or right without terrible discomfort. i tried sleeping a few nights without a pillow and although it was a little uncomfortable to fall asleep i was mostly healed by the following morning. two additional nights of this and i was 100%. its worth a try if you have back pain too.
