Tachycardia Remedies and Natural Cures

| Modified on May 17, 2024
Hawthorn and Motherwort
Posted by Jerry (Seal Beach, California, Usa) on 11/14/2011

I have found hawthorn and motherwort together to be a reliable cure for my PSVT's (paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia) in which my heart would race at speeds of 160 to even over 200 per minute.

First, I use a liquid extract, alcohol free if possible. I used to use an alcohol extract but it did not work anything like the alcohol-free. After experimenting with different manufacturers I settled on Nature's Answer alcohol-free hawthorn and Nature's Answer low-alcohol motherwort. These people are based in Hauppauge, New York, and I have no connection with them whatever except as happy user of their products. After a couple years, Nature's Answer turned their hawthorn into hawthorn berry (which it was originally), leaf and flower. On the Net I found this combo supposedly reinforced the properties of the hawthorn berry. I found it had no different ability to stop my cardiac arrhythmia. Same speed.

Nature's Answer motherwort is about 15 percent alcohol. Some experimentation with different manufacturers years ago made it clear you can't put motherwort in solution without using some alcohol, or it will come out of solution. Even so, you still need to shake the motherwort extract to get it evenly distributed.

This stuff can get rid of an attack of PSVTs like lightning. I keep a quarter ounce bottle with glass eye dropper on me at all times, mixed with a 50% hawthorn-50% motherwort mixture. That 50 percent is by volume, not weight, say a full level teaspoon of each. And I shake each one thoroughly before adding to the mix.

Once in a while I will get a warning jump in my chest saying my heart could go into fast heartbeat. I will sit down as soon as possible, take out my bottle of herbs, shake it well, and fill the dropper about 1/3 to 1/2 full. I always sit or lie down whenever I get a heart incident so I don't have any strain on the heart, and I will stay down for maybe ten minutes.

If I have gone into full tachycardia, where my heart is beating 160-200 beats a minute, I don't care where I am, I lie down. I get my bottle of herbs out, shake it thoroughly, and put a dropper full into my mouth. How fast is it? Once when I couldn't lie down, I was in my car on the freeway, I parked it as soon as I could and took my dropper full. I couldn't get the dropper back in the bottle fast enough to beat my heart getting back to normal. It took one second for my heartbeat to resume normal beating.

This remedy has NEVER failed me. I have gotten into the habit, over the years, of taking 1/3 dropper full after breakfast, 1/3 dropper full after lunch, and 1/3 dropper full after supper. I have noticed that scars that seemed to be getting deeper with age began to disappear, to where they are barely noticeable nowadays. I am 81.

Symptoms that might accompany this remedy being more effective: the tongue is red compared to a fresh cut pork chop. The left pulse between the wrist crease and the head of the radius tends to be weak, perhaps weaker than the pulse at any other position.

I can't guarantee this will work for you. I can tell you it is greased lightning working on me. My incidence of heart palpitations has dropped from several bouts per week to perhaps one every two to five years. I NEVER leave my hawthorn-motherwort on the dresser at home. It is in my pocket at all times.

Posted by Carrie (Kuwait, Middle East) on 08/27/2006

I had a heart attack 1 and half years ago. 3 nights ago I experienced pains and was hospitalized and found to be suffering once again with a heart condition. I searched the internet and came across your site. Thank you for an amazing treasure of cures and remedies. I used 1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper and a tablespoon or two of honey in rather large glass of boiling water. I found the taste really delicious! I swallowed crushed clove garlic with this drink and truly my heart settled almost instantly and my BP is normal! To all heart sufferers, this is an amazing remedy to try, you only benefit from it. I intend having this daily probably for the rest of my life!

Posted by Fgingles (Raymore, Missouri) on 08/09/2015

I don't really like posting anything but I know how frustrating it can be to have tachycardia or arrhythmia and taking really hard medications is not really good for our bodies. I have SVT type of tachycardia and have ongoing attacks all day long. I have used Beta-Blocker for 10 years and just recently started taking Tambacor. I've also have had 3 ablations and the last one I had, made me develop a new rhythm in another part of my heart. I've tried every type of natural remedied that is listed in this forum..

My husband experienced a head injury and the doctor recommended him using Melatonin because he needed to have better sleep at night. I decided to start using it too and at that time I was taking tambacor and experiencing dizzy spells from it. I decided to go off the Tambacor. When I went off this medication I didn't have any tachycardia episodes I've been taking Melatonin for 6 months now and I can honestly say I have not had one episode. I take one 5mg pill at night, and it seem to do the trick.

The Melatonin has changed my life, I no longer rely on hard horrible medications to control my arrhythmia. Plus I get a better sleep at night and no side effects.

I hope this information will help someone, that's having to rely on using these horrible medications.

Posted by Lynette (Edwardsville, IL) on 11/07/2006

For the past year, I have been suffering from severe headaches, my heart would beat extremely fast just from standing up, and dizziness. I knew that it was serious when my head was hurting so bad one day that I went to lie down and woke up almost 15 hours later. I found this website while looking for a cure for gout for someone else. I sent them the information and then began to read the other parts of this site. After my reading, I wrote out a list and I went to the health food store immediately after work. I have been taking the mixture of the water with ACV, liquid garlic, cayenne pepper and blackstrap molasses for a week now. For the first time in a year, I am feeling so much better. My heart rate has slowed. My headaches are gone. I am using the bathroom on a regular basis now and I am not sleepy all of the time. I am also taking multi-vitamins. Thank you for this wonderful website!

Posted by Ed (Chicago, Il) on 08/19/2011

Cayenne slowed my heart rate from 78-100 bpm to 58-64 bpm only after 2 days of use 1/4 of a teaspoon with warm water... BP is down as well

Ylang-Ylang Essential Oil
Posted by Beth (Oxford, Ohio) on 05/06/2021

I developed a racing heart and high blood pressure instantly one morning. For about an hour I practiced deep breathing and drank water. Didn't help. I didn't want to go to the hospital for all the fears one can image (it is nicknamed ‘kill ‘em and hide ‘em) so grabbed my essential oils book, which recommended Ylang-Ylang.

Two whiffs and all went back to normal instantly never to return again.

That was in 2016! Ylang-Ylang travels with me always.

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Leelannee (Sussex, Nj) on 08/24/2012

I am overweight & was not only concerned but embarrassed that my heart rate would skyrocket at the slightest exertion (like going up half a flight of stairs, bending over to pick up laundry, or even just standing up! ). It would also beat so hard that when I was in bed, I could see my blanket or the book I was reading shaking. I tried doing cardio for at least 30-45 minutes at a time, because I thought I must be terribly out of shape. I could only walk at a moderate pace, or my heartrate would go out of the safe range.

I have taken DE a few times over the years, but had not been taking it for awhile. I started taking it again because my hair was falling out. I took it at night, because it also seems to help me sleep. On the morning after my second dose, I noticed that my heart rate was slower!!!

In less than 2 weeks, it went from being over 100 resting & in the 120s while standing to being in the 80s! After a couple more months of doing this (and not being able to increase exercise due to a car accident), my resting heart rate is now about 70. And I have to run twice as fast on my elliptical to get my heart rate into the target zone!

Just goes to show that this condition was NOT caused by my weight or being out of shape, but perhaps by a mineral deficiency. I've heard that DE increases bioavailability of other minerals, such as calcium, as well as being beneficial itself because of the silica content.

I also had high blood pressure at the time, but want to point out that the DE did not help with it. They seem to be 2 entirely different issues. I could have a fast heart rate and normal blood pressure, or vice versa. I did start taking hawthorn berry, full spectrum olive leaf, potassium, Vitamin C, and hibiscus tea, and my blood pressure is wonderful--again without losing weight or getting in better shape (although I'm working on those 2 things, also! ). I'll try to post that in the hypertension section.

I really hope this info helps someone. I was so frightened and frustrated by this condition, and I'm so relieved that it has improved!

Oh, I almost forgot; every night, I mix 1-2tbsp into about 8oz water, and drink it down quickly. You may want to start out with a smaller dose & work your way up, as it can have a cleansing affect. Good luck!

Posted by Win F. (Canada) on 05/03/2020

If you also have a racing heart rate, as I do, well here's a simple remedy for that as well: Whenever you feel your heart racing, you simply put your hand on your neck and for some reason that will slow your heart rate within a very few minutes.

Weird, I know, but it's reduced my visits to the emergency room to nil.

Magnesium, Potassium
Posted by Sonya (Dfw, Tx) on 12/16/2013

I have been increasingly stressed at work lately, such that when I log off the computer (when working from home) I go upstairs and lay down in my bed to 'hide' from it. I have been having tight chest, mild- to medium anxiety attacks, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, and most recently, tachycardia.

This weekend it was the worst. I just couldn't catch my breath all weekend, and finally I decided to take my pulse. 108 bpm! Crazy, it's never that hight and all the symptoms going with it are very unusual for me -- until about a month or two ago, this kind of thing was something I only thought happened to other people since I have always been 'text book' in the pulse / blood pressure / etc departments.

Anyways, for some reason I had a flash of an idea -- I am a regular taker of potassium and magnesium, mostly due to muscle stiffness and soreness, but I had run out of potassium several months back, and continued on with the magnesium until about 5 weeks ago when I ran out of that too. I was doing ok, so I figured I would buy some when I got to the vitamin shop. Well - I kept forgetting. I mentioned to my husband to look up magnesium in conjunction with heart rate -- and the second article he found said that heart rate is governed by magnesium (foremost) and potassium (secondly). Then he asked if I had any put away in the emergency box. And I knew I did.

I took 400 mg magnsium, and 198mcg Potassium and within 20 minutes I was down to 86 bpm. Another 20 minutes after that, I was down to 76 bpm. I am normally around 70 bpm, resting, so I was reassured.

I had to take more when I woke up in the morning as I was back up to almost 90bpm, but I know that both potassium and magnesium are cumulative, and I figure I must have been seriously depleted.

Now the interesting conundrum -- was I really as stressed at work as I thought I was? Or was my 'stress' actually a result of depleted Magnesium and Potassium stores? I feel much better today, but only time will tell, I suspect.

Alkaline pH
Posted by Bess (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 04/04/2014

I don't think Wendy from Barrie has responded about the "concentrated mineral supplement" she took.

However, I'm wondering if it is ConcenTrace (you can get it from health food stores, as well as Amazon). The bottle says "full-spectrum body-balanced ionic minerals and trace elements" and states you are to take 10 to 20 drops up to twice a day in water or liquid. Some people have to work up to that level due to the laxative effect it may have on them. People also use it to re-mineralize distilled or reverse-osmosis water.

This product is quite popular so perhaps it's the one she used. Hope that helps! Best of health to you and yours, Bess

Multiple Remedies
Posted by ORH (Ten Mile, Tn) on 07/13/2020

GANG, ORH here, got my mule scared today. Got up this morning and felt like I had been whipped with an ugly stick. Went to the farm anyway and things got worse, so I came home. Blood Pressure and pulse were all over the map. Pulled every trick that I knew and finally it is tolerable after 4 hours of non-stop intervention. PEMF program that I took from low to high, cayenne pepper extract in water, magnesium oil on chest, followed by DMSO, oxygen mask and a Xanax . Have gone to the ER several times when this happens. Their errors have almost put me under twice, so I make my on house calls. Need to hang on as I have a Covid testing story to tell you.


Alkaline pH
Posted by Wendy (Barrie, Ontario Canada) on 10/04/2008

Anxiety/Panic Attacks/ph balancing

My dh and I moved 1000 miles away to the middle of nowhere (seriously) with 2 small kids, for him to take a job working 80+hrs a week...in JANUARY! The dog died, the car died, my daughter burnt her arm on the woodstove, we were isolated etc. and of course for 3 months I tried every natural remedy to save our dog to no avail. So when I suddenly went to emerg one night with a racing heart that I couldn't slow down, the sweats, shakes and dizziness, I thought for sure I was having a heart attack...heck I am 40 after all! They gave me an adavan that I didn't take and told me to go home and relax with all the stress in my life. Although everyone kept telling me I was in emotional turmoil...for me there had to be another concrete reason, I had handled way worse in my life and heck it wasn't like I lived in a war torn country or anything...nutritionally I mean, or lack thereof.

I had been drinking black tea again to cope with the dog, the move etc. so it was the first to go with the result being less frequent attacks. So with the help of a guy in Nova Scotia I learned about PH balancing and the work of Dr. Carey Reams. I started balancing my ph each day and if it was 7ish I felt awesome, if it was acid I felt awful. Any sweetener- even honey affected me greatly on the acid side. Then I added in a green supplement from a doctor in Barrie Ontario. On his advice I also started taking a concentrated mineral supplement (the most popular one on the market he recommended) and I started with 1 drop 2x a day, then 2 drops 2x a day and so on. He said I would have loose stools when I reached enough. He said rarely some of his clients could handle 40-60 drops a day. THIS was ME! I was taking 30 drops 2x a day with no loose stools- AND I felt like a million bucks....and NO more panic attacks- ever. woohoo. Then I moved on to zeolite which got back my 5 yr flagging libido and life was incredibly awesome... of course I ended up pregnant with my 3rd, but it's all good and i'm still feeling awesome with no return of the horrifying panic attacks. Incidentlly I tried homeopathics, herbal tinctures, herbal teas, acv, baking soda etc. nothing worked but the constant paying attention of the day to day ph morning and night of my saliva and urine and taking the concentrated minerals. Believe me, for anyone going thru these you'll do just about anything to make them stop!!!

Hawthorn and Motherwort
Posted by Mike (San Francisco, Ca) on 06/27/2013

Thank you so much for this tip. My palpitations lasted sometimes for hours. I am convinced that motherwort which I take under the tongue at the first sign of a flare up is as helpful as you describe. I had been doing many other things, including rubbing myself with magnesium oil, eating smaller meals, and so on, too. Thank you very much. This is the first time in my life that I have ever commented at a forum like this.

Magnesium, Potassium
Posted by Joanne (Az) on 03/12/2016

Yes a deficiency in magnesium can make your heart rate higher. I had that internal shakiness The feeling went way and my heart rate went down after taking magnesium ultra 200 mg a day. Also upped my potassium by drinking low sodium tomato juice and coconut water.

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Susan (Nyc) on 05/30/2017

I believe the Diatomaceous Earth needs to be Food Grade for consumption.

Carbohydrates and Rapid Heart Beat
Posted by Clh Pdl (Pld, Fl) on 09/06/2011

Rapid Heart Rate after eating,

I have been dealing with this for 6 years now, have had every test in the world, I think that it has something to do with my digestive system, hiatial hernia or kidneys, I don't know for sure but I have been on zebeta for almost 6 years and have had one attempbed ablation. I know that within 20 minutes of eating certain foods and they are random foods that my heart will race to over 200 beats per minute and then I call the ambulance with gives me adenosine IV to slow it back down. I have spent so much money on hospitals and doctors between me and the insurance company and still don't know what causes it.

I know that I can not eat anything with MSG, I can't eat pork, I can't eat hot dogs, I will get this bump and then the racing starts. I did two weeks ago try a remedy I got off of earth clinic when my heart started racing it was at 176 by time I got to the ice machine, but I put both my wrist in the ice and put in on my face and it started going down immediately, but I know that I will not always have ice around. They want me to do another ablation next month, still debating, but I am also tired of the heart racing. I have been on the stricktist diet in the world for the last 6 years, but, no anything good, just all healthy, It does not seem to matter, when the racing wants to come, it comes. I, after 6 years decided I wanted a rootbear float. Have not had anything carbinated for 10 years, it actually helped, so I have now decided, when I eat something that makes me feel full, even if it is a little bit, I either drink a small amount of sprite or a root bear float and it seems to help with the flutters and bumping. The doctors don't seem to understand when I tell them about the bumping before the heart racing. I don't know if this is what you get but a lot of people do.

Posted by Lois (Daytona Beach, Florida) on 01/29/2008

My mother had an irregular and rapid heart beat. Sometimes at night she would call me to put a "pinch" of Cayenne Pepper from the spice cabinet, in hot milk to calm her heart. I have insomnia and Lupus, and have started using a pinch of Cayenne in hot milk.(powder) Please tell me how much could be used? Also, if I get the Cayenne from a health store in liquid form, how much would be safe for use every night. Thank you.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Magneto (Eastern NC) on 10/31/2023

Blackstrap Molasses for SVT or Supraventricular Tachycardia

I've had SVT or Supraventricular Tachycardia for over 10 years now. It can be induced by stress, dehydration and who knows what else. Even a greasy meal once. I think depending on what triggers it different things will work for me. Rarely, a valsalva maneuver (which has about a 20-50% success rate, I think) will help.

Things that have I have switched between and tried (usually one about 20 minutes after the other with each unsuccessful attempt): magnesium oil sprayed on chest, powdered potassium supplement, big spoonful of blackstrap molasses. I don't try them in that order that's just a list of things that have worked for me.

Posted by Win Fuller (Canada) on 05/05/2020

Hi Wendy,

Thanks for your concern and you have every right to feel that way. I know I don't have Afib from the many visits to the ER. Afib is a totally different thing from a racing heart. A racing heart still has a normal heart rhythm whereas Afib is an irregular heart rhythm. I should have clarified that in my original post so thanks for clearing that up.

Omega 3 Fish Oil
Posted by Bob V (Cincinnati, Ohio) on 10/27/2019


The mainstream medical literature, and the advice they provide are full of misleading info. But so does many internet sites on the alternative medicine, so be quite careful. You can live a long life with this condition and usually without having surgeries.

I studied alternative medicine for 30 to 40 years as a hobby around the world and published several articles on it. Two fish oil gels for someone with tachycardia is nothing. When it hits u, u need to take about 1,500 IUs minimum of Omega 3, fatty acids (don't confuse that with fish oil, what I mean is the EPA and DHA) with at least 800mg magnesium, 99mg potassium and real garlic grown in the USA.

Lay down while elevating your feet. Fried food, sweets and stress are another concern (salt? caffeine? the jury is still out on it) that may cause pooling and stickiness of your blood at the heart valves or in your arteries. Try to eat food that contains the above mentioned elements. Try to drink wine, reds are better and daily and consume garlic and real, clean ocean fish frequently.

Bob V

Magnesium, Potassium
Posted by Gee sangha (Ontario ) on 03/10/2021

I have had no serious health issues all my life approx 59 now

But recently I started getting abnormal heart palpitations to the point where I was getting them even when in bed. I thought eating was the cause as usually, it started after eating. Tried magnesium glycinate with little effect.

Then I remembered I had magnesium calm is what it is called and so after a meal, I took half a teaspoon. I found my symptoms were lessened. That evening I took another half teaspoon I slept without issue and no palpitations.

It works for me the stuff is magnesium carbonate in ionic format. I think you need a larger amount of magnesium in the form your body handles best.

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Judy (California) on 06/01/2017

Take FOOD GRADE only Love this stuff

Hawthorn and Motherwort
Posted by M in M (USA) on 03/18/2023

Recently started having racing heart….scary! I found a post by Jerry in 2011, I got the Hawthorne/motherwort TINCTURES at Swanson. I felt the heart racing 8 days ago and blended the 2 tinctures….took 1/3 dropperful, as Jerry suggested. Heart rate dropped from 118 to 79 in about 40min. It was amazing. Even more amazing, I haven't had to take it again! Lowers BP, too. Thank you Jerry & Don(worked for Don too). Thank you EC for maintaining those testimonies for years!!

Posted by Christine (Belcamp, Maryland, USA) on 11/04/2008

I know for a fact that when I am in good shape and exercising on a regular bases I hardly have any SVT attacks. I still will get them once in a while. When I am not exercising regularly I have the attacks all the time and the palpitations are more frequent as well. I know this because I am one of those people that will be in great shape for half the year, then slack for a couple months at a time for the rest. When I am slacking I have SVT pretty often. We all know our bodies and this works best for me. The cardiologist does not believe there is a connection and he is the professional. But I have had SVT for going on 20 years and my heart lets me know when to get back into shape.

Foods to Avoid
Posted by Nicole (Cover, Pa) on 01/17/2017

I put virgin coconut oil in my hair and on my skin and I had tachycardia for 3 days. I did not know beforehand that it is a stimulant energy booster. I have a mild heart condition to begin with and boy did that get my heart racing

Cayenne and Garlic
Posted by Audrey (Allentown, Pa.) on 05/12/2009

What is the procedure to use the garlic and cayenne pepper, measurements etc?

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Larry (KS) on 05/17/2024

Can I suggest Carditone. Art has been a champion of it and I tried it for Afib starting a month ago and it has worked. Expensive but I am now taking it one every two day.

B Vitamins
Posted by Idiot 13 (Dublin) on 01/25/2021

I had irregular heart beat and I took vitamin b12 and b complex and it cured my heart problem.

Posted by cis (Uk) on 02/10/2021

Sorry you had to have surgery for it. There are other solutions!

Lack of magnesium is a well-known cause of atrial fibrillation (A-Fib).

Posted by Win (Canada) on 02/11/2022

Hi M.,

You have a carotid artery on either side of your neck and you can feel a pulse on each side. When you put a little pressure on one of these (never on both! ) that will soon slow the heart rate. Best to ask your doctor if it's safe for your own peace of mind. I told my doctor what I was doing and what it did for me and asked him why it worked and that's what he told me.

Posted by Pinetreelady (Tucson) on 12/20/2018

Tachycardia (fast heart beat) can be related to thyroid issues. The thyroid controls the electrical activity of the heart. You most likely could benefit from the use of iodine added to your supplement regimen. Get Dr. David Brownstein's book, "Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can't Live Without It". You start with low dose iodine/iodide of 12.5 mg and work up. Most people in our modern world are iodine deficient because of the depleted soil as well as the addition of bromides to our diet (used in commercial bread making).

Carbohydrates and Rapid Heart Beat
Posted by Bea (Sa) on 07/22/2017

It sounds like an allergy symptom. If your heart rate increases by 10 points after eating certain foods, you're reacting to them in an allergic way. People can be allergic to sugar and get symptoms. Just stay away from those foods because allergy is forever. I also get a sudden heart rate increase, and I know there is something in that food that I am allergic to. Especially if you get headaches or migraines, digestive problems, sinus congestion, asthma, etc after eating these foods. Google allergy pulse test.

Alkaline pH
Posted by Sim (Gaithersburg, MD) on 10/31/2008

What mineral supplement were you given?

Adrenal Fatigue May Be a Cause
Posted by Toourlady89 (Ca) on 09/25/2013

For heart palpitations, another concern to address would be Magnesium Deficiency. Magnesium Taurate is the Mg of choice for the heart. Pls. search : on Rapid heart beats and Magnesium. There is so much info online. I hope you find your answer.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Joel (Dallas, TX) on 11/08/2023

You very well could be dealing with (what is basically ignored in the allopathic community) HHS (Hiatal Hernia Syndrome). All three of the triggers you've stated are tell tale signs of having a hiatal hernia. Stress, dehydration, and/or greasy foods all cause the stomach to spasm and rise toward the hiatus. Eventually enough pressure and tension develops and a portion of the fundus of the stomach (the part that leads to the esophagus) will push through the hiatus (sometimes it actually tears) and when this happens, all sorts of things can begin to go wrong. Mainly (if it's advanced enough) because your left and/or right vagus nerve along with your thoracic aorta (the main artery to your heart) now have pressure on them; and like any nerve that is pinched, it will begin to fire incorrectly. In this case, leading to a dysregulation of your parasympathetic nervous system, often causing all kinds of arrhythmias. It will also often lead to panic attacks (due to the dysregulation of the PSNS causing too much norepinephrine to be dumped into your system at once).

I dealt with the same thing for years not knowing what the root cause actually was until one day I "happened" to have a chiropractor appointment scheduled and barely slept the night before because my heart was going nuts with svt and a-fib.

He quickly identified that I probably just had a hiatal hernia at which point he was able to maneuver my stomach back down where it belongs. Within 30 seconds every symptom went away. I have never been more amazed, frustrated, and elated all at the same time in my life lol. At that point I had been dealing with arrythmias and night panic attacks for about 7 years and they were getting increasingly worse and more frequent every year.

Like you, I had tried numerous protocols and supplements with some relief but never a full resolution. I'm actually finishing up creating a micro course/mini ebook on how I learned to manage (and am slowly healing) my hiatal hernia. Doing so has completely rid me of the arrythmias and panic attacks.

I'm giving it out to a few people for free for a beta test to attain feedback/testimonials on how well it works for them. If you're interested, I'll send it to you. Just email me at sendjoelmail(at)gmail.com and I'll send it over when it's ready! Sending you prayers and good vibes in the meantime:)

Multiple Remedies
Posted by ORH (Ten Mile, Tn) on 07/13/2020

Hi U OLE PATOOTS,,,,,,,, ORH here, and feel like I may survive.

If all recall, I went to the best electrical Doc in this area to fix this problem with ablation. Problem was my venous vein is crimped and he could not get his welder through to my heart. Out of HS, I was 5'9" and now 5'7" but your veins and arteries don't shrink, they just crimp like a water hose. He now says he can use a stronger wire and force open the kink. If he fails, I die, and he gets to write an article in a medical journal.

My dad had the same deal in the 70's and the solution was for the doc was to come to his house, take a clean handkerchief and try to pull his tongue out of his mouth. If that did not work, then he pushed on his eyeballs and if that did not work, then dad stood at the bed and the doc hit him in his heart as hard as he could. One measure always worked. I was getting to that point today. Problem with my shotgun approach is that I never know which thing did the trick. So later I write the story of the COVID 19 testing.


Multiple Remedies
Posted by Orh (Ten Mile, Tn) on 07/14/2020


ORH here, woke this morning and no heart flutter, but I was in AFIB again. Forgot to mention that yesterday, I used my KAATSU BLOOD RESRICTION system on my legs. Began to address my AFIB as I did yesterday and nothing helped. I then went on my KAATSU system and my AFIB was gone by the end of the session.

Years ago I investigated EECP my cardiologist used for heart ailments. It uses a similar technique as KAATSU and is expensive and the FDA will only approve if you can't have a heart by-pass. As all know I's SJS and am excited about what I have learned about getting out of Tachycadia and AFIB on your own.

Yesterday, I was in both at the same time. Am also convinced that the wrong mix of medications can be a factor. For those that have this condition, suggest you research the KAATSU system. By restricting your blood flow, your heart has to work harder and your brain picks that up and it changes things. It is a fascinating story about it's evolution in Japan within the last two decades. Still have the story to tell about COVID 19 testing.


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