The Difference Between Colloidal Silver and Ionic Silver

| Modified on Dec 29, 2023
Ionic Silver
Posted by Jane (Australia ) on 02/19/2023

After watching Earth Clinic's video on the difference between colloidal and ionic silver. I have realized that my partner has most likely been spraying ionic silver up his nasal passages, not colloidal silver. Is he in any danger?

Convert Ionic Silver to Colloidal
Posted by Art (California) on 09/20/2022 2165 posts


I went to the link that you provided as scientific proof to support your claim, and there was not one scientific study to support the claim that you or the writer made. So basically, he is just giving his opinion of his understanding of the science. He is not a scientist, just the seller of a device that makes ionic silver.

I'm not saying you are right or wrong, but it seems that if you are going to make the claim, " FULLY BACKED by science," it seems like you should provide some scientific studies to support the claim or claims, in the writer's case. You didn't, and the writer of the article that you linked to, did not provide links to scientific studies that would support that claim.


Convert Ionic Silver to Colloidal
Posted by astrid (Abu Dhabi) on 09/20/2022

This is all a gimmick. Nano silver is inert and needs to release the Ag+ ions in order to combine with the negative charge from the pathogens and deactivate them. It is much faster to use Ag+ in the first place. Converting Ag+ ions into nanosilver is like making tomato soup and then converting it back to whole tomatoes in order to eat it! If you are not aware of the science, please read it at this link The link is FULLY BACKED by science.

Ionic Silver
Posted by Martin S. (Placerville, Ca. 95667) on 10/19/2021

Friend, I have also been using ionic silver and producing it myself since 1999, I used to have the same problems you were having and since I started using it I have had amazing health, I am 74 and I would put colloidal silver against any man made drug out there, I know it works for everything including pain from burns, I have never had an infection from cuts or anything else. Ionic silver is as safe as drinking water.

Convert Ionic Silver to Colloidal
Posted by Art (California) on 04/29/2021 2165 posts


Silver as used for AgNPs is a metal.

Studies show that colloidal silver ("AgNP") is less toxic to normal human cells than ionic silver and colloidal silver is more efficient at getting Ag+ to where it needs to be inside of pathogens and also at helping to prevent Ag+ from entering cells indiscriminately as this can eventually lead to argyria with long term high dose use as Paul Karason did using an unknown form of silver that he made himself at home and took in large quantities every day. AgNPs release Ag+ when the silver particle comes in contact with different pathogens. The Ag+ then enters and destroys the pathogenic cell.


Convert Ionic Silver to Colloidal
Posted by Star (New York) on 04/29/2021

Colloidal Silver Vs Ionic Silver

Ionic minerals are the naturally occurring form of minerals found in plants. Colloidal minerals are those that have not yet been converted into a bioavailable form for the human body. But you say reduced back to colloidal is better??

Convert Ionic Silver to Colloidal
Posted by Bill (Pa) on 02/09/2018

Add 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda, 3 drops of Karo, and heat it to about 140 degrees (IE: it doesn't have to boil).

Since there is no issue with plateout, baking soda is sufficient.


Convert Ionic Silver to Colloidal
Posted by Tim (Brisbane, Australia) on 02/08/2018

Thank you for your suggestion. I will try 1/4 of the solution and experiment with your tips.

Convert Ionic Silver to Colloidal
Posted by Art (California) on 02/08/2018 2165 posts

Yes, you can convert it if it really is ionic silver, but there is no practical way to know what it actually is.

To convert 500 ml of ionic silver to colloidal silver, you would have to add 10 drops of the Karo Light 50/50 (syrup/distilled water) mix to it and heat it to almost boiling. If it is 20 ppm ionic silver, then it should reduce to colloidal silver and should come close to the color of baby shampoo.If it were mine, I would take 1/4th of the bottle and add 3 drops of the 50/50 Karo Light to it and heat to near boiling to see what happens.


Convert Ionic Silver to Colloidal
Posted by Tim (Brisbane, Qld Australia) on 02/05/2018

Hi, I recently bought some colloidal silver online. supposed to be 20ppm, but it is clear, which makes me think it's Ionic silver. How can I convert this to Colloidal as it's supposed to have a gold tint? I received 500ml. Is there a ratio in the process I can use for any amount?

Thank you for this site, great info here.


Colloidal Silver Brand Comparisons
Posted by Alika (Alberta (Ca)) on 10/07/2017

I would like to ask about side effect of colloidal silver "sovereign silver " 10ppm. Can colloidal silver dry skin? Also I have put a drop in my eyelids and that is also very dry, I gargling it and my throat also feel dry. Can that be a side effect? Any advise please!!!

Colloidal Silver Brand Comparisons
Posted by Art (California ) on 09/10/2017 2165 posts

In reply to Marty,

If the product was originally the color of water and clear and it also has a metallic taste, it likely is ionic silver. The little bit that can be seen in the picture does not look the color of water though.It looks like it has a little bit of golden color to it, but there is so little in the container it is hard to tell for sure. You said you left it in the sun and the sun exposure can partially reduce it which could explain why there is a little color to it. The fact that you say it has a metallic taste would suggest that it is not fully reduced and there is probably now a mix of colloidal and ionic silver. Many ionic silver products can contain a percentage of colloidal silver.

This product advertises itself as only 8.8 ppm. If that is the case, then that to could explain the lighter color. Colloidal silver that is close to the color of baby shampoo should be in the 20 ppm area. 8.8 ppm colloidal silver would be a lighter shade of yellow, while 40 ppm would be a much darker shade of yellow. Check the bottom of the jar and see if you can see what color the liquid is and also if there is any debris or sediment on the bottom of the jar. If so, it may not be up to 8.8 ppm anymore.


Colloidal Silver Brand Comparisons
Posted by Marty (Wisconsin) on 09/10/2017

I just pulled out this old bottle of R-Garden brand of Colloidal Silver in my cupboard and after watching your video, was curious to see if it was ionic silver or colloidal silver. I bought it at least 4-5 years ago and forgot about it. When I poured it onto a spoon it looked clear so I put it into this glass jar and then out in the sun with white paper underneath. Turned out it wasn't clear but pale yellow, but definitely not a baby shampoo color. It also tastes metallic, it's not tasteless like you said it should be.

The label says it contains 8.8 ppm of 99.999% pure colloidal silver. The dosage on the bottle says 1 teaspoon daily. From posts I have been reading it sounds like 1 teaspoon is far too little to do any good? Also, if it tastes metallic, what does that mean? Is it a bad batch of CS? Thank you