Coconut Milk
Coconut Oil
Virgin coconut oil is helping with UTI, I quickly noticed the difference. At first it tasted good, but after 8 days of virgin coconut oil flavor, it now tastes unbearable to me. According to website both refined and virgin coconut oil have the same nutritional profile with 63% medium chain triglycerides, including 50% lauric acid. I've had refined coconut oil and it has almost no flavor, but will it help for a UTI? Some people on this website have posted information about refined coconut oil not being helpful for health conditions.
Thank you, Denise
Hi Denise,
Well, it seems like trying the unrefined for your UTI would not hurt and might help! Let us know, please.
It seems like refining would not hurt certain aspects of coconut oil, but if whatever is helping with a particular issue is the same element that is responsible for the smell of it, then perhaps it won't help. I don't understand enough chemistry to know.
Check out the sea salt or baking soda protocols for UTI's and do that as well, if this is urgent. D-Mannose always works for me.
I do have chronic UTI's because of a structural issue. Just today I am starting Methylene Blue to see if that will help!
~Mama to Many~
(Kitchener On)
Hi Mana to Many,
I found the quickest and long lasting relief from my U.T.I. is taking 1 cup in morning and 1 coffee cup bedtime.
Put 1/2 tea spoon of Himalayan Salt in warm water, stir well and drink it.
Works like a charm..
Take care
Gary, thank you for your reply. Can you please clarify for me. One cup of what? coffee? Himalayan sea salt in water? Glad that it works like a charm for you! Do you personally just need 2 doses. (I ask because salt can make my urine overly alkaline, so I have to watch it. I can try to counteract the over alkalinity by eating some bread later on)
I almost missed your post as it was pretty far back in the postings. The following links will explain the differences. I generally use unrefined VCO when I use it.
And this one :
I use a mix of other ingredients for UTIs so I have no experience with VCO for that purpose.
Coconut Oil
I used "___ Coconut Oil" from Whole Foods.
I had a urinary tract infection with moderate to severe symptoms for approximately one week, and then mild to moderate symptoms for two weeks thereafter. I wanted to avoid antibiotic medication at all costs, seeing as the effects of those antibiotics can be as problematic as the problem itself. (Don't get me wrong -- I understand that sometimes you HAVE to take these things. But in this case, I wanted to find a way around it).
I spent the first few days chugging cranberry juice and drinking water. This was pointless and did absolutely nothing. I even used unsweetened, pure cranberry juice which was terrible to drink. It probably works for some people, but not for me.
Then I tried some random supplement especially formulated for curing UTI's from Whole Foods with cranberry extract and d-mannose. This worked better, but still not enough.
Next, after reading the reviews on this website, I tried apple cider vinegar. This helped, and reduced my symptoms of the UTI by about 40%. However, if I forgot the ACV for a day or two, the UTI would come back.
The only thing that worked 100% was coconut oil. I took a single tablespoon each day. It helped tremendously and cured my UTI. I don't know if coconut oil will work for everybody, but for some reason, it worked incredibly well for me. Since I only took one tablespoon in the morning, I imagine it would work very well if they took two tablespoon, one in the morning and one at night.
So before you try using antibiotics (which can be ineffective, especially if the bacteria develop a resistance to the antibiotics) *TRY* coconut oil. Just go to Whole Foods and buy cold-pressed coconut oil.
Rub some on urethra. It will go up the urethra and kill the bacteria. Immediate relief.
Coconut Oil
Coconut Oil, Honey and Oregano Oil
Colloidal Silver
Colloidal Silver
My 80 year old father has just been diagnosed with a urine infection and a slight chest infection. He has been prescribed antibiotics.
I was wondering if it would be okay to give him some Colloidal Silver to take alongwith the antibiotics. If so, how much and how often.
(Salt Lake City, UT)
Colloidal Silver
Colloidal Silver, Oregano Oil
Dena L. ,
I am curious as to what dose of colloidal silver you used ?
The Oxysilver bottle does not clearly say what strength their silver is. They show that their bottle contains 8 ounces and it says a serving size is one teaspoon and then it says that there are 48 servings in the bottle and each serving is 5ml.
The only indication of what strength their silver is in this sentence on the bottle :
* Daily value not established 3ppm
If this 3ppm is the actual strength of the silver in the bottle, it is very very low. They charge $39.95 for this 8 ounce bottle making it very expensive considering how little silver is actually in the bottle. By comparison, MesoSilver sells an 8.45 ounce bottle of their 20 ppm colloidal silver for $32.97 and their bottle contains over 6 times the silver in it as Oxysilver.
For another comparison, EC sells an 8 ounce bottle of colloidal silver for $29.95 that is 20 ppm of silver. This also has over 6 times the silver in it or to say that a little differently it is roughly equivalent to more than 6 bottles of Oxysilver if you were to dilute it with distilled water to equal 3 ppm.
Not all colloidal silvers are the same and some are very expensive for the amount of actual silver in their product.
Corn Silk
I'd gotten other utis in the past couple of years and never want to go on antibiotics but I could never get rid of them on my own. Cranberry never worked for me, I tried D-Mannose without success.
Then I read two solutions that worked for others that also worked for me. I'll post this under each solution.
The first is lemon water. One person said cranberry never worked for them (me neither) but lemon did. Hot lemon water 2x a day. It was so much reduced at the end of the day, I was so surprised! I did it for two more days but I still felt twingey.
I had a doctor's appointment the next week, and I thought I'd have to go on antibiotics because even though lemon helped tremendously and immediately, I could still feel it.
So I came back here and started going through every cure. One woman posted about oil of oregano and cornsilk tea, and that she'd had a bad bout of diarrhea and got the UTI right after that, like me. It helped her so that she did not need antibiotics.
I have both cornsilk tea in the house and oil of oregano and made it right away. This was the solution that kicked the final bit of it out of my system. I had to do it for several days. By the time the doctor appointment came days later, I didn't need to say anything to them about it. I felt a little twinge about three days after I stopped taking it. I took two more cups on two more days.
This is the first time ever I have not had to go on antibiotics for a UTI. I hope this helps someone else.
Also the practitioner I saw said if you have diarrhea and UTI, after using the bathroom, first rinse the area with water, then wash with soap and water. Then mix a teaspoon to a tablespoon in a small container of warm water (like a handheld bucket, mine is maybe four cups max). Use that to cleanse the area well. Don't do it frequently because you don't want to kill the good bacteria in the area, but this can be done as a cleanse on a short term 3days or so basis to keep the area clean to help heal. It helped me feel better right away. It doesn't heal the UTI, but does a great job of sanitizing the area for you.
Thank God for this website. May our Creator bless and heal everyone who comes to this site looking for cures, to those who post their solutions and give all of us hope, and blessings to the developer and people who work on this site.
Corn Silk
This is the one I used:
I found immediate relief from pain/itching - by the end of the day, that symptom was gone.
The dosing is easy - 1 dropperful in a water dilution / dose (there are instructions on the label for dosing)
You may find this option works faster & costs less than all the cranberry remedies.
Corn Silk
He is a 70lb dog and I give him one capsule per meal twice a day. I also time when he gets water but not reduce the total amount of water given to him. This way he would not have to hold for as long. In two weeks he went from dripping in his sleep every day to needing to go out earlier than his potty breaks. We listened to him when he would indicate wanting to go and slowly his schedule was back to normal. It has been a month and a half and he stopped having incontinence completely. I will likely give him cornsilk long term since it is inexpensive and effective as incontinence prevention.
Corn Silk
Corn Silk
I once had cystitis for 9 months when I had tried just about everything, but this was my first real relief. You can buy it from a good health shop and it is cheap. It is the dried ears around corn. God has given us everything we need in His creation.
Does corn silk tea is commercial or fresh boil corn silk? Does it bother your stomach?
How much corn silk do you use? How long do you take this treatment?
Thank you.
(Lavergne, Tn)
Hi Jean, I know this is way too late to your question. I have been taking cornsilk in the capsule form by the brand Nature's Way and it has work so much better for treating my UTI than just the other things that's mentioned here. I take 3 capsules with water, and follow by 2 cups of water depending how bad my symptom is and I also do the organic applecider vinegar. I do this 3-4 times a day until my symptom clears up usually within 3-4 days, then I continue taking 3 capsule for 2 times a day for another 2 days to clear up the infection. The cornsilk doesn't upset my stomach. Hope this helps.
Corn Silk