Bloody Nose
Natural Remedies

Bloody Nose Remedies

| Modified on Apr 11, 2024
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Bloody noses often require little to no treatment; however, pervasive or recurrent nosebleeds may require some form of management. Many natural, noninvasive remedies for nosebleeds are known including apple cider vinegar application and other supplements. Applying a cold washcloth to the spine or neck also helps manage bloody nose issues.

What is a Bloody Nose?

A nose bleed is defined as the loss of blood from the nose ranging from fairly minor to more severe. Several factors can contribute to or cause bloody noses including trauma to the face or nose, dry air, nose picking, sinusitis, allergies, blood thinners, regular aspirin use, chemical irritants and others. While uncommon, a bloody nose has the potential to affect breathing, in which case medical attention is necessary.

Natural Remedies for Nosebleeds

Many bloody noses require no treatment; however, when an incidence does require management, natural remedies are the best option. Several natural treatment options are available including apple cider vinegar, garlic and cayenne. Other treatments include placing a thick roll of paper against the upper gums and sniffing cinnamon.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar blotted on the nose with a cotton ball is an effective remedy for a bloody nose. The vinegar helps protect the body from excessive blood loss. Additionally, the vinegar helps the blood congeal and stop a nosebleed.


Garlic is an herb with a high natural sulphur content. Sulphur helps with the clotting of the blood and can help treat bloody noses.


Cayenne is a spice known for its regulation of the circulatory system. When taken in correspondence to a bloody nose, the cayenne travels through the body and circulatory system, regulating pressure and aiding coagulation. Cayenne is typically taken dissolved in water, but it can also be applied directly to the nose.

A bloody nose is typically a minor condition; however, some causes of nosebleeds cause them to be more frequent and detrimental. In either case, natural treatment options serve as effective remedies for treating min and more excessive bloody noses.

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.


1 User Review
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Posted by Mama To Many (Tn) on 10/02/2018

Editor's Choice

My seven year old has always been prone to nosebleeds. It got to the point that he would have a nose bleed every day.

I started giving him 1 alfalfa tablet each day, just the Now brand.

I have been doing this for 3-4 weeks. He has missed a dose here and there but he has not had a nose bleed in at least a couple of weeks.

I suspect the vitamin K in the alfalfa is what helps the most, though alfalfa is very nutritious over all.

In fact, when we had goats, we would seek out and buy alfalfa hay for our goats because it provided better nutrition for them than most hays.

~Mama to Many~

Apple Cider Vinegar

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Posted by Furdiana (Las Cruces, Nm) on 11/10/2011

If you get a bloody nose or your baby (child) is bleeding from a minor mouth injury or a head injury (from falling) just apply ACV or white vinegar to a clean cotton ball and the bleeding stops. It might sting but only for a very short time. My husband was clipping his nose hairs with tiny scissors and by mistake, nipped the skin which bled profusely for 30 to 40 minutes. He called me at work, I told him about the vinegar & cotton ball. He called back 5 min. Later and said the bleeding stopped he was so thankful & couldn't believe it!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Westwardtony (Oamaru, Otago New Zealand) on 09/02/2011

A friend advised me ACV was good for stopping bleeding. I have been having too many nose bleeds lately at inopportune times so on one occasion I took a tsp of ACV and the bleeding stopped almost immediately but will not be taking it neat again!! Just today I had another nose bleed and took a tsp of ACV in a small glass of fruit juice. The effect was not so immediate but the bleeding stopped within a minute or two. I would like to know why it has this effect?

Baking Soda and Molasses

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Posted by HisJewel (United States) on 03/28/2020

I was dealing with some kind of nose condition I never had in my life. Blood and what ever at the back of my nose. If I blew my nose. Or cleaned it, blood would come on the Kleenex. All this started at the beginning of February. I tried cleaning nostrils with water and hydrogen peroxide, iodine mixed in water and even using some antibiotic ointment. They slowed things down, but did not heal the condition, maybe eventually it would have healed. About 2 days ago I decided to give the baking soda molasses cure a go to see if it could help with this. I drank about ¼ cup 3 times yesterday. Today no bleeding, Praise The Lord!

Here is a YouTube video that shows how to make it.

Be encouraged, HisJewel

Blackstrap Molasses

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Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 08/05/2015

One of my teenage sons was getting frequent nose bleeds. Sometimes daily and they seemed to come on for no reason. I encouraged him to start taking a spoonful of blackstrap molasses each day. He is really good about taking stuff if he thinks it will help. For months he has been taking Blackstrap Molasses almost daily. We realized yesterday that he does not get nosebleeds anymore. Can we be positive this is why? Well, no, but I think it is quite likely.

This son knows the benefits of blackstrap. He feeds it to his goats when they are low on iron. They also drink more water when he puts blackstrap in it, which is great in the summer to keep them well hydrated. We even saw it restore the color of the coat of an older goat when taken over a number of weeks.

~Mama to Many~

Brown Paper Bag

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Posted by BRENDA (CHGO., IL) on 09/20/2007


Replied by Paul
(Huntsville, Al)

My Granny taught me this--it works EVERY time. Only other comment is that any paper product folded up works too. The thicker the better (thus brown paper bag). It you make it about 1/8"- ~4mm thick, it works. Must be place tight against gum/lip just under your nose.

Replied by Cr
(Grover Beach, California)

You can also just use your fingers to apply pressure to your gum right above the space between your two front teeth. A CPR & first Aid instructor told me this and it really seems to make sense, yet barely anyone recommends this technique.

Replied by Sissy
(Alta Loma, Ca)

That area of the lip is called a vestibule (like the gutter) in the mouth. Some times the attachement tissue from free lip to gum wall (frenum) can make it hard for some to place a roll of anything in there to stop bleeding. I used a cold gel pack on the back, base of my neck to stop a nosebleed, works fast!

Cause of Nose Bleeds

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Posted by Msv (Va) on 04/28/2015


I started having a light nosebleed last spring, I-4 times. It subsided and began this past March 2015, but got heavier. My PC finally referred me to "ENT" after I pressed the issue of something being wrong. I'm not a smoker or use alcohol, etc. My intake has been healthy for years, this shouldn't be happening. I visited an "ENT" (ear, nose, throat) physician today. The visit was much needed; the doctor found that I had one enlarged blood-vessel in my right nostril. The doctor performed treatment, then sealed/capped the vessel. Dryness causes the vessel to enlarge.

There are many causes of nosebleeds, don't diagnose your condition! If anyone suffers with this agitation, please, get to an "ENT" clinic or inform your PC so he/she can refer you.

Pay attention to your body changes. Don't delay your health!

God Bless :)

Replied by Marsh

Like you, I started experiencing very light anterior nosebleeds Oct 2020. Got better while in a humid location. Returned and the bleeds began again. The ENT diagnosed an enlarged blood vessel and chemically cauterized it today. My sinuses are so stuffed, I can't swallow without feeling like I'm drowning much less breathe. Miserable. Any thoughts on how to calm the sinuses? Not allowed to blow for 2 long weeks. Thinking out loud here but what happens if sneezing occurs? Wouldn't the pressure be worse than blowing? :-(

BTW - I tried castor oil, coconut oil, sesame oil, coconut oil with tea tree, colloidal silver, ACV and cayenne paste. Guessing none worked due to it being an enlarged blood vessel which the doc said was big about the size of a lentil.

At the moment applying arnica on the outside and aloe vera on the outside and opening of the nostril. Skin alread raw from nasal drip.


Dear Marsh,

Oh, no. I'm sorry to hear it! Two weeks without blowing your nose? I would be miserable, too. I too wonder about the sneezing possibility.

In the 80's I had a blood vessel cauterized in my nose because I had been having daily nose bleeds. I don't think I have had a nosebleed on that side since! So I hope it works as well for you.

Could you take mucinex to help keep the fluids thin? I am assuming you are keeping well hydrated? That is important to keep things thin. Also, dairy tends to make people make more mucous, and might be best avoided for a time. If you have any allergies contributing to your mucous production, nettle might help. I take a couple of capsules twice a day for allergies.

I hope it is a long term help and you get past this acute misery soon!

~Mama to Many~


15 days after the last cauterization (above post), I had #2 cauterization by a different ENT (#1 doc out of town) due to a nose bleed on the 12th day after #1. Big difference. He numbed both nostrils, noticed that the vessel hadn't actually been cauterized, provided me with a sheet of Do's (frequent applications of saline solution, a saline gel, humidifer and I hope EC will allow the nose spray Afrin to be mentioned to stop any potential bleeds over the next 10 days, sneeze with mouth open, barely barely blow and acetaminophen if needed; and Don'ts (bend over, heavy exercise, avoid alcohol and anything that dehydrates the body). No excruciating headache; teeth, roof of mouth, side of cheek didn't hurt, no drowning sensation, and my nose wasn't blackened by the chemical. I actually wore a mask for the first week after #1 because the outside of my nose looked like caked-on blood. #1 doc didn't have any reasons for enlarge blood vessels; #2 said it was due to dryness. The latter is now my ENT.


Thanks Mama, I tried everything but noticed when in humid climates Jan-Feb, there weren't any issues and no dry scab inside my nose. It must be because Colorado is dry (we run 2 humidifiers full time). I had a body check by a dermatologist and she gave me a few mini tubes of Aquaphor. It's been magic that has kept the area moist and seems to have allowed time to thicken the scar tissue. I apply first thing in the AM and before bed. It's also helped our 5 yr old grandson who was always with a bloody nose. Poor little guy was picking because he says, "something's in there and I'm just trying to get it out", but ended up bleeding. (I tried EVOO, Coconut, Jojoba, Almond, Castor oils, vaseline, Ayr, Afrin to no avail.) Blessings to you all.

Cauterize Procedure

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1 star (1) 

Posted by Bumblebee (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) on 09/23/2012

Hi guys, My sinuses were thinned out as a child from years on the ventilin mask and my nose used to bleed heavily all the time until I was a teenager. You can squeeze your nostril for a while and roll some kleenex and put it in your nose and wait for it to stop. Also what really worked for me is getting my nose cauterized by the doctor. I wish I had gotten that earlier. Now my nose doesnt bleed anymore, I might get a little bit of blood in my snot but thats it. You guys should try it it really works. My nose went from bleeding once a week or so to 0-1 times a year.

Replied by Ky
(New Mexico)


Cauterize nose procedure was a big mistake for my family. It took 10+ years to fully recover! Even if you get massive gushers that make other people want to call 911, find alternative solutions.

Nose bleeds can be caused by so many other conditions in the body.

Keep the nose moist. Try natural oragnic salve, cocnut or olive oil. Stay hydrated with good water. Don't strain to hard on the toilet. (high blood pressure)

avoid nasty chemical fumes, dust, smoke.

Blow your nose when it has mucous.

Prevention is key.

Avoid Petroleum jellies including "vasiline" thesae lead to chronic sinus problems.

Diet, diet, diet

Good luck but consider a new doctor if they want you to burn or freeze your bleed.

Replied by Timh
(KY, US)
2042 posts

A few yrs ago I had periodic nose bleeds particularly in the dry winter. Applying Cod Liver Oil directly over the entire surface of the nose a few times proved totally successful as I have had no recurrence to date.


4 User Reviews
5 star (4) 

Posted by Matt (Millbrook, Ny) on 10/30/2009

Every winter for several years now, I would get awful nosebleeds, and they were very difficult to stop. Sometimes they would stop only to start again within a few minutes. After reading about cayenne on this site, I began to take it in a capsule, maybe three times a day. After the very first capsule, the nosebleeds never returned. These days I use 1/2 tsp of cayenne in warm water to make a tea. It's easier on my stomach and I feel its effects faster.

Posted by Rob (Springfield, MO) on 11/15/2008

Every winter since I was little I would get bloody noses because of the dry indoor air. Last winter it was bad. I was having at least one a day no matter how much I ran my humidifier. I came across this site and read about Cayenne Pepper helping with this problem. The day I started taking Cayenne Pepper pills was the last time I had a bloody nose! (It has been almost a year now) I take one in the morning with my vitamins and dont worry about my nose exploding every time I sneeze. Try it, you wont be disappointed!

Posted by Michelle (Lamora, Mexico) on 03/06/2008

I once got a really bad bloody nose when I was a kid, I'd tip my head back to try and stop it but it would start running down my throat. I thought I was gonna bleed to death. My mom started giving me dropperfuls of liquid cayenne and I was so worried about my nose that I didn't notice it was even hot so once I noticed it was helping I kept asking for more. The bleeding stopped within a few seconds. I couldn't blow my nose for a few days after for fear I'd break a blood vein but Cayenne works to stop bleeding

Replied by Marsh

Cayenne works to stop bleeding pretty much anywhere. Amazing spice that works, thanks to EC and their contributors!

Cayenne and Ginger

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Posted by Barbara (Modesto, Ca) on 01/11/2018

Tried a lot of things for my nose bleeds. Tried taking cayenne capsules. Might have helped a little, but not much. Then, out of the blue, started putting 3 shakes of cayenne pepper and 3 shakes of ginger in my pancake mix daily, and -- no more bleeding! I was amazed, and very happy.

Replied by Barbara

Just a short update. All winter long I only had two medium, easy to stop nose bleeds. And no humidifier, either. Whew!

Coconut Oil

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Posted by Rachel (Richmond, Va) on 05/28/2016

Just used the coconut oil for my son's dry sinuses (which caused frequent bloody noses). It was very soothing and helpful, much more than saline solution.

Cold Washcloth

3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Niknok1100 (Columbia, SC) on 01/02/2015

My nose bleeds at least 3 times a month. A wet, cold towel or a bottle of cold water at the back of the neck could really stop nose bleed. Been using them for years!

Cold Washcloth
Posted by Paul (San Jose, CA) on 05/20/2008


I have put a cold washcloth on my neck and upper spine and face, the bleeding stopped in 30 seconds along with direct pressure at the side of the nose. I was very surprised.

I was told by a doctor that dropping a set of keys down the back of your shirt will stop a nosebleed. Supposedly the cold or sensation causes blood vessel constriction. This is where I got the idea for the washcloth.

Replied by Paul
(Bloomington, In)

I can affirm this works except I use an icepack instead of a cloth which I'm sure would work equally as well. Also I just apply this to the back of my neck and it almost instantly stops the nose bleed. I think this work because it restricts and then draws the blood elsewhere. In any case it works to stop nose bleeds in progress but am still working on a more permanent cure though I suspect allergies to be the culprit. Sometimes misting the air with a mixture of water alcohol and essential oils is helpful in drawing the allergens to the ground. This also helps nosebleed due to overly dry air.

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