Dental Health
Natural Remedies

Dental Health Tips and Remedies

| Modified on Nov 27, 2024
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What Is Dental Health?

It is often said that an individual’s combined dental and oral health is a window into his or her overall heath. That being said, maintaining a high level of overall dental health is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. The oral cavity is one of constant moisture and warmth, making it the perfect breeding ground for bacteria. As such, the mouth, teeth and gums are susceptible to a number of issues.

From cavities and tooth decay to tooth discoloration and grinding, several dental health issues have been identified. In addition to these issues, other oral health issues can also be cause for concern. Bad breath, dry mouth, canker and cold sores and thrush among others are all signs of poor dental health. Each of these issues can be easily treated and even prevented with the right oral hygiene routine.

An effective dental health regimen involves regular brushing at least twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste, flossing and regular rinsing. Likewise, snacking and eating smart are important to maintain dental health – sugary, sticky snacks should be kept at a minimum. Regular checkups are also important for maintaining dental health.

Natural Dental Health Remedies

Several natural options are available for maintaining proper dental health as well as treating dental health issues. Cloves can be used to eliminate tooth pain while baking soda and hydrogen peroxide are safe, natural tooth cleaners and whiteners. Parsley, fennel and calendula freshen breath and treat oral infections. Likewise, oil pulling helps whiten teeth and supports overall health. In conjunction with a healthy dental hygiene regimen, these options offer relief and treatment for a variety of issues.

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Activated Charcoal Toothpaste

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Mike (Kent, UK) on 06/08/2023 25 posts

Activated charcoal for dental health

I'm not sure if this counts as cheating because I'm using a big-brand toothpaste that contains charcoal. Mostly because it's marked as "Enamel safe" and it's a reputable brand, so I figure it probably won't harm my teeth.

But yeah, honestly it's great. I used to have to use alcohol and tea tree oil mouthwash but I don't even need to anymore because this toothpaste not only removes as much or more plaque than any other toothpaste I've used, but also seems to remove bacteria too.

I don't think there's anything super special about this particular toothpaste other than it's high quality, "enamel safe" and by a good brand. It's also pretty dark so I think there's a fair bit of charcoal in there.

All the best, everyone! :)

Apple Cider Vinegar

2 User Reviews
1 star (1) 

Posted by Maureen (Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada) on 03/04/2009

I was surprised to read in an old booklet originally published in 1948 and last printed in 1983 that one should brush their teeth with a solution of one tsp apple cider vinegar added to a glass of water. It also said to gargle with it morning and night. The benefits are to prevent decay, remove tarter and whiten teeth. It did not mention anything about the effects of the acid on teeth. Any comments?

Replied by Barry
(Jacksonville, Fl)

You will soon be able to recognize the effects because your gums will began to bleed. I once used vinegar in a waterpik and the dentist fortunately caught my mistake before I irreparably damaged my teeth.

Replied by Kristen
(Hollywood, California)

Organic apple cider vinegar turn to an alkaline in your body. It puts you ph back into balance. I drink it every morning. It keeps my ph on the alkaline side and a virus cannot live in tat environment. Regular vinegar, not a good idea. Also white vinegar is a coal tar by product.

Replied by Zark
(Emerald City, The Land Of Oz)

Yep, ACV is harming my teeth :-(

I started using ACV for other health complaints. Worked brilliantly for my prostate issues! Sadly it is certainly bad for my teeth. My teeth become sensitive after using ACV, and I have noticed cavities forming. Be careful!!

I still need the ACV as it is the best remedy for my prostate issues out there. Right now I am using a straw, but that only really saves the front teeth as the wisdom teeth and molars still get attacked by the acidity. I have to do more testing but I don't think the ACV helps my prostate when mixed with Bicarb to reduce acidity (although I found it could act as a laxative, in this case that would be due to osmotic pressure I think)

I'm wondering what else I can do ..
Making ACV gel capsules would be ideal but beyond my capabilities.
Rinse with bicarb before and after?
Take calcium supplements

Replied by Timh
(Ky, Usa)
2043 posts

Zark: You can buy ACV in tablet form at many health food stores. My standard prevention for prostate problems is 50-100mg zinc daily plus 3mg copper for balance. Occasional or during flare-up take a few capsules of Stinging Nettles. Occasional Cranberry or D Mannose kills the bad bacteria in the urinary tract, which if untreated infects & inflames the prostate.

Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, Sc)

Hello Timh

Very good observation on urinary track infection as inflammatory to prostate. In fact, I think often the prostate itself suffers from a low grade infection. One urologist I read about gave his patients a few tablespoons of colloidal silver daily and in a month all 30 had improved conditions (varying problems) from flow to urgency issues. His conclusion was that a low grade infection was at work.

Moral of the story: Never overlook the possibility of infection re medical issues.

Baking Soda

5 User Reviews
5 star (5) 

Posted by V (Some City, Some State, Usa) on 04/08/2013

I would like to try baking soda as my regular teeth cleaning agent but I read that it wears down tooth enamel. I know that a lot of people on here use it but how safe is it in the long run?

Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

V, I've seen recommendations for using it only once a week.

Replied by Stevie Lynn
(Lala Land, Ca, USA)

Baking soda is a wonderful non abrasive cleaning cleaner... It is safer for your enamel than many comercial toothpastes. I have been making my own toothpaste blend for 6 years... I mix 2 Tbs. Baking soda, 2 Tbs. Peelu powder (can be found online or in heathfood stores, often in bulk... Plant based, nonabrasive, with properties conducive to good oral health) 2 tsp pink sea salt, and 1 Tbs. Eco-Dent floride free/flavor free all natural foaming tooth powder.

When I first started I had bad receeding gums and my mouth was not in verry good shape, so I add 2 drops of myhrr oil to my toothbrush in the evenings. The problems cleared up within the first 2 months of using this mixture, and by the end of the first year I could see that I had regrown gum... My teeth are a lot whiter too.

Replied by Jim
(Silicon Valley)

Baking soda is not abrasive...use a soft head toothbrush and you will be fine. I have not used toothpaste for over 30 years and no problems. Always use a waterpik to flush debris out between teeth every brushing, you still need to do a quick floss afterward to get the "scum" off the enamel between teeth.

Baking Soda
Posted by Jeremiah (San Diego, California) on 07/23/2009

I keep oral hygiene in good standing by doing the following: First, I put about a Tablespoon of Baking Soda in my mouth, then put some water (preferrably filtered), and swish it around as a mouthwash. I then put wet my toothbrush, add some baking soda, pour on my toothpaste, and brush my teeth. After I'm done brushing, I repeat the earlier Baking Soda mouthwash. It has kept me satisfied as far.

Replied by Catherine
(Norfolk, Virginia)

I crush about a cup of peppermint leaves with a mortar and pestle. I then put about a cup of baking soda in a short wide-mouth jar. Then I add the peppermint leaves, put the lid on and shake. You can keep it in the bathroom and when it's time to brush, just pour a little out into your hand or a small paper cup and dip your wet toothbrush into the mixture. Your mouth not only feels clean but the peppermint is really refreshing.

Replied by Julia
(Hamilton, Ontario)

I use baking soda in this way: take your toothbrush and dip a little in 3% peroxide, soap the toothbrush using unscented bar soap and finally, touch some salt mixed with baking soda. This protocol was written by some holistic dentists. This procedure takes a few seconds but the results are very good. (You also can add one drop of evergreen oil or mint oil on top of salt and soda.)

Baking Soda, Kosher Salt, Peroxide

5 User Reviews
5 star (5) 

Posted by Cali Guy (Downey, Ca, United States) on 05/27/2011

I wish I was smart enough to start this a long time ago. I have started using the baking soda, kosher salt mix, from day 1 I noticed the difference. Tooth pain started to go away, although I was suffering from an infection so its not 100% gone away. My gums have started improving, at first very fast now its slowed down but is still improving. I am starting to notice that my teeth are getting whiter, I have been using it for about 2 weeks now and I will continue to use it and enjoy the benefits. I have a few oral issues I am dealing with, especially because I suspect I have candida.

Baking Soda, Kosher Salt, Peroxide
Posted by Brenda (Springfield, Il) on 01/09/2011

Here's my routine. First I swish with hydogen peroxide, then I dip wet toothbrush in a mixture of a little borax and baking soda. I have Dr. Bronner's peppermint liquid soap in an eyedrop bottle and drop a couple of drops of the soap on top of the borax/baking soda mixture. Then brush. Occasionally, I'll add a drop of oil of oregano especially if I feel the need to avoid a virus. My mouth feels fresh and teeth are white.

Replied by Lisa

Who told you to use borax, which is poison to humans, and Dr. Bronner's castile peppermint soap? I have worked in this industry for a long time and this is dangerous and a recipe for disaster.

Replied by William
(Santa Rosa Beach, Fl)

Borax is Boron and is not lethal in small doses, and especially not so when using it as a toothpaste. I have ingested Borax for a short period of time when I believed I had scabies with NO ill side effects.

Baking Soda, Kosher Salt, Peroxide
Posted by Linn (Tujunga, CA) on 07/28/2009

I have been using Baking Soda as toothpaste for almost a year now and from what I can tell it works very well. From some things I've read, I do still wonder about whether it is bad for the enamel...but so far positive posts on here, and honestly, unless I am completely unaware of the bad effect, it's been working just fine.

A recipe I read online for natural toothpaste that I really enjoyed using is:

Baking Soda
Sea Salt* or any natural salt
Coconut Oil

Peppermint or other mint or culinary essential oil
Or perhaps just crushed Mint or herbal leaves

Usually I just use plain old Baking Soda, but the Coconut Oil did make the paste much more 'luxurious' to use! I think if you flavored it nicely and coaxed them enough even kids would like it. Adding some Peppermint Oil or Leaves would make this ideal.

* I would avoid just plain old salt or 'Kosher' Salt, as these are refined, 'useless' salts. If I recall correctly, beside the cleansing/polishing of the salts, the natural salts mineral's benefit and strengthen your teeth. These days, we all need that. I also read that Vitamin D can also contribute to stronger teeth (well I guess that's the whole thing behind the milk industry???). Just wanted to note that here. Just one more reason among many to make sure I am getting enough. Someday I do hope that I can get all of the fillings out and restrengthen my teeth naturally. I believe it is possible and have read a little about it. Just my 2 cents!

Baking Soda, Kosher Salt, Peroxide
Posted by Melissa (East Meadow, NY) on 01/07/2009

Baking Soda and Kosher Salt (chunky salt ) as a toothpaste/powder and 1% hydrogen peroxide and water mixture as mouthwash CURED several of my teeth/mouth ailments! Long story short...I had several problems with my teeth, gums and mouth. Among the list were bad breath, horrible bleeding gums, tooth aches, receding gums that actually pulled away from my teeth, yuck! And the (according to dentists)uncurable periodontal disease. I came across information from a friend of mine who's mother WAS a dental hygenist who knew of a cheap simple remedy for a lot of if not all of what I had problems with. The info I was given changed my life! I no longer have 1 problem that I used to have and my "uncurable" periodontal disease was noticably reversed within several days.

What I use and how I use it:

In any kind of sealable container (tupperware, whatever) mix 3/4 baking soda and 1/4 kosher salt or sea salt as long as it's chunky. shake it around to mix them together, and do so everytime before brushing your teeth. I use a 1/4 measuring spoon to scoop some out and brush my teeth from that as opposed to dipping my toothbrush in the mass mixture. I started with the softest toothbrush possible and as my teeth stopped bleeding etc I upgraded to a mdium bristle toothbrush, never to hard. When you go to brush your teeth, brush all of them, the insides of your cheeks the spaces between your teeth and lips, the roof of your mouth, under your tongue and your tongue itself. (BTW, before brushing I recommend you buy a tongue scraper and scrape your tongue about 15-20 times.) Make sure when brushing your tongue you get as far back as possible. The very back of your tongue where the larger taste buds appear to be, seems to be the biggest nesting grounds for bacteria. You may trigger your gag reflex, but it needs to be brushed! Brush all aspects of your mouth for at least 2 minutes, every morning, after every meal and right before bed for maximum results and maintenance. When you are finished brushing rinse your mouth with water and scrape your tongue a couple more times. MOUTHWASH MIXTURE. I use a mouthwash bottle, And mix 1/2 Hydrogen peroxide %1 (commonly found) and 1/2 water. shake it up before each use. Just swish around and gargle for a decent amount of time, longer the better. What I do is spit about 3/4 of it out and let the rest kinda sit amongst my teeth and gums for a little while longer. Then while the stuff is kinda clinging there I floss, working the peroxide in between my teeth. Then I totally rinse and use the tongue scraper a couple more times. An added bonus is that the mouthwash mixture also noticably whitened my teeth over a period of time. Good Luck, and I hope this helps others! You can also make a toothpaste just by mixing your tooth powder with a little of you mouthwash mixture, I sometimes use that for a tooth whitening treatment.

Replied by Kira-Li
(Saratoga, NY)

This is great, I also like to add a few drops of a pure Peppermint essential oil.

So I take your dentist friend feels 1% is low enough not to react to metal fillings? Generally I come across this "If you have metal fillings the H202 will react with the metal."


P.S. Hopefully Ted will catch this and let us know, as he has a strong chemical background (:

Replied by Melissa
(East Meadow, NY)

response to Kira.

Maybe that is the reasoning behind diluting the peroxide with half water?, I can't be sure. But I do know that my mouth is FILLED with fillings and I have never had a reaction/problem :) P.S. I was born and raised in Saratoga! :)

Replied by Emily
(Biddeford, Maine USA)

Is there any reason to use chunky kosher or sea salt? Does it mix differently than fine salt? What is the purpose/benefit of the salt? I've been using straight baking soda for a while, and it's great (my toddler doesn't want to swallow it!), but I am open to more positive change.

Replied by Sp
(Lavergne, Tn)

After reading the post about all the good things about baking soda and salt as toothpaste, I decided to give it a try. I mixed the baking soda with a little bit of sea salt as Melissa described and keep the mixture in a glass jar at my sink. I pour a little bit in the palm of my hand. I wet my toothbrush and dip it in the mixture. I use the mixture morning and night. I noticed right away my teeth felt really clean. I have been doing this 3 weeks and love the way my teeth feels. I also use hydrogen peroxide (1 part to 3 part water) as a mouthwash once a day followed by flossing. I recently started mixing in a drop or 2 of peppermint essential oil in the mouthwash and my mouth feels awesome. This is the healthiest my gums have felt in a long time. Thank so much everyone for sharing. I learn so much from EC.

Replied by Susu
(Sacramento, Ca)

Baking soda does a good job of cleaning but is too abrasive for my teeth. I have been using organic food grade diatomaceous earth. I haven't noticed any tooth sensitiviy like I did with baking soda. After I brush with toothpaste, I wash off the brush, dip it in the diatomaceous earth and brush a little more. It feels like you've just been to the dentist and had your teeth cleaned. Since I've been using it my dentist always comments that my teeth look so clean. About once a week I put a little peroxide in my mouth and then brush with the diatomaceous earth. My teeth definitly look whiter.

Replied by Bruce31s
(New Orleans, La)

Melissa from East Meadow, NY: tounge scraper??? is this really necessary? Susu from Sacramento, Ca: what does this stuff do, organic food grade diatomaceous earth?

Replied by Sandy
(Naperville Il)

Thank you Thank you, Thank you for sharing this information. I started using it right away yestereday. I read about it elsewhere, but proportion and so many details, helped. Because of periodental problems, recessd gums and bones, my incesor in lower jaw has become loose and wobbly. I am so depressed. Contacted a doctor in California, he said expenses will be around 15000 $ to make the loose teeth tight again. Anybody reading this post, please let me know if you know any doctor in and around Chicago land who can make my loose tooth, firm again.

Replied by Keiko
(Fairfield, Ca)

Hi Sandy,

Try oil pulling to tighten your loose gum issue. Look up the instructions on this site. It might be worth a try. Good luck to you!

Replied by Shelley
(Dos Palos, Ca, Usa)

I actually had a dentist tell my ex and I in late 1983, to brush before bedtime with baking soda and regular 3% h202. This would keep us from having any cavities. I did this eventually dropping the use of toothpaste. I would brush morning and night with the paste and the would rinse with straight H2O2 until my mouth stopped fizzing. I also wouldn't eat or drink for a minimum of a 1/2 hour. I hadn't been to the dentist in 13 years and when I went I had no gum health issues. Or cavities, or any other major dental ems. I did have many filings in my mouth in my back molars that never reacted with the peroxide. There is a man called Bass who developed a method of packing the gums in a mixture of baking soda and H2O2. It is a packing of the paste into the inflamed gums or abscesses and leaving for a predetermined amount of time. I have never had to have my teeth bleached since the daily use of peroxide whitens them.

Baking Soda, Olive Oil

Posted by Tamara (Israel) on 08/09/2013

Can brushing with baking soda and olive oil cause red gums? I never had it with normal toothpaste.

Bone Loss

Posted by Kay (St Augustine, Fl/usa) on 12/30/2010

I have had a history of gum disease for years. Now, I have bone loss which has gradually caused a small space in my front teeth to a large space and the teeth have moved. The dentists of course, all want to give me braces, implants, etc. All which is very expensive. I have begun to floss 2x a day and rinse with Listerine 2x a day. I am in my 60's and I really would love to have beautiful teeth so I can smile. Oh, by the way, I wore braces for 5 years when I was in my early 30's. Anyone out there know what I can do without going to the dentists. P. S. Six years ago when the space was very small, the dentist wanted me to wear braces. Apparently when the braces came off the teeth would have moved, since this was a "bone loss". Glad, I didnt spend the money! Thanks for your help

Replied by Aurora
(Mason City , Ia)

Hi Kate I recommend you read the articles in "Healing Teeth Naturally" I just have the same problems with my teeth and just got the xylitol (I can't find right spelling) powder, and I am ordering the horse tail herb. Hope you can benefit from it. Aurora

Replied by Tasha
(Chicago, Il)

Try oil pulling. has a lot of information. I found out I have the beginning stages of gingivitis and did not want the deep scaling. I have been oil pulling with sesame oil 1 to 2 times per day since December 11. My gums look healthier and pinker, I no longer bleed when I brush, and my teeth are noticeably whiter. I also noticed other positives.

Replied by Susan

Re gum problems: buy calcium chips (I get mine on-line). You slide a piece up under the gum. Never shove it up there, you just want to fill the space between the infected gum and the tooth under the gum. I put one of these chips in and the next morning my gum was around 75% better and by the next day there was no more problem. The gum reattached to the tooth. The best way to get calcium into your mouth tissues is topically. This method worked wonders for me.

Bone Loss
Posted by Tom (Regina, Sk) on 12/30/2010

KAY: As I'm sure they told you (the same ones who haven't cured you! ), loss of the facial sp. Maxillary bone mass is a sign of either osteoporosis or advanced gum disease, or both. Have you heard of this guy? Brilliant chemist, worked on the Manhattan Project, now near 90. His book of a dozen years ago did not amuse the ADA! That might even be why the book is out of print and you have to scrounge the net. Basically you want to try most of all the Vitamin C/Baking Soda= sodium ascorbate fix in it.

NOTE the phone number near the very start! You may as well try it to see if it works, because his $15 cost is dirt cheap, and on Amazon it's not even available except through third-party sellers at twice the price!

Amazon link. You can also read reviews of it:

Here's an excerpt from a page I saved no longer publicly available. Site went pay about 3 years ago. But the info here is enough that you can do your own search for additional details.
Article Summary

In 1945, Dr. Weston Price described "a new vitamin-like activator" that played an influential role in the utilization of minerals, protection from tooth decay, growth and development, reproduction, protection against heart disease and the function of the brain. Using a chemical test, he determined that this compound ?which he called Activator X?occurred in the butterfat, organs and fat of animals consuming rapidly growing green grass, NOT HAY OR STRAW! And also in certain sea foods such as fish eggs. Dr. Price died before research by Russian scientists became known in the West. These scientists used the same chemical test to measure a compound similar to vitamin K. Vitamin K2 is produced by animal tissues, including the mammary glands, from vitamin K1, which occurs in rapidly growing green plants. A growing body of published research confirms Dr. Price's discoveries, namely that vitamin K2 is important for the utilization of minerals, protects against tooth decay, supports growth and development, is involved in normal reproduction, protects against calcification of the arteries leading to heart disease, and is a major component of the brain. Vitamin K2 works synergistically with the two other "fat-soluble activators" that Price studied, vitamins A and D. Vitamins A and D signal to the cells to produce certain proteins and vitamin K then activates these proteins. Vitamin K2 plays a crucial role in the development of the facial bones, and its presence in the diets of nonindustrialized peoples explains the wide facial structure and freedom from dental deformities that Weston Price observed.
Main Article (On the Trail of the Elusive X-Factor)

Here's VITAMIN K2; just remember it's FAT-SOLUBLE, as it is found in butter originally! So take with oils or fats: k2&go=&form=QBLH&scope=images&filt=all

You will have to get the dosage off the bottle label, or ask a naturopath. Here's the retail X-Factor' Butter Oil with the K2 in it: butter oil&go=&form=QBLH&scope=images&filt=all

Replied by Kolin
(Nottingham, Notts, England)

Re, vit K, if taking anti coagulants, get advice, vit K is an antidote for some of these. Happy and healthy new year, Kolin.

Replied by Rob
(Nork City, Ny)

Re: vitamin K... For general bone loss I would recommend adding Natto to your diet... Takes an acquired taste but works well mixing it into a grain... Like rice (with eggs).. -also very important, some form of weight bearing exercise.

Here is info on Natto and bone density...
Also you can do a search on "remineralizing teeth" to find an eHow article.. Oil pulling, No glycerin toothpaste.. I prefer some tooth powders, or make your own with calcium.

Replied by Linda
(Phoenix Az.)

Here's the FREE book from Dr. Gerald Judd

Replied by sandy

The link you have provided is deleted from the net. I tried to browse but it said that it is deleted


2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by DANIEL (CALIFORNIA USA) on 03/08/2024

Borax Powder for dental teeth and gums issues

I have several dental issues, broken and cracked teeth and cavities and receding gums

I tried baking soda and bentonite clay powder and nothing seemed to help it it just got worse

I started to put some borax on my tooth brush and started brushing my teeth and gums

It seems to be working my teeth feel so clean and my gums don't hurt and my receding gums seem to be better

I plan to continue using borax brush my teeth and I think in 30 days I should have some very positive results

Replied by Ade
(Ontario, Canada)

I had tooth pain and started lightly dipping my toothbrush in Borax to brush my teeth twice a day. The pain in and around my tooth resolved. It seemed to treat bacteria that had developed due to impacted food that was stuck before I could get a cleaning.

Bump on Roof of Mouth

Posted by Mary (Richmond, Virginia) on 08/12/2009

I have a bump on the roof of my mouth,I don't know what it is. my dentist saw it and didn't feel the need to xray because he said people get them. I want to use HP to see if it will go away. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how i should use it in my mouth? Thank you for your responses. Mary

Replied by Meg
(Overland Park, Kansas)

My daughter had such a bump and it turned out to be a stray tooth, under the skin. It was smack dab in the middle of her upper mouth. An orthodontist moved it back into her dental area while giving her straight teeth. She said she thought everyone had such a bump. Nobody guessed what it was. They had noticed that she was missing a tooth, but didn't know that's where it was hiding.

Replied by Paul
(Los Angeles, CA)

Hey, I've had weird bumps on the roof of my mouth and my experience is that upping my water intake and adding pink salt to the water has eliminated one and nearly eliminated the other. Everyone is different, but I am now a HUGE believer in staying absolutely hydrated, and really working to drink enough water!

Hope this helps!

Cracked Tooth Remedies

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by mh4freehealth (Winter Haven, FL) on 07/12/2022

Cracked Tooth Advice!!! Powerful Help!!!

I'm a long time earthclinic user and I am suffering from a cracked molar tooth, but no longer! I'm currently out of town and needed some natural remedy to get buy, well thank You Lord that I found it. After using peroxide and baking soda mixed with sensodyne for a few weeks I needed something more powerful. I think I have found it.

I soak the side of my mouth and jaw with a spoon of olive oil and a drop or two of oregano oil. I understand that it is somewhat like oil pulling. Please be advised cracked teeth can easily lead to infections in other parts of Your body.

I do this after every mean after brushing my teeth with sensodyne. Sometime I also take some colloidal silver orally and also in the adjacent ear. I'm also using Ibuprofen 400mg at least twice a day. You can also make an oregano oil rub for Your jaw outside, and also put it on the bottom of Your feet, the other location where the blood turns around in the circulation.

As long as I stay away from sugar, especially sweet drinks, I am pleased to report that I am living relatively pain free. I do plan to have the tooth extracted, but I'm praying for a miracle, and maybe the tooth can die safely and at that point my body would push the tooth out itself.

Dental Health Reader Feedback

1 User Review
4 star (1) 

Posted by Inga (Sydney, Australia) on 10/23/2008

After reading material on this site extensively, I am a bit confused and grappling with some issues relating to dental health, which I cannot seem to get a clear picture of.

1. Brushing with baking soda (and/or salt) - isn't it abrasive to tooth enamel? Does it make a difference if one dissolves it in water first?

2. Brushing with bar soap - does not soap also have glycerine in it (the reason why it is recommended in the first place due to even health stores toothpastes having glycerine in it - harder to rinse off etc)?

Doesn't bar soap have detergents in it also, and therefore presumably not advantageous?

3. Why is Hydrogen Peroxide not recommended as a rinse when one has metal fillings?

Looking forward to your reply. Thanks.

Replied by Kristen
(Hollywood, California)

Dr brauners pure Castile soap, or I have heard the kiss my face soap. Not glycerin soap.

Replied by Sue
(Fairfax, Va Usa)

I, too, am perplexed as to which bar soap is best for brushing teeth. If glycerin is to be avoided, all the other (natural) ones I have seen contain oils, and I wonder if that would have a similar effect to oil pulling? I have some metal fillings, and am not in good enough health at the moment to deal with any sort of detox from them. Does anyone have solid info on a bar soap that would clean the teeth without risking some sort of oil-pulling reaction? Thanks so much.

Replied by C.
(Charlotte, NC)

Dr Bronner's liquid soap for tartar on teeth. I didn't realize I had tartar! I floss, brush with a coconut oil/sea salt/baking soda mix/oil of oregano, and rinse with regular peroxide. The tartar is in between my teeth, on the back side. I couldn't see it but I could feel it. Tt was causing some weird type of vibration in my mouth. Somehow I got the idea to turn off the light in the bathroom and check my teeth with my flashlight. And there it was. Yuck!

So I started my online research. The one thing I came upon time and again (that wasn't very expensive and that I already have in the house) was Dr. Bronner's liquid soap. Those who reported using it said it would SLOWLY wear the tartar away. I've brushed with it before in a pinch so the taste wasn't unknown to me. I was willing to try again. I'm happy to say that so far it's been working, and yes, slowly like everyone said. It really just depends on how much tartar is involved and (I guess) how old the tartar is.

It's been about 2 weeks now, brushing with one drop of the peppermint liquid soap at least twice a day. It makes a LOT of suds. My teeth feel silky and clean. I have also ordered a food grade peroxide to rinse with. I wish I could have taken pictures before I started up to now. But how in the world would I have gotten the camera into my mouth???

I am so thankful because I don't want another bloody dental cleaning, caused by the girl having to scrape sections where the ultrasonic didn't work well enough. Will post more in another week or two.

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