I have been taking Ibuprofen on and off for pain associated with a medical condition for years. Three years ago, I woke up with terrible stomach pain, like somebody had punched me in the stomach. I was nauseous but wasn't vomiting. At first I thought I had a stomach flu, but while I was sitting in a clinic, I realized what the pain was from. I'd taken too much ibuprofen over the previous days-more than the maximum allowed. The diagnosis (without any test to verify) was gastritis-irritation of the stomach lining. The doctor prescribed an acid inhibitor and I started to feel better after a few days. By the time I got a gastroscopy, if I'd had any damage, it had healed by that time (it took close to a year to get it done). I continued to take an acid inhibitor on the days I was taking more than about 600mg of ibuprofen, or if I was taking it for several days at a time. I was taking ibuprofen for about 7-10 days a month maximum.
A couple of weeks ago I'd been taking low doses of ibuprofen for more consecutive days than usual, but was not taking the acid inhibitors as I'd run out. After a few days, even with low doses of ibuprofen, I had another attack and ended up in the hospital. Same problem as three years ago. The doctor prescribed a very strong acid inhibitor. I looked into it and started researching the medications as well as natural cures.
From what I understand, here's the problem: The ibuprofen or any NSAID, can damage the stomach lining with prolonged use, and can even cause an ulcer. The acid inhibitor simply stops acid production so that your own natural stomach acid doesn't burn your damaged stomach lining causing the pain it caused me. It doesn't protect your stomach from the damage, as I was led to believe. So I started to explore how I could protect my stomach. First of all, I stopped taking the NSAIDS and am just living with my pain. Secondly, my research shows that there are natural ways to actually protect and heal your stomach. Here's what I found:
-Slippery Elm coats the stomach lining and protects it. I am taking 2000mg twice a day on an empty stomach. You can take it in capsule form or bulk powder (about 1tsp), just mix it with water. There are a couple of things to keep in mind-do not take any other vitamins at the same time, as you will not be absorbing as much out of them. Also, I'm not sure about this one, but it may double the half life of other medications, for example, acetaminophen, meaning if it was meant to stay in your system for 4-6 hours, now it will last 8-12, setting you up for an overdose.
-Aloe Vera juice. Up to 80mL a day
-L-glutamine. So far I've seen up to 3000mg a day as an acceptable dosage.
-B12. Because you're likely to have a deficiency as it's often not well absorbed in these cases.
Make sure you eat small amounts of food every few hours and follow a diet recommended for ulcers. Do a google search on that.
Here's why I believe acid inhibitors are bad for you. You need stomach acid to digest your food! Acid inhibitors are over prescribed. The symptoms of acid overproduction and underproduction can be the same, but it's unlikely that people over 40 have an overproduction of acid. Acid reflux is often caused by a lack of acid in the stomach, so food isn't getting properly digested and is coming back up the esophagus, causing the burning sensation. Cut the acid production even more by taking acid inhibitors and you really start messing with your system. I recently found out from a friend (after telling him of my issues) that he had been diagnosed with GERD several years ago and was put on acid inhibitors. He got sicker and sicker and wasted away to nearly nothing, losing 50 lbs in just a couple of months. He nearly died. His problem? His original symptoms were caused by an UNDERPRODUCTION of acid, and the acid inhibitors made it nearly impossible to digest his food.
How can you avoid this? If you have acid reflux, try drinking some apple cider vinegar diluted in water. If your symptoms improve, you have an underproduction of acid. If they worsen, then you may in fact have an overproduction.
First thing is to change your diet, and don't rely on pharmaceuticals for everything! What kind of logic is it to prescribe one thing, only to prescribe something for the damage the first thing causes???
After only a few days on the remedies I mentioned above, I'm already feeling better. I've also learned about MSM for pain, and will try it instead of NSAIDs next time the pain is unbearable from my other ailment. Good luck to you all!