Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease
Natural Remedies

Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease Symptoms - Remedies

| Modified on Jun 14, 2017
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What Is Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease?

A condition particularly common in young children, hand, foot and mouth disease is a contagious viral infection. Typically characterized by sores or lesions in the mouth paired with a rash on the hands and feet, the disease is typically passed at daycares and schools.

The condition generally presents itself between three and seven days following exposure with the first symptom being a fever. Secondary hand, foot and mouth disease symptoms to develop include a sore throat as well as loss of appetite and general unwell feeling. The characteristic sores and rash typically occur one to two days after the initial fever. Additionally, pain caused by the blister-like sores in the mouth as well as itching and blistering from the rash is common. Infants and toddlers often exhibit increased irritability in addition to their other symptoms.

The cause of hand, foot and mouth disease is most common coxaskievirus A16, a virus that falls within the nonpolio enteroviruses. Other enteroviruses may also cause hand, foot and mouth disease, but this one is the most common. The illness is caused by person-to-person contact and is typically ingested via the mouth. Additionally contact with an infected individual’s saliva, blister fluid, stool, respiratory droplets, nasal secretion and throat discharge can cause spread of the infection.

Natural Remedies for Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease

While hand, foot and mouth disease is commonly considered a mild disorder, the symptoms of the illness can be difficult for children to handle. Several natural remedies offer relief and expedite the recovery process. Colloidal silver treats the condition and prevents it from returning. Milk of magnesia also offers temporary relief from the symptoms of the condition. Supplements including probiotics, Echinacea, and goldenseal are also important treatment components, as they work to boost the immune system and eradicate viruses.

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Michaeldon (Cape Town, South Africa ) on 01/15/2017

I had hospital diagnosed hfMd. They prescribed only paracetamol and a throat spray which I had no time to buy as I could not get to a pharmacy.

Instead I took aspirin twice a day for its supposed anti viral effect. On the second night I took an antihistamine and I woke up feeling fine after feeling awful the day before. They say it takes 5 to 7 days to clear up so

Apparently you can cause Reyes syndrome giving aspirin to kids so this is a suggestion for adult hfmd.


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Posted by Ruth (West Virginia, US) on 12/14/2014

My 20 month old screamed with discomfort from Hand Foot Mouth Disease for 2 days and could hardly sleep until finally I bathed him with Borax! It was the first thing that actually calmed him down and helped him sleep. For a bath, I poured maybe 1/2 cup in his water. I also poured a couple tablespoons in a bucket of water to soak his hands and feet it in between baths, and applied a strong concentration of borax/water with a washcloth after his bath or soak. I did this whenever he was uncomfortable, 3 or more times a day at first. I also applied peroxide and silver a couple times a day, and after the borax treatment applied coconut oil mixed with an Herbal Savvy product with myrrh in it. I was also giving him every immune boosting supplement I had: colloidal silver, vit. C, zinc, echinacea, etc. Now, on day 3, he still has the blisters but they don't seem to be bothering him at all. I am also giving the rest of the family lots of immune boosting supplements and praying we don't get it too! (By the way, the same treatments worked for chicken pox too! )

Colloidal Silver

3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Deb (Brandon, Manitoba) on 07/23/2009

I had a friend whos daughter had contracted Hand Foot and Mouth disease at daycare. We had spoken to a few people and some one sujested trying Colloidal Silver. I told her to try it because the doctor would not give her anything. Within two days her daughter was alot better and the symptoms of the Hand Foot and Mouth had gone. My friend is still giving her daughter the Colloidal Silver to stop it from comeing back. We have looked into colloidal silver and apparently its great for all viral infections and internal paracites!

Replied by Cosmicsister
(Castlegar, Bc)

My 8 year old son contracted Hand/foot/mouth from school... Had large sore blisters on the side of his tongue. I gave him 2 doses of colloidal silver for two days. It stopped more blisters from forming and the others began to heal immediately. His older brother is a diabetic and just formed a few spots around his lips - I gave him 1 dose yesterday and today there are no new spots formed. (I ran out of silver so am off to get more!)

Replied by Brittany

I have a 19 month old that woke up this morning with the rash its real bad around her mouth area and on her feet. How much Colloidal Silver should I give her and where can I find it?

Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, Sc)

Hello Brittany,

You can find Colloidal Silver on line and at many health food stores. If me, I'd only topically apply at this time. With a white paper towel soak in CS and hold for fifteen minutes to the affected areas. I'd do this three times daily for three days. If improved, keep up until the infection is over.

Replied by Nadine

Colloidal silver is definitely better than any of the creams or antihistamines the dr could give anyway, my daughters kept getting worse and worse until we were introduced to colloidal silver and also oregano essential oil. We've noticed a difference within 12 hrs of using them.

Replied by Tanja
(Townsville, Australia)

Do you remember the dosage you gave him? 15 month old grand daughter has it - the most severe my dr has EVER seen a case like this. I'm desperate to help her and have colloidal silver at home.

General Feedback

Posted by Gigi Morris (Las Vegas, Nevada) on 01/19/2013

I have hfmd and these little bumps r getting on my nerves when they scab over does that mean they are healing???

Milk of Magnesia

1 User Review
3 star (1) 

Posted by T.D. (Newburg, PA USA) on 07/11/2009


It seems that every summer now for the past 3-4 years my children get hand foot and mouth disease. I am a little puzzled why they now getting it almost every summer when before it wasn't an issue. We are actually eating way better than what we used to. As far as cures the only thing the nurse told me was to have them use milk of magnesia as a mouth wash. I can't say that it worked all that well, maybe a little relief. What is out there that is natural?

Replied by Cristin
(Sanatoga, Pa)

I've actually heard to do equal parts of MoM and Benadryl and swab mouth.

Replied by Harriett
(Louisville, Ky)

Can you send info to me.....diagnosis, best treatments, etc? 18 month old may have hand foot and mouth disease, currently in private home day care. Thanks

Replied by Timh
2043 posts

Supplements to Boost Immune System

Posted by Glen (Redlands, Ca) on 06/10/2010

Hand foot mouth disease. Since it's a virus and will usually show up in people with low immunities, it makes sense to boost the immune system. Probiotics, echinecea and goldenseal or root. The colloidal is a good thing as well since it will kill abnormal pathogens.

Replied by Shoesfly
(Cleveland, Ohio)

Yes, boosting immune system is so critical with a virus. I'm 20 something and got hand foot mouth from my hus who got it from some kids in fam in a pool. My husband usually not sick but suffered with this. Since I've started symptoms I crush big garlic cloves and swallow with water 3-4x a day. I take vit c as often as I can remember as well. So far I feel like my symptoms are muted compared to my husband who only took the vicodin and med mouthwash from the Dr. We'll see how this goes.

Unpasteurized Goat Milk

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Posted by Dv (Israel) on 08/16/2013

For Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease, the only treatment I know of that will immediately, within 24 hrs show dramatic healing of the sores is non pasteurized goat milk. In order to avoid ingesting unwanted bacteria, the milk most be brought to a point on the stove when it is starting to froth and rise, then turn off the heat. Sometimes a "skin" will form, skim off or eat it , whatever. At least 1/2 cup of milk should do the job, more doesn't hurt. You may add sugar, cocoa or drink it straight, in a batch, number of times. It's not an exact science but it does the job. Pasteurized goat milk doesn't help nor does cow milk in any form. Perhaps camel milk would be helpful but I don't know from experience.
