Lungs: Damage and Infection
Natural Remedies

Natural Lung Infection Treatments: Herbal & Homeopathic Guide

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Far Infrared Saunas

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 11/12/2012

Hi Betty, Read your post and thought I should write. My husband had always had problems with his lungs- they felt weak, congested, difficulty with taking in deep breaths and easily fatigued due to all of this. We began doing Far Infrared saunas once a week and after the fifth time he began to see a significant difference. Far Infrared saunas are the only saunas which can actually detox heavy metals and chemicals from the body. And since you say you are dealing with chlorine this would surely make a difference. Because it causes vasodilation, there is a passive aerobic exercise which occurs thereby strengthening the lungs and heart.

Other friends who have used their inhalers regularly have been able to stop using them altogether after using the Far Infrared saunas for a month, twice weekly. They are able to maintain this status as long as they do the FIR sauna at least once a week.

The other wonderful thing about these saunas is, they don't emit EMFs. - another health issue!

Hope this info helps. Lisa

Fennel, Flax and Fenugreek Tea

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Alexandra (London)

Always avoid dairy products when you have any sinus or lung congestion of any kind. This helps--plus try an infusion of a mixture of these herbs, readily available fennel seeds, flaxseeds (aka linseeds) and fenugreek seeds. Mix equal parts of each seed. It's really up to the person how much of each seed they buy and how long they are going to be taking the combination. It's a combination I keep around. I tend to mix up a 1/2 cup of each seed and mix them into a jar and keep them in a cool dark place until they are needed. When needed place a heaping teaspoon of the mixed seeds into a mug of boiling water. Allow to steep, or infuse, whatever you call it, then stir, (sieve if you like or better, eat the seeds) then drink copious amounts. Really does the trick for any congestion lung and sinus.

Fungal Infection Connection

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by bonacbaby (Crossville, Tn.) on 01/10/2023

Isn't there a strong possibility that a fungus infection could be involved in the lung illnesses? I follow Doug Kaufmann of Know the cause and he has been studying fungus and mold for over 50 years.

General Feedback

Posted by Rill (California, US) on 06/17/2014

Hi does anyone know whether you can take a natural antibiotic capsule made up of garlic, ginger, turmeric, and cayenne pepper on an empty stomach? I made this antibiotic myself using one tablespoon of each of these organic powders of spices and then filled the capsules myself. I am trying to get rid of something in my lungs that causes all sorts of phelgm and found out that you can make a natural antibiotic using these four spices. It just didn't give any advice as how to take it. Thanks everyone on any advice that you can give.

Replied by Marigold

Why do you have to take it on an empty stomach? There isn't anything in there that's not food... I'm not convinced it would make any difference. I couldn't take them without food because of the cayenne, but I love the idea.

Replied by Timh
2043 posts

Rill: I would better by taking these herbs w/ a little bit of something to eat like apple sauce or cracker. A softgel of Coconut Oil would help both as a digestive aid and natural antibiotic.

General Feedback
Posted by Sania (Jalandhar, Punjab, India) on 03/11/2009

sania, india i have bronchiectasis from last 2 years..i have thich mucus problem....infection occurs very soon...i have tried so many anti soon as i stops infection again comes..what should i do...can anyone suggest me which wil really work..i tried homeopathy nothing works...i am just 28 yrs seems like have stopped after this one lung collapse because of other lung is anyone suffering from same problem ....ant colloidal silver will really to use that ?

Replied by Betty
(Spearsville, La.)

Dear Sania,

I have bronchiectasis too. I also have a heaviness in the bottom of my lungs which I believe is a direct result of exposure to chlorine. I have tried and am still trying colloidal silver in a nebulizer as well as h2o2 and am also using oil of oregano internally and externally. I can not verify that any of the above mentioned have made any significant difference but will continue to search for answers.

Replied by Mena
(London, Uk)

Hi, I was diagnosed with bronchiectasis 20 years ago. My last scan showed that I no longer have it. It has gone. It does happen.

Replied by Larry
(Daly City, Ca. Usa)


I have had bronchiectasis for 2 years. Got it from a Nocardia Bacteria. The main problem I have is extreme coughing and tremendous amount of heavy mucus. I have tried many things but as yet not found anything that helps. I would really appreciate any comments you can share witlh me as to what you did to get good results.


Replied by Timh
2043 posts

Larry. First make some efforts on improving indoor air quality. The amino acid NAC is good for reducing mucus. Nebulizing Colloidal Silver will kill the bacterial infection in the lungs.

General Feedback
Posted by Claire (New York, New York) on 02/08/2009

Better/preventative lung health: Hi, I was wondering what I should be doing to help repair all the damage I have done to my lungs from 10 years of smoking. Thanks so much for your help!

Replied by Angela
(Gautier, Ms)

There is a video out on youtube that says sodium bicarbonate cures cancer. It has before and after pics. This product is baking soda, not baking powder. Cancer is a fungus, most of the crap we catch is fungus because our bodies are warm dark wet areas. There are some oils that kill fungus, but should not be in lungs with any great quantity. Like oregano oil. Works best for nasal fungus.

Now vinegar, this a great product, when taken 3 times a week or more over a period of time, even though you start smelling like vinegar, it purifies your blood, stops muscle cramps, soften and dissolves plaque/calcium deposit build up one lady wrapped her arm in it where she had a large calcium knot under skin she kept it on there a week or so, and it got smaller and smaller till it was gone, and it helps you lose weight.

Bleach is also a great cleaner for the body, added to a 8oz water about a cap full. Cleans the body of fungus also. A old wife tale is feeling bad do a enema with bleach water. With all this being said, I have been smoking 30 years, when I was about 22 they did a xray of my lungs, I had 5 nodules on them, and walking pneumonia. Doctor gave me meds. They said I had copd also.

Well later 6/8 months I had snorted some baking soda water. Feeling a little better. Then I had a intestinal problem so I drank a cap full of bleach in water. Feeling better. Then 10 yrs. later had a xray on my lungs cause I had a cryonic cough again, (smoker) phlegm, I asked the doc. I said how big are the nodules now. He said what nodules. Lol what nodules. So I just had a cold with phlegm now. Got rid of that colds off and on for years like regular people.

Now 30 years later. My lungs look great but I am starting to use my inhaler again, which each time I have gotten a cold I do. I also have asthma. So its time for me to do a round of the baking soda again. This is my true story, I am 42 yr. old female, been smoking for 30 yrs. I hope this helps some of you.


Could you share how much and how often the baking soda should be used? I have 3 nodules, all under 4cm and I like to shrink them if possible. I do ACV, apple vinegar one table spoon a day, 1 week on, 1 week off. Thank you!

(South Africa)

Oh my gosh! Bleach internally? I would really check that as Bleach is corrosive..

Replied by Timh
(Louisville, Ky, Usa)
2043 posts

Angela, for several yrs I have been using the health club hot-tub method for cleansing as it is lots of chlorine or bromine w/ some type of stabilizers w/ mixed results. Sometimes it seems to produce added oxidative stress and sometimes I feel much better afterwards. Some alternative practitioners recommend adding 1/2 or 1 cup chlorine bleach (non-scented) to a tub of hot water for cleansing and detoxing. ACV can also be added to hot water baths for same purpose. It is good to remember that chlorine bleach will way up the body's sodium content, so perhaps eat a couple of Bananas daily.

Lately it seems the healthier alternative to chlorine is Iodine. A few yrs ago I knew that my fungal infection had become systemic when I added Povidone Iodine to a foot bath w/ die-off results immediately afterwards. I have also used PI in whole body bath w/ good results. Lately I seem to have even better results w/ Borax 1/2 cup in hot bath.

For oral administration, I use either Grapefruitseed Extract or Oregano w/ pretty good results.

Anyway many options for fungal issues.

Replied by Orh
(Ten Mile, Tn)

KIM, ORH here, and think you on the wrong trail. Baking soda will cure cancer by injection, but will only prevent cancer by keeping your body alkaline. If you already have cancer, then you must do baking soda, but other things to address that cancer. Smart folks here on EC, but you must explain your total situation if some one is to help. Suggest you do that and you will get help for certain. I can understand your plight. Just explain your entire cancer situation and you will get help from this site. These people are here for you.


Hydrogen Peroxide

8 User Reviews
5 star (7) 

Posted by Mike (Hoboken, Nj) on 12/08/2016

Editor's Choice

Tried the dropper of brown bottle (3%) hydrogen peroxide mixed with a dose of saline solution (the standard prescribed nebulizer dose) through a nebulizer - the effects were great - one dose and my lungs are completely clear (after 2 months of Abuteral, meds, had no effect)

One thing - right after I finished with the nebulizer I coughed up so much phlegm and stuff from my lungs and then all was clear and I could breath normal again - first time in months - just be careful if your lungs are too congested that you loosen everything up slowly.

Replied by Robert Henry
(Ten Mile , Tn)

MIKE,,,,,,,,, I can't take H202 via a nebulizer any stronger than 1 1/2 % and if you are a smoker then you are right, you have to go very, very slow. Two friends accused me of trying to kill them.

I use pharmacy grade H202, but the EC idol, Bill Munro, used the brown bottle and lived to the age of 89. So much for the smartest folks in the room.


Replied by Shelba
(Jacksonville Il)

What is the ratio with 1 1/2 % peroxide to distilled water with using nebulizer?

Replied by Texas Lady
(Dallas, TX)

Saline Solution for Inhalation - 100 per box, 5 ml units for $17 on Amazon

  • 0.9% Saline Solution for Inhalation
  • 5 ml unit dose
  • Can be used for respiratory treatments, sinus irrigation and eye care
  • Sterile

If inhaling into lungs; you should not use distilled water; use a sterile saline solution made for inhaling.

5 ml of saline and 5 drops of Hydrogen Peroxide 3% should not burn; if so add more saline to dilute the hydrogen peroxide. When you do well on that amount; try and add a few more drops of hydrogen peroxide. I use 3 ml of saline with 8 drops of hydrogen peroxide. I do it as preventative measures to keep infection and anything else away. I nebulize once per week. Make sure your mask covers your nose and mouth. Breathe through your nose; and exhale out your mouth. I do this for about 10-12 minutes each time. Read about Dr. David Brownstein's research on Hydrogen Peroxide nebulizing.


Can you tell me what type of saline??? Dr Brownstein says normal saline...but I cant seem to find normal saline. I am so I have to buy the Hypertonic type?????Or is the eye care saline ok? Thanks....



Here is what I use in my nebulizer:

No particular amount, just enough so whatever I am nebulizing doesn't irritate.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Josie (San Antonio,Tx) on 05/13/2015 22 posts

Hi, I would like to know if I need to dilute my food grade 3% HP. I got it at a health food store. I tried it in my nebulizer for my lungs, but it makes my throat sore and I cough a lot. It does make me spit up phlem. I need to know if I'm doing it right. I also tried it by mixing it with a little bit of distilled water, but like to know if I should just do it without mixing it with the distilled water since it only 3%.

The problems that I have with my lungs is caused by psuedamonis bacteria. I'm hoping and praying for my miracle.

Replied by Mama To Many

Dear Josie,

When I use hydrogen peroxide in a nebulizer, I use 5 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide and 35 drops of distilled water. Even that makes my husband cough a bit when he is nebulizing. But one of my older sons requests this treatment as he finds it helpful.

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Robert Henry
(Ten Mile , Tn.)

HI U JOSIE, , , , , , , , , , , , , , when I first read about how Bill Munro first used H2O2 by inhaling it through his mouth, I used the 3 % as he suggested and it worked. A few years ago I decided to use a nebulizer instead and still used the 3 %. Wrong thing for me to do, it burned as you say. I now use H2O2 at 1 1/2% in my nebulizer and it works for me.

In Dr Shellanberger's latest health letter, he touts that an Ozone Sauna will greatly increase the TBARS in your blood and that is a measurement of the amount of peroxides. He and Dr Robert Rowan are my idols, but it seems to me that if our hero, Bill Munro, can cure 2 cancers in the crude fashion that he did, then using a nebulizer is the cat's meow. As I get it, what you are trying to do is increase the peroxides in your blood. We all know that our white carpusals make H2O2 to attack foreign critters. You just helping them along.

That is the reason they are trying to ban H2O2 in Gt Britain .........too many folks self medicating.

With the IMF meeting in Oct to declare the Chinese Yuan is now a reserve currency, then I suggest you have a case of H2O2 in a cool place when the ship hits the sand. Life is fixing to get very interesting and trying to see a doctor will be a joke. We going back to my PawPaw's days and he was born in the 1890's.


Replied by Josie
(San Antonio, Tx)
22 posts


Well, I'm back for more questions. I was doing my food grade 3% hydrogen peroxide without diluting it and it burn my throat. I started to dilute it with distilled water, but it still burns. I stop doing it for a while so my throat would get better. I want to start doing it again, but my throat still hurts. It could be because I cough a lot from my lung problems. I do 3drops of hp and 35 drops of distilled water. Can I do the brown bottle from the store instead of the food grade? The brown bottle is 3% to. I do it in my nebulizer. Food grade, or brown bottle? Also, I drink aloe vera juice. I make it at home. I like to know if it is okay to do both, but at different time. Nebulizer in the morning and an hour later my aloe vera. I'm tried of going in and out of the hospital. Too much antibiotics. Aloe Vera did help my lungs 2 years ago. A lot of prayer helps me too.

Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

Josie, no, do not drink the brown bottle h2o2.

Replied by Mama To Many

Dear Josie,

I use the brown bottle peroxide with distilled water in the nebulizer.

I think taking aloe internally an hour after nebulizing peroxide and distilled water would be fine.

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Rita
(Grand Prairie,Texas)

How many times a day should someone nebulize with H2O2?

Replied by Josie
(San Antonio Tx)
22 posts

This is for Mama to Many,

The last time I posted my problems and you answered me back. Just to remind you what I had, I'll tell you again. Pseudomonas bacteria doctor don't know much about it. I take raw probiotics 3 time a day. hydrogen peroxide 3% brown bottle morning and night. vitamins calcium 500mg with vitamin D 400, C 500mg, E 400 l.U. and magnesium250 mg. You told me to take raw garlic 3 times a day and I do. Also to take lots of vitamin C and I do. I don't know if to much garlic will hurt me, but I smell like garlic now. I have been doing the garlic for a little over a week. I need to know how long do I keep doing the garlic? The vitamin C 500mg, I take 3 tablets a day. I hope I'm not doing to much because I weight 94 pounds and only 5 feet tall. I'm doing everything that I can to heal my lungs, but the doctors says my lungs have scars. I believe in miracle and I know God is in control and can heal me. I still cough and still have shortness of breath, but I'm breathing a little better, but still get tired. Thank you, Josie


Hi Josie,

I can see how hard you are, in trying to help yourself and I think that is great. I wondered if you have seen JACKS TEA FORMULA??? Many tried it and said it worked wonders for them. I had most of the items but not Hyssop. You would need MULLEIN LEAF HERB, HYSSOP HERB SMALL AMOUNT, SMALL AMOUNT OF LOBELIA LEAF, ORGANIC HONEY, 2 TEASPOONS CAYENNE PEPPER AND I THINK ITS A TEASPOON OF APPLE CIDER VINEGAR.

JACK IS FROM TOLEDO, OHIO AND PUT HIS TEA RECIPE ON HERE ONE DAY, ROUND ABOUT 2006 OR 2008. It is a bit difficult to follow for some because one was for seed pods which some people, like me, couldnt get. Someone made the recipe easier, as above, so should be easy to make. PUT WHERE IS SAYS SEARCH EARTH CLINIC JACKS TEA FORMULA INSTRUCTIONS, then go down a bit to find the easier way to make it, and you can make it with smaller items. Very easy and simple to make if you follow the alternative recipe. Everyone was so grateful to Jack. I would love him to appear again? Havent heard from him in a long time. I hope he is still around somewhere. Good luck, and hope you are better. Best wishes Rosina x

Replied by Mama To Many

Dear Josie,

What you are doing sounds good! You say you are breathing a little bit better - yay! You are moving in the right direction. Perhaps it will take some time for the remedies to heal you completely.

Yes, the garlic smell is the downfall of the remedy. But if you can stick with it, since you are improving, I would continue. for at least another week or two, maybe longer. I have a petite daughter who took 3 cloves a day for an infection, so I think it is okay to take that much if it seems to agree with you.

I have been reading Earth Clinic's cayenne pepper pages. They are fascinating. I am wondering if a bit of cayenne would help. It helps some people with energy. I think it helps to get oxygen and nutrients to cells. You could just try sprinkling a little on your food and see how you do.

Regarding the Vitamin C, you are definitely not overdoing it. Your body will tell you if you are (your body will get rid of it quickly, as in diarrhea.) Likely you could increase it quite a bit even. When I am sick, I take 15,000mg (15 grams) a day with no problem. The easiest/cheapest way at that point is to use Ascorbic Acid and baking soda to make your own sodium ascorbate. (1/4 teaspoon ascorbic acid plus 1/8th teaspoon baking soda. That is about a 1,000mg dose.)

Oh, and you might look into castor oil packs on this site. Castor Oil is reputed to dissolve scar tissue. It has worked so well for anything we have used it for. You could try castor oil packs on your back over the lung area. Just a thought.

Keep me posted!

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Alice
(Southern California)

This message is for Josie: You mention that your lungs have scars. Has your doctor told you that you have pulmonary fibrosis? If so, serrapeptase is an excellent treatment for removing scars anywhere in the body, including the lungs.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Shar (Coquitlam, B.c.) on 12/09/2010

Hi all , shar here from british columbia, has anyone nebulized the 3% drugstore peroxide for emphysema?, I have 49% oxygen in my lungs and have been using ionic silver solution for nebulizing, right now I have a lung infection and feel my lungs heating up anyone have a similar problem like this I want to try the nebulizing of peroxide can anyone help?

Replied by Andrea C
(Cardiff, Wales)

Hi Shar from Coquitlam B. C, Your best bet is to nebulise food grade h202. Also you need distilled water, please dont use tap or bottled mineral water, it has to be distilled water, which if you haven't got a distillation. When you do nebulize it you may hear a lot of bubbling from your chest/lungs which don't be alarmed about, its called the alka-seltzer affect which is actually the h202 loosening all the infection and mucus from your lungs. I would also keep a bucket or bowl near at hand so you can spit all the stale mucus which will come away from your lungs into, and belive me, I know because i've got asthma and boy it shifted a whole heap of infection, which a barrel load of antibiotics didn't touch!! If you need any questions answered don't be afraid to ask them or e-mail them ok? lots of love and healing prayers to everyone Love Andrea C X X X X XX

Replied by Donald S.
1 posts

What do you use if your Doctor says you have lung modules in your lungs that the x-ray show?

Replied by Jody

I have a disease that causes small cell lung cancer and I have CT scans done ever 3 months. I have had lung nodules for years. Out of fear the doctor had biopsies done three times. They came back negative. Once they couldn't find the nodule to do a biopsy. After that I decided we should take the wait and see attitude because my lungs are very weak and each biopsy was taking a great risk with my life. The one technician told me it isn't unusual to have nodules in your lungs and for them to disappear. I have the nodules all the time, they come and go, sometimes they enlarge and then they disappear only to have new ones show up. My advice is to just watch the nodule and see what it does.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Jim (Stettler, Alberta, Canada) on 08/14/2008

I have been taking Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) and Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) for about a week now and am amazed. 2Tbls in water 3 times a day and H2O2 spritzed into my throat twice a day - when I remember. Got used to the ACV quickly, the H2O2 still tastes like crap but they are working wonders so I keep on. Had sinus infection for decades and, as a smoker, congested lungs. Both cleared up within a week! Also, pain in right shoulder and left elbow is gone.

Came here to find a solution for a friend's sore throat. Number one cure was Cayenne which she can't take. Two days later I woke with a sore throat so on the way for coffee I stopped at a store and got some Cayenne. Put a 1/4 tsp in my coffee and before I finished the cup, the sore throat was gone. Amazing. Thank you EC for all the help. Next, 5-HTP for chronic depression.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Jimmy Vou (DALLAS, Texas) on 03/05/2008

Pulmonary Fibrosis. For the past 11 days I have been taken 35% up to 75 drops daily. My lungs are in the process of being cured. my ears are begining to open once again. My chest is beginning to feel almost in order once again. Amen! I have additional energy, breathing is coming back in short spans, yet it is coming back... The Doctors reports as of 2 weeks back is Cancer in the Lung... Yet, I mentioned the product to him, and he made another apointment for the 31st of this month. I will let you know.

Replied by Betty
(Spearsville, La.)

Dear Jimmy from Dallas,

I just read your posting about the cystic fibrosis in March of 2008 and your efforts to treat it with hydrogen peroxide. I have lung problems too and was wondering if the peroxide worked for you. I am inhaling the 1% food grade hp without much success. Hope to hear back from you. Betty

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Nancy (Ohio) on 02/03/2006

I have a friend who had been diagnosed with Mesothelioma and he spent his life savings of over 450K on modern medical treatments that got him nowhere. He then searched the internet with a relative that is an R.N. and found out about Hydrogen Peroxide therapy. He used the food-grade hydrogen peroxide, a few drops in his drinks and also Coral Calcium and a few months or so later...walah...NO CANCER!!! I believe the HP cleansed his body/lungs and the Coral Calcium strengthened him. Thank God that he found this! He is a really neat guy!

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation

3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Kenneth (TN) on 10/11/2022

Editor's Choice


I have cured supposedly incurable lung problems and the cure is super simple and totally logical.

First off I smoked 2-3 packs a day, and was poisoned by working in hazardous jobs, welding inside large galvanized tanks and breathing the fumes, breathing aluminum dust in coolant from grinding pistons on a government job, plus inhalation of MEK, a nerve toxin, AND MY LAST JOB HAD TO QUIT EARLY (5 months before my retirement at 63! ) BECAUSE OF WOOD-WORKERS LUNG! Just to name a few things (among others) I got VERY sick from!

Needless to say in my 60's my blood/oxygen levels were very poor, and I would gasp and wheeze and be out of breath all the time.

HERE'S THE CURE! Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide! In my research, I read somewhere where some medical clinics would feed a saline/peroxide solution directly into the arteries that feed the lungs and cause a foaming action that would cleanse them after the patient coughed their brains out! And often allow the patient to withdraw the use of oxygen tanks and machines! So that gave me an idea!

I bought one of those CONAIR Facial Spa face steamers (off ebay) that has a stainless steel bottom (must have a stainless bottom NOT aluminum or plated steel that will react with the peroxide) and cut a piece of 3-1/4" OD thin-wall PVC pipe (for your mouth) to replace the large clear flexible top, and then using a (mix of) distilled water with added 5-10 drops of 5 food grade hydrogen peroxide I would breathe-in the steam it created at night before bed 2-3 times per week then give it a rest for 2-3 weeks, off and on! And yes it makes you cough, but that help to evict the toxins embedded into your lungs and regenerate new lung tissue!

I did this for about two years off and on and my lungs came back to 0 normal. Now my lungs are fine and that in and of itself is a miracle considering my lungs were pretty much shot to hell. AND, several drops of 5 Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide in Distilled Water turned into STEAM is what did it!

Oh yea and take some vitamins/herbs specifically for your lungs, AND, you MUST exercise hard enough to stimulate your lungs and heart, push them, gasping and wheezing and everything while you jog, swim, etc! Little by little you will feel your lungs return as you gain more ground!

I am now 66 and still do the occasional hydrogen peroxide and water steam treatments once or twice every month or two to keep them in great shape and this is a hidden secret for getting your singing voice back as well. I can now sing as good or better than I could some 20 years ago! It is amazing! This is a miracle cure for your lungs!

Replied by Dano

As a former welder, I know about the danger from working on galvanized metal and aluminum dust, so your recovery from that alone is even more impressive. The other hazards made it even worse. I too use the Hydrogen Peroxide protocol from EC with great success. Be well everyone.

Replied by Lisa

Hi Kenneth, can you please share the model number of the Conair Facial Spa that you purchased?

Congrats on your healing progress!!

Replied by Deborah

This has worked great for me;

1/4 tsp. 3% Food Grade H2O2

71/4 tsp. saline = .1% solution as needed.

Replied by Daniel

What is the ratio of water to H.P.? You state 5 drops HP…how much water?

thanks and congrats!

Replied by Kenneth

Yea, model # is 3701AXA

But any steamer will do as long as it has a stainless steel pan or bottom, no aluminum or chrome plated steel as that would cause a chemical reaction and emit toxic metal vapors! stainless steel only! and if you are unsure then use a small magnet to test it because a magnet will not stick to stainless steel! but remember only use 3-10 drops of 5 hydrogen peroxide in distilled water! never straight 5 peroxide as that would burn tissue due to the super high oxygen content! if used properly, it works miracles in the re-generation of new cells! My lungs are fine now and much better than the majority of folks in their 60's and I have not done this often, but plan to start again to see what can be achieved. But you also must exercise and push your lungs also while treating them.

Replied by Dana
(New Boston, Texas)

I can not find 5 hydrogen peroxide. Where did you purchase it?


Look on Amazon you can find 12 percent, you must dilute it

So to make about a half a cup you take 120 mL and divide that by five that equals 20

120-20 is 100

So 100 mL of water then add 20 mL of (12%) H2O2 to that equals 2%

always stay in the same measurement's either cups/ oz or ml don't mix

Inhalation of Volcanic Ash Remedies

Posted by Tricia (Ireland, Ireland, Ireland) on 04/20/2010 84 posts

Northern Europe has been adversely affected as a result of a volcano eruption in Iceland (note - Iceland not Ireland) and until today the most affected have been those travelling by airline as the volcanic ash has been high and airplanes cannot travel through it. To-day reports are saying that the ash over us is now between ground and 20,000 ft. This is obviously going to play havoc with those who have compromised airways and maybe adversely affect those who are healthy. The obvious advice is a mask but what other precautions should we be taking and if we do end up having to inhale this stuff, how do you chelate it from the lungs.

Usually, in this country a week rarely passes without rainfall. This week has given us glorious sunshine and little wind which does mean that the ash will not move or dissipate quickly.

One nice thing has been that the skies are lovely and blue without the stain of contrails and chemtrails.


2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by sumner (renfrew, pa.) on 03/14/2023

After an asbestos exposure 18 years ago I was afraid I might never be 100% well. However, Faith without works is dead and Jesus directed me to many Earth Clinic cures! I am SO THANKFUL for this site! Nonetheless, it is shocking to me that iodine receives little widespread respect. This was such a famous remedy for many decades that physicians had a rhyme for it, "If ye don't know where, what, and why. Prescribe ye then K and I. (potassium iodide).

Start low. There can be a detox of (dangerous) halides. Maybe just 2 mgs to start. But this is nearly a supernatural remedy. The change in 6 weeks can be staggering. I don't say that lightly, I am 64 and very in tune with my body.

I have gone from years-long infection to freedom. I am currently at about 75mgs/daily. That sounds like a lot, but prior to antibiotics, extreme cases ie. syphilis/cancer got up to 2000mgs.

I wish I could make a nicer post about this but I feel it is important to post this now for someone to hear.

Lynne Farrow's book The Iodine Crisis brings much liberty. There is much disinformation out there.

Replied by Dave
(Hales Corners)

Can you explain what your symptoms were and what exactly you're doing? Are you taking it internally or nebulizing it? Do you take it with anything else?

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