Natural Remedies

Mole Remedies

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16 User Reviews
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Posted by Donna (Dalton, GA) on 04/13/2007

I had been reading about Iodine and how it could get rid of different skin lesions, so I decided to give it a try on several Sebaceous Keratoses on my torso, several quite large. It has worked wonderfully. It took about 2 weeks for them to go away, and I applied it 2x a day most days. I put it on with a q-tip and let it dry before getting dressed. I sometimes scratched them lightly first with a emery nail file before applying the iodine. I use the Lugols, because I also take it by drops internally each day.

Posted by Steve (Metairie, Louisiana) on 04/12/2007

I have had at least 10 moles removed by my dermatologist, and after they were burned off (they usually burn, or freeze them), It took about 2 weeks for the cuts to heal (depending on the depth of the cut). Then, once the skin was basically healed, a pink mark was left behind. After a while (usually a month or two), my color would return and blend in with the surrounding area. Some of the areas that my dermatologist cut left a hole in my skin, which has never filled in. So far, Iodine has removed moles from my skin, but never left any holes (depressions) in my skin.

Posted by Steve (Metairie, Louisiana) on 04/11/2007

Iodine worked to remove my moles. Make sure to gently scratch (softly) and then apply the iodine. I applied the iodine at least 3X's a day.

Posted by Darren (Walhalla, SC) on 04/05/2007

Iodine helped get rid of moles but left pink spots how do I make the pink spots heal faster or blend in with the skin?

Posted by Shane (Sunbury, Victoria, Australia) on 03/13/2007

Thank you everyone. Iodine worked brilliantly for removing my moles. The trick was to rub them with a pumice stone or scratch them with a needle before applying the iodine 2-3 times a day. Hey presto ! Mole gone in a week to 10 days. Once the moles turn hard you can stop applying the iodine. I also found apple cider vinegar worked as well, but must be careful not to over apply as it irritates the surrounding skin (only needed to apply this for 2-3 days to kill the mole. Thanks to this site for the information, I never thought it would be so easy.

Posted by Diane (Chesapeake, VA) on 02/26/2007

I use tincture of iodine (everyday) on skin ulcers which refuse to heal. Sometimes I apply iodine 2 to 3 times a day. I never miss a day when treating squamous cell carcinoma. The area being treated by the tincture of iodine often becomes very sensitive or itchy...don't discontinue the iodine...keep applying iodine on the ulcer. The itchy skin will scab's just the healing process. Scrape off the skin if it again develops a white flaky patch or a brown scab...then, apply more iodine. Use the iodine for at least one to two months until the skin ulcer has completely disappeared. Then, use Retin-A cream to complete the skin rejuvenation process. Use Raw Organic Palm Fruit Oil along with the iodine to promote deep healing and also use Raw Organic Palm Fruit Oil along with sun block to prevent future skin damage. The ulcer patches have developed on my hands and lower arms. One skin damaged area shows my skin separating on crease lines on top of my wrist. The day after I applied the tincture of iodine to the separating skin, the crease lines showed signs of healing, as blood circulation appeared in the area. The areas I treat are all about the size of a quarter, which is larger than the freckle-sized spot. I figure the underlying skin damage takes in a larger area and it may only show up on the skin as a small freckle-sized spot. Last, everyone will ask you why you are using iodine on your's's sooo old fashioned. Don't let the embarrassment of orangey skin stop your beats having a doctor remove the cancer and leaving you with holes where the carcinoma or melanoma used to be. I use this treatment on all skin problems, to include possible melanoma. In addition to the topical treatment, I plan to add a daily dose of Lugol's Iodine in my drinking water. I want to treat all cancers and other health problems from within. I have red hair and white skin with lots of freckles, and I am very sun sensitive. I have been terribly burned year after year while growing up in California. I am now 56 years old, and the skin cancer is just starting to appear. That's why I feel it necessary to add the Lugol's Iodine daily to my drinking water.

Replied by Mlh
(Greenville, Sc)

After having moles on my body all of my life I figured I was stuck with them. I had a few removed (surgically) when I was a teenager and the rest I figured I'd have forever. Until I saw this thread I figured why not give iodine a try. It couldn't hurt right? I can't believe it.

Within days the moles had dried up, and like others mentioned, formed a scab. I kept up with the iodine and low an behold the moles are gone! I had 3 prominent moles on my chest that I was always self conscious of. They're gone! Why didn't I know about this 20 years ago??? Thanks for an awesome tip!

Posted by Brenda (DE) on 01/18/2006

Iodine is excellent for toenail fungus, ringworm, fever blisters, moles and skin tags, hangnails, etc. Just a few drops on a q-tip is all it takes. Use daily until the "boo-boo" is gone.

Posted by Teresa (Lowell, North Carolina)

I had a raised mole to come up on my face and several skin tags to appear under my arm. I was embarrassed by the mole on my face, but didn't have the money to have it removed. Using a q-tip, I rubbed iodine on both the mole and skin tags at night before going to bed. Within 3 to 7 days the skin tag dried and fell off while the mole went away. I have shared this information with my sister who has removed several as well.

Iodine and the Scratching Method

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5 star (1) 

Posted by Rina (Tx) on 06/09/2017

Iodine Tincture and Scratch Method

This method works for me 90% of the time. Occasionally I have to do it twice if the mole starts to come back. I do this with slightly raised and tiny flat moles on my face if they appear from sun exposure (yes, I wear sunscreen daily).

I scrape the mole with a new toothpick (not a needle) until it turns pink and I can see the top layer of skin is off (avoid the surrounding area, you only want to scratch the mole).

Then I apply iodine tincture (which stings very much) and apply it 2x daily until it scabs over (usually within 1-2 days). I leave the scab on for 2 days until I deem it ready enough to pull off without causing excessive pain or trauma to the skin. Even when it's scabbed over I apply the iodine 2x daily.

Once I deem it ready to peel off with ease, I pull it off and then apply the tincture again (which still hurts a lot). At this point the skin doesn't scab anymore and instead turns into a pink dot on my face. I continuously apply the tincture daily until the dot is near disappearing- then I stop. At which point the mole is gone and now the skin only has to heal. (Keep in mind, it doesn't look bad- just like a pink dot). 2-3 weeks after it heals I'll be able to tell whether or not it's gone for good. If it starts to come back (it will start to look like a darkening freckle) I repeat the process until it's gone for good. Most of the time it only takes 1 time, at most 2. I never repeat the cycle in the same month. Only every 2-3 if it comes back.

It WILL come back if you get a lot of sun exposure in the area so wear sunscreen and protect your skin. :)

Iodine, Hydrogen Peroxide

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Posted by Radost (Varna, Bulgaria) on 07/25/2016

Thank you for publishing information about this cures. I used iodine and Hydrogen peroxide on 2 moles and got free of them. The first was pea-size and it was cleared after 2 weeks in May and June. It healed, but the skin is still pink. The second mole was 3mm in diameter . I painted it with Iodine once a day for 3 days. Then I soaked it with Hydrogen peroxide for about 15 minutes, I poked it with a pin and it burst, something white drop off and the pink skin appeared . There was no scab, it still hurts, but I am happy I got rid of it. Thank you earth clinic.

Iodine, Tea Tree Oil

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Posted by Ann (Sydney, Nsw, Australia) on 11/14/2012

Hi, I've had a 1cm raised mole under my bra strap for many years. Decided to try to get rid of it. Over a 2 week period I applied iodine (Lugol's solution) about 4 times and applied tt oil every day... Sometimes twice a day. When I applied the tto I could feel gritty material coming away as it broke up. I think the iodine actually "killed" the thing though. Only took 2 weeks! Good luck everyone! Ann.

Malt Vinegar, Vitamin C Powder

Posted by Sally (Birmingham, Uk) on 06/22/2012

Hi, I have recently applied malt vineger and vitamin c powder to 4 moles on my face and 1 on my arm. I followed what I needed to do correctly, using a sterilized needle to scratch the moles and file. Then applied the vinegar and vitamin c powder. After scratching them with the needle and file, it stung a bit then I put a band aid over them and went to sleep.

I did scratch quite a lot of the moles off in the first day but this was every couple of hours. Some times they would bleed only slightly, and majority only dead skin tissue of the moles would come off.

They have gone flat and turned into scabs, it's just making me feel a bit sick all day. And the treatment area is flat brown or black however it has gotten slightly bigger. But I assume this is part of the healing process. Some of the surrounding skin healing too. Is this normal?

I would also like to know how do you know what the root of the mole is supposed look like and how deep can they go so I know what to look for so I get the whole mole. So it doesn't grow back again. Other wise I've wasted my time on these moles

Plus if you don't get the root can the moles get bigger when growing back?

Oh yeah do I wait till the scabs drop off and repeat the process?

Thank you in advance.

Replied by Danamarie
(United States)

Moles do not have roots although warts may have them.

Multiple Remedies

1 User Review
4 star (1) 

Posted by Shelia (Tx) on 04/16/2018

This advice works for me. I only recently found this blog. Moles are something I thought I was doomed to have the rest of my life. Since giving up artificial sweeteners, wheat, and corn my body has been growing these things like crazy. Their favorite spot in underneath my breasts. I have been using vinegar as a topical treatment and taking 500mg of niacin, 100mg of B-100, and 50mg of Zinc. My order of DMSO just arrived and I will begin using it today. This is day 6 in this regimen and I am happy to report there are two moles drying up and flaking away from my skin without any scaring, soreness, or mess. I had no idea.

Radiation and Moles

Posted by Millicent (France) on 11/16/2017

I've had a mole on the back of my neck for years. I am from NZ with very high rates of UV. At one stage the mole became very large ( I would assume from UV exposure), I saw a doc and he said it was not cancerous and cut it off. Since then it has stayed flat ( I am in Europe). Recently due to my dentist not opting to take xrays for his own health I have had major dental problems and work. This had upset my neck which is not in a good state. I decided to get a radio and IRM of my neck. 2 days after these examinations I found that the mole had ballooned in a frightening manner. I phoned the lab; that did the examinations and they said that 'of course this has nothing to do with the xrays or IRM'. What a bunch of rubbish. Really my faith in the medical system is at an all time low between the non ethical dentist and professionals who won't recognise possible side effects.

Salycilic Acid

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Posted by Christoph (La, Ca) on 08/13/2012

I would use salycilic acid instead. works faster. go to christoph5241 mole removal on you tube.

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