Apple Cider Vinegar
Mono is a virus and every virus I have tried L-lysine on has been susceptible to it. If your daughter is l2 or older, 2000 mgm. mealtime and bedtime is the dosage, if younger decrease to l000mgm. or less at the same times. With a sore throat you will probably need to crush or dissolve for her to swallow them.
(Hackettstown, New Jersey, Usa)
If you feel the need to call in a prescription, I highly recommend prednisone. I'm a 17 year old girl who is suffering with mono at the moment. Prednisone is a low dose of steroids which is great for badly swollen glands. I prefer this option more than any of the remedies. The steroids last all night, and all day. 12 hours to be exact.
(Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada)
Hello, I need to comment on the reply from the 17 year old girl touting the benefits of prednisone. Someone needs to talk to this girl about this seriously dangerous steroid. I have a friend who had to have both of his hips replaced because of this drug. He connected with a support group of people all over North America who have similar afflictions from the side effects of this terrible drug. I understand that some people dont think that they have an alternative which may be true in some cases but to anyone reading this, please research, research, research every possible alternative before resorting to ingesting this nasty medication. Great site!
(Oceanside, Ca, United States)
I wanted to comment on the 17 year old girls steroid comment also! I had to take steroids b/c I would have died! And the side affects of that drug are horrific! I've had a partial knee replacement and orthoscopic surgery on my other knee and my right wrist, I'm right handed. Eventually I will have to have my wrist fused and luckily I am starting to lose the 120lbs I gained from taking the steroids, which was a very high dose for 8 months, I might get away w/not having any further surgery on my knees! I will be on on disability for the rest of my life; I'm 29. I was on the steroids at the age of 26/27. I WOULD NOT take steroids unless the opposite will result in death! Just my personal opinion from personal experience!
I am a physician and love homeopathic and naturopathic remedies but I had to comment on the use of steroids. Steroids, like an medication (including herbals), don't come without risk or side effects.Steroids can cause hypertension, osteoporosis, etc with high doses but mostly prolonged, greater than a month use. The acute use for someone with mono for possible inflammation and obstruction from the tonsils is okay.
(Wilmington, Nc)
While this girl maybe shouldn't be suggesting man-made steroids on a holistic type site, using low dosed of prednisone for situations like this is relatively low risk. Definitely only to be done under doctor's guidance and tapering off may be required. But you are not doing to get a buffalo hump or moon face or severe osteoporosis in a couple weeks time.
Apple Cider Vinegar and Coconut Oil
Dear Tina,
For an adult sized person, when we treated mono with coconut oil, we used 1 Tablespoon of Extra Virgin Cold Pressed Coconut Oil three times a day. Some in my family take it off the spoon. Others take it on toast.
When we are using Apple Cider Vinegar for illness, we make a Vinegar Tea.
- 1 Tablespoon Apple Cider Vinegar (Raw)
- 1 Tablespoon honey
- 6 ounces very hot water
I give try to give this tea 3-4 times a day. My 21 year old son requests this often when he is sick. He likes the taste and also finds it very helpful.
~Mama to Many~
Avoid Antibiotics
It took the doctors feeding me 3 series of antibiotics before they realized I had mono. That must have killed my intestinal bacteria which caused a yeast infestation. Not to mention that antibiotics do not kill viruses. Never agree to take any antibiotics before you have a diagnosis.
Responding to Marcin, my 15 year old was diagnosed with mono, I agree with you 100% should not take antibiotics without knowing son was first tested and they said no he did not have mono, so they treated him with an antibiotic the first and second time, and then finally they tested him for the second time and it came back positive, now we are having problems with his liver and his kidneys ..
(Toronto, Canada)
I am sorry to hear that. Make sure he eats lots of probiotic foods, like fermented cabbage, and fibrous foods (switching to whole grains) to rebuild the intestinal flora that was partially destroyed by the antibiotics. Supplementing with milk thistle will heal the liver, but it has to be done over a long period of time. The herb is safe to take for extended periods but it may be nauseating if the dose is too high.
When I was ill with mono back then I have not yet known about herbal remedies, but now I would try the herb neem because it is said to destroy the viruses (viruses being a thing antibiotics are useless for! ), mono being caused by a virus.
Baking Soda and Salt Gargle
(Baltimore, Md)
It was very helpful to find this site. I am a non believer until I try things out myself. I just found out that I had Mono based on everything symptom. Home remedy baking soda rinse with warm water followed by salt did get me to improve. After the remedy, I was able to take a 4 hour nap, and then again I just was the remedy again. So far my this Mono has taken away 5 days from me. I need this to go away bad. This is one of the worst feeling. Wow...
Blackstrap Molasses
(Pittsburgh, PA)
Coconut Oil, Turmeric, Vitamins
I gave him one tablespoon of Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, one turmeric vitamin, 5000mg vitamin C powder mixed in orange juice, 5000mg vitamin D3, and one vitamin K2.
He went back to sleep, and I woke him up at 9am and gave him one tablespoon of Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil and one turmeric vitamin, and he went back to sleep again and when he woke up at 2pm, I gave him Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil and one turmeric vitamin again. Early in the evening, he mentioned that his throat pain was a 1 or 2 and he hadn't had any Advil.
Later that night, I gave him one tablespoon of Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, one turmeric vitamin, 5000mg vitamin C powder mixed in orange juice, 5000mg vitamin D3, and one vitamin K2, and he stayed up till 11pm and slept until 11am today.
He had the same regimen today, and said he feels almost normal. He will take the same vitamins again tomorrow before he heads back to school. When he goes back to school tomorrow afternoon, I am going to encourage him to take organic extra virgin coconut oil vitamins (1000mg) twice a day, along with 1000mg of vitamin C capsules, 5000mg of vitamin D3, vitamin K2, and a turmeric vitamin each day.
I am so thankful to all of the previous posts... the recommendations I found on this site along with other sites, helped him shake mono in record time! Btw, while I was desperately searching the internet for recommendations on how to help him, somewhere I read that turmeric is a anti-inflammatory and would drastically help the swelling the in his incredibly swollen glands, while the organic extra virgin coconut oil was an anti-viral and would help kick the virus fast. I still cannot believe this remedy kicked mono in about 24 hours! AMAZING!!!
Coconut Oil, Vitamin C
Coconut Oil, Vitamin C
Coconut Oil, Vitamin C
I found this website and did try coconut oil. I first mixed 2 TBS with applesauce. Then I mixed it with tea. He has also had 2000mg of vit C per day. Lots of water and poweraid. He didnt have a lot of the coconut oil, but I still think the total combination of everything we used is working. A few days he barely ate. Now it is 1 week later and he is eating a regular sandwich today- amazing. He still needs a lot of rest. He can't do any sports for a month. He has lost 15 lbs. I was wondering about coconut milk will that help does any one know? Anyone try it? Thanks for all the info everyone. Maureen
Colloidal Silver
Dietary Suggestions
If you have a rich diet and stress, you may feel more discomforted now during the season. You may also suffer more allergies. Here are some diet additions:
Morning: Black cherry concentrate (from the healthfood store) is a source of iron and a liver cleanser. Add 1 tsp. of it to a glass of water for breakfast. Iron helps build blood which raises immunity and energy.
Green foods such as dandelion capsules, chlorophyll (liquid or caps) are also good for liver strength.
Avoid alcohol, cigarettes, hot spices, fried and greasy foods.
Get some rest. Drink more water. Avoid certain irritating foods. Some people may find eggs to rich right now. Keep diet simple and add more fruits and vegetables.
A liver flush is easy to do as part of your normal diet when you add 1 tsp. of extra virgin olive oil to a glass of raw non-filtered apple cider (the kind that looks thick not the clear processed apple juice) Do it daily.
These few simple additions can help you deal with spring and enhance immunity to prevent illness.
Immune Support Remedies
Milk of Magnesia
You should know that this actually cured my daughter's mono very quickly and we have used this remedy over and over again to cure sore throats. Good luck. Sue
(Kamloops, BC)
Milk of Magnesia throat gargle –
The acid neutralizer in milk of magnesia changes the pH in the mouth to prevent microbes from growing. It also coats the sore to relieve pain and irritation. For up to three or four times a day,
People are calling it “Magic Mouthwash” would help make a wicked sore throat more tolerable – even numb.
Here's the recipe for our Magic Mouthwash:
1 Part Milk of Magnesia (2 tsp – for her weight and age. She could have swallowed up to 1 tablespoon of this, but to create the mixture we only needed 2 teaspoons.)
1 Part Children's Benedryl (2 tsp – for her weight and age. This was the maximum dosage she could have swallowed if she hadn't taken a Zyrtec.)
1 Part (or a little less) of water (1.5 tsp – to make it easier to stir and mix)
MMS, Acidophilus