Muscle Cramps
Natural Remedies

Muscle Cramp Remedies

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Apple Cider Vinegar

25 User Reviews
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Posted by Ronnie (Oak Island, North Carolina) on 07/07/2011

For leg cramps or back cramps apple cider vinegar will eliminate them within seconds, almost imediately

Replied by Asg01
(Ventura, Ca)

After some years of severe leg cramps at night and, occasionally other odd times, I discovered that Pickled Ginger was not a cure for this sleep depriving problem, but actually a cure.

I acually eat about two or three ounces several time each week (three or four portions) and have virtually eliminated all muscle cramping. I now never awaken at night. In the past three years, when I have failed to remember or traveled without access, the problem returns until I can restart the regimen.

Unbelievably, for urgent relief of an acute cramp, a few ounces of Coca Cola work like magic. However, should I need quick relief in the future, I will certainly try ACV or Pickle Juice.

Ginger would probably work in any form. The pickled variety I discovered while eating lots of Sushi and have not bothered to try other forms of the plant. Good luck to all.

Replied by Timh
(Louisville, Usa)
2042 posts

Asg01, please accept my addendum as the phrases "leg cramps" and "sleep deprivation" are flashing light alerts for Magnesium deficiency, as the body very sorely needs this as well as many other minerals. As for the Ginger, it is quite possibly not really a cure but a simply a relief as there are no known Ginger deficiencies in the human body. The Coca Cola fix is another sign of mineral deficiency as Cola is loaded with phosphorous, (but causes calcium deficiency).

A few mo ago I started a good Ionic Trace Minerals (72 known bioavailable mins) from the Great Salt Lake in Utah, and immediately (within hrs) felt profoundly better. There are tons of studies and ongoing on the importance of Minerals alone in human and animal health. In Livestock Agriculture, almost all animals in the developed world are supplemented with Minerals as a rule because intensive productivity depraves the soil and foods.


What brand and where to get those Utah minerals?


@Veropie13, I'm familiar with the product. The brand is actually called Trace Minerals.

Replied by Veropie13
(Reche Canyon, California)

I agree with Timh, after taking trace minerals as well, I feel profoundly better. I haven't had consistant bed vacating episodes in weeks. When I do get one it isn't as painful and diminishes quickly. I have tried ACV in these times and it works too.


Hi Misty -

I think Timh may be referring to ConcenTrace Minerals.

I've been using it for many years to remineralize my distilled water.

You can get it at health food stores, water supply stores that sell jugs of distilled water, Walmart used to (don't know if they still do), online, etc.



Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kortni (Sonora, Ca) on 05/09/2011

My grandma taught me this trick. Both she, my dad and I get horrible cramps (doubling over) and within minutes of taking a shot (or making a hot lemon, apple cider vinegar, honey tea) the cramps usually go away. Sometimes I have to do it every 30 min but my body is pretty out of whack because I have lyme and cirrhosis so I am just thankful to have relief. It helps my dad, he only needs to take it one time.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Housemouse (Dover, Oh, Usa) on 02/25/2011

I noticed in the uses you list you omitted the fact it will take away leg cramps! Drink a shot of it straight.. Major leg cramps are gone pronto

Replied by Crampless
(Pittsburgh, Pa)

The vinegar works. I knew of this remedy from a friend whose son used get leg cramps. I got a Charlie horse last night. My husband massaged it out but everytime he stopped massaging, it would knot back up. He could feel the muscle knot up like a brick. I told him to get the vinegar. I was in so much pain I drank it straight and the muscle relaxed immediately. My husband could even feel it relax. Caution - stick to a tablespoon or 2. I gulped down so much, the vinegar messed up my stomach, but it was worth not having that pain.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Harriet (Federal Way, Wa) on 10/15/2009

I am 55 and battle fibromyalgia. One of the problems is muscle cramps, mostly in legs and feet, that approximate the hard, long cramps common in the 9th month of pregnancy. I can cramp up at any time depending upon the position I get myself into, but it is common for me to get bad leg cramps maybe every 2-3 months. Those keep me up at night loading on Vit C, Magnesium and Potassium, slapping hot towels on one leg then the other as I hop around crying in pain.

Last week it happened again, but because ACV was on my countertop (due to this site) I swilled down 2 TBSP straight (when you are in that kind of pain you don't care what it tastes like) then chased with maybe 6 oz water. WITHIN 2 MINUTES THE CRAMP WAS GONE AND DID NOT RETURN! This is amazing. On nights when this happens I generally attempt to sleep on the couch so I don't wake my husband because IF I get any sleep at all it is in between spasms that wake me up violently.

I am grateful for this site. Thank you!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Redhen (Euclid, OH) on 07/10/2009

Thank you so much. I took two tablespoon of ACV and followed it with a cup of hot water.The cramps stopped immediately. The cramps start in my hands and feet and then my legs. I usually use mustard, it works but not as fast as the ACV

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lori (Victoria, KS) on 06/30/2009


My husband has been taking 2 tsp of ACV 2 times a day for a couple of months for leg cramps. He takes the ACV with a medicine spoon and drinks it straight then chases it with water. Today he is experiencing tooth pain, not really sensitivity but pain. We are wondering if this could have anything to do with the ACV. He has been getting relief from his leg cramps so we hate for him to stop taking this. He was having such severe leg cramps that he wasn't able to get more than a couple of hours sleep at a time before being awakened with a cramp. He is carefull not to get the vinegar on his teeth and doesn't think that he can dilute it and drink it with water.

Replied by Connie
(Manitowoc, Wisconsin, USA)

Try mixing the vinegar in some apple juice or tomato/vegetable juice.

Replied by Bobeena
(Los Angeles, Ca)

the tooth pain is a result of the acv. Vinegar will strip the enamel from your teeth very fast. you should try drinking it with a straw to minimize tooth contact.

Replied by Palaminolady
(The Woodlands,texas)

You don't have to swallow it, rub it where the cramp is and it will go away. Also any kind of vinegar will work.

Replied by Dave
(Friend, Ne)

ACV is actually easy to drink, easy to get used to. But everyone is different. Just keep reading posts on this great site!

Replied by Kerri

Yes, it most likely is the ACV. ACV erodes tooth enamel. When taking ACV it is best to mix it in water and sip through a straw.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Robert (Barnegat, NJ, USA) on 01/11/2009

I take 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar dilluted with 4oz. water for leg cramps at nite. Works very well! I used to get leg cramps 3 or 4 times at nite, no more since I've been drinking dilluted APC.

Replied by Sleepless Sac
(Sacramento, Ca)

I get arch cramps in my feet, wondering if doing the ACV just before bedtime is effective vs. waiting for the nocturnal cramp to occur and THEN doing the ACV.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mary (Grand Forks, North Dakota) on 06/02/2008

I had once read that APV helped Charlie Horses. So when my husband had one after a hard day on his legs, I gave him 2 Tbsp of ACV in a glass of water. I don't know which worked best, the ACV or the shock when he drank it. Since then, we have used it many times with almost immediate relief of the Charlie Horses or cramps in the legs or groin.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jamal (Phoenix, AZ) on 02/10/2008

I just tried the Apple Cider Vinegar and glass of hot water. I had overdone a workout and hadn't stretched. My quads and calves were cramping up really bad. (really painful). It really worked! It worked almost immiediately, I couldn't beleive it! I'm still sore, but that's an easy alternative to constant cramping. Thanks!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Robbie (Laurel, MS) on 01/15/2008

I have found over the last few years something that has helped me tremendously that I would like to share. I am very susceptible to having cramps in my feet mostly at night but during the day as well. If a medication is prescribed to me and it has a side effect - even a 1% chance - of causing cramps, I will have them severely. I am so sensitive to cramping even by a slightest move at times.

I read somewhere a few years ago about ACV helping with night cramps. So I bought some and decided that the next time I had them, I would try it and see if it worked. It is the best solution I've EVER found. I take 1-2 Tbs. (depends on how often or severe the cramps are) and chase it with a glass of hot water from the faucet. It works every time! I can also attest - and some skeptics are going to think I am crazy, but - it works immediately! If I don't get relief fron 1 Tbs. with hot water within 10 minutes, I repeat this again. I've also found that if I am having trouble with a lot of minor cramping before I go to bed, I will go ahead and take 1-2 Tbs. with hot water. It seems to assure me of an uninterrupted night of cramps. The hot water seems to be the trick as I think it gets into my system quickly. Don't know about that. It also removes the taste from my mouth very fast. I don't know why nor do I care; I just know it works.

All I can say is that I will always keep a bottle on hand. It goes with me even when we go out of town or camping for a few days. I've not found any thing that is as effective and gives me such fast relief.

I've been told by others that I need to eat a banana. And I've also had my potassium checked and it doesn't show a deficiency (so they say). Therefore, doctors seem to toss this aside and take this terrible pain lightly. I got tired of this so I rarely, if ever, mention it to a physician any more. I really believe they do not know what to do. I use to take Q-Vel, which is quinine, vitamin e and lecithin in a capsule, until they took it off the market because of the quinine. It worked well but lost access to it. Since then, I've tried this and have found this is a quicker relief anyway. I'm telling you this is the best "drug" you can buy. Oh yeah, I forgot to say, I use the cheapest there is in my area. Therefore, I am not relying on an organic product or high-priced brand name ACV.

Thanks for letting me share and I hope this will help someone else. I've suffered all my adult life with this and am finally finding relief!

Replied by Marsh57

I was having foot cramps and heart palpitations. Saw a cardiologist and all was well. She recommended a good magnesium supplement, a banana and Himalayan salt. Didn't have either for 8 years.

The foot and leg cramps are returning. Not sure if it's because I'm back at the gym but will double up on the mag and start with ACV.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sandy (Oakland, CA) on 07/02/2007

I used to get serious leg cramps and tried vinegar from a recommended home remedy. One to 2 onces of apple cider vinegar brought relief from almost any cramp within a minute or so. A happy side effect was the complete elimination of heartburn. I had an ulcer as a teenager and very serious heartburn as an adult. I used to take wads of antacids, but haven't touched one in over ten years. As an avid bike commuter I became aware of the requirement to drink plenty of water at least 24 hours before riding. This keeps my cramping to a minimum. The total combination of adequate daily water and periodic vinegar (apple cider vinegar is the tastiest and gentlist) and consistent aerobic, sweat exercise has eliminated the above two maladies and when combined with adequate sleep, has eliminated fatigue.

After 15 years of personal experimentation I have become convinced that a regimen of organic, pesticide-free food, adequate water, sleep and daily exercise is the key to be a default state of human health.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Clarence (Kaiserslautern, Germany) on 12/27/2006

I had a leg cramp the other night. I went to my kitchen and took a tablespoon of ACV in a glass of water (4 - 6 ) ounces. It helped almost immediately.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ottelie (Ontario, Canada)

Apple Cider Vinegar cures muscle cramps almost instantly. Because Mom, age 88, is using this cure she needs to know, "What are the adverse affects of all the vinegar?" // Mom uses rather a strong potent. This makes it easy to sock it back, to hold a spasm at bay. // Lately, more doses of vinegar are needed for stronger, 'lurking' spasms in her weakened leg. // On another note, her need to gain weight is being stifled, not knowing why.

Replied by Ellensue
(Denver, Colorado U.s.)

Leg cramps getting worse over the last week, and very painful aching yesterday. So, I ended up here and with great hope and some skepticism I drank 2 Tblsp ACV with Mother in a cup of hot water and the relief was immediate! Aching was in both legs... I'm guessing it was drinking more coffee than usual? The pain is not worth it! ACV does hurt my teeth... I sprinkled in some baking soda this morning and that helped to buffer it. I brushed my teeth right after as well. Any other suggestions appreciated. I encourage you to try this if you feel even a twinge. I wish I had looked for it and implemented it a week ago. Many blessings to all!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by David (Chicago, IL)

I saw somewhere that apple cider vinegar cures Fibromyalgia. I don't definitely have it, but was diagnosed with it based on symptoms years ago. I've had muscle spasms varying in severity for 24 years. I just started to come out a 1 1/2 year bout with it. Drank vinegar and have been completely pain free for a week. It's asinine this isn't common knowledge. It feels kind of like an metabolism enhancer too. I'm down to 1 tablespoon twice a day. And I repeat I'm completely pain free. I don't know what was wrong with me, thought it was just something I had to live with. Somebody tell a doctor!

Replied by Viola
(Hampton Bays, N.y.)

reply to David of Chicago, Ill. -- You tell a Doctor

Replied by Stevebb1
(Stilwell, Usa)

You won't see common sense cures made known by doctors because they go by what the pharmacies tell them and they will never support a cure that can't be patented so they can make more money.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Melissa (Oklahoma) on 11/18/2013

I take 2 Tblspns apple cider vinegar, 1/2 tsp.baking soda in about 6 ozs water and my leg cramps go away almost immediately!

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