2 table spoon [bigger than tsp] baking soda and 2 table spoon of molasses OR honeybee syrup 8 oz of water, mix and drink before lying to bed, why?? well, muscle must relax..
Now I'm free of those 2 nightmare of my life but I still keep taking those DOSE to make sure I'm free. check ur urine PH
My expenses; 268 pesos for molasses
263 pesos for Apple Cider Vinegar 21 pesos for baking soda total- 552 pesos
Mild headaches nausea and yellow stools might be the side effects that show up when the cancer is being excreated. This regime dropped a bloggers psa from 25 to 1 who had advanced prostate cancer that had metasisised to his bones.. The mri scan showed no bone cancer, after he was diagnosed as terminal before the regime by two doctors. After one regime of this soda treatment. But as always its up to you to decide and do your own reasearch.
(Phoenix, Az/usa)
I was diagnosed with prostrate cancer in feb, had prostrate removed, tested after 2.7 should of been O.
Next test 4wks later 4. 1Sent me to a oncologist who says I must have a few cells left behind. Will this soda and molasses remedy kill off the last of the cancer cells since the doctor is not sure where the cancer cells are right now? Can you use something besides molasses or is there something with better taste. I'm also diabetic. Thank you Bob
(Manganui, Northland, New Zealand)
Yes Cayenne causes prostate cancer cells to go suicidal. If you spread it on toast with butter mixed in you can take it without the burning. Its a shame you didnt try it before the removal of the prostate.... If you google "Cayenne and prostate cancer" youll find some good stuff including the scientific report.
(Westwood, Nj)
Bob, its a shame you didnt do the BSM & BS protocol before the radical decision to remove your prostate. At this point I would suggest that you look into taking capsaican supplements. Do your due diligence and you will see many have had great success. The BSM & BS is far from tasty, but then again its about battling cancer. Opposed to the contrary, its not that bad a thing to have to ingest..... Good luck
Hello, 2 weeks ago my husband is diagnosed with prostate cancer and since then I have been searching every info I could find on cancer and the cure. I found the article by University of Alberta in Edmonton, that 2 Doctors/Scientists found the cure for the Brain, Lung and breast cancer.The cure can't be patented by Drug companies, therefore not many knows about the cure.There are more positive info on the internet about DCA, but also negative ones.
Here is one of the websites to read:
(Flat Rock Mich.)
Very good info, you said in your post to raise it to three - is that three teaspoons of baking soda or do it three times a day?
I was diagnosed with prostate cancer 11 years ago. After my PSA climbed higher the DR. sent me for radiation treatment to burn it out. I backed out and told them I just wanted to monitor my condition and give my body a chance to heal its self. The Dr. said it was slow growing and it would be o.k. for a while. My PSA checked high, a 8 or 9, and every Dr. I went to, wanted to remove it. I changed my diet, took vitamins, juiced and tried to eat very healthy. The Dr. gave me shots to lower my testosterone, which made me feel like I was slowly dying. I lost muscle, gained fat, couldn't think very well, felt lousy all the time. When I went back for my next visit, I refused to take the shot, regardless of what could happen.
Don't do let them do a biopsy when ever they want to either. If it is cancer it will get larger, they can measure your prostate fairly easy. And guess what,, I still have my prostate and I am now clear of prostate cancer, my Dr. says to just forget I ever had it.
Hi Gavin.
How are you now?
my prostate cancer has metastasized locally.
P SA kept doubling this year after a biopsy. From 75 to over 1000. So I decided my five years of alternative remedies weren't working so am now on hormone therapy. I would like to give the soda and molasses a go.
What is the difference between soda and powder?
I have bicarbonate of soda in a 10 kg drum.
all the best.
(Bergen Co, NJ)
Hi Ken, so sorry to read that your prostate cancer persists. To answer your question, in the US, we have "baking soda" which is exactly the same substance as your "bicarbonate of soda." Sometimes readers get confused because in the US, we have a similarly-named ingredient called "baking powder." Baking powder is never used as a natural remedy; it's only used in cooking food. Baking soda, aka bicarbonate of soda, is frequently used in natural health remedies. So, you have the right stuff on hand! Prayers for your healing!
Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
GCharles, how are you doing now? My hubby is facing this nightmare & he thinks taking raiation is going to solve his cancer problem that has, according to the MRI take a few days ago, will cure his leg, hip & backspine pain. These are the areas where the cancel has spread from his prostate. The PSA reading for the last 2 years had been 4. something. He has been taking the baking soda and blackstrap molasses, which helped his pain tremendously, but he got upset & stopped bc it caused him to go tot he bathroom and sometimes made him feel sick on the stomach. I told him that that was just symptoms of its working and purging the cancer out of his body. He thinks radiation is better, although, he has not researched a thing about it & its side affects.
My question is, how many times a day do you take the Apple Cider Vinegar & bs together & is the pro-oxidative Vitamin C avail for consumers to purchase? Thank you!
Research side effects of radiation. My husband's doctor just listed ten for us today including diarrhea, bloody stools and urine, permanent e.d. etc.
Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda, Molasses
Now I'm free of those 2 nightmare of my life but I still keep taking those DOSE to make sure I'm free. check ur urine PH
My expenses; 268 pesos for molasses
263 pesos for Apple Cider Vinegar 21 pesos for baking soda total- 552 pesos
Apricot Seeds
(US Colorado)
Baking Soda
(Qld Australia)
Hello Bexi my experience I have been taking apple cider vinegar and baking soda regulalary now for a bit over two years, I started taking it for enlarged prostate after say 3 to 4 weeks the symptoms were gone, since then I have had a few friends that has been diagnosed with prostate cancer, to really know how much baking soda to take is to buy some PH strips from the health store and test the PH of the saliva regulalary while taking the baking soda to maintain the ph at around 8.3 for 5 days then have a couple of days off to rest then start to take it again cancer can not live in an alkaline system, another tip is to eat and chew very well the kernals from apricot seeds I have a long term friend who eates them al day every day , a lot of this information can be found on this site check out TEDs remedy in this section. Have a look on youtube baking soda cures cancer too, all the best Alan
(Montreal, Canada)
Hi, I need help for my uncle .He has a prostate cancer stage IV spread to bone lungs and brain. We would like to start treatment with baking soda but we have no idea what is the exact protocol for that therapy .Is there anyone who can write the whole step by step directions how to do so. Please let me know...please!!!!
(Fountain Inn, Sc)
Hello Kasia,
Relative to your uncle's cancer and the use of baking soda to treat; go on line to "Youtube Dr. Simoncini baking soda cancer" and you'll find some sites that can describe what he does and others do to treat. As I understand, the baking soda must be applied to the site of the cancer. In one case a doctor who used the protocol already had a port to be used to feed chemo into and the doctor replaced with baking soda. The spread of the cancer to hard to reach places will be a problem. But I don't know if drinking the soda in water is going to be enough to turn around the situation. Best is to find a doctor who does this protocol...Simoncini himself, for instance.
(somewhere, europe)
GeeMan, the way I understand it is that the body keeps the blood PH at about 7.4 or so. But we can influence the PH of the saliva and urine by eating more alkalizing foods. Those are the PHs that Alan is speaking about.
(Emerald City, The Land Of Oz)
In all fairness it isn't that hard to find, really. Baking soda & molasses recipe:
2 tsp baking soda & 1 tsp molasses in cup of warm water. Gradually increase dosage perhaps starting at half cup morning and night and build up towards a cup full two or three times a day. Molasses worked for the guy who promoted it, and so should using honey or maple syrup. I haven't tried this remedy yet..
Baking Soda and Maple Syrup
My husband is dealing with the same thing, Ning. Please tell me that this BS & maple syrup worked to kill off ur husband's bone mass. How did the radiation miss it any the 1st place for ur dear husband needing to go through suffering crap again? I hope the Lord answered ur prayers and will answer mines, too. Would you please share ur exact protocol of using the remedies? Thank you. Feeling a bit scared!
Baking Soda and Maple Syrup
So cancer is not to be dreaded nor it's gonna cost you money-unless you want to help the 200 billion dollar cancer industry which they have no intention of defunding or finding real cure. Remember, our body produces liquid sodium bicarbonate to make our body alkaline. It does work. For formula, you can check online, search at yahoo baking soda/maple syrup cancer cure and it will give you websites to go to. God bless.
(Dallas, Tx, Usa)
If this protocol was successful as it appears in your comments.. Why not just give us the recipe and how many times a day it was taken???
(Yarmouth, Isle Of Wight, England)
For the exact recipe for baking soda and molasses / maple syrup cure for cancer, go to YouTube phkillscancer. com, given by terminal prostate cancer survivor, who also tells his story.
(New Port Richey, Fl)
Hi. My husband, John, was diagnosed with prostate cancer in the hospital last week. We have an appt. with urologist/oncologist on Thursday this week. So far he has had bone marrow biopsy waiting for results and stent put in tube between kidney and bladder. We pray we can do something to keep his prostate and be cured naturally from the cancer. Please help.
Regina - this can be a frightening time BUT the first resource I suggest to anyone is
....the series "The Quest For The Cure" will give you up to date information. I purchased the series in DVD format and offer it to patients I take care of. It is very empowering. Don't let the medical community scare you. research and take control.
Secondly, Peter Starr, a media producer contracted prostate cancer and produced a documentary that I've seen twice on PBS...he was able to cure his cancer without invasive surgery or chemo. Go to YouTube and type in Dr. Mercola and Peter Starr.... You will see a great interview on this topic. The series Peter put out can be purchased as well...Periodically it is on a pbs station for free.
Lastly, do not rush to any judgement on which direction to take except - there has to be some drastic lifestyle changes. Earth clinic has some great folks here who can help guide you but the bottom line is, you have to do your own research to figure out what you and your husband are comfortable with.
I wish you and your husband all the best on your journey!!!!
Myway :D
Baking Soda and Molasses
This works. Prostate cancer is gone. I am now living in Ghana and have taken the mixture intermittently. The prostate cancer was found in 2017 and here in 2022 the prostate is still normal.
Baking Soda and Molasses
"How To Make Baking Soda Molasses Cancer Protocol Solutions" follow link for video.
"How To Make Baking Soda Molasses Cancer Protocol Solutions">
Baking Soda and Molasses
The link below describes the personal story of someone called Vern and his story details all the protocols, side-effects etc. of his Baking Soda/Molasses cure for Stage 4 prostate cancer that had metastased into bone cancer. He cured his cancers by taking this protocol in order to simply maintain his body pH at 8.0 - 8.5 for 4 days, which was enough to completely wipe out both the prostate as well as bone cancers.
The link to this remarkable story is here:
Certain caveats about this protocol. First, I have only every found this protocol successfully being used against prostate/bone cancer. Second, for ordinary tumor cancers(non-metastased), as Ted says, there is a chance that this protocol could -- via feeding glucose to the cancer -- cause the cancer to suddenly metastase into its more virulent, viral form which could also cause dangerous cachexia in the patient.
Of note about this story of a prostate cancer cure, is that it seems to work successfully against already metastased cancer, and the protocol seems somehow to be able to even penetrate the blood/bone barrier to kill off the seconadary bone cancer(very difficult to do).
Is Vern Johnson the only prostate cancer survivor using baking soda and molasses? I can't find anyone else, do you think he was just lucky? I've been trying the protocol for 3 days now, Vernon recipe is very strong and tastes VILE , others suggest one teaspoon what do you guys think?
I'm a Gleason 8 Psa 6.2 guy with P/C. I go for another MRI in 6 days. I will keep taking the mixture until then, I'll let you know the result.
John Curry claims to have reverse prostate cancer with bicarbonate. I have been searching for evidence that bicarbonate works but beyond these 2 individuals it seems anecdotal. I tried baking soda, the last 2 days at high dosage I.e. 6 tsp. Then I measured my PSA. Unfortunately within these 8 days it went from 5 to 6. My guess is that it may work with some people but not for all . The best way is to try it and measure your PSA before and after. If your PSA hasn't gone down, I would question continuing with bicarbonate.
I have been able to delay biopsy for about 3 years using many of the methodologies that people talk about here I.e. diet, eliminating meat, dairy etc, taking supplements. Unfortunately, cancer is smarter than this. It works for some people but only for a while. Then for some lucky ones it works for a very long time. Thus the secret for most is to find what works and try to change different protocols, with an eye toward delaying the inevitable. I would love to hear about other peoples protocols as well as if anyone can confirm that bicarbonate has worked for them (I mean for longer that a few months)
(Ten Mile, Tn.)
HI U MICHAEL, , , , , , , , , , , , from what I've read, the baking soda is to get your urine pH over 8 and keep it there for a period of time. Also, molasses is then used as a Trojan Horse for the cancer once you get your ph in that range. There are a number of videos and articles concerning this on the web.
I would not give up on this protocol until you are better informed.
(Basking Ridge, Nj)
Barley Grass
Black Seed Oil
I too was diagnosed with aggressive Prostate cancer. Instead of the baking soda and maple syrup, I got off all sugars, breads, carbohydrates. I took one teaspoon of Black Seed Oil made from cumin and a drop of raw honey. I swished it around in my mouth and swallowed it on an empty stomach at bed time. 4 months later the doctor did another biopsy. He could not find the cancer. My PSA dropped dramatically. Urination is much better. No negative side effects.
(St John's, Newfoundland, Canada)
Budwig Diet
Lloyd from Southern Spain
EC: The Recipe for the Budwig Diet can be found here.
Budwig Diet
In the meantime, I became aware of the work of Dr. Johanna Budwig, a German biochemist and Nobel prize nominee, who did extensive research in the benefits of flaxseed oil combined with sulphurated protein in the diet. She helped many seriously ill individuals, who had been given up as terminal, to regain their health. The program that she used was flaxseed oil blended with quark, the German form of cottage cheese.
In early December 1999, I began a program of flaxseed oil and low fat cottage cheese. Specifically, in the morning, I took five doses, each consisting of two 1,000 mg softgels of flaxseed oil with one teaspoon of low fat cottage cheese. I repeated this in the evening, so that my total daily dosage was twenty softgels of flaxseed oil and ten teaspoons of low fat cottage cheese. In the one year since I began this program, my PSA level has dropped from 6.15 to 2.4. I have now reduced my total daily dosage to two softgels of flaxseed oil and one teaspoon of low fat cottage cheese.
The source for the flaxseed oil that I used is Nature's Distributors, Inc., phone number 1-800-624-7114, or on the internet at This company often sells many of their products at a 2 for 1 price. If you call them, ask about their new Vita-Flax product, which is available in 1 lb. containers. This product is not only more economical, but it also replaces both the flaxseed oil AND the cottage cheese. It is also claimed to be superior in many ways to the flaxseed oil, since it is lower in fat and is rich in soluble fiber and also contains lignans, which reportedly have significant anti-cancer properties.
CONCLUSION: In my case, I was able to reduce my PSA level by over 50% without surgery or prescription drugs. The only change that I made besides the program described above is that I reduced my intake of red meat in favor of fish and poultry.
(Brisbane, Australia)
you could try calcium hypochorite powder .. it is cheap and easily purchased from your local pool chemical shop. A google search on Jim Humble will bring up further details . I gave the info to a friend, he has had an infection on his arm causing a lot of discomfort and Drs have tried treating it for over 8 years ... it was completely healed in just over a week. His brother has prostate problems and he has started using it with good results, Do some research first, according to Jim Humble he first used it to treat Prostate cancer with great success
Last week there was a free 11 days online marathon "the truth about cancer" organized by Ty Bollinger. He interviewed 51 medical doctor who left allopatic medicine , refused to participate in today's medicine madness and devoted themselves to real healing. Each part is more than an hour long and covers so much about cancer, that no one should miss it, no matter how much you already know about cancer, any cancer. I believe it is about $5 per episode now, to cover expenses. May be some of it is still free. It s such a small price to pay for the knowledge you receive. Do NOT skip part one. You will be amazed to hear some new information that was not covered anywhere else. Episodes from 6 forward are for those who already have cancer, had treatment, etc. Listen to it, what do you have to lose other than cancer. By the way hardly anyone knows what cancer is. They will explain in such way, you will understand. Only you can beat cancer empowered by knowledge, no one else.