Coconut Oil
@Jennifer: The standard nutritional support protocol for Thyroid disorder is Coconut Oil, Lugols Iodine, and L-Tyrosine. It is important to start w/ low doses of these and slowly increase as your need for medication will probably need reducing.
If these nutrients don't bring about a healing you may need to try Magnet therapy and maybe also zapping to reduce inflammation and kill pathogens.
Coconut Oil
I took too much iodine and I believe it made me hyperthyroid as well. I stopped taking it over 2 weeks ago. Symptoms have improved, but are still there. So, exercise, magnesium chloride and magnesium glycinate helped remedy your hyperthyroid symptoms? Is there anything else that you've tried too? Thanks!
(San Fernando, Philippines)
Hi Danny...There may be completely different reasons for your hyperthyroid problems while supplementing lugols iodine. The old belief was that it was the excess iodine in the blood that caused hyperthyroid symptoms.
But current independent research seems to now think that it is not the iodine but is the excess bromine that is detoxed by the iodine which goes into the blood in large amounts that causes all these hyper symptoms. See the research here.
The solution is to take the full Iodine protocol with all companion nutrients and take sea salt with water once or twice a day. The liver has great difficulty getting rid of bromine from the blood, but if you take sea salt(NaCl) then the chloride binds to the bromine in the blood to be easily and quickly excreted via the urinary pathway. Hence, this gets rid of all the excess bromine symptoms when you supplement the iodine. Here is the sea salt protocol that you should also try using together with the iodine protocol.
Just to also mention that I take 50 mgs lugols iodine per day(8 drops of 5% LI per day) and I have never had any problem with this daily dose. I also still take the full iodine protocol with all the advised companion nutrients. Been doing this without any problems for about 9 years, ever since I cured my own systemic candida issues.
Coconut Oil
Thanks :O)
(New Fairfield, Ct)
the reason you may go hyper when using it is because it's working and you may have to adjust your thyroid meds accordingly.
(Choa Chu Kang, Singapore)
Hi I am new member here. My wife having hypothyroid for last 7 years and on thyrosine since then.
Every year she will test the blood and result is normal since she start taking thyrosine. Her thyroid gland size always change especially before and after menstruation. Sometimes she can feel something blocking when swallow any food.
After 7 years her doctor advice to do total thyroidectomy which comes with some disadvantages.
Please anyone give some advice.
Can virgin coconut oil cure her problems? If yes, can she take the oil together with thyrosine?
Please help.
(Port Of Spain, Trinidad)
Sorry to hear about your wife, please check this link and see how it can help you. He seems to be well versed on thyroid issues.
(Albuquerque, New Mexico)
To Charine from Singapore, one cause of belly fat is too much of the stress hormone cortisol in the body. If you experience a lot of stress in your life, this may be the cause. Check out the supplement relora. It reduces high levels of cortisol. I take it in the morning and again in the evening when it helps me to achieve calm in my body and a better night's sleep than before I started using it.
Do you do exercise to strengthen your core muscles?
Coconut Oil
Here is what I do and it works: Breakfast and Lunch consists of 1-2 tablespoons of VCO with water. Dinner consists of satiety level meat, salad, raw berries, sauteed veggies, and any vitamins I feel I need. Sometimes when eating out, I will include limited rice, white or sweet potato, or whole corn. I try never to eat wheat, bread, milk, SOY, sugar or polyunsaturated oils.
THE EXPERIMENT started: A more than hectic, rushed week began with no time to eat breakfast or lunch; so I ingested 1-2 tablespoons of VCO and drank water for these meals. Well, lo and behold, I did not miss the meals and found that I had tremendous energy, clarity, eyesight and was hungry-less while I only partook of the oil. By dinner time, I began to feel hungry and ate the low-carb meal described above. Within two days, my OH-SO-TIGHT-AROUND-THE-WAIST jeans were not so tight; I wasn't nearly as bloated in the mornings. So I continued this for the rest of the week, finally getting on the scale for my usual Friday weighin, thinking I might see a huge weight gain from all that oil. I had lost 6 pounds in 5 days!
The following days, I purposely went back to my usual low car regime, eating a normal breakfast, lunch, and dinner cooked with VCO or Palm oil and quickly gained the pounds back. I am now 2 days into trying THE EXPERIMENT again and have already lost 2 pounds. I still don't get hungry or feel fatigued, quite the opposite, again. Now, I am aware that coconut oil does not give all the nutrients the body needs so I try to make dinner as nutrient dense as possible, including a multivitamin. I am going to continue THE EXPERIMENT of 2 meals VCO and 1 off and will post in a month (8-18-10) on my progress or lack thereof. By the way, my thyroid loves this as well only experiencing pain when I eat soy out at restaurants. When the throat pain begins, I put a drop of lugol's iodine with a drop of coconut oil on my neck and the pain subsides within 5-10 minutes. SOY is SUCH a bugger!
(Calgary, Alberta, Canada)
Hi Cat - I'm looking forward to your update in August. I, too, am hypothyroid (with the menopause added in for good measure! ) and I am battling a weight gain. I use coconut oil as a moisturizer and I cook with it but I haven't ingested it. I'll have to start to see what will happen. Good luck on your experiment!
(Austin, Tx)
Hi Bessie! Well, the experiment works! 10 lbs every 2 weeks! HOWEVER, I now know I'm allergic to this nut as well. Had to make a choice between extreme eczema or weight loss. Chose my skin which is getting better now that I've stopped the VCO. Also noticed my blood pressure slipping higher which ceased when I stopped imbibing VCO. Sigh! What next? mmmm.. I'm working on it..
(Calgary, Alberta, Canada)
Thanks, Cat, for your update. Sorry to hear about your eczema! I've been taking 1 teaspoon of coconut oil daily (will slowly work up to 1 to 2 tablespoons daily) and I hope I will do as well as you have. Good luck on your mission. Isn't Earth Clinic grand?! I've learned so much. Cheers.
(New Fairfield, Ct)
low carb may help some but you really should consider going gluten free. 9 out of 10 cases of hypothyroidism are autoimmune (hashimoto's) which causes the immune system to attack the thyroid. Gluten molecules resemble thyroid tissue so it can actually stimulate an attack. Besides avoiding an autoimmune response, going gluten free can relieve all kinds of symptoms like aches & pains and especially digestive issues. I lost 17lbs within 4 weeks when I went gf and I lost all the bloat!
(London, Uk)
(Austin, Tx)
Yes, Alimaacdes, I agree, and find corn & wheat a huge problem for my digestion, hair (loss, ) and skin. Eating the same inflammatory foods over and over also presents a problem. But, knowledge is power! I esp. love these 2 books: wheat belly and victory over diabetes - I recently added them to my health library. (not selling these just found the informaton within them so helpful) For example: how many gluten free eaters know that most oatmeal is processed in wheat factories? This could be why I always had terrible stomach aches (a gluten intolerance symptom) after eating oats, a gluten free food. It now shows on the oatmeal box whether the oats were processed in a factory that processes other grains & nuts. If it says nothing abou it, it probably is.
As far as coconut oil is concerned, for me, it's a wonderful aid for stomach aches, topical cleansing, and helpful for getting a sound sleep. If I don't ingest it every day, and limit that ingestion to tsps. rather than tablsps, then I can take full advantage of its many great benefits -- like softer skin, better bowels, alleviating thyroid problems... My face is the deciding barometer of what I am eating and if I'm eating too much of the same inflammatory food. If I am not eating right, my skin is a rashy mess for weeks at a time. I say again to new mothers of preemie babies, please, please, please, do not feed your baby grains for at least 6 mos. The preemie gut is just too immature to handle grains. Mashed or stewed, fresh fruits and veggies (and mother's milk protein) are perfect for the gut-immature, preemie baby starting on solds. This is of course, my very own opinion coming from my very own experiences and observations. Peace out, ..... CAT!
(Idaho Falls, Idaho)
Cat, For the eczema, you can try soaking in the bath a couple of times per week for 15 min. or more with a mixture of Tea Tree oil and Lavender. This will help with the eczema :) You can also try controlling your blood pressure with another natural supplement. Use this site to your advantage. I know I am. I love this site. It has really been a savior to me. Don't give up on the coconut oil.... Until you try the tea tree and lavender.
(Sandy, Utah)
Well, here it is a long time since you posted this. I hope you will check back to find this answer to your eczema if you still have it. Eczema is caused by roundworms. No cream or change of diet is ever going to work. Nothing had worked for me until I found this book. Dr. Hulda Reghr Clark explains in her book, The Cure For All Cancers, the exact methods for getting rid of parasites (most people have them). She explains how roundworm even causes schizophrena and how parasites can cause many illnesses. I got rid of my eczema by following her protocol. It took 2 weeks. I took her full strength herbal formula for 2 Saturdays and did the zapper treatments every day for 2 weeks beginning the first Saturday that I started taking the herbal formula. She explains how to begin taking the herbs gradually if you have cancer and are sick to your stomach, which I wasn't, so I began the formula full strength, that is, taking all the pills all at once with a little bread on an empty stomach. At the time the black walnut hull tincture was in liquid form, but now it is available in pills. At the end of 2 weeks my whole body became inflamed with eczema, but the next day it was all gone. People think there is no cure for eczema, but this is the cure. Roundworms are huge. Not only did my body expel parts of huge worms, but clumps of new babies as big as my fist. The roundworms are about 20 inches long and as big around as your thumb. They multiply by the millions. Imagine what destruction they can do when they invade your whole body! You have to keep your body clean because everybody has parasites! The wonderful and brilliant Dr. Clark died a few years ago, but you can buy her products from Self Health Resource Center in Chula Vista, CA, Her books have been printed in several languages and have been sold throughout the world.
(Ten Mile, Tn.)
HI U LOUISE,,,,,,,,,,, yep, Ms. Hulda Clark was some lady. The media said she died of cancer, but that is not so. She died of anemia and that is because she did so many of her tests on herself. If you followed her she would be a redhead in one video and grey headed in the next. She did a lot of her toxin tests on herself.
Guess she was SJS like me. Anyways, I appreciate you giving her credit. I agree with Goldwater. You have to be an extremist to accomplish anything in this life.
(Nsw Australia)
Yes, stopping grains helped me as well. Also sugar, dairy, alcohol and caffeine. I healed my gut first, then my liver and the bloating stopped. I eat low carb, lots of vegetables, eat mainly berries and apples, coconut oil (no other oil) and don't overfill my plate. I also used homeopathic drops and my GP was astounded with the difference in my readings & said keep doing what I'm doing. I have taken off four dress sizes. I have had my thyroid operated on three times and removed because of cancer. I'm very fit & healthy now.
Anyone looking for a Naet practitioner in the bay area should not see the woman in Marin listed on the Naet site as an Instructor. I gave her $1200.00 for treatment. When nothing changed, I went for a second opinion, to find most of the items she treated me for did not hold. She took some of the basics out and added other items in. I wrote the Naet site about this and was told she should not have done this. That the basics all need to be done because they are the foundation of the treatment.
Be warned.
I'm glad your plan seems to be working for you, but it does not seem healthy nor sustainable long term.
As someone who is physically active (not thru formal exercise, but regular physical work), I have often tried many diet plans/ changes and found that moat leave me feeling starved and eventually extremely weak. I have been struggling with hypothyroid for 11 years, have tried every remedy I came across...but the struggle continues.
(faithville, Us)
halides might be your key. Let us say you shower before you use iodine, well the iodine port will accept chlorine(water in shower) and get plugged before you put iodine in your body for the thyroid to use. A battle I am well aware of.
Thyroid Problems Linked to Halide Exposure The halides chlorine, bromine, and fluoride all compete with iodine for uptake into your thyroid. Over exposure to these toxic elements is linked to an increased risk for hypothyroidism, but also to thyroid cancers. Avoidance of excessive exposure to halides is recommended to maximize thyroid function.
Coconut Oil
(Mumbai, Maharashtra, India)
Coconut Oil
(Chicago, IL USA)
Chest pain from using coconut oil could actually be a good thing, if it is the feeling of a clogged up lymphatic system starting to drain. This feels like painful, slow-moving lumps.
(Orillia, Ontario Canada)
For a sluggish thyroid I use Kelp 660mg x2 and I also have started on Maca 1 tsp daily in your favorite beverage or choice of beverage, I have mine with my morning coffee. Both seem to be working fine. When I used it a few years back, (different reason) it worked well, cleared up the issue plus increased my energy and gave me a new attitude. Works good for mental, emotional wellness too. Good health and Blessings.
(New Fairfield, Ct)
If you're on thyroid meds and start taking coconut oil regularly and experience heart palps, it could be because the coconut oil is working and you're actually able to reduce your thyroid meds. Myself and others I know were able to go off our thyroid meds completely after going gluten free and addressing other underlying conditions like dysbiosis and dysglycemia.
(Seattle, Wa Usa)
That is very interesting. . . I am not on thyroid meds but have been taking about 3 tbsp of VCO a day for almost a year and having the heart palps off and on for about the past 3 months. Nothing unbearable but a bit creepy feeling at times. I am wondering if anyone else out there is experiencing this due to the VCO and if there is a solution for it other than stopping the VCO? I love the energy it gives me, and don't want to quit! Thanks~Carly
(Flowery Branch, Ga)
I've read previous posts which refer to supplementing with Magnesium when taking CO. I use CO on my skin and hair. . Haven't quite got the nerve yet to ingest it but I do see results. I also get the palpitations and it is a scary feeling.
(New Fairfield, Ct)
(Austin, Tx)
When I first began taking coconut oil, I did experience a faster heart rate and higher blood pressure that worried me. I was taking daily tablespoons as Fife and many on earth clinic recommended. I think it was an over-load; too much, too fast! I believe that when first taken, if it is foreign to the body, some people may experience system cleansing or allergy, over-load, or inflammatory related problems. Starting with a small amount, every other day may be the ticket. For example, instead of ingesting a tablespoon, start with 1/2 teaspoon every other day. This works for me and my weakened (but getting better) immune system. So, I advise small amounts at first. Small and/or infrequent amounts may be ALL that your body needs. CAT
(Reno, Nv)
I too have been getting chest pains from coconut oil. I have 100% confirmed this several times by eliminating it from my diet then reintroducing it. It is concerning because sometimes it feels like I am having a heart attack. All the healthy stuff that is indicated by taking coconut oil, I am really concerned about the risks.
I have never taken thyroid meds, or any other meds. Just had to changed my diet to veggies fish and some meats over the past year. Coconut oil was helping my diet not be so bland, but despite what I just read on this forum about it possibly being a godo thing, the chest pains don't seem good to me. I'd like more science behind this.
PS: I have also found a few other cases of chest pains with coconut oil from google search.
(Baton Rouge, La - Louisiana)
Although coconut oil has many health benefits, too much of a good thing is usually just that - too much. There is some evidence that VCO decreases gallstones, but overindulgence can have the opposite effect and cause gallbladder pain which mimicks heart attack symptoms. Hope this helps. Good health to all.
I got same thing when drinking coconut oil, it was in wishbone area in chest, turned out to be gall bladder spasms. I got this after taking growth hormone injections and 600 calorie a day diet with no fat for 3 sessions X 6 weeks each. Needless to say, gall bladder went into spasms off / on for 2 more months and the test they did at hospital showed gallbladder not functioning properly. The spasms were so painful, I agreed to have it taken out. I so wish I knew how bad that is on / for your body!! Change your lifestyle, eat organic, remove wheat, caffeine, no plastic, no chlorine, no milk, lots of put water, organic teas.
(Gainesville, Florida)
The problem it is not the coconut oil, you need to treat your low functioning gallbladder first so stop the coconut oil until you do this, a low functioning gallbladder is a precursor of hypothyroidism. Eat beets.. search for gallbladder attacks there's a diet and also products that you can use to dislodging gallbladder stones also melt them as well other approaches for making your gv healthy thus your thyroid will be well specially it is hypothyroidism
Coconut Oil
The Doctor says I have an autoimmune response to my thyroid "hasimoto desease". Is there any suggestion to how else this may be treated? Thanks
(New Fairfield, Ct)
90% of hypothyroidism is caused by hashimoto's... It's the #1 cause of hypothyroidism in the USA. Hashimoto's is an autoimmune disease so it's absolutely necessary to address what's causing autoimmune responses. Some possibilities include dysbiosis, dysglycemia, food sensitivities etc. Check out the hashimoto's groups on facebook and you'll get alot of info on this.
(Lumberton, Tx)
Coconut Oil
I took 3 to 4 tablespoons daily in smoothies or melted on salad or just ate it. (It looks like crisco, which worried me, but I was determined not to have a lifelong prescrip.) At the next blood test in 4 months my thyroid function was "excellent" and to top it off my cholesterol had dropped the bad level and raised the good level. The docotor was pleased. I needed no prescription. I did gain 2 pounds, but considering how much oil I ate and for how long it was not an issue.
(El Paso, Texas, USA)
(Syracuse, Ny)
Coconut Oil
(Graham, Washington,USA)
(Sacramento, Ca)
You say that the coconut oil caused your hair to grow back thicker, your eyebrows to grow back, your hands and feet to warm up, yet you mention it doesn't cure thyroid problems. All these symptoms are for hypothyroidism. Why do you say, then, that coconut oil DOESN'T cure thyroid problems?
(New Fairfield, Ct)
Coconut oil will help the hypothyroid symptoms but 9 out of 10 cases of hypothyroidism are autoimmune (hashimoto's) so you still need to address any underlying conditions that are causing the autoimmune responses. Gluten free diet is a must and other food sensitivities could also cause symptoms. Adrenal fatigue is a biggie and can cause blood sugar issues etc. Check out the hashimto's 411 group on facebook for links to good information on all this.
(Sydney, Nsw)
I have been taking VCO for the past 5 months. I was a lot of thyroxine - 900mcd a day and I still felt incredibly tired all the time. Through these forums I read that VCO could help with the symptoms of an underactive thyroid so I started taking 1 tbsp a day. I love the taste and quickly increased to 3 tbsp a day. I had SO much energy I had to make sure I took it in the morning so I could get to sleep at night! After 3 months I had my blood done and it turns out the VCO was working so well I had to drop my meds and am back on 100mcg a day. I am an elite athlete so really push body constantly and have kept up with the 3 - 4 tbsp of VCO a day however am much more tired than before. My friend pointed out that whist "Hyper" thyroid I was actually feeling a high! This is the greatest natural thyroid help anyone could ask for. I imagine if you were only slightly hypo it would cure you. I'm wondering if if I increase the dose of VCO again will it help more? I'm scared of negative side effects obviously due to long term use.
Coconut Oil
Coconut Oil
Coconut Oil
Coconut Oil
(Brattleboro, Vermont)
(Bronx, Ny)
Coconut Oil
(Sacramento, CA)
According to D'Adamo and the "Eat Right 4 Your Type" diet, just about no one should eat coconut oil. I'm a fan of that diet, but I also know that one size does not fit all. Some of the things ER4YT says I can tolerate, in truth, I cannot (wine, sulfa drugs, etc). As a Type A, non-secretor, it says that I can tolerate coconut milk. But not coconut oil? It doesn't make all that much sense to me. I started taking it for thyroid help, but I love what it has been doing for my skin. I haven't had any side effects so far. I don't understand how anyone can lose weight taking this tho. At 120 calories in 1 tbls, if you take it 4 times a day, you are adding 480 calories.
(Austin, Tx)
I tell all my sisters, every female: STOP INGESTING SOY!... and its many products. Do your research and study what soy does to your thyroid. Then, check your grocery labels intensely because soy is in just about all packaged food labeled as vegetable protein, gluten...etc; in names disguised to fool the American public. So, do watch what you buy. It is used exclusively in most restaurants so try to cook at home as much as possible or eat simply of meat, fruit, salad with your own dressing (store bought salad dressing is loaded with SOY OIL). For me, first getting rid of soy, switching to red palm and coconut oil, stopped my extreme thyroid problems. Now I am slowly losing the weight that I could not lose no matter how much I exercised or ate well.. Applied Coconut oil with a drop of iodine soothes my aching neck. So ladies, if you find that you eat right, exercise and still cannot lose excess weight, you need to get rid of soy in all its forms. THIS KNOWLEDGE IS FINALLY CATCHING ON. Believe me, where the female goes, the nation follows. EXCESSIVE BLEEDING AND OVARY SWELLING, losing eyebrows,head and body hair, sore turkey neck, itchy skin, weight gain and a host of other SOY problems is the legacy of soy that catches up to you even if you are a tiny person. Without soy in my diet, I no longer suffer from extreme daily bleeding. And, my eyebrows are growing back and my hair has stopped falling out with my hairline slowly growing back in. BEWARE! IT IS THE SOY SISTERS.
(Coloma, Mi)
Thanks for that info Cat. I am having a very hard time losing weight no matter what I do. I do believe it is my thyroid even tho the Dr. says no. My basal temp in the morning is always very low. My question to you is, how do you apply the iodine? You mentioned it with coconut oil. What all do you do for your thyroid beside avoiding soy?
(Grand Junction, Co)
i have the same issue as you i have done some iodine painting. one time with a sinus congestion i painted it on the outside of my glands on my neck. Worked wonders within two hours i was 70$ better 90% by the next morning. after that i ordered some lugol's iodine online. only since taking it internally has my temperature started to slowly creep up i was normally (for me) 35.8 Celsius now 36.3 still low but getting there. i have been taking it for about 4 weeks. Surprisingly my eye sight improved reading glasses went from 3 to 1 1/2! day 6 i started to get a little more energy. I love what it is doing for me. my waist line is a little less yet i gained some weight to start with think i might be gaining mussels. i also eat a few Brazil nuts for the selenium. Good luck on your journey.
(Mattoon, Illinois)
Thanks for the information on Soy related foods in your diet. I really appreciate your input. I am a vegetarian and have been for many, many years. At the time that I became a vegan, I replaced all meat products with "SOY" products, especially Soy Protein. a day never went by that I didn't consume soy in my diet, and that is in a span of around 20 years thus far! All my meals had soy in them.
I am now going to the doctor this week because I have just not felt like myself in a long time; weight gain even when I don't eat (can never lose weight even with diet and exercise- seem to gain instead!), overly tired, dry skin, hair, nails that crack, hypothermia, acid reflux, itchy skin, carpal tunnel syndrome, insomnia, dry eyes, very low body temp. low blood pressure, slow pulse, etc. on and on and on.....And this, all because I try to be soooo healthy and watched what I ate, that I may have brought these syptoms on myself from consuming SOY all these years. I printed off a sheet on the web, Soy and your Thyroid, to which I am showing my doctor when I go for my visit. I can't wait to have a discussion with her about this subject. Hopefully, through some bloodwork, tests, etc. that she can determine what is now going on in what I thought was my healthy body! I will write about my results after I go to the docs.
(Austin, Tx)
Sorry for getting to this reply for this particular feedback sooo late. For my thyroid, I also went on a gluten free diet as well as eliminated all soy from my foods. This two prong approach took my neck - in 3 months - back to normal. It is smooth and doesn't hurt when I swollow. I've also lost that "husky" voice I had acquired, and the choking. Anytime I eat soy, knowingly or unkowningly at restaurants, I feel my neck aching and know what to do - No Soy, No Grains, and a tsp. Of coconut oil with a drop of lugol's iodine, by mouth. Doesn't take long to work - about a day. I do make my own dressing and grab it whenever we plan to eat out , or, I use lemon juice on my salad. Check out your store's dressings. Soy is used even in the ones that list olive oil or cheese as main ingredients. By the way, I'm within 40 lbs of my goal weight so have added 8 minutes of jumping roap on a thick rubber mat to my routine. The rope-skipping is making my stomach disappear! How cool is that?! See ya, CAT
Coconut Oil
(Philadelphia, Pa)
I'm type 0 (Rh-) and I use coconut oil! However,lately I have stopped drinking it(1 tbsp in orange juice) only because I saw no difference (so why bother?) after 3 months (3 months is a deadline in my book). However if the supplement is very right for you, you should know immediately!). But I still use it on my skin and it really does wonders! My eyes are very sensitive and CO is the only thing I can use around eyes!
(Clovis, Ca)
I remember my mom telling me never to heat coconut oil to cook with because something happens to it so I haven't, but we used coconut oil for our hair which made it thick, shiny and healthy. We used it on our skin in place of lotion, also as dressing for salad. After 30 years of no EVCO I am back on it again and I can't rave enough about it. But I don't cook anything in coconut oil, my mom knew best I suppose. I know it's not scientific but everything she taught me is right on the money so far.
(Somewhere, Europe)
In the Caribbean, Philippines and in other regions, coconut oil is prepared by squeezing milk from coconut and then the butter is separated. This butter is heated and melted into coconut oil.
In India, a coconut is broken and sun dried, then the white flesh (solid endosperm) is ground and the oil is extracted. The traditional oil milling machine is made of wood, similar to pestle and mortar. The pestle will be moved by Bull in a very slow motion. So heat is not generated much, this is similar to COLD PRESSED OILS.
This is what we used to cook and apply in skin and in hair too. And it has wonderful fragrance and taste. It is predominantly used in KERALA state of India, which I mentioned in another post.
Industrially produced coconut oil uses steel machinery, which produces heat when extracting the oil.
Coconut oil is the best oil to cook with actually. I'm not sure why that person's mom told them not to cook with it? I only use virgin coconut oil in my baking and frying. Other oils are not healthy or stable at high heats. I also use EVOO in dressings but not for cooking. Anyhow, coconut oil is awesome - for both external and internal uses. You can use it with confidence! :)
(Berkeley, Ca)
Most of South India (Kerala particularly) uses coconut oil. As (in effect) do people in Thailand, because to do a proper coconut-milk-based Central-Thai style curry you have to "crack" the coconut cream to release the oil and cook it for a while with the wet curry paste before doing anything else. No one there has any problem with cooking with coconut.
I cook both styles of food, and use coconut oil when I do. This sounds like bogus advice.
(Bg Ky)
When coconut oil is heated to a certain temp, the "good stuff" is killed essentially. The same happens with many foods. That is why so many of you are probably not seeing much benefit. It can be used in WARM liquids to drink, but not HOT. (Same goes for honey for the record.) If you aren't buying COLD PRESSED oil then you will not see the same results. Of course you CAN cook with it--it won't hurt. But it won't really HELP you much medicinally either. Might as well use olive oil to cook with since it's typically much cheaper. I put a mixture of coconut oil, honey, and cinnamon in my tea once it has cooled down to a nice warm temp. I also use the same mixture in hot chocolate (once it has cooled to warm of course) along with protein powder. Very yummy.
When using ANYTHING as "medicine" be sure to read as much about it as you can!!! For example, as I've read on here elsewhere, the potassium iodide (I think that's right) in Lugol's iodine is counteracted by vitamin C when both are ingested within an hour or two of one another (so take your iodine supps at least an hour before/after having any vitamin C intake). Such info is crucial if you want to get the most out of your supplements (and the money you paid for them). Earth Clinic is a treasure trove of info! Read everything on here that you can. AND then google your supplements, and also google combos of the supplements you take to see what info is out there about taking them together (many times things can counteract one another). You can't just cook with coconut oil and say "Coconut oil didn't cure me of ______ so it doesn't work" etc, etc. You have to know HOW to use natural remedies (especially when you're also on any pharmaceutical DRUGS).
(Hope Bc Canada)
I have to disagree. VCO if used tor sauteeing and not deep frying can take more heat than other oils. Read Dr. Fyfe's book on coconut oil .
Olive oil is now 98% marketed to include gmo'ed cheap oils and it will be difficult to find pure olive oil since it will not show on the label. See other posts on that on EC. Namaste Om
(Fl, Usa)
Jess, you brought up an excellent point. Using the natural cures requires due diligence in researching how the natural cure should be optimally taken. Blindly gulping down something and going no further in the learning process can cause failure. There is a self education process that one must endure even if very sick. One must understand how things interact with other things. Vitamin C can nullify iodine supplementation if one is not careful.
Many supplements will direct person to take with food (probably to avoid nausea problems) when to be efficacious one should take without food. Reading what's on the manufactures label is not sufficient.
Many people who come to earth clinic are still under the trance of their conventional medical doctors. They will continue to blindly follow the advice without lifting a finger to realize the inefficacy of so many of their prescribed medications. I notice many people who have side effects from astaxanthin are using other prescription medications. Natural medicines and conventional medicines are most of the time in opposition to each other. It requires a higher level of expertise to combine the two also and this is something that most doctors just won't do. They will just say the natural medicine doesn't work.
Some people are so overwhelmed with mental and physical sickness that they are unable to make the mental effort. It may take them a couple years to implement some suggestion. I am very careful with what I suggest knowing that what may seem like little effort to the average person may require a monumental effort from them mentally and physically. If they still trust their doctors, the negative fate of their health is usually sealed. Nothing can be really done.
Most people just want to be told what to do since it psychologically seems to make their life easier. If one is relatively healthy and has no major problem, it will usually work. They are lulled into a sense of comfort. When something serious comes along, they will usually be in trouble and will never know that conventional medicine was the reason behind their death.
(Fl, Usa)
(San Fernando, Philippines)
I have to agree with Om here. I've been using VCO to cook with and medicinally for over 6 years now and I've never regretted doing this. Mind you, VCO is much cheaper in the Philippines than in the West. VCO helped to kill my candida, rapidly cured my constipation (I was going for poops once every 7 days -- and that's serious), I lost weight and the VCO also helped my skin by leaps and bounds. What's more, my BP is still at 110/70 -- been that value for the last 6 years -- ever since including VCO permanently in my diet (while excluding all processed veg oils).
So I am a little astonished when people say that saturated fat is bad for them. That's the Lipid Theory screaming at you in your brain and its like a knee-jerk or instinctive reaction for most people. We've all been taught or brainwashed by the drugs companies 40 years or so ago, when the FDA decided (together with the processed vegetable oil cartels in the US), that vegetable oils were all terribly good for the heart.
Strange though that even after the whole world population converted to processed veg oil 40 years ago and who are now all happily cooking everything imaginable in heavily processed (and oxidized) polyunsaturated vegetable oils -- that the heart disease statistics today in the West have gone logarithmic. Therefore, one must at least fairly conclude from this that the FDA's heart disease theory -- veg oils benefit the heart!! -- is absolute bunk and is just a stupid ruse to help aid sales for the US veg oil cartels.
In the 1970s-80s there was a trade war going on between the Asian coconut and palm oil cartels and the the aggressive US rapeseed cartels and farmers. The palm oil cartels were winning because their oil was cheaper. After some very bad heart research by Ancel Keys which was used to make saturated fats enemy number, people then started using more and more processed veg oils(more trans fats) in their diets and heart disease has blossomed to become the epidemic disease that it is today.
For those who want to know more about how they (and their parents) were duped/brainwashed by an ad campaign from the US veg oil cartels 40 years ago, then best to read this, which is pure common sense:
How a P.R. Campaign Led to Unhealthy Diets
And here's some more research which should interest a few logical-minded people:
Virgin Coconut Oil and Diabetes
Study: Virgin Coconut Oil Effective in Treating High Blood Pressure
Study: Virgin Coconut Oil Protects Liver from Toxic Effects of Drugs
(Fl, Usa)
The government has for many years advocated fish oil. I bump into so many people who climbed on board.
But they neglect to warn people - the oxidation in fish oil are known to cause aging and lower intelligence. I take the more stable and less rancid krill oil but I a;ways take it with enough antioxidants. An alternative is to take parent oils or non fish oils. There is a point of view which says that fish oils are not good for you based on the ratio of 18 and 20 chained molecules must be maintained which I haven't become convinced.
So the powers that be try to screw people through the holistic health angle. Anything they recommend even if it seems healthy, one must keep on alert for the gotchas.
Most of those people who climbed on board with fish oils will get damaged over the long run without the antioxidants. Some manufacturers of fish oil do add antioxidants but usually not enough.
(Ten Mile , Tn.)
HI U PRIORIS, , , , , , , , , Our Anti-aging doctor put us on fish oil big time some 6 years ago. We buy ours from LEF because they are quality folks. We subscribe to a few medical news letters and one is edited by Dr Robert Rowen. He says that Omega 3's from fish oil is bad news Charlie and will cause you to age before your time. You have to believe somebody so we are swapping out about $ 400 of Omega 3 fish oil for 3, 6, 9 oil from vegetables. There are a lot of experts this day and time and you have to pick who you think is a winner.
The best two news letters we have found is Dr Rowen and Dr Frank Scellenberger. You dang sure can't go with your regular MD. He is 20 years behind the times and only listens to the Pharma rep in a tight skirt, and feeds his staff. I say that because our youngest daughter was a Big Pharma rep for a number of years.
The medical field has changed in my lifetime and most of you know this. It's a big house, a beach house and a European vacation. As the sayin goes, " DON'T MESS WITH TEXAS". Don't mess with the medical field unless you want confusion.
That is my word. ======OLE ROBERT HENRY==========