Acid Reflux Remedies
(Mpls., Mn)
Hey Nadia!
Please read up on EC for natural remedies for acid reflux:
Along with the remedies suggested, you might consider a google search "Prilosec natural alternative" and "Zantac natural remedy" for additional ideas.
(Reno, Nevada)
Thank you so much, you are a life saver, I shall try it after consulting a holistic vet for the dosage and application. I am so relieved.
Aloe Vera Juice
(Denver, CO USA)
I think 1/4 cup may be a bit too much. I take a tablespoon. I think for a dog, based on weight it should be less. Or at most the same.
(Kvc, Jamaica)
My homeopathic vet just recommended 2 T Aloe Vera (Georges) for a 17 pound dog with vomiting, upset stomach. Hope this helps others.
(New York, Ny)
Works great for my 15 yr old CAT who's always had a sensitive stomach. I use only half a capful in his wet food.
(Michigan, US)
I too give it to my senior cat, George. I buy the reverse osmosis aloe vera juice with the same manufacturer name as my senior cat. I found it in the health food store, but the big online retailer (named after a river in South America) has it cheaper.
Please do NOT give Aloe vera to any pets! It's well known to be toxic to both cats and dogs.
The preservative "sodium benzoate" is toxic to cats, not dogs. Sodium Benzoate is in some brands of aloe vera juice. It is NOT dangerous to pets (IMHO). I have been giving it to my dogs and cats for many many years and have never had an issue with it. It had always been a benefit, and my pets tend to live very long healthy lives!
I agree. This is right up there with garlic being toxic to dogs. IT'S NOT! You would have to feed a whole lot of garlic for toxicity. I've been giving aloe vera to my dogs for years! It's incredibly helpful for the gut and I give a lot more than what people here give.
It's possible that a part of the plant leaf is toxic, and not the juice. I've heard of people using the juice on their pets for years.
(Sydney Australia)
Aloe vera juice is good for our fur babies
(Portland, Or)
What amount of George's aloe Vera would you give to a cat?
Apple Cider Vinegar
In her water I put one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. So far this is the only thing that has worked. She does have the odd flare up but for the most part she is much better.
It sounds to me like these animals may have the same diseases humans get that seriously effect their stomaches.By this I mean test for heliobactor pylori Iif the dog or cat drinks or eats out of your food & a human had it, I wonder if the animal would not also get it. Makes sense to me. I imagine that's why adding apple cider vinegar makes it better since in humans it also helps since they arent producing enough acid to help it & by taking the vinegar they are helping their stomach to be able to digest it. All the remedies being mentioned work on humans also. cayenne, aloe vera & apple cider vinegar.The only one missing that has been found to seriously inhibit H pylori is coconut oil. No idea how that would effect cats though.
(Cambridge, Ont)
Even one pill starting from no tolerance can be really be hard to deal with. You might try turmeric or start with adding a pinch to her food. Turmeric is supposed to help the stomach and is much easier to adjust to.
I'm not an animal expert by any means- here's my experience:
I used cayenne on my doberman for 2-3 years. I believe it extended her life and it definitely healed an open sore that had refused to heal (we were about to result to amputating the toe until we tried the cayenne). She got up to about 3 capsules of the regular (not extra hot) per day- she was about 80 lbs. The vets had no explanation for how her foot healed and accepted that the cayenne was a good idea. Her heart disease progressed very slowly as well.
Our heeler (45lbs) on the other hand is very sensitive to it. It seems to increase her irritable nature. We only give it to her in small amounts (less than a pinch) in her food. We give her one pill of turmeric with the food as an alternative to cayenne (from what I've read these two supplements complement each other). This seems to help keep pests away and skin allergies down.
Neither dog had an issue with eating it in small amounts and this is the best way I've found to build tolerance since even a single pill can really cause some stomach discomfort (my personal experience with ingesting it multiple ways and my doberman was very expressive- she looked uncomfortable when we started with one pill).
My family is big on ingesting cayenne for medicinal purposes- even my 4 year old handles it like a champ. Building tolerance slowly is the key.
Overall I would say if anything, its not dangerous, just temporarily uncomfortable.
I would mix it as powder into their food, rather than feed in pill or capsule form! Start with a low dose, & gradually build it up....
(I & my DH each took a single capsule w/ dinner once, but it caused us to feel like we were having heart attacks when it opened! We had to drink lots of water to get it diluted enough to get rid of the pain & resulting panicky feelings associated with it! I've always mixed it into our food since, so just buy it as a powder to begin with! )
Coconut Oil
Dietary Changes
(Sydney, Australia)
Dietary Changes
What DID work, was a wonderful pet store's owners sage advice: CHANGE her protein in her diet. yes! I eliminated chicken, and voila! She is cured. Only tolerates beef and fish (like salmon, scrod, etc.)
So hope this helps others. Some dogs don't tolerate wheat either very well. She also has a reaction to pasta.
Dietary Changes
(Green Brook, Nj)
Dear Ann, I have a rescue shitzu who had the same problem. The vet told me that some dogs need to have more frequent feedings and said that one feeding per day is not enough. I was actually giving Katie two feedings daily at the time and now I need to give her 3 feedings to prevent vomiting bile. I also found that sticking to her low-fat Science Diet and limiting chicken which I was adding to it has helped a lot. Instead of just splitting the one feeding you were giving you need to give your dog two good-sized feedings per day. My vet told me that dogs should be fed at least twice daily.
(Palm Beach, Fl)
I just wanted to post up there for future searchers:
My Malinois did this too and was miserable most of the time. the same thing helped him. He would also scratch his body up against things after eating. After $$$ vet bills we know he has pancreas problems. Eating too much at one time (for his compromised organ) will cause lifesaving surgery or death. Glad you made the change to twice a day without spending thousands! The scratching indicated an allergy to something in the food. My guy is fine now!
Dietary Changes
Giardia in Dogs
Update on October 24, 2020:
Fish-zole cured my dog
(Mpls., Mn)
Hey Debbie!
Consider a nutritional approach with foods that are natural remedies for protozoans.
This is my usual "go to":
2 raw baby carrots [avoid Bunny Luv Brand] grated and shredded
1 table spoon sunflower seeds [raw or cooked]
1 teaspoon C&H Brown sugar
I mix these up in a tablespoon or two of canned tuna [tuna is actually a remedy and not just something tasty for the dog! ] and dose in the tuna for 2 days, and then without the tuna for another 6 days - dose am and pm.
Other nutritionals to consider:
Blueberries - 1 tablespoon twice a day for 5 days
Broccoli - 4 flowerets twice daily for 5 days
Carrots - 2 baby raw organic carrots twice a day for 8 days
Celery - 1 raw stick twice a day for 7 days
Green Pepper - 1 half-dollar sized piece twice a day for 2 days
Lemon Juice - 1/2 teaspoon twice a day for 5 days
Pumpkin Seeds - 1 tablespoon twice a day for 8 days
Spinach - 1 tablespoon twice a day for 5 days
Sunflower Seeds - 1 tablespoon twice a day for 8 days
C&H Brown sugar - 1 teaspoon twice a day for 8 days
I mix these up with a little water and dose with a medicine dropper or put into wet food:
Astragulus - 1 capsule twice a day for 5 days
Bilberry - 1 capsule twice a day for 5 days
Cat's Claw - 1 capsule twice a day for 5 days
Dandelion Root - 1 capsule twice a day for5 days
Garlic -1 capsule twice a day for 5 days
Kelp - 1 capsule twice a day for 5 days
Licorice - 1 capsule twice a day for 5 days
Milk Thistle - 1 capsule twice a day for 5 days
Olive Leaf Extract - 1 capsule twice a day for 5 days
Oregano Oil - 1 pill or 1/4 teaspoon twice a day for 5 days
Oregon Grape Root - 1 capsule twice a day for 5 days
Pau D'Arco - 1 capsule twice a day for 3 days
Schizandra - 1 capsule twice a day for 5 days
Turmeric - 1 capsule twice a day for 5 days
Yellow Dock - 1 capsule twice a day for 5 days
I hope you find something here!
Ginger Extract helping my dog's morning sickness. My 4 year-old, 20 pounds, Bichon Freese has a sensitive stomach. He would vomit yellow fluid in the early morning two or three times per month all his life, but last month, he started to vomit yellow fluid more often. I got to the point that I knew when he was going to vomit the next morning. His stomach would gurgle aloud in the evening, followed by waking up in the middle of the night and eating grass urgently, and vomit first thing in the morning before the breakfast. I visited vet., tested parasites, tried aloe vera juice, not-fat yogurt, fed him five times per day(small portions), cut down fresh vegetables and fruits, limited activity following meals, ACV, etc. But he was still having morning sickness. After reading many articles, I gave him 1/2 chewable ginger extract tablet along with 1/2 tums after supper. I also boiled chicken and put couple slices of ginger root and gave him broth couple of times during the day. Since this treatment, his stomach is quiet and he no longer eats grass and vomits.
(Milton, On Canada)
My 6 yr old Bichon has vomited bloody bile for over 4years. After spending $6,000 in 3 years at the vet I changed vets, went to a country vet and he sort of solved the problem...... We give him 1/4 pill of famotadine which sort of acts as a peptobismol. Instead of waiting until he starts vomiting I put the pill in his food every night and he's pretty good for about a week or two at the most. I only give him Hills I/D dry food mixed with Iams gastro intestinal wet food ( smaller amount seems to sit better with him). We manage the problem only... No one seems to know what the problem is, but everyone with a bichon seems to have the same issues. I'd like to try the ginger, but how do you have him ingest it?
(Andover Nj)
(Mpls., Mn)
Hey Justin!
Google "chewable ginger extract tablets" and you will see several brands that offer this product. You don't need a special formulation for canines. Start with half a tab and go from there.
Good luck!
(East Sussex, Uk)
Please, if anyone has any remedies for IBD in dogs I would greatly appreciate it! Thank you
(Santa Rosa, Ca)
My vet put my 14# poodle on MERTAZIPENE (1/4 tab), NO fat diet: I cook chicken breast mixed with some yam or Brown rice. Dry food: Natural Balance Limited Ingredient formula. After 8 yrs on the above, his system can tolerate a chicken thigh mixed in for flavor or lean beef mixed with breast. NO NO NO treats or ANYTHING fr CHINA!!! = huge vet bills or death.
My puppy has IBD, (Inflammatory Bowel Disease) from ten weeks old he has had upset stomach with blood and then later came the sickness, he couldn't keep anything down. He is 7 Months old and has not had one week without upset stomach until now. I read about tap water and decided to try him on Bottled Water, I also kept him on the special anallergenic Royal canine food but this food alone did not clear up upset stomach, I gave him the water in the morning and added Sweet Potato and Ground Turkey with his food in the afternoon, and by early evening he had normal stools, It is now the longest he has gone with no upset stomach a week and a half so far. He is on steroids for his sickness as he would be sick if I was to stop this medication, I am slowly reducing this to the lowest he can be on without being sick until he is a year old and hopefully I will be able to stop them completely.
I also give him teaspoon Salmon Oil daily and white thistle milk tablets to help with any damage to his kidneys the steroids may cause, I also give him teaspoon of Bionic Biotics daily to help with his stools. He has Zantac Syrup twice daily to help prevent ulcers. But it seems to me that the Water was the thing that fixed the upset stomach, I havent seen any blood since either. Early days but I feel I am getting somewhere at last.
Intestinal Problems
Intestinal Problems
(Orlando, Fl)
the key in this cat food is that the bites are of different shapes and sizes. this slows the cat down when they eat and causes them to actually chew their food. many cats get used to the size and shape of their food and just get lazy about chewing. when lots of unchewed food hits the tummy, especially as the cat ages, the tummy just can't digest. so, vomiting results. you don't need to spend big bucks on the fancy food. just find a brand that has different shapes of food in the same box. kind of like lucky charms for cats!
(Colorado Springs, Colorado United States)
Very good point indeed about different sized dry food. My cat had also been vomitting quite often. I tried a different brand of food and still it persisted. So then I started giving her canned food because she had lost weight. It helped a lot and I think that has to do with the moisture in the canned food. I read an article about how the dry food can be hard on cats' stomach after awhile due to the lack of water. Because felines used to only eat raw meat which has water in it. My cat still has her vomitting moments it could be because she has so much fur.
Pot-Bellied Calf
(Wellington, New Zealand)
(Newcomerstown, USA)
(Fentress, Tx/USA)
(Mankato, KS)
Keep the calf on a good quality grain and free chioce hay. Alfalfa hay is best starting with a small portion and then slowly go to only alfalfa and grain. The pot belly will diminish as the calf matures. The calf needs quality forage now to grow and the pot belly is an indication of the tremendous needs the calf is trying to fill. It cannot get the nutrients and energy it needs from only hay at a young age and in fact by removing grain and adding more hay the belly will enlarge and the calfs rate of growth will slow even more. You can add calf milk replacer to her grain or mix in a bucket giving her needed nutrients. Keep her on a free chioce grain ration and you will see a difference. These babies need time and lots of concentrated feed.Have faith I have raised thenm for 35 years.