(Conway, Arkansas)
Yes Hello, I suffer all the time from rashes all types of rashes. I dont know where they come from, or anything. I always have to go get a shot at the doctors office. I have used steroid creams all types of over the counter lotions, but still no relief. Now im willing to try an alternitve. Epsom salt......who knew? I will be posting again to let you know how it turns out. Thank you so much!!!
My mother came down with sciatica last week. Immediately she went to see my brother, who is a chiropractor. That helped her a lot but the pain and discomfort was still there for her. Since then she was resting her leg as often as she could and taking pain killers when needing to walk on it for any extended period of time. When I heard about it, I had a look on this site and noticed the epsom salts testimonials. I suggested that she try having an epsom salt bath and to drink a couple of teaspoons of it with a glass of water also.
Well, I called her this morning and my mother was so excited! She said that she had a bath for about 30 minutes (and read a magazine!) with 2 cups of epsom salts on Wednesday night before going to bed. She also drank a glass of water with 2 teaspoons of epsom salts with some honey to improve the taste. She said that she slept so peacefully that night and woke up in the morning with NO PAIN! She was over the moon!
On Thursday, she drank a couple more glasses of water, epsom salts and honey and she plans to have another bath tonight (Friday). There has been no sciatica pain since waking up Thursday morning.
Thank you to Jean and Gwen for posting your results, the good news has now spread to our family too and we are passing it on to others. God Bless.
Seizure Control
Seizure Control
(Wellington, New Zealand)
My journey into nutrition started in the 70's with Adelle Davis' books. She recommended magnesium (epsom salts) for Epilepsy. I have told this to various people over the years and offered them the books to read, amazingly they didn't want to do the research, preferring the allopathic methods of treatment. Ms Davis was also a strong proponent of folic acid to prevent spina biffida! This has only recently been taken seriously..but her evidence could have saved much untold misery for unfortunate families during these intervening years.
In one of her books Ms Davis referred to another nutritionist from the 40's who opined that unless magnesium levels in the diet were improved, within a generation we would't be able to tell from the backview the difference between boys and girls!!! Well girls used to have waists (18" to 22") and boys always had physiques, maybe lack of magnesium affects the hormones somehow.
(Austin, TX)
i have had gran mal seizures since i was in my teens. the doctors could never find anything wrong and i took dilantin for years. somehow along the way i also found that if i took cal-mag (calcium magnesium liquid) it helped. well it took me years to realize that soaking in epsom salts help too. recently i have started having seizures again and realized that i had not been taking my epsom salt baths for a while. i even rub the salts on my body to exfoliate... so i started taking a little bit orally mixed with VCO too - just to get it back in my system. it really makes me mad that doctors do not tell people about this. they have to know that epsom salts have magnesium in them... a doctor had told me about cal-mag in the first place... but no one ever mentioned epsom salts. i guess they are too cheap!
btw - soaking in epsom salt baths also helps bi-polar people feel better.
(austin, tx)
in response to catherine from wellington, new zealand - there must definitely be something to the magnesium thing and not having a 'butt'.
i have long been deficient in this and virtually have no butt - so what you said really makes sense to me - i look like a guy from behind! and epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) keeps my seizures under control. funny i how never thought of this. i also noticed that lots of people with no diabetes and or on insulin have no butt too. everyone else in my family have butts and don't have diabetes or seizures.
djh/austin, tx
To Dianna & Viola,
Epsom salts' chemical name is magnesium sulfate and yes your doctor should know that because that is what they give pre-eclamptic and eclamptic mothers IV to keep them from seizing or stroking out with high blood pressure. But don't be too harsh on your poor doctor because the AMA is the strongest union in the country and they don't like any doctor recommending anything they don't have control over. They dislike it so much they will try to put him out of business or even revoke his license to practice medicine. The newer anti-siezure medications are basically magnesium in one form or another. I suspect this is mostly because magnesium competes with monosodium glutamate for sites in the brain and monosodium glutamate is known for causing seizures, among many other problems.
This is why I urge everyone to wise up and stop thinking you only get MSG when you eat Asian or stir-fried foods. To really get a good idea of how much MSG & aspartame you are poisoning yourself & your family with,google "excitotoxins" & write down the names they hide MSG under and go into your kitchen. That tomato ketchup that your kids love so much - have fun trying to find one that isn't loaded with MSG. Those tasty pizzas we all like so well - again have fun trying to find one without the sauce being loaded with it. If You tube hasn't taken it off already, they had an excellent l hour interview with Dr. Russell Blaylock who wrote the book
"Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills".
Don't forget to check the raw meats ingredients list also and don't be surprised when you find one of the bogus names for MSG on the labels.
(In the sticks, Nevada)
I find that trying to avoid high fructose corn syrup is challenging, but avoiding MSG is almost impossible, because it can be hidden. Perhaps Earthclinic could start a page that lists products that are MSG free?
EC: We do already have a page for MSG. It may be easier to list the ingredients that contain msg rather than finding the ones that don't!
(Auckland, New Zealand)
In response to 01/05/2009: Joyce from Joelton
I had Pre-Eclampsia and suffer from seizures and my doctors just increased my medication and my son was badly affected by the huge amounts of medication they were giving me. I went from suffering no seizures to only nocturnal seizures and my son noticed that when I have a Epsom Salt bath before sleeping if I have a seizure they aren't too severe. But because I have breathing problems I can't have too many of those baths.
(Austin, Tx)
well for me i found out that when i take espom salts orally it really makes my blood sugar high... and i still got twitches - but no actually seizures - BUT when i soak in epsom salts it works MUCH better - and doesn't raise my blood sugar - go figure...
(Manitowoc, Wisconsin)
There is a grocery store in town that sells ground beef containing that mystery "flavor"... That's just creepy. Why are they suddenly adding "flavor" to the ground beef? Ground beef is ground beef. When you buy ground beef that's what you expect to get. JUST GROUND BEEF. You buy it because you want to flavor it YOURSELF. Who asked them, "This ground beef isn't flavory enough, would you mind flavoring it for me?" Who expects to find that in their meat??!!!! Is the meat so terrible that they actually had to add more cow flavor? Are we some day going to be buying lamb flavored pork chops?
For your creeped out viewing displeasure, Google "Umami the World"....... There on the left under the "What is UMAMI?" link you will find that "UMAMI is a pleasant savoury taste imparted by glutamate, a type of amino acid, and ribonucleotides, including inosinate and guanylate...." Please, folks... please do not umami the world......
(California U.s.a.)
First-hand knowledge, In the 50's, as a child, I was pushed off my bike by some bullies and badly scraped my hand on the street. Not long after sepsis set in.
My Mother, a Nursing Sister (in the days that nurses were 'real' nurses) soaked my hand for a few hours in that hot and constantly reheated solution. The next day I was fine.
Later in life, in my 60's I used the same protocol after hurting my lower leg while gardening. The red line running up my leg was the warning. It took a couple of days but no doctor visit and the sepsis was totally drawn out. No after effects, sepsis gone!!
Sore and Aching Muscles
Sore and Aching Muscles
(San Antonio, TX)
I am a nursing student and just got back into my exercise routines and am very sore fairly often. I take an epsom salt bath and instantly I feel so much better. It is amazing. I recommend taking an epsom salt bath any time you do strenuous activity.
(Los Angeles, USA)
For decades my wife has taken 5 or 6 400iu Vitamin E tablets before doing unaccustomed exercise, moving, extra gardening, etc. with no stiffness or aches after. If she forgets to take them she has all the normal problems that follow these actions. She then has to take two to three times the dosage several time to get rid of the aches. For some reason I am one of the lucky ones and rarely have any aches following an unaccustomed exercise but the vitamin E works well for her.
Sore Throat
Toenail Fungus
Topical Applications of Epsom Salt
S: The method of topical administration is called "poultice" and is effective. You may also use a warm epsom salt footbath w/ good results. Taking magnesium orally would also help. I take a capsule once daily of "triple magnesium" which is 3 different covalent bonds to mag.
(Las Vegas)
I believe you can make a "magnesium oil" type solution by just dissolving a small amount of espom salt perhaps a quarter cup with just enough hot water to dissolve the epsom salt crystals. By doing this you will have a solution you can rub on or spray on that should be easily absorbed into the skin. Of course you can buy ready made magnesium chloride oil but it is much more expensive, typically $9-15 for 8oz.
(South Louisiana)
Sure. That'll work fine. Never had a shower, but since childhood have had many an Epsom salts compresses. Never known it to irritate skin either. Seems to cool off real fast though, so keep your basin of solution handy. Don't have exact measurements though. I just put in two handfuls or so in a basin of hot water.
Try using a spray bottle with hot epsom salt solution and spray down whole body in the shower.
Using hot epsom salt sponge baths at least twice each day (six tablespoonfuls to each quart of water). In severe cases this remedy should be used differently and instead of using the sponge bath method the patient should take one part of their body at a time and sponge it with hot water for several minutes and then take a small handful of epsom salts and rub it over and into the skin, allowing it to remain for several minutes before washing it off with warm water.
From the book: Eating Your Way to Health the Natural Way to Health 6th Ed. 1925 by Dr. J. Douglas Thompson
Where to Buy: New Zealand
I hope you can answer me soon. A big hug.
(Tauranga, New Zealand)
Where to Buy: Philippines
(Paranaque, Philippines)
(Valenzuel, Philippines)
(Manila, Philippines)
(Quezon City, Metro Manila)