Health Benefits

Rutin for Hemorrhoids: Benefits and How to Use It

| Modified on Jan 15, 2025
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Rutin is a bioflavonoid found in many plants, fruits, and vegetables, known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It is commonly used to support vascular health and strengthen blood vessels, making it particularly beneficial for conditions like hemorrhoids, where blood vessel integrity is compromised. This article explores the benefits of rutin for hemorrhoid relief and how to use it effectively.

What is Rutin?

Rutin is a natural compound in foods such as buckwheat, apples, citrus fruits, and berries. It is known for enhancing the effects of vitamin C and promoting healthy blood circulation. Due to its ability to strengthen capillaries and reduce inflammation, rutin has been used in traditional medicine to treat various conditions, including poor circulation, varicose veins, and hemorrhoids.

Benefits of Rutin for Hemorrhoids

Rutin offers several benefits for individuals suffering from hemorrhoids:

Strengthens Blood Vessels: Rutin helps to reinforce the walls of veins and capillaries, reducing their permeability and preventing leakage. This can help reduce the size and discomfort of hemorrhoids.

Reduces Inflammation: The anti-inflammatory properties of rutin can help alleviate swelling and discomfort in hemorrhoidal tissues, providing relief from pain and irritation.

Antioxidant Protection: Rutin's antioxidant effects help protect the body from oxidative stress, which can contribute to vascular damage and inflammation.

How to Use Rutin for Hemorrhoids

Rutin is available in supplement form, typically as capsules or tablets. Here are some guidelines for using rutin to manage hemorrhoid symptoms:

  • Supplement Dosage: The typical dosage of rutin supplements ranges from 500 mg to 1,000 mg per day. It is best to follow the dosage instructions on the product label or consult with a healthcare provider for personalized advice. Typically, one capsule is taken in the morning and one in the evening to treat hemorrhoids.
  • Dietary Sources: Incorporate foods rich in rutin, such as buckwheat, apples, citrus fruits, and green tea, into your diet to naturally increase your intake of this beneficial bioflavonoid.

Precautions and Considerations

While rutin is generally considered safe, it is important to use it as directed. Potential side effects are rare but may include gastrointestinal discomfort or allergic reactions. Individuals with certain medical conditions or other medications should consult a healthcare provider before starting rutin supplements. Rutin supplements should NOT be taken during pregnancy. While the rutin found in foods (citrus fruits, berries, buckwheat, and asparagus) is safe during pregnancy, the large quantity found in supplements is contraindicated for pregnancy. Hemorrhoids are a common complaint in pregnancy, but there are plenty of other remedies that can be used in pregnancy for hemorrhoids.


In conclusion, rutin is a valuable natural remedy for managing hemorrhoid symptoms. Its ability to strengthen blood vessels, reduce inflammation, and provide antioxidant protection makes it a beneficial addition to a comprehensive hemorrhoid treatment plan.

Continue reading for feedback from our readers who have tried rutin for hemorrhoids!

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

28 User Reviews

Posted by Betsy (Richmond VA) on 11/16/2024

Just a thank you to all of you who suggested Rutin for hemorrhoids. I tried everything I could possibly think of, creams, ointments, suppositories, essential oils, horse chestnut, etc. Once I started the Rutin, and slowly increased the dose to 2 capsules twice a day, everything settled down beautifully. I'd suffered for years with both hemorrhoids and fissures. Thank you especially to the older gentleman who mentioned that at least 40 years ago he was advised by his doctor to take Rutin for hemorrhoids, and that now that he's older, he needed to increase the dosage as the tissues thin with age. I'm about to turn 65 so that bit of advice resonated with me.

Posted by Cat (Seattle, WA) on 05/09/2024

I tried many things over the past year for internal hemorrhoids. The hemorrhoids caused much discomfort, anxiety regarding bowel movements, pelvic floor spasms, etc. I thought something else seriously wrong.

I'm thrilled to say that after taking rutin capsules (twice a day) for a few weeks, the hemorrhoids are much, much better. I thank God for this and will go down to taking one capsule a day for a little longer.

Thank you, Earth Clinic. Onto healing fibroids and cysts now. All the best to Everyone in their healing.

Posted by Julie C (Louisiana ) on 01/18/2024

I've dealt with hemmies for many years - early on it was from drug use - once I stopped that, I was always constipated which only made them worse. Then I was pregnant and they came on with a vengeance!! Went to the doc I was in so much pain and he gave me some script for butt cream which only worked temporarily. I got used to just using prep H whenever I managed to poop....finally I had my routined figured out and could keep them at bay.

Then one year I was visited by the angriest hemmies I'd ever had!! It was bad - pain, swollen, scared to poop, bleeding, anxiety, it's all you think about when your butt hurts that bad...I thought I would die. I wasn't aware of EC so I just dealt with it....in tears and in fear..they finally went away and I was back to my old routing, hoping they'd never be back that bad....welp - last year I got a thrombosed hemmie - which is a bad hemmie that fills with a blood clot and gets hard and excruciatingly painful...to the ER I went, I considered surgery but the ER doctor didn't even recommend it.....I suffered for 2 weeks and upon taking sitz baths and not eating much out of fear of having to poop, it eventually went away as well.

I finally started doing research to heal my butt because no way was I going to deal with that again!! I found EC and learned about Rutin. I bought some in the event of the evil visitor....sure enough they came back but this time as lots of blood (not thrombosed)....I thought I was dying out of my butt.....I quickly remembered the Rutin and after day 1 I was no longer bleeding and after day 3 my butt was happy again!! I now take it several times per week, to keep everything intact....!! I can now poop without fear or anxiety... Thank you again EC community for another winner!! Xo

Posted by Geoff (Queensland) on 10/11/2017

More than 6 months ago ,I posted the relief given me by rutin in treating the scourge of hemorrhoids. after posting, it occurred to me that 1 month wasn't really a decent time line to tout the benefits of rutin for hemorrhoids, so here's my update 6 months on.

Total Relief. not one hemorrhoid, & no blood loss whatsoever. my deep, unexpressed fear that I had some type of colorectal cancer has vanished, my daily activities are completely normal & I can't sing the praises of rutin highly enough. I feel confident enough to say that rutin has truly turned out to be the magic bullet that I had searched for. All bow down before rutin, lord of the cosmos.

Replied by Timh
2042 posts

Geoff: Thanks for your Rutin report.

To extend the cardiovascular benefits, consider other Citrus Antioxidants/Flavinoids like Quercetin & Vit-C. A supplement containing natural Vit-C w/ Rose Hips, Rutin, and Quercetin would be ideal with the addition of 1 grm Lysine per day.

Hope this helps ya mate.

Replied by Geoff


Thanx for input. much appreciated.

Replied by Laura

Did the Rutin only eliminate the pain or did it also get rid of the swelling and, if so, did it eliminate swelling inside or out?

Replied by Geoff

Rutin caused external 'roids' to revert back to being internal 'roids'. so they continue to exist, but no longer cause any pain at all. if this applies only to myself & no one else, I do not know. in addition to the external 'roids', my entire anal rim was hugely inflamed, but this was also eliminated by the use of rutin. if rutin does not work initially, try increasing the daily dose 2 or 3 times the daily recommended dose- I have not read of any potential danger in doing so.

Posted by Hugo (Bremerton, Wa) on 06/23/2017

Rutin saved me!! I was ready for the doctor and found this on several forums. I took 2 pills daily and pain was better the next day - completely pain free 3 weeks later. Amazing!! Was in so much pain I was having anxiety over every bathroom trip. So happy I found this.

Posted by Diedra P. (Us) on 03/24/2017

Rutin has worked for me twice. I had my first hemorrhoid around 2 and a half years ago. I was able to shrink the hemorrhoid with the rutin within days and was completely gone in a couple of weeks. I have one again now so started taking the rutin again and it is almost gone after 5 days. I take 500 mg morning and night. I also used witch hazel to help ease the discomfort.

Posted by Geoff (Bowen, Qld.) on 02/27/2017

Editor's Choice

More than a month ago I posted the relief given me for the curse of hemorrhoids by the use of an Inversion Swing, an absolute godsend for me. I also mentioned how the use of Rutin had dramatically stopped my blood loss at every bowel movement. Now the amazing thing is that rutin seems to have also stopped my getting hemorrhoids in the first place.

As a sufferer of hemmorhoids for more than 20 years I am absolutely stunned by the effectiveness of this supplement. My hemorrhoids weren't severe, they were catastrophic!!! They dominated every aspect of my daily life. I am still in a state of denial that something as simple & cheap as rutin could have had this effect on me. I can't guarantee that it would have the same effect on others, but would plead with other sufferers to give it a try. one 500mg. tablet twice a day did it for me. Ended the bleeding in 5-7 days, & the hemmorhoids in about 2 weeks. Miraculous! What can I say other than Rutin for President!

Posted by Stephen S. (Ramona, Ca) on 01/13/2017

Editor's Choice

In recent years I've been plague with very painful hemorrhoids. I've had them off and on since before I graduated from high school (1968) but hadn't suffered from them for years until about eight years ago. Nothing I tried worked. I would lay on the bed trying to find a position where I wasn't in pain. My girlfriend did a computer research and found that a supplement called Rutin has shown promise for relief from hemorrhoids. It took me close to two weeks for them the completely take care of the problem. At some point I quite taking the Rutin and nearly over a week they returned. I start the Rutin again and again a few days later my pain was gone. I did this pattern of stopping and starting taking Rutin and always with the same results. I finally got smart and take two tables a day and haven't had any problem since. Believe me when I say I had a bad case of hemorrhoids, AND, believe me when I tell you that Rutin works.

Posted by Zee9876 (London) on 01/02/2017

Hi I tried Rutin 500mg after reading all the positive reviews and it has made no difference. I have taken it for 2 weeks now morning and night. Should I persevere? I am also taking B6 with it as I read in some reviews that helps Rutin to work better. Please advise. Many thanks. Zee9876

Replied by Jac
(Yorktown, Ny)

Have you tried using garlic clove as suppository. It works! Look it up for user directions.

Posted by Liz (Boston, Ma) on 12/10/2015

Months ago, someone here on EC recommended Rutin for hemorrhoids. Whoever you are (it was a name I was familiar with, but I don't recall which one), THANK you!

I've suffered with 'roids' off/on for decades. Thankfully, more off than on, but recently had something nagging me for almost a month. I say 'something' because I couldn't really see or feel anything there, but my behind was sore every day for an entire month.

I am a huge advocate of sitz baths, and for decades, they've taken care of any issues I had, but this time, despite the sitz baths, it continued to nag me every day.

I remembered reading about Rutin here on EC, so I ordered a bottle via Amazon, taking one 450mg capsule twice a day, as directed. Just a couple of days in, I felt relief. After a week, I was pain-free! Three weeks later, I continue to take the 2 capsules a day and continue to be completely comfortable. YAY!!

Now that I'm back to normal, I'm going to start taking one capsule a day to see if that's enough for 'maintenance'. If not, I'll return to two caps/day. They're certainly inexpensive enough at just under $10/bottle.

I cannot recommend Rutin enough! I was, and continued to be, amazed by how well it worked!

Thank you again to my EC family member who recommended it!

Posted by Dh (Gaithersburg Md) on 08/25/2014

I'm 84. When I was 40, my family doctor recommended one 500 mg tablet of rutin daily for my hemorrhoids. On the 4th or 5th day, all symptoms were totally gone, and have not returned. I have increased the dosage through the years, and now take 4 tablets a day, because tissue weakens with age. I experienced no side effects.

Replied by Sarah
(Charlotte, Nc)

I bought a bottle of Rutin and took one a day until it was gone. It didn't help at all. Maybe I have a different kind of hemorrhoid. Mine are from inflammation (never was constipated) as a result of trying a low carb diet, in an attempt to lose 25 pounds. Low carb diets are dangerous.

Posted by Michelle (Virginia Beach, Va., Usa) on 07/11/2013

Rutin is ABSOLUTELY the best. I've never had the dread "H" until now and when it happened I was like HUH??? I immediately went on line to find out how to get rid of it. Most sites suggested ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar) directly on the hemorrhoids, but that stung like the dickens and I couldn't bear it (parden the pun), Witch Hazel, and warm sitz baths. I would do a Warm sitz bath(2x daily) with 1 cup epsom salt, 1/2 cup acv, and 1/2 cup witch hazel which did bring relief to sore-ness, itching and pain... But not in the dissipation of hemorrhoids. Aften during further research, I found sites which talked positively about the supplement Rutin and the amazing results that it had with dissipating hemorrhoids. I immediately went to the health food store and bought a 500 mg bottle. I took 1 pill in the morning with my breakfast and another pill at night just before I went to sleep. 10 days later, my hemorrhoids are completely gone... Oh yeah... The most important part... before incorporating the Rutin into the equation, I've only had hemorrhoids for 4 days... so 6 days later... they were all gone!

Posted by Edgeworth (Freshwater, New South Wales) on 05/19/2013

Yea! This is the second time I've had Hemorrhoids, I'm male and 46 and read there are a lot of people over 45 who suffer. I had a great deal of discomfort around the anus but no bleeding. First I tried what worked last time: zinc sulfate monohydrate suppositories from the chemist. No dice. Tried for a week.

Then I tried the ACV bath suggestion here. Only once but no dice.

Lastly, I tried Rutin. Was difficult to find but worth it. I couldn't get it on its own but 400mg of Rutin mixed with 500mg Quercetin, 125Mg Bromelain and 50Mg Ascorbic Acid. Also took it with vitamin B6 as suggested.

Worked within 2 days - complete discomfort gone. Two weeks later now and no reoccurrence.

Thanks Earth Clinic! This is the fourth brilliant discovery I've made here for me, my family and friends.

Posted by Bobslo (Lexington, Ky) on 07/27/2011

So, its been officially two weeks of taking 500mg of Rutin and I have to say its working the best.

A long story short, I have had this one hemmoroid for almost eight months before trying anything to treat it. I was thinking it would go away on its own, but is was becoming a pain in the you-know-what.

I discovered that to really get rid of the problem I needed to do research. So, I have found out that the blood vessels are weak, and Bioflavoids were needed in an abundance.

After taking this supplement I got at Vitamin World for under 10 dollars that lasts like two months, I can say within two weeks now its almost completely gone. I'll post again when its all gone.

Posted by Bobslo (Lexington, Ky) on 07/19/2011

I have had a hemmroid for almost a year now. Just last week I started taking Rutin 500mg twice a day, in the morning and one before going to bed. My hemmroid originally was the size of a pea but over time looked more like a inflated balloon that looked like three peas. But, taking Rutin for only a week the inflammation has gone down and my hemmroid thankfully is almost gone, it's less than a size of a pea today. I will continue to use Rutin and take hot/warm showers to reduce the swelling. And I hope by the next week it will be gone, if not I will then continue with Apple Cider Vinegar (the mother). But, so far I am very pleased how Rutin has made me feel and appearance.

Replied by Lonis
(Jacksonville, Nc)

I had bad hemmoroids after lifting heavy weights. I ate a bottle of Rutin from the health food store, and after that, all the pain went away. I no longer had to sleep on my left side or my stomache. I could sleep on my back w/out them getting swollen & painful. They were also less tight. The rutin helped a great deal. Then I bought another bottle of it & ate that. It didn't help. Nothing helped for weeks until I took Vitamin B6 (actually a b-complex). I was on a diet that doesn't allow B6 for a long time before I got the hemmoroids. I believe it was related.

I recommend B6 & Rutin, cause the rutin didn't do the job 100%, but it sure helped. The B6 made a major difference.

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