Joint Pain: Top Natural Remedies


Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn) on 02/05/2016

HI U BIRDS DOIN, , , , , , , , , , , , , just got Dr. Shallenberger's medical letter and lo and behold he is saying you need boron to get rid of joint pain.

No , he did not say take Borax as we do here at EC, but he did find that Boron is needed to relieve pain along with other stuff. Most other medical folks say that boron is toxic. He is an integrative doctor and does not speak for the establishment. He is one of my heroes because of Ozone and other things he has brought forth.

Anyway, it appears that the folks on this site are a few years ahead of some doctors. I have been taking Aleve for for my back pain and will now switch to borax. As most on this site know, I's smart, jus slow.



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Posted by Victor (USA) on 06/26/2007

Raw cabbage and cabbage juice relieves joint pain and swelling in my hands, and it works fast.

Replied by Jogindre
(Vancouver, Canada, British Columbia)

Hi there

Since last one year I am also suffering from joint paints but I am working 8 to 10 hours everyday. I found a little help with Ginger powder with honey with luke warm water, relief is there, but now I am going to try ACV, let's hope everything will be good. thanks


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Posted by Don (Michigan, Usa) on 09/10/2020

I have been having knee joint aches for awhile. Three weeks ago, I had a craving for cashews and ate about 8 oz a day for 3 days. I noticed my knee aches were gone and all my joints felt younger and lubricated. I searched and found that along with cardio benefits there is also a benefit to joints. I now eat a handful of roasted cashews every morning and I can do squats without knee aches.

I have also noticed a nerve calming effect.

Castor Oil

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Posted by Sherri (Oak Hill, Wv) on 02/12/2018

I had a small tear in my rotator cuff. Used ice as suggested by doctor & then read about castor oil pack for my shoulder. I could tell a difference in 3-4 days! I was amazed how much better my shoulder was. I'm still healing and still using the castor oil every night with a heat pack. I would strongly recommend!

Chia Seeds

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Posted by Jennie (Fort Wayne, In) on 03/14/2013

Hydrated chia seeds for joint pain: Taking 3 or 4 tablespoons of hydrated chia seed gel every morning has greatly reduced my joint pain. I buy black or white seeds - either one works equally well, and put 2 tablespoons of the seeds in two cups of filtered water. Stir them up a couple times and then again after several hours. There may be clumps on the bottom, stirring with a fork breaks them up. I keep the seeds and water in a sealed container in the fridge

Chia holds 10 times its weight in water and when hydrated creates a gel. It has almost no taste and can be mixed with just about anything, I put it in my morning juice. Chia has the highest amount of Omega-3 of any plant source!


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Posted by Janet (Asheville, NC) on 02/09/2009

I think it's so great that ACV works on joint pain but I can't believe chlorella is not included in here. I have been recommending it to people for years and I would say 95% of the people have astounding results on all kinds of joint pain, stiffness, numbness and tingling. It seems to help people with some nerve pains or problems. It's so great to hear people say yeah, my Mom's Dr has been treating her for problems with her wrist for years, I gave her the chlorella and the pain and numbness and tingling is gone. Practically the only person it didn't work on is my brother-in-law, the DOCTOR. I get it cheap on vitacost. One of it's benefits is that it detoxes mercury from the digestive system.

Replied by Robert
(Manhattan, New York)

Just a note to make sure you use Chlorella and not any of the other "blue green" algae.

"For the record, I don't approve of the use of two other types of algae, blue green algae (aphanizomenon) and spirulina. Both are in a different group from chlorella. Some species of blue green algae produce toxins, including neurotoxins that can increase long-term risks of degenerative diseases of the central nervous system. I see no reason to include any blue-green algae in the diet.

If you must have your algae, chlorella is a much better choice.


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Posted by Melody (North Carolina) on 10/10/2017

I started taking liquid chlorophyll for anemia a week or two ago. 1 T. per day in a glass of water. Sometimes I do this twice a day, just because I know it is good for me and it tastes good.

I have realized that I have more energy (maybe because it is fixing the anemia, or maybe just because it is energizing) and also my joints are looser, in a good way. My neck and back are not so tight and will pop more easily.

I am so happy for these unexpected benefits.


Replied by Melody
(North Carolina)

Another benefit of chlorophyll seems to be more sound sleep. I am not waking up with the startles. Perimonopause has had a bad effect on my sleep.
The last week I have slept like a baby.


Replied by Timh
2063 posts

Glad to hear of your natural remedies benefits.

From your testimony, it appears you have some type toxicity issues that result in the destruction of Vit-K which causes anemia and bone suppression because bone metabolism is dependent on Vit-K 1&2.

There has recently been a big boom in the consumption of "green smoothie" drinks, kinda like the liquid your using. Green foods like Kale & Spinach are good sources of chlorophyll but green sea-foods like Chlorella & Spirulina are the best sources.

I have been dealing with heavy metal bone toxicity for several yrs so I will share my regimen. Once daily supplement of Chlorella & Spirulina, and minimal dose of Vit-K 1&2.

Hope this helps and you continue to improve.

Replied by Melody
(North Carolina)

Thanks Timh for the suggestions!


Replied by Eloise
(Charlotte, Nc)
6 posts

What kind of chlorophyll? Where do you get it in N.C?

Replied by Melody

I ordered Natures Sunshine liquid chlorophyll from Amazon. I have used Now as well but Natures Sunshine tastes better I think. Melody

Coconut Oil

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Posted by Larry (Boise, Idaho) on 11/29/2006

I consumed 1 tablespoon of Extra Virgin Coconut oil before each meal, and if I skipped a meal, I would still take the 1 tablespoon of Virgin Coconut oil. My problem was my left hip would have a popping type of action every time I rotated my leg out away from my body, same sound as if you were cracking your knuckles, after 1 week of using the Virgin Coconut oil, and now my hip no longer makes any poping sound. Still taking it to see about the weight loss benefits. Now on week 3.

Cod Liver Oil

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Posted by Vince (Philadelphia, PA) on 09/18/2006

I used to play tennis and my knees started to hurt. An old timer told me to try cod liver oil. I didn't believe him and a physical therapist friend asked if it Lubed the Joints. It may. One cap would relieve the pain in 15min, and it wouldn't come back till I stressed my knees, twisting while carrying something heavy, usually a few weeks.

I often wondered what the cod did. I read a NE Journal of Med newsletter around the time and they were doing a study on arthritis and giving Fish Oil Caps. 20/day, and geting 30% improvement. I thought to myself. Use Cod!!) Years later i saw a forensic show about a woman who was shot in the knee. Because of the location they left the bullet in. Weeks later she died of Lead Poisoning. They said, the Synovial fluid that Lubes the joints displved the bullet. I looked up the fluid and it has Vit A in it. Cod is A & D.

I had a dog who I believe had a heat stroke. He couldn't back up without falling. It was a Sunday nite so I gave him a cod cap And some Ephedrine, since i knew that could strengthen muscles. I only gave one of each and he was at least stable for 2 yrs till he died at 14.

I have had different knee pains since and the cod didn't help. I tried glucosamine and That Didn't help. I heard about MSM and tried that. The first brand, Nature's Bounty, cured a chronic sinus problem I had, but Not my knee pain, I figured I would need more so picked up my fav brand at the time, Sundown, and that cured a muscle pain problem I got from a chemical exposure injury. Still having the knee pains I bought every brand of MSM I found. The 3rd one, Natrol took my knee pain away in an hr. I didn't realize the glucosamine was needed with it since I had stoped it the day before. 4mo later when the pain came back, the MSM didn't help. I remembered I had stoped the Glucos. so took it. An hr later the pain left. I have had to take them after 6, 10, 16, 18 mo, and recently 2 yrs between pains. I added Hyaluronic acid since the last time with lifting weights, I was geting a Different twinge, and Something cured it... for now. Not sure what I have since each problem the Different things cured has been Different. A friend who Had surgery insisted that I Needed it. Not when I can find a cure...

Whether pets or humans, The last thing I would take or give are drugs, and the Very Very last would be surgery.


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Posted by Ani (Ontario, Canada) on 04/02/2008

Wearing a copper bracelet can significantly help with arthritis, back pain, aches and joint pains. My parents swear by it.' In fact my dad makes jewelry and after he discovered that copper helped him with his bad back pain he started making copper bracelets for sale. He has been selling them for over 15 years and the personal testimonials he's heard are remarkable. The amount that it helps is individual of course and varies but most people feel at least SOME improvement while others say they experience DRAMATIC improvement. In any case it's cheap to try and can't do any harm. I'm surprised copper wasn't posted before and curious to read other people's experiences with this.

Dietary Changes

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Posted by Dallas (Amesbury, Ma) on 10/17/2017 6 posts

Drop the Grains, Nightshades and Sugars to heal Joint Pain/Arrhythmias

I have many health problems, including celiac sprue, hashimoto's thyroiditis, multiple food sensitivities etc. I dropped all gluten out of my diet when the celiac was diagnosed 16 years ago. Within the past year. I have also suffered off and on with heart arrhythmias strong enough to mimic a heart attack and severe knee and joint pain. Finally, after about a year of research and prayer, I found a solution. I dropped all grains, (including chia and flax), all nightshades, and all sugars TOTALLY out of my diet. I made sure to prepare all legumes properly before cooking. Within a very short time, the joint pains AND arrhythmias diminished and then stopped altogether. Then, as an experiment, I ate nightshades one day, grains a few days later without the nightshades, and sugar without the nightshades or grains to test and see which ones were causing the pain. It turns out they ALL caused symptoms. So, I am leaving them all out of my diet. As an interesting aside. I am not sure about nightshades, but I do know that whenever I eat grains or sugars, my urine smells bad. As a former worker in a hospital, I have noticed that smell in the restroom after an elderly person uses it. Could it be that many elderly health problems such as joint pain and heart problems could be caused by grains, nightshades and/or sugars?

As another aside, I wonder if grains are prepared properly, ie: soaked, sprouted etc, before cooking, would they cause the same problems?

Dietary Changes
Posted by Old School (Lake Butler, Florida, Us) on 06/16/2013

For the past six months, I have abstained from eating red meat and dairy products. About two months ago, I began to experience joint pain in both shoulders. Could this be the result of these dietary eliminations? Any suggestions. The pain and stiffness in the joints is getting worse.

Replied by Tee
(Swedesboro, Nj)

Hello, I am wondering with your dietary changes if your vitamins are off, which of course can cause shoulder pain etc.. Have you had any levels checked such as D? I have terrible joint pains etc. and found I had low d, low b's and even low c? It may be throwing your vitamin level off. Just a suggestion..

Drugs to Avoid

Posted by Patricia (Medina, Oh) on 01/16/2009


I got addicted to Ambien and after doing a lot of research I discovered that IT was responsible for my aching joints and muscles!! It can cause fibromyalgia and flu-like symptoms.

Within 2 weeks of dropping Ambien my aches and pains went away.

Fresh Grapefruit Juice

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Posted by Denise (Redlands, California, United States) on 04/20/2013

I have been suffering greatly from whiplash and joint pain in my arms. I thought it was a result of doing certain excercises. I could not stand the pain and have been in this condition for over a year. My suffering was great! I even wore a neck brace for relief. My husband rubbed me out but the pain would remain. I didn't go to a doctor because I was afraid I might get worse.

3 days ago I was thirsty and my husband had bought grapefruit. I took two grapefruit and cut them in half and used them in my citrus juicer.

I received about 2 glasses of juice from the two grapefruit. I drank them down and in awhile I could feel weird sensation in my intestines! Like a cleansing! I'll admit it felt strange but after it was over I felt really good. And in a few hours I felt the pain had left my neck and arm joints! Hispanics believe that food can get stuck in the intestines! I'm wondering if I had "empachado"? It means food is stuck in the intestines? Anyway I feel great having that awful pain gone. It worked for me anyway. I believe something was stuck in my intestines. The natural grapefruit juice got rid of it!


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Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 03/10/2016

A few months ago I started taking gelatin for creaky joints and slightly painful knees. I took a teaspoon a day, but that seemed to cause constipation. So I halved it. I put 1/2 teaspoon of the grainy looking stuff of fish gelatin, in a bit of cold water, let it "bloom" (swell) for about 1/2 hour, then added hot water to melt it and drank it as is. I've been doing this almost daily.

I recently went back to an exercise class that I haven't been to in 8 weeks, and I was astonished that NOTHING CREAKED! As different from other times that I missed these classes. My neck is far more flexible too.

When I told someone else, a few DAYS after I started this, that I imagine my knees are complaining less when I bound down my five flights of stairs, he started taking a marshmallow or two a day ("it has gelatin, right?! ")....and also reported a difference! He now takes the gelatin as homemade jello with fruit juice.

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