Health Benefits

Health Benefits of Apples: The First Superfood!

| Modified on Sep 17, 2024
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Most individuals are familiar with the old adage, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” However, very few individuals are actually aware of how valid that statement actually is. Apples possess a variety of healthful compounds and components that do rank the delicious and tangy fruit among the best treatment options for a variety of health conditions.

Are Apples a Superfood?

From red delicious to Macintosh and granny smith, apples come in a variety of different shapes, sizes and flavors, but one thing all of the different varieties have in common is a plethora of health benefits.

Apples possess specific components that make them effective health defenders. Apples, red delicious and granny smith in particular, possess a high concentration of antioxidants or disease-fighting agents. These antioxidants function to repair and prevent oxidation damage that occurs from free radicals in the environment and body. Additionally, apples contain pectin, a soluble fiber that aids in digestion. Pectin is possibly the most important component of an apple as it rids the body of excess fatty acids and other toxic substances. However, an apple, as a whole, is an effective overall health remedy.

Health Benefits of Apples

In addition to fiber and antioxidants, apples contain a number of other nutrients that make them an effective health treatment. Apples contain an array of vitamins including vitamin C, riboflavin, thiamin and vitamin B-6. Apples are also rich in polyphenolic compounds or phytonutrients.

All of these elements combined make apples one of the best foods in any diet. Apples are good for supporting neurological health, preventing dementia and reducing the risk of stroke. This fruit also lowers cholesterol, reduces the risk of diabetes, wards off breast cancer and prevents vascular death. The fruit can also be used to treat diarrhea, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome and heartburn.

So, as the old saying suggests, an apple a day really can help keep the doctor away. Apples possess a variety of qualities and characteristics that make them healthful and beneficial. From antioxidants to extra fiber, apples contain a variety of nutrients of which everyone can use more.

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Apple Pectin for Multiple Ailments

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Posted by Ria (Las Vegas) on 01/19/2020

Try using apple pectin. They are soluble fiber that add bulk to strengthen bowel movement, clean your interior wall, encourage good bacteria AND reduce cholesterol. I did this several years ago and I was pleasantly surprised.

Apples and Pectin

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Posted by Matt (Geelong West, Australia) on 06/18/2007

Much is made of the remedy inherent in Apples. It is not the apple that is so beneficial. It is the pectin in the skin of the apple. My grandmother taught me to grate the apple and eat the SKIN only to increase the potency of the cure!

Apples Cure Sinus Congestion

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Posted by Kera (Washington, DC) on 04/18/2006

I have IBS and when I'm really stressed it flares up. So, lately I've been eating apples for regular fiber intake. In the last 4 days I've had...8 apples. After my second apple today I noticed that my sinuses were draining. In the 8 hours between my second and third apple the drainage diminished. But after eating apple #3 my sinuses began draining again and I had a sort of itchy feeling in the back of my mouth from the drainage. Is it possible that I've had a similar reaction to just eating apples rather than drinking the Apple Cider Vinegar?

Replied by Christina
(Austin, Tx)

I just happened to stumble upon this forum because I am currently sick and discovered that eating an apple helped to relieve the congestion, so I was curious if it was common knowledge. The itchy feeling at the back of your throat may have been related to acid reflux. After reading your post I may limit how many I eat at a time because I have suffered from really bad acid reflux in the past. Thank you for posting. This information should be very helpful.


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Posted by Doris (Santa Ana, CA USA) on 04/08/2008

Have always drank lots of coffee w/sugars, syrups, dairy. This year, bloating began. Starting reading about stomach and bile and acid-sugar-alkaline balances and how stomach, gall bladder, liver, small intestines deal with it. Found your apple juice, acv info. ACV was a bit harsh last week, at 1 tsp each acv w/slight honey or water. This week bloating was very uncomfortable to point of constant distraction. Found on your site to take avc or apple juice or eat an apple to regulate acid balance. Took lots of antacids today, no help, bloating was worse. Ate a very small apple at 9pm tonite and 20 minutes later, bloating almost ALL GONE. Had the rest and feel like a million. Thank you for this site teaching me what to revise in my diet, to fix these things.


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Posted by Llb0987 (Howell, Michigan) on 10/10/2013

Apples for bursitis and arthritis: I had terrible bursitis for the last two years but for the first time I am getting some significant relief. This year there was a bumper crop of apples in Michigan because there were not any last year due to the frosts. They are all over the road and in all of the backyards. I have been eating several per day from our trees which have never done well in previous years. I tried apple cider vinegar and lots of supplements but this is what seems to be the best cure, and best of all, it is free to anyone in Michigan who wants it. If you live somewhere else, get hold of the freshest and most organic apples you can find. Spots don't matter. You can always cut them out of the apples.


Posted by Bill In Calgary (Calgary, Alberta) on 11/13/2010

Eat the WHOLE apple, core, seeds (especially the seeds). Only the stem should be tossed. If eating the core is annoying (a couple of my friends hate it when the membrane gets in their teeth). Try quartering it. It takes a little time to "learn" how to chew the core. Probably because we have been "brainwashed" to throw it away. I'm not a health expert by any means. (Just interested in better health like everyone here) My information on apple seeds is second-hand, so I followed it up with a little on-line research, and can only find good things about apple seeds. The biggest claim is that the seed contains laetrile, and cyanide. Apparently the laetrile, allows the cyanide to enter cancerous cells and kill them. The gentleman who told me about this told a story (sorry, can't substantiate), of a terminally ill cancer patient who in an act of desperation, cored two cases of apple seeds and subsequently died. Not from cyanide poisoning but from liver failure, due to his liver being overwhelmed by dead cancer cells. True or not, the extra fibre can't hurt.

Replied by Hisjewel
(America, New York)

With all this talk about the healing properties of certain fruit seeds, I have a question. Has anyone been putting whole Apples skin, SEEDS and all in their smoothies for years? I know someone personally who has been doing this for at least ten maybe fifteen years. And she gets great doctors reports though she does not give the credit to the apple seeds, they are just part of the fruit not to be wasted.

I'm asking this question because in my interest trying to learn about amygdalin, at least one site said don't put apple seeds in your smoothie. But it seems to me that in the absence of a warning sticker on the apple, this friend has stumbled on a healing helper. So the question is, "Has anyone been using the whole apple in your smoothie"?

Replied by Michael
(New Zealand)

Re: Treating Cancer with Apples. Not sure if that could be claimed as a specific cure BUT I seem to recollect that the well known Dr. Jarvis, who wrote extensively on the many and various attributes of ACV, recommended utilizing the whole apple: skin, pith, seeds and core. Was this his secret perhaps? It was a very long time ago when I read his book on ACV so DO check up on this. Use organic apples naturally! Also, many years ago, we had a Doctor around here who sometimes put his difficult patients on an apple and milk diet for days at a time. He also "bullied" them into exercising, taught them "correct thinking patterns" (don't you just love it?) and fed them wholesome food. Apparently, he achieved wonderful results with some chronic cases. He had had a "Road to Damascus" experience and jumped ship from being an M.D. to becoming a "naturopath" before the title was more widely known or maybe he just went in for "Green Prescriptions"? His name was Dr. Ulric Williams.

(America, New York)

Greetings Michael from New Zealand

I just truly love it! Thank you so much for sharing how these doctors worked with apples seeds and all as a cure.


Replied by Tina

Hi HisJewel,

I have been putting Granny Smith Apple seeds in my smoothie for 3 years, ever since I saw a Vita mix demo at our Whole Foods store. The lady who was making delicious smoothies for us to sample cut the whole apple, seeds and all into the blender. She said seeds had were powerhouse of nutrients, capable of growing into trees and throwing them away was a huge waste of valuable nutrients. I now put lemon seed and papaya seed ( you can wash, dry and store them in the freezer) in my smoothies. I've read online that avocado seed can also be dried (outer casing removed) and powdered and used in smoothie.

Replied by Hisjewel
(America, New York)

"Tina of Princeton"

This is great! Eating the whole apple three years in a smoothie and you' re still here. Praise God! My friend has been eating the whole apple in a smoothie, over a decade she is older than me, and more youthful than me. But I'm about to catch up, with her age and youthfulness, laughing out loud. That's why I'm checking out these seeds.

Also thank you for the info on the other fruit seeds, that's something I can try now.


Replied by Tina

Hi HisJewel,

You are very welcome. I forgot to add that the Granny Smith apples I use in my daily smoothie are ALWAYS organic. As are the lemon seeds. The papaya seeds are from conventional fruit. I've never seen organic papayas at Whole Foods or Trader Joe - at least in my area.

Replied by Hisjewel
(America, New York)

I ate the whole thing!

Being inspired by Michael, Tina and a friend of mine I decided to test the whole apple out. It's only been a four days but interesting.

Lucky for me my Supermarket just happened to have organic apples on sale. I have to admit I felt like the electric lady simply because I ate the whole apple. The first and second day I ate one apple as an evening snack. Out side of feeling good for eating better did not know anything different to contribute to the apple. Day three, I ate two apples and my regular meals and things still seemed the same. And now day four, that's when I noticed the detox took effect. I realized that I had a BM after each apple.

On the fourth day I had only breakfast and 3 apples one for lunch, snack and dinner. Along with the apple I had to drink plenty of water. As I was very thirty. Every hour I had a bottle of water. The Whole apple worked like a diuretic and a laxative for my body system. It was like an unexpected detox.

It was good that I stayed in on that fourth day. Well no need for me to be in a hurry. I will go back to one apple. I'm just trying to build my immune system so my hair can grow faster.


Replied by Michael
(New Zealand)

Well, that is very interesting and thanks for being inspired but I have noticed in life that keen jokers have a tendency to go overboard in the questionable assumption that, "If a little bit of something does you good, then a whole lot more must be better"! Um?? However, apropos that, in another note from "Down Under", we once had a farmer down here who got into a whole truck-load of pain with gall stones even though he was built like an oak tree. We noted that he would often brag about eating seven or eight apples each day and that struck us rural philosophers as being a trifle excessive. Could there be a possible connection or was that a co-incidence I wonder? Short term use is probably O.K. Don't get me wrong though, apples are the new secret weapon. Dare I say otherwise on this Site!?

Eliza Blue
(California, U.s.a.)

Michael, I like your comment about the farmer who was "built like an oak tree." I cannot stop laughing. So cute. You must be a writer.

Replied by Hisjewel
(America, New York)

Hi Michael,

I love your stories. Are they really true? I am guilty of being one of those who goes overboard if they think something will work. But I do, add watchfully.

I am also drinking at least one glass of lemon water. I have read that lemons keep gall stones from forming.

When I can eat the next apple without running to the rest room I know I can have two a day.

And truly, health-wise, I feel much better today than yesterday!

I got the courage, can't stop me now.

Thanks again


Replied by Michael
(New Zealand)

Well Hi there H.J. of N.Y! How's the Big Apple? Yep, the "Oak Tree" still lives so I guess he survived all those apples! But I wonder about whether some of these "flushes" can achieve the fantastic results claimed by their Gurus in such a wonderfully short period of time? For sure my foggy brain is not cluttered or clouded by any academic medical training which might get in the way of common sense.... My First Aid Certificate expired years ago! Having said that, (here goes) Gall Bladder/Bile Stones can do some serious mischief if a body self- medicates for too long, gets into a bad space and then finds that the hospital is closed at the week-end. Bad Stuff always happens on a Friday evening around here including my twins deciding to arrive on a Saturday. Our expert delivery guy was out at his favorite restaurant. "Go figure"! No matter, we do stuff ourselves around here. I digress but you get my drift. Maybe we ought to start with changing lifestyles, as bile troubles have a nasty habit of repeating themselves. Cut down on the fatty stuff. Next, get into the ACV habit on a regular basis. By all means juice with Beetroot, Carrots, Cucumber, Vitamin C and turmeric. The beetroot and cucumber are great for both the liver and gallbladder and the carrots have lots of vitamin C which beefs up the immune system. Cucumber juice is "Cool" anyway. The Queen must know something with all those cucumber sandwiches. Oh yes, she is seriously into homeopathy too! Oh, and corgis as well. Not sure about the significance of that last one though. And here's the thing, how to get anything remedial inside that pesky gall bladder would surely be difficult AND some "stones" could be classified as "soaps". Here I must be a little indelicate .. were yours floaters or sinkers?

(America, New York)

Lol! "Michael with the stories wrapped around your health tips they are unforgettable."


Replied by Hisjewel
(America, New York)

Greetings Tina of Princeton,

Learning how you used various organic fruit seeds, I decided to study the lemon. Which I have used the juice of from time to time.

I have suddenly got on the seed venture when I learned about apricot seeds and that apple seeds had the same healing elements. So while chewing on my apple seeds I studied the lemon.

I learned that lemons are not just Alkalizing, they also heal many of our bodies ailments. And I tell you I drank this mixture and "Bam" The Lord touched me! I can not think of a better way to say it.

I have been silently fighting shingles for several months. (mostly with Hydrogen Peroxide and Castor oil, Olive Leaf capsules, and Lysine). But the shingles seemed to have left a Tingly feeling. My scalp felt itchy (so I washed with backing soda the itch would leave a while), and even my face felt tingly. Never experienced anything like it in my life.

Now back to lemons, As I mentioned to Michael, I do have a habit of over doing things. But I did study up on the subject of lemons, and read about juicing the whole lemon.

I could not afford all ingredients for the lemon smoothie, but here is my drink. Buy organic lemons, wash them with pure water if you can find it. Put about a cup of water in your juicer, one or two whole cut lemons seeds and all, add a teaspoon of raw honey if desired. I also added a pinch of baking soda.

I started the lemon drink on fifth day of my whole apple venture. The tingly feel flew and has not returned. My scalp is no longer itchy.

Just so you know, I drank the whole lemon drink. I did not put it on my head, though I have heard that some people do.

Also When I had stated eating the apples four days before I started the whole lemon drink, I took a break from my other supplements. I am now easing back into my vitamins and supplements.

I No longer need the Shingles treatment. There is presently no more stinging, burning or itching.

EC please also add this to lemon section.

Thank You,


Replied by Michael
(New Zealand)

Well Hi there H.J. from N.Y..... just a short note to follow on from last time. You should juice one beetroot, one mid-sized cucumber and three carrots. (The red, the green and the orange). Then take a glass of this twice a day for the good of your liver, kidneys immune system and gall bladder. They may thank you for it. Even if they are ungrateful enough not to say so, it will do some parts of your constitution some good for sure. My consultation fee invoice is in the mail.

Eat better, live longer and prosper.

Replied by Hisjewel
(America, New York)

Thanks Michael,

One, the Red (Beetroot), one, the Green (cucumbers, and 3 Orange (carrots of cause). Got it!

One of my friends is greatly in need of a liver boost. I think she will try this. She is scared to try the whole apples with me. Tho' I may munch alone, I'm munchin' on.


Replied by Tina

Hello there HisJewel,

Glad that lemon, seeds and all, are working for you. I've also had success with growing them too. The plants are tiny, nothing like ORH's stunning produce, but they are healthy. Try the papaya seeds for getting rid of parasites. There is a ton of info about it on line.

(America, New York)

Thanks Tina,

I will study into it.


Replied by Hisjewel
(America, New York)

Look what found,

While looking up cures for a fatty liver, I somehow ended up in the Coconut Oil section and guess what this apple story shared with us by, Bill from Calgary Alberta may very well be true.

In from EC's Poster Bill of San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines 1245 posts

As he replies to someone, He seems to advise people with liver ailments to take care of liver health before heavy detoxing. Regarding the Liver, He wrote:

Hi R... I forgot to fully address your heavy detox problems:

Whenever you have a detox overload problem -- more properly recognized as a Herxheimer Reaction by medical science -- it really doesn't matter whether you successfully kill alot of the pathogens causing your ailment if your liver is over stressed or becoming diseased because it cannot cope with removing and excreting the debris and toxins from the body. An example of this is Stage 4 cancer. You can successfully kill billions of cancer cells but if you liver is diseased and cannot clear the debris or poisons and toxins, then the liklihood is that the cancer victim may well die of cachexia (starvation), morphine overdose or from the cancer. All three of these outcomes can result from a weakened or diseased liver.

Various alternative therapists have recognized this as key to healing the body. If your excretory pathways are clogged and polluted, you're immune system will remain depressed and you will never heal. Dr Gerson from the Gerson Cancer therapy wisely recognized a healthy liver as a key factor in his cancer and tuberculosis therapies.

Dr Gerson did a famous experiment with two rats. One rat had bone cancer and the other rat was completely healthy. He connected up the arteries and veins of both rats so the blood of the healthy rat ran through the sick rat and vice versa.

The outcome was spectacular. Instead of the healthy rat catching the cancer as you might think, the reverse happened and the sick rat was completely healed.

This proved outright that with a healthy immune system, even cancer will be defeated. And the major organ that he focused upon to tune up the immune system was the liver -- which is the chemical factory of the body.

Which is why I have advised treating your liver with various simple but effective therapies in order to boost your immune system while simultaneously attacking and removing your pathogen problems. This will boost and quicken healing time as well as boost the immune system.

Source reference

Thanks for this info Bill.


Posted by Mozhgan (Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Malaysia) on 08/17/2012

Dear friends, I am just wondering if anybody knows how to get rid of WAX on an APPLE without peeling the skin? I have already used 1tbs ACV 1tbs BS in a boal of water, and scrubbing the apple, but didn't work. Also to soak apple into hot water for 10 secounds, didn't work.

TQ in advance.

Replied by Wendy
(Columbus, Oh/USA)

I googled this and found the following:

1) I'm definitely NOT promoting the waxing of fruit/veggies, but per this one link, "Waxing apples allows them to be picked earlier and stored longer, ".... "A side effect [of earlier picking] is that there are fewer minerals and vitamins. The peels and seeds (for the few of us who eat them) are the most vitamin-rich parts of the apple. So I don't recommend peeling the apples. A tablespoon of lemon juice and a tablespoon of baking soda can be added to a sinkful of water to make a good scrubbing solution. This can remove the wax and any pesticides which might be trapped underneath it."

2) You can us an environmentally friendly, non-toxic fruit/veggie wash that is very cheap and lasts a long time. There are various brands out there. I use it regularly and it gets all the wax and pesticides off.

Replied by Lisa
(Jax, Fl)

I use a vegetable fruit wash ____ it works great. One of the main ingredients is Vegetable glycerin. Don't know if you can find this product in your country.

Replied by Healthnut
(Lawrenceville, Ga)

Equal parts vinegar and water sprayed on fruits and veggies (let stand for 2 minutes) will get wax and pesticides off.

Cooling Down

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Posted by Anon (Anon) on 09/21/2017

When I eat apples, hot, humid weather doesn't bother me. I eat one or two and feel better almost immediately.


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Posted by Marilyn (Decatur, Tx) on 01/14/2015

Yep! I've tried eating an apple for heartburn/acid reflux...put the fire right out!!

Replied by Robert Henry
(Ten Mile, TN)

HI U MARYLIN, , , , , , , , thank you for this knowledge. I learned years ago that a tablespoon of mustard will do the same thing. Now I have two solutions. ==ORH==

Replied by Joe
(Desoto, Texas)

True apples help me with my heartburn also.

Posted by Maria (Houston, TX) on 04/05/2008

I suffer from all kinds of gastro ailments. One night i couldn't sleep with the heartburn. The prevacid wasn't helping at that point and i felt very bad. I remembered I had read about apples for heartburn, and I thought, "what is there to lose." right after eating the apple I fell sound asleep! Thought someone might find this of interest.

Sinus Infections

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Posted by Gislain (Phoenix, AZ) on 02/22/2008

Earlier this week, I was diagnosed with a bacterial infection in the back of my throat and was prescribed antibiotics...which was a hit to my health ego because I eat well but somehow caught this bug. Along with this, I developed this awful sinus infection. Horrible headaches, watery eyes, no sleep, and non-stop discomfort accompanied this! I went to the health food store and bought some nasal spray and sublingual sinus relief tablets, both of which didn't work. While suffering at work, I came across this web site and read about Apple Cider Vinegar. While excited to try this for my Sinus infection, I ate an apple as a snack. Within an hour, my sinus symptoms decreased by 60%. When I came home, I had some ACV with water and within another hour, the symptoms decreased some more. Right now, it's almost time for bed and my Sinus Infection is 90% gone and just three hours ago, I was suffering!! The apple helped and the ACV sealed the deal on this Sinus stuff! Awesome!

Whole Apple Toxicity

Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 10/29/2016


I am presently feeling a little bit apprehensive concerning the increasing trend amongst some folks recently to include some or all of the above in their smoothies (or whatever) in their pursuit of health.

I no longer have in my possession Doctor Jarvis' books but seem to recall that he was an advocate for eating the "Whole Apple" - including skin, pith, core, and pips etc. Can someone please tell me if my memory is failing me here please? (Quite possible! ). I would hate to mis-quote him. I freely admit to being impressed by his advocacy for ACV -- aren't we all! However, his message re. the pips etc. has escaped me.

More recently, there have been warnings against consuming the Apple Seed (Pips), as well as the PITS of Cherry, Peach, Apricot and Plum because of a chemical that supposedly releases cyanide (just as if you ate too many almonds in one sitting perhaps??). Now I realise that all the goodies necessary to start life must necessarily be contained within these parts BUT, have the plants evolved a mechanism whereby they protect their seeds etc. from insects or birds etc. by "arming" them with a defensive tool?

I would welcome further discussion on this but would urge caution against over-indulgence in the mean time.

Cheers, Michael

Replied by Teena
(Melbourne, Australia)
233 posts

Hi Michael. Yes, I had heard that also, but some research has shown that the cyanide in the seeds can only affect cancer cells (kills them). I have successfully eaten apple seeds, lemon seeds, watermelon seeds (yum) papaya seeds (for parasites) cantaloupe seeds. There was a news story recently about an Aussie fella who was eating a lot of apricot seeds every day plus a homemade apricot seed concoction. Anyway they said it was super dangerous (his blood oxygen count was a bit low) but meanwhile his cancer was in remission and he had been doing it daily for 5 years. And of course would continue. It was also refreshing to see some of the comments to the article, eg I'd like to see him survive 5 years of chemo!

Replied by Steve R

Scaremongering. I think you will find many things in nature are cyanogenic; it's how much you consume. Same with water.