Emu Oil
Health Benefits

Emu Oil Folk Cures and Homemade Remedies

| Modified on Sep 26, 2016
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Emu oil is made from the Australian bird Emu and has a composition that is high in Omega 3, 6 & 9 Fatty Acids. The oil has been used for thousands of years by Australian Aboriginals, reduces pain & swelling from arthritis. It is reportedly a wonder healer for painful and cracking heels. The oil is often used to reduce the itch and swelling of insect bites, and to quickly heal wounds & burns.

Be aware that Emu is NOT SUITABLE FOR VEGETARIANS since it is manufactured by rendering the body fat on the bird's back. :(

An alternative and perhaps even more potent remedy for vegetarians is coconut oil.

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Broad Benefits

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Benoneya (Milton, Florida, United States) on 01/01/2010

EMU Oil is the greatest thing since sliced white bread.

EMU oil is an anti inflammatory and analgesic.

I use it for painful joints and muscles. It works great and the relief works for anywhere between 4 and 8 hours. It decreases swelling also.

I've sprained an ankle going down stairs and applied emu oil. It cut the pain almost immediately, the rest of what little discomfort I had was easily taken care of with some turmeric capsules. And although it tried the ankle never got really swollen. I applied the emu oil two or three more times in a twenty four hour period, wrapped it up, and by the next day it was only a little tender and I could walk on it. And I had no bruising around the joint.

I've also sprained a knee, and did the same thing.

I had a shoulder injury in a car crash that still sometimes gives me fits, and when it acts up, I apply the emu oil to the shoulder joint and it works wonders.

And OMG the relief from tendonitis! I came down with a case of tendonitis after I moved. I guess it was from hauling all those boxes around. And by golly I pulled out the emu oil and applied it to the area where the tendon attaches and the relief was amazing. I can't believe this stuff works so fast..

This oil works so well by itself, I'm wondering what it will do if I combine some other healing herbs with it.

EMU oil is a water loving oil. And it penetrates all seven layers of skin.

I do not buy creams and lotions any more. All I use is emu oil. It's pure with no chemicals or additives and it only takes a small amount the size of a dime to smooth over the entire face. It does not clog my pores. And it leaves no greasy residue. I will never be out of emu oil. It is an essential for me.

Hemorrhoids, after I had my children I occassionaly get a case of hemerrhoids. This stuff cuts the stinging, burning and itching , and swelling. It works better than anything that I have ever tried. Even prescription stuff.

I could go on and on about all the stuff I use this for, but you get the picture.

Almost any kind of inflammation, swelling, and pain. Heck it works great on burns too. Dry flaky skin, flaky scalp. Diaper rash! Wind burn, chapped lips, dry cracked heels.

It's amazing the uses I've found for it.

I better stop. Or this will be ten miles long.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Joni (Grass Valley, CA) on 04/15/2007

Hi - I LOVE this site! Since I've found out Mother Earth is a conscious being I love your name, too. I haven't explored it all yet, but haven't seen mention of emu oil. I don't want to sound like I sell it (just paid $13 for a little bottle...yikes!), but I wanted you to be aware of it and its many applications. Like DMSO, it goes right into the skin, taking everything with it so you want to be clean, etc. I've used it on sore muscles, paper cuts, minor burns, even to brush my teeth. I think it fits right into your site.

BTW, in your excerpts of letters from people trying to sell stuff, but being sneaky about it, the one where "______ is rubbed on your toes and socks put on" is one I read about a few times in our local paper. A syndicated MD's (Dr. Gott) column has had this and I can't really think of any comparable OTC replacement and that's probably why the writer mentioned its name.

Thank you for making this available to all at no cost! (It'll be a cold day in hell when I order a 'free' book for 'only' 18 bucks s&h! lol)

Dry Eyes

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Nasreen (Jacksonville, Florida) on 09/29/2014

I suffer from terrible allergies. I purchased emu oil for my hair but decided to try it one day on my itchy eyes. It stops the itching immediately. I am so happy that I have this versatile oil. Sure, my eyes go blurry for a few seconds, but it's worth it for the immediate and lasting relief it brings.

Dry Eyes
Posted by Allisonm (Yeronga, Qld Australia) on 04/26/2013

Emu Oil for Dry Irritated Eyes

I was amazed by the remedy that one of our customers who called today told me of. He purchases emu oil capsules for arthritic joint pain and says he can't live without them. After chatting with him for a little while he told me that he uses the capsules to administer a drop of pharmaceutical grade emu oil into his eyes at night as he suffers from terribly dry and irritated eyes. He said that he does it just before he goes to sleep as initially his eyes go blurry, but that the emu oil does not sting and that it is extremely soothing and comforting. When he wakes in the morning, his eyes feel bright, wide open and relaxed. He says it is amazing. He works nights as a security guard and his eyes suffer from eye strain as well as sleep deprivation as you can imagine. As emu oil is anti-inflammatory and extremely hypoallergenic, I imagine that it could be really-really great. I haven't tried it myself yet. I plan to tonight though (my eyes are itchy and dry after a whole day in front of the computer) - so I will keep you posted.


2 User Reviews
5 star (1) 
4 star (1) 

Posted by Cat-Eye Blink (Melbourne, Australia) on 08/18/2009

Emu Oil cured my son's eczema rash. I have a new baby son. He nearly four months and a lovely organic baby, smiley, outgoing and chubby. He did have cradle cap and I found this fantastic site probably a bit too late. It got out of control and spread, turning in to an eczema-style rash all over his head, belly and arms, and behind his fat little knees. It wept and scaled. Pretty gross.

I tried the usuals to start off with back when his skin was still lovely; olive oil to soften and a comb/soft brush to remove the cradle cap (I tried that so many times and couldn't get to the end of it); my partners 'old' dandruff shampoo (I eliminated his dandruff a couple of months ago with ACV much to our mutual surprise and delight); and ACV itself, both diluted in purified water, and straight, regularly and not so regularly. ACV seemed to halt the worst of it including the scratching for the first half hour or more, but was followed by bright red patches which after a while dried and flaked and itched. I suppose I burned my baby's skin- NOT what one intends to do as an alternative to petrochemical junk...

So as it stood this afternoon: an ugly, weepy, scaly rash both sides of his face and down his neck area; an itchy, hot and dry eczema-ish rash all over his belly; violent red and cracked/chapped areas anywhere his arms and legs bent; skin dry and rough on arms and legs.

I rubbed calendula oil here and there again (which seems to work temporarily on the itch and dryness but that's all) and we walked to the pharmacy where I saw a last bottle of emu oil (not THAT cheap be aware, but fair considering its source and manufacture), bought it (not what the pharmacy woman suggested at all- ) and applied it straight on to his skin as soon as home because he'd woken up and was scratching and going nuts. Within half an hour he looked like a new baby- the redness was completely gone, a little yellowy blistery skin was still visible close up but he chatted away to a toy with hands finally occupied with each other again rather than sneaking a scratch. His skin is soft and lovely. It strikes me as extraordinary because it's been so long since I've seen it that way.

I don't know if it'll eliminate the rash altogether but I'll certainly write back sooner or later to let anyone in the same situation know.

He went to bed after a bath with quarter of a cup of ACV in it, and a massage/rub down with emu oil and he hasn't made a whimper. He's been restless the last two or three nights, not settling at all, waking three or four times, wriggling and mad with itch and irritation at all hours. Hopeful. Not counting on it but it seems pretty amazing so far.

Poor little emu's. R.I.P. : )

Replied by Marie2mil
(Greenwith, South Australia)

EMU OIL for mature ladies. It is very helpful also for moisturising externally and internally your "ladies bits" (down there)

Posted by Marybeth (Volcano, HI) on 02/09/2008

I have tried everything for the eczema on my face. Nothing seemed to help altho it would come and go on it's own. I tried Emu oil last night and the eczema is almost gone. Already the itching, redness, raw-ness is much, much better. I got the oil at my local health food store but I think you can get it online.

Hair Loss

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Maiya (San Francisco, California) on 09/17/2008

I am a female, 53 yrs old. Three months ago my hair started falling out. My scalp was burning and I had red patches and itching. I had numerous blood tests done, but all the blood tests came out normal. I believe the hair loss and scalp problems were caused by an allergic reaction to Prozac, so I went off the Prozac immedietly (It takes 4 to 6 weeks for Prozac to leave the system). But I needed something that would stop the hair loss and scalp pain fast.

I tried switching shampoos and using other OTC products, but nothing would help. I lost half my hair. Then I read an article about Emu Oil for hair loss. I started using it on my scalp and got immediate results. The burning and itching stopped within 2 days and my hair stopped falling out. After using it for only 1 week, I noticed new hair coming in. I would highly recommend Emu Oil to anyone with scalp problems.

Replied by Marie
(Wellington, New Zealand)

How often did you put the emu oil on your hair? How many nights per week and did you wash your hair daily?

I am trying this and applied it to my scalp last night and washed it off this morning. I hate washing my hair because I lose more so would like to know how often you did this.

Replied by Marina
(Dubai, Uae)

Hi Maiya, I would also like to know how many times you apply emu oil and how long you leave it on (before washing your hair). I am desperate to regain my lost hair.

Replied by Ruby
(Dubai, Uae)

Hi Marina from Dubai,

Can you tell me where you bought emu oil in Dubai?

Keratosis Pilaris

3 User Reviews
5 star (1) 
4 star (2) 

Posted by Teedo (Littleton, Colorado) on 06/05/2013

I have Keratosis Pilaris (as I found out last night) I always had little bumps on my arms and I never thought anything of them, but after some googling last night I figured out that they were KP. I had some Emu Oil lying around because I've tried it with my hair and excema before. After only one night of putting Emu oil on the affected Kp areas, my upper arms look dramatically better. After ONE NIGHT. I was so surprised. Any one reading this should definitely give it a try as it has worked very well for me so far (one night). We'll see if it keeps doing amazing work!

Replied by Tiffany

A couple of years ago I got rid of my KP by eliminating hair and skin products that had harsh chemicals (parabens and sulfites, etc) and using emu oil as my lotion. It was awesome!! Emu oil is awesome! I love it!!

Keratosis Pilaris
Posted by Jen (Chugiak, Ak, Usa) on 05/01/2011

Hello, I have suffered from Keratosis Pilaris for 8 years since the birth of my son, on my upper arms and have tried just about everything. Finally I tried an emu oil lotion and 90% of the bumps and redness have cleared up. The lotion I have been using also has aloe vera, hyaluranic acid, and lavender. After bathing, and sometimes exfoliating my upper arms, I use a alpha-hydroxy toner on a cotton pad to wipe my upper arms and then use the lotion, doing this twice a day for the last month has completely changed how I feel about showing my arms, which is great as summer is here. I have read that emu oil is mostly Omega 3-6-9 oil, and some feel that that is what we are missing in our diets which may be the root cause of the Keratosis Pilaris, but during the whole time I suffered from this affliction I had been taking daily supplements of a high end norwegian fish oil supplement and hadn't noticed any improvement until I started using the emu oil. I really hope this helps everyone out there who had suffered from this condition. I have been an avid follower of this site for the last 3 years and is has helped my chronic sinusitis immensely (Thank you Ted from Bangkok! ) and I am glad to finally have something to offer in return.

Replied by Kareng
(Sugarland, Texas, Usa)

Thanx Jen! I have lived with KP all my life. It has spread all over my body almost. A Dermatologist once told me to learn to live with it, so I did. But, like you, mine got worse after pregnancies. I get some relief with different remedies (coconut oil and ACV in my homemade lotions help) but I will definitely try the Emu oil as my skin is extremely dry from Hypothyroidism.

Thanx again for you story!


Posted by Katrinab (Colorado, US) on 02/12/2015

Hello... Does anyone know how you find out about the safety of emu oil? I just looked at one site that said there is no side effect or indication info available. This same site listed the use of emu oil for everything from machinery use to anti-aging eye cream to using it for diaper rash, pains, bruises, cholesterol...you name it. I find this curious.