Green Tea
Health Benefits

Health Benefits of Green Tea: A Natural Boost for Mind and Body

| Modified on Aug 20, 2024
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Green Tea.

Green tea, made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant, has been cherished for centuries as a natural remedy and refreshing beverage. Originating in China, it is now widely consumed around the world for its impressive health benefits. Unlike black tea, which is fully oxidized, green tea is minimally processed, preserving its potent bioactive compounds.

Top Health Benefits of Green Tea

1. Rich in Antioxidants

Green tea is packed with powerful antioxidants called catechins, particularly epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). These antioxidants help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals, reducing the risk of chronic diseases such as cancer and heart disease.

2. Supports Weight Loss

One of the most popular benefits of green tea is its ability to support weight loss. The catechins and caffeine in green tea work together to boost metabolism and increase fat burning, making it a popular choice for those looking to shed extra pounds.

3. Enhances Brain Function

Green tea contains caffeine, a known stimulant that can improve brain function. Additionally, it has an amino acid called L-theanine, which works synergistically with caffeine to improve focus, attention, and overall cognitive function.

4. Reduces Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

Regular consumption of green tea is associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular diseases. The antioxidants in green tea help improve cholesterol levels, reduce LDL oxidation, and protect the arteries from damage, contributing to a healthier heart.

5. Lowers Risk of Certain Cancers

Studies suggest that the powerful antioxidants in green tea may lower the risk of certain types of cancer, including breast, prostate, and colorectal cancers. The catechins in green tea help prevent cell mutation, inhibit tumor growth, and reduce the spread of cancer cells.

6. Promotes Longevity

Due to its wide range of health benefits, regular consumption of green tea is linked to increased longevity. Its ability to reduce the risk of chronic diseases, improve brain function, and support overall health makes it a valuable addition to a healthy lifestyle.

Incorporating green tea into your daily routine is a simple and natural way to boost your health and well-being. Whether enjoyed hot or cold, this ancient beverage continues to be a powerful ally for mind and body health.

Continue reading below for reviews from Earth Clinic readers about Green Tea for health!

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by E'Leighne (Compton, California) on 03/04/2008

Green Tea (Liquid concentrate). I have been drinking green tea (tea bags) and putting 6 drops of the liquid tea for about 8 weeks. I have energy that I never had. I also dropped 8 lbs. This tea tastes great also, I do not put any other ingredients in the tea, just the natural flavors. Everyday I drink 1 1/2 cups of hot tea.

I just started taking 1T cider vinegar every day in my water for about 2 weeks. I noticed my eyes are not as dry in the mornings as they usually are.

Replied by Godd
(Beverly Hills, Ca)

It's cool that a lot of people have an affect from green tea, but it should be pointed out that the antioxidants (polyphenols) in green tea are also in white, black, and oolong tea- in the same quantities no less. It should also be pointed out that in lab studies, to get a beneficial amount of polyphenols, it takes between 10-12 cups of tea a day (60oz-72oz). Dr John Weisburger has written over 500 medical papers on the subject and should be taken into consideration before dumping so much money into a tea fad. If it does make you feel better immediately it's because you like caffeine, or else you've cut out something bad from your normal diet like aspartame sweetened sodas and teas. Food for thought- don't buy into marketting, and if green tea doesn't make you feel better then trust your body and see a doctor instead of buying into the "GREEN TEA ANTIOXIDANT CLEANSING HEALTHY GREEN" bullcrap advertising.

TL;DR- Cheap black Lipton tea offers just as much antioxidants (polyphenols) as fancy matcha has to offer at a fraction of the price.

Replied by L

Lipton tea is covered in pesticides.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Kylie (Whitianga, New Zealand) on 07/06/2012

I wondered about the fluoride in green tea too. I contracted something strange in Thailand last year (turned out to be salmonella typhii followed by a two week bout of crippling arthritis - a side effect of salmonella) but as the doctors in NZ had no idea what it was or how to treat it, I did alot of research based on my symptoms including fluoride poisoning (i'd had dental work in Thailand with a course of anti-biotics so it was a possibility, and the symptoms were similar to fibromyalgia). My friend drinks green tea all day long - is addicted to it I would say, and knowing what I know now, I would say her dreadful brain fog is due to the fluoride in the GT. Our town water is unfluoridated and she's on tank (rain) water at home. She drinks two cups before/with breakfast then more cups throughout the day and into the evening. I have mentioned the brain fog connection to her but there's no way she's giving up the green tea - and with all the positive research who can blame her? She's always been a very smart woman but the last few years has quite literally been dazed and confused. She blames stress but I'm convinced it's the tea and she's so addicted to it if we go overseas she takes boxes of it with her, yet can't figure out whether to turn left or right from an elevator to find a hotel room we've been staying in for a week.

Replied by Dee
(London, Uk)

Why not just tell your friend to buy a water filter jug and make tea using that water?

Posted by Robyn (Melbourne, Australia) on 07/03/2012

Green tea is often suggested here but what about the flouride? Flouride is a toxin and it appears EC think it is a big culprit of fibromyalgia. So aren't we doing more harm than good. I drink it all day long. I used to drink dandelion tea, perhaps I should go back if I can find an organic one. But then it is questionable that all teas have flouride, organic or not.

Replied by Citygirl27
(Richardson, Tx, Usa)

The fluoride in tea is almost exclusively from the water used in home preparation. Most tea farms use rainwater, however in dry seasons there is a chance they may use water containing fluoride to water the soil. Organic tea is from plantations that don't use pesticides, but does not necessarily avoid this. Fluoridated water is not promoted in all parts of the world so this is only if it is added to public water in that area.

Green Tea Feedback

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Kim (Silverdale, Washington) on 02/04/2008

I use Green Tea. I actually started using it more for it's taste than anything else, drinking fresh tea leaves that I purchased at the "Black Pearl Tea Shop". It helped me start to lose weight by drinking at least 60 oz a day (I LOVE THIS TEA). However, when I lost my pouch of tea, i bought the kind that is already in tea bags and was sadly disappointed. It tasted bitter and didn't work as well.

So my advice is this. Get fresh, loose tea, and if you drnk the pre-bagged kind, get Jasmine Green Tea. The Jasmine gives the tea the most wonderful smell and taste, and kills the bitter flavor. I never add sugar, honey, lemon, nothing. this tea is perfect the way it is.

Also, NEVER BOIL your tea. it should be steeped at 170 degrees. (basically, right under boiling point). Boiling burns the tea leaves, giving your tea a more bitter taste and nutralizing alot of key nutrients.

If you can't brew tea throughout the day, Jasmine Green Tea also tastes good cold. Brew enough for a whole day and put it in a thermos or other container. but remember, NEVER EVER BOIL TEA!

Replied by Amber
(Portland, Oregon)

I agree about using the freshest form of Green Tea available. From what I've read and experienced, Matcha Green Tea is 'the most superior' form concerning using Green Tea for it's health benefits. It is made of green tea leaves which are steamed at a lower temperature, not roasted; so it stays a vibrant emerald green color, and retains more of the nutrients/antioxidant properties. It is ground up into a powder, and all you need to do is mix it in water...doesn't even need to be hot! You can make smoothies or green tea ice cream with this! And This way you are ingesting and absorbing the highest amount of green tea. It may seem more expensive, but it is worth it if you can spare the expense. And actually, you only need to use such a tiny amount, that I figured out it actually lasts the same as buying boxed green tea in the long run, for the price and duration. I order from a local company, the Tao of Tea, here in Portland, and you can buy it from many online retailers.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Gentry (Semmes, Alabama) on 02/05/2008

I would just like to say that i was diagnosed 3 years ago with H2 and that i have had a few outbreaks. But about a year ago i started drinking green tea and i have yet to have an outbreak since. It started with a diet thing where i bought an online order of wu yi green tea. After that i noticed i started to feel 10 times better and it never failed i was having an outbreak atleast once a month. Since i have been drinking the green tea i have not had another outbreak which i thought was strange. I would also like to disagree on the sweetener thing because im the worlds worst about diet drinks. i do not believe that it increases outbreaks but i do believe that green tea helps suppress the virus...


Posted by Lauren (Queens) on 01/01/2014

Hello Bill/Dave/Mama to Many/anyone who can help....My question: Is green tea safe for hypothyroid people.Also, should be we worried about the amount of flouride in green tea. What about green tea extract? Thank you for your response.

Replied by Mama To Many

Dear Lauren,

Regarding the green tea...I am sorry... it is something I have not studied much. I have heard positives and negatives about one point I decided to try it daily. (and I have hypothyroid issues that are under control.) I probably drank it daily for a couple of months. I did not notice any positive or negative reaction in my body and quit drinking it because I really didn't like the taste.

I do think the flouride issue is a valid concern, I just have not researched it enough at this point to have any conclusions.

Perhaps others here have some thoughts?

Have you been drinking it or are you wanting to try it? What else are you doing for your thyroid issue?

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Lauren

Thank you Mama to all for your response. To answer your questions, yes I started using the green tea along with one capsule of the green tea extract about a week and a half ago. I loved it but what I noticed was that I started feeling really lethargic and no energy at all. I almost sure its the green tea cause I did not do anything different besides this. And yes I am hypothyroid and its very frustrating because it seems like so many foods that I love to eat that are considered healthy has a negative effect on the thyroid. What do you do to keep yours going without problems? I would love to know. Also, what are your thoughts on Thyrogold? Am trying to get off meds and was thinking of trying this. Would love to hear your thoughts on this or any other supplements. Thank you so much again for your response. I really do appreciate it. Stay blessed,

Replied by Mama To Many
(Tennessee, Usa)

Dear Lauren,

Well, it does sound like the green tea isn't agreeing with you. That is a disappointment, especially since you like it and it sounds like there are other healthy things that aren't suiting you either.

Several years ago I was having an odd symptom (very dry mouth no matter how much I drank) and went to my Dr. He did blood tests and said it was my thyroid. Thinking I had no other option, I went on a low dose of Synthroid. Well, the dry mouth was better buy my hair started to fall out like crazy and I felt awful all the time. (Literally sat on the couch curled up as much as I could. Kept taking pregnancy tests as it reminded me of morning sickness. Tests were negative, though.) So, I started doing research and found that I did have other options. I went off the meds (not cold turkey..cutting back until I wasn't taking them. I wasn't on them longer than 3 months so it wasn't a big shock to my body, I don't think.) Basically, I did everything I read about that was natural and might help. I know for sure that the iodine supplements helped the most. If I run out of those the dry mouth symptom returns. For years I have taken Iodoral, but now am taking Lugol's iodine. (Same thing, just different form.)

So, here is what I am currently taking/using daily:

Lugol's iodine (6-7 drops)

Selenium (100mcg)


Vitamin C (should do daily, but I don't always do that.)

Apple Cider Vinegar (1-2 Tablespoons in water daily)

1 Tablespoon Extra Virgin Coconut Oil daily

I gave up coffee. That was hard. I love coffee. I don't know if it helped my thyroid or not...I know it helped my gall bladder!

For a time I was taking a dessicated thyroid supplement I got from a naturopath. I ran out and don't take it now. I didn't notice a difference when I was on it. For the first few months after going off synthroid, I took Dr. Christoper's Herbal Thyroid. But I am not sure if it helped.

I feel good and sleep well. Perhaps I could be doing something different that would make it even better, I don't know. I keep learning.

Regarding Thryogold, I have not tried it. It seems that these types of supplements do help some a lot. That is one thing about thyroid, there doesn't seem to be a one size fits all solution. People on Lugol's iodine take different amounts to feel well. I would start small and increase slowly what you take. Keep studying and learning and let us know what helps you!

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, Philipppines)

Hi Lauren...i would strongly second the advice of Mama to Many concerning your thyroid problems. You should always take lugols iodine with companion nutrients for thyroid problems.

The Iodine protocol, with companion nutrients is described in detail here:

The Guide to Supplementing Iodine

As to your worries about Green Tea and fluoride, this really isn't a problem if you take the Iodine Protocol on a daily basis because Iodine also acts to remove both fluorine and bromine from the body. Green Tea is very useful for getting rid of heavy metals from the body. So supplementing lugols iodine on a daily basis will also act continually to remove any fluoride from the green tea.

Furthermore, Iodine also removes heavy metals -- cadmium, arsenic, mercury, lead and aluminum from the body, so the iodine is doing exactly the same job as the green tea.

Replied by Mike 62
(Denver, Colorado)

Lauren: Tea leaves accumulate more fluoride than any edible plant. Fluoride content has risen dramatically over the past 20 years. To make matters much worse fluoride is found together with aluminum. In the 16 brands of teas tested, fluoride ranged from 500-1500ppm and aluminum ranged from 30-340ppm. Aluminum alone is not readily absorbed. Fluoride ions combine with aluminum that is readily absorbed. Proteins combine with the alumina in the brain to cause alzheimer's. Calcium and zinc decreased in the brain when rats were fed alumina fluoride. Fluoroaluminate interfers with the densely expressed tsh receptor in the thyroid gland. Fluoride adversely affects polyphenol activity. Alumina interfers with the fluoride test. Fluoride is 2-4 times more when accurately tested. Polyphenols from green tea extract are only 20% absorbed. Polyphenols are only 1 of the many benefits of green tea. Get a good grade of Japanese macha tea.

Replied by Mama To Many
(Tennessee, Usa)


Thank you for posting the link about taking Iodine. I found it very helpful and interesting!


Sometimes I forget what all I started in trying to help the thyroid. I do use the Celtic Sea Salt also as recommended in the article Bill sent. I have been irregular in magnesium supplementation, but after seeing in the article that is critical for over 300 enzyme reactions, I am motivated to use it more regularly!

Regarding the magnesium, I wonder if that is one reason why Apple Cider Vinegar and Blackstrap Molasses are helpful to many conditions, as they both contain magnesium?

Have a great day, all!

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Lauren

Thank you Mike for that response. Did you recommend a Japanese tea because it has no fluoride or did you recommend cause it has less fluoride in comparison to other teas. Please advice. Thank you again

To: Mama....Thank you for your response.

Replied by Mike 62
(Denver, Colorado)

Lauren: Young leaves have 20 times less flouride. L-theanine is highest in matcha. Farmers apply shade covering. The color should be bright green and not have a bitter taste. High quality produces the zen effect. More than 50% of all premium matcha green teas come from Nishio. Farmers paid first world wages to ensure quality. Stems and veins removed. Granite grinding. Refrigerated warehouses. Dr. Mercola recommends royal matcha, $1.30 per cup.

Replied by Isabelleg
(Paris, France)

Thanks, Mike. I am well aware of the superiority of matcha tea for the reasons that you cite. However, what about the fluoride in matcha tea? Can anyone answer this? It seems that there is fluoride in green tea and that there is less in the green tea that uses young versus old leaves. I have also read that there is an important difference between calcium fluoride (found in tea) and sodium fluoride (added in water, depending on where you live). I have read that calcium fluoride is less toxic (although somewhat toxic). On top of my thyroid, I am wondering about bones. I read that green tea is consistently linked with stronger bone density yet fluoride is damaging to bone health. Any clarity/thoughts/comments would be appreciated. Wishing you all a happy and healthy 2015.

Increasing Potency of Antibiotics

Posted by C.S.M (VERO BEACH, FL) on 03/17/2009

Consider adding Green Tea to your antibiotics or natural remedies. It may boost the effectiveness. See this study:

Best Wishes!

EC: Interesting article, thank you! Here's an excerpt from that article:

Battling The Superbugs With Green Tea

... "We tested green tea in combination with antibiotics against 28 disease causing micro-organisms belonging to two different classes," says Dr Mervat Kassem from the Faculty of Pharmacy at Alexandria University in Egypt. "In every single case green tea enhanced the bacteria-killing activity of the antibiotics. For example the killing effect of chloramphenicol was 99.99% better when taken with green tea than when taken on its own in some circumstances."

Low Immunity and Flu

4 User Reviews
5 star (4) 

Posted by Matthew (Santa Rosa, CA USA) on 12/12/2008

Yea to Green Tea for remedying my flu. Nay to ACV. ACV made me not feel so sick but my symptoms continued to worsen. I've started drinking green tea and it is making a big difference. I have been using a couple teaspoons of honey with every cup.

Replied by Joyce
(Joelton, Tn.)

Hi Matthew, I am sure your green tea is helping but I'll bet those 2 tsp. honey in every cup is making a great contribution to your feeling better also since it is known to have an antibiotic and antihistaminic effect also. However I have never heard of honey killing off our symbiotic organisms like antibiotics do, so you don't have to worry about getting C diff from it.

Low Immunity and Flu
Posted by La Tanya (Patterson, California) on 03/04/2008

I have been drinking green organic green tea from China for about two years now. It certainly has excellent health benefits. Before drinking green tea I would normally come down with a cold or flu at least twice a year and it would last a good two weeks, but since I've become a green tea drinker I don't catch a cold or flu. I may get a little sniffle but they may be due to my allergies. Also I notice my energy is always up when I'm drinking my tea consistently. I drink a minimum of 3 cups a day and as an iced tea and I also drink the tea leaves as well.

Low Immunity and Flu
Posted by Amith (Durban, South Africa) on 02/11/2008

Green Tea boost my immune system. Green Tea is the most awesome tea, recently taken the world by storm. I drink 3 cups a day, which is the equivalent of eating 8 apples according to the daily mail. Tea can also rehydrate you so can be used as a substitute for water. I know this because my pee is mostly clear. I used to get the flu 4 times a year without failure. Even during the summer. I suffered for year. ie until I Started to drink Green Tea. My energy levels shot up. I only got sick once in the 2 years that I have been taking it. I think it was the airline food and the long thirsty journey that caused my Tonsillitis. I might have even died the Doctor told me if I didn't have a strong immune system. Well anyway. I haven't been sick drinking green tea.

Neuroprotective Benefits of Matcha

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Frank (NC) on 01/01/2022

The L-Theanine in Matcha Green Tea does many wonderful things, such as helping to regulate certain neurotransmitters in the brain to induce "mental balance." Further, it enhances this by causing the brain to produce more Alpha waves, the brain waves associated with a "calm, alert, focused" mental state.

It goes further. Research is discovering it to be an impressive neuroprotective agent, capable of crossing the BBB (blood-brain barrier) to deliver antioxidant and anti-inflammatory actions directly to brain cells to keep them healthy, and to help against dementias.

The mental health and neuroprotective benefits are the ones from the L-Theanine in Matcha. It also contains the "Super-Compound" EGCG--a very impressive, widely researched antioxidant known and recognized globally as a powerful anti-cancer agent. In fact, many, if not most research studies on the compound, begin with some discussion about the reason Asian populations have much lower incidences of cancer than modern Westerners, is due to their higher consumption of Green Tea.

Then there are numerous other more commonly known nutrients in Matcha Green Tea that help us to stay healthy in many ways.

Be aware that all Matcha Green Tea brands are not the same in quality. Skip the "Culinary" stuff. Use only "Premium Grade" or higher, such "Ceremonial." And buy Matcha manufactured by a Japanese company.

You'll then be consuming a true "superfood" capable of transforming mind, feelings, and body in a positive way you will Know for sure.

Perioral Dermatitis

3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Sherry (Vancouver, Washington) on 03/15/2008

I have been drinking grn tea for about 3 weeks now. I love the taste and feel energized when I drink it. The reason I started to drink it was actually for the tea bag itself. I put it on my face when my perioral dermititis flares up. Dries it up in a few days. I use the same tea bag all day long and just put it on my face whenever I have a minute.

Perioral Dermatitis
Posted by Shelley (Aurora, Illinois) on 10/18/2007

I have to tell you all I have had Perioral Dermatitis for over 10 years on and off and only able to get rid of it by use of antibotics. I have tried EVERYTHING trust me! I can finally say after all these years that Liann from Australia was right, Green Tea cured my Perioral Dermititis! I simply drank the green tea (Yogi brand is my favorite) and then would constantly put a wet tea bag on my face as much as possible 5 or so bags a day maybe 30-40 times on the face a day and after about 2-3 days I started to see improvement and after about 10 days it was gone completely! Anyone who has had this Perioral Dermititis knows how hard it is to rid, so I am just so happy about these results I had to share. One other thing I think that helps is to stay away from sugar & starches. Sugar is a killer on the immunity. Thank you Lianne!!!!

Perioral Dermatitis
Posted by Lianne (Melbourne, Australia) on 07/11/2007

I have had perioral dermatitis on and off for 5 or more years. I find that topical application of green tea is amazing. I keep a tea bag in the fridge after wetting it, and apply it as often as permits. At night I apply it liberally. Obviously there are limitations as your face will look green after you put it on, but you can wash it off at any stage. The perioral dermatitis just dries up after a few days. It's not perfect but better than antibiotics.