Health Benefits

Benefits of Iodine for Health

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Bruises, Bumps, Scrapes

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Posted by Anne (Lithgow, Australia) on 08/10/2008

We had a product called FORNEX in Australia when I was a kid (now48). Mum used it on bumps and scrapes and we never had a bruise let alone a mark where the bump was. This clear iodine solution was put onto a cotton wool ball and dabbed on bump. I am now trying to find another product of clear iodine solution for my daughter to use on her son who i just starting to walk.


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Posted by Carolyn (Woodlawn, IL) on 03/08/2006

I got a large burn from a motorcycle exhaust. I did not blister or scar with iodine on it. I keep a bottle in the kitchen by the stove, and in bathroom for curling iron burn. And ammonia for insect bites, stings.

Replied by jackline

I had a burn from an exhaust pipe in 2000 too but did not know about the benefits of iodine and now I am left with a big scar on my leg.

Colds and Flu

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Posted by Charles (Lynchburg, VA) on 01/17/2006

I was a Navy Hospital Corpsman back in the 1940's and 1950's. At morning sick call in many bases I was stationed at it was normal treatment to spray throats with iodine for common cold symptoms, inflamed tonsils and many other conditions. Nearly every treatment room had an EENT machine that we used to spray with. I forget the solution, but the pharmacy techs made it up. Very effective. When attached to the marines as a medic, used iodine for water purification in canteens all the time. Very effective.


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Posted by Carol (Denton, Texas) on 03/31/2012

I have been taking Lugol's Iodine 2% for about 6 months. The very first thing I noticed was that some cysts I had in my arm pit went away and have never returned. I have had problems with cysts for years mostly in the sensitive parts of my body and not a one has appeared since I've been on Lugol's.

Posted by Tito (Taranto, Italy) on 09/12/2010

I could not bear seeing that ugly epidermoid cyst on my shoulder, so I applied to it a tincture of iodine for six months, and a nice day the cyst ruptured (apologies for my english) and now it is disappeared.

Detox Bromides

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Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 02/06/2023 529 posts

This iodine detox really takes it out of ya! I suppose, it's the dislodging of bromides which are used as a sedative and even to induce coma. Some days I feel super good but most are "blah" and all I want to do is sleep. I suppose that will be for another month of two...crikeys! But it's to be expected since I've never taken iodine before and have probably been soaking up and storing bromides since the advent of their commercial uses...

Replied by Cindy
(Illinois, USA)
529 posts

I've been doing doses of iodine every once in a while but I REALLY don't like that bromine backlash. They gave me valium when I was in the hospital so I'd be rested for surgery and it is NOTHING like that. The valium was more like a happy sleep and drowsiness but that bromine crap - crikeys. It's just plain horrid.

I'd kinda like to get my hands on whomever decided it's okay to spread such monstrous concoctions all over the place...which makes me even more angry because I'm not that sort of person and the very idea that I can be made to feel that way is extremely unsettling.

(Illinois, USA)
529 posts

Crikeys! Getting rid of bromine is like a Catch-22 thing. It's like dislodging a sedative with a bad edge to it but, at the same time, you want it out of you - I'm going to bed. And hope I can just sleep through it.

I cut the dose way back but just used straight KI. I think it might be speeding things up a bit so - THAT would be good. Yuck.


Hi Cindy, just wondering how have you been? Are you still doing the detox? Did you take the recommended supplements with Iodine? Also, salt loading can apparently help with detox.
I have just increased my LI dosage slowly to 15mg, and now I have throat pain and feeling like something is stuck there. Feeling like I'm getting a flu, and so tired.. Not sure if this is detox or am I harming my thyroid. I have normal levels of thyroid hormones, but I do have high antibodies. Scared to continue, and is so hard to find a doctor to help me guide through this. My GP is useless, she told me I shouldn't worry because all of my hormones are normal, even though I have these high antibodies, and my iodine urine levels also came back really low. Any thoughts much appreciated. Cheers, Leah

(somewhere, europe)

Leah, maybe try to get your iodine by painting it on your skin? On the soles of your feet?


Hi Leah,

A few thoughts about your situation:

1. When you say high antibody levels I am assuming TPO Ab (Thyroid Peroxidase Ab) & Thyroglobulin Antibodies (TgAb). If so, elevated levels of these antibodies are the definitive test for Hashimoto's, a serious autoimmune condition. Taking high doses of iodine with this condition are contraindicated, at first - it can make the condition worse.

Best to see a naturopath or holistic physician who specialize in thyroid conditions to help you resolve & navigate this condition. Often, a person starts out hyperthyroid and ends up hypothyroid with Hashimoto's.

Your symptoms may indicate iodine toxicity so I would definitely stop taking the 15 mg of Iodine - especially if you have Hashimoto's.

For those who are simply having iodine detox issues, one simply drops the iodine dose to low levels, wait for the symptoms to subside, and slowly build up the dose every other week or so.

In addition to the issues with Hashimoto's, many physicians who treat thyroid conditions have noticed that most Americans starting iodine have adverse reactions. This is because our toxicity levels are so much higher and the co-factors needed to utilize iodine are commonly deficient (e.g., Selenium, Zinc, B2, B3, Magnesium, Vitamin C, Sea Salt, healthy EFAs).

Before taking Iodine it is very important to first "prep" the body so that your thyroid can use the iodine which means taking the Iodine co-factors for a month. Then, start taking iodine at very low doses, under 1 mg, and slowly build up every week or two until you reach the desired dosage level.

And, it is fine to only take low daily doses of Iodine because the levels gradually build up in the tissues over time though, it will take longer to become iodine "sufficient". In general, it will take about a year to become iodine sufficient taking the standard dose 12.5 mg/day.

Detoxing the body during the "prep" is also very helpful.

Some people are very sensitive or allergic to iodine so they take Atomadine. Again, starting at a low dose and slowly increasing it.

Many have cleared Hashimoto's by eliminating all gluten, taking daily doses of selenium (must take the right form and dose), taking a special thyroid hormone preparation, taking the Iodine co-factors and eventually incorporating iodine into the regimen where they start with very low doses (under 1 mg) and slowly build up the dose.

Others have had other complications involving E. histolytica, mold and other infections that can cause or exacerbate Hashimoto's so these conditions need to be addressed.

Also note, there are many iodine formulations on the market that are toxic or adulterated. So, it is very important to find a high quality brand with a proven record (e.g., compounding pharmacy, etc...).

See the websites:

Wishing you the best in your health journey


Hi Share, Thank you so much for your reply. It is only my TGAB that are high, TPO ab are normal. I actually embarked on this whole journey because I want to start a family, so I wanted to do a detox, but that is when I found out about being iodine deficient and having high TGAB. This was 2 years ago now. Since my GP said I shouldn't worry, and the whole covid thing, I put it all aside as I was overwhelmed with the whole situation. But now, I am back on track, and my husband and I wanted to continue where we left off. Before that I want to be sure that my body is ready to bear a child and that my child will have all the necessary nutrients to grow strong and healthy. So, I've redone the thyroid test, and TGAB are lower now than they were 2 years ago, so I am hopeful. I am taking all the companion nutrients, however probably not for long enough. So for now, I have stopped with iodine few days ago (I was using Lugols Iodine 2%). But will include it maybe once per week in small dose for now and track my thyroid levels and antibodies. In my research I have come across lots of conflicting info when it comes to iodine and antibodies. Some people say stay away, while others say it helped them with Hashi and other thyroid issues. There is even one source which I found on this very site, says in case of antibodies, we are harming the thyroid with small iodine doses and should take higher doses to create iodolipids, but I was too scared to try that. Maybe if I could find a doctor who could track all my hormones and everything, would be a different story, and I might be up for the high dose, but no luck in finding one so far. Thanks again and I will keep you updated. Cheers from sunny Dublin

Replied by Richard

I have a few books on Iodine and one of the precursers to taking Iodine it is recommended to first take out any Bromine in the body. Bromine blocks the thyroid receptors and limits the uptake of Iodine. So, it could be that your dosae of Iodine could be less than you think. The recommended detox for Bromine is to take a quarter tea spoon of organic non-processed salt when you get up in the morning and then in the afternoon about 3-hours after eating lunch. Do this for about 7 to 10 days. Then start up with the Iodine. Many people tell me they had there blood tested for the concentration of Iodine and it was just fine, however they still have various symptoms related to Iodine deficientcy. This is typically because Bromine is blockin g the uptake of Iodine. Iodine and Bromine compete for the Thyroid receptors, so yes you can take more Iodine to help ride yourself from the Bromine but its a better idea to do the Salt cleans which should reduce your overall Iodine dosage. Another factor to consider is that the Powers that be are spraying Bromine in our atmosphere because they know that Bromine blocks the Thyroid receptors and as noted in one of my books concerning Iodine, there are many pathologies that are helped by taking Iodine on a regular basis. The pharmaceutical Industry realized this over one hundred years ago and created disinformation about Iodine in t´regards to Medical doctors education. One old example worth noting is this: In 1970 the US Federaal government decided to take out Iodine from salt, although there is very little Iodine in salt and you would never want to ingest salt that has been artificially laced with Iodine, it still was a basic source of Iodine for many people. At the same time Iodine was removed from Salt in 1970, the Powers that be decided to place Bromine into the bread supply (it makes the bread fluffy and soft). Ten years later women had the highest rate of breast cancer in the world. Was it an accident, I don't think so. Many health problems result from Iodine deficiency, which means more money for the Pharmaceutical industry. Another story to mention is that Iodine is a must for child brain development, the real research says the childs brain development is 15% to 20% better, translated into the child is much smarter. My son was receiving Iodine from conception, to birth and continues to take Iodine. He is one smart guy......Of course when you Google anything that really helps the body you will fined lots of disinformation. Follow the money and you will be able to decide who is lying to you.


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Posted by Neil (The 'original' Nashville, Nc) on 05/12/2016

On 10/27/2011, David (Lubbock, Texas) posted the first post:

> ...I noted someone had problems with burning eyes from taking iodine. I have taken 250 mgs daily for about eight months, luv it. It has fixed all my ailments, My eyes burn, if I don't wash well, scrub my face twice a day, I believe the iodine is loading up in the skin oils, and making it alkaline, which burns the eyes if it contacts them. Anyhoo, scrub your face, keep the oil off and you will live long and healthy taking iodine. david lubbock tx...


We haven't heard from David, lately. Is he missing because he was really taking 250 mg every day? I wonder if he meant 25 mg, instead? Or maybe he forgot to include the Selenium?

So far, I've read pages 1 and 16 of theseiodine comments. I have to go back and see if "Atomidine" is mentioned in any of the other 14 pages. I'm attached to Atomidine, because I'm stocked up on it. But it doesn't have the combination of elemental iodine and compound iodide, so maybe it's not the best supplement.

The Atomidine does seem to provide a de-toxifying effect. After taking it the previous day, I wake up around 4 AM with a racing heart. (Maybe 75 or 80 beats per minute when it would normally be less than 60, but with a bit of a pounding sensation, too.) Usually, that was my cue to stop taking the Atomidine, but now that I read from y'all that the racing heart is a symptom of detoxifying, then I'm sticking with it.

Last week, I took one drop later in the afternoon, and it woke me up before sunrise with a racing heart.

Two days ago, I took one drop in the morning, and it didn't wake me up the next night, so taking it in the morning seems to be a good strategy. Yesterday, I took two drops in the morning, and it didn't wake me up. Today, I took three drops in the morning, and I'm still alive.

Last year, I went through a couple of bottles of RLC Labs iThroid -- 12.5 mg capsules, which contains a combination of iodine and iodide, and certainly smells like the real thing. And it's dark, dark green. It didn't create any detox symptoms, even though it has hundreds of times more iodine than Atomidine. I don't know if it helped, but it didn't hurt.

So, my first guess is that the Atomidine is a better detoxifier than iThroid. However, detoxifying is a different process than taking sufficient supplementation, so there's still a need for the iThroid.

Without guidance, I would stop taking one if I were taking the other.

When I went shopping [on Amazon], I don't remember why I chose the iThroid over the Lugol's. Maybe iThroid was less expensive per mg. Maybe it's because iThroid liquid is in a capsule, and that seemed more convenient than spilling iodine all over the place. I mean, I'm not a messy person, but I have my moments. I'll have to check again; it would be intuitive that a simple bottle of liquid should cost less than putting it into capsules.

Don't forget; if you take iodine -- whatever size dose per day, then take a standard 200 mcg capsule of Selenium also. Selenium is an inexpensive supplement.

Or, one of the google returns say:

> Brazil nuts are known to include as much as 95 mcg of selenium per nut. Given that the RDA for selenium is 55 mcg and we recommend getting 200 mcg daily, just a couple of Brazil nuts could have you set.

Brazil nuts, however, can be a nuisance to remove from their shells, eh?


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Posted by Dianna (Houston, AR) on 01/14/2006

I have wormed my dogs and cats successfully for twenty-seven years with iodine. Its slower than commercial wormers but safer and with less side effects. I no longer use it only because I found another natural wormer that's even better.

Replied by Jeannie
(Austin TX)


I recently read (in Mother Earth News Archives, 1971) that cats are highly susceptible to iodine poisoning. I think there are safer alternatives to using iodine on/in a cat.

Replied by Kim tindol
(Godley, TX)

Does anyone know what the other remedy might be?


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Posted by Anna (Beijing, CN) on 12/13/2007

I am Bulgarian, living in China at present. As a child, whenever I had diarrhoea, my grandma would give me a few drops of iodine in half a glass of water to drink. It would halt the problem within hours. When my son was 10 months old, he had a severe diarrhoea and after trying a few medicines, the elderly doctor suggested the same remedy for him - 2 drops in some water. The next day he was healthy again. As a school administrator in Beijing I got almost sued by a Finnish mother for administering the remedy to her 8 year old daughter on a trip. There was a bus, full of kids, going to another city 5 hours away and, even though I knew in many countries it was forbidden to take iodine orally, I didn't have a choice. The bus didn't have to stop anywhere on the road and the girl was fine. I have talked with doctors about it and they said that if taken rarely, it's not doing harm. In Bulgaria generations have been treated in this way and I never travel (especially to another country) without my little black bottle. For chool children the dose is 4-5 drops in water and for adults - 5 to 8. Sometimes adults need to repeat on the next day, if the problem persists.

Enlarged, Cystic Thyroid

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Posted by Andrea (Winchester, Kentucky) on 04/15/2010

I have been using a colorless kelp iodine for several months for an enlarged and cystic thyroid. My blood tests for thyroid indicated a low level of the hormone. I used chemical replacement for a few months and felt much better, but the thyroid was still enlarged. I used 3 drops, twice a day as recomended on the bottle. The swelling stopped. I stopped taking the chemical prescription. My blood tests normal. The thyroid is still very slightly enlarged, but doesn't bother me any more.

Replied by Lisa
(St. Louis, Mo)

Can anyone tell me how much iodine I should be taking? It's mainly because of dry hair, dry skin, extreme tiredness, etc. I can't find dosage info anywhere. I have Lugols iodine.

Replied by Catherinecheshire
(St. Regis, Quebec)

The Lugols you can buy in the US is the weaker stuff so take ten drops a day for three months to get your iodine levels up then drop down to five drops a day as a maintenence dose. It took me about four hours of searching to find this info online. Also, there was info on using it for cold, flu, congestion, and bladder infections but these were higher doses and if you have too much in your system its gets washed out and causes you no side effects. My mom gave my grandmother (who is 90) about 20 or more drops and it cured her of congestion and the cough that goes with it.

Replied by Franjy
(Perth, Wa Australia)

The one subject that doesn't come up in the whole iodine subject is the fluoride in our water displaces iodine in the body. What all of us have to do is stop using fluoridated water for bathing, cooking, dishwashing, and drinking. I was diagnosed as hyperthyroid. After 2 months of no meds and taking iodine with distilled water I have absolutely no hyperthyroid symptoms.

Excessive Sulphur

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Posted by Janette (Sydney, Australia) on 12/27/2009

Iodine balances sulphur overload

I took Alprim a well-known drug for urinary tract infection which occurred due to food poisoning, my body unbalanced with the sulphur content of this drug, giving me stinging eyes, headache, over active thyroid and pains in my body....too much acid forming.

I took a teaspoon of organic kelp iodine, within 5 minutes the pains in my body near my neck and shoulder went, the heaviness left my head, it felt like the fluid in the brain begin to flow (odd but yes), my eyes slowly began to loose the sting although it took a day.

I have heard Iodine is great for getting rid of sulphur burps as well.

Anyone had this type of experience?

Excessive Sweating

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Posted by Rachel (Charleston, Sc) on 08/09/2010

I started using iodine/iodide and my hyperhydrosis disappeared. I no longer suffer from excessive sweating on my hands and feet and I no longer have cold extremities.

Fact Sheet on Iodine

Posted by Earth Clinic (USA)

Here is some additional info we found on the following website:

"... Work done by many researchers over the last few years has shown that iodine is utilized by many different sections of the body. Twenty percent of all of the iodine sits in the human skin. A lack of iodine in the skin manifests as very dry skin and skin that does not sweat when an individual becomes hot. In newborn children iodine is responsible for the development of the babies' I.Q. Recent research shows iodine deficiency is felt to be the source of attention deficit disorder in children.

Iodine is utilized by every hormone receptor in the body. The absence of iodine causes a hormonal dysfunction that can be seen with practically every hormone inside the body. Dr. Flechas has recently been able to show that patients with insulin resistant diabetes have a partial to full remission of their illness in the presence of taking iodine. Iodine deficiency is also felt to be the source of ovarian cysts. With iodine replacement therapy the cysts disappear and women have stopped having ovarian cysts.

Fibrocystic Breast Disease

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Posted by Barbara (Baton Rouge, LA) on 05/26/2008

I had problems with Fibroystic Breast Disease and the doctor put me on 3 drops of Iodine in a glass of orange juice each day plus a pregestrone cream for the breasts...this more problems.

Replied by Linda K.
(Palm Desert, CA)


It should be clarified that an iodine that is ingested be safe for internal consumption. NOT to be ingested is the iodine that is used for treatment of cuts, etc. on the skin. IOSOL IODINE is safe for internal use.

Replied by Wjbaumchen
(Lennon, Michigan)

Lot of bad information on what you can ingest. Iodine that is non-radioactive and in it's elemental form is safe to ingest. That is basically two iodine atoms bound together kind of like O2 is two oxygen atoms bound together. Iodide is just some form of iodine that has something else bound to it like potassium iodide their is one iodine atom and one potassium atom bound to each other. You can turn any Iodide back into elemental iodine by hitting it with a strong acid then an oxidizer. Lugols contains both forms of iodine for best absorption at a rate of 2x's as much Iodide as iodine that is the magic ratio of Lugols. As to the warning about Iodine not everyone with thyroid disease responds the same and we know that iodine works best when two or more forms of it are presented to the body at the same time. So ideally it is best to try it first. No decision should be made based on fear must have data to make a decision. You can buy potassium Iodide about 150grams of 99.9% lab grade or USP grade for about $27 so not expensive at all from that you can make Lugols by turning some of it into elemental iodine and leaving some it as is. If you live outside of the USA it is easy to by Iodine Crystals and Potassium Iodide and make you own dirt cheap in large amounts. If you live in the USA Iodine Crystals are now controlled and you have to register with the DEA to order or import it. Because less then 1% of the population uses it to make illegal drugs we all have to suffer. Like I said it is not hard to convert Iodide to Iodine but it is stupid to have to do this. Tinkture of Iodine has elemental pure Iodine at 2% and has Sodium Iodide at 2.4% and 47% Alcohol the rest is water. It is safe to use orally and topicaly but the sodium iodide is not the best form to use because most people have too much sodium any ways and really need to get more potassium in their body. Little rhyme from a few hundred years ago for doctors. " If you do not know the where or why? Then prescribe the "K and I"! " k is used on the periodic table to represent Potassium and I is for Iodine....

Fibrocystic Breast Disease
Posted by Tracie (Willow, AK) on 11/24/2006

I'm in the process of experimenting with iodine to cure fibrocystic breast disease. I've had cysts since I was 13 and am now a menopausal 48 yr. old. (Can't even dicipher a self-breast exam since I'm so lumpy) I started with some kelp tablets and increased all the way to 8 per day. At that point the quantity of lumps was lessened but then a couple of them enlarged and were really sore. I then changed over to Iodonol tablets (iodine/iodide) and now the cysts are getting smaller and for the first time since I can remember, my breasts are beginning to feel like they are supposed to. My hot flashes have lessened also, which is curious and I wonder if the iodine is the reason.

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