Mini Beet Protocol
Health Benefits

Mini Beet Protocol by Robert Von Sarbacher

| Modified on Mar 29, 2023
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Mini Beet Protocol

According to Robert Von Sarbarcher, the inventor of the Mini Beet Protocol (aka MBP), who wrote Earth Clinic back in 2009 informing us about his protocol, this juicing remedy treats multiple conditions. They include:

  • Fluoride Poisoning
  • Pesticide Poisoning
  • Mold and Fungal Infections
  • Crow's Feet
  • Infertility
  • Heavy Metal Poisoning
  • Love Handles & Cellulite
  • Hormonal Imbalances
  • Free Radicals
  • Scars
  • Gray Hair
  • Parasites
  • Mycoplasms
  • Nano-Insects

In order to do this protocol, you'll need:


  • A Juicer


  • Ground Cinnamon
  • Beets
  • Asparagus
  • Apples (any kind)
  • Carrots


Robert Von Sarbacher's extensive instructions used to be found at his website, but his site went offline at some point and is now a Chinese gaming site, so we have recovered instructions from a web archive to preserve the knowledge.

Robert Von Sarbarcher's Mini Beet Protocol Protocol - Archives

FIRST PROTOCOL (there's another way to take this I've recently discovered via one client who experimented with it more and it WORKS! See Second protocol below - the first one is a major keeper though nevertheless)

  1. Take one shot glass of cinnamon - say 2 or more tbls of water mixed with a fork in 1 tsp of cinnamon - stir for 2 mins - if you do not stir well enough it will not mix well and will be an amazing annoyance on the back of your throat while trying to drink it down... right after drinking it you are to swallow little water to wash your throat of the residue of the cinnamon. Let's say this another way... you are to have 2 glasses in front of you. One glass is a stirred up cinnamon shot, and the second glass has a decent amount of water in it only, say 1 cup of water. Drink the cinnamon shot, then drink the glass with water in it only to wash throat of the residue of the cinnamon and to make sure you do not burn your throat from cinnamon heat.Now you can start juicing below... it will be about 15 mins til get everything juiced and to start drinking, so this will give time for the cinnamon to do its work, about 15 mins in fact?
  2. The exact ratio of beet to asparagus juice combo is 60% beet to 40% asparagus, (ie, as an example in amounts: that would be exactly 3 cups beets juiced and 2 cups of asparagus juiced) but I have seen plenty make it into 50/50, (ie, equal amounts of each) ...Start out small please: work your way up to taking a full 1 cup of beet juice and ¾ cups asparagus juice (that is the goal of the mini beet protocol... 1 cup beet juice and ¾ cup asparagus juice, mixed and drunk)... but for the moment you must start out with lesser amount and work way up to that over say one week...start with ¼ cup beet juice to ¼ cup of asparagus juice, first juice the asparagus, take that juice away from under the juicer and measure it out perfectly and if there is any froth from the asparagus juicing, well, I measure ONLY the juice, NONE of the froth! Simple... do the same thing with the beets that you did with the asparagus - measuring it out separately. Now combine beet and asparagus juices, mix and drink right then. [the 100% purpose of separating them out is so that you measure them correctly that's all ]Again, you can do this for a week every day, then thereafter do the next step up - ½ cup beet to almost ½ cup asparagus juiced, then next week step it up again and - do the full 1 cup beet to ¾ cup asparagus juice... this is the MBP not the Major Beet Protocol... the Major is just plain scary not only in the amount of beets/asparagus you are consuming but in it's amazing affects on the human body, WOW! WOW! WOW! Very GOOD! 4 days of the Major and it will feel like someone lifted an anvil off of your kidneys, I kid you not...even if your kidneys function like perfection already!
  3. Now lastly is to eat one apple or two apples or three apples: one apple (if amount of mixed juice had in it a total of ½ cup of beet juice), or 2 apples (if amount of beets in the mix was ¾ cups beet juice) or 3 apples or more (if amount of beets IN THAT MIX as 1 full cup of beet juice ) - we're talking ONLY about the beet juice portion of this mix - the beet portion is the only reason we're eating these apples, so only measure the beet portion to know how much apples to take in - Next eat one or two carrots after the apples, I don't care if it takes you 2 hours to get down 2 or 3 apples then eat 1-2 carrots as long as you get them down and in THAT ORDER (apples first then carrots) ... you have to start with eating of apples right after the juice even if it takes you two hours to finish, just so long as you start Right After the juicing ok? if you did this correctly you should notice total perfection - not a drop or hint of side effects, fevers, chills, nausea, headaches, etc! ok? Eat those apples and then carrots to remove any drop of detoxing side effects.

.... for those who will obstinently refuse to take any advice on this and think they can be cocky with beets, then you have not seen the horrendous mind blowing shocking evil nausea (lol, I laugh but it's not funny!) and other detox side effects that can come with it... do not play with beets if you are not able to follow this juice drink with eating of apples after or worse - if you get cocky after a 1-2 months of doing it faithfully and feel you don't need the apples, then, watch out! but the detox side effects are beyond AWESOME in their annoyance of you and are not to be played with... if you do what I say there will not be a drop of any side effects...


This is a juicing protocol and no apples are needed but they are recommended and no cinnamon is needed (or recommended) when doing this 2nd protocol version... This version is MUCH easier to do but it's more liquid to consume! I think everyone is going to get addicted to this 2nd version as it is also much cheaper b/c asparagus is soooooo expensive and it is NOT needed in this juicing version... so here it is:

Separately measured out : 1 cup of beets juiced, 1 cup of fennel juiced, 1 cup of 50/50 carrot/celery.... That's it!!!! Drink down and eat one apple afterward (optional)...

Let's remember that apples are eaten for the purpose of removing of detox side effects whereas in this case there are NONE b/c of the fennel (eventually can lower that to ¾ and ½ eventually b/c of not needing it as much) - over time you won't even need as much fennel though the stuff is cheap cheap cheap ... I do however recommend putting in the asparagus ANYWAY! Since it is an all around eater of every type of heavy metal there is! Just like beets are, and they provide super nutrition too... Note that in both recipes above the use of carrots with beets (whether eaten as in first recipe or juiced in second - carrots being the cousins of beets or should I say the wife since they are sooo good together - carrots provide a lotttt of calcium and force production of Human Growth Hormone - thus youthing you and providing calcium for detoxing without side effects as well as an answer to the acids inside of beets to tame them. Beets will always youth you more than carrots though, do not forget who the King is!)

Notes and extra information section: note is for those with severe fluoride poisoning, you will notice huge amounts of headaches from eating nothing but asparagus, never mind also beets, - but you will have NOOOO headaches if eat the apples afterwards as mentioned above, esp with carrots following after...This is particularly useful info for those with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue and those on bone drugs that are highly fluoridated drugs.

Apples do not work if they are juiced, you must eat them... I found one way around this annoyance of having to eat them though... and it is to juice them then take the pulp of 1/3 of the apples and put it in the juice... the anti - "detox side effects" will not take place without the pulp! 1/3 of pulp in the juice, mixed up like so, is minimum to make this work, but you will have to increase though the amount of apples - I tried this and it worked and made it so that with only 1/3 that amount of apple pulp I was able to drink the apples down no problem...but of course, instead of 3 apples I now had to do like 6-8 thru a juicer, you get the idea... for those with teeth sensitivity then this is great!! Or just do the 2nd protocol to not have to worry at all about this (though I STILLLL recommend the use of an apple after anyway as it seems to double its effectiveness, not to mention this weird clean feeling you get after eating apples.)

Note: for those who wish to experiment, you can TRY apples sauce - plain - no honey or cinnamon at all!!!!! So for beet anti-nausea via apple sauce FRESHLY made, then no cinnamon added, must do the apple sauce alone by itself ok? I have NEVER tried this with this form of consuming apples afterwards, UNLESS I put them in my Vitamix with half their weight in water and then blended and drink down, and this worked, but why have I not tried this often? why? b/c when making apples sauce this way it takes TIME to consume - and I'm usually in a hurry, so up to you. Also, it's much more volume of apples to consume than just eating two apples - b/c I had put in lot of water too - to make it more apple saucy... but the real question is: will it work if enzymes die b/c did not eat it fast enough? I do not know.....(but feel FREE to experiment)

Note the difference between apple sauce possibility versus the juicing of apples with pulp thrown back in --- Easy b/c I just drink that juicing (with pulp) down in seconds after juicing ... it's easy to drink... but with apple sauce, can you just drink it down? NOOO... so it's Up to you which to choose, give it shot...

Note: many have no access to asparagus so if not using asparagus you can mix with other juicings instead, and the juicing amount to mix it with is 2 ½x to 3x the juice amount of the beets. Let's go over what that means: ie, if you juice 1 cup of beets, you need 2 ½ to 3 cups of another juice to make this anti-nauseous, ie, to dilute it enough, you cannot drink this beet juice straight! The other juices you can use are carrots with lots of celery(or prefer 50/50 celery/carrot) or (and I used this next one all the time in Mexico ->) cucumbers and little celery or, third, just juice some apples and a little celery, and mix this with beets and drink... feel free to experiment with other juices to dilute this but asparagus is the only one I found that can be used in such a way as to not need much juice, while all other juices other than asparagus juice you must make 3x as much as beet juice soo - whew, that's a lot of juice if using anything but asparagus, you see the prob?? ... You get the idea.... I like the combo beet with carrot with apple with celery (and with cucumber possibly). The 2nd protocol is the now soo good that apples do NOT have to be eaten afterwards at all but I would still do it anyway to wash the kidneys please and make you feel "clean".

Note: Let's rehash the above to make it totally clear: if you juice 1 cup of beet juice, you must do 2 ½ cups to 3 cups of another juice (like only apple juice or only carrot juice or only cucumber juice) (or a juice mix - like carrot/celery/apple, or carrot celery or cucumber celery or apple celery) as given above... this will make for a total of 3 ½ - 4 cups of juice total (PS by the way, this last recipe is what was used by the 28 year old woman I mentioned above for that 2 month period of time that made her get pregnant and made all wrinkles on her face disappear.)

If you use apples to dilute the beet juice you must still eat the SAME amount of apples afterwards as in examples above - 1 or 2 or 3 apples eaten after depending on amount of beet juice in the mix! juice will absolutely not remove any detox side effects of anything! You need the fiber to do that... No matter HOW MANY apples are juiced, it will never remove detox side effects in any amount! At all! Therefore must eat exact same amount of apples as would have originally even when apples juiced into the drink....

Mini Beet Alternative:

[note: this alternative is a quaint alternative to get beets in you (from the whole form of beet using blender, NOT juiced, so fiber is still intact this way) but it NOT acceptable alternative to the MBP above for clearing out diseases and parasites and Lyme disease or Lupus or lung disorders or removing chlorine and fluoride (which is a lot faster if doing the MBP,) and for cancer, no way, Have To Use the MBP not this one below but you get the idea....this one below is like a supplement to take a super smoothie for the day, uh, it's also quite like a happy pill, I kid you not, try this faithfully for one week drinking it right after making it so don't lose the enzymes. Note: for cancer I recommend both this where you're taking beets in in whole form and taking them in juiced form.]

This below is an alternative way to get beets in you, I have found it amazingly powerful and useful! So here it goes, and also it has less side effects b/c it's in whole form... anytime you eat a beet instead of juice it - it has 5X less side effects, but slower working of its magic - but they WILL have side effects still - it just may take a week or two to come up - So eat your apples ok?? So.. here's the 2nd recipe, the Mini Beet Alternative...

In a vitamix you are to put 4 bananas and 20-30 green grapes if have green (otherwise red or whatever will have to do) and one medium size beet (there are 3 sizes, gigantic (softball), medium (baseball) and baby (golf ball)) - if they are organic bananas, then put in the peel from half of one of them ok? Now - whatever height in the vitamix (or other super blender you have) the bananas and beets go heights go, ie however much space in the blender that they take, you are to add water at least ½ that height after the ingredients are in, then blend and are to eat one apple and one carrot afterward IN THAT ORDER AGAIN! Just like above... it must be eaten in that order, please. I love this recipe b/c it's also like a happiness formula but it will NOT accomplish same thing as the protocol above, that is, like decalcification would take a LOTTT longer with this...

As for this mini beet alternative: Tell me if you do not have a noticeable turnaround in any problem you have starting in 3 to 5 days... not to mention that wonderful feeling in the brain that comes with that combo all by itself... don't know how to explain that one! Lol This blended drink - it's my 2nd most powerful version of a happy pill! Yes I have one better... saved for another time.

One warning though, if you are not eating enough apples and asparagus or you leave out the carrots/celery or you are significantly deficient in Magnesium you might get kidney stones ( 2 to 4 months later of doing this faithfully) like crazy in forcing all this stuff rid yourself of chronic kidney stones simply take this dosage every day so that it is not an issue... the dosage each day that is to be taken is 100mg B6 and 300 mg of Mg.... I would recommend as they don't use toxic fillers for their synthetics... I despise synthetics but it's a quick and easy fix... however, I'd just eat my carrots after or do the celery/carrot juice so don't have to take the Mg and B6, ok?

Note: extra fun for those that have the extra time...For those doing the MBP faithfully, there are 4 supplements I prefer for people to take to make certain they do not suffer from stones.... 2-4 capsules of Coral Calcium from me, morning and night (this one is ionized naturally so body will see it as food instead of as most coral is seen - a heavy metal), 1 tbl of cod liver oil per day (also , and Magnesium chloride (called Magnesium oil) in your bath or sprayed on ½ or just a ¼ of your body morning and night. - 866-543-3388 (reference # 10240) - this will build up magnesium levels to perfection in 4 weeks (if sprayed on) - otherwise take 2 baths per day in it, for 8 weeks... (1/4 cup of Mag Oil in bath each time for 30 mins soak each time and in 2 months you should have perfect Mg levels) and lastly the most devastatingly powerful of all - butter oil from (it's a combo of butter oil and Mg in capsules or prefer you take it in pourable version, 1 tsp of each, 3x/day each for a few months)

Note : - of all the supplements to take, this is by far the most vastly powerful and it is the butter oil(combo with cod liver oil)... it takes about 12 gallons of pure raw milk harvested in the two months of summer when grass grows like crazy and cows eat that much more of it to get that high of a concentration of Vit A and D that makes this supplement work: this 12 gallons makes one cup of butter oil - it's very limited and very precious stuff.... It will dissolve on it's own an entire calcified pineal gland in < 4 months of 1 tsp of butter oil, and 1 tsp of cod liver oil, both taken 3x/day... it will force the absorption and usage of about 10x more calcium by the body than normal BECAUSE you can see it regrowing a new layer of enamel on your teeth within the first 2 weeks of usage! Do you see why I call it the most powerful of all?????? Yes??? Also, it will reharden ANY cavity if it has not yet been drilled out, and thus reverse a cavity that way! All within a few months! It is the single most powerful supplement you can combine with the above MBP in order to make it so that it is much more youthing than usual!!! Talk about major decalcification??? I've never seen such dramatic regaining of youth and looks as when people take my MBP with the butter oil combo... especially when they are already young like 35 ish and don't have much reversing of aging to do!!! Yet see if all your college friends are not freakishly jealous of you...

Extra note: there are over 2,500 version of coral calcium all of which the body sees as heavy metal calcium, like the same calcium in milk after it's pasteurized, ie, pure poison to the human body, however, this is the only coral in the world that is ionized and the body can use quite quickly! I looked over 7 years for this stuff - hunting, and found it, and it is naturally 1/3 magnesium, (no inorganic Mg added) and 2/3 calcium! Vit D is added via Grade 10 Reishi Mushroom, highest grade of Reishi in the world... so far...

Super Hydration Drink:

This will not act as a happy pill, wish it did but it's a lot of the above items... I take this at night usually as opposed to different times of day it's just easier this way.... One cup of chia seeds (see directions below), one cup of water, 1-2 beets smaller than a baseball and 2 bananas, throw into blender with 2 heaping tbls of tocotrienols and one heaping tbl of Calc Tea Powder (preferably with comfrey - 1lb bag from Dr Chris) and blend and drink... eat one apple minimum afterwards!!!

One cup of chia seeds - take 2 tbl of chia seeds and put into a cup, then pour in about a cup of water and stir with a fork for a min or so and try to get as many chia seeds as possibly to be below the surface of the water... it will be good to go within 30 mins or even 20... but I just put it in the fridge overnight b/c it's easier for me that way.
Chia Seeds and tocotrienols in 8oz bag or 3lb bags - from Debbie Russell - 972-612-2178,469-358-1143)
Super calc tea powder in 1 lb bag with or without comfrey is from 888-372-4372 or

Chlorine A Note About Carrots [thought you might like this article]

A special note about carrots is in order. Like virtually all vegetables, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of phytonutrients (i.e. nutrients in plants not otherwise classified) in carrots that have not yet been identified or tested for cancer-fighting abilities. It may be that we do not yet know the best cancer-fighting nutrient in carrots, but based on many testimonials and some books, carrots may be the best cancer-fighting vegetable of all.

  • "In a review of 206 human studies, carrots consistently emerged as one of the top cancer-fighting foods. The power of carrots lies in the group of pigments called carotenoids (beta-carotene is among this group), which give them their orange color."
    Source For Quote No Longer Exists

A long-time and highly reliable friend of mine (in fact, my wife and I had our wedding reception at her home more than 35 years ago), told me about her friend's father, who completely cured his throat cancer with carrot juice. In other words, he ate nothing and drank nothing but carrot juice and natural water.

Closer to home, I have seen a clear pattern in the people I have interviewed, and testimonials that I have read, that carrot juice was the core element of their raw food diet. While the day may come that some other vegetable, such as beetroots (i.e. red beets), may be shown to be even better, until that day comes it would be advisable to make sure that carrots are the core of your vegetable juice.
[the problem with the above is that almost every maker of ready to eat peeled and washed carrots in the USA has dipped them in chlorine before shipping them out! That weird slimy slippery feeling you feel on those carrots when they are a bit old and then wash them off and there's no more slimy feeling, you just washed off chlorine!!! It's a major problem in carrots and esp in iceberg lettuce and all lettuces in fact! Just thought you'd like that info!]

Juicers: in order to juice this in regular centrifugal juicer you must consume it the second that it is juiced (both beet and asparagus and then mix and drink) but if you do not drink it right then - all the enzymes will die (most likely less than 15 mins after juicing (probably really 7 to 10 mins)- so be quick about drinking this, the power is in the enzymes not just vitamins and minerals), whereas if you get the Omega juicer 8003 or 8005 ($250ish) or if you get the Green Star Juicer ($350ish) the enzymes will last 1 day maybe if you're lucky; however, #1 in the world juicer for preserving enzymes is, so far, is the Norwalk - so with these juicers above you can consume the juice mix later if you like making it very easy to juice a lot and drink it later saving you a lot of time of having to juice 2 to 3x/day .. yes??? (note: Norwalk makes enzymes last the longest, 1 ½ to 2 days min, and 3 days max, but the other 2 types work only to make enzymes live for .... 1 day if you're lucky) - enzymes are a necessity if you're getting over anythinggg related to cancer, or other major diseases... or dealing with such. Dr. Bernard Jensen found in treating anyone with cancer and other diseases, that juicing and super juices will NOT work without the enzymes alive!

Side Note: technically though the greatest eater of cancer in the world are phytochemicals, these are found in the pulp... the highest source of phytochemicals to date with 325 different phytochemicals is... apples... hmmmmmm.....

Note: enzyme juicers above (not including the Norwalk) will give you about 25% to 150% of the vitamins and mineral content GREATER THAN a centrifugal juicer, BUT the Norwalk will do 50% to 300% greater vitamin and mineral content above and beyond the (as I call them) enzyme juicers, always beating out the other enzymes juicers above in anyyyy category of juice extracted both in volume extracted and in amount of nutrients extracted and in length of time the enzymes will live after juicing... just so you know...

Robert von Sarbacher
POB 223744
Dallas, TX 75222
[email protected]

Robert first contacted Earth Clinic about his protocol in 2010. You can read all the feedback from Earth Clinic readers who have tried this protocol below, including side effects. If you have tried this remedy, please join the conversation!

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Broad Benefits

14 User Reviews
5 star (14) 

Posted by Yodthehermit9 (Atlanta, Ga) on 01/27/2014

Hello everyone,

I thought that I would post my experience about the mini beet protocol. I am going into my 3rd week on the mini beet protocol and I have definitely seen some improvements in my health. The first thing that started about day 2 is great digestion and bowel movements. I had suffered from mild forms of constipation for years and now that has lifted. I feel as though I am gaining confidence in my health again. My eye lashes are much longer, my skin color is no longer as pale and my eyes are whitening up more and more each week. My feet are softer as well. My kidney function has improved and my bladder function has improved as well. I have no desire for junk food at all. My cravings for sweets have disappeared. Even when my husband eats carrot cake right in front of me I have no desire at all to even taste it. My legs do not burn walking up hills anymore.

I will say that eating the apples afterward are starting to taste too sweet for me. While I don't get nausea or headaches as some others do, my detox reaction is that my bones get a little sore if I don't eat enough apples. I also combine the mini beet protocol with green pasteures fermented cod liver oil and a parasite cleanse.

I do the mini beet protocol first thing in the morning and go on about the rest of my day eating normally. I do the MBP at about 6am and am very very hungry about 9:30am. I have lost a little weight, however I feel stronger which is usually not the case when I am detoxing. My first meal today after my MBP was pearl barley salad and a sweek baked potato. My lunch is vegan black bean chilli. My dinner will probably be a green veggie smoothie or some type of smoothie. I chew my food very very thorough especially eating that many apples to avoid lots of gas and bloating. In addition the the MBP I have now started putting the beets in my smoothies. My body feels much more relaxed. I am not very restrictive with my diet the rest of the day because I feel as though I eat clean and healthy and balanced so I feel no need to do any type of very restrictive detoxing at this time. I went on the MBP due to extreme allergies to everything I eat. Now I still sneeze after eating and drinking certain things but no where near it was when I started and now I can sleep through the nite. I also eat local Grass Fed Beef Liver a few times a week and I feel uber strong. This is the only meat that I eat, before this I didn't eat anything. I started eating the Beef Liver to get my iron levels up to be able to start the MBP. My iron was up in 3 days time on the beef liver and I just happened to like how great my body felt after eating it that I just kept eating it.

In love and light to all, Yod

Replied by Suzy
(Eugene, Or)

I started doing the mini beet protocol in early May, I did the second protocol. I did it for 2 weeks then took 10 days off as I was out of town and had no access to a juicer. I had no HERX symptoms at that time and had worked up to 3/4 of a cup of beet juice.

On the positive benefits side... What I noticed was a reduction in a feeling of pressure in my bladder and abdomen in general. I needed fewer trips to the bathroom and the stream was longer and had more pressure. Where before it felt like had a cantalope sitting in there, I now feel nothing! That in itself is pretty awesome. Another thing I also noticed and this really surprised me... (because of Robert's claims this one was the one I had the least faith in).... Was I saw a marked reduction in crows feet and fine lines around the eyes.

I came back and started doing it again after a 10 day hiatus. I again started back with the 1/4 cup of beet Juice and began to work back up. I did at this point experience some symptoms... Bad headache and diarrhea. I just laid off it for a few days. Now I am just doing it 2 to 3 times a week. Apples are not yet in season here and they are expensive and "soft". I think I will hit it again everyday when the new crop comes in.

I initially did this as I swim 3 days a week and was concerend about my exposure to chlorine. I cannot comment with any scientific facts supporting the detox of the chlorine but I can say it was worth it for the benefits to my urinary tract alone. And the improved fine lines the icing on the cake.

Replied by Suzy
(Eugene, Or)

I wanted to add a bit more to my comment on the mini beet protocol. I also noticed that was less "foggy" I seemed to get more alert. -----Also, today I only had one apple left to eat afterwards, so I added a tablespoon of chia seeds to the last glass of juice. My thoughts on this ran along the lines of the apple is for fiber and chia has lots of fiber. It required a drinking straw with a larger diameter... But they looked like mashed up raspberries so no problem getting it down. (I have problems with green smoothies.... I cannot drink anything that reminds me of pond scum, I have to put them in opaque containers with lids and use a straw! ) This was consumed 5 hours ago and I still feel full and not experiencing a headache.

Replied by Cat
(Bop, Nz)

To Suzy from Eugene, Or: Funny you should mention this! I'm on my 3rd day of the MBP and although I've got no celery, I'm using the beets, carrot, asparagus and an apple with a bunch of parsley thrown in. Today I had a very long drive of about 7 hours back home into the night and through driving rain. I noticed about half way how alert I'd been feeling all day and bouncing around getting things done before I left etc and how 'clear' my mind seemed. Sort of not foggy or sluggish like I realise it must have been before. I love the juice and plan to continue it each day. Am only having it once per day, is that enough?

Replied by Suzy
(Eugene, Or)

To Cat from NZ... Earlier in a post Lisa from Thousand Oaks commented once a day is probably enough. She has much more experience with this protocol than I have. I myself did it twice in one day... But that was just to see if I could do it. Felt great! That said, given the price of organic produce I really can only afford it once a day myself! I have backed off to just 3 times a week until my own apples ripen!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Vera (Melbourne, Fl) on 01/26/2012

I tried the Mini Beet Protocol and have had astounding results from it. First off I used the recipe with Fennel instead of Asparagus (but still ate one apple afterwards) because it's just so much easier!

After a few days I noticed a fog lift from my thinking. I didn't even realize it was there until it was gone. That was such a pleasant surprise, so when the detox started happening just a few days later - I didn't mind at all, knowing it was truly helping me out. Slight headache and a cold was what I got, plus of course the bowel clearing.

After just 3 weeks of the protocol I was cured of Hypothyroidism (got checked by a doctor) and some long-standing skin rashes cleared up.

I also got rid of lots of excess mucus and the thick white coating on my tongue that is said to be caused by candida. The feeling of strength and well-being after drinking the juice is incredible, and the fennel actually makes it taste good. I know the first protocol takes a long time to make and tastes awful to most, but the second one is really easy and tastes a LOT better. This protocol really does help!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Jd (Mattoon, Illinois) on 12/05/2011

Am excited about trying the MBP. Although this is my second day, I am already experiencing some wonderful "happenings". First off, with-in minutes of downing the MBP concoction.... I sneezed for about three minutes and my nose ran uncontrollably for a few minutes as well. I have been suffering with sinus infection and it has me all plugged up in the mornings upon awakening. I do the MBP first thing.... And.... It seems to be "unplugging" me! This has happened on both my mornings thus far. I found it odd that I would sneeze and get a runny nose after directly drinking the juice on both mornings. Could it be the cinnamon??? I am paying attention and journaling everything that happens to me during my MBP "experience". I am really excited.

This might sound a little bit gross but I have also noticed that just with-in a day of taking the juice, that my bowels are moving better. I have not had very good bowel movements and they tend to appear like little clusters of "rock" formations.... Yesterday evening before retiring for the night, I went to the bathroom and I heard a big PLOP! A "Boulder" fell out!!!! Figure of speech, of course...... Hmmmm.. I'm thinkin'... Must be really plugged up... Both in the Head area, and in the rear!!! Hahaha...... I am beginning to feel the difference already... And, it's only been two days. Looking forward to more Good results.

This protocol is also very filling too. I ate apples and carrots during the day. No cravings. I then ate a nice salad for dinner and am drinking lots of water. I might add that I am going to follow this protocol exactly as directed. To be cont.

Replied by JJ
(Miami, Fl, Usa)

I started with the second protocol with the fennel and also contacted Robert on his email. He then sent me an updated MBP document saying that the fennel version doesn't work that well and advised me to do the first protocol or his other alternative.

I then decided to do the first protocol and have been doing it for the last 4 weeks.

There is no doubt that the fennel version tastes a lot better not to mention that the first protocol is more expensive since the asparagus are more expensive than fennel and not as nearly as juicy so you need a big amount of those. I have decided to do it for about 2 months and was hoping to see an effect but to be honest I haven't seen anything remotely close to what some of the people has written on this site. I strongly believe that I am detoxing by doing that I'm just trying to figure out whether I am doing something wrong so that I don't see those effects or I guess it just depends on the body type, etc.

Anyway, since I haven't gotten any answer to how long I need to do this to be sure that I have detoxed, I've decided to do at least 2 months. Since you have seen such results with the second version, I may switch to it now or after the 2 months I have done the first one. I just wanted to ask you to keep posting in the future so that we're all more informed on how this second protocol is working for you with the time. Thanks a lot and once again I am very happy for you!


Broad Benefits
Posted by L (Alberta, Canada) on 11/21/2011


I did deal with and overcame detox effects from the mbp last year and managed it for 5 months, drinking 1 cup of beet juice with up to 1 cup asparagus juice, 2 apples and 1 medium carrot.

It helped with cellulite, fat around waist and face, energy, and I believe healing /detoxing.

This past October I started again, after having some infected root canals removed. Same source for asparagus and beets. My carrots are local (no pesticides used but fertilized once, because Organic carrots are irradiated at the border) It's been about 5 weeks of the 1 cup beet mbp in the am.

Problem: I'm feeling nauseous right from the ingesting of the cinnamon which continues while downing the juice, and by the time I've eaten the apples and carrot, I have full blown detox symptoms, including a week of stabbing pains in the side of my head! Yet, my sleep is improving, and I sense this powerful detox program is healing my body. I have kidney and liver disease and am noticing stronger kidneys and less pain. I do take one (am) and often a second (pm) coffee enema a day which helps a lot. I've also had 6 ozone injections which has helped the infections. Vitamin C, E, and astaxathan I take daily. My diet is whole foods, gluten and dairy free.

Does anyone have any similar experiences or ideas as to what this could be?


Replied by Lou
(Tyler, Tx)

You may be detoxing too quickly. Try easing up on things and doing it every other day or in less amounts. Thanks for the tips, though! I love Earth Clinic. What a great help to mankind!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Maria De Suecia (London, London Uk) on 09/23/2011

Editor's Choice

Hi! I drank 250 ml of beetroot juice on an empty stomach every morning for about 3 months. I used a green star masticating juicer. I have to say that I did not feel nauseous at all. Initially I did the apple thing afterwards for like a week, but I got tired of it and tried without and I had no problem.

I took a break now to try green juice for a while but occasionally I have beetroot juice.

I noticed on the beetroot juice that I lost tons of fat in places where I never could lose fat before. Also, people would tell me that I looked great and wondered what I had done to look so healthy.

The coolest thing though. I have done Bikram Yoga about 5 times/week for 3 years.

About a month after I started with the juice my flexibility increased exponentially. I all of a sudden could get into a couple of poses that I simply could not get into before. I then read that beetroot juice has a lot of oxalic acid, which supposedly breaks down calcium deposits in your body. Makes sense to me given my miraculous yoga experienced. I mean, I made years of progress in 4 weeks.

However, the most energy boosting thing I have ever tried is eating 3-4 medium sized beetroots raw first thing in the morning. I don't know what happens but it just gives my an insane rush of energy. Scary actually how powerful that is. But it is really time consuming to chew them down.

Replied by Lislcat
(Madison, Wi, Usa)

Can I just use celery, in place of carrots? I've recently become allergic to raw carrots. I've developed many food allergies in the last few months and I know that my liver was affected by an IV antibiotic I was on. It destroyed my gallbladder, so I had to have that removed. I can't digest fats at all and I just keep putting on weight. I do eat cooked beets a few times a week and love them, so I'm hoping that this works for me. I'm also allergic to coriander (cilantro) and fennel (caraway).

Replied by Catherine
(Wellington, New Zealand)

Hi Maria, was it only pure beetroot juice you were taking or did you mean the MBP mixture? Fennel and asparagus are very difficult to obtain here, so if good results come from the beetroot only I am ready to give it a solid try. Cheers.

Maria D
(London, Uk)

Hi Cathrine, sorry for a late reply. I did pure and simple beetroot juice without anything added. I don't know about others but it was OK with me. I also have a friend who did the same thing and it was fine with him as well. I may have experienced some degree of nausea initially but nothing major and I got used to it so I drank it daily without any problems.

Lislcat, I think you can mix with celery. I gave my parents a huge glass of beetroot juice mixed with some pineapple juice. It tastes SO good actually. Also mixing in an apple makes it taste really good. Both my parents drank it without problem.

I have a gut feeling though that it is more powerful to leave it as is, and not mix in any sweet fruits. It just depends on how hard core you want to be.

Replied by Susan
(Canon City, Colorado)

Maria De, Just put your beets in a strong blender, add some water and blend. You won't have to spend all that time chewing, just drink it down and get the same benefits!

Replied by Someone
(Troyes, France)

I tried oxalic acid yesterday to try to cure myself and now I have upper back pain and kidney pain, I slept really bad last night too. I strongly don't recommend anyone to take oxalic acid to cure any medical condition.

I have taken maybe 4g maximum

Do anyone have any advice for me to remove this upper back pain/kidney pain/feeling of heavy leg after oxalic acid have been taken?


Broad Benefits
Posted by Mary (Barrie, Ontario, Canada) on 07/03/2011

I have been doing this up for my husband and myself now for more than a month. Initially, my husband got a sever headache which lasted about 24 hours. Since then, he has been fine. I chose the second simpler protocol in Roberts web site ( which was easier but still nutritious. The benefits have been numerous: better skin, digestion & sleep, more energy, feel lighter, am losing weight and walking faster and farther. To be fair, I am doing other things as well, but this is the main thing.

As I read the other entries, I see that other people are having problems. On his website, the second protocol calls for specific amounts. I believe it says:

"Separately measured out : 1 cup of beets juiced, 1 cup of fennel juiced, 1 cup of 50/50 carrot/celery.... That's it!!!! Drink down and eat one apple afterward".

Since my first one, I have had not problems. It is so beneficial that it is worth reading my reference site above for additional information to go with both protocols.

In the mean time ... To our health!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Shee (Atlanta, Ga, Usa) on 03/21/2011


I just started the mini-beet protocol three days ago.

I followed the directions perfectly and within 5 minutes, got hit with horrible nausea. I felt dizzy like I might pass out. Also had a tingeling sensation in my face and head, like a niacin effect. I kept eating my apples and felt things moving in my stomach and the need to poop. So I ran to the potty, with a trash can in my lap (in case I threw up) and kept eating my apple and doing what I thought was a little bit of poop. When I was finished, I saw that the potty was filled! I didn't even realize that was happening! As soon as I finished pooping, the nasea was gone. It all took less than 10 minutes, but I felt like I had just been hit by a truck! Very powerful stuff!

I decided maybe because I only weigh about 120 lbs I should start with less juice. So the next day I only juiced 1/8th a cup of each juice and had no side effects. Today, day 3, I am almost up to 1/4th cup of each juice (1/2 cup total) and still no problems at all. I am still following the protocol perfectly, just with less juice.

One weird thing happened yesterday. I have one, small age spot on my hand. I noticed a white area of skin beside it and began to lightly scratch it. The skin flaked of easily and began bleeding slightly. Today it is healing back and the age spot is gone!

Will post again when I get up to the the full mini-beet protocol juice amount.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Gary (Wauchope, New South Wales Australia) on 11/01/2010

I tried the mini beet protocol and have nothing but praise for it first my blood sugar went from 11.8 down to 8.4 with in the first 3 days and now it is down to 5.8. I lost 4kg in the first 3 days and now I'm down from 94 kg to 86 kg as of this morning. My girth reading has gone from 118cm to 109.5cm all in all I would totally suggest it from a common sense approach I never felt sick but made sure I ate my apple and carrot as soon as I finished drinking the juice which dosen't taste bad at all. But I will suggest you use a cold press juicer as a friend tried it the protocol as well and didn't notice much at all. But she used one of those juicers that grinds the pulp away and is suppose to destroy certain enzymes.. Kind regards Gary

Broad Benefits
Posted by Bibi (Nashville, Tn Usa) on 04/20/2010

Today is my third day on the mini-beet protocol. I'm using one tsp of cinnamon in about 2 or 3 oz of water, chased by another 2 or 3 oz of water to wash it down. I'm only taking 1/4 cup of beet juice and 1/4 cup of asparagus juice (starting out slowly).

I eat one apple (any kind) and one or two carrots after drinking the juices.

Yesterday morning, the second day on the protocol, I woke up to find my abdomen had noticeably flattened out and a lot of the cellulite I had on there had disappeared. I still have some cellulite, but it is not nearly as much...and this was only the second day.

My lupus (muscle pains) and rheumatoid arthritis have slightly improved, too, with the protocol. Over the past few years, I've lost about 140 lbs, but even when I got up to 600 crunches at the gym, my abdomen just would not budge (the fat and cellulite refused to leave). The mini-beet protocol has helped with that and with other symptoms I have. My fingers turn white or blue (supposedly Raynaud's) whenever I get in the shower or wash my hands (fluoridated water). One month, I stayed at a place with a whole house filter (removes fluoride, chlorine, etc). My fingers STOPPED turning colors and getting so cold.

This mini-beet protocol seems to help with fluoride poisoning, too. My weight loss? It started by using progesterone cream and following a gluten free diet. It's amazing how the carb cravings stopped. I do NOT follow any diet (other than avoiding gluten). I pretty much eat whatever I want. I AVOID diet foods, artificial sweeteners, and processed or "fake" foods. I DO eat fat (NON-hydrogenated coconut oil or extra virgin olive oil, usually) - I think this has helped my skin while losing weight. I don't diet, but I make sure I exercise enough to keep my weight down. My heaviest known weight was 313 lbs. I weighed 174 at the doctor office yesterday. I wear a womens size medium. Resistance training helps a lot, too. BTW - I am type 2 diabetic, also. My blood sugars used to run in the 300's. My last reading was 88. I refused to go on insulin (the fat storing hormone that reportedly CAUSES plaquing of the arteries). I didn't see how taking a FAT STORING hormone like insulin would help me to improve when I was still making some insulin of my own. As for the mini-beet protocol, I'll try to make one or two future posts over the next few months on my progress.

Replied by Tricia
84 posts

Well done Bibi. That's a fantastic achievement. Well, well, well done.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Sophie (Portland, Oregon) on 11/15/2009

We started MBP and feel remarkably well. Just a side note* we go to our local east indian store and buy the REAL cinnamon sticks from Ceylon, India and grind it because as most of you know the cinnamon at the local grocery in not genuine cinnamon and lacks the required medicinal qualities. We followed most of Robert's instructions, although we increased the dose every five days and I'm not suggesting that others do this. We felt it was safe for us to do, because we've been vegetarians( no meat or fish)for over twenty years, we have a healthy diet, no caffeine, no smoking. Red wine only during the holidays and we eat 75-80% percent raw foods, and we do yoga. In addition to that we have regular colonics and been on a low calorie diet for a long time to slow down aging and decrease illness... we rarely get ill. The reason we adhere to this practice is because when I was in college I was interested in ayurvedic & chinese medicine. So we integrated some of these practices into our life early on.

We started MBP because I suffered an accident at the doctors office that required plastic surgery! Following, that episode I had a strange rash on my neck and some type of strange bumps on face. I thought perhaps it was an hormonal imbalance, the western medical model doctor suggested birth control pills. I declined. After some research, we decided to try MBP six days a week. After one month I've observed the following: my husband's wrinkle's and crow's feet have decreased dramastically; his hair appears darker to me. his eyes look brighter and whiter. For me my acne and rash are gone; my liver spots are fading; my skin is brighter; my eyes are white and bright; the scar tissues and the swelling from my facial surgery both have decreased rapidly because I can finally see the definition. My surgeon mentioned that following surgery for all the swelling to subside, it might take well over a year, but I'm now seeing a dramatic and rapid healing. It is clearly evident that my face is no longer swollen and is becoming clearly defined! I believe MBP expediated the healing process and decreased scar tissue and the swelling. I will report more information at the two month mark.

Replied by Sophie
(Pdx, Oregon)

We are now at the two month mark on mini beet program.The first month was easy, we just bought two twenty pound bags of beets and asparagas and began juicing away. The second month took some serious "psyche yourself into it talks." It has been challenging for me in the since that at the two month mark, I now cannot tolerate the smell of the juice and I cannot tolerate the cinnamon. It is unclear if it is an instinctive response, due to this new, powerful and perhaps. overwhelming detoxifying process that the body is undergoing or if it is simply an aversion to the unpleasant smell. I should note that I am hypersensitive. Here are a few observations at the two month mark : a noted decrease in appetite. Robert Von has noted that that MBP is supposed to be a supplemental drink.

We have found that many times we will do the MBP during the lunch hour and skip dinner and/or have a small snack around the dinner hour. If we do MBP during the dinner hour then we just skip dinner or skip breakfast the next day. Some days I will have only one meal with a snack. When I snack I try to eat half of an apple to help cleanse my bloodstream, and assist in the detoxifying process. While on MBP I have suffered from one headache and that was following a holiday party I attended where I ate sugar, white flour and dairy. For the headache, I drank a glass of water, apple cider vinegar with a little bit of baking soda mixed and my headache went away. Following are the noted changes: we are both slim, although we both havelost some weight which is fine. We are sleeping better, my acne problem has vanished (I also washing and rinsing my face with baking soda follwed by splashing apple cider vinegar on my face in a hot shower so that it will penetrate deep down into my pores and I just allow the ACV to air dry on my face) both of our faces are radiating good health. We have also increased are flax seed oil to 2-3 tablespoons a day since we reside where it is fairly cold. Our skin feel silky soft and clear. 95% of my liver spots have faded away and few subborn ones that remain . I am now applying castor oil and a green biotanical gel made from mushrooms which is amazing to eliminate the remaining spots. We both look 10 years younger. My hair stop falling out by the clumps. Our meditation and yoga practice are much better. My sense is that you can feel the changes happening on a deep level within the body, although it might be hard to describe celluar level changes that are happening even if your aware of it.

We did feel some lower back pain maybe for 2-3 days, but nothing major. We were sure to take the supplements that Robert recommends to avoid getting kidney stones. I think it is wise to listen to Robert Vons radio interviews and reading his MBP information before beginning this process.

Replied by Shakti
(Toronto, Canada)

Hello, I contracted lyme almost 3 years ago. I was not given sufficient antbiotics and developed many further problems in the ensuing years despite additional antibiotics, including heart, eye, weight problems with great fatigue and pain. I have had several bouts with mycoplasma, candida, and ensuing arthritis for years . I healed these issues with a 45 day Master cleanse fast. I have cured the pain and complications of lyme with juice fasting ,also for 45 days . During his time I had a powerful beet detox experience. I made a VERY strong beet heavy juice, and after drinking it I broke out in a horrid red rash all over my chest , under breasts , and up to my neck . I used castor oil packs, bentonite clay and oatmeal, and it subsided after 10 days entirely. I also got better after the 45 days. I had been in unbearable pain and had CFS for 3 months and could not get home to juice and fast, as I collapsed in another city after a period of stress that brought out the lyme.

After feasting on champagnes, fine wines and excellent foods at Xmas this year I gained weight, was agin arthritic, and got ill. I returned home, and have been juicing, using beets often, with greens and apples and carrots . All good, am better, have weight loss, etc . But see wrinkles and lax skin like never before. I am aging too fast now. Saturn is on its' 2nd return now, and I knew that would be an issue, but I am vain, and enjoy my beauty ... I have been a vegetarian, and conscious of foods and supplements since 15 when I started yoga ... and look about 18 years younger than my age. I wish to continue to do so.

My questions are ... did your husband's crow's feet disappear? and what kind of surgery did you undergo ? I am considering a necklift , and also a small lower face lift , and eyes to be done - soon . Is there much swelling ? How long does it take to look and feel normal ?

Did the extreme beet protocol cause an appreciable change in wrinkles and skin tightness and youthfulness , and collagen renewal Thank you,
love and light ,

Replied by Sophe
(Pdx, Or)

Hi Shakti, in answer to your question my husband did use virgin coconut oil as a skin softner and he did the MBP program faithfully! His skin tighten, crows feet disappeared and his hair is darker. I believe you mentioned Saturn return consider a karmic mitigating mantra, very powerful. Saturn is the teacher. I did not have surgery, due to choice. I was at the dermatologist office for a routine visit for acne let's just say... Supposedly a simple routine procedure, that took a turn the doctor is lucky he is still practicing! Anyhow after running to four to five experts and suffering... So on so fourth I required reconstruction surgery. So of course following surgery the swelling was bad and was told that for some it can take over a year maybe two for swelling to go down! MBP expediated my healing tremedously. For skin try Hyaluronic Acid Pills three pills per day 100 mg each of HA along with Vitamin C. This is supposed to assist in reversing the aging process you should see results in two to three months For aging my yoga teacher suggests " continue practicing yoga and non-attachment from the ego and the highest truest form of freedom is automatically cultivated" :)


2 User Reviews
5 star (1) 

Posted by Rebel (Somewhere, Usa) on 12/01/2009

I started the Mini Beet Protocol on November 28 and today will be my fourth day on it. No problems the first day, actually felt good all over. 2nd day, had several loose bowel movements and pain in my lower back. Not knowing if this might be kidney stones or not, I downed 2 ounces of lemon juice mixed with 2 ounces of olive oil...The pain was gone on the 3rd day and that day was normal.

I plan to keep going and I believe going very slowly will be the key. I plan on staying on the 1/4 cup of beet and asparagus for at least 10 days and then I will either do it twice a day or move up to a 1/2 of cup each.( probably will up the dose, because the cleaning up of the juicer is the biggest problem I am having. It is a PAIN! )

Anyone know if you are suppose to juice the green leaves of the beets also? I have been cutting them off and disgarding them. I also read somewhere that beets should be peeled before juicing, I have not been doing this either, I juice peel and all.

I wash my beets and asparagus in a soak of water and Hydrogen Peroxide and rinse real good ( They are not ORGANIC ) I have read you can use a vinegar or grapefruit seed extract liquid mixture in water to clean your veggies. So ROBERT,if you are reading this, please let me know what that VEGGIE WASH is that you use.

I really am shooting for at least a 3 month period of this and maybe four, so slowly I go and hopefully I want have to stop it or have any bad side effects. I will post again after the 10th day.

Replied by Rebel
(Somewhere, Usa)

Well it is day 10 of the MBP for me. Unfortunately, for me after I posted here on day 3, my right ear began to hurt, my scalp was very sore and my throat became scratchy. I know that Robert says that you should take your time and even doing the protocol 3 days a week, it will help you alot. Also he says even the slightest sore throat and you should stop until youre 100%. Maybe I just had sinus or something, but my blood is probably some of the filthiest around. I have been fast food, white bread, alcohol and junk food the majority of my life. SO SLOWLY, I do this, because I want to be healthy. I have No nausea at all though.

So I started back today as I started feeling better around day 7, but wanted to be 100%. I plan on doing this for a long time to come. So I will be carful, not to make myself sick off of it.

Well Lisa, I have the Jack LaLanne power juicer and it has 6 parts that has to be cleaned, You have to assemble it and dis-assemble it all the way and clean and dry it compleatly. I read about the one you have and it sounds easier to clean up. As for ORGANIC, I wish I had a source near by. But I live in a very small town and it is not a wealthy area, so the Wal-Mart super center here does not carry alot of organics. I have to drive 45 to 60 minutes one way to get to the town that carries organics. I could afford the organics, I just don't like that long drive and gas cost. My beets seem to stay good for a long time, but my Asparagus goes bad ( Soggy slimey ) in just a few days. So I would probably have to make 2 trips a week. If I am down that way, I will pick up the organics.

I am very excited, I just wish I had not had the set back, but I am determined to do this thing and clean myself up.

Replied by Rebel
(Somewhere, Usa)

Well again, I have not kept up with the total days on the MBP. So I couldn't even begin to tell you what day it is. But anyway, this week starting on Monday I was juicing and got 1/2 cup of beet juice and thought maybe it was a good sign, to up the dosage. So I did 1/2 cup of beet juice for 3 days til Wednesday. No side effects, except expelling what I guess was yeast in a bowel movement. I'll try not to be to gross, but it was liquid yellow and burned like bees stinging and I have had severe itching every since. I did have pinkish urine on day two, but not before or since.

I also am consuming and have been since Monday 1 cup of goji berries. I haven't changed my diet completely yet, but did add in 1 day of turnips, yellow squash, white onion, and broccoli. I recieved my vitamins yesterday and started those as of today, although now I am a bit confused. I read, what I guess is an updated version on Robert's page and I am a bit confused on what exacally I am suppose to suppliment with. He says as long as you are consuming enough carrots, apples and asparagus stones should not be an issue, but then goes on to say people should suppliment with B-6, cod liver oil, magnesium, coral calcium. So any way, I am eating the apples and carrots and I am using asparagus along with the beets, But just to be safe, I am taking cod liver oil, B-6, calcium magnesium with D and Magnesium chloride all in tablet form. The calcium,mag, with D is as follows: Vitamin D 400 IU, Calcium Oyster shell 1000mg and Magnesium Oxide 500 mg. The bottle recommends3 tablets daily and I an taking 2 for now and taking the magnesium chloride 1 a day as it is Magnesium chloride 520 mg and elemental magnesium 62.17 mg. I also have Corral calcium, but I am not taking that, because of the controversy surrounding it. I know Robert recommended Magnesium oil and I might have to change to that. IF YOU ARE READING THIS ROBERT, please let me know about these suppliments as I am confused on them. I am also CHEWING the vitamins as TED has said this gets them better absorb into the body in case of FILLERS.

When I start back, I will resume with the 1/2 cup and will work up slowly as I feel comfortable. On my days OFF, I also drink Organic asparagus extract 5gm which is equal to taking half pound of asparagus, so the box says.

I am not going to brag about anything yet, but I have seen some improvements ( later to be revealed ). I just wish the itching would go away and I hope and pray I don't get kidney stones, when I do feel lower back pain ( only once on second day ) I take 2 ounces of olive oil with 2 ounces of lemon juice.

I guess that covers everything for now, and about my diet. I am really trying to change that for the better, but it is hard to break life long bad habits in a short time. I read an interview with David Wolfe and Mike Adams. In that interview David said it takes some time to adjust and figure out what foods will work for you and to break bad habits. He says know one really knows what they are doing at first, but they figure it out as they practice and experment. Or something to that effect, that might not be exactly what he said, but something like that.

Replied by Rebel
(Somewhere, Usa)

I am still doing the MBP. Although, I am sticking with half of cup of beets and asparagus juiced at this time. I actually increased my doseage and had a bit of an ill feeling.

It is interesting to me that, my diet is prety much still the same and yet, I believe this protocol is helping with certain issues. I know that it would do better with a complete diet clean up. I do not want to mis lead anyone til I know for sure the effects, but some areas are improving.

Refusing to get burned out or sick off this protocol, I am still going very slow with it, trying to get up enough strength and courage to radically change my diet for the better.

Anyway, I would encourage everyone on here to get these beets into your diet. I do wish Robert would post here.

Replied by Rebel
(Somewhere, Usa)

Well, it finally happened. HERX, like you would not believe. Last week sometime I was going to move up to 3/4 cup of the beet juiced, well lets just say I glad I stuck with the 1/2 cup. I got sick for about 3 hours of feeling like I had the severe flu. I was scared for the minute as I could not get off the toilet and felt as if I was going to toss my cookies at anytime. Sweating, stomach cramps, chills, diarrhea, and nausea. It felt as if my insides were pulling and stretching. After the diarrhea for about 2 hours, I slowly started to get better and after 3 hours I was mostly back normal.

I decided to give it another go today. The smell of the cinnamon was gagging me, but I managed it down. Being cautious, I went back down to 2/3 cup of the beet juice. Had a hard time getting it down, immediataly followed with an apple. RIGHT THROUGH ME IT WENT! How can something travel through your system that fast. Before I could finish the apple, on the toilet I was, Hour or so of diarrhea and nausea, slowly started to fell normal again.

I did change the beets that I was using, to a chaeper version ( But still organic )just with out the green leaves and I bought my asparagus from a different grocery chain. I almost want to say that maybe the produce was bad, but I truely believe it was HERX reaction.

I have had some improvements in my health and do believe that parasites and yeast have been forced from my body. I will not go into details, but the proof is in the stools.

I will have to clean my diet up and take a break for a while from this. I had began thinking people on here were doing something wrong or going too fast and was getting sick, well I have went as slow as a person can go and now I am very sick, even when I smell ingredients in the protocol. I should have cleaned up my diet while doing this, but I was seeing improvements and thought I was doing fine.

If it were just the diarrhea, I could deal with it, But the nausea I CAN NOT handle. I know that most of you will say that it is part of the detox process and my body is healing getting all the toxins out and I would love to be able to youth over all at some point, but for now I will have to break for a while.

Fountain of Youth

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by James (Ny) on 08/15/2010

Editor's Choice

I have been doing the MBP now for two months, I feel and look better than I have in twenty years. These are by far the best results experienced, having tried various juicing regimes over the years. I juice two organic beets with their green tops and six carrots, this makes aprox. 14 oz. of juice. With this mixture, it not only tastes great but I find no need to eat the apples after.

Fungal Sinus Infection

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Cindy (Ontario) on 02/02/2016

I found the Mini Beet Protocol (mbp) while looking into biofilms, I had been suffering with a fungal sinus infection for over 13 years.

Over the years I had quit consuming all sugars and wheat products, as they were my triggers. Upon starting the mbp, my sinuses actually appeared to get worse, the mucous had changed and was now sticky ( my sinuses would stick together so that breathing through my nose was virtually impossible, and they were itchy like mad ) when I walked my dogs I would make a point if pinching my nose and forcing my sinuses open with air, just to get some oxygen moving in there, this would immediately take the itch away, also there was a horrible bitter taste in my mouth that would dissappear right after I ate an apple, needless to say, I ate a lot of apples.

When I read his protocol, I wondered how he knew how many apples to eat, now I understood, the first 10 days I was eating 13 apples a day and very little else, cuz I was full. On the five days off, my sinus mucous would return to normal ( as in still ever present , but no longer sticky), then on beginning again, the stickiness would return, along with the bad taste, so now I was sure it was the MBP causing this, my kidneys have done a 100 % improvement, and my sinuses are minimally improved , so I jet up the protocol, 10 days on 5 days off, and after about 2 months, my sinuses were considerably improved, the stickiness was usually only the first and second day of the protocol and the bad taste is now at bay with only 4 or 5 apples a day.

Also, I learned to make a gingerbug and had begun drinking gingerbug juice to keep up my probiotic, which also seemed to be helping . During all this time I've been doing sinus rinses with my hydra rinse ( similar to a neti pot). Then I read about a woman who encorporated her probiotic capsules into her sinus rinse, so I started putting a teaspoon of my gingerbug starter into my sinus solution ( living probiotic being better than dormant, or at least that is my thinking).

So once again I am overwhelmed with sticky discharge , and the smell ( like im now smelling the inside of my sinuses )and taste in my mouth are horrible, but after 2 wèeks , I am soo significantly better, the swelling on the roof of my mouth is finally abating after almost 14 years, and , although I wasn't really paying attention to my skin , the very obvious scar on my top lip is barely visible, my crows feet are almost non existent and the skin on my neck is tightened and firmed .

I am 54 and my sinuses have been giving me grief since I was 40, I have always been a fairly healthy eater, that has improved now out of necessity, but my sweet tooth is now gone, after 14 years without sugar, an apple seems almost excessively sweet, and I am physically very active, and very grateful to finally be feeling better!

General Feedback

2 User Reviews

Posted by Catherine (Wellington, New Zealand) on 06/20/2010

Question about MBP:

I am about to start on MBP and was suprised to read about nausea following beet juise drinking. Some years ago when I was started using juices my favourite was a large beetroot drink with a dollop of cream and a few drops of vanilla..nectar from heaven!! I never noticed any nausea. Beetroot is my second favourite vegetable (the 1st is spinach) and I have had to stop buying tins of baby beets because once started I can't stop until the tin is empty (I'm talking a LARGE tin here). Also when I go to OZ I haunt the vege juice bar at Davy Jones in Sydney where I always order a large beetroot and spinach juice. If this kind of beet ingestion should cause nausea then why doesn't it affect me like that? Or does it mean I have a higher requirement for beet juice?? I'd be interested in any comments on this, Cheers

General Feedback
Posted by Entheogens (Palo Alto, California, Usa) on 04/22/2010

I have a question about the MBP. Now I have been doing the MBP for the last two days, but here is my problem. I am using a Vitamix juicer, and as you may know, that does not get rid of the pulp. I have to put about 1/2 cup or so of water into the blender with the beets or else, I just get a mush. So, I am pretty sure that 1 cup (or 1/4 cup) of the juice you get from a regular juicers is not the equivalent of what you get from a Vitamixer. So, I need to know, from those of you using regular juicers, how many medium-sized beets you use to get a cup or 1/4 cup of the beet juice.

I am rather sure that over the last two days I have either been using too much or too little beet. I have been eating two or three apples and the carrots and doing the cinammon, but the only bad reaction I have got so far is a temporary, mild headache.

Replied by Bibi
(Nashville, Tn)

I use two beets to make 1/2 I'm guessing 1 beet for 1/4 cup. The beets are approx 2 to 2 1/2" wide.

Replied by Entheogens
(Palo Alto, California, Usa)

Thanks Bibi. Apparently, according to Von Sarbacher, there is a difference if you use a juicer or Vitamix (as I am doing). Now why this should be the case confuses me. I mean, the only difference is that with a Vitamix, you are getting the fiber and not just the juice. In other words, nothing is being subtracted. You would think that as long as you are getting the beets in you, that the form, juice or entire beet, would not matter.

Replied by Francisca
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)

It is not right to say that with a juicer you only get the juice. The name seems to indicate that but with a masticating juicer you have the choice to feed the pulp back as many times as you want making it to become very dry meaning that the juice you get can be liquid or with the consistency of a smoothy so much of the fiber are kept in anyway. Most of the time I throw away very little fiber which is as dry as straw. I did a lot of research before I bought my masticating juicer and from all I read, also from a few books I bought I have the idea that they are the best buy although expensive. And they make soups as well. One good thing of my juicer is that it juices absolutely everything without a problem. The fact that all the vitamines and enzymes stay alive for up to 48 hours sounds good to me (not that we wait that long to drink our juices.....). But I guess everybody should do their own research and choose what seems best!

Replied by Jvc
(Oak Park, Il Usa)

So if you are using the vitamix, how many beets do you need to get 1/4 of cup of beet and asparagus juice, since water must be added?

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