Health Benefits

The Truth About Soy

| Modified on Aug 27, 2022
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Soy is an umbrella term to cover the entire variety of products that can be created from the seeds of the soybean plant. This includes edamame, soy milk, soy vegetable oil, tofu, textured vegetable protein, tempeh, and many more foods and food products.

As a health food, soy has equally enthusiastic proponents and detractors. Some see soy as an excellent natural remedy for everything from cancer to heart health. Others claim that it can have very negative effects on hormonal balance and child development; they may also be concerned about the possible contamination of soy products with GMO (genetically modified organisms) crops. In particular, soybeans contain phytoestrogens, organic compounds that mimic estrogen, a human hormone that can have mixed but powerful effects on the human body.

Many natural healthcare proponents suggest that fermented soy products are significantly safer and perhaps more beneficial than soy in unfermented forms.

Natural Cures: Some scientific studies have been undertaken showing soy products to have positive effects on prostate, colorectal, and breast cancer rates and morbidity. It has also been shown to promote higher brain functions.

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Soy Dangers

1 User Review

Posted by Lisa (Bullhead City, Arizona) on 11/20/2012

Its been found that soy products cause multiple types of cancer and many other health problems. If you use soy, even in smaller amounts STOP!!! Do not give your babies soy formulas either. Every study done on this has proven to be hazardous to your health. Please heed this warning and dont use soy!!!

Soy Dangers
Posted by Mr. Ree (Somewhere, Usa) on 09/27/2012

I see where Bill from the Phillipines said "NOW" lecithin is GMO... My question is does anybody know where I can find out exactly what lecithins products are and are NOT GMO products? It would help with everybodys health...

I heard 90% of all soy products are GMO and that ALL soy in this country is sprayed with agent orange... This came from a very good source...Thank you

Replied by Wendy
(Columbus, Oh/usa)

I did some googling and found this link re the top 10 genetically modified foods ("GMO") to avoid eating :

Soy Dangers
Posted by Cat (Tauranga, New Zealand) on 02/17/2012

However, this was not my actual question; which concerns whether soy products are really as healthy as the food industry likes to portray them? The main principle lies in the amount, because too much is unhealthy, as you always say.

Basically soy is a high-quality plant protein in which Isoflavones are also contained in large quantities in the form of phytoestrogens. Nevertheless, the protein and the Isoflavones, as well as other substances of soy, are in no way harmless. In particular with long-term consumption of large quantities, the Isoflavones effect the hormone balance quite critically.

However, all the other soy substances are not harmless either, which is why they should be used as food only with sufficient caution or not at all. In particular no kind of food for children should contain any soy products at all, because with regard to the Isoflavones, especially the health of babies, toddlers and adolescents is impaired by soy products and in other respects health is seriously damaged. Already less than one quarter of a milligram of Isoflavones per one kilogram of body weight per day can cause very bad and irreparable health defects in children of every age, namely in relation to consciousness activity, the brain, the intelligence, the world of thought and feeling, the psyche, the physical body and the behaviour pattern etc.

If pregnant women consume soy products it can lead to heavy and irreparable damages to the foetus' body, limbs, nerves, cerebrum and muscles as well as to body deformations. More than a quarter of a milligram of Isoflavones per kilo of body weight should not be given to babies and toddlers under any circumstances.

Said with easy and generally understandable words and concepts, soy products of all kind, because of their toxic ingredients, in larger quantities are even capable of impairing the health of strong adults and to cause serious damage, which can lead to growth of tumours, respectively cancer and to the fostering of brain-, consciousness and behavioural disorders, personality changes and to infertility.

Especially breast cancer in women and men is often caused by soy products, as well as depression and Parkinson's, namely in particular when a hereditary disposition exists for it. Also Alzheimer's and dementia can be results of an excess of the Isoflavones, as well as an impairment of eyesight, the taste buds, the ability to concentrate, the moral balance and various other important life factors.

Then what ought to be the amount of soy that the adult may take? The quantity depends on the concentration of Isoflavones, of which a person should consume no more than half a milligram per kilo of body weight daily if he does not want to be impaired toxically. This means that a person of 70 kilograms of body weight should not consume soy products that exceed 35 milligrams of Isoflavones. However, with soy consumption this amount is reached very quickly.

This is indeed the case, because already a normal soy drink of 2.5 dl in size contains about 30 milligrams of Isoflavones.

And what is the case with drugs made of soy respectively concerning their Isoflavones? Such drugs are in no way recommend, if, on one hand, they are not adjusted for the body weight, and, on the other hand, are taken for too long a time, or if the person is especially susceptible with regard to Isoflavones

I recall reading somewhere that tofu, miso etc (the fermented types of soy) are safe and that's why Asians have no problems with their consumption of soy. It's really only the western world that has decided to include soy in so many products (canned tuna for instance) and this is where the problems lies. Check the labels in your pantry and you'll be amazed at how much soy we're consuming, to our detriment!!!

Replied by Kumar Reddy
(Amravati, India)

Hello Everyone..

I am not writing just because we manufacture Non-GMO Soy Lecithin but because I am reading many articles that Soy is very allergic, Not good for health and etc.. It may be but kindly go to the reports and also the environment and the patients health also..

Because in India and other South-Asian countries max you can say 95% people eat Soy or bi-products from age below 5yrs. Then why there is no such Allergy in India? Why people are still healthy when taking or consuming Soy in their regular diet?

Kindly don't follow blindly anything which is published without any studies.. Kumar Reddy

Replied by Ed2010

Dear Kumar,

I am from south india. Your fact is totally baseless, there is no data or truth that 95% of the children below 5 years are eating SOY or soy based products. Let me explain.

Before the globalization and advent of foreign companies in India, specifically quoting the 'Software Boom'. Most of the population were on the rural sides of the States in India. Including Hyderabad, Bangalore, chennai.

A child after birth is raised in the following ways, hope you would agree that.

For the first 3 months, the infant is given only mother's milk that build the total immunity of the child.

After 3 months, may be from the 4th month the infant is still given THE WHITE GOLD MOTHER'S MILK. And slowly introduced with solid foods, that are traditionally made. Like rice porridge, mashed IDLI, curd rice, nicely boiled DAL rice Sambar(without spice) - (for other country people, these are made with rice and lentils only - traditionally grown). And some suplement milk products that are wholely made with milk.

Usually, a mother breast feeds her child till one and a half years some continue till 2 years.

After 1 year, each and every child only eats only the home made food, rice, sambar, dosa, idli, vada, porridge, boiled vegetables. till the age 5. soy was not part of the food culture in india till 2000, (even till date)

In 1970's there were no SOY products in india, SOYA was not even cultivated in 1 percent of the lands. If you know about it. There were few milk supplement products India in 1970's that where made with non-homogenized milks. Lactogen, Farex, Cerelac, Nestum. And most of the milk produced were from the exotic breeds from south india. Not the western Holstien Freezian , Redden, Jersey's (Jersey's milk is good when compared to Holstiens).

So literally no allergens in the food, before the introduction of GMO foods. And even if there are allergens, the immunity developed by the MOTHER'S MILK given for nearly 1-2 years takes care of it.

Well after 2000, still most of the population resides in the VILLAGES of India, not in cities. If you exactly count the type of foods eaten by the people. It will be NON-GMO foods. There is only little amount of GMO FOODS is eaten by the children and people mostly by the city people.

Moreover, South Indian food culture has balanced foods. For Sambar(made with lentils) is nutritious, Curd Rice(Rice mixed with Yoghurt) is probiotic, Rasam or Thilli Saru (made with tamarind Juice, is an excellent digestion enhancer and detoxifier).

So, I would say the food culture, food habits and Cultural Breast Feeding Habits takes care of allergens, so there is less allergy.

With respect to SOY, SOY has complex protein chains. So the East Asian people, only use the SOY after fermenting it. They never consume it cooked. TOFU, SOY SAUCE, NATTO, MISSO are all fermented soy that what they use it most.

Only in recent times, SOYA is promoted in India. GMO foods are certainly allergic, but the allergic reaction is determined by the IMMUNITY of the people consuming it.

If you think consuming SOY(raw and cooked) is not affecting one's health then just wait for another 5 years and see the results.

The total consumed food by the Indian population is NON-GMO that is the reason there are less allergies(there are other factors too like - pollen, steroid injected broilers, too much of vaccines, enzyme activated washing detergents, perfumes, deodorants).

Now indian government has allowed testing of GMO foods in their lands. Well God save this land.

Fortunately, State of Tamil Nadu has banned any types of GMO crops to be tested or cultivated in the lands of Tamil Nadu. I wish other States follow the same.

Good Health.

Replied by Prioris

Thanks for the education Ed2010.

Soy Feedback

24 User Reviews
5 star (7) 
4 star (4) 
1 star (8) 

Posted by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 12/29/2011

I came across this article on the dangers of soy being hidden in our foods. I think everyone should read it. It says that soy is high in antrinutrients and blocks nutrients being digested in the digestive tract. It can affect masculinity and drive down fertility. Women eating large quantities of soy can experience hair thinning amongst other things. Consumption can according to the article lead to thyroid disfunction.

It certainly is getting harder to try to avoid getting very sick these days and it is hidden using various names in most processed foods. Along with MSG and aspartame you wonder what Governments are doing to the worldwide population.

No wonder our kids minds are being turned to mush. I would be interested in others thoughts on this.

Replied by Christina

I drank soy milk for 25 years because I was lactose intolerant and was led to believe it was a good source of calcium. In actual fact it clogged up my digestive system and unbeknownst to me I wasn't ingesting any of the nutrients I was eating. I had a bone density test done 12 months ago and I have lost 20% of my bone. I would not recommend soy milk to any one. Research any thing new before you try it, from an outside source Google is an endless supply of truth on anything you want to find out about. No soy No way.

Replied by Om
(Hope, Bc, Canada)

Christina from Queensland: You are right. I used tau fu, etc. for years till I came upon an article from someone in New Zealand opening my eyes.

He was breeding fancy birds and when their food was changed to soy, their offspring were deformed. He personally had health problems and it took him years to flush the poison out.

An RN nurse told me that infants at the hospital are fed soy but they don't do well on it. She was prohibited from mentioning it to parents.

When the NZ man and others tried to alert the public the soy corp. harassed them so they had nervous break downs and had to go into hiding.

Meanwhile we know that soy narrows fine arteries, causes aging and affect even one's DNA adversely. There is tons of research by now. I see, among the gmo-ed oils soy oil is put into a lot of common grocery foods. In China, soy oil is not used for cooking, I was told. Namaste, Om

Replied by Sandy
(Atlanta, Ga, Usa)

Christina, you are so right. I drank soy milk for about 6 months and when I went for my annual physical, my TSH (thyroid test) was through the roof. Not a good thing. I asked the doctor why the sudden change and he had no idea, just mentinoed someting about aging. I started taking the levothyroxin he prescribed. I think my low thyroid would have cleared itself up by stopping the soy milk. This all happened before I discovered EH and became more enlightened. I want to stop the levothyroxin. Has anyone had success with stopping thyroid meds?

Replied by Butterflyrose
(Myrtle Beach, Sc)

I have the exact same question as u do.

Replied by Suzy
(Eugene, Or)

Sandy, I wold encourage you to check out the section on Iodine. There is also a Yahoo group whose members supplement with iodine. I have read on that group the stories of several people who have reduced their use of thyroid meds. The iodine protocol requires a number of companion nutrients be used as well. Also Dr. David Brownstein's Book, Iodine Why you need it, Why you can't live without it

Replied by Prioris

The general rule of thumb I use for soy ... As Ted has said, fermented soy is the good stuff. non fermented is the bad stuff.

Replied by Baldev
(Maharashtra, India)
180 posts

Omji, Ted has recommended non GM Soya Lecithin on this site and also I have read on this site about dark soya sauce to be good. Fermented soya of course is good. What is your say on that.

Since Ted is back I would request him to take some time and please write on Soya and clarify our doubts. Baldev

Soy Feedback
Posted by Natalie (Sonoma, Ca) on 06/28/2011

Just like everything else, moderation is the key. EVERYTHING is bad for you if you take it repeatedly every single day. Most of the problems that arise from soy occur when it's taken with extreme frequency. We rarely see this with other food groups and they would probably have their own health drawbacks. Pure oxygen is actually bad for you, but since we breathe it in a mixture of gases our bodies can take it and it becomes not only extremely beneficial, but vital- moderation.

Another good point is that everyone's body is different. If something is making you sick you should stop having it. Dairy gives me stomach problems but I'm not going to assume suddenly that it's poisonous for everyone. There are so many diet fads and extremist views that people "swear" by with food when the reality is you need to just use common sense and eat intuitively. I personally love soy, I eat tofu or drink a glass of soymilk often and I've never experienced any health problems from it. Also, if we examine diets of other cultures, Japan is known for the longevity of its people (outliving Americans on average by nearly ten years) and they have a diet that's rich in soy. That may not be the reason why they are living so long, but it's clear that soy isn't killing them off.

Clearly, there is conflicting research, but the backlash against soy is sudden and extreme, much like, well, a fad. It's very "in" right now to hate soy, just like back when it became very "in" to love soy when it became popular in America.

Soy Feedback
Posted by Tybrid (San Jose, Ca) on 02/19/2011

Hello Ted and all. Although I really appreciate you Ted and the Earthclinic site for all of the invaluable information that has helped me and countless others in our quest for excellent health and well being, I have to strongly disagree with you on your stance on soy and that soy is overall good for you and safe. I am of the belief that for the most part, soy is not good for us, in its natural state (very toxic and has to be highly processed for people to consume). Isoflvones have been shown to be estrogenic. It is not just the dairy companies that slam soy as their ulterior motive is obvious. There are so many natural, holistic, naturopaths, sports nutritionists, alternative scientist and others who are saying the same negative things about soy and some of them have the actual clinical studies to support this. But my own personal negative experience with soy, which was validated in such a way by a well known chiropractor/naturopath whose main supplement he sales is a soy formula. Some background. I used to be a personal trainer and a natural, drug free bodybuilder(before the show, you are put under a polygragh and urine is tested for steroids and performance enhancing drugs) , fitness model, etc. Well at one point, I remember hearing from my TCM (Traditional Chinese herbalist) to eat more tofu and soy as well from this well known natural chiropractor to reduce amount of animal protein and eat more soy. Well, I did this, I switcehd to a soy based protein meal replacement... About 4 days in using this, I felt like crap and my drive (all of my drives) drive for life, energy, libido, all of that was gone as if never existed. This was shocking as I have a natural strong drive and a go-getter. I was doing some research and stumbled upon many articles on how soy mimics estrogen and negatively effects testosterone in the body. I immediately stopped taking soy and went back to egg protein, grassfed beef with the fat and noticed almost overnight how my testosterone levels and drive went back to normal. Going back to this well know chiro, who promoted an anti-cancer/disease program and whose main supplements was soy protein. I was one of the biggest seller of his products, books etc in the country but after my experience with soy and all the research I did, I questioned him about this and his response or lack of response was even more proof to me, that soy is not as good for us as we have been led to believe... I had dinner with this natural doctor and he was willfuilly answering all of my questions until, I asked him about soy and the negative effects on testosterone and increased estrogen and why as a man, I would want to take anything that would increase estrogen in my body. He simply stopped chewing his food, put his fork down and paused as he was thinking on how to respond. He then replied, "No comment" and kept eating as if the question was never asked. I took this as a yes, there is validity to the negative effects of soy (fermented soy like soy sauce, etc is not as toxic but in excess still negatively effects the hormones) as well as years of my own research especially with athletes and sports doctors, etc.

Go to or drwongradio. com (Naturopathic doctor who has podcasts about alternative health much about dangers of soy and estrogen excess); Dianne Gregs site: etc., Ori Hoffmekler author of the Warrior Diet and The Anti-Estrogen Diet. They all can't be wrong coming from the alternative and holistic community but I encourage anyone curious about soy on whether or not it is right for them, to do their "due diligence" and research both the pros and cons and then make an educated decison...

so, thanks again Ted for keeping us informed and I appreciate this site in where we can freely agreed to disagree...


Replied by Ted
(Bangkok, Thailand)
392 posts

Some people are allergic to soy and soy is not good in that instances. But whether it is dangerous for all human consumption is another matter. I am aware of Mercola and most of the points he raised is not substantiated in I don't have time at the moment to go point by point. I do use soy in many serious medical conditions such as cancer and osteoporosis, so it helps if you just do a point by point search in medical journals at pubmed. All clients here in Bangkok are pro soy since there were greatly helped. In any case what works for you doesn't work for someone else. My time right now is greatly limited to very grave disease and should you have time to visit me in Bangkok I can go point by point very easily.


Replied by Lanos
(Socalifornia, Usa)

Tybrid is absolutely correct, stay away from soy products. My experience with it was very regretful. Never give soy products to infants or children. Thyroid and other problems with the glandular system can occur.

Replied by Annon
(Anywhere, Usa)

Lanos wrote: 02/21/2011: Lanos from Socalifornia, Usa writes: "Tybrid is absolutely correct, stay away from soy products. My experience with it was very regretful.
Hey, Lanos - Maybe you should just pray to God over it, and then take it anyway. Refering to your other post, and your condescending attitude.

Replied by Kay
(Atlanta, Georgia)

I was an avid soy/tofu/tempeh eater & soy-milk drinker, however that changed completely in 2006. I began having extremely heavy menstrual cycles, cramping and headaches during every cycle which went from 6 days to 10 days.

The final threat was an incident at work while on my cycle, I got up to walk to a colleauges office and as I stoood approximately 2 to 3 cups of blood poured out of my body. I now know that to be "flooding".

My GYN doctor immediately put me on Progesterone hormone therapy, which worked temporarily. The progesterone was to aid in balancing my hormone levels of estrogen & progesterone.

She advised that the fibroids had grown very large (the size of a 6 week pregnancy) in my uterine walls.

I learned that Soy has high traces of estrogen and this is what aided to the growth of fibroids.

Sadly, I had to have surgery in 2008. It was very traumatic and I even ended up with a large keloid scar.

After the surgery, I limited soy and replaced soy-milk with almond milk.

In December 2010, I decided to become vegan and again increased my soy/tofu/tempeh, again, my fibroids are back and my doctor has advised that I will need to have surgery again.

I am convinced that the soy products added extra dosages of estrogen which contributed to the growth and regrowth of my fibroids.

It's obvious that all people do not react the same to foods and/or drugs. But, similiar to medications and the listed possible side effects, the same should always be stated with any reference or suggestion to natural remedies or supplements.

Thank you.

Replied by carmel

It is because soy mimics estrogen that I take two capsules day. Before this for many years I had severe depression, anxiety, bad fibromyalgia giving me a lot of pain, bad memory and brain fog and insomnia that meant that I dreaded every night as I would be awake tossing and turning most of the time longing for time to get up. I also had problems with my metabolism where if I ate very little I still put on weight. Then I read about serotonin and found that helped. Then I read about how estrogen is necessary for serotonin to work and be part of the body, so I started to take these capsules and within a few days my mood was better, my aches and pains, and I went to bed and slept properly. Wonderful. I am 65 and had my menopause many years ago and had been this way ever since. I had a total hysterectomy recently. Yes I know I must think about breast cancer, but I take brazil nuts regularly for the selenium so that cancels that out.

Soy Feedback
Posted by Janna (London, Uk ) on 07/21/2010

I just wanted to comment on the dangers of soya milk for the infants. I didn't read closely about the dangers of soya milk products because as a family we do not really consume them. However, my son who is now 7 years old and who had been on soya formula since the age of 4.5 month till perhaps 22 month. At about two years of age he started drinking cow's milk with no problems. Before had terrible intolerance to it and this soya formula was the only way for me to get him fed. Well, I did listen to the doctors (sadly) and had no idea that goat milk could be a substitute. In my family we are usually all healthy with good genes. In my husband's more or less also. With this in mind, I was taken aback when my son got pneumonia at 2 y.o. Then a few month later it reoccurred. Second time he needed oxygen mask as well. And this condition reoccurred again soon after. I became desperate. In the end we got it under control with salbutamol. The diagnosis wasn't asthma. But some kind of bronkho. . . Spasms. We had been using salbutamol constantly till he was 4 y.o. Then all of a sudden this breathing problem of his was gone. But soon came a new one - heavy allergy to mold that resulted in him no longer being able to properly breath through the nose. It also made him so susceptible to developing severe cough as soon as got a cold. He is otherwise fine - intelligent, very fit and tall. But he does have very strange behavior sometimes. I even thought of taking him to see a psychologist. He likes to annoy every one in the house, cannot find occupation for himself on his own - he craves attention all the time! I've got another boy, 2y.o. who I breast-fed till he was 15 month. Of course, I compare the two often. The younger one is much healthier - no pneumonia, allergies, coughs or bronkho spasms. No attention cravings! And is just as fit, tall and strong and a clever one too. God, if I had only known then what kind of long-term harm I would cause my child with this soya formula!

Replied by Francisca
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)

I am also a mother of two children who were fed with soy formula because they were lactose intolerant. I had no idea of the risks or else I wouldn't have done it. The oldest who had lactose free formula had no problems, the two youngest, fed with soy formula had a lot of eczema, the youngest had severe respiratory infections during the first year of her life and now has asthma. I have no idea whether this all comes from the soy formula but I have read that they can have hormonal problems through their lives. I really feel bad about this as I have always tried to give my daughters a lot of love and the best of care! They were also given fluoride tablets by the doctor and used them for a number of years when they were small! This is not done anymore though...But that doesn't help my daughters. I have heard that soy formula is nowadays only prescribed under doctor's supervision (maybe they should ban it alltogether...)

Replied by Elsaeasterly
(Elsewhere, Ca, Usa)


I was fed soy formula as an infant, and I do not know of any health problems that I have ( I don't have many) that are connected to soy. That being said, knowing what I know now, I certainly would not give a soy formula to an infant, but I wouldn't worry about the past too much. By the way, you have said that you grew up in Portugal and now live in France (correct?), but your English seems flawless. What's your secret?

Replied by Francisca
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)

Hi Elsaeasterly, thanks for your kind words about my use of the English language! Funny enough I only lived in England for a few months when I was 18 (now 53) but my husband is British and we have been together for almost 5 years. Still, when I went to live in England at 18 they considered my English so good that although there was no place for me to study English in Harrow College they were prepared to let me do the course. Being 18 I decided that I didn't feel like it (very silly, I know... ). I started learning English at school when I was 12 and read mostly in English from then on, many, many books. One of my daughters started speaking English fluently at the age of 7 (in Holland) and even translated for the teachers at school when a Canadian girl moved there. She had never had a lesson. Thanks again for your words.... I surely do my best...

Soy Feedback
Posted by Billie (Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) on 05/30/2010

i became a vegetarian and started drinking soy milk at the age of 16..i started using it in everything...i got up to the point of drinking about 1 ltr every day 1.5 days...i loved it!! i was addicted to drinking tea with creamy original soy...i had it on everything...

At the age of 25 my period started slowing down in frequency, between the age of 25-30 i was only having about 3-6 "clotty" 2day periods a year and i developed a big thick chunk in the middle of my neck "swollen thyroid", i had ultra sounds on it apparently it was "normal" "its just more visible due to your slim neck"...i saw many doctors and had tests but they all told me i was fine and to just go on the pill if i wanted to regulate my period...this was not an option for me...i started worrying about my fertility, would i ever be able to get pregnant.
Then at the age of 30.5 my mum read an article about the bad side of soy milk and she told me to get off it quickly....

So i switched to rice milk and 28 days later i got a 5 day period and 2yrs on i have been getting them every swollen thyroid has even slimed down :-)....oh and within 5 months of stopping soy milk i got pregnant.

For me this is proof enough...the oestrogen in the soy was messing up my natural cycle...

well thats my story.

Replied by Francisca
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)

I have been reading a lot about unfermented soy products lately and all the problems they create. My children were born in Holland. They all three had lactose intolerance. The oldest was given formula without lactose but at the time the youngest two were born soy was already in fashion and they were prescribed soy formula by the doctor. Back then one didn't think twice about what the doctor prescribed so we had no problem with it. As I understand now it can cause them problems for the rest of their lives. Soy formula is now only prescribed in cases the baby is watched closely by the doctor. But I ask myself... why still prescribe it at all? They say that it is the same as giving a new born one to two anticonception pills....... Who on earth would do that? I don't know whether to tell the news to my daughters but I think that I ought too. Their doctor should know because in case they indeed have a problem it might be easier to solve if the doctor knows they have had this terrible formula when they were babies.

Replied by Billie
(Melbourne, Victoria, Australia)

yes i think you should definitely tell your so glad my mum told me about what she had read about soy milk...i saw alot of doctors and none of them seemed too interested in my lack of periods...i kept hearing "just go on the pill to regulate"

One man even sat back in his chair and put his hands behind his head and told me that..."can i ask you how much you weigh" when i told him i have always been a petite 45kgs no matter how much i eat and my parents and friends aren't concerned about my weight because they know my eating habbits, he then said in a patronising way..."well you do relies your the weight of alot of anorexic girls and when you starve you body you most likely stop menstruating" i couldn't believe it....that was the last time i saw was probably easier for him to put me in a box with his conclusion.

i feel that alot of western trained doctors really don't want to believe there is any relation between herbal/natural remedies and health...its too easy to just prescribe a pill.

My youngest brother was bought up on soy milk as he was severely allergic to dairy...he had lots of issues with his health in his early years....he is now 18yrs and as my mum tells me he has confided in her that he has a very small "little friend" (& he just ended up in hospital with enlarged cysts on his testicles) he also has a strange voice which sounds high and blocked...too much oestrogen? i have 2 other brothers that were fine with dairy that have no problems like he has...a coincidence or fluke?

i still eat tofu and temphe as im sure these are good for you...

since i stopped soy milk everything is back to normal im happy to say..

Soy Feedback
Posted by Steve (Atlanta, Georgia) on 05/09/2010

Ted is correct in distinguishing between fermented and non-fermented soy. 93% of soy in the USA is non-organic, hence the natural confusion for consumers who don't know the difference. In fact, there are 10,000 species of soy which adds to the challenge to evaluate it properly.

The National Cancer Insitute spent $20 million and concluded that soy when fermented had the most anti-carcinagenic properties.

When processed at a low temperature and hydrolyzed and nitrogenated into a beverage it has been a very effective alternative for treating advanced cancer patients as well as Crohn's disease, and other auto-immune illnesses.

It is a powerful immune booster and harnesses the body's natural healing powers more than most realize.

Steve Becker
Atlanta Ga

Soy Feedback
Posted by Claudia (Hoor, Skane, Sweden) on 03/07/2010

Ted, hi and thanx for your always amazing bank of knowledge. I personally love soy products, from the taste to the known benefits. My mom is now suffering from severe osteoporois; it's awful and sad to watch her suffer. On a personal note, I used to eat a lot of soy for the obvious reasons - found I could not digest it. My Naturopath told me I was allergic (due to the symptoms I was having) - he also mentioned that so much of the soy we now have is GMO so the that in itself kind of negates the benefits. Am wondering :

A. Do you know of a way to ensure one is not getting GMO product?
B. What can someone like myself do who has allergic reactions to soy (gastric distress, etc).

Thanx so much for all your help!


Replied by Robt
(Manhattan, New York)

Hi Claudia, (in addition to Ted's advice)

you may want to consider adding Natto to your diet. Especially for your Mom. There are studies linking it's use to increased bone density.
I buy mine from a local Japanese store and purchase organic which hopefully ensures non GMO.
(there are videos on youtube showing is preparation)

Soy Feedback
Posted by Bogazot (Cedar Knolls, Nj) on 02/22/2010

Why do you recommend soy as it is very clear in literature that soy is not a healthy food source.

EC: That's Ted's (a frequent contributor) opinion on soy, not Earth Clinic's...

Replied by Mom In Calif
(Santa Barbara, Calif, Usa)

There are a lot of ways to process soy. Traditional fermented soy foods are healthy - miso, tofu, shoyu, etc. I think the more modern uses of soy, such as meat substitutes, isolated or hydrolized soy protein, etc. are more problematic.

Also, remember that in the USA at least, a huge proportion of (non-organic) soy products are made with genetically-modified soy, which is very allergenic and messes with the immune system.

Soy Feedback
Posted by Erynn (New Haven, Ct) on 02/12/2010

While I agree that the commercial industry of food is trying to force us to think that soy is bad, I do have to disagree on one part. I do think Soy effects estrogen, but may not necessarily be in a bad way. Women who are diagnosed with infertility are constantly using soy (in replacement of infertility drugs, like Clomid) to build their uterine lining and ovulate. Estrogen is the KEY horomone in Clomid, related with soy? I think the success of Soy proves this.

Soy Feedback
Posted by Meddy (Springfield, Oh, USA) on 09/26/2009

For the past year, I have been a wreck! I am post-menopausal and the hot flashes and emotional ups and downs were making me feel like I was losing it. I wanted to edure this and go all natural, figuring this was a natural part of my body's process...I could not take this one more second. I went to see my Dr. and begged her for HRT's...anything to give me relief. She is a huge pill pusher so I was rather shocked when she told me to dring soy milk. I asked her about bioidentical therapy and her reply was, "drinking soy milk is bioidentical"... I know there will be those who disagree, I can only speak for myself. I started drinking about 8 oz of soy milk right away. For me, it has been nothing short of a miracle. I feel like a human being againl. The depression is gone and so are the hot flashes. If I do feel one coming on, I run and get about 4 oz in me and they immediately subside. I cannot tell you what a blessing this has been. I have not experienced one negative side effect. If this helps just one person who is suffering like I was, please give it a try.

Replied by carmel

Hi Meddy. I was relieved to see your post. I am 65 and have had a lot of problems since my menopause many years ago. I was getting hot and cold flushes, brain fog and memory, depression and anxiety, terrible insomnia, and struggled to maintain my normal weight despite eating very little. I researched and kept seeing about serotonin, then I kept seeing that serotonin does not get into the body and work for you without estrogen. I got soy capsules and within about 24 hours I had my first proper nights sleep for years. I also found my mood improved. So did many of the aches and pains I had because of fibro where this can often be related to lack of serotonin. I was suicidal before this. I could barely move some days, or had to just sit around or lay around and could not do my chores, did not enjoy anything, could not even go for a walk, and then at bedtime could not sleep! It was a nightmare. So everyone is different.

Soy Feedback
Posted by Catherine (Kaneohe, Hawaii) on 07/22/2009

Make up your own mind and please do pass along information to others.

Soy Feedback
Posted by Beth (Miami, Florida) on 07/17/2009

Soy no way!!

I ate soy for about a month and experienced the WORST possible pms imagineable... good thing I quit and was able t osave my marriage cause trust me it was ugly...

I will never touch soy again and really think it is much more harmfull than earlier thought. I resent Teds information page and hope that those who are ill don't read it with out reading the comments below. I really think it should be removed and that a short description on soy is more suitable.

Peace and prosperity to all


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