Acid Reflux
Health Benefits

Apple Cider Vinegar Treatment for Acid Reflux

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Fajar (Beppu, Oita, Japan) on 11/01/2009

apple cider vinegar for acid reflux side effect

I've drank ACV with the mother 1tblspoon in 8oz of water 3x a day for 3 days. My urine is turning very clear, not the usual yellowish. anybody experience that? is that normal?

thank you.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Calsunshine (La Mesa, Ca) on 09/23/2009

I have just discovered this website and the postings about apple cider vinegar and honey helping with acid reflux. I have had a little "tickle" cough for several years. It has become worse in the last couple. Two doctors have told me it is due to acid reflux which I had a HARD time believing since I rarely feel it and I rarely have heart burn. So I have been taking Nexium either in the a.m. on an empty stomach or at bedtime on an empty stomach. I'm still coughing. On the advice of another doctor I have now been taking it both morning and night for about a month and a helf. I am still coughing.

Today I picked up a bottle of organic unfiltered acv and had my first dose: 2 tsp. acv with 1 tsp honey and 8 oz water. We'll see what happens. Is it best to take it before dinner or at bedtime?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Marie (Kingsland, Ga) on 08/18/2009

I am a lap-band patient for 3 yrs. The last year has been a nightmare with the acid reflux waking me in the middle of the night and feeling like I was choking to death. Sleeping on 5-6 pillows didn't help, nor did the many over the counter and prescription medicines. One night about 6 weeks ago, I googled "acid reflux" and read about the many believers in ACV. I take 1-2 TBS of organic AVC with about 1/2-3/4 cup organic apple juice every evening 30 minutes before bedtime. It works for me and I'm finally not afraid of going to sleep on 1 pillow.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Nick (New York City, NY) on 07/10/2009

I am a 29 year old healthy adult who has been suffering from acid reflux for as long as I can remember. I have a healthy and active lifestyle and my diet is realtively good (no read meat and only moderate chicken). I have been taking Aciphex for about a year now and have been symptom free. However, I am fully aware of the negative side effects PPIs have on the body and was direly searching for an alternative, preferably a natural one. The other day I came across this website and decided to give apple cider vinegar a try. I didn't have too much hope as I have tried many natural home remedies in the past...all without much success. I started with 2 teaspoons of ACV in 8 oz of water with a spoonful of organic honey twice a day (once in the morning on an empty stomach, and once before bed). I was surprised at how potable the mixture was. I began the ACV and stopped taking the Aciphex on Monday morning. I am overjoyed that it is now Friday and I have zero symptoms of the reflux. Prior to this, if I ran out of my medicine, I would be in excrutiating pain within 48 hours. I wouldn't call myself sured yet (I am still nervous it is going to come back), but I am amazed and excited about the results thus far. Thank you everyone for the excellent (and hopefully life changing) recommendation!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Steve (Memphis, TN) on 07/09/2009

I'm not big on natural cures, but my acid reflux was so painful for about 3 years I was willing to try anything. I was in the habit of taking Pepsid Complete every night before bed and the drug worked fine. I had no problems if I took the pill. But I decided to see if there was another alternative ... so I decided two weeks ago to give ACV a shot.

This was a difficult step for me, because I have never gone to bed without the pepsid complete for the past 3 years. To my amazement the ACV works wonders. I have only had a couple of minor issues with acid reflux this past two weeks, and amazingly I have not had in trouble at night going to bed when the reflux would really attack. I take two teaspoons per 8 ounces of water 3 times a day ... and the acid reflux is getting even better. I haven't had any issues the past two days.

Thanks to all for the suggestions ... I can tell you it worked for me. I will now browse through this site and see what else I have been missing out on.


Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Wanda (Ruckersville, VA) on 06/03/2009


My insurance company will no longer pay for my Aciphex which is terrible because I have extreme acid reflux. My throat got raw plus I was unable to sleep. The ACV after 1 week seems to help some as long as I eat an apple before I go to bed and take 2 tums. I do have a questions though-why am I so tired now. It seems that each day I get extremely tired and I'm very restless at night. It's almost like I've run 10 miles even thought I have a desk job. Does anyone have an answer or a remedy. Could it be that I'm going thru detox?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Michele (Dallas, TX) on 03/13/2009

I have a GREAT cure for acid reflux. Believe it or not, you can simply take a teaspoon of vinegar -- just regular apple cider or white vinegar. It works immediately. You would think that it would only add to the acid upset but it actually rebalances it. You'll be amazed -- and save a ton of money.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dan (Holland, MI/USA) on 02/02/2009

It is the day after the Super Bowl, and after consuming several beers, a few mixed drinks, buffalo wings and nachos, I slept all night with no heartburn. About a week and a half ago I found this site and decided to try the ACV cure. I had been living with heartburn and acid reflux for years and taking ranitidine for it. But it became less and less effective. I tried Prilosec OTC and it helped for the two weeks that I took the pills but once I stopped, the heartburn returned. So much for lasting 4 months! Then I was back to ranitidine. Now, I'm not sure I can attribute it all to the ACV. I have also been exercising regularly; watching what and when I eat (except for yesterday); lost some weight; as well as eating apple slices, honey, and the yogurt with the probiotics. My approach is this: get my digestive system working normally and deal with any heartburn if and when it does flare up. The ACV, honey, and yogurt are for fixing my digestive system, the apple slices are for any flare ups. The only caveat I have is that the Prilosec is still in my system and will be for about another month. I am very pleased with the results so far.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Judy (Pardes Hanna, Israel) on 09/21/2008

I started using stronger and stronger medicines for acid reflux and wanted to try something else. Looking in your site, I got some apple cider vinegar. I take less than a teaspoonful in a large glass of water, twice a day, and have stopped using any medicine. Thank you so much.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jackie (Marion, IL) on 09/18/2008

OK I tried it and the 1st and 2nd day I had some burning and it did seem like the acid reflux got worse but I stuck it out like all of you said and by the 3rd day it was gone completely. Now I am taking 1 teaspoon in the AM with 8oz of water and I am good for the whole day. No more meds, I am free. This really does work you need to give it a chance. If you get the burning start with less than a tablespoon because you may not need as much, like me. Go on give it a try. It is worth the try to be free from meds and that knife pain in your stomach. Let us know what happens.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Keith (Nacogdoches, Tx. USA) on 07/17/2008

ACV is the best. Lived on all the prescriptions and over the counter drugs. They relieved but they did not cure. ACV does. It's not just good for acid reflux but for other things in your body. Every Morning 1 tble spoon ACV plus 1 package of emerg C in 8oz. of pure water, been acid reflux free 2 years and counting.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by David (Avon, IN 46123, USA) on 04/22/2007

Apple cider vinager has reduced my acid reflux and the positive proof of killing all of the bacteria in my bladder came from a lab test when I thought I had a prostate infection. The doctor looked at the results and said my urine was so remarkably clean, (without any bacteria) she did not know what I had. Therefore, she sent to urology and it was discovered I had too much acid in my system. Much of it was too much coffee, orange juice and grape juice plus ACV. When cutting back on too much juice, my prostate symtoms were gone in a few days, but the proof of " no bacteria in my bladder" was reason enough to let others know the benefits of AVC. All bladders have ... cells floating around and that causes bladder and kidney infections. AVC can prevent that. DJS

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Javier (Miami, Florida) on 03/10/2007

My name is Javier, from Miami Florida, I discover your Website by searching the web, and I have been reading a lot about it. I have acid reflux since 15 years ago, and I always try to stop taking Prilosec, lately I don't feel Prilosec have no more effect in my body and I also use Tums, I try ACV two tablespoons and 2 of honey in a half glass of water after breakfast and after dinner, and it really works, I still can't believe it. I had acid reflux, heartburn, arrhythmia caused by chest pain over night, and now it is incredible, I have no symptoms, I sleep better, and also I have loose 6 pound in 10 days, I found out I feel less tired myself, the pain in my legs is gone, my throat has no acid or sour taste in the morning, I am very happy, Thanks again.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by KB (Chicago, IL) on 06/09/2006

I have acid reflux. The silent kind. No heartburn or late nights... but it was there. I sing in a rock back and it hit me after a performance. I am sure the late nights, beer, and late eating finally caught up with me. I went to the ENT, got scoped and was put on Prevacid (PPI). Did that for a month, while researching the web and anything I can get my hands on to get rid of this. I couldn't sing without major pain. We practice weekly and felt like I was letting the guys down. I found ACV and gave it a certainly helped but ACV is acidic. It cures the heartburn, but since acid reflux is stemmed from too much acid coming up the to the throat... you might be adding to your problems as I did in my case. I wanted off the PPI's as that is very bad for you in a lot of ways. I found some natural cures like taking Ginger Root extract after meals and Honey when the reflux kicks up and before I sleep every night. I also drink a shot of Aloe Vera with water (you can get that at any healthfood store) three times a day. The Aloe actually heals the burns internally in your throat (just like it does for your skin when you get an external burn). I feel for the first time I actually have a handle on this. We have a gig a week from today and my confidence is growing as each day passes. My advice to this group is to do your research. There are many other things I am doing aside from what I listed above, but those specifically have helped me. Everyone is different. There are many natural remedies out there that you can look at to heal yourself and still not have to change your lifestyle too much. Just stay away from PPI's (they say Orange Peel extract is something to consider in replacement...but should be done carefully and for a short period of time - research it)...I have a feeling in about 10 years there will be a study on PPI's and how they are causing all sorts of new problems. When you think about it, the reason your stomach creates the acid is to break down food you eat before it hits your intestines, which is a good thing...PPI's basically put undigested food in your intestines to rot...not good. The main issue for everyone on this board is to just keep the acid in the stomach where it belongs...anyway...good luck...research, research, research!!! When I am 100% healed I will be back with more...till then...ROCK ON!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Rob (Sacramento, CA) on 05/21/2006

ACV really does work. I am a very skeptical person. I have lived on over the counter drugs for heart burn going on 16 years, and guess what, I'm only 32 years old. I started out with max strength Mylanta then on to zantac. I started waking up in the middle of night with acid in my throat not being able to breath and coughing so hard to get that stuff out of my throat I would throw up. I could not sleep on my stomach at all. My symptoms was getting really bad I was scared for my life. So I went to the ER they told me to keep taking zantac. Finally I was told about ACV at work this is where skepticism came in I looked and looked and researched this cure. I was really looking for a big sign saying I was a big jack ass but I went ahead and bought a gallon of ACV I finished it off took approximately 1 to 2 shots three times a day in a big 16 oz glass of water. Heart Burn is GONE GONE GONE thanks to ACV and your SITE. Thanks so much, Rob P.