Health Benefits

Borax Side Effects & Safety Guide

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Jessica (Louisiana ) on 09/14/2019

Better But With Side Effects

Please help! I just finished day 5 of drinking borax water. Hoping to treat my psoriatic arthritis and heel spurs. Everything was going good until today I developed a yeast infection. I NEVER get those. Do you think I should discontinue the borax water? Could this be a toxin release? Thanks in advance for your input

Borax Side Effects
Posted by GertJr (Madison) on 06/13/2019

I started taking a pinch of borax in a liter of water on Monday. Did this Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday (today) and had sinus/headache since Monday evening. Tonight I am running a fever. Is this herx or might I have a virus? I've been fighting a cough/sinus thing for several weeks now, better one day then back to the cough and cheek pain. I have been in airports and medical clinics with many sick people around me, so I could have picked something up. I plan to continue the borax unless I feel a good deal worse. I also take 1 drop lugols every morning in water, but that shouldn't matter, should it? I drink lots of water during the day and eat clean, but was snacking a good bit during my airport day (planes delayed, was there a very long time and exhausted when I got home. Over 24 hours, yuck).

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Heinrich (Gippsland) on 05/24/2019

I have noticed that taking the borax thins my blood and I have more blood noses.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by David (Canada) on 03/25/2019

Greetings. I have been watching several of your youtube videos regarding the health benefits of boron supplementation. I am a 62 year old male recently diagnosed with low testosterone. My doctor prescribed testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) at a relatively low dose. As pointed out, Boron can apparently be useful in increasing testosterone and balancing hormones, so I decided to give it a try. Borax of course is a very cheap option for obtaining Boron. I purchased a box of mule 20 team borax at a local grocery store. The only ingredient listed is Sodium Tetraborate. Knowing that Borax contains approximately 11 milligrams of Boron per 100 milligrams, I carefully weighed out 60 milligrams of Borax (providing about 6-7 mg of boron) on a sensitive scale. This I put in a small bottle and added very hot water. To that, I emptied a 150mg capsule of magnesium citrate and shook it very well. Then I poured that into a 15 ounce bottle and filled it with cold filtered water, shook it again, and drank it. That night, I woke at 4 in the morning soaked in sweat. Could this be some form of detoxification? Perhaps I should lower the dose? The next day I did the same thing, although this time I drank the bottle over the course of the day. While I did not wake up in a sweat, I did wake up feeling quite nauseated, which passed later in the day. Again, is this part of a detoxification that could/should pass in time? Any advice, especially from those who've experienced similar symptoms would be greatly appreciated. Thanks much.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Bobbie (Forest City, PA) on 01/05/2019

Re: borax - My family all had bone pain in different areas so I would only use the lower dose that's recommended.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Kevin (Toulon) on 12/20/2018

I have been taking one teaspoon of borax in 1.5L water. I did a mistake because I knew nothing about dosage and read on a forum that someone was taking this high amount. I have been taking this for about two months which is huge. Now I have no more sperm. I discovered borax could be toxic to the testicles in high doses. Did this happen to anyone?

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Hina (Sindh) on 11/27/2018 2 posts

I have reactive arthritis since 5 years. I'm on day 5 of using borax (two pinch), Baking soda 1/2 teaspoon in half glass of water, ACV, Coconut Oil two times a day 1, I have left wheat, sugar and also doing juice fasting(vegetables mostly). I'm feeling energized but with side effects - low back pain shoulder pain pinched nerves in elbow and lot of acne (milia) comes up on face. I also have dry eyes due to ReA. Hoping I will recover fast. Do anybody have this kind of side effect and when they will subside?

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Illysmanx (Denmark) on 11/08/2018

Borax heavily raises my bloodsugars. For 3-4 hours after using it, I have trouble getting my bloodsugars into normal range again. I suspect it's because borax is a mix of boron and natrium (salt/natron), and salt drives down potassium levels. Potassium allows insulin to enter the cells of the body.

Of course, there's plenty of chances that the blood sugar reactions are because borax stresses parasites. Still praying for a breakthrough in all this!

Type 1 diabetes, have had a bone tumor, teeth issues. I got amalgam fillings when I was 14 and diabetes and all the rest of the issues came after that (heavy metal troubles! ). I do wish my family had known about parasite cleansing before all the other crap happened to me!

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Carol (Wilkes Barre Pa) on 11/06/2018

I have been using borax on and off for about 9 months. I have been having kidney pain and just wondering if borax has been known to cause kidney damage?

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Tisha (Canada) on 11/05/2018 5 posts

1/8tsp borax in water is causing heart palpitations...any idea why and how to control it?

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Isela (New York) on 08/23/2018

I been taking 1/8 teaspoon of borax in 1 liter of water, but I have side effects tingle sensation in my left arm, pain in the left side of my neck, anxiety and a lot of gasse, every time I time I touch my neck. Thanks God, I don't have the anxiety anymore. Someone who experienced the same side effects, or anyone who can tell me what can I do to get rid of the symptoms. Thank you very much for your help.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Touba (Tampa, Fl) on 07/17/2018

I am 47 yrs old women. Experiencing bone and joint aches. Last week after I ate shiitake mushrooms I started to experience left big toe joint pain. I thought it might be gout. I search and started taking cal-mag, C, cheries.. Along with 1/8 tsp borax in 1lt water daily.

My 10 yr old son told me that I am over the top angry, and snappy (I was PMS ing). I never skip a period up till this time and I am 3 days late this time. Today PMS symptoms are gone. Using cal-mag helps me to have my period easy. So it's not that. I am thinking it might be the borax caused to skipping?? Anybody who has/had the same experience and/or might have an opinion on this? I am pretty curious that it might be a huge coincidence that is starting borax solution and losing a period at the same time, maybe its just I am getting premenopausal..

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Lester (Dublin) on 07/13/2018

Candida - Use of Turpentine and Borax resulting in becoming very tired throughout the day and in muscles of the body.

Just finished my 4th day of turpentine in the morning yesterday and on my third day of using the Borax. Now I was just on the Turpentine last week, but since starting the Borax I have been exhausted... Any reason why this might be, please?!



Borax Side Effects
Posted by Lia (Nv) on 07/05/2018

I have been taking borax (20 mule) for close to a month 1/8tsp per day. I started having bone pain, no other side effects just feeling bone pain. Is this normal. I do take vitamin D, K, Magnesium, silica and B complex. Is bone pain normal?

Borax Side Effects
Posted by John (Amsterdam) on 06/19/2018

I have been using Borax 5 days on 2 days off using a dosage between 1/4th and 1/8th of a teaspoon. The reason that I have been using it is that I suspect Candida and yeast related issues.

I have noticed many days (not all) that I have had serious diarrhea due to the effect of the borax. Could this be due to candida die off or could this be a side effect due to the alkalinity of Borax? Can anyone elaborate on this?

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