Health Benefits

Borax Side Effects & Safety Guide

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Tessa (Naperville, Il, Usa) on 02/03/2010

I would be so grateful if Ted could address this question. I'm at the end of my second day of taking 1/8 tsp borax in 1 liter of water for treating rosacea and like some others experienced, beginning this morning I could feel slight kidney discomfort. I wouldn't say the kidneys hurt exactly, but they're making their presence known. In all other respects I feel fine. I tend to believe this is a sign my body is detoxing, but I don't want to be too little worried :) Could this be a sign of detox or is it a sign that I should stop immediately?

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Nj (Chicago, Ill) on 01/15/2010

today was my first try of the borax remedy. I was fine right until the end of the liter but around the end i developed what seems to me like pain in the kidney area. A couple other posters had reported this also. I will wait a day or so to see if it goes away and will try it again. Anyone know if this is transient, benign pain or is this dangerous?

EC: Hi NJ, how much borax did you add to 1 litre of water? Thanks...

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Lilly (Margate, Fl) on 11/25/2009

I just wanted to reply to any post that discredits the use of Borax (store brand), I have no complaints, aches or pains but just wanted to use the borax for my own peace of mind and study if you will, to see what would happen if I injested it and not the proper way either. I was my own guini pig, so I filled a empty vegie cap "00" with borax and took it w/a cup of water. Waited a day or so, nothing happened so I did it again, still felt no change or ill effect, I continued this for a wk and still got no ill effect or change in urine or stool, no headache, no rash, no flushing or anything, I will report back to this site w/my latest findings. I also have been taking epsom salt the same way for months and feel great, my stomach is flat finally and not bloated after any meals.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Harmonious1 (Littleville, Southwest USA) on 06/30/2009

If, as stated, borax will move flouride out, then I suggest people who use it with flouridated water may be setting themselves up for these side effects. Flouride detox can be very painful, as I found out when I started taking iodine. When the flouride was stirred up and recirculated through my body, I had a lot of bad symptoms. And it takes a while for your body to get rid of it then.

I suggest using purified water, not city water, as it may be flouridated.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 04/15/2009 391 posts

A woman's dose is 1/8, a man's dose is 1/4 dissolved in one liter of drinking water. I can't say much about this poster since sufficient details are not mentioned, except for the fact that he's prediabetic, which borax has a tendency to normalize blood sugar. So I find this posting fishy on many points. A lot of people through private emails actually take a much larger dose that this.

Loss of sex drive has never been reported except for fluoride. Most report an increase in sex drive. Most of the problems reported are associated with boric acid, not borax because boric is acid. Acid eats up kidney, whether it's boric acid or acid forming foods in general.

So I have many regrets on this email. A genuine poster would also email directly to me before posting them and give sufficient details. An intentionally fake poster will report unusual side effects, lacking in sufficient details, on Earth Clinic without telling me. So you can see why I find this a suspicious post.


EC: We had emailed Ted for more thoughts about this post. The above is his 2nd response...

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Paula (Coloma, Michigan, USA) on 04/16/2009

I am on Premarin due to having a complete hysterectomy 8 years ago. I'm only 37 but have lost the majority of my sex drive since the surgery. I was hoping the borax would help with the sex drive and to lose weight. I'm also doing the oil pulling and taking Apple Cider Vinegar supplements. Should I quit taking the borax all together?

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 04/15/2009 391 posts

The problems I have encountered with facial breakouts, as this came from the fact that one of the person who reported this similar occurrence was taken estogen (Diane) and anti-androgen (androcur). Both the product apparently had a double dose of cyproterone. That caused a shutdown in the adrenals. To make the matter worse, the person also took a lot of whey protein to build muscles, that lead to protein coagulation in the body causing an acne.

In any event, one doesn't take borax without a reason. If a known fluoride poisoning exist, tor that a person has autoimmunity, or a person had rosacea, morgellons, will experience different effect.

If a person happens to have a Morgellon's having demodex mites, the borax DOES cause a breakout as the demodex mites to come out of the skin, killing most of the demdodex mites. Which is the mode of how borax kills the demodex mites. It flushes them out of the body. Same thing with certain types Rosacea, it flushes them out too.

Since I don't know the reason for why borax was taken, the two possibility that I have encountered are the ones I mentioned here. However, people can take it for different reasons and different reactions are encountered.


Borax Side Effects
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 04/15/2009

This is not the correct way to do it. The proper method is to dissolve the borax 1/32 teaspoon to 1/4 teaspoon in ONE LITER of drinking water and drink throughout the day. It was not designed to take in pure powder form, usually to rid of autoimmunity disease or a known fluoride poisoning. In rabbit test the dose is roughly lower than this concentration to protect against fluoride poisoning when they added lethal dose of fluoride.


Borax Side Effects
Posted by Paula (Coloma, Michigan, USA) on 04/15/2009

Hi, I've been using 1/8th teaspoon of borax with 1/8th teaspoon of sea salt in 1 liter of water and drinking it 5 days a week for the last couple of weeks. I'm now experiencing what I would call a hive like breakout on my face, neck, chest and arms that lasts for about an hour and then fades away. It started randomly about a week after I started taking borax, but now it's almost a daily occurence. I don't know if I should quit taking it all together or if something else could be causing this. I use to have it happen after drinking certain wines years ago, or after a workout...but now it's happening while I'm at my desk at work and it has my co-workers freaked out. I haven't told them what I'm doing because they aren't into alternative medicine as I am and they already make fun of how many supplements I take a day. Please help. Thank you.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Dave (Surrey, BC) on 04/15/2009

I slowly went from 1/32 teaspoon to 1/4 teaspoon dose borax to remove fluoride from the body. I quit after about 2 days on the 1/4 teaspoon dose. I mixed it properly in pure water according to the directions that I found here. I had to go off of the borax due to aches and pains in the testicles, kidneys, and head. I was very frightened, especially about that kidney pains. Unfortunately, the pains indicated damage. I now, months afterwards, have pain in the kidneys every day, and I have actually LOST almost all of my sex drive. The pains indicated damage that seems permanent. Being prediabetic, perhaps I shouldn't have risked kidney damage!!!! But I miss my sex drive more. It's gone, and borax is not only as toxic as salt to me. Not by far.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Janet D (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma) on 07/15/2008

I tried Borax remedy for my persistent fungus problem in my mouth. I tried Borax internally because Nystation didn't get rid of it ( only partly it did). I used store brand Borax, 1/8 tsp in one liter of distilled water. The first day I experienced a nasty headache all day long and at the second day, my kidney started hurting. So I had to stop taking Borax and I'll never try it again. The pain persisted 5 day after I stopped taking it. It was really scary! I read Ted's comment stating that he uses the store brand Borax when he can't find pure grade Borax. I have read most of user comment and Ted's email before I decided to try Borax remedy. I would like to post my experience about using store brand Borax so that people can least expects what can happen.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Janet D. (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma) on 07/15/2008

I tried Borax remedy for my persistent fungus problem in my mouth. I tried Borax internally because Nystation didn't get rid of it ( only partly it did). I used store brand Borax, 1/8 tsp in one liter of distilled water. The first day I experienced a nasty headache all day long and at the second day, my kidney started hurting. So I had to stop taking Borax and I'll never try it again. The pain persisted 5 day after I stopped taking it. It was really scary! I read Ted's comment stating that he uses the store brand Borax when he can't find pure grade Borax. I have read most of user comment and Ted's email before I decided to try Borax remedy. I would like to post my experience about using store brand Borax so that people can least expects what can happen.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Carrie (Longmont, Colorado) on 01/07/2008

Thank you Ted and Earthclinic for such wonderful information! I have a question for Ted: I started the Borax cure 8 days ago to treat fluoride poisoning and candida. I've been taking 1/8 tsp. Borax in 1 liter of purified water every other day. On day 4 I started manifesting flulike symptoms--extreme chest congestion (very, very thick mucous) and cough, extreme fatigue, all over body aches, mild fever. Today I'm still sick but I am slowly getting better. Would you classify this as a normal detox reaction or did I probably get a virus on top of detoxing?

EC: Read more about Borax here.

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