Acid Reflux
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Acid Reflux Relief

Aloe Vera
Posted by Beth (Nj) on 06/24/2016

I sang in church for many years. Slowly began to loose my range and general vocal ability. Also began to have acid reflux. Now after 15 years of issues, I am singing again and also sleeping at night without the reflux. The only thing I am doing is drinking about one-half cup of pure aloe Vera juice before bed and repeat in morning. I can even eat again during the evening hours - even close to bedtime. Several others in our family recommended this to me. They had been cured of reflux and were so excited. This is a godsend.

Himalayan Salt
Posted by Kennywally (Midwest) on 06/07/2016 46 posts

I used to carry a small container of himalayan pink salt, to instantly knock out acid reflux. I was at a transformational workshop and folks seen me taking a pinch and wondered what I was doing, so I shared that with them, of course it worked great. I rarely get the reflux, but am not sure why, I'm just glad it worked, and fast too!

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Becca (Colorado) on 06/06/2016

Blackstrap Molasses works immediately for acid reflux. Now let's see how long it lasts...

Vitamin C
Posted by Louisa (Texas.) on 03/08/2016

I had acid reflux and came across an article that said taking vitamin C in large amounts up to 10,000 mg a day . I took large amounts up to 5,000 mg a day, (chewable) and that helped a lot. It also help with saliva production if you have dry mouth. Good luck.

Blended Raw Potato
Posted by Cl503 (Portland) on 03/03/2016

I use Now progesertone cream to balance my hormones and I can see a difference and my hormone blood levels normalized so I believe this product works. I have it on subscription so I am never without it!

Blended Raw Potato
Posted by Wydo (Ventura, Ca, United States) on 03/02/2016

I have a great respect for Ted and his opinions that he posts. After all they influenced what I took while having stage 4 lung cancer and now I am free of it. On the subject of progesterone, I don't think he had the opportunity to review the latest research on the use of progesterone on cancer. Researchers have found that there are 2 genes that are affected by progesterone. One is the BCL2 gene and the other is the P53 gene. Research has shown that natural progesterone affects one of these genes and synthetic progesterone affects the other and shows that there is a difference between the two. The BCL2 gene helps the cancer and the P53 gene shuts down the cancer. Here is an article that covers this; Https:// I have also read elsewhere that vitamin D3 works with the natural progesterone to make it more effective. After reading the above article, the question comes to my mind, what creams have the natural progesterone that will promote the P53 gene. There are lots of these creams out there. All that you have to do is go to and do a search for progesterone cream and you will see lots of them and they all say they have natural progesterone in them but which ones actually works? I have a friend that is afflicted with breast-cancer and I would like to know what will work for here. If anyone knows out there please let me know. I believe that a good strategy to make the breast-cancer go away would include progesterone cream. I would be grateful to anyone for a replay. Thank you

Aloe Vera
Posted by Katwoman (Bat Area) on 01/23/2016

Try Aloe vera liquid. So purified it taste like drinking water, does not have to be refrigerated. I even put it in my cats water and it's amazing what it does for their elimination as well. It makes your body more alkaline, help your skin and hair- about 2 ounces at least once a day for an adult.

Raw Potato
Posted by Winnie (New Jersey) on 01/20/2016

Eating raw potato, peeling and all, will cure acid reflux. You can just eat it or put potato in blender and drink it. Works for me everytime.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Sekar (India) on 12/18/2015

Take plain aloe vera, that will help you.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda
Posted by Frederick (Tulip, Ar) on 10/18/2015

Can I take probiotics, aloe cure & ACV all in the same day course? Thank you kindly for your valued time; Frederick

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 10/17/2015

Oh Deirdre, thank you so much for reminding me of this!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda
Posted by Deirdre (Atlanta) on 10/17/2015

Hi Frederick,

According to Earth Clinic's contributor Ted, whom I just visited in Bangkok a few weeks ago and the one who has written extensively on apple cider vinegar and baking soda on this site, a remedy should work within 3 days. If it doesn't, he said it's time to try something else. That is Ted's golden rule. He kept telling me this when I visited him.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda
Posted by Frederick (Tulip, Ar) on 10/14/2015

I have severe acid reflux. How long can I take apple cider vinegar/ baking soda, been taking 2Tb=vinegar with 1Tsp (3 times a day) 5 days on 2 days off now on my second wk.. How long does it take for results? Thank u kindly.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Norma (Tennessee) on 10/06/2015

I just wanted to say that blackstrap molasses helps with acid reflux, about 2 tablespoons and take that either before or after eating, works either way. I think it has to do with potassium that helps with the acid reflux the same as with the banana I believe that's why it works....

Olive Oil
Posted by Episolve Gi (California, Usa) on 05/28/2015

Olive oil definitely works!

Aloe Vera
Posted by Irina ( Md) on 05/16/2015

I coured my acid reflux with aloe vera many years ago. I have a premature baby that suffers of reflux. We've given her prevacid becuause that's what she got at the NICU. Now, I want to switch but I don't know what brand and amount are safe for her. She is 13 lbs 10 oz. She is almost 6 months old. Thank you!!!

Mastic Gum
Posted by Mary (Arcadia, Ca) on 05/15/2015 49 posts

I started to take Mastic Gum after having an episode of vomiting for 3 days straight couldn't even keep down water. After it stopped I developed very bad Panic Attacks. I went to see my natural doctor and she said, "we better give you something to help heal your stomach issues first" I was told to take Mastic Gum.

It affected me badly by raising my blood pressure to 188/113. It wasn't great before that but never that high. I started to take Oregano oil lets see what happens to me next. I will keep you posted thank you. Mary

Posted by Javina (London) on 05/14/2015

I use a couple of sticks of raw celery for indigestion. I find it far more effective than commercial antacids. Sodium Bicarbonate works well too.

Posted by Lady Constance (Beaver Falls) on 04/27/2015

Also, re: Ginger, I use pickled ginger like they have at sushi restaurants. Works in seconds on the acid! And yummy too. Also candied ginger is yummy and works well. I always have baking soda in the house, 1 tsp to a cup or less of water, bobs your uncle, pain gone! God bless you.

Ginger, Loquat Leaf, ACV Drink
Posted by Deng (Santa Clara) on 04/26/2015

For acid reflux, try boiling 1 ginger and 4 dry loquat leaves, pour in a cup and add 1 tsp of organic raw apple cider vinegar. You can add honey into it for taste. Drink before and after every meal and surely this will balance the acid...

Posted by Tom Wall (Maplewood, Mn) on 03/19/2015

everyone knows lemon is bad for gerd

Posted by Virginia (New Jersey, US) on 02/04/2015

I found that taking a few calcium tablets helps immediately with severe reflux, and I take acidophilus complex, and aloe vera to maintain overall digestive balance

Dietary Changes
Posted by Aleksandar (Serbia) on 01/10/2015

To be honest, I don't think that the loose LES is your problem. By the sound of it, I think it's too low acidity of gastric juices. I think that when your gut flora is OK, you won't be having problems with digestion.

Don't Eat Before Bed
Posted by Jill (Chicago, IL) on 12/29/2014

I almost always have a lump in my throat from acid reflux. I even bought special wedge pillows but I couldn't get used to them, they were so uncomfortable. All that really helps is eating three hours before bed and not laying down until the three hours are up.

Slippery Elm
Posted by Gena (Westport, Ct) on 12/09/2014

I have acid reflux and find that taking 4 capsules of slippery elm settles my stomach and makes the acid reflux disappear. I highly recommend it for anyone who suffers from it!

Don't Eat Before Bed
Posted by Lily (Nashville, TN) on 11/09/2014

Yes when I had reflux due to lack of acid Apple Cider Vinegar helped but so does changing the diet to more clean foods and not eating close to when you will sleep (elevate your head if you need to).

Remove Chlorine
Posted by Suntosh (India) on 10/30/2014

What is the name of alkaline water machine that turns regular tap water into alkaline rich water and I can buy in India?

Broccoli Sprouts
Posted by Cfb (North America) on 09/02/2014

I was researching Acid Reflux and discovered much concerning H-Plyori. The most effective way to eliminate the cause of the weak spot, which is H-Plyori bacteria, is the nutrient from Brocolli Sprouts commonly called Sulphoraphannne. Look of John Hopkins and search the research of Paul Talalay. He tried to patent brocolli sprouts and make a profit on every one sold in the U.S.A. What a moral creep. But he does good research.

Posted by Michael (Alton, Il) on 05/27/2014

After suffering 2 years with acid reflux I was cured in 3 days drinking water.

1) upon waking, drink 44oz glass of water.
2) Required... drink (Only) water with meal.
3) Drink large glass of water before bed.

Posted by Nathan (Vietnam) on 05/23/2014

I concur that both kefir and yogurt can cure acid reflux over time. You just take one with each meal. Whenever I go to the doctor and they give me pharmaceutical medications, such as painkillers like paracematol, or antibiotics, as long as you take kefir with the mix at the meal, you can prevent acid reflux. If you do get it (whether or not you are taking it) it will cure it in time.

Also one teaspoon - one tablespoon of ACV and enough sodium bicarbonate it to neutralize it (1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon typically) is very good for dealing with that too.

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