Natural Remedies for ALS

Lipid Replacement Therapy
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, USA) on 04/11/2013 2063 posts

In reply to:

Posted by Sarah (Carlyle, Illinois ) on 04/10/2013: My father-n-law has recently been diagnosed with ALS. We are having a really hard time to figure out what to do to help him. His progression is coming way to fast he is really having a tough time sleeping, problems with saliva, constipation and he is also very depressed. He has doctor appointment this Friday at the ALS clinic in St Louis. Ted, I need your help.

Sarah: I'm not Ted and cannot offer any specific recommendations, BUT I just watched an ihealthtube video of Professor Garth Nicholson of the Institute of Molecular Medicine speaking of his successes treating degenerative and chronic diseases with Lipid Replacement Therapy (LRT). He mentioned only recently using LRT in degenerative neurological diseases with success.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Angela (Modesto, Ca) on 04/05/2013

Hello all! This question is for Ted

It's been a while since I posted, I have been busy with the care of my dad who is healing from als. He is being called the 'new' miracle man. Ted has been of major and effective assistance in this arena and my family and I continue to be grateful for his contributions. I wanted to ask Ted if he knew of any side effects of branch chained amino acids for someone like my dad who is not on any medications - except for acid reflux and constipation which are both PRN. He breathes room air (never been on oxygen) and continues to seek natural ways to help his muscles repair and rebuld themselves. What is your opinion on BCAA's positive and not-so positive?

Coconut Oil
Posted by Jacques (St-georges, P.Quebec / Canada) on 02/02/2013

TO MR TED, I am treating a case ALS presently and I found at many sites on the web that the coconut oil ( or MCT OIL) is very helpful with many positive results. You write on your pages to do not use ANY OIL ?? What do you think about these very good results and are you encouraged to use it ?? Your opinion will be very appreciated.

Also from all information, you put on your pages in regard to the colitis ulcerous, please be informed I treated 4 cases with 100% success without any recidive. Thank a lot to you.

Waiting yours comments,

Jacques from Canada

ALS Research
Posted by Lloyd (Charlotte, Nc) on 12/20/2012

Dr John Ravits who is a research scientist has written a number of fascinating articles, one of which is Sporadic ALS, A Hypothesis of Persistent Enterovirus Infection which was published in 2005.

The cause of AlS is contradictory and in another article in the same time frame Ravits argues that the virus may be hard to detect especially when looking at frozen spinal fluids and other methods for detection which might not yield the evidence for the existence of the virus that causes ALS, if indeed a virus is the cause.

The undisputed fact says Ravits is that the disease is progressive. I think that fact alone tells us ALS is likely viral. If I read his analysis correctly, he says the "movement" is like polio except the supposed ALS enterovirus is "acute slow motion. " I hope I am not misrepresenting the Ravits papers. Ravits is not affirming the cause but hypothesing why the ALS virus has not been clearly identified like the polio virus.

But let us suppose it is viral. What can be done and in the posts on the Earth Clinic web site some anti viral methods are used. I'll propose consideration of another method for killing the supposed virus.

To be clear, Dr Ravits does not discuss cure at all. He only discussed causation. So what follows is only my own suggestion for possible experimentation:

I believe, and have much anacdotal evidence to support my belief, that colloidal silver will kill virus and bacterial infection... Fungal infection also. But if I were to take the solution of water, containing atoms of silver, and add DMSO, a carrier, solvent and penetrant and saturate the combination of the colloidal silver with 5% DMSO into a white cloth or white paper towel and apply the very wet cloth/paper towel to the spine and let the cloth soak slowly into the skin... Then in theory the silver will be taken into the spine. If there is a virus there the CS will kill it.

I would suggest that the CS be orally consumed as well... A tablespoon daily. That amount for a few months. And if I found a diminishing of my symptoms I would continue the protocol for at least a year. The "poultice" application should be continued for at least two months, every day for two weeks and then every other day for six weeks. If nerves have not been destroyed then one might see an improvement within a month. To help the cells repair, Calcium AEP should be considered also. Dr Robert Adkins in his book, Vita Nutrients gave Ca AEP by IV to his MS patients as the most important part of the MS protocol achieving wonderful results at his Long Island clinic.

I would apply the CS/DMSO solution to the entire spine... base of skull to tail bone.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Janice H (Eastaboga, Alabama, Usa) on 10/10/2012

Ted, I followed your guidelines on the mixture of enzymes for my brother-in-law who was recently diagnosed with ALS after a process of elimination for other causes of MND. He said his kidneys seem to be overactive and after 5 days of treatment he was exhausted from sleep deprivation due to trips to the bathroom all night and day. He was drinking fluids yet still feels dehydrated. Is this normal when starting enzyme-treatment? Other concerns: He was water skiing (on one/two ski) this time last year, and rode his bicycle 500 miles in Jan (2012) when he had lower back pain & knee pain; his doctor recommended a regimine of 3 epidurals beginning in Feb (2012). Immediately after the first epidural he had severe muscle cramps and pain; his doctor recommended potassium and continued with the other 2 epidurals. Soon after he began to stumble and fall; loose strength and use of his hands. He continues to have pain in limbs, and recently fell injuring his shoulder; so he doesn't have paralysis; he just can't control his limbs. He has no problems eating or talking. His doctor refused to connect the epidurals with his sudden loss of control of his limbs. Recently there has been a recall of medication used in epidurals for back pain due to contamination resulting in "fungal miningitis epidemic" in the USA. NO DOCTOR WILL ADDRESS THIS ISSUE WITH MY BROTHER-IN-LAW; he has always felt this sudden onset of MND is related to the epidurals. What would you suggest his next approach in this matter? Thanks so much, I read all you material! Janice H

Be Careful With Threonine
Posted by Chris (Pueblo, Co) on 06/11/2012

An update on my friend who stopped Threonine due to a dramatic reduction in breathing capacity. Within 48 hours of stopping the Threonine, her breathing capacity has improved. She said this morning that she is feeling about 90% recovered to the state she was at before starting the Lysine/Threonine. The annoying mucous production has also subsided and she is feeling comfortable.

She has a relative that is a massage therapist and has been using clove oil, as suggested, in working it into the back of her neck and spine. It is helping her be a lot more comfortable, whether its the massage, the oil or both, we don't know, but she has been free of the cramping, spasms and pain she previously struggled with.

Be Careful With Threonine
Posted by Chris (Pueblo, Co) on 06/09/2012


I have been helping a friend with ALS/Lou Gehrig's through the treatment recommended starting with the Lysine and Threonine as foundation. The Threonine dramatically increased mucous production in my friend and her breathing, which was strong before, had suddenly become labored. I did some more research on the Threonine and discovered on the WebMD site's description of Threonine side effects stating:

"Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's disease): There is some concern that threonine might decrease lung function in patients with ALS. In one study, ALS patients taking 4 grams of threonine per day had significantly reduced lung function compared to patients who did not receive threonine..."

And this is exactly what we saw. With all the symptoms of ALS she showed, the reduced lung function has not yet been one of them. But the introduction of Threonine directly coincided with a dramatic effect on her breathing. She said it felt like an elephant sitting on her chest.

On the positive, she previously had a clenched feeling in her throat that was pinching and really wearing her down. Since taking the Threonine, this has noticably relaxed and made it much easier to bear. But the thick mucous increase and belabored breathing is a bit scary, especially since many ALS sufferers die from this aspect. We are stopping the Threonine in hopes that her breathing will return to normal. If it doesn't I may counteract it with arginine, but I know this supports the possible viral function that we are attacking with Lysine. So I want to be careful and take it one day at a time.

I just felt it important to share this experience in case it is of help to anyone else out there.

Medication Combinations Can Mimic ALS Symptoms
Posted by Meghan (Brooklyn, Ny) on 12/02/2009

My father was recently diagnosed with ALS. I still have that hope that it might not be true. He takes both diabetic medicines and cholesterol meds. Can you by any chance find out what her medications were that she was taking? And how they figured out that the combo of meds were doing it to her body?

Medication Combinations Can Mimic ALS Symptoms
Posted by Heather (Sudbury, Ontario, Canada) on 10/22/2009


Many people who are on a combination of diabetic medications and cholesterol medication find that they develop symptoms that mimic Lou Gehrig's Disease.

I know of at least 5 women in my town who have been mis-diagnosed by their doctors. One had gotten to the point of all her muscles collapsing and her lungs and heart were stopping working. Luckily, a new young surgeon at the hospital's emerg. department realized what was happening and took her off the cholesterol medication. She went from almost comatose to up in a wheelchair in 3 days, and walking by day 5. Apparently diabetic medications or cholesterol medications by themselves are fine, it's the combination that's terrible.

Posted by Crystal (Centerville, IA) on 12/13/2008


Iodine tablets have improved my energy levels, lifted body temperature which runs low, helped my tired eyes and overall well being. I would add it to the list of 'musts' for ALS since I have been diagnosed with that 3.5 years ago. Also, Iodine is great for a natural heavy metal cleanse which goes hand in hand with so many health issues including candida, cancer.

The biggest thing with ALS is to stay away from medications like Baclofen. No medication will help ALS but rather will cause quicker deterioration of physical, mental, and financial health!

Baking soda taken as prescribed on the box is excellent for skin issues that won't heal and are cancerous looking. Research electrolytes and you will see what essentials are needed for our body to function.

I am 54 and going strong!

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