Body Odor
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Body Odor

Alkaline Soap, Baking Soda
Posted by Barbara (West Virginia) on 02/13/2007

I have found out that in most cases the odor is cause by bacteria. Kill the bacteria, odor gone. Alkaline soap with baking soda & vodka will kill the bacteria. Then put on some calamine lotion (zinc) in all the places that collect moisture. Stop using deodorants and anti-perspirants, they are very bad for you. Also wash all of your cloths in Borax, an all natural laundry detergent and never use fabric softeners, they leave behind chemicals on your skin and help cause the stink!

Posted by Anna (USA) on 02/13/2007

If you eat celery, it eliminated all body odors.

Posted by Don (Toledo, OH) on 02/10/2007

HEBICLENS is the only thing I have found to stop underarm odor. It is available without a prescription. Costs about $12 a bottle.

Liquid Chlorophyll
Posted by Sandhya (Makawao, HI) on 02/09/2007

LIQUID CHLOROPHYLL has helped me drink more water, stop body odor and stop a rash on my bottom. One or two teaspoons a day in drinking water sipping on it or drinking it all at once does wonders. If I stop I notice the difference in a couple of days. NOW brand with mint is good. Once I asked a doctor what to do about the rash as I had never had one. She said she had a rash too and did not came with living in the tropics. I understood Ted from Bangkok saying that the body's ability to oxygenate itself was suppressed and this was a cause. Living in Hawaii I sweat more than other colder places I have lived and bacteria grows easily here on the skin. Also I do not have a spleen which makes my blood not as clean if I do not take something to clean it or oxygenate it. I tend to be acidic by nature and the foods I eat lean in that direction even though most would say I am health food person. I am going to try molybdenum that Ted speaks of so highly.

Posted by Been (Fountain Valley, CA) on 01/21/2007

Okay...I get severe body odor and I am a vegetarian! I take acidophilus daily, zinc and cal&Mag vitamin, so far I stay away from onions and garlic and I eat a well balanced diet. The best thing that worked for me was zinc. At least 25 mg. I suffered my whole teenage,20's and early 30's with this problem. Drysol worked for sweating but not odor. Now I am pregnant and it is worse! But unable to take all those vits...I bath and wear double t-shirts. It is rough, hard and depressing. But I stay strong and remind myself it is almost over after baby born. Good luck and stay positive.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Janette (Asheville, NC) on 06/19/2007

I have been having an issue of intense and slightly putrid body odor coming out of my right armpit lately for some bizarre reason. I cannot figure out what is causing it. The thing that has stopped it in about 20 minutes is acv and baking soda remedy. One remedy dose lasts about a day. Now I just have to figure out what is going on in my body to cause this issue! Usually it happens when I have taken a medication or an OTC med like ibuprofen, but I haven't touched anything in months. Another question I have is whether people notice that they have a stronger scent come from one armpit than another?

Bitter Gourd Juice
Posted by Peter (Malden, MA) on 10/21/2006

Bitter gourd juice is good for body odour. To sweeten it blend it with banana

Zinc Oxide Ointment
Posted by Tom (Midland, Texas) on 06/07/2007

I've used Zinc Oxide Ointment as a deodorant for years. Works like a Charm! I apply it after a bath around my armpits and then put on a clean "T" shirt so it doesn't stain clothes. Once a week in winter and two or three times a week in Summer.

Eliminate Preservatives
Posted by Nadine (NY) on 09/01/2006

Preservatives in your foods can give you body odor if you are allergic to them. They will also give you gas and diarrhea. Get rid of the preservatives and white flour, store bought bread, boxed food and most canned foods. A lot of work to make your own but worth it. You will be healthier and smell better. When you eat the preservatives and your body has a reaction, those fumes etc have to go somewhere.

Eliminate Onions From Your Diet!
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 03/25/2005 391 posts

When you have putrid underarm odors it is caused by other conditions, and onions just make the smell worse. The body's ability to oxygenate the body is severely depressed. Try alkalizing the body with sodium bicarbonate and take magnesium chloride as a supplements. Usually people with putrid odor is a sign of magnesium and zinc deficiency and onions sometimes get the bad rap. Also eating fried foods and vegetable oils also leads to putrid odors as well. Hydrogen peroxide therapy and silver colloids do help a lot with the putrid odors."

Eliminate Onions From Your Diet!
Posted by Janet (NYC) on 07/04/2006

I think onions are without a doubt the main cause of bad underarm body odor. I made this discovery years ago when working in an office. Every few days, the receptionist would start reeking by mid-day. It was so bad you didn't want to stand anywhere near her. I decided I had to say something (no one dared too). She was completely mortified, but identified the onions on hamburgers that she ate as the culprit. She stopped eating onions and never had a problem again. I also start to reek if I eat onions 2 days in a row. I think this is the issue for people with bad BO... get rid of the onions!

Stop Using Soap
Posted by Hi (syd, aus) on 06/21/2007

i was told that underarm BO is caused by bacteria feeding on soap residue. supposedly if u wash under your arms with water only, & dont get shampoo or conditioner under your arms you should be stink free. (this may take a few days) lol

Stop Using Soap
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 11/28/2007 495 posts

I learned from a patient back in the 60's that she had never used deoderant. I was aghast and told her that most people who didn't use deoderant, I could smell a block away when they lifted an arm. She replied, "My father was a chemist and he told me that if you didn't use soap, you didn't need deoderant, because soap is what makes you stink" so she had never used soap. I filed it away in my little brain in hatever area we file stuff like that in, until 1980. At that time I lived close enough to the office, I could run home and bathe and eturn within l5 minutes, if I found my failure to use deoderant as well as soap, failed me & I stunk! Lo and behold - I have not used soap, except for occasional handwashing. I figured the rationale behind that one must be that soap is alkaline and must destroy the slightly acid mantle our skin is supposed to have. As I tell people, you do have to bathe, but just use a good, thick wash cloth and water, and you don't stink. I am happy to do without it as soap makes me itch.

Posted by Lisa (Riverside, Ca) on 07/17/2007

I swab iodine under my arms each morning to keep smelling fresh. I live in a very hot climate. In the summer--iodine is a must.

Avoid Deodorants
Posted by JD (Knoxville, TN) on 08/12/2007

A few years ago, I started to get a very strange sensation in my left armpit. It felt like the lymph nodes in that area were swelling. I switched from one commercial brand of deodorant to another to try and stop the uncomfortable sensation, but nothing worked. Then I went online and started to research what was in deodorants! YIKES!!! After my internet research, I decided to stop using deodorants with aluminum (basically all commercial brands). Well, the weird sensation disappeared after several days and I have to say that my BO started to smell a lot better too. I am not convinced the commercial deodorants do much at all, other than stop you from perspiring for a time. But you have to ask yourself -- why would you want to stop the body from perspiring? The armpit area is loaded with lymph nodes!

Avoid Deodorants
Posted by Erin (Fremont , Mi) on 01/15/2008

Breast Cancer History Breast cancer runs in my family. My aunt is fighting it now. Not to mention from using regular store bough underarm deodorant as a teen myself I use to get lumps under my arms/right in the pit area. They had to be lanced and drained at the hospital. From that point on I did alot of research and found that the aluminum they put in the deodorant clogs the glands under your arms which inturn are very close to the breast. I have not used store bought deodorant for about 15 yrs now-I only use all natural from health food store and never had a problem again. Just wanted to let you ladies and men too know to STOP USING REGULAR STORE BOUGHT DEODORANT ONLY USE NATURAL. Thank you have a wonderful week all
