Effective Natural Remedies for Bronchitis Relief

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Le (Colorado Springs, Co) on 02/19/2017

I had bronchitis for a week and finally used colloidal silver in a nebulizer and it knocked it out in 20 min. I did another 2 follow up treatments and it was gone. No more coughing or pain in my chest. I praise God for it.

Posted by Dsowm (India) on 01/05/2014

I had acute bronchitis for almost 5 months. I suffered quite a bit. I was given several doses of antibiotics nothing seemed to work. I tried ayurvedic medicines, and I found some relief but the cough was still there. That is when I tried the raw garlic few pods and chewed and ate it, followed by some water. I did it twice that day and the next day I was feeling so much better. I continued for 2 more days and stopped for a day and continued for 3 more days. so in a week my cough was completely gone. I thank earthclinic and all the users for their remedies. Thanks

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Jenny (Perth, Western Australia) on 06/19/2013

I was always suffering from bronchitis, to the point where my GP refused to give me any more antibiotics. I'd heard of nebulising with colloidal silver for a while but was always too chicken to do it. The stance by the GP pushed me into action, as I'd already been suffering for weeks and it wasn't going anywhere. So I poured a very small amount of colloidal silver into the nebulising container and breathed in and out deeply for 5 minutes. I began to get a headache and stopped. But I did feel a bit better otherwise. Three hours later I tried again, but this time didn't get the headache, so kept going for 10 mins. Again, felt a bit better. That evening I nebulised again, this time for 15 mins. I repeated this for 3 days. By the fourth day, the bronchitis was completely gone, never to return. That was 1.5 years ago, but thought I'd share this story seeing no-one else has mentioned the colloidal silver-bronchitis connection.

High Dose Vitamin D and Magnesium
Posted by Andon Science (Limassol) on 01/10/2023 21 posts

I am a researcher, thus I can suggest this curement, since currently it had amazing results on bronchitis.

For coronavirus curement, simple cough, severe bronchitis or pneumonia I can suggest you try using these ingredients. This curement was developed by me.

I suggest using this:

a) 30,000IU vitamin D per day (notice here the dosage is 30,000IU and not 3000IU) for three days (in case symptoms persist, take for another two days).

b) 600mg Magnesium Citrate per day

Probably you will see amazing results, since already in two different occasions, it eliminated cough in 2 days and on another occasion it eliminated cough in three days.

Use this curement completely on your own responsibility or inform your doctor as to supervise supplementation.

Steaming the Lungs
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 11/04/2022

Question - How much mucus can the human body produce? Apparently, ALOT! In the past, I used a pot of water on the stove and a beach towel to cover my head and make a tent and inhaled the hot steam. I don't do it as often as I should because I don't like it because of the heat rolling over in my eyes. I then tried putting the hot water into another pot and inhaling but the water became cold a did not produce any more steam after a few minutes.

Then I found a little machine called The Vicks Sinus Steam Inhaler sold at Wally-World. This has made a BIG Difference in my sinus and lungs congestion and thick mucus. The hot steam liquifies the thick mucus coating the membranes of the sinus and lungs similar to thick molasses coating the inside of a jar. Add hot steam and the molasses liquifies to run out of the jar.

The instruction state not to put essential oils in it but I do. The top is removable exposing the water fill base so I put 1 drop of thieve's blend in there and inhale for 15 minutes per setting.

Sources of these Steam Vaporizers:

Dr. Trust 3-in-1 Steam Vaporizer in India

Vicks Sinus Steam Inhaler in USA

Note: Do not use just steaming alone to fix the problem. Use multiple remedies at one time to attack your illness.

Posted by Renee (Boston) on 09/07/2022 41 posts

Acute Bronchitis and Ivermectin

Today is day 10 since I started with a dry hacking cough after almost getting over a common cold. I have had bronchitis in the past and do tend to have lingering chest congestion after colds that can last for months but this time was a doozy. I have never felt that I couldn't breathe, like each breath was thru a straw. The uncontrollable cough was hurting my ribs so bad but for the first the 3 days it was all an unproductive cough.

The only thing I took for the first 3 days was Mucinex and Tylenol or Ibuprofen. I used a humidifier and was already taking Zicam since my cold had started. I couldn't think straight, I was exhausted. I could barely blow my nose because I didn't have enough air. I kept wondering if I should go to the emergency room, call my doctor or something, but what kept me from doing that was that I was worried they would kill me. Seriously.

A friend of mine's brother had gotten a little dizzy in the shower and fell, he hit his head and his wife made him go to the hospital to make sure he didn't have a concussion, he supposedly tested positive for covid so they admitted him, started him on Remdesivir and to make a long story short, he died of kidney failure. Hospitals make $35,000 for every COVID DEATH, they don't get paid to save you.

So anyway by day 4 I wasn't getting any better and I decided to come onto earth clinic and look for remedies other than Mucinex. I tried several so I can't say which ones have worked. I made concoctions with garlic, ginger, ACV and Cheyenne pepper. I stood over boiling water with baking soda and sprayed peroxide down my throat, I gargled with salt water and covered myself in Vick's vapor rub, etc etc.

So all of that probably helped but I also realized that my bronchitis is from a virus, it's inflammation, and it somewhat has similar characteristics of covid. So I started taking ivermectin as well, I used the Zelinsky protocol for active covid. (I can provide that if anyone is interested) You pretty much double everything you usually take for prevention, double zinc, C, etc. The ivermectin was double too. I have taken ivermectin monthly for about 6 months as a preventative and to also see if it would help with my arthritis inflammation but this time I decided to attack this bronchitis with everything I had.

By the first day I started to hear and feel my check loosen, I started having productive coughs, finally! Now it very well could be that the virus was on a scheduled course anyway and it was time to loosen up or the Mucinex started working or the other home remedies, who knows? All I know is that I feel 90% better today, slept thru the night the past few nights, hardly cough at all now and when I do I have a productive cough. I was still feeling tired during the day, but today I don't!

So I'm sorry that I don't know what actually worked but I do know that we need to be active in our own care because Drs only tell you what big Pharma wants them to tell you.

I will continue taking garlic, ginger, AVC, and all of the wonderful remedies I found on Earth Clinic until I have no signs of bronchitis left but I will also keep taking ivermectin for another day or 2 as well.

FYI: Ivermectin cuts down the viral load.

I am a dog breeder who has given my dogs monthly ivermectin for yrs. I take the same one I buy for them since that's all I can get. 1% liquid.

Mullein Leaf
Posted by Sheleigh (Nebraska) on 11/15/2019

Hi everybody. I have chronic bronchitis for 3 years. Decided I had to stop with inhalers (bad side effects) and test natural options. What has helped me the most is mullein leaf herb. I take 3 (500 mg) capsules per day (1 with each meal). The herb shop lady told me to try it and very glad I did. Highly recommend for mucus conditions in lungs.

Oil Pulling
Posted by Liz (Caledonia, Mi, United States) on 03/07/2012

I had a cold last fall that turned into bronchitis. The bronchitis was terrible and lasted for several months. I tried everything - natural and medicinal to get relief and it finally did improve, but not completely. Every time I went outside or did anything that made me breath a little harder would turn into my gasping for air and coughing up phlegm. I ended up having to use an inhaler often and that wasn't always a huge help.

A few weeks ago, I ran across an article online stating that a woman healed her asthma by oil pulling. I had tried oil pulling ages ago, so I was a little familiar with it and figured I had nothing to lose by trying it again. WOW. I felt quite a bit better after the first oil pulling. It only took a few DAYS to completely remove any problems I had with breathing. I have not had a single issue since.

I hope this helps someone else as much as it helped me. It feels so nice to be able to breath clearly again! Oil pulling is amazing.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Method
Posted by Doug (Denver, Colorado) on 01/27/2008

I came down with pneumonia Jan 2007. Doctors at the urgent care gave me Factive and it cleared up the pneumonia at first. Then around summertime (same year) I developed a chronic cough which I felt was from the initial pneumonia. Around Novemeber I came down with full blown bronchitis, or some kind of a lung obstruction. Iran into Bill's HP treatment protocol and everything is fine now. What a rough year I had in 2007 regarding my health. This was especially difficult for a guy that has never been sick in his life. I will never stop using HP again. All of this suffering could have been stopped months ago. Thanks again Bill and Earth Clinic...

Apple Cider Vinegar, Cayenne and Ginger
Posted by Miss M (New York) on 06/24/2020

Had Covid then became lucky recipient of chronic bronchitis. I have an inhaler and hate it, so I tried this and wow it really helps fast.


Large knob of fresh ginger, cayenne pepper, apple cider vinegar and water.


Shake a big shake of the cayenne pepper in blender jar, add ginger, two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and 16 ounces or two cups of water. Blend and drink swiftly.

It's a fireball going down and the ginger is a bit gritty but works like a charm. I was amazed at the relief I got and steroid free!

If you need a sweetener, add honey! Good for throat.

Oregano Oil
Posted by Chloe99 (Seattle, Wa) on 02/21/2015

Had bronchitis and felt like I was on the verge of pneumonia 2 weeks ago.... very, very sick with lots of phlegm in my lungs. Taking OTC meds and nothing was working very well. Was on verge of going to a Dr, but wanted to make a last ditch effort. A friend recommended that I try Oil of Oregano. I bought the capsules. 460mg. took it in the evening and the NEXT MORNING I felt 80% better! Couldn't believe it!! I then took 2 per day for 7 days (1 am and 1 pm) and I am 100% cured. This is truly a miracle supplement! xoxo Chloe

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Method
Posted by Marleyzhipz (Nevada, Mo) on 07/26/2011

I used to have bronchitis 2-3 times a year and it would last up to 2 months. I read on this site that you could inhale hydrogen peroxide to cure bronchitis. I bought a bottle of saline nose spray, dumped the contents and filled it with 3% peroxide. Now the moment I feel congestion in my throat, I spray 3 sprays in my mouth and breathe it deeply into my lungs. No more bronchitis for the last 4 years. This is an amazing remedy that works quickly.

Cinnamon, Clove, and Oregano Oils
Posted by Ellen (Todos Santos, Baja California Sur, Currently livin) on 01/07/2009

Essential Oil Inhalation cure for Bronchitis, Sinus Infections, Pneumonia

I regularly get sinus infections due to a deformity in one of my sinuses. Until a few years ago when I found this cure I had regular bronchitis and lastly in 2005 I had serious pneumonia. I opted out of health insurance years ago so I had to take responsibility for my own health.
I got onto one of those $39.95 sites with the magical cure but this one WORKED! So here it is for all of you.

The following essential oils are 89% antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal. Cinnamon, Clove and Oregano. First, get the best quality you can.

These oils work magic together BUT, you can use just one or a combo of two if that is all you can get. Put 2-3 drops of each oil in a steamer or a steaming pan of water. BE CAREFUL NOT TO GET THE OILS ON YOUR SKIN...They burn. Cinnamon and Clove burn. (Cinnamon Oil is the main ingredient of all those lip plumpers :-) Now, inhale the steam with your eyes closed and take it in as deeply as you possibly can, breathing through the nose and the mouth alternately. When I did this with my pneumonia, I felt a kind of crack in my lungs after three or four breaths and everything started to come loose. I coughed up all the guck and was completely well in 5 days. I was so sick that I had bruised my ribs from the coughing and I was very, very weak. Now at the first sign of anything respiratory, I do this. I have never had a reoccurence of bronchitis or pneumonia and very seldom get any sinus trouble anymore. How happy I am that we can all share these wonderful old rememdies with each other! Thanks to this site and all of you.

Posted by Alicia (Birmingham, United Kingdom) on 12/02/2008

Chest infection/ Strep throat

I came across this site when searching for cayenne pepper uses as I knew there was something pretty special about it. I have a chest infection, which when combined with asthma is pretty horrific. I haven't been able to breathe and my throat has been so sore. I tried cayenne pepper in orange juice, in the first cup i used only a few sprinkles, in the second 15 minutes later i poured loads in. The burn didn't really effect me. Immediately I feel a little more alive, and my nose is less clogged. I think this will really work if I take it every day. Miracle cure!

1 teaspoon in total in 400ml of orange juice.

N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC)
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 10/11/2022

I found this daily dosage chart on https://drbrighten.com/nac-benefits/ for guidance:

* Female fertility 1,200 mg/day

* Male fertility 600 mg/day

* COPD and respiratory support 1200-1800 mg/day

* PCOS 600-1200 mg/day

* Blood sugar support 600 mg/day

* Viral illness 600 mg/day

* Immune function post-menopause 600 mg/day

I react weird to some medicines so I took only 1x600mg at nite to test myself, I have since increased the dosage too 600mg taken am and pm dose. It's working better for me then Mucinex (guaifenesin) which has always cause me headache, dizziness, stomach pain.

Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 05/15/2021

Homemade Garlic Salve for Coughs and Colds

The Most Effective Cure for Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Ear Infections

This coconut garlic chest rub is my go-to when kids/adults have a chest cold. It works very well to boost immunity and break up mucus with colds and flu-like symptoms. I apply to my kid's chest, back, and bottom of their feet (then cover with socks). Garlic is a natural immune booster/anti-microbial and works to get rid of viruses, fungus, parasites and bacteria. The garlic is absorbed through the skin and starts going to work immediately. This rub smells like garlic. It can be used on small children and elderly.

You will need:

– 8 cloves garlic (I like chinese white), peeled and minced
– 1 cup coconut oil (liquefy it) or olive oil
– 10 drops oregano or thyme oil (optional but adds a punch to mixture)


Peel and mince garlic cloves. Allow to set for 25 minutes so the garlic juice is exposed to the oxygen in the air and converts to allicin (an anti-microbial compound).

Now, add minced garlic to a large coffee mug. Place mug inside of a larger pot and add water to the pot half way upto the coffee mug. Turn stove on medium heat. Add coconut oil to coffee mug and stir contents.

Leave pot on stove for one hour. Stir garlic-coconut about every 10 minutes. After one hour turn off stove and pour garlic-coconut mixture thru a strainer to remove pulp into storage container.

Allow to cool, apply to chest, back, neck, sole's of feet or anywhere on the body. Repeat every 2-3 hours until condition improves.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Cayenne and Ginger
Posted by Miss M (New York ) on 06/25/2020

I forgot to add, if your blender is not strong enough to pulverize the ginger as it is very fibrous, you can strain in with a coffee filter before taking it. I have a Vitamix and blend on the highest so the ginger is not really noticeable.

This really helps, I was coughing for four months straight and got immediate relief which antibiotics two rounds of doxy, a z pack could not do.

Ginger powder should not be used, only fresh ginger! If you read any Chinese herbal remedies for lungs fresh ginger is always included.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mama to Many (Tennessee) on 10/28/2014

Dear Missy,

You are making some great positive steps in helping your asthma. Apple Cider Vinegar is a great thing to try! Is that THE THING that will solve it for you? I don't know. We were able to heal my son of asthma on the first try (nettles and quercetin.) With my daughter it took a lot more trial and error, but she is doing great now!

So, start with the ACV. And keep reading and studying.

I know you don't like using the nebulizer with albuterol. But you may find nebulizing very diluted hydrogen peroxide (or something else natural) to be very helpful to your healing. We use a nebulizer at our house a lot (with natural stuff in it) and I LOVE it. It is a great way to deliver a natural medicine right to the place it is needed the most.

You might also look into Bill Munroe's Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Therapy on this site. It has helped so many people.

Keep us posted!

~Mama to Many~

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