C-Diff Remedies

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Pamela (New Braunfels, Tx) on 11/15/2011

I contracted C-Diff after a dental implant and long use of strong antibiotics. Many think that just by taking probiotics you can get rid of C-diff. Nope. You must use something strong and doctors often use probiotics with some form of antibiotic.

Anyways this is what I am using. Turmeric Standardized 2 tablets twice a day, 2 Nutribiotic Maximum Strength Defense Plus (grapefruit Seed Extract) Lugols iodine 5 drops 2 times a day up to 4x a day. Or use iodine Plus-2 once a day. Twin Labs Betaine HCI with pepsin, 1 tab 1 or 2 times a day. Nature's Plus Mini Reds 2 a day, 1 coq10 200 mg, Vitamin C with bioflavonoids, Vitamin D 2000 mg, Nature's way B- Stress Formula 1 a day. zinc, 1 selenium 200 mg. Garden of Life OmegaZyme Ultra 1 a day. Barleans Cod liver fish oil, Barleans Omega Twin, Florastor/and or Jarrow Formulas Saccharomyces Boulardii plus MOS 1 or 2 a day. And Garden of Life Ultra Primal Defense as needed.

My thought is that the Turmeric can kill the C-Diff and there is a lot of research on it. Oh yes and I eat yogurt daily. Good Luck. Use for at least a month to two months depending on the severity of the problem. Oh if you start getting to sleepy cut back on the Probiotics just a little, as they are yeast products and if getting to much can make you tired.

Posted by Tulsadennis23 (Tulsa, Oklahoma, Usa) on 06/29/2013

Ck from San Diego... What you're referring to and what was explained to you by your physician is called "pulse dosing" and it's exactly what it sounds like. You take the antibiotic for a few days (or weeks depending on the severity of your infection) and then you stop for a few days (pulsing). This makes the bacteria think that the "threat" of the antibiotic is gone from your colon; once they "think" the threat is gone, they begin to transform from their survival mode or "spore" state to their normal vegetative or "active" state as living bacteria. When you restart the antibiotic again after a few days (pulsing), those bacteria that were protected as spores will then be killed by the antibiotic. Physicians use this technique for treatment when normal antibiotic therapy has failed to eradicate the entire infection and the bacterium has returned after a reoccurence.

According to the latest research, a reoccurence of a C. Diff infection occurs in 25% of patients who have had at least one bought with the nasty pathogen. This means that 25% of patients will experience another infection regardless of antibiotics taken; this infection is not caused by new organisms that have entered the body through exposure (such as in a hospital setting) but by bacteria that have survived the original treatment with antibiotics by becoming resistant spores. These spores are so hardy and "kill-proof" that even boiling them in water for hours on end does nothing! The only thing that really kills the spore on a hard surface is bleach. I wouldn't recommend drinking bleach!!! It is a disinfectant (used on non-living tissues such as counter-tops, door handles etc. ) as opposed to an antibiotic or an antiseptic (used on living tissues such as within the body or on the skin) like alcohol sanitizers.

I have been struggling with C. Diff for over 2 years now (I am 23 years old) and have had 4 reoccurences. Lucky me. I'm in that 25% category. I will be discussing other treatment options such as "pulse dosing" with my physician very soon because I am sick and tired of this. It's frustrating and for all of you suffering from C. Diff, trust me, I feel your pain. Keep fighting though! Don't give up, otherwise you have lost the fight to a primitive bacteria! And that ought to make you feel lousy.

C-Diff Warnings
Posted by Richard (Clearwater Fla) on 04/27/2016

Same situation happened to my father in the hospital, they only used flagyl and vanco and refused to do anything else. Doc said he is too old and no cure for this at his age and he died Feb, 2016. This post was from 2009 and still no cure?

C-Diff Articles
Posted by Lbb (Austin , Tx, Usa) on 09/28/2010

My chocolate lab has had recurring C. Difficile infections for the past 4 years beginning when she was a puppy. We tried the vet route of metronidazole and it would just recur every month like clockwork. I even tried treating her for 3 weeks instead of the 7-10 days the vet would prescribe (ordered the metronidazole from a fish supply site) but it would still recur. I tried the probiotic sacromycees boulardi for a year with no avail. I then saw a post on curezone.com that someone had cured their c. Difficile infection by using oregano oil for 6 months. I started my dog on just the oregano oil in February 2010 right after another bout and continued daily (4 drops in capsule dropped in her food bowl at dinner) and continued through the end of August. It is now September 28, 2010 and she has not had any bouts of diarrhea since February before I started the oregano oil. Her bms continue to be formed and normal in consistency. I used Nature's Answer oregano oil and gave her 4 drops daily for 6 months.

Yogurt, Ripe Bananas
Posted by Dolores (Lancaster, Pa) on 03/02/2012

Dear Readers, to all those who lives and bodies are upset and down from C-diff, this horrible destroying bacteria and to those who lost loved ones from it, I hope to let people know, please be your own advocate and question your doctors, they don't have the answers for severe cases . I read many stories to find comfort, DKH from High Point NC we needed to understand all this information about the way C-diff is handled and how deadly in some cases it could be. I didn't come across it till now. Your story really touched my heart, as it still aches over losing my brother. At 42 on February 20, 2010 Bob JR died from COMPLICATIONS of C-diff and the long lasting effects of the colon being destroyed. It is a long story of a single guy with a heart of gold, an ambulance driver and volunteer fireman to boot, there were missed signals and many hospital stays with diverticulitis issues and lots of antibiotics over the course of probably 3 to 4 years.

I live in PA the rest of my family in NY and the FEBRUARY 14, 2010 wedding of our nephew was a blessing to whole our family as my brother was dancing and smiling (we have lots of pictures) through his pain as he could not eat and had lost over 40pounds in the year. He was released from the hospital Jan 11, 2010 on antibiotics again only to return as we rushed him there Feb 17 where he died. This C-diff is a killer still. The doctor in the hospital said we have 5 cases and Bob's is the worst, besides doing emergency illiectomy surgery, as he was Sepsis and in shock when we brought him there. His ambulance friends went to a sister hospital in New york City to get an experimential medicine, it was given who knew if it would have work it was just to late. Why was he sent home in Jan. with a port of antibiotics, nursing care that didn't really know about how dangerous C-diff was, as we didn't either and given a letter that he could return to work just 10days before he died, yet the discharge doctors didn't even have the blood tests back yet. We have all the hospital records but according to New York State Law they, the doctors and the hospital were in their Jurisdiction of care and laws of care as three experts told our lawyer.... So to all..... OUR heallth care system is crumbling and we need to be proactive for ourselves, our children, grandchildren and loved ones that need a voice, be viligant.

I have friends and family in the medical field who are so fustrated by the politics and profits of "People Care" consumers not patients to some any more with human life on the line.. Doctors Nurses, Caretakers you went into this field because you care for others.. Please speak up. Knowledge is Power and the public needs to know what can we do to help ourselves against these killers.... Start a group...... Life is precious. Sepsis, C-diff and MRSAs- all of them killers and on my dad's Death certificate 1/09/2009 and my brothers 2/20/2010 as cause of death. In our hearts forever..... Thank you for listening and the good info. on what to do if someone else in our family gets C-diff.... I pray not.

Raw Milk
Posted by Lori (Dallas) on 10/07/2021

I know of someone who drank raw milk and never got c-diff again.She had it off and on for about two years. She was put on antibiotics for almost a year and basically destroyed her immune system. She still drinks raw milk.

Barley Water
Posted by Ellie (Newport ) on 07/04/2018

Yes. That should work.

Barley Water
Posted by Om (Hope Bc Canada) on 09/23/2014

Hello, Wm (San Francisco, Ca) -----

For barley water you buy organic barley groats from the health food store . Wash the groats. I use the crock pot on slow almost all day with two cups of groats and water to the top. Until they have almost completely opened up. Switch off and let cool. Use a sieve to separate the groats from the liquid. You can flavour the liquid with organic lemon juice if you like. Use the barley instead of rice or other.

I have this from the UK where it is an ancient remedy and strengthener for what ails you.

All the best. Namaste, Om

Multiple Remedies
Posted by John (Revere, MA) on 06/29/2014

I have an aunt who has c diff. Usually caused by too many antibiotics or acquired in the hospital. I take monolaurin to prevent catching it. It is from coconuts. Also have on hand Oregano essential oil if anything else is needed, but not taking it yet. Also use " the Ultimate Antibacterial Foaming Soap". Start with these I think they will help. Look up these products on the web. I not a doctor, but I believe these are helping me.

If you take antibiotics for c diff it would be wise to take a probiotic. I take custom probiotics, pure and human strain only.

Barley Water
Posted by Misha (BC, Canada) on 09/02/2022

Clindamycin Is what gave my mom C-Diff. She was prescribed it from her dentist also 😕

Barley Water
Posted by Om (Hope Bc Canada) on 10/20/2014

Alicia - Australia --- try pot barley which is not stripped of its goodness. All the best.

Namaste, Om

C. Diff and Antibiotics
Posted by Cobeal (Los Angeles, Ca) on 08/25/2013

C. Diff and other bacteria might live in a person's intestines. If C. Diff lives in you AND you are prescribed certain antibiotics that are effective against other bacteria present in your intestines THEN you MIGHT experience an overgrowth of the C. Diff which can result in symptoms.

If you put several types of bacteria in a dish where you can see them on something they feed on you will likely see colonies of these several and to some extent they limit the growth of competing colonies.

It is like this that C. Diff can be present in the human digestive tract without symptoms.

Once an antibiotic is introduced that kills bacteria other than C. Diff this opens the door for C. Diff to flourish and become symptomatic.

Antibiotics do not give you C. Diff. It is either inside you or not. If not then you have to be exposed to it somewhere.

It is highly unlikely that while you are taking antibiotics you also come into the type of contact necessary to become infected with C.Diff.

It is very likely and probably 100% or very nearly 100% of C. Diff overgrowths are due to a person already hosting that bacteria and then taking a course of antibiotics which kills the competition.

C. Diff and Antibiotics
Posted by Ed2010 (Canada) on 08/27/2013

Hi Trudyg from Al:

There are plenty of reasons for IBS-D:
intestinal inflammation
Lactose Intolerance
blastocystis hominis

First don't take immodium, in the long run the intestines will lose its continence. To find the exact cause of diahrrea, involves process of elimination this will take time as it can be anyting.

First you need relief, then you need treatment. Even in case of treatment, you have to try many remedies that suits your body.

So Let us assume you have parasitic infection (whether bacteria, virus, amoeba and or worms). This assumption is apt for most of the cases.

As a first step, Take 1 cup of Home Made Kefir 2 times a day that fermented for atlease 24 hours.

The reason for 24 hours fermentation is, It increases the good yeast growth (along with good bacteria) and abundance of Lactic Acid. This lactic acid is the remedy for diahrrea. And the Trillions of bacteria and Yeast fights against the parasitic infection. Also, the kefir contains the enzymes that is necessary for the digestion of food. If the food is digested well there will not be constipation or diahrrea. Ofcourse we not killing any pathogens, we assisting in the process of digestion and elimination so you get immediate relief.

Take 1 gm of vitamin c 2 times a day. North american diet is deficient of Vitamin C. Vitamin C increases the immunity.

Take home made carrot juice 300 ml a day. Vitamin A in carrot juice will heal the intestines, removes fat from liver, increases iron in the blood, and rich in other minerals such as magnesium, phosporous etc.

Follow up your progress here. Many will help. More people are cured by getting help from patrons of EC.

Good Health

C. Diff and Antibiotics
Posted by Kathy (Tx) on 07/11/2017

Mangosteen, the true superfruit, is an inflammation fighter... getting the Mangosteen is no longer difficult as I use it daily... I don't have c.diff that I know of... I have been around ppl who have it with a vengeance but I don't know if that exposed me to it or not. but I take the Mangosteen just in case... it's fights all sorts of inflammations.. c.diff included. I also use a squirt of Colloidal Silver orally... one time a day when I feel a cold or sniffles coming on..it fights the tougher infections such as c.diff, botulism, MRSA (staph infections) which become resistant to antibiotics... but they do not become resistant to CS. I hope this helps.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Maggie (USA) on 04/22/2022

The apple cider vinegar worked for me. Thank you for posting.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Elizabeth (AB) on 02/07/2023

4 pure Silver half dollars, put into one quart jar of clean water, let sit for 4 days in a dark place and presto! You can see the silver particles shimmering in the water. This is an old fashioned way my grandparents kept milk sweet and made their own Silver solution.

General Feedback
Posted by Redbunny (Nyc, Ny) on 12/18/2012

Thank you, cdiffhelp from Hawaii, for posting your tale -- and what a tale it is! I am so glad you found your way to Dr. Stollman and an answer to your long nightmare. Hope you continue to get better and better each day as you rebuild your gut health.

I've just been diagnosed with c diff, which came on big time after a course of amoxicillin. Ironically, I was glad for the diagnosis as I've been having bouts of symptoms for 2.5 years, starting immediately after an outpatient surgery. Even though a test from a local lab came back negative for c diff, no doc ever thought to have me retested. With my crash course reading, I now know there are many grades of tests plus false negatives.

On my third day of Flagyl, hoping it works. Have ordered Florastor and L-Glutamine. I've been making/drinking my own kefir for about 1.5 years, which may have helped me not get so horribly sick as you were, who knows.

Anyhow, thanks again for sharing your story. Your encouragement to advocate for ourselves and stand up to the "experts" or leave if we don't trust them is urgently important. Docs don't know everything. Often they don't know squat. Let's not be intimidated by white coats! In allowing us to hear voices like yours, this forum supports our taking the lead in our own healthcare. So big thanks to EarthClinic, too. Best wishes to us all for a vibrantly healthy 2013!

General Feedback
Posted by Sherri (Los Angeles, Ca) on 04/12/2013

Wow! Cdiffhelp, I do not know how to even begin to thank you for taking the time to write your post. In the last few days I have grown so hopeless. But your post has reminded me I am not alone and I WILL get better eventually as long as I keep fighting and make sure I am getting adequate care from my drs.

I first had c diff three years ago really bad. It took the drs months to find it, as my first stool test came back negative. After I continued to lose weight that I couldn't even afford to lose, eventually a repeat stool culture came back positive. Flagyl did the trick and I don't remember having any recurrence except maybe a mild one that I took some leftover Flagyl for and recovered.

Fast forward to three weeks ago, I had just tried an ACV and water enema as part of a detox regimen. Within 30 minutes of that I started feeling off and then 30 mins after that, I started having the terrible diarrhea. The next two weeks I saw drs, had several (negative) stool tests, went to the ER a couple of times due to dehydration, and finally was admitted last Friday.

I was then given every test under the sun, including a CT scan and a colonoscopy/endoscopy. None of the results explained my symptoms. Two nights ago the hospital was ready to discharge me with no treatment at all, since I def didn't have c diff because of the negative cultures. I have never been so frightened in my life. I explained to every dr I saw all my symptoms (diarrhea, abdominal pain, fever, foul smelling stool, and severe weight loss). And they still wanted to give me nothing.

Just as I was about to leave, my primary dr came in the room. I had low expectations for that conversation, since he really had not much to say a few days earlier when he visited me in the hospital. But he turned out to be an angel sent from heaven. He ordered 10 days of Vancomycin. I felt a tiny bit better yesterday and a tiny bit better today.

My next step is a consult on Mon with a dr who does the fecal transplant. I am long past being grossed out by it. I want my life back and have been ill for far too long. Thank you so much again for your inspiring post! Hope your health is still great!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Rachel (Wilmington, Nc) on 03/24/2013

This is what is working for me. I did not go to a doctor as I knew they would do endless tests and put me on anti-biotics in the end so I took charcoal caps first and that helped temporarily. Then I started taking digestive enzymes after meals. Added 1 Saccharomyces boulardii lyo capsule each morning with 2 Colostrum caps on empty stomach. Also, 1-2 turmeric caps after breakfast. 2 more Colustrum later in the day. I've been doing this for 3 weeks and think the c diff is under control or possibly cured. I really believe it's the colustrum and turmeric working the magic. I was planning to try the oregano oil, but this seems to have worked. I also added kefir to my diet and cut out milk temporarily. Hope this helps someone!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Faithful (Seattle) on 10/21/2013

I had a dental extraction and the site was infected so the MD gave me clindamycin for 6 weeks at that moment I should of thrown the prescription away and ran straight to my Naturopathics office, but I decided to take the antibiotics I made to 5 weeks when I noticed my heart beating faster I stopped the toxic antibiotic immediately and researched the side effects then I was really scared out my wits! This what the doctor told me to take Saccharomyces Boulardii three times a day this is does not allow C diff. to take over as well as take Therelac (not three lac) and I also took turmeric pills and ate tons raw garlic and took Allicin garlic and ate organic sauerkraut. You have to do this for at least six months after taking this antibiotic to make sure that good flora is laid down. I also ate yogurt and bought highest quality 50 billion probiotics and drank lactose free kefir. I was also instructed by the doctor to empty the capsules of the 50 billion probiotics and put it in cool water and just drink it down to replensh the throat and stomach and coat it with the good probotics I did that too. This was all done to offset the possible negative aftermath of clindamycin

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Sue (Va) on 09/25/2020

Yvonne, I'm doing well, but the doctor who helped me has moved away and is pretty much retired. But if you live in Baltimore, it would make sense to try the gastroenterology dept. at Johns Hopkins. Surely the experts there would know the latest research and most effective treatments.

I wish you the very best in defeating this dreadful illness.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Sue (Fairfax) on 11/06/2020

Kelly, I'm sorry but I don't recall if I took Iodoral at the same time as the S. Boullardii. I wasn't aware of any interference between the two. It was a long time ago...but the most important thing I can suggest is finding a doctor/practitioner who can guide you through this horrid, serious illness, rather than going it alone. I know it's frightening and wish you the very best.

Posted by Tomerodrique (Hendersonville, Nc) on 04/22/2011

I was on very strong antibiotics for three weeks for an abscessed tooth and about a week after discontinuing the antibiotics, I developed all the symptoms for c. Diff. The diarrhea I managed almost instantly with tumeric, but the cramping was so severe that it literally was almost unbearable. My daughter brought home Kefir. That was all I could eat/drink for six weeks. I did not have the cramping while on kefir but that was ALL I could eat. I mean all. I tried one bite of banana after six weeks on Kefir and the cramping returned full force. Finally I went to health food store and bought the capsules with billions of the good bacteria in them (have to be refrigerated). I started on them and within days could eat as normal. After stopping the capsules, about two weeks afterward, the c. Diff cramping returned with a vengeance. The moral of this story is to take the probiotics at the same time (separated by hours) as you are taking the antibiotic. It has come back, not the cramping, but the discharge from bowels that alerts one to the fact that the bad bacteria, c. Diff, is still there ready to act up. Now I notice the pharmacy is alerting people about c. Diff BUT it is still not telling people what to do to prevent it. You do not want to get this bacteria. It is bad, but I now know how to control it. Also, there is now a coated pill (so it lasts in a bottle) of acidophilus cultures but it is only in the millions of good bacteria, not the billions of the refrigerated capsules. They are cheap. Got online for $2.48 per bottle of 50 or 100. I stocked up on them.

I thank those who provide this life-saving site for us. Bless you and bless you, again!

Posted by Tricia (Washington State, US) on 06/29/2014

Fecal transplants are sadly not 100% effective in curing c diff. After two years and five rounds of antibiotics that did not work for me I spent $1800 to have two rounds of FMT. 36 pills each time. I am still testing positive for C Diff and now also for E Coli and may have SIBO from the transplant. I have no insurance and have maxed out my credit cards on doctors and treatments. Finding a natural approach is now my only hope.

Posted by Marcin (Toronto, Canada) on 10/22/2015

My Urinary Bladder Infections stopped after I stopped eating sugar in any form, including fruits. I tried cranberry juice and tablets many times but they have never worked.

Posted by Catherine (Ontario) on 01/07/2016

Hi Debi,

For H-pylori, try deglycerized licorice root (DGL) or chios mastic gum. Most effective treatment I know of. Licorice root can raise blood pressure over time, but not the deglycerized form.

Charcoal, Fermented Foods
Posted by Feelbetter (Phoenix, Az) on 01/22/2013

Kimchi did it for me. I have lost 20 lbs over the past month and been in ER twice. One course of Flagyl and two relapses. I had washed everything with Bleach, eaten Yogurt, Kefir, etc. And purchased two expensive ProBiotics, but still felt ill and relapsed five days ago after taking Flagyl. I had my daughter purchase some Kimchi for me and I ate it last night (it's delicious if you like cabbage and hot spices! ) and I feel 1000% better today.

I'm going to keep be really aware of what I put into my body and continue with the Probiotics, Yogurt and Kefir, along with Turmeric and other Middle Eastern spices in my brown rice, but Kimchi really seemed to do the trick. I am so happy and relieved that I feel like a human being today for the first time in over two months!

Kimchi is for me!

Charcoal, Fermented Foods
Posted by Jennifer (WI) on 01/26/2022

YOU are someone special! Thanks for your help sharing what worked.

Words have the power to heal, I believe, so I hope that you give yourself more credit. Anyone caring for a stranger to get better Is VERY special.

That's YOU!

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 02/28/2017

Hello Aidea;

About using 2000 ppm Colloidal Silver for CDiff. I've taken high ppm myself with no side effects... over a few weeks. I also know people successfully used CS to kill C Diff apparently with great success. Wondering why you think you need high ppm if 50 ppm twice daily would work? To kill infection in body I take three tablespoons twice daily on empty stomach. If you want more atoms of silver I'd just drink more of the CS.

Be Careful With Antibiotics
Posted by Jewelc (Lexington, Ky) on 03/27/2010

I had C-Difficile infection for 8 months in 2008 and lost 60 lbs. Below is finally what helped me conquer this beast and I have never gotten it back. I pulse dosed the Flagyl or Vanco (whichever antibiotic they have you on) while I slowly increased the probiotics.

For example:
Week 1 Vanco 2x daily , probiotic 2 x daily (at least 2 or more hours after antibiotic)
Week 2 Vanco 1 x daily , probiotics 3x daily
Week 3 Vanco every other day, probiotcs 3 x daily
Week 4 Vanco twice weekly, probiotics 3 x daily
Week 5 Vanco 1 x week , probitocs 3 x daily

It is very important to stay off of sugar during this time , because sugar feeds bad bacteria and causes it to grow, also just as important is the quality of probiotics, What worked for me was a well known brand found at any drug store that says LGG on the back of the box and another that had saccromyces boulardi which is a beneficial yeast. I took both of these together everyday.

Yogurt, Ripe Bananas
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, TN) on 04/02/2008 495 posts

To Beth from Bristoll 4/01/08:

Hello Beth, Welcome to the world of unwanted side effects (c diff in your case) from antibiotics. In most cases this is from killing off the good bacteria along with the bad. If so, the best treatment is to replace the good bacteria by eating lots of live YOGURT. Ripe bananas (the peels get brown speckles on them) should also help.

I also remember reading where someone wrote in to Earth Clinic, that they solved the diarrhea problem with 5-6 drops of iodine in a glass of water. I would try one or both instead of taking another antibiotic. Looking at the humorous side of the sitation, you can now respond to Kyra Jones, from Los Angeles 4/2/08, question: "What on earth are they doing for their $150,000 education"?

Yogurt, Ripe Bananas
Posted by Oldladyj (Mansfield, Oh, Usa) on 07/31/2011

I had C-Diff early this year (January, 2011), after taking the antibiotic, Clyndamycin, for some supposed necessary dental surgery I was to have at Aspen Dental (which turned out to be totally unnecessary, per a true dental surgeon). Horrid, nasty disease, it was! I got so badly dehydrated that I had to have the emergency squad come get me. That's how I discovered that I had C-Diff. I was given Flagyl, which had no effect on it.

I have found several medical research team articles that document the use of what is called kefir for C-Diff (and other bugs like this). It works very well for getting rid of this superbug. The treatment they used is a type of yogurt, but the yogurt is not made with pasteurized milk. Kefir has been around for centuries. It originated in the Caucasean Mountains (research kefir for full history).

What I've read is that all of the test individuals recovered from C-Diff with no recurrence, using the kefir treatment. They stated that antibiotic treatments had little to no affect on the disease. Kefir is staggered througout the day with the antibiotic, as they gradually decrease the dosages of the antibiotic, finally replacing it totally with the kefir, which is taken every day for awhile.

Any good store that carries a wide variety of yogurts carries this probiotic liquid (I get mine at Kroger and Meijer). In Kroger, go to either the yogurt or the healthfood sections. Meijer - yogurt section. Look for a container shaped like a small milk bottle. It comes flavored or plain. I use a brand, raspberry flavor, which both stores carry where I live. (Google online for coupons, and for what this container looks like.)

I personally stopped the antibiotic (Flagyl) right away. Instead, I drank a 1/2 cup of kefir four times the first day, then went down to 1/4 cup four times a day for about a week. I mixed it with a little bit of filtered cold water from the fridge, which watered it down a bit and made it a little easier for me to drink (I'm a woos, even though the stuff tastes good right out of the bottle. ). I have since replaced the water with about six ounces of Meijer brand, "not from concentrate" orange juice. The drink tastes like an orange cream popsicle. Quite good, actually.

Within 24 hours, after taking 1/2 cup two times the first day, the severe diarrhea began to decrease. Within two days, it was gone. It's been seven months, and I have not had even a hint of a recurrence.

I still drink one or two servings of the 1/4 kefir to 3/4 orange juice or water, once or twice a month, just in case, because I have a history of intestinal problems since childhood. I have also started adding a 1/2 cup of cold water with 1/2 cup of aloe vera juice (buy at healthfood store), to keep my stomach and intestinal lining healthy (I extensively researched this). It knocks out any trace of heartburn, for some reason. I only use the aloe once in awhile when the heartburn rears its ugly head (after I slip and eat something with sugar in it).

Barley Water
Posted by M-L Bloch (Zürich) on 11/09/2023

Hi LeAnn,

Instead of omeprazole, you can use Gastric Soothe. I learned this from Dr. Tom o'Brian. He took this over from a Prof. who is specialized in stomach and colon problems. He has anyway a rather easy system and it helps the most. Colostrum, Zink L-Carnosin (Gastic Soothe), Omega 3. rgs from Switzerland

Barley Water
Posted by Jeff (Daytona, FL) on 01/22/2024

Regarding Silica, if that helps, bamboo extract is loaded with it.

Kefir and Vancomycin Taper
Posted by Morninglaurie (Michigan) on 03/24/2023

By the way, he had been taking probiotic capsules (100 billion, refrigerated kind- got the ones with the most different strains-the brand name escapes me) for years…no longer takes them, the kefir seems to keep him steady (the pills get expensive. The didn't keep him from getting c diff, nor did they seem to help with the Vancomycin taper. Just our experience.

C. Diff and Antibiotics
Posted by Phyllis (Wa) on 12/25/2016

Has anyone here tried natural remedies w/no more antibiotics after C-Diff. I did and have recovered. It took time. I was more than sick and lost 30 lbs. sitting in a chair for 5 months after Cipro. I thought I would die but I did what I could reading and fixing myself as I was too frightened to see another allopathic physician. That was very scary. Too many very bad experiences so I ended up at a naturopath and recovered further and with giving up gluten and sugar have further healed my intestinal tract. It will work.

Posted by Connie (Lincoln, Nebraska) on 10/07/2014

I first got C. diff after a round of antibiotics for diverticulitis. September of 2012. I have been in the hospital with it 3 different times. I was in the hospital Dec 2013 and went home on extended treatment of antibiotics. I ended them mid February"14 and by the end of the month I could tell it was coming back. At the same time I was introduced to a book "And they said it wasn't Possible" by Karen Hurd. I decided if I was ever going to get over the c. diff I needed to have a healthy bowel. The book said to eat 1/2 cup of beans 6 times a day. She explains it much better! Beans are a soft fiber. If you do not have soft fiber, the toxins, bile etc. is reabsorbed from your bowel, goes back to the liver, and is again expelled into the intestine. The soft fiber binds with the toxins and they are removed from the body. I did this for a week and then decreased and I still do 1/2 cup a day and often supplement with benefiber. I use canned navy beans or pinto beans. I wash off the liquid. They really have no taste and make a great snack. So the first part of March I still had some liquid vancomycin that I took for 2 weeks along with the bean diet. That was the last time I had diarrhea, bloody stools, stomach pain etc. I also ate chicken. Stay away from sugar as C. diff loves it. I have done Florastor and any other probiotics with high numbers.

In Sept '14 I could tell it was coming back, problem was, since I did not have the diarrhea etc. the doc in ER thought I was nuts (especially when I told him about the bean diet), and the hospital lab refused to test the stool sample. My GI doctor did not know why I was having problems as he said the cat scans he compared showed my intestine looked a little "irritated" this time, but nothing that should be causing me problems. I think the "bad guys" just outnumbered the "good guys(bacteria)". Two days later I was admitted with 103 degree temp, still no diarrhea. They finally tested the stool sample and I was positive for C. diff. I had been on a number of different antibiotics and this time they put me on Difficile.-it is $100 a pill after my insurance which is pretty good insurance.

I am going to try some of the other remedies that are in this article. I know I have fought it off a number of times with big doses of the probiotics and right now I have the fullness way down low which I know means its trying to come back.

Barley Water
Posted by Mad Scientist (Joshua Tree, Ca) on 04/16/2022

Yes and yes to the nausea and upset stomach, although these only came when it was pretty bad (first time I went septic). I am going AMA (against medical advice) and not taking a combination of Cipro and Metronidazole. They did not do a stool culture and told me it was Colitis. It seems really odd to me that they would not do this test. The thing is, at 63 years old, I never had colitis before the C. Diff. so I am making probiotic suppositories with L. Reuterii. The probiotics are 70% more available this way as they do not have to survive the stomach acid. I have apple cider vinegar and I think barley in the pantry, so I think I will brew up some Barley Water.

Barley Water
Posted by Om (Hope Bc Canada) on 10/31/2014

Georgianna (NH, US)

To make barley water use pot barley and put on gentle boil till almost done. Switch off and let stand for half an hour or so. Use a lot of water for this as you want to drink the liquid. Add lemon/ lime and honey if you like.

For your needs the herb SLIPPERY ELM is of great help as it repairs the gut and is easily digested especially when there is pain. For bad stomach pains it is a blessing. It is a powder and available at health stores.

Namaste, Om

Barley Water
Posted by Kelly (Seattle) on 02/05/2021

The reason barley water may help, is because it contains beta-glucans which may bind w/the c-difficile or their toxins and carry them out of the body. This is why s. boulardii with Bio-MOS helps too -- it also contains beta-glucans.

Barley Water
Posted by Agnes (Ny) on 10/17/2015

Bless you for suggesting barley water. I'm on Flagyl after suffering for 10 days. While I felt improvement after two days on Flagyl, the true miracle is barley water. I feel almost normal again, my stools are firm and color is good and I feel like this helping me battle this. I'm also taking charcoal after meals two pills 3 X a day.

C. Diff and Antibiotics
Posted by Jd (Hartford, Mi) on 08/27/2013

I agree with the person that suggested homemade Kefir. My neighbor was having a terrible time with IBS. I suggested she try doing homemade kefir and I got her started. From the first drink, she was better and won't go a day without it now. It's worth a try.

C. Diff and Antibiotics
Posted by Patty (Houston, Tx) on 05/17/2015

I have had digestive prob for many years, but because of family death and responsibilities, I became so consipated and bloated that I was incapacitated. Tried enemas, pressure, exercise, potassium, almost everything..then went to doctor...(prob bad decision) he gave me w different antibiotics and I took them.. after all this, and not having eaten much of anything, I ate almost 1/2 gal of BLUE BELL ice cream to soothe myself..That night I started vomiting, had diarrhea, high fever (I'm 71)and after about a week went to doctor again. I was sooooo sick...she sent me to gastro doc..he sent me directly to emerg room...they then hospitalized me. I was severly dehydrated and had not had anything but water stools for probably 1 1/2 weeks or so...they put me on iv and began giving me potassium for two day and saline, etc...antibiotics, you name it...then my kidneys started to fail...I was on 2 meds to stop the diarrhea, but it didn't stop..after 6 days they finally sent me home where I still took the two anti-dirrhea med without the symptoms subsiding. I don't remember exactly, but I finally stopped having so much diarrhea and got a little better, but never regained my strength, etc.

Recently (may 2015), I was at drugstore and asked the clerks (3 of them) behind the counter when the blue bell was coming back...they all chimed I "that was poisoned) ..all of a sudden, it made sense. I WAS POISONED BY BLUE BELL ICE CREAM) I cld my doc who advised me to go to my gut doctor and he took and stool sample and with the lastest technology, they tested my stool. Well it came back with C diff...of all things...i thought it would be listeria, as that was the "poison" in blue bell.. soooo...he has prescribed Metronidazole (Flagyl) today and I have taken the first of 42 pills and am terrified that the horrible diarrhea will come back and don't know what to do...should I take probiotics, while taking the Flagyl, what should I eat, should I get mangosten, kefir, WHAT TO DO???? In addition, I have undiagnosed lung problems..have had 3 xrays done, no diagnosis yet, could be TB, pneumonia, cancer of lung...I'm a mess...will address this next week with lung doc (I hope) anyone have any thoughts?

EC: Hi Patty, you might also want to check out our ice cream and sinus infections page here. There are quite a few brands of ice cream that make people very sick.

C. Diff and Antibiotics
Posted by Alli (Las Vegas ) on 10/03/2016

Unfortunately that is not true. I contracted cdiff and I have not been in the hospital in over a year and I have not taken an antibiotic in over 10. I am not around small children or elderly people and know no one that has had it, nor do I take tums or other antacids. I got mine from food poisoning while I was healthy, but I am guessing my stomach was feeling the effects of long days and lots of stress and my immune system was weak from exhaustion. Total nightmare.

Preventing Household Contamination
Posted by Joy (Battleground, Wash) on 03/15/2013

I've had c diff.... Yuk.... 6 months of agony from dental prescription of clyndamiacin..sp?... Lost 15 pounds and was miserable. I'm a small person. Couldn't eat without a bathroom nearby.

Take everything today to re establish flora on a mega scale and coconut products heal the intesines ... and I thought constipation was a problem... this is worse. There is a post from this week of using fecal transplant that was successful ... I don't know the proceedure but if you can get rid of c diff today, anything is worth trying.

General Feedback
Posted by Oregano (North York, On, Canada) on 04/12/2013

Hello my dear. Don't give up. Try Mexican oregano oil. It is a God sent oil. Also take a S. Boulardii probiotic.

General Feedback
Posted by Ron (Tampa, Florida) on 04/13/2013

Sherri my Mom nearly died from C-Diff she had it multiple times would get better with antibiotics then relapse she was finally cured with compounded Vancomycin which was taken orally by the spoonful but this is the last resort they say.

Dietary Changes, Multiple Remedies
Posted by Jmo (Seattle, Wa) on 12/13/2011

I have been recently diagnosed with C. Diff. I got it from taking Cepro for a week for a kidney infection. I am 31, healthy and have hardly been on antibiotics my entire life. My sister got C. Diff a few years ago from taking antibiotics for a UTI. I knew the dangers of antibiotics, and wished I had taken more probiotics after. I wanted to write in for others who suffer from this horrible bacteria and what my sister and I have found to be helpful. When I was diagnosed, the doctor did not tell me about this illness, they made it seem like I had a little bacterial infection and all I needed to do was take antibiotics. There was no discussion on diet how CRUCIAL probiotics are and how it is contagious. If I hadn't known better I would have thought it was no big deal, just as they make it sound. It is a sad shame that I have to research this on my own. I suppose there isn't enough information for this disease and perhaps they don't want to scare people about this rapidly growing epidemic.

I have found that diet is very important. Before I was diagnosed I found certain foods I could have a fairly normal bowel movement. I did not explore too much and found the following to be very helpful: Eggs, squash, gluten free products (to avoid more yeast build up) AVOID SUGAR-that means fruit too(bacteria love sugar), Ezekiel bread, garden burger, proteins such as salmon, turkey. Low fiber vegetables-I did not find too many that agreed with me. Certain cheeses seemed to be alright, like the lighter cheeses. Multigrain cereal, like Barbara's brand. 1TBS of Flax meal a day.

My sister maintained a gluten-free, sugar-free diet for two months after going off antibiotics. This helped tremendously. She took the following and continues to do so on some. Acidophilus bifidus-400 billion Bentonite Clay, taken after antibiotics & probably a few weeks after probiotics. Garden of Life-Primal Defense. Nutribiotic GSE Grapefruit extract. Colloidal Silver-drink a small glass. Colostrum powder. Sacro B. Flore-Restore. I found Turmeric is powerful.

I think it is important that anyone going through this to always watch your diet for the rest of your life. Try to keep your body alkaline. Avoid excess sugar, greasy fatty foods, and alcohol. Read up on books that deal with natures antibiotics. Hopefully someday we find a cure and nobody has to go through this life altering illness.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Pamela (New Braunfels, Tx) on 11/17/2011

I wanted to make an update to this article. I'm just using the Standarized tumeric from nature's way now and not the grapefruit seed extract as I know the tumeric alone will kill C-Diff it as far as a herb antiobiotic and has been tested to be equal to Vancomycin in test studies (google turmeric and c difficile). And since we are trying to bring back flora overkill is not necessary with the grapefruit seed extract. Instead of using the HCI and pepsin, I'm using Future Biotics daily enzyme only if I have indigestion or heartburn it has Pancreatin 4X and betaine HCI and Lactobacillus 66 million in 2 tabs. Or if my tummy is hurting I reach for the Primal defense and/ or the Florastor.

When I use the co-q10 I'm using a product brand from vitacost called CoQ10 Alpha Lipoic Acid Acetyl L-Carnitine HCl -- 700 mg. It is their brand name, and an easy way to get these very powerful antioxidants and immune builder's in one pill at a cheap cost. I'm also using Nature's Plus Bioperine when I take the Standardized Turmeric as it helps enhance it use.

When I first started I could barely eat anything with out throwing it up or it coming out of the other end so I used the Garden of Life's primal defense and the Florastor and Jarrow Formulas Jarro-Dophilus EPS a lot in the beginning. Cod Liver Fish Oil is also a big part of this and I don't always use the Barleans Omega Twin just sometiems. Iodine is an important part of this because most of us are low in iodine and iodine will kill C-diff spores. I use Iodine plus 2 or the Iodoral 12. 5 mg. But I am in my 50 fifties and some may only need the lugol 5 drops 2 to 4 times a day. Vitamin D is very important to as it really helps rebuilding the immune system. As is zinc, and I do use the Nature's plus Source of Life multivitamin Mini Reds only 2 a day and most everything else I listed up there I use.

Once the stomach can recover than you can lower the probiotic so you don't end up with a yeast infection. But take as needed to rebuild the flora. I usually use 1 primal defense every other day and florastor everyday for now. But dosing down the more balance you get into is the best so far as I know.

I found that it is as equally important to rebuild the immune system as it is to taper off the powerful herb antibiotic turmeric, over time to the flora health, and your immune is healthly. Another good flora builder is a product called mannafest it has 22 different flora and is a nice drink as well. And when you get better the more you will be able to eat normal cultured food to rebuild the flora. You know foods that have to age a bit to be flavorful. Wishing you all the best.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Kellyd (Seattle, Wa) on 09/18/2020

This is in reply to Pamela's post above.

She mentions 'iodine will kill' the c. difficile spores. I'm not sure if that's true, but it IS true that it will kill the s. boulardii, which is probably the best probiotic to take for c. difficile. I'd personally take iodine after making sure the c. difficile is gone.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Anon (Not Canada) on 09/25/2020

Have you tried bitter apricot seeds?

Or thyme and wild oregano oil?

Bentonite Clay, Oregano Oil
Posted by Adam (Dallas, Texas) on 10/09/2011

Just thought I'd give my quick. 02 cents. I have UC Ulcerative Colitis... Had it since 1999 and I've been able to keep it in remission overall... I've been lucky. I take probiotics, multivitamin, cod liver regularly... No meds. I'm pretty healthy overall.

I got C-diff a few years ago... It stirred it all up and put me in the hospital for two weeks... Pretty serious. Once the c-diff and the damage it caused was cured... I've since kept it in check with diet and the supplements I mentioned... Pretty basic... No real meds.

Just recently I've had some funk down below... And I recognized the smell from when I was really sick before. I finally realized that I might have c-diff again... Everything added up once I started reading/thinking/paying attention to the symptoms.

So...I did some recent research... Came across this thread and others. I decided to try the Bentonite Clay... And oil of oregeno. I saw results overnight really.

I started using a lot of things at once because I am/was a little scared... But a combination of Bentonite Clay and Oil Of Oregano seems to have detox'd my gut and gotten rid of the c-diff... At least the really noticeable signs... Watery stool, little signs of blood, bad smell... None of which are normal for me. I noticed real results in days... And it was gone in about a week. I took both Oregano and Bentonite on an empty stomach... Faded out the oregano once I saw real results (5-6 days). Once it seemed like I was really about done... I started having some cramps/ pain...so I backed off most everything... And took aloe gel and creeped back in with clay and all the others... Except oregano. I'm having normal healthy bowel movements now. I still have some healing to do... My gut just feels taxed.... But I'm pretty sure I'm good to go in as few as days... probably a couple of weeks at most.

The clay is easy and mostly flavorless... Seems to be pretty safe overall and effective for countless things. I'll probably be taking a maintenence dosage from here on out. It helps with ph... Which seems to be pretty key in keeping things working but I've never payed attetion to it... Just when I'm scared. I chose a brand of clay that is just a liquid in a brown bottle I saw it at two different popular health food stores. I took it twice a day... Then a few times a day for a couple of days once I didn't have issues and noticed real change. My aunt works at a popular health food store... And she was helpful... Turns out she takes bentonite clay everyday... So that helped me take it with confidence... I wasn't too sure about it until I talked with her.

I also took/take:
Coconut Oil
L-Glutamine - empty stomach
Good Probiotics - Boulardi type
Aloe Vera Gel - empty stomach
Cod Liver Oil

I don't necessarily recommened all this at the same time so much... But it is all good stuff for the gut... I mix it up... And used each during the main detox week.

I ate/eat a lot less sugar, dairy... And drank tons of water. Laid off beer/coffee completely. That said... My appetite is healthy and I've always found that my systems rallies quicker when I eat a lot... And regularly... Just not a bunch of bad food... But not necessarily health food either... Just mindful of certain things and when I eat them. I eat alot of turkey sandwiches.

Hope this helps someone. Both the Clay and Oregano were new to me as I've always looked for Colitis info... Not so much c-diff. Both seem to be pretty effective for a multitude of things. I'd recommend them. Good Luck!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Shivani (Bristol, Uk) on 05/16/2011

Hi! Wanted to let you know how much your site postings have meant to me. I"m caring for my 76 yr old mother. Hospital antibiotics gave her c-diff.

Her doctor has been as much use as a chocolate teapot, prescribing metrozidanol (flagyl) 3 times every time it came back. All he was doing was weakening my mother and strengthening the bacteria. They've told us since feb that vancomycin was only available intravenously. After her 4th re-occurence last week they've now prescribed it in tablet form. I can only put their failure to give her this medicine earlier is because of cost. Her doctor has also been no help whatsoever in nutrician, supplements or any other advice to support her recovery.

Luckily, I spent 7 months on a candida diet last year and this gave me some knowledge on how to help mum. I've got her on probiotics (thanks for the mention of saccharomyces boulardii). I've also been giving her grapefruit seed extract, oil of oregano, spirulina, aloe vera juice, brewer's yeast, nettle tea, bee pollen and garlic capsules. I've also finally got her to give up sugar, wheat and dairy as I'm sure they all feed bacteria. I've also been juicing for her regularly, massaging her with lavender and tea tree oil, giving her reiki and crystal elixirs made to boost the immune system, heal her digestive organs and to remove toxins.

All of this does seem to be slowing it up a bit and she's not been as ill as in previous occurences, but I know I've not been doing the natural remedies long enough. I've just picked up her vancomycin so hopefully both treatments combined will help her combat it this time. She's lost so much I've just been to the sports nutrician shop for some protein shakes as the ones they gave her from the doctors are full of sugar. The NHS here in england is light years behind on it's awareness of nutrician and supplements. So thanks for all the posts that have helped clue me up on this vile disease, they gave me valuable support and knowledge.

Posted by Alex (New York) on 11/14/2014

I recently had FMT that only worked about 3 weeks before I relapsed. Prior to FMT, I was on three rounds of Flagyl, followed by a month of Vancomycin. I even experimented taking Flagyl and Vaco at the same time. Relapsed each and every time. My advice to anyone suffering from cDiff is to self-administer FMT via enema. There are a few good sources on how to do that online. At least go to like Quest diagnostics to have your donor screened (blood and stool). May need doctor's prescription for that.

Posted by KT (Usa) on 10/14/2015

Hi Debbie, I alternate "Culturelle" and "accuflora". The "Culturelle" is in a capsule that I have to open and empty the contents on unsweetened applesauce. Sometimes I make a "paste" of about 1 TBSP PB and 1/2 C applesauce with 1/4 tsp. magnesium powder before adding the "Culturelle". If unsweetened is not available, I add about 1/8 tsp. (a little more) of ground cloves. I mix a variety of concoctions so it just depends on what I've eaten or if I feel bloated.

The "accuflora" seems to work better when taken on an empty stomach with about 8 oz. of water...I chug 6 to 10 gulps after taking two before bed.

Posted by Bonneebee (Land Of Lincoln) on 05/30/2017

Hi Debi (Usa 10/19/2015)

I hope your h. pylori is gone by now (5/30/17). H. pylori will not go away on its own. Several years ago, my husband was successfully treated for h. pylori with sulfer drugs & Pepto Bismal. It has not returned.

Posted by Jmb (Okc) on 04/17/2018

Hi. I've had a fecal transplant, and it's not 100% effective for treating C. Diff...it flared back up after 35 days. It is very hard to get rid of.

Charcoal, Fermented Foods
Posted by Feelbetter (Phoenix, Az) on 01/23/2013

Update from yesterday: This morning I had my first normal poop in over two months. Yesterday, my energy went through the roof, my depression cleared and I was able to get more work done in one day than in the previous two weeks.

Try the Kimchi if you are suffering with C-Diff. It is basically fermented Napa Cabbage with garlic, red peppers, chilis and spices.

I think that relapses can be caused by C-Diff spores laying around your house after an illness, so make sure you wash everything you can with bleach. I am lucky that the curtains in my room are white, so I was able to take them down and wash them as well. Wash all surfaces, including walls, and especially things you touch all the time like your phones, TV remotes, etc.

One source I found said that it can also be transferred via nasal route, so be very careful with your nose and mouth.

This thing can be beat, I just don't think that the Western medical community knows how to do it.

BTW- I didn't fill my second prescription for Flagyl, as I knew that it would make me feel worse.

Bentonite Clay
Posted by Kimberly (Lincoln, Ne) on 12/01/2009

c. diff - the only thing that worked for me was betonite clay. I tried probiotics, yogurt, kefir( yogurt drink). The clay helped tremendously

Bentonite Clay
Posted by Kaleid (Dayton, Oh) on 03/14/2010

Bentonite clay is very beneficial but do not use diatomaceous earth! Diatomaceous earth may be powdery to us when you first look at it but microscopically it is made up of tiny shards like glass. It is mostly used to kill pest with soft body parts like slugs. Do not take this internally. Don't even touch it with your fingers. Bentonite clay is completely different than diatomaceous earth. Bentonite clay is a highly absorptive material that cleans your intestine and absorbs toxins. I hope you read this before it's too late.

Bentonite Clay
Posted by Sky (Harrisburg, Pa, Usa) on 03/20/2010

Hi Kaleid, thanks for the info,but I have googled the Diatomaceous Earth and read other articles about the food grade kind and I see no danger. I've been taking it for over a month now and I feel great now. Is there maybe a difference like always with food grade and industrial grade?

Bentonite Clay
Posted by Kathy K. (Kensington, Md) on 06/12/2018

Yes, never ingest Industrial diatomaceous earth.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Ken (Lindon, Ut) on 04/17/2010

I was told by my doctor (who is also very open to alternative treatment) that colloidal silver is not very effective treatment with C-diff. I have tried it myself with little or no positive results.

So now I am trying some of the other suggestions (such as pulsing and taking clay). I will post my results as something positive happens.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Lloyd (Charlotte, Nc) on 12/18/2012

Concerning colloidal silver and its effectiveness on C Diff mentioned above by Sarah; I had an interesting conversation with a mother who came to my office today. (I'm an attorney.) She brought her 5 year old. I'd forgotten I'd given her some colloidal silver months ago when she told me of her son's problem with C Diff. I was guessing at silver's effectiveness in dealing with bacteria but we have assumed it not only can kill viral infections but also bacterial and fungal. I have one of the little silver generators and give away bottles of it to anyone who might like to try it. Well, she thanked me and said over a two week period her son drank the silver water and it cured him. No problem now for months. And she immediately told me of another story. Her husband was cynical relative to his son but when he saw what it did for his son wondered if the silver solution might help a four inch by four inch layer of inflamed skin on the back of his right shoulder. She said it was like a layer of "skin on skin. " He drank the silver every day and the wife applied it topically. Over a period of days the "spot" began giving off a liquid and in a week it shrank until it went away completely. I suspect he had been bitten on the shoulder by a spider and that became an ongoing infection. I thought her idea of a topical application was clever. She had run out of the silver and I immediately handed her a new one.

I'd sure like to hear from people who try colloidal silver for its effectiveness on C Diff. The trick is: for a system wide infection it has to be used daily for weeks if not months. You know if its working if the patient gets a new burst of energy after a week or two. The "energy" is the immune system being relieved in its stressed condition by the fighting power of the silver. It's like the reinforcements arriving.

Posted by Tricia (Ireland) on 09/19/2009 84 posts

Nutrition is such a complex subject. I too am confused adout the sugar content in a lot of supposedly "healthy foodstuff". My daughter, now 4, was diagnosed with a small rectum and lazy bowel within 8 weeks of birth. We were told that the only way forward for her was an operation and meantime laxatives. After consultations with nutritionists and other medical reps we chose to give her a prune juice and water mix instead of an unnatural laxative knowing that this could affect her front baby teeth. When introducing solids we were also very careful not to give her anything that could constipate her. This included plenty of fruit and natural plain yoghurt products which for flavour I added the fruit. She has had so little in the form of shop bought sweets that she thinks wet raw carrot and turnips are desserts. And the good part is......so far no operation needed.

When I brought her to the dentist recently he told me that she needs 4 filling on each of her back teeth so I explained about the prune juice. He told me that this would only affect her front teeth not the back ones and that she was getting too many sweets. When I explained that there was no way that this could be the problem and told him about her treats of yoghurt, carrots and fruits. He told me that these are all high sugar even though it is natural sugar and it is these healthy treats that are probobly causing her the problem. I am in a bit too much of a temper at the moment to fully research this but from what little I have gathered most of our foods turn to sugars apart from meats and she is a bit young for an atkins diet.

Conflicting advice is coming at us from all sides. My husband has been diagnosed with a hereditary heart defect and the specialist gave him a special diet. When we rang the nutritionist at the hospital about another issue I mentioned this diet and she said no way would it be beneficial and gave us totally conflicting advice.

I do my own research on the subject whenever I can but there is such a large amount of information on the web that there are too many sites to trawl through.

O.k. now I'll get off the proverbial pedastal..........

Be Careful With Antibiotics
Posted by ANNA (STATEN ISLAND, NEW YORK) on 07/31/2008

I was struck by c.difficile while taking clindamysin. i only took 3 dosages and went through great pain and fever,colitis. after a 10 day treatment of flagel, c.difficile returned., my gastroenteroligest then gave a heavier treatment of flagel for 10 days. this time it helped ,it was under control. my doctor explained it this way.,'it was a nuclear bomb going off in my colon and intestines and the clindamysin killed off all the bacteria'.

i was warned strongly not to eat dairy. i was weak and built my strength back up. i cannot have yogurt. i order a probiotic to keep the flora built up in the colon. i find banana's and white rice helps, keep a balance on fiber, be careful with anti-biotics when your prescibed for an illness. have your gastroenterologist phone# handy just in case of a relapse with c.diffice. i have a great gastroenteroligist who is there for me a.m. or p.m. with great understanding.

Be Careful With Antibiotics
Posted by Sky (Harrisburg, Pa, Usa) on 01/27/2010

Anyway,I am 43 and December 21st 2009 I had some dental surgery done and was put on clyndamyacin for ten days. About the third day in I developed diarrhea but my husband said all meds have side effects and I probably shouldn't worry about it. The next day I only took three doses instead of four and I was perfectly fine again.On 1-4-2010 a Monday I went back to the dentist for a follow up and told him what happened and told him I took all the meds just longer because I felt I didn't tolerate the four doses. He said that was fine and asked if I was okay now. I told him yes, no problems. Two days later my diarrhea started again for a few days ,then I was fine again for a few days and then it started getting worse. By the following Wednesday I started getting really concerned and went to the doctor. I told him what I was on two weeks earlier and my concerns about what I read about the side effects. He said to try yoghurt and rice and bananas for a few days and see if that helps, if not it could be something else you develop from antibiotics. To cure it I would have to go on another antibiotic, but it can go away on it's own. He probably said c-diff but that was a foreign word at that time. He said if I wanted to I could drop off a stool sample the next morning. I took it lightly at that point because I figured oh no big deal ,it will probably go away. Well that weekend was agonizing.I thought I was dying and have never felt the kind of pain I felt for those next couple of days. I read all of my natural remedies books and lived on slippery elm and pau'd arco tea ,but no relieve on the sools. I immediately dropped off the stool sample on the following Monday and didn't hear from the doctors, I didn't realize the test would take that long. By Thursday I didn't know what to do anymore because I had called every day and the test wasn't back yet,so the doc put me on metronidazole (flagyl) and by the next day my severe cramping was gone , I've been on this for 6 days now and I still have at least 10 or more stools,well ,diarrhea. I am so against antibiotics in the first place but thought I had to take them because of the surgery and of course I come down with the side effects.I have been online for hours,reading up on it and getting really scared that this may be a lifelong ailment to live with.I always considered myself a very healthy person,taking lots of supplements and vitamins, eating overall healthy,well for the most part and still I was not strong enough to fight this bacteria. So tonight I finally typed in alternative medicine for c diff and I can't tell you enough how encouraged I feel right now to beat this bug. Now a few questions maybe someone knows about already.

Can I take all my regular vitamins and supplements while going through this? I usually take fish oil,vitamin e,c ,grape seed extract,cherry bark extract,potassium for my restless leg syndrome and a calcium, magnesium mix,which I won't take for now because that usually helps me go the bathroom.

Another thing,I have oil of oregano which I take during colds,could there be some benefit to help fight this bacteria? And can natural antibiotics like Myrrh,boswelia ,ecchinacea and garlic be used along with the antibiotics?
I am very encouraged about the cabbage juice and will go out tomorrow and get some cabbage.Even if it takes a few days ,if it helps I will try it.

Can this bacteria be fought for good?

Be Careful With Antibiotics
Posted by Sky (Harrisburg, Pa, Usa) on 01/28/2010

I forgot to mention that I was also eating probiotic yoghurt when I was able to, but I guess I did it all wrong when I was eating with the flagyl... I bought some probiotic pills yesterday and the lady said to wait at least two hours or the acidophillus has no effect at all..... darn it, I wasted my time on that and money....making the cabbage juice today to try that too.

Be Careful With Antibiotics
Posted by Sue (Va, Usa) on 03/28/2010

C-Diff - reply to Joe from Los Angeles

I sympathize. I had this condition a few years ago. My dr prescribed saccaromycides (sp?) probiotic, various supplements to strengthen me generally, tested my iodine which was extremely low so put me on iodoral, and also prescribed cholesteramine (sp?), which is really a cholesterol drug that works by binding to fats in the intestines. It is also being used for c-diff to bind the pathogens, and it, along with the rest of the regimen, worked. There is hope. Just make sure your dr knows about all this. If not, find an MD who is also a certified nutrition specialist; I imagine the LA area has many. Good luck!

Be Careful With Antibiotics
Posted by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 10/22/2010

Hi Miri,

Recently, I have been posting here on my use of homemade kefir w/ living grains. Perhaps, you've seen the posts. Well, reading about your C. Diff I thought I should bring your attention to kefir and C. Diff. Kefir has almost 20 strains of lactobacilli, almost 30 strains of yeasts and almost 10 strains of streptococci/lactococci of which keep the intestine ecosystem healthy and our immune system strong.

Also, if you google kefir and C. Diff you will find some very interesting information of how kefir is being used to help rid C. Diff. I hope this information is of use to you.

There was an interesting article that would probably interest you in regard to this subject which I will include a portion of:

Clinical and Health Affairs
Resolution of Recurrent Clostridium difficile-associated Diarrhea Using Staggered Antibiotic Withdrawal and Kefir
By Johan S. Bakken, M. D. , Ph. D. Abstract

"Eight patients, each of whom experienced recurrent episodes of Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea, were treated with staggered and tapered oral metronidazole or vancomycin combined with daily intake of kefir, an over-the-counter liquid probiotic dairy product. All eight successfully resolved their infection and did not experience any further diarrhea after completion of treatment. Further studies will be needed to determine whether gradual antibiotic withdrawal combined with kefir is a valuable treatment for recurrent C. Difficile-associated diarrhea."

If you decide to use kefir I would recommend making it yourself as it is so easy and far superior to commercial kefir. It is an amazing food that can help heal the body. Wishing you the best, Lisa

Be Careful With Antibiotics
Posted by Jewelc (Lexington, Ky.) on 10/23/2010

I overcame c-diff in 2008 after having it for 8 months. I think the thing that helped me the most was taking many more probiotics than was recommended to me by my MD. I took Culturelle and Florastar at least 2 each 3 times per day. Also, healthy diet is important and no sugar while trying to get rid of this beast. Jewelc

Be Careful With Antibiotics
Posted by Ed2010 (Canada) on 06/03/2014

Probiotics can reduce the symptom. S. Boulardi is therapeutically used to flush C. Difficile. You can try S. Boulardi capsules.

Water kefir is rich in S. Boulardi. (S. Boulardi is good yeast)

To Kill you can Take 6 drops of Lugol's Iodine Solution 2 times a day after meal for one week.

Or Take 1 tbsp of Colloidal Silver for one week. If you are allergic to iodine, don't take Lugol's solution.

The herbal method. Take Black wallnut Tincture 30 drops 2 times a day for one month. Or as indicated in the Bottle.

Also, alkalize the intestine with Ted's Alkalizing formula before or after meal. Good Health

Posted by Marsha (TN) on 07/22/2022

Could it be the apple instead of raspberries that were healing as apples have so much that help the gut/intestines as well as the liver.

Barley Water
Posted by Silvia (Woodland, Ca) on 07/02/2018

Hello on the thread in which people are talking about barley water for c diff. What type of barley do you think they are using? I got some from the Nugget Markets, some organic barley. Will that work??

Barley Water
Posted by Doris (Toronto ) on 01/13/2022

Can this be made with pot barley or just pearl barley? Thank you!

Barley Water
Posted by Dorena Rode (California) on 07/30/2023

Yes, they would be the same. Pot barley has a little more bran.

Saccharomyces Boulardii
Posted by Lynette Taylor (Texas) on 05/23/2017

Where do you purchase Perisept 62?

Barley Water
Posted by Kelly (Nashville ) on 05/13/2017

How much sachromyces b. Did everyone take for c-diff?

Raw Milk Kefir Fast
Posted by Namaw (Bama) on 10/26/2016

Can you elaborate on the dairy kefir fast? Was that ALL you had and for how many days? Some 'fasts' are broader. I really need to get this ibs-d thing under control and I already take dairy kefir daily. I don't think I have c diff, probably a fungus like candida, but it's so much worse now than 2 months ago. I'm ready to try turpentine, but have to plan on having several days off when I can stay close to the restroom.

C. Diff and Antibiotics
Posted by Rachel (Minnesota) on 01/03/2017

Hi Phyllis, I'm so happy to hear you've found success. I would love to hear exactly how you did it as I'm getting pretty desperate. Thanks for your time! And best of luck to you!

Posted by Kellym (Texas) on 07/11/2016

I had a very bad case of C.Diff in 2014 due to 6 months of antibiotics. I have tested negative since rhythm until this post weekend.

I started out sick around the 9th June, doctor sect me to ER, they have me a strong antibiotic for possible UTI, I told them that I have had Diff in the past, said I'd be fine. Got diarrhea two days later and stored the meds they sent me home on. Was okay after that until father's day started loose stools again went to doctor Monday hurting bad said I had a bug, back to the ER on the 24th everything checked out. Went seen a Gastrology a last week( now July) got an email tested positive for C.diff..

Called me in meds for it. But I'm home and me and my boyfriend and his two girls live together. I'm not sure what to do.

I've bleached everything, he's making meals and taking care of the girls needs.

Should he not be sleeping with me, should I be kept in my room. I'm lost at what's the best precaution to take. I've got not fever, no diarrhea, although my stomach seems some and scared to eat anything.

I'm on 100 billion probiotic, cod liver oil, Nancy live yogurt, kefir and the need they put me on yesterday metronidazole.

Thank you.

Saccharomyces Boulardii
Posted by Dee (British Columbia, Canada) on 09/27/2014

C. difficile (antibiotic-induced very severe diarrhea) often can be controlled by taking Saccharomyces boulardii a probiotic that displaces the C. difficile bug and reflorates intestines with its beneficial yeast which will survive better than beneficial bacteria probiotics in a gut overwhelmed by C. difficile.

Bentonite Clay and Barley Water
Posted by Cat (Florida, US) on 09/14/2014

Thank you so much for the useful info! This morning I drank the barley water and bentonite clay and already feel a lot better. No stomach ache or nausea!!

Barley Water
Posted by Cat (Florida, US) on 09/13/2014

Did anyone else have nausea/upset stomach with c.diff? This has been my major complaint. Not sure if infection is back. Finished with that antibiotic on July 19th and am now having more bad days than good. Anyone else have the same complaint?

Barley Water
Posted by Ankit (Usa) on 11/10/2014

Om from Hope Bc,

Thank you for listing the recipes. However, in your posts, you have listed barley groats (hulled), unhulled barley, and pot barley. Which variety is supposed to be used? Thank you.

Barley Water
Posted by Annalea (Eugene, Or) on 01/26/2015

How often should the barley water be used?

Barley Water
Posted by Nan (Port Colborne, Ont., Canada) on 06/01/2016

So happy to come across re. barley water. My husband has colitis c, diff. On Flagyll 500 mg 3x daily x 10 days, on his 7th day. Also started him on Shaklee products for C. Diff program. Takes 4 kinds, 2tabs, 3x daily. Been drinking green tea, rice water. Need help bad, thank you and God bless.

Barley Water
Posted by Wm (San Francisco, CA) on 09/23/2014

I'm trying to find out what kind of barley, is it the plant, the barley grass sprouting seed, I would really appreciate it if you can give some information about this because my wife has been suffering from c-diff for over a year.

Barley Water
Posted by Lucie (Canada) on 03/19/2015

I cannot seem to find barley groats, is it same as Organic Barley Seeds - - Unhulled Barleygrass Seed?

Barley Water
Posted by Om (Hope, Bc Canada) on 03/20/2015

Lucy --- try to find pot barley and failing that, pearl barley. I find it is harder now to find pot barley. So one has to put up with refined pearl barley.

Namaste, Om

Barley Water
Posted by Pam H (Chesterfield, Mo.) on 05/21/2015

I tried the barley water a few days ago (have had C-diff for a month). I drank about 3 cups over a 12 hour period. Because I didn't notice any benefit, I didn't take it the next day, but still have some in my fridge. Does anyone know if it is still good after 3 days? Also, how many doses and how often are you drinking the water? Are there some people who might not notice a benefit until after a few days? Thanks, Pam

Barley Water
Posted by Patty (Panama City, Fl) on 07/12/2015

Where do you get barley water? Or do you cook barley & save the water? I am 4 weeks with diarrhea & on flagyl. I'm miserable. Please advise. Thank you!!

Barley Water
Posted by Tanya Bilham (Canada) on 08/27/2015

Hi Sue, do you mind me asking, was barley water all that you took to treat C.dificile or where you on the flagyl too? and if so, how much of everything did you take?

I'm still having symptoms but they're milder and the test isn't detecting it because of all the probiotics and S.bouradi I took brought it down, but I can't get rid of it. Any info would be so greatly appreciated. I don't think I'll be able to get treatment through my doctors...

Barley Water
Posted by Nancy (Mi) on 10/10/2017

Are you sure that Cholestyramine "binds and removes" C. Diff? Did you test after its use to ensure that you are now testing negative for C. Diff?

Barley Water
Posted by Julie (Arlington, TX) on 08/09/2014

Interesting. So just plain store bought barley? I have had c-diff 3 times this year.

Barley Water
Posted by Carolyn (Washington, USA) on 09/10/2014

Thank you everyone! This is exactly what I've been looking for. Tried and true natural stuff to fight this thing. I was put on antibiotics to combat the c-diff I contracted from a patient in long-term care while in training. They didn't know he had it right away but while changing him, decided to run a sample on him. I wish they would have had the gowns and masks ready just in case, but... the test came back positive for him and THEN put everything outside his room. So I was breathing in the spores for two days. I might point out that 2 weeks prior to that, I had finished a 5-day stint of Clyndamycin @ 125mg, that my dentist gave me cause another prescription showed I had reaction to it. An ER Dr. said this wouldn't have been long enough to have caused the C-diff. I figure I must've been a sitting duck! Anyway, I was put on the Flagyl first, then Dr. increased the doseage and after a couple of days I got really ill from that dose. Five days later I got put on Vancomycin for 10 plus days and I was getting every side effect listed! So I'm feeling worse from the side effects but the loosey-goosey stuff is not the problem. I didn't want to take anything anymore cause it's just scarey! I'm gonna try all this stuff, 1 at a time (ha). This barely stuff sounds great and that probiotic. So there IS HOPE! I will let you know. By the way, I gave all the background so it might help someone else to watch out in environments, etc.

Barley Water
Posted by Kimberly (S, TX) on 05/07/2024

What side effects did you get on vancomycin? Anything with the ears?

Barley Water
Posted by Alicia (Victoria, Australia) on 10/20/2014

Can you use pearl organic barley? I think I am having a relapse of c diff after 2 years as I have just taken antibiotics again I am so scared to go through this again!

Barley Water
Posted by Pat (Delray Beach, Fl) on 12/12/2014

I had C:diff, was on Vanco for 3 weeks and then tested negative. Now I have 10 to 20 (mostly 20) BM's a day a but all are formed never watery. What the devil is that?

Barley Water
Posted by Rhonda (Indiana) on 01/18/2015

What is the ratio of water to barley?

Barley Water
Posted by Arlene (New Hampshire) on 06/04/2015

I have recurrent C.diff. and often on Vancomycin..which seems less effective each time I use it. Am gluten intolerant...isn't barley full of gluten?

Barley Water
Posted by Tina (Martinsburg Wv) on 06/04/2015

Does it matter what type or brand of Barley it is?

Barley Water
Posted by Didi54 (Montreal, Qc) on 06/14/2015

To Arlene, I would be very very carefull if I were you because of your gluten allergy. Read this and consult somebody who has the knowledge to help you with your condition. http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2011/07/05/other-nonwheat-grains-can-also-hurt-your-health.aspx

Barley Water
Posted by L. Yellowbird (Nova Scotia) on 07/29/2015

Please, can anyone tell me how many glasses of Barley water to drink, per day, to help C.Diff ? Also, how many capsules(?) of Oil of Oregano a day should be combined with the barley water? In desperate Need!

Barley Water
Posted by Manish Shah (Chicago) on 08/16/2016

Where can I buy Barely from? Do you know if Whole foods store carry it? I tried searching on Amazon and they have Oragnic hulled Barley.

Barley Water
Posted by Judith (Denver, Co) on 08/16/2016

You can get barley powder from Swanson Vitamins. I bought some because I thought I would need it, but so far lots of probiotics have worked.

Barley Water
Posted by Joy (Thailand) on 08/16/2016

Hello Manish Shah. If you have difficulty obtaining barley water consider making you own, it's very simple with lots of info on Internet. It's basically just boiling barley and draining the liquid off. Wish you luck.

Barley Water
Posted by Kellyd (Seattle, Wa) on 09/18/2020

This is in reply to Agatha above. She says there's 'chitan' in barley. I believe she means chitin, which as she mentions is also present in crab and other shellfish.

But it's not present in barley. Barley contains chitinase, which is the enzyme that breaks down chitin.

But what I'm concerned about is this: Is barley water really killing off the c. difficile, or is it just stopping the diarrhea symptoms? I can't find any research anywhere that suggests it actually kills or even inhibits c. difficile...

Probiotics, D-Mannose
Posted by Claudia (Florida ) on 09/16/2021

Hi can you please share how she was taking this probiotics, how many times a day and also the same question for the D-Mannose? Thank you so much

C. Diff and Antibiotics
Posted by Deborah (MI) on 02/07/2022

Can it kill the spores?

C. Diff and Antibiotics
Posted by Trudyg (Al) on 08/27/2013

I wonder if the mangosteen would help the IBS-D that I've had all my life? I've been checked for every possible cause and tried every remedy I've heard of, but not this yet. When I ask, people say charcoal, etc, but they don't have a clue how chronic this is--I have diarrhea every single day, no matter what I eat. I get up at 4 a.m. so I can eat and let my bowels do their thing and be able to leave the house at 7, then often I am still stopping on the way to work. The only thing that gives me consistent relief is immodium and Lotronex.

C. Diff and Antibiotics
Posted by Sue (Fairfax, Va) on 08/27/2013

Hi, here's what helped me, prescribed by my dr: in addition to an excellent probiotic which I was taking daily; added saccharomyces boulardii (Floristor, or other companies make it as well (some with added MOS which is fine), less expensive, follow the dosage on package/bottle); also, twice a day, L-glutamine powder which is available most places, a half-teaspoon dissolved in a cup of water, and in the same water, dissolve a tablespoon of IgG 2000DF, which is an immunogobulin concentrate that rebuilds intestines. I use a brand that starts with XYM_ _ _ _, but maybe there are other brands. Stir the 2 powders in and drink. Not unpleasant. No food for a half-hour before and after. The IgG 2000DF is not cheap but it helped immediately. So worth it to me. Good luck!

C. Diff and Antibiotics
Posted by Ffpl (Sacramento, Ca) on 08/09/2014

Only a small percentage of adults carry c-diff, about 2% to 5%. The vast majority of the time people contract this bug in a healthcare setting like a hospital or care home and around the same time are given antibiotics for an existing condition and as a result get the clostridium difficile infection (CDI).

C. Diff and Antibiotics
Posted by Timh (Ky) on 05/18/2015 2063 posts

As per the lung thing, yrs ago my health began deteriorating from what appeared to be some kind of lung issue and I had the standard radiology and nothing further for diagnostics; until yrs later and much research, Mycoplasma infection was the only identifiable cause. I personally witnessed a Cow nearly die from this condition (which is somewhat common in livestock after drinking contaminated water source like ponds where parasites & pathogens can occupy). Several months of vet administered high dose antibiotic got her well enough to calf once again but the calf was also infected and compromised and soon died.

Colloidal Silver (oral and/or nebulized), Borax, and the herb Uvi Ursi (read label for recommended dosage as there are limits w/ this herb) is a good treatment start for any mycoplasma infection. Mycoplasmas have chronic debilitating affect on immune function and leave one very susceptible to any little bug that comes along, and like in your case, can be nearly fatal.

C. Diff and Antibiotics
Posted by Darlene (Ohio) on 08/18/2015

I am very eager to help anyone who will listen... I have had two surgeries on my bowels. Second was for small bowel obstruction in which they removed my bowels and cut them apart and put them back. Now they are extremely scared which has made me a human experiment with food. I am severely allergic to gluten which I believe I was for years... IBS, chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia in the 80's thyroid in the 90's and then the dreaded diverticular disease... the rest is history.

KEEP A FOOD DIARY! Gluten is in everything from make-up to hard candy all processed foods unless GF labeled. It is in the eggs we eat unless free range and the meat unless grass fed. Vegetables can cause their own set of issues if it is not locally grown fresh or organic. Your body will tell you what it wants LISTEN!

Research anti-inflammatory foods and eat them. Get help I went to therapy for 8 months to change my brain. I would cry when I talked about food to anyone. Now I am empowered and I decide what I want to eat not the industry. If I didn't I would not be here today. Change your brain change your body! :)

C. Diff and Antibiotics
Posted by Cindy (Edgewater) on 10/12/2015

I totally agree, Doctors might not perscibe so readily, if they had a warning label.

Preventing Household Contamination
Posted by Kelly (Lancaster, Pa) on 03/15/2013

My dad doesn't have much time left and he is very attached to my baby boy who is blind (dog) he is coming home to finish out what time he has left... He does nothing but talk about how he can't wait to see his four legged grandson.. My dad has c-diff so how do I protect my baby so that he can spend time with his pap like he has always done??? Please if you can help me or point me in a direction to get this answer I would be so grateful

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