Canker Sores
Natural Remedies

Natural Canker Sore Remedies: Quick Relief & Healing

Coconut Oil
Posted by Janie (Magnolia, Texas) on 05/30/2015

I had a mouth ulcer that would not go away and was getting more painful as the days went on. I looked up on Earth Clinic and found that coconut oil could be used so I took some and placed it directly on the mouth ulcer and within 24 hours it was completely gone. Great stuff. I told my sister n law about it because my brother is taking chemo and will need something to help with mouth ulcers.

Camphor Spirit
Posted by Jan (Ft Lauderdale, Fl) on 04/08/2015

For canker sores, I use spirit of camphor dabbed on a q-tip and placed on the sore. It heals within a few days and takes away the pain. Also organic raw honey placed on the sore, and it is gone the next day or two.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Wayne (Nm) on 03/14/2015

Canker Sores: I have had these buggers all my life. I finally found a cure, it's Colloidal Silver. I was watching the Alex Jones show and one of their call in's indicated he cured his. I tried it, wow, wow, wow, it works, I have given it to other folks, same results, great. Please try it.

Avoid Milk
Posted by Sharon (Naples, Fl) on 12/08/2014

hi, my son is 17 and has been suffering with cankersores since he's been 3yrs old.

He gets them weekly up to 10 in his mouth. Went to every singal doctor/department known to man. Ended up in Rheumatology department only to be put on drugs that were for cancer!!! I was so done with this. Finally I took him to a holistic doctor who did a food intolerance panel. (not allergy) and it came up that he was intolerant to milk, cheese, and eggs. As soon as we eliminated those foods, he is cankersore free-----except of course when he wants pizza with cheese and ends up with sores 2 days later:)

Baking Soda
Posted by Mama to Many (Tennessee) on 11/25/2014

I had a canker sore in my mouth last night. It was red and inflamed and had a white patch in the middle. But my son had just put a coat of finish on my kitchen floor and I couldn't access any of my herbs, charcoal, etc, since they were in the kitchen. I was looking around my bathroom for something I could try and saw my home made tooth powder. Baking soda!! I put some on the spot three times before bed. Tonight I realized it must have worked. I looked in my mouth and saw no sign of the sore! For the record, my tooth powder also has bentonite clay and peppermint essential oil in it. But I think it was the baking soda.

~Mama to Many~

Posted by Zark (Australia) on 09/02/2014

BHT is what worked for me. I tried the usual antibacterial modes (iodine, salt, baking soda) and nothing would help one little bit. Any time my mouth had a little scratch it would inevitably result in a mouth ulcer that would take weeks to heal (you guys call them 'canker sores').

I eventually tried BHT thinking it might help some other immune problems (I have an inflammatory autoimmune disease). Well, only one thing changed noticeably - no more mouth ulcers. Ever since trying BHT I have been clear of this issue, and it has been a stark change. Now if I bite my lip there is no problem, yet before I would be absolutely guaranteed to have a very nasty canker sore.

Now I can't guarantee this will help anyone else, I never expected that my mouth ulcers could be caused by a virus!! (ehh sorry I mean 'canker sores) But there you go.. learned something new. I suspect the majority of folk are still caused by bacteria, but hey if iodine, ACV, baking soda and salt don't help then maybe you should try this!

You can read more about BHT here:

Most important - make sure it is food grade.

Posted by Daniel X (Houston, TX) on 08/31/2014

I had horrible canker sores in my mouth; tongue, inner lips, cheeks. Ridiculous pain, could barely eat or speak and they came in groups; 2-4 at a time, and a new crop in different spots would pop up just as the others were about to be healed, which took 3-4 weeks. I never had these before in my life and I'm 56. Anyway, this went on for months and I was praying for help. I tried a list of things like oil pulling, various supplements etc. Bottom line; after doing my own research including reading all the posts on this site, and a few others, I realized that my tongue was coated white in the morning and took that as an indication of systemic candida.

I took the roughly 1/8 teaspoon of 20 Mule Team borax powder dissolved in water and noticed dramatic results starting in about 12 hours. There were two sores at the time, one just beginning, it went away fast, the other healed fairly quickly and now, 2 weeks later, no new ones have popped up and my tongue is nice and pink again. I didn't notice much of a "die off" reaction, only a minor headache in the temple area one day which might've been something else. I have been on a raw food diet for over 2 years so I know my body is fairly clean at this point. I also noticed remarkable clarity of mind and easy concentration within 12 hours of taking borax, along with a feeling that I was vibrating like a purring cat or a well tuned car, actually quietly vibrating. That seems to have gone away somewhat although I still feel mentally clear. So thank you Ted and all and hopefully someone else suffering from canker sores can benefit from my experience.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Holly (St. Louis, MO) on 08/21/2014

While out camping with my family I developed two huge canker sores along my upper gums. It hurt to eat, drink and talk.There were no stores around so we only had what we packed... thank goodness I had some coconut oil on hand (I packed it to help ease sunburns and also as the oil to pop our popcorn-yum! ).

I used my finger and dabbed a small amount on both sores, right before bed. The next morning, the pain was nearly gone. So after brushing my teeth I applied it again and, though the sores didn't disappear immediately, the pain was gone by lunchtime.

I am a huge believer in the benefits of coconut oil (organic, unrefined, cold pressed only! ) and always have a small bottle on hand. This is just another fantastic cure from an amazing oil.

Papaya Leaf Tea
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 06/13/2014

Having read Dave from Fountain Inn's brave experiments with Papaya (in the name of science, of course. (Have you lost those extra pounds, or are they there as a living testament to your brave pioneering spirit??!! ) I discovered a bag of Papaya leaf tea here and decided to try it for recurring Canker Sores. After waiting for three outbreaks, all of which were cured with the tea, I am happy to report that fact here. The relief from pain takes about 2 days of 1-2 teas daily (1 tsp. tea leaves in a cup of boiling water. Either boiled for a bit, or just left to steep) and the cure depends on how strictly I stay away from my triggers (certain baked goods, bananas and more than my tolerance level of citrus).

Posted by Tim (Georgia (Republic of)) on 03/30/2014 21 posts

Hi, from Georgia (Rep. of).

Here is the best and only remedy for canker sores in your mouth - dry Sage leaves. Chew just a few of them each time and all day long if you like and all year long if you like with no side effects. Don't use a dried stem of Sage to avoid scratches that can worsen situation and prolonged healing. You WILL get rid of canker sores from a few hours to several days in severe cases. Repeat treatment if any. Good luck!

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Randomhelpguy (Colorado) on 03/22/2014

Take an ice cube with frost still on it over the canker sore and it will rip off the white part, and numb it at the same time. Then take hydrogen peroxide and hold it on the sore mixed with Apple Cider vinegar for up a minute or two. This will sting like a bitch. After all this take a Q tip and activated charcoal and scrape the crater from the former sore. Then take just the charcoal and make a paste and leave it for a few minutes. Problem solved overnight or at least smaller. Or alternatively you could use alum which also burns like hell.

Posted by Jmcclain (Little Rock, Ar) on 03/11/2014

I remembered the recommendation for Lysine for canker sores-- after I had a full-blown painful one. I did not want to wait however long it takes for the Lysine to work in my system, so I simply held a Lysine tablet on the sore for as long as I could (about 3 minutes). It immediately stopped stinging and began to heal. A few hours later, I did it again (motivated to hold it longer) and I am pain free now. It still looks terrible but does not hurt. I never dreamed it would work so quickly.

Activated Charcoal
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 11/12/2013

A few weeks ago my daugther bit her cheek when chewing. You know how that end up biting the same spot over and over and it is uncomfortable. I know when that used to happen to me, I always ended up with a canker sore. I realized the reason it kept happening is because the mild trauma of having been bitten causes some swelling, so it is easy to keep on biting the same spot. I had my daugther place a charcoal tablet against the spot until the charcoal dissolved. (This actually can take 10 minutes or so.) By the time the charcoal had dissolved, her problem had resolved.

Yesterday, I did the same thing! I bit my cheek and it was irritated. I could feel a little bubble. I put a charcoal tablet on it and let it dissolve. By the time it dissolved, I no longer felt irritation and the bubble was smaller. Within an hour or two, I realized the little bubble was completely gone.

Charcoal is anti-inflammatory, so I think that is why this worked. Charcoal tablets are also good for canker sores, the earlier caught, the better. I suspect this treatment would keep a canker sore from forming where the mouth has had trauma. Too bad I didn't know this long ago, but better late than never!

Have a great day!

~Mama to Many~

Unlit Match
Posted by Sleighb7 (Ontario, Canada) on 10/18/2013

Unlit Match for Canker Sores: Oh thank the lord someone put this remedy up.... The to the point story.... Large mouth ulcer with white crust forming, lots of pain, put unlit match on the white part for around 20-30 seconds, not to long in case of further irritation which causes them to grow. Woke up 50% better, repeated same process this morning, ulcer is around 85% gone, will repeat tonight and be done with it, fastest ive ever gotten rid of an ulcer, no more white crust, warning this will sting but the relief it provides after is well worth the pain.

Baking Soda
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 06/02/2013

Jj, to immediately reduce/eliminate pain from a canker sore, coating it with Coconut Oil, helps for me. I don't know if it cures it, but it's calming action is instant for me!

Baking Soda
Posted by Jj (Hawaii) on 06/01/2013

I tend to get canker sores when I eat too much sugar or if I eat corn syrup at all. I recently went on vacation, ate out a lot, and inevitably got a sore. This one was worse than usual and progressively worsened over the course of a week.

When I returned from vacation and ceased any excessive sugar intake I decided to try treating it with baking soda. I applied a small amount of baking soda directly to the sore in the morning. Twice throughout the day after eating I mixed baking soda with water and rinsed out my mouth. Before bed, I applied baking soda to the sore again. The last application caused it to start bleeding! By the next morning my sore looked more inflamed than before and I even had another one forming!

Needless to say, it didn't work for me. I hope others have better luck with it.

Posted by Window (Rothbury, Mi, Usa) on 05/25/2013

My daughter used to get canker sores almost every week. We tried all different remedies, but I finally found something that has worked for us so well that I don't remember the last time she got one. She takes a multivitamin for older women it says on the label for women over 50, it has alot of extra b vitamins. She also takes a probiotic that has 20 billion live cultures in it. The kind we get is shelf stable, doesent have to be refrigerated and has 10 different strains. That's it! We take these two pills every night and that has resolved her painful problem.

I hope it can help someone else out there!!

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