Canker Sores
Natural Remedies

Natural Canker Sore Remedies: Quick Relief & Healing

Black Tea
Posted by David (New York, Ny) on 10/18/2011

Tannin is a good remedy for canker sores, it's found in black tea. If you put a black tea bag on your tongue and let it sit for like 5 min or so you take it off and the pain is nearly all gone and the effect stays for quite awhile.

B Complex, Vitamin C
Posted by Lala (Eastern Shore, Va) on 11/18/2010

I used to get canker sores, but then I started taking vitamins, particularly a multi-B, plus C and I've never had them since. My doctor recommended the multi-B, plus C supplement. The B also has a nice side effect of improving my complexion overall. For a quick cure, however, I used to put salt on them - it would burn like heck, but then the sore would go away the next day. I also think a crushed vitamin C tablet would be good.

Lemon Juice
Posted by Sam (London, Uk) on 08/16/2009

Lemon Juice for Mouth Ulcers:

I've recently had a bit of a fight with ulcers on the back of my throat and roof of my mouth. They are so painful and yet again the doctor can describe nothing to cure them, only a paste to numb them....which in my eyes (as a singer) is not going to do me much help!! I've tried ACV and ginger with no luck, but the last time Cayenne Pepper in Hot water seemed to do the trick but this time neither could help me and they would not budge! I decided to squeeze the juice of a fresh lemon into a cup and gargle with it...BLOW ME DOWN!!!! IT STUNG LIKE HELL and my eyes watered, however I could feel them burning on the roof of my felt like they wanted to grow legs and run out of there!!! So 24hours after the lemon juice gargle, the redness has calmed down and they are totally on the time I am going to add salt to this mixture and burn them right out!! But for now the lemon juice has worked wonders!!

Posted by Patricia (Foster City, CA/ USA) on 02/09/2009

I placed a slice of ginger root on my canker sore. It relieves pain temporarily. I suggest before you eat something leave it in for about a minute. The pain usually goes away for about a good 45 minutes. My canker sore was so large it was swollen, bleeding, and also had pus coming out of it. I could barely talk. The ginger root allowed me to eat a meal.

Posted by Chris (Sarnia, Ontario) on 10/22/2009

Thank you so so much. In agony for two days with multiple canker sores. Applied mustard. Yes, some initial discomfort. Within two minutes, complete relief. THANK YOU AGAIN:)

Posted by K HOWELL (Speedwell, TN /USA) on 12/09/2008

Use a very thin slice of fresh cut Ginger Root to heal painful mouth sores. Rub the Ginger Root on the sore. Discard the slice after use, or eat it. Works fast, and kills the pain instantly. I have had a few mouth sores in the last several years and this treatment has worked 100% of the time, for me, with just one application.

Alum, H2O2, Aspirin
Posted by CC (Las Cruces, NM) on 07/01/2009

You are too funny! I know what you mean when you just can't take it anymore and you are willing to try anything! You really ARE willing to try anything! Cheers to you!

Posted by Carol (Hamburg, NY) on 03/14/2007

For years, my teenage grandchildren suffered through excruciatingly painful episodes of canker sores. After trying & failing with many remedies suggested by their mother & others, including their M.D., they finally tried the old-fashioned home-remedy that their great-grandmother used! L-lysine, a simple, low cost cure. They now are tried & true users of L-lysine, and have almost become heroes with their college friends. The treatment is: Immediately upon the beginning of an out-break, take two 500 mg. tablets. Continue taking one 500 mg. tablet each day until 2 or 3 days past the day the canker sore appears to be healed. "L-lysine is an essential amino acid needed in our diet. It is found in animal protein, such as milk protein. It is recommended that young adults need approximately 23 mg of L-lysine per day per kilogram (10 mg per lb) of body weight. The proteins of cereals; wheat gluten, for example, do not provide enough L-lysine (Columbia University Press Encyclopedia)". Little do the young believe that Grandmother's could be so smart - until they try the "old- fashioned home remedies!

Aloe Vera
Posted by Jordan (Binghamton) on 08/19/2005

Aloe Vera is very helpful in the healing process for canker sores, as is sodium lauryl sulfate elimination.

Posted by Donnie (Spartanburg, SC)

A supplement called LYSINE helps to heal mouth sores faster, just take a 1-gram capsule 2 or 3 times a day.

Baking Soda
Posted by Fabio (Brazil) on 05/24/2024

Brush With Baking Soda for Canker Sores

There is an actual phisical layer of pathogens in the canker sore. If you just put the products like baking soda there, you will not be able to penetrate through this layer. Hence the best approach would be to brush your canker sore with your baking soda, or whatever product you want to use to kill the pathogens. Using this technique will kill your canker sore instantly.

Posted by sylvain (Quebec) on 10/13/2023

For canker sore pain,

try a Qtip with clove oil, I can vouch that it will numb the pain for about an hour, that is the only thing I have found that helps at least temporarily.

Lavender Oil
Posted by Jean (Wheeling, iL) on 02/29/2020

Lavender essential oil will heal both canker and cold sores. I put some on my finger and apply 3 or 4 times a day. Works in no time.

Baking Soda
Posted by David (Hong Kong ) on 04/01/2018

Thanks for those sharing about the baking soda remedy, I have been bothered with several canker sore in my mouth and cheeks in the last few days and they were very painful and have lost my appetite in eating. After trying a few solutions, they didn't really work for me and out of desperation, I applied some baking soda paste over the sores last night, while they haven't gone away, it did reduce the level of pain and hopefully they wil go away soon. Big thanks for sharing!

Oil Pulling
Posted by Arnezi (Spokane, Wa ) on 05/27/2016

I get huge canker sores that are extremely painful sometimes, and this last one I swished coconut oil 1 tablespoon with 1 drop of oregano essential oil for 10 minutes in my mouth and then spit it in the trash. The pain was gone. I did this 2x a day for 2 days and it was gone. I was so happy I found something that worked.

Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 10/11/2015

Just tried the salt-on-canker-sores. I had read that it is to be put on every 15 minutes.

So I dabbed a bit of Celtic Salt on it every 15 minutes, for as long as I could stand (about 10 seconds) before rinsing my mouth . At the hour and a quarter point, meaning 5 applications, the skin there started feeling a bit rough, so I stopped, and now it feels much better!

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Wayne (Nm) on 03/14/2015

Canker Sores: I have had these buggers all my life. I finally found a cure, it's Colloidal Silver. I was watching the Alex Jones show and one of their call in's indicated he cured his. I tried it, wow, wow, wow, it works, I have given it to other folks, same results, great. Please try it.

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