Natural Remedies

10 Cold and Flu Home Remedies

Vitamin C
Posted by Bryce (Vancouver, Canada) on 06/17/2008

At the first signs of a cold, I dose myself with 1000's of milligrams of Vitamin C. I will take 2000-3000 milligrams at a time, throughout the day. Perhaps the most I've taken in a day is 6000-7000 mgs. This is the first thing that I have found that actually stops a cold in it's tracks. It's great, give it a try.

Hydrogen Peroxide in the Ears
Posted by Susan (Springfield, Missouri) on 03/31/2008


I tried using the Hydrogen Peroxide in my ears for my Cold. As I was waiting for it to bubble holding my head sideways - the room started spinning. I couldn't wait the 5 minutes suggested so I just drained it and tried the other ear. Again the spinning started so I endured as long as I could. I ended up getting very dizzy and queasy and lost my dinner. It's now the next day and I'm still feeling horrible. Not sure why it affected me like this - is it my cold or the procedure??

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by HPS (AVL, NC) on 02/18/2008

Grapefruit seed extract worked for me and my daughter I give her 3 drops 3 or 4 x day, myself about 30 drops x day mixed in juice, we keep taking it for at least 3 days after symptoms improve.

Posted by Leota (Los Angeles, CA) on 01/21/2008

ok. so the first time i really found out cayenne pepper could cure sickness was when my ex put it in tomato soup when i was really sick with bronchitis. the first day he put it in i didn't taste it and the second day i finally did. i took no antibiotics. just cayenne pepper in tomato soup. healed myself in a matter of 4 days so now, i make cayenne pepper beans and soups to protect myself from getting sick. ill eat it when i'm tired and feel like im coming down with a cold. It works, it's like it burns the germs away.

Posted by Shireen (Khartoum, Sudan) on 12/13/2007

I am a true believer that every illness has a cure in nature without being tampered with, but I have never heard of turmeric to cure coughs and sinuses.Since I found your website by sheer coincidence, while searching for a natural remedy for my wheezing cough and river-running nose, I thought I'd give turmeric a try( 1 tsp turmeric, 1 tsp honey with 1 cup of warm milk)VIOLA! I could breathe again. Thank You So Much EC, you're a life saver.

Msg (!)
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) 391 posts

Assuming you were right, still the monosodium glutamate would destroy the other functions pituitary, thyroid and most importantly, the control centers of the brain, the hypothalamus. There are countless research on the the dangers of monosodium glutamate. It should also be noted that a chicken soup, not in a canned one as it contains female estrogen, that is found in nearly all plastic lined canned foods and packaged food made from Bisphenol-A, where accumulative effects may also lead to miscarriage, obesity also.

It would be a lot safer to take L-Glutamine, which is a close cousin of the Monosodium glutamate, but doesn't have the brain damaging effects of the sodium attached to the glutamine molecules. The L-Glutamine has immune supporting effects and protect against cold. Adding l-glutamine with freshly cooked chicken soup (never canned), which is cysteine rich, with added vinegar would have been a better safer alternative. L-Glutamine is popularly used by body builders to reduce fat, but increase muscle mass, while monosodium glutamate does the opposite, by stimulating the appetite, but yet causes morbid obesity in rat studies, decrease growth and endocrine damages, so well known in many rat studies. A remedy for this cold require about two of L glutamine, with freshly cooked chicken soup and plenty of vinegar (or apple cider vinegar).

Oregano Oil
Posted by Melissa (San Diego, CA) on 09/21/2007

I was suffering from a very bad cold/flu, specifically horrible sinus pressure and chest tightness and coughing, and clogged ears. I love ACV, Cayenne pepper, and hydrogen peroxide for many things, but none of these provided any releif for this. I also tried Grapefruit Seed Extract, sea salt, and borax to try to kill the virus. The last thing I tried was Oregano Oil. I used one drop sublingually and put a few more drops in water and felt immediate relief from the cough/chest tightness and sinus pressure as I was able to expectorate all the mucous. I think all the remedies listed for colds, sore throats, coughts etc. have merit but apparently different people require different remedies. So keep trying until you find the one that works for you. I was starting to get discouraged that I couldn't find any relief from natural remedies and figured I would have to succumb to cough syrup and sudafed. I'm glad I tried one last thing.

Vinegar Bath
Posted by Toma (Chicago, IL) on 06/26/2007

I had a cold for a month, tried everything - nothing helped, so I decided to take baths with a cup of white vinegar after an hour running, in 2 days all the symptoms of cold are gone.

Posted by Anj (UK) on 10/06/2006

Mum always used this when the cough/cold would not go away. Mix 1/2 teaspoon of salt with 1 teaspoon of turmeric and couple of drops of water to make this into paste. Wrap cotton wool around your finger or toothbrush and put the paste on the cottonwool and try and paint the inside of your throat as deep down the throat as possible.

Gargling With H2O2
Posted by Brian (Florida)

I have found that peroxide in the ear can stop a cold even after it starts. I lucked up when doing this method, I didn't know about these home remedies then, I was just off from work because I was sick and decided to clean out my ears because I had extra time. Gargling might help to break up irritation and mucus in the throat. I say this because my ears nose and mouth don't seem to be as closed off from on another as the average person. After adding peroxide in my ears, I immediately tasted it in my mouth (really in the back of my throat). It felt like I needed to belch, and when I did, all the stuff in my throat came up. It was weird for me but it does seem to break up and stop symptoms of colds.

Lugol's Iodine
Posted by Sharon (Boston, MA)

I am exposed to a lot of viruses (around a lot of children). Twice this year I have clobbered the flu before it started by putting one drop of Lugol's iodine into a glass of water the second I start to feel weird. I have read that it is supposed to be 3 drops, but 1 seems to do the trick for me. I feel better almost instantly.

Posted by Ted (North Las Vegas , Nv )

Cure for Common Cold. Take as much as can of cayenne pepper while have a cold or flu at least a tsp. A day. Cold will last only 2 days. Ted

Black Elderberry Tea
Posted by mr black (Ontario) on 07/16/2023

Make a tea with black elderberries to help with colds, about 2 tablespoons of berries, 1/2 tsp turmeric, 1/4 tsp cinnamon to 2 cups water combine everything bring to boil reduce to low simmer for about 10 minutes. I heard you need to cook the berries well because it contains some harmful compounds which are neutralized by boiling.

Bay Leaf, Clove, and Ginger Tea
Posted by Brent (Ontario) on 05/02/2023

Crush some bay leafs about a small handful, add some cloves fresh or ground powder about a teaspoon, and fresh ginger about an inch to some boiling water, boil for a few minutes on medium then simmer on low for awhile 15 minutes or so. Drink this to relieve chest congestion and open sinuses.

Black Elderberry Syrup
Posted by Joanne (Chicago) on 03/06/2020

Black Elderberry Syrup Found this stuff in the drugstore and didn't have much hope. It contains no drugs or alcohol, just elderberry concentrate and a bit of agave. It is VERY sweet so it is more palatable if you dissolve a couple spoonfuls in a glass of water. But crikey! The stuff actually works. Take it a few times a day and you will be perking up in no time. I prefer it to the OTC stuff that simply suppresses symptoms. I think if you go that route you end up slowing down the healing process.

Black Elderberry Syrup
Posted by Cindy (California Dessert) on 01/25/2020

Try elderberry capsules or powder to avoid the cold that leads to the sinus infections. As a teacher I usually get many head colds. Two years running I have only had 1! I seem to still get that darn croup in spite of the elderberry. It's not tasty swallowed with water out of the nyquil med cups that aren't in use anymore-unless I add bilberry powder which I understand is good for my eyes. It also comes in syrup (the elderberry) which I sometimes add a cap full to the lemonade in my lunchbox. Cheers

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Timh (Ky) on 01/14/2017 2063 posts

Chill the C.S. first, then ozonate and drink for best results. But back to nebulization or humidification like you do. Lately my circulation is going bad as of the chronic infection getting worse. I take a dose of Lipo-C and 500mg Lysine and occasional Hawthorn, BUT I seem to be getting best results nebulizing C.S. This method must deliver directly to the infection which clings to the artery walls. Lungs, nose, throat, arteries, all must benefit from the C.S. vapors.

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