Covid-19 Vaccine Side Effects

Massage Vaccine Injection Site
Posted by mmsg (somewhere, europe) on 05/25/2021

Having just gotten "the jab", I was told by a relative to massage the arm often, so as to distribute the stuff as much as possible and avoid the pain. 12 hours later there is minimal pain in the area and no redness. Has anyone ever heard of this massage thing?

Demodex and Intestinal Parasites
Posted by Jayna D. (Orange County Southern CA) on 07/09/2023

I understand that Ivermectin comes from the herb Wormwood a.k.a. Sweet Artemisia. Right now Swanson Vitamins (a great Web source) Has bottles of these capsules on sale for less than $4.00. I ordered a few. This is less expensive and possibly more natural than the drug. They also carry Black Walnut hulls capsules dirt cheap. This may help kill harmful Candida Albicans in our bodies.

Demodex and Intestinal Parasites
Posted by Violet (Cerrillos, NM) on 08/19/2021

Borax used topically helps get rid of mites.

Demodex and Intestinal Parasites
Posted by HisJewel (New York) on 08/30/2021

Greetings to EC and Everyone,

Ingredients in Ivermectin Tablets,

Excerpt From Drugs .Com regarding Ivermectin tablets ingredients

"Ivermectin Tablets Description

Ivermectin is a semisynthetic, anthelmintic agent for oral administration. Ivermectin is derived from the avermectins, a class of highly active broad-spectrum, anti-parasitic agents isolated from the fermentation products of Streptomyces avermitilis. Ivermectin is a mixture containing at least 90% 5-O-demethyl-22,23-dihydroavermectin A1a and less than 10% 5-O-demethyl-25-de(1-methylpropyl)-22,23-dihydro-25-(1-methylethyl)avermectin A1a, generally referred to as 22,23-dihydroavermectin B1a and B1b, or H2B1a and H2B1b, respectively. The respective empirical formulas are C48H74O14 and C47H72O14, with molecular weights of 875.10 and 861.07, respectively. …"

Enjoy the entire Article.


I also checked for information about Black Walnuts Hulls as an ingredient in Ivermectin but could not find it. What I did learn was that some people used black walnuts or other herbs to kill heartworms in their dogs and others preferred Ivermectin.

The Author of the next article, Dr Mark, is discussing killing heartworms in dogs in this article and does give amounts for the herbs he suggested: Concerning black Walnuts he said:

  1. "Black Walnut Hull: One drop on the food once daily for every ten pounds of body weight. One source suggested giving only one drop the first week, another drop the next week, etc. I read of one dose considerably higher (a full dropper full for an 85-pound dog), and the owner did not report side effects."

Enjoy the entire article.

Covid Vaccine Recovery Remedies
Posted by fenimore (uk) on 04/13/2021

Hello Earthclinic, I posted earlier about my desire to find a natural protocol that might protect people (my daughters) who have, against my advice, had the AZ vaccine. So far I am thinking Vit D3, Vit C, Zinc, melatonin & diatomaceous earth. Your thoughts on this would be very welcome. I am sure there are many people who will need and want some help post-vaccine. Many thanks.

Covid Vaccine Recovery Remedies
Posted by fenimore (uk) on 05/05/2021

Thank you Paracelsus. I make wonderful milk kefir using organic whole milk and will now include this on my list of injection antidotes. I just took my new immune system daily support protocol of Vit D, VitC, zinc, lysine, kelp (for iodine) and cod liver oil WITH a glass of gorgeous kefir. Now to get my grown children on board.

Covid Vaccine Recovery Remedies
Posted by Jill (Florida) on 10/30/2021

I never miss one of Mike's Situation updates. Very informative and he genuinely cares about humanity and health.

It breaks my heart the extent "THEY" have gone to poison mankind.

I thank Glenn Beck for opening my eyes to agenda 21, now 30.

Flu Symptoms, UTI, Back Pain
Posted by Katzie (Calgary ) on 05/20/2021

Hi Elsie.

In my family when we are constipated, we make a big bowl of popcorn, smothered in butter, along with a big bottle of water. The fiber in the popcorn and healthy fat from the butter both act to "get things moving along". By the next morning, things are better.! ;) Best of luck!

Blood Pressure Spike, Joint Pain
Posted by Sherri (MO) on 02/12/2021

Here is another excellent article by Dr Mercola on the C19 jab:

Side Effects - Videos
Posted by Art (California) on 07/14/2023 2165 posts

This video confirms that Covid-19 vaccine side effects are worse than previously thought.


Posted by Chris @ Cre8-Health (York, UK) on 01/16/2022

Since the spike protein may we'll be Ferro magnetic 🧲 also - this leading to the many magnetic effects widely publicised.

A simple Magnet can be used on the site of injection.

High power PEMF such as Cell2n and PER could also be used effectively to destroy and remove the spikes while breaking up the graphine as well, as PEMF increased anti oxidant activity and also the function of cells, it in general amplifies your natural state.

i hope that more people start looking into this so that we have a technology aspect to healing these sinister shots.


Pine Needle Tea
Posted by Dahlia (usa) on 12/18/2021

Turpentine would work too? Since it's from the pine tree.

Demodex and Intestinal Parasites
Posted by Pamela (Clyde, NC) on 12/16/2021

I'm so sorry about what you're experiencing. How perfectly awful.

Just a thought... isn't borax alleged to be a good treatment for demodex? Maybe look up borax baths here on EC. Borax is also alleged to be THE definitive solution for nanobots/morgellons, which seems to be cropping up in many, post-jab.

Hope this helps, and best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Blood Pressure Spike, Joint Pain
Posted by Gary (Ga) on 08/29/2021

I am not sure anything can negate the nano particles in all the vaccines after Dr. Robert Young published the breakdown of what was in each vaccine.

It seems logical that the only thing that can disable these programs would be an electrical override of the bodies own electrical system, shut the body down, and reboot it almost like what happens to a computer with a energy spike in shutting down.

That seems to be what would disable or destroy the nano particulates.

IMO, this needs to happen before these nano particles are put into play.

Heating Pad
Posted by Krusty (Thessaloniki, Greece) on 12/03/2021

Synthetic mRNA lives a few hours out of the refrigerator. So using a heating pad, 3 times per day for about a week may be a good idea for obligatory mRNA vaccines. Vaccine mRNA exists in the deltoid muscles for a few days until is all absorbed into the cells. So we must use the thermal pad as soon as possible from the time of vaccination (not when the nurse can still see us).

Fever kills viruses so heating pads on the vaccine site may be also useful for vaccines with adenoviral vector.

There are also portable electric heating pads.

Some ultrasound machines for physiotherapy, transfer heat deep into tissue.

Pycnogenol is good for preventing thrombosis.

There are some studies showing that Stinging Nettle binds with the spike protein of SARS CoV 1.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by afr malatesta (Usa) on 08/29/2021

I'd love for you to share this Excellent info

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Poppy (Sydney) on 09/03/2021

Love to read about ways to help the body cope with C19 vaccination.🙏

Pine Needle Tea
Posted by kristi (ca) on 11/28/2021

actually, Mikovits DID say pine needle tea and now she is flip-flopping. she may be outing fauci and the vax but she is still big pharma and recommending natural cures goes against her agenda and her license. there are other amazing drs. she is not the be all end all Mike Adams recommends it as well as Mercola and Northup.

Covid-19 Vaccine Remedies
Posted by mmsg (somewhere, europe) on 03/30/2022

Betty, they can start with frequent h2o2 inhalations. I know someone here for whom Chlorine Dioxide was the answer. Read up on it.

Massage Vaccine Injection Site
Posted by HisJewel (New York) on 05/26/2021

MMSG from Somewhere, Europe

Greetings and at such a time as this time.

A few people I know used the massage method to chase the arm pain and it did work well.

However, the nurse at the clinic that I went to told me to do arm movements in the arm that I had the vaccine shot in during that fifteen minutes waiting period. What I had going for me is a prayer and a song in my heart. I always have a prayer and a song on my heart.

I had such fun sitting there moving both arms to the song in my heart.

One of the attendants stopped by me and said which arm did you get the shot in. I said the right arm but the arm always follows it. She smiled and moved on. I noticed her getting into her work better by tell other people to move your arm.

Well, I am happy to tell you that I had absolutely no pain at all with neither shot. What I did when I got home was, I took a nice drink of lemon juice and baking soda in water.

One of my sisters that took the vaccine before me did not have it as easy as I did. She said she did not move her arm much, until after she realized her arm pain was lingering. However, within 24 hours she was good to go.


Diatomaceous Earth, Activated Charcoal
Posted by Katzie (Calgary) on 07/12/2021

Unfortunately, a castor oil pack does not really help at all. See, the packs call forth T11 healing cells to the area. These de-pop shots disperse thru the body (the magnetic cell phone videos shows), proves it moves throughout the body.

In traditional vaccines, about 75% of it remained in the area, where immune cells would go by and pick up the spike protein of the virus, take it to the local draining lymph node, and your immune system goes to work. THIS de-pop shot disperses quickly. And thanks to the luciferase in it, injection sites are glowing under black light. So, no, castor oil Packs wouldn't be too much use, other than at the injection site.

Flu Symptoms, UTI, Back Pain
Posted by Elsie (Fl) on 01/29/2021

Had first moderna Monday the 25, husband had mild aches for one day...I had flu symptoms - low grade fever, aches, but worse was the feeling that I was getting a UTI ...very low down pain over bladder, low low back pain, stomach cramping, can pass gas but only tiny stool one day...and I am always regular daily...went to dr to rule out UTI...don't know till Monday...went to chiropractor today...still periodic cramping..not BM..drinking prune, calm, lemon juice, ate a pear...lots of have headache...Any suggestions on the constipation? (again, I am rarely constipated if at all). Still feeling foggy headed and sluggish...this is the weirdest crap...

I do not want to get the second dose..Am a nurse and even took the ‘pandemic certification for health care professionals'...I wasn't going to do it but was pressured by my husband...All of the employees at dr office just had their second dose and hit brick walls - including the dr who said he wasn't going to do it either...I wonder is the second ‘booster different? Or just another dose same as the first? I think one bout of this virus is enough!

Blood Pressure Spike, Joint Pain
Posted by Pat (Orlando, FL) on 01/28/2021

To rebound on the edge of the bed, just put the rebounder by the bed, put your feet on it and gently push up and down. You don't even have to lift your feet. You can google rebounding and there is lots of information.

Blood Pressure Spike, Joint Pain
Posted by Arrow (Planet Earth) on 08/31/2021

Hydrogel and the Jabs in general are loaded with graphene Oxide. Can MMS take care of that too?

Pine Needle Tea
Posted by pell nell (usa) on 11/27/2021

Mikovits reported early on that Suramin (by prescription) was a good antidote. Nowhere at any time did she recommend Pine Needle Tea. Some rumor got started that it was the same thing. It is not. When she found out she was getting credit or blame for the tea, she said that she never recommended Pine Needle Tea. So I am glad it works for you. Just wanted you to know how it all got started.

Covid-19 Vaccine Remedies
Posted by Betty (CA) on 03/31/2022

Thank you Thank you very much!

I added the things I didn't know about from your studies. I also rec'd the person do detox baths with citric acid and baking soda (thinking that might help).

I am worried for sure. I will update when/if I see improvement with them.

It is a terrible suffering they are going through.

Massage Vaccine Injection Site
Posted by Krusty (Thessaloniki) on 12/06/2021

If one massages the area of the vaccination (deltoid muscle), doesn't he increases the chances that mRNA or adenoviruses from the vaccine getting into the circulatory system and infecting arteries and the heart, instead of only infecting the deltoid muscle?

Covid Vaccine Recovery Remedies
Posted by Forge On! (Midwest Of Usa) on 11/11/2021

Hey, Jill......Fellow NN Citizen here! I, too, listen to Mike every update & read nearly every article. Love his twisted sense of humor (Most of the time / sometimes I cringe) Grateful for his resources and reporting. Have been following him for a very long time, all the way back when he called his main site NewsTarget. (Maybe 20 years? I lose track for time! )

Diatomaceous Earth, Activated Charcoal
Posted by Wyandotte (Canada) on 08/29/2021 13 posts

I would say that the bad chemicals are certainly an issue. Stuffing yourself with Vit. C would remove the dangerous of those things, from what I hear, but the other aspects of this fake vaccine - I don't know what to think. There must be SOMETHING out there which will neutralize them. We just haven't discovered this yet.

Diatomaceous Earth, Activated Charcoal
Posted by Forge On! (Midwest Of Usa) on 11/11/2021

To Wyandotte---Hope all is well with you! (Sorry to be late to get back to this thread, as I have not been following....)

Yes, I totally agree the chemicals ARE a concern. Always..... However, they are not the PRIME concern with this injection. At least one of the chemicals used in at least 2 of these injections (can not remember name of chem) specifically says on it's safety data sheet that it is NOT for human or vet use! Must be treated as a hazardous waste.

As time has gone on, I know that many protocols have been developed to help people deal much better with the injuries. So thankful for expert humans who really care & have developed these protocols & remedies. Love to all...

Diatomaceous Earth, Activated Charcoal
Posted by Alison (RI) on 05/18/2021

I wonder if a castor oil pack over the injection site would help.

Blood Pressure Spike, Joint Pain
Posted by M (Md) on 01/27/2021

For Cindy re: rebounding

how do you rebound on the edge of the bed?

Blood Pressure Spike, Joint Pain
Posted by Alison (Ontario) on 01/28/2021

So does this mean you could rebound while sitting on the bed using a balance ball? I don't have a rebounder.

Blood Pressure Spike, Joint Pain
Posted by Sovereign369 (Nc) on 05/31/2021

Thank you for this "dose" of sanity! I concur wholeheartedly.

Blood Pressure Spike, Joint Pain
Posted by susan (Colorado) on 10/10/2022

I appreciate you speaking up about this. I know a few people who died after it and many people with heart conditions and seizers now

Blood Pressure Spike, Joint Pain
Posted by Fritzie (SF) on 09/04/2021

CDC link works ONLY if you remove this part: "https://www."

General Feedback
Posted by JellyH (usa) on 04/14/2024

I've been studying the covid "pandemic" since its inception. No. 1, viruses have never been proven. No. 2, upon multiple requests in writing from Universities and Labs all over the world, no authority was ever able to supply a sample of the "virus" for any institution to study. There were only pictures on a computer. That's it. There was a pandemic of fear propaganda. Everyone who had a sniffle wanted a fake covid test, which naturally said "positive, " and then the protocol at the hospitals were to place a breathing individual on a near-death ventilator, and give them Remdesivir (which is for the purpose of shutting down the kidneys and other organs). So the hospitals practiced genocide, giving the public a false sense of a pandemic. And still the death numbers in 2020 barely tipped the scale, and were close to normal. It wasn't until the deadly heart destroying vaccine did there start being a death crisis. The numbers have never been so steep. Young kids dying in there beds and football fields, because of the "requirement." It is really sickening. So until these facts are acknowledged, all speculation about covid vs covid vaccine vs. heart attacks is null and void. If you start with wrong information, you can't untangle the cause or cure.

Posted by Laura (England) on 05/05/2022

Did you have high and low heart rate or just high?

Posted by Pamela (Clyde, NC) on 12/16/2021

I'd love to know what else you're finding, Lon!

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Jeana (Aotearoa, New Zealand) on 09/18/2021

Thank you for this remedy. I will try it. Keep safe.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Teresa (Harlingen, Texas) on 10/21/2021

Is this detox for before the jab? Could I please have more info? Thank you.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Lynn (Tauranga NZ) on 11/23/2021

I would love to receive your further info re helping vaccination side effects.thanx

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Catherine (IA) on 12/24/2022

Please send exact recipe...amounts. Thanks

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Rosamund (Northern Ireland) on 11/02/2023

Please would you share the various remedies you have collected by way of protection against shedding including the protocol for baking soda. Thank you

Covid-19 Vaccine Remedies
Posted by Betty (CA) on 03/30/2022

I need some serious advice!

I know someone who needs to detox the vaccine as much as possible. The person is so sick now with several aliments such as lung congestion, gut troubles, stiff neck, fatigue.

Did anyone find a good detox protocol and is willing to share it?

Covid-19 Vaccine Remedies
Posted by Betty (CA) on 03/31/2022

Thank you very much for the H2P idea. Hadn't thought of that.

I have read so many studies of how good it is and also personal experiences here on this site.

I have Chlorine Dioxide and wanted to present it to the person but not to sure if it would be accepted right now. I kind of mentioned it and the history of it already.

My friend declining health from dbl vax is on the fence of debilitating (lost so much work time, couch is the go to for hours and hours, the cough is so terrible, digestive issues are alarming to me, ect).

Massage Vaccine Injection Site
Posted by mmsg (somewhere, europe) on 05/26/2021

Interesting, HJ, I actually did arm movements too, not knowing that it was recommended! It just felt like it complemented the massaging.

Demodex and Intestinal Parasites
Posted by afr malatesta (Usa) on 08/29/2021

How much black walnut hull dry or liquid do you use? Whats dosage? Where can I check? Thank you

Demodex and Intestinal Parasites
Posted by Ampy (Destin, FL) on 09/05/2021

Wanted to find out if you are doing the pill form of the Black Walnut Hull or the "liquid dropper".

Diatomaceous Earth, Activated Charcoal
Posted by Cindy (Wi) on 02/07/2021

Following this thread as I would like to know too!

Diatomaceous Earth, Activated Charcoal
Posted by Wyandotte (Canada) on 05/08/2022 13 posts

Thanks for your reply! - Wy.

Diatomaceous Earth, Activated Charcoal
Posted by Lisa (MS) on 02/06/2024

Please google Dr Ardis discussing apple pectin as a treatment for clearing out vaccine after effects

Covid Vaccine Reactions
Posted by Pam E. (Southern California) on 09/23/2021 137 posts

You must have meant *PAGE* *EIGHTEEN* ... not 17 ... Assuming you intended us to read what it says regarding the *FDA Covid vaccine safety surveillance Plan*.)

Covid Vaccine Reactions
Posted by Forge On! (Midwest Of Usa) on 11/11/2021

Hey, Pam E.......Hope all is well with you. I am not signed up to get notified when someone responds to my comments, so I am just now seeing this reply from you.

Actually, the thing that I was hoping to point out in this document is that DEATH is listed as a known & fully expected 'reaction' to these jabs. Yea, do not sign me up! (PS: I post under two names---Forge On! And Sherri)

Though the mention of a 'safety surveillance plan' should be a pretty telling warning!

Covid Vaccine Reactions
Posted by Sandy (Naperville, IL) on 03/30/2021

My question, is I feel breathless when I am stressed or during high humidity. I do yoga breathing exercises and other home remedies read on EC, and manage my health and I am quite active except for those days when I feel breathless. So is it okay to take a vaccine? Because I depend a lot on home remedies and I keep suggesting people google earth clinic about any health problem in this world. I am stressed about the vaccine and in dilemma whether to take the vaccine.

Covid Vaccine Reactions
Posted by Pacific Coast Lady (Crescent City, CA) on 06/18/2021

Hi Sandy, for me doing as much of my own research has been the best, and to remain open-minded. Everyone has their own opinion but hopefully it can be based on facts. I took the Maderna 2-shots vaccine and after the 2nd about a week later, I felt it was harder to get a good, deep breath, but just barely. I have to tell you this has happened to me long before the vaccines. For me, I believe it's when I get anxious or stressed, and often when I am walking my pace of 4 mpr. I worried it was the vaccine, but not sure.

It's a personal decision whether or not we decide to take the vaccine. I think it's fair to listen to other's opinions, and read any studies etc. Then we have to decide ourselves. I was way against it in the beginning, I "heard" scary things, but I also knew I didn't want to get whatever was killing so many people.

I knew that was not a lie as people in my, small town were getting sick, and some died. So again, it had to be my decision. I've not yet heard any of my friends which live in other Countries and other States of the US that have been forced to take a vaccine. That doesn't mean it isn't happening, I just haven't heard anything on that.

Blood Pressure Spike, Joint Pain
Posted by Mary Anne (Bowling Green, KY) on 04/21/2023

That's not true, I work for a life insurance company and they will pay.

Blood Pressure Spike, Joint Pain
Posted by fenimore (UK) on 04/29/2021

Thank you, Sherri!

Blood Pressure Spike, Joint Pain
Posted by fenimore (UK) on 04/29/2021

Thank you so much for that. I'm adding kelp to the vax protection list.

Blood Pressure Spike, Joint Pain
Posted by Volker (Berlin (Germany)) on 08/02/2021

Regarding your painful finger joint - have you tried applying DMSO? Best regards.

Blood Pressure Spike, Joint Pain
Posted by Jane (USA) on 12/04/2022

Not a cure but you may get info at website. childrenshealthdefense. org. It is a government site. They track the VAERS data., They've been banned from some platforms these past couple years. Lately, legal support is encouraging and bringing to light the complications that folks report. Robert Kennedy Jr. released a book this year.

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