Natural First Aid for Wounds

Posted by Sue (Montreal, Canada) on 08/10/2007

Hello everyone. This is what I know about cayenne pepper...big zero except that my husband shaves his head and one time he cut himself and like most guys was walking around with a little piece of toilet paper on his head. I remembered reading that cayenne was not only good sor my spaguetti sauce but if you apply it to a cut it stopped the bleeding. He did that and it stopped. Another time he did it again and used the cayenne right away and it worked. I don't think I would try it on a deep cut but I know it works on a cut when shaving. Again, I must say this site is really interesting and well made.

Posted by Jane (Poulsbo)

Applying powdered cayenne to a wound stops the bleeding within minutes! I've read that you can also take it to treat internal bleeding. I think the recipe is 1/4 teaspoon in a glass of tomato juice.

Gaffer's Tape and Kinesiology Tape
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, Usa) on 08/02/2016 443 posts

I've discovered two different types of tape that can be used on my skin, without irritation, without the expense of medical tape and without coming off, even in the shower. Gaff tape and kinesiology tape. Kinesiology tape is lighter and stretches but gaff tape is useful for hundreds of things. They both come in a variety of colors. Cutting clean old t-shirts into gauze squares, you'd have more bandages than you'd ever need.

Posted by KT (Usa) on 11/08/2015

Hi Deirdre,

Have you tried taking vitamin E in addition to applying the contents from a capsule? I read it was beneficial to do both. Even though it's been several years maybe keeping the E on the scar under a band aid for several months (six minimum) could soften it and you'd be able to tell if it is helping. I had a horrible wide scar after having an appendectomy. I kept it bathed in vitamin E under a giant band aid for six months and the scar softened and is hardly noticeable. After a shower apply the E and band aid right away.

I think it would be worth trying.

Castor Oil
Posted by Edna (Ca) on 10/02/2013

Hi, for any cuts, its always safe to use the old Neosporin ointment right at the beginning and then daily with dressing change.

Cold expressed Castor is another natural cure from Edgar Cayce that could draw out pus. Warm castor oil - soak cotton ball, apply over the cut, cover with plastic wrap then apply heat on top for 15 min, daily. This also works for tooth abscess. Castor Oil is safe to get into the eye area.

Kelp, Himalayan Salt
Posted by Hercy (Brownwood, Texas) on 07/20/2013

A skin wound on my forearm became infected. The arm swelled up to the elbow, and an angry red color ensued around the site. The Ocean has healing power, so in West Texas, I adventured to prepare a solution of Ocean Water:

I combined Kelp and Himalayan salt in water, dipped my arm in solution covering the wound site for approx 15 minutes... Amazing how the swelling was descending, so repeated soon thereafter. Then the next morning I prepared a fresh solution of "Ocean Water". Repeated treatment thru a 3rd day, and the problem was solved.

Today we use this solution on any fresh wound to accelerate healing.

Posted by Gavin (Manganui, Northland, New Zealand) on 03/25/2013

Good to hear that, Rick.. You might do a google search on Cayenne and check out how it causes cancer cells to go into suicide mode... Apparently it's not just Prostate cancer cells. The hotter the heat index the better. Cayenne must have some interesting properties, it stops post partum bleeding and gets a heart attack victim on their feet very quickly... anyway good luck from all of us.

Posted by Citygirl27 (Richardson, Tx, Usa) on 06/17/2012

A tomato remedy that I learned at one of my old jobs - This is apparently an every day "cure" in traditional Mexican areas. I cut my finger on a broken coffee pot and one of my Mexican coworkers threw a tomato slice at me and told me to put it on there. It stopped the bleeding right away... I have no idea how but it did and it worked. She said leave it on for 5 minutes. Even the manager was amused.

Posted by Ec6270 (South Florida, Fl, Us) on 07/20/2011

Amazing results, a bad knife cut on my forefinger bled profusely for 45-60 minuted. After reading EC suggestions, I swabbed it with ACV and then put as much cayenne powder on the area as I could. Bleeding stopped immediately, wound stayed closed in subsequent days and healed much faster than expected. Thanks again EC!

Tea Tree and Lavender Oils
Posted by Regulator555 (Grand Rapids, Mi, Usa) on 06/02/2010

In my house, essential oils are a must for their medicinal uses. The staple two are tea tree and lavender. Best healing tale: My husband caught his finger in the band saw at his work. As you can imagine, his finger was a mangled mass of meat. There was nothing to stitch together. Gross. Anyway, he applied a drop of tea tree and a drop of lavender, neat, to the wound twice daily and kept it clean, dry, and bandaged. He would air it out a bit once a day for a few minutes. It never became infected - never. It healed well with virtually no scarring.

Posted by Don (Southwest, Michigan, Usa) on 10/11/2009

Cayenne Pepper For Cuts

I had a piece of loose cuticle skin on the side of my left thumbnail. One evening while watching a movie I did a stupid thing and tore it off. I tore the top two or three layers of skin off the entire side of my thumbnail leaving raw skin. I cleaned it with peroxide, put on some ointment and a bandage and forgot about it. Three weeks went by and it did not heal. Usually if I keep it pulled away from the nail it will heal up ok. But three weeks went by and now my thumb was swollen and an ugly purple color and hurt bad. I had some antibiotic on hand and after taking that I began to feel better but the ulcer had formed under the cuticle. I knew the ulcer had to be removed before the skin would heal. I got a new razor blade and every thing I would new to clean it and moved to the bathroom sink to do the operation. The cuticle was still raw, ugly and painful but it had to be done. After removing the top half of the ulcer I let it bleed out to self cleanse the wound.

Before I did the operation I went to this site to see what others had used to heal cuts and I read the post by the women who was stuck on an outpost island for two days and put cayenne pepper on her husbands severe head wound. Up to this point everything I had used, ointment, iodine, peroxide, etc, had not worked. So I went to the cupboard and got the cayenne pepper and poured a generous amount over my raw and bleeding cuticle. It absorbed into the wound and stopped the bleeding immediately. I let it set for a couple minutes then shook off the excess and lightly put a bandage over it. Over the next few hours I could feel a slight stinging in the wound but I could also tell my thumb did not hurt as bad.

The next morning my thumb did not hurt at all so I removed the bandage and discovered my thumb was a nice healthy color and not swollen at all. I could not believe it!

The cayenne pepper had form a very healthy looking closure to the wound. When I washed my hands the pepper remained so I decided to let it stay a couple days to keep the wound clean. Two days later my thumb was completely healed so I washed off the pepper and everything look nice and healthy.

From now on when I get a cut or scratch I am NOT reaching for commercial ointments or salves, I am reaching for the Cayenne Pepper.

Best Wishes for a Peaceful World,

Witch Hazel
Posted by Tanya (Hailey, ID) on 05/15/2009

Witch Hazel is in my "first-line-of-defense" first aid kit. ESPECIALLY for small cuts, bruises and scrapes.

Posted by Mary Lou Rogers (Brighton, Michigan) on 05/09/2009

As a child, I fell riding my bicycle. The handlebar, on which my face hit, did not have a protective grip and the metal sliced my cheek completely. The wound was sutured and subsequently became infected. My mother applied plantain leaves to my swollen, red, painful wound. Within hours, yellow purulent drainage poured out of my cheek wound. The relieve and healing were rapid. It's been a long time, but I think I was better in two days, no antibiotics. My mother calles them pig leaves and learned of them from her Lithuanian mother. As a nurse, I so wish I could use them on the horrific wounds I see.

Posted by Phyllis (Milton, FL. USA) on 02/18/2009

God Created Cayenne Pepper for our health, along with other herbs. I have been an avid user of CP for 20 years. I make my own tincture of 2 oz. cayenne pepper powder and one pint vodka. Mix on new moon and keep covered for 14 days. invert bottle twice a day to mix. Strain through cheese cloth. Keep in a dark glass bottle or out of direct light. Will keep for evvvver, it seems.

I put tincture on an incision after bladder surgery in 1995. I applied once daily with a Q tip. When I went to get my stitches removed 10 days later, the Dr. was astonished to see how well I healed. I have NO SCAR at all. He said he had NEVER seen anyone heal that well or fast.

I used to be a dog handler and have been bitten on my hands several times, some very deep and to the bone. You will find no scars, tho some of the bites were evtremely severe. I never had stitches once or even went to a Doctor for the bites.I let the wound bleed and did not wash it. The bleeding was the cleanser of the wound. I then applied cayenne powder directly to the open wound and held it in place with a butterfly tape or two. Bleeding stopped instantly, with absolutely no burning sensation. AND no scarring. Healed each time in days.

I firmly believe that all military should and must carry a supply of CP in their first aid kits. It would save many many lives due to traumatic open wounds of all kinds. Cayenne pepper should be administered both topically and internally, if possible, in severe bleeding cases. Internally will almost always prevent shockin those cases.

A tea of 1 tsp CP and a cup of hot water 3 times daily prevented a friend from having to undergo a second baloon surgery for his heart. His Drs. did not believe his "cure" but him and I know what cured him.

Posted by Rocky (Hayden Lake, Idaho) on 10/06/2008

A horse pushed me against my horse trailer a few years back & the aluminium sticking out cut me to the bone over the eye. I put cayenne in the wound & wraped a battle dressing around my head to keep it from dripping into my eye. From that moment there was no pain nor was there pain again through the healing...6 to 10 days.

As a point, a friend came to me with a cut deep into her knuckle. I have her cayenne & told her to change it every 3 days. Her pain went away during the healing (6 to 10 days) also there is no scar. The 1st year when her hand got cold you could see a blue mark. Now nothing. Rocky

Fresh Broccoli Juice
Posted by Anna (Philadelphia, PA) on 09/17/2008

Candied ginger helped my husband's sciatica so well (thanks EC!) that I want to share my family's secret "weapon" against all skin cuts - they heal faster and do not leave scars! Even those initially neglected that got infected. I wash the wound with fresh broccoli juice. I just grate some stems and squeeze juice over wound. Sometimes I keep the grated broccoli there longer. Then I forget it. Has worked thousand of times so far. Never failed.

Posted by Alice (New Fairfield, Connecticut) on 09/11/2008

Cayenne pepper really does work for sore throats! I have been using this remedy for quite a few months now and it works everytime. It does require doses throughout the day but stick with it. My suggestion is to put 1/8 teaspoon of it into a shot glass (2tbsp) of water and down the is not going to taste great so get it down as quickly as possible and be done with it is my motto. My 8 year old daughter can down it like a pro and after a few times could even gargle a little in the throat. Have a glass of something (gingerale takes the heat right off for us) to chase it with and be amazed.

Cayenne is also a miracle for cuts that won't stop bleeding. It had worked several times for us. Just wash the cut out in water and put a thick paste of it over the wound and cover with a bandage. It does not burn the cut!!! In fact the first time I tried it the wound hurt after I washed it off too soon. Back to sore throats... Apple Cider vinegar works also but my daughter can't tolerate that so we stick to this one...I do both for good meaasure.

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