Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Managing Diarrhea

Posted by John (Colton, CA) on 02/12/2008

I should've written this earlier, but just been busy... which is a testament to its success.

The only thing I can think of is that I ate some bad (very bad soup) for dinner on January 31st (2008). Later that evening I started having bad diarrhea. Liquid coming out of me from the wrong place. I've had diarrhea before, but this stuff was different. I nearly drank a whole bottle of Pepto (large) and NOTHING changed. I went to the bathroom a lot! I was getting raw... I had completely forgotten about this website.

Last year I came here to cure myself from a kidney stone (lemon - olive oil) and it worked. But re-finding this place was such a pain. I had a bookmark crash in mid January (long story).

I read the testimonies for both the Apple Cider Vinegar and Turmeric. I went with the latter. To be honest I don't like the smell of vinegar. I wouldn't be able to keep that down. I bought my Turmeric from Stater Bros.; McCormic brand for about five bucks.

Okay. I know I F-ed up here, but be warned. This cocktail is bitter as hell. I actually spit out part of it, which looked like I had vomited on my shirt. Which I suppose isn%'t too far off. I'm so gald I only had to take this once. I don't want to do this again anytime soon. This happened on February 3rd.

As I wrote, I had been looking at the Apple Cider Vinegar cure too. I ended up messing the measurements. I was suppose to take one teaspool NOT one tablespoon with a warm glass of water. That got me real paranoid.

I felt the results within four hours. I went less and more... firm. By that evening I was back to normal. Let me clear that; I was releasing something that was far solid that didn't require me to to visit the bowel every thirty - forty minutes.

I'm back to my old self now. This stuff works! I'm so glad I re-bookmarked this wonderous place. Dudes you saved my ass, quite literally, especially since that afternoon (Jan 31st) I had a root canal. Believe me, I didn't need that grief. Thanks!

The Bratt Diet
Posted by Chandra (Hammond, USA) on 09/15/2007

Cure Diarrhea: Children and Adults -- The BRATT diet:


Obviously as plain as you can tolerate... I found the best meal (tolerable) was plain rice (obviously cooked), plain toast, and chamomile tee... bananas for "snacks"

Within 24 hours my daughter's (then 2yo) and mine had stopped. We were also nauseated and within 2 days, or 24 hours after the "runs" stopped, we were able to tolerate soup... then other things

Posted by Michelle (USA) on 08/29/2007

I had the worst case of diarrhea I'd ever experienced, and not sure of the cause -- 48 hours of running to the bathroom every 15 to 30 minutes. I wanted to try a natural cure before resorting to medication, but none of the "cures" I'd read were feasible. I found this site and read the advice to try 1 tsp. of turmeric spice in a glass of warm water (only once a day) and tried it. I could feel my stomach settling down as I slowly downed the drink. For the rest of that evening until the morning I was able to rest and not go to the bathroom at all. In the morning I had some loose stools again but not as bad as they had been. I waited a little while until just before I was set to go on a long drive and then took my 2nd day's dose. That was about 10 hours ago and I haven't had any bowel problems since. I'm still amazed at how effective this was.

Posted by Manuel (San Bernardino, California) on 04/18/2007

I used two cinnamon sticks broken up into smaller pieces boiled in 3 cups of water drink hot with a little sweetener if needed to taste this will stop severe diarrhea in ten-fifteen minutes also good for upset stomach mix with milk for tasty horchatta type drink. Also, garlic in warm milk with small amount of sweetener is great for stomach ailments and gas

Posted by C (Denver, CO) on 05/09/2009

I have had reoccurring diarrhea for 3 weeks. I tried the cinnamon stick w/water and it really helped. I used 1 stick and 1 1/2 c water, added a little honey for sweetener and within 30 min my problem was better. The cramps got worse with the first few drinks but when the cup was gone so were the cramps. It has been hours and no diarrhea. I am so happy I found this site. Thanks for the post

Posted by Charles (Oakdale) on 12/31/2006

I tried the.........oh...the spice when u add it to water. well lemme tell you i threw up and drank so gingy ale and thew that up..man i was THROWING UP EVERYWHERE at my job home at my girls house and my parents room and golly i found out i should stop eating so i pasted out and woke up the next day eating but i had the runs.....yea dierherra omg i was in so much pain ( used to bottles of "PH") but then i was about to go to the doc and i looked on line WELL whata know there's wonderful sites like this one that help you out when ur sick :) :) :) so i followed the directions and in 12 hours i was heal no runs or nothing.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Suzi (Dayton, Ohio) on 11/19/2006

Apple Cider Vinegar cured my sore throat, sinus infection, loose stools, gas, lack of energy, depression, decreased my appetite, cleared up a dermatologic problem. My sister got me started taking organic ACV 1 tsp in 8 oz spring water 3 times a day. At first I tried it because I had a sore throat that was immediately gone, my sinus infection went away within 24 hours or so. I have IBS and have been battling foul-smelling loose stools for years. Within a couple of days my stools were formed with almost no odor. I feel 100% better. My appetite just dropped and I'm not getting fatty food cravings like I used to and I've lost 22 pounds so far. Also, I have had big painful butt boils off and on for years and my hindquarters cleared up within a couple of days.

Posted by Jen (Somersville, CA) on 11/18/2006

I took two tablespoons in the morning and two at night for a nasty stomach virus I had for a week, and it was cleared up in 2 days. My son had the same thing so I put some tumeric in his tomato soup and he was cured within a day or so!

Black Tea
Posted by Steph (Jacksonville, FL) on 10/17/2006

I'm responding to the claim that black tea cures an upset stomach. Whenever I drink black tea, I always develop painful gas and bloating and sometimes diarreah. My grandmother said she has the same problem and that it may be caused by tannins in the tea. Maybe some people just aren't able to break down the chemicals? What does help me when i get a "gas attack" is to get on my knees and stick my butt in the air, focusing on relaxing my abdominal muscles. The posture is a bit ridiculous, but it does help expel the gas after a couple minutes. For an upset stomach, i make a tea of grated ginger, mint, chamomile, or a combination. to that i add organic milk and honey.

Cayenne Pepper
Posted by Shannon (Kansas City, MO) on 10/05/2006

I have suffered from chronic diarrhea for sixteen years due to having Crohn's disease. I read on your site about using cayenne pepper for this. I went to GNC and bought cayenne pepper capsules and it is working great. I am concerned though that this may cause ulcers? Also, I have a colonoscopy scheduled soon and the bottle says to stop taking two weeks before surgery. I am wondering if that would apply to my procedure as well. I also wonder why I should stop taking it before surgery.

Posted by Bonnie (Albany, NY) on 09/18/2006

1 tbsp of Turmeric Spice with a cup of warm water for three days cured diarrhea. I had experienced diarrhea for 7 days due to an antibiotic that has diarrhea as a side effect. The Turmeric Spice with warm water worked.....but it also constipated me, so I then had to figure out what to do about being constipated. For those who have never heard of Turmeric Spice.....you can find it with the other spices in the supermarket...next to the nutmeg, pepper and salt.

Rice Milk
Posted by Barbara (Houston, TX) on 08/14/2006

2 1/2 cups water, 1 cup rice. Prepare rice using above measurements, do not add salt to rice while cooking. After 15 minutes the rice will be soupy. Drain off the excess water from rice and drink Rice Water warm. If diarrhea persist after 4 hours, drink more rice water.

Posted by DBates (New York City, N.Y.) on 08/26/2005

Have had diarrhea for over a month. Used a Pro-biotic called Primal Defense for several weeks and it got much better, but the loose stools persisted. Saw this information about turmeric..I had a bottle of it in my spice rack. Have used it for 3 days..At the end of the first day, stools were normal and have continued to be. I am so grateful to have found this and for the change it has brought about.

Posted by Nancy (Akron, OH)

I've tried everything to stop loose stools and gas. I've taken 1 tsp turmeric in hot water for three days and the gas has been relieved and the stool is formed. Sure glad I ran into this site. Thanks!!

Posted by Larry (Parrish)

after 8 days with diarrhea and knowing it was time to consult a doctor, i decided to do one more thing first. find a website that would cure my woes without paying a fortune. i found your website... and behold, with scrambled eggs with a healthy dose of turmeric powder, ginger powder, garlic powder and cardamom seeds i was healed... yes, healed!!! in twenty hours. wow!!! thank you very much; indeed! and yes, pomegranate juice in the morning may have helped as well.

Raw Egg
Posted by Donna (Aspen, CO)

Blend one raw organic egg into Kefir. Drink. Instant relief.
