Prostate - Enlarged
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Enlarged Prostate Relief

Multiple Supplements
Posted by Enzo (Miami) on 06/07/2020 5 posts

4 months ago, I sadly discovered that I have an enlarged prostate. Usual symptoms as everyone else. Up all night peeing. Weak pee stream. I've managed to reduce it probably by 80% in 4 months.

This is how I did it. Firstly, Like everyone else, I did my research. On my condition and on medications, supplements and surgeries. Once I gained all knowledge, I started treating it with supplements.

This consisted of....... Saw palmetto (2 pills 450mg each. Taken morning, noon and night. Curcumin 3 times a day. Lycopene 10mg twice a day..morning and night (with food) L-glutamine scoop added to a glass of water. Essential pill a day. Apple cider vinegar...two tablespoons per glass of water. ....3 times a day.

This has literally shrunk my prostate. My pee stream is a lot better (85% better) I wake up once now during the night instead of 5 times. My urethra could still be more dilated and am thinking of taking Nitric Oxide for that.

Hope this helps you guys as I know from experience that this condition has also a negative psychological affect.


Update: June 6, 2020 at 21:22:

So sorry, I forgot another important thing that I do for enlarged prostate.

During my research, I discovered a company called “Butt Candy”. Yes, you read that right… lol Basically, they make suppositories that are made with supplements that you put up your butt. They were pretty expensive and I thought, I could make my own. And I did. I thought I should attack my prostate issues from both ends, orally and anally. This is how I do it. Very simple and easy. I use coconut oil (organic only). I use 3 heap tablespoons of coconut oil in a coffee cup. Add the same supplements that I mentioned in my earlier post. All the supplements are either in powder form in capsules or oils, so easy as you just open the capsules and pour into the coconut oil. I also add (which you don't have to do) black seed oil (about 30 drops) And the oil from Lycopene soft gel supplement. I put in the microwave for about 12 seconds till it melts the coconut oil and you mix everything together then I pour it into silicone Ice tray. Not the conventional square shape, but a shape that will be easy to slide up your Butt canal. Mine looks like a kit-Kat stick shape I've tray. Perfect size and shape to slide in. After pouring your solution into the ice tray, place in freezer to set and before bed, slide one in. I believe in combating the problem from both ends. The results have been amazing.

Saw Palmetto, Zinc
Posted by Frank (Maryland) on 03/02/2019

Been using Saw Palmetto since my early fifties to keep my prostate healthy. Now in my mid-sixties and add a zinc supplement in addition to the SP. Combo working very well thus far.

Onion Juice
Posted by Kenneth (North West) on 12/14/2020

I hear onion juice, taken in a quantity of 33cl, three times at 21 days interval each can destroy all toxins in the prostate.

After the 3 doses, you do not take it again until after 10 years. No water should be added to the pounded onions. After the pounding you collect it in a neat cloth and squeeze the juice into a glass and drink on an empty stomach. 8 0nions could be pounded.

Address Underlying Infection
Posted by Rick (London) on 09/02/2020

Hi. I would recommend saw palmetto, nettle root, lycopene, and zinc as a good aid against prostatitis, enlarged prostate, and all the problems related to it. I tried it in a supplement called Regen50.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dena (Florida) on 08/17/2020

Try changing to more of an alkaline diet- eat more fruit and veggies, less fat and animal products. Beans and nuts are good plant protein! It's also called A whole food, plant based diet and it cures many health problems! Good luck!

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Jim (New York ) on 10/02/2018

Vernon, I'm interested in finding out what the other ingredient is that you mixed in with the BSM for cancer that spread to the bones please. Sincerely appreciate any information or advice you can give me. Thank you!


EC: That post is very old and he is unlikely to respond. Based on feedback we've received over the years, the other ingredient he is probably referring to is baking soda (aka sodium bicarbonate).

Apple Cider Vinegar and Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Gary (Hackensack Nj) on 09/03/2018

The blackstrap molasses was giving me weight gain so I switched to corn silk concentrate drops and ACV mixed and am doing even better

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Chris (Kentucky) on 07/05/2018

What's the other substance, cbd oil or Apple cider vinegar?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Chris (Kentucky) on 07/05/2018

House of herbs blackstrap molasses: I mix a tablespoon per each cup of my coffee I drink two cups a aggravates the prostate, the less the better...

Apple Cider Vinegar and Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Gary (Hackensack Nj) on 06/01/2018

I got a friend to apple cider vinegar and blackstrap molasses who is on finasteride for prostate enlargement and was only sleeping 3 hr stretches. He is up to 6 hrs in a few days.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Gary (Hackensack, Nj) on 05/24/2018

I read about this and added a heaping tsp of vitamin c crystals to the Apple cider vinegar and blackstrap molasses and after a week or so it's working wonders. It started working by the 2nd day and I was very bad off.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Yuri (New York ) on 05/12/2018

use Guinea Hen Weed (Anamu), it will bring down PSA.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jim (California) on 04/25/2018

Apple Cider Vinegar remedy for BPH, prostatitis or enlarged prostate symptoms:

I hadn't heard of using Apple Cider Vinegar before reading it here and I'm so thankful! Thank you to everyone that posted about it!

After taking 2 tablespoons of organic ACV in about a 1/4 cup of water with a little agave nectar (you could use honey or a little sugar) every morning before eating anything, I've noticed a huge difference! It's so much easier to start and the flow is much much better! Yeah it doesn't taste all that great but the benefits are totally worth it!!

Just to test things out, I stopped taking the ACV for 1 day about 4 days after starting to use it and all the bad symptoms came back. Once I resumed my morning regiment, it all turned around again! This stuff really does work, for me anyway, and I encourage anyone else to give it a couldn't hurt.

Everybody's different of course so if it doesn't work for you right away, I'd suggest giving it a try for at least a week. Apparently there are a bunch of other health benefits from taking ACV that I've read; lowing blood pressure, weight loss, better food digestion and more efficient mineral absorption, to name a few.


Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jerry (Ca) on 04/04/2018

Drink your Apple Cider Vinegar with a straw, it's a lot easier on the teeth.

Posted by John (Nebraska) on 02/23/2018

Luis, what DMSO do you use. Buy off Amazon, Ebay. Where did you get yours. And it is the DMSO 70 percent 30% distilled water? Thanks in advance Luis

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jim (Fl) on 02/14/2018

I have been using ACV now for two weeks and taking a cap full (tablespoon) to 2oz of water three times a day. Morning, Noon and before bed. I have to say after ready this and looking's help me not pee as much at night, no dribble afterwards either as well as not starting and stopping. I was actually just taking it to cleanse or detox my body plus try to raise my PH because I was told it does that too.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Big J (Tn) on 02/14/2018

I swear I started organic Apple Cider Vinegar a week ago for weight loss. I am surprised what it has done for my prostate. No more dribble in my pants after peeing. I am actually shocked at how well it worked.

Not sure weigh loss is helped but prostate is under control for sure. I am 48.

Budwig Protocol, Dietary Changes
Posted by Mary M. (Arcadia, Ca) on 01/30/2018

Dear Craig you are so right. These days doctors do not care about your health. They only want to poke and prod wherever they can. I have suffered with high blood pressure for about 15 years now. Never had it before would walk for miles always had great blood pressure. Now since I've become older the doctors always calling my house because they want to come out and check to see how I am doing. I DON'T WANT THAT! They keep calling anyway! I suffered a ruptured brain aneurysm and was in the hospital for a month and a half. That was a real picnic. Awhile later they hired a Japanese doctor who could heal an aneurysm with laser! You only had to stay in the hospital for one hour! The other doctors threw him out!!! I no longer have trust in them! I am so much worse since I went back to the doctors. I will not go again unless I cut or break something!!!!

Budwig Protocol, Dietary Changes
Posted by Craig (San Antonio, Tx) on 01/29/2018

My prostate has been growing slowly and steadily since I was in my late 40's, and now am 66. My urologist has insisted I have cancer, even after 4 negative biopsies (36 pokes). And I have been through the usual meds like Avodart, Proscar, and Flomax. Incidentally, they ALL have side effects even though the urologist will say that is highly unlikely. They are wrong. Urologists drive me nuts. Their business model is drugs and surgery. Neither one is good for you. They don't know a thing about nutrition and generally don't believe it is a factor in BPH.

Things got so bad in the last year I had to have a catheter and learn how to do it myself. Miserable. My prostate was getting bigger and bigger and PSA had climbed to over 30. But my other prostate markers were very normal.....a 'soft' prostate, low PCA-3 scores, negative biopsies, etc. It was a real puzzle.

I have read the experiences of others here with interest. I tried most of them. I did get a little bit of mileage out of apple cider vinegar (ACV).

Here is what ultimately helped me BIG TIME:

The Budwig anti-cancer meal. It is essentially a lot of organic flaxseed oil with organic cottage cheese. Here is the link: I use Barlean's organic flaxseed oil with the cottage cheese. Not only will it help your prostate but will cut your risk of cancer to almost nothing IMHO.

This has really helped. Because of these dietary changes I no longer need to use a catheter. My suspicion is that all of us have to deal with inflammation in our bodies. Try this Budwig anti-cancer concoction; it is easy to make. The oil will cool off the inflammation that is probably driving BPH. Incidentally, I had an MRI and there was NO cancer; just a prostate about the size of Mount Rushmore.

Also, I take a TBS of cod liver oil every day, or every other day. That is good for inflammation also.

Lastly, STAY AWAY from commercial pastries and foods with MSG. The sugar and MSG and salt will cause tissue to swell. Do NOT eat the peanuts on Southwest Airlines; they have heavily salted with MSG (read the package). Eat food that is NOT processed; you will be better for it. Make a green 'smoothie' in your blender and drink a half glass every day. Make it out of kale and frozen fruit. You can get it at Costco for not much money. Greens are so very good for all of us.

Green drinks, lots of omega 3's in the Budwig diet, and staying away from heavily salted, commercial foods and pastries will help you big time. I found that I didn't need the drugs or surgery if I was willing to change my diet in key areas.

That is what has helped me. And good luck!

Pomegranate Juice
Posted by Carolinablueskies55 (Nc) on 01/20/2018

Would you please tell me why should this juice be kept frozen until usage? Thanks

Posted by Moses Dorgbadzi (Accra Ghana) on 12/23/2017

I would like to know the dosage of Cayenne pepper to use for prostate. Thank you.

Posted by Zark (Emerald City) on 11/14/2017

Hi Lou, to answer your question: I personally would take about 20 drops to get 50mg of iodine/iodide (20mg iodine, 30mg iodide). Initially I would need to start smaller, with about 5 drops and work up.

If you get any of the issues I mentioned (due to its oxidating action) then take Vit C as an antioxidant.

I had started mixing my Vit C with my Lugol's to prevent issues and that worked like a charm. Doing this turns the iodine to iodide, but also makes it less potent. In the end I just switched to potassium iodide. Many people seem to have no issues with Lugol's, I guess I'm qute sensitive.

Posted by Zark (Emerald City) on 11/10/2017

Right now I'm taking about 10-12 drops of super saturated potassium iodide (SSKI) per day. That's about 500-600mg potassium iodide (KI), or about 375-450mg of iodine. I mix it in with my drink - orange mango flavour seems to mask the iodine fairly well.

BUT Lugol's Iodine is much stronger mg for mg and I don't actually like the effect it has on me: headaches, sores in my mouth, mouth/throat infections (because it kills off friendlier flora). That's why I use potassium iodide (KI).

-- How much iodine per drop? --


1g KI per ml of SSKI

1 drop SSKI = about 50mg KI

1 drop SSKI = 37.5 Iodine (75% x KI)

"Calculating Number of MG's of Iodine and Iodide per Drop of Lugol's Solution: LUGOL'S 2%: Each VERTICAL "metric" drop (= 1/20ml) is approximately1.0 mg of iodine and 2.0 mg of potassium iodide. The Iodide portion of Potassium Iodide is about 75% so that is 1.5 mg. Therefore the total Iodine plus Iodide is 1.0 + 1.5 = 2.5 mg and 2 drops is about 5.0 mg's of iodine/iodide (2.0 mg iodine, 3.0 mg iodide). "


Address Underlying Infection
Posted by Lou (Tyler, Tx) on 11/08/2017

Do you mean cranberry supplements and D-Mannose or unsweetened cranberry juice?

Jiang's Prostatitis Remedies
Posted by Lou (Tyler, Tx) on 11/08/2017

I think he's referring to Kombucha tea.

Posted by Lou (Tyler, Tx) on 11/08/2017

My Lugol's is a 2% solution. So how would you recommend doing this? Some drops in water? If so, how many drops of lugols? Also, can it be applied topically for prostate issues?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lou (Tyler, Tx) on 11/08/2017

My husband was extremely constipated because his bladder pushed up the intestines, thereby constipating him. The ER staff kept pushing Miralax. It contains petroleum. We are not putting that into our bodies. I made him a turkey dinner, with my mom's ethnic stuffing (lots of garlic). He doesn't have that problem now!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Charity (Faithville, Usa) on 10/25/2017

1/4 tsp progesterone cream every third day I think is what I read last week . Dr. John Lee

Eric Berg youtube

Walter Last website

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Krishna (Trinidad, W.I.) on 10/25/2017

I have been diagnosed with a swollen prostate a couple days ago. My doctor has given me Flowmax to be used once per day.

Can someone tell me of other remedies to reduce the swelling.

Thanks, Krishna

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Krishna (Trinidad, W.i.) on 10/25/2017

I need to join the conversation as I have been recently diagnosed with a swollen prostate of 55.

My present medication is Flowmax, I am 65 years old.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Peter (South Africa) on 09/19/2017

I read that a daily aspirin reduces PSA levels.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Olivia (North Carolina) on 09/08/2017

David, my hubby wants to know do you have more info about avc & tomatoes eaten together. Do you eat it right away or allow it to marinate for little while. Do you have a link to share where more details can be read? Thank you

EC: Sorry Olivia, that post is 10 years old, he'll probably never see it! Perhaps someone else can advise...

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by J. Park (Cerritos, Ca) on 09/08/2017

You are right. Sodium is always a problem for hypertensive people despite the fact that many people consider it to be very good for so many things.

I always substitute sodium with potassium, so in this case I'd use Potassium Bicarbonate instead of baking soda.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Chris (Great Oakley, Northamptonshire. England.) on 09/04/2017 3 posts

Hi Jim, I've been on Flomax for the last 4 years and for years before that I was on various generic tamsulosins. Flomax works best for me.

However, I have tried various 'cures' over the years, including sawpalmetto but nothing works apart from pumpkin seeds that I blitz into a smoothie with a teaspoon of turmeric, cinnamon, maca powder and crushed linseeds. I say 'worked' but that just means I don't get up in the night like I used to.

My urologist tried me on finasteride for a year but it made no difference. I was glad to get off it. I've had all the various tests and he told me that TURP is next on the list so I told him bollox to all that, I'm not taking the knife.

Anyway, I'm happy to stay as I am on Flomax, which I take at 10pm and I get a good nights sleep. BUT, I'm still searching for the elixir that makes Flomax redundant so I bought some ACV and a kilo of borax which I've made a measured diluted drink with.

I am investigating avenues like K2 and D3 and garnicea. I'll come back on here with the results in the future.

I am 77 and everything works so fingers crossed mate.



Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Nataraj (Bantalore, India) on 07/28/2017

My psa level is 13. How I can bring down using apple cder vinegar and is there any other item I should use it as treatment for postrate problem. I am aged 82 years.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Brent (Spartanburg S.c.) on 06/20/2017

I keep an empty plastic detergent container with the large opening by the bed so I don't have to run to the restroom.

Posted by Zark (Emerald City) on 06/18/2017

Want to report back - iodine is still working great after several months on it. I have tried many remedies and iodine is by far the best I've seen. Have learnt to add Vitamin C to my iodine to make it gentler - it converts elemental iodine to the salt form, and this is the form we find in nature.

I've also had some lesser success with the following: molasses, ACV, Australian mountain pepper, and a vitamin supplement (which contained iodine). None of these were as effective as taking Iodine. Many of the other remedies worked well at first and then became less effective, or even completely ineffective.

Bromelain for Testicular Pain
Posted by Milky Way (France, Paris) on 05/29/2017

I have had chronic enduring testicular pain for more than a year and tried loads of natural remedies. Turmeric, ashwagandha, rhodiola, zinc, and daily juicing had no effect on my pain and inflammation. The only thing that helped was prolonged abstinence, but it is not easy to keep up long term or more than 4-5 weeks. Luckily last month, as I was eating dried pineapple fruit, I noticed a clear soothing effect on my pain, so after doing research on pineapple, I ordered bromelain and got incredible relief taking 3 or 4 daily capsules of 500mg bromelain at 2500gdu.

It's important to take bromelain on empty stomach away from meals.

Posted by Insight (Lagos) on 05/27/2017

Trust me, watermelon does a great job. If you can finish a complete ball of watermelon you will be highly relieved. It suppresses BPH though you may have to repeat it when next you feel symptoms. In my own case, it suppressed it for about 5 weeks after eating a ball in two days.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Barry (Corryton, Tn) on 05/15/2017

Heinz now has a organic ACV/w mother and so does Whitehouse. I prefer Braggs.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Barry (Tn) on 05/15/2017

Use only organic, unfiltered ACV / with mother

Pumpkin Seeds
Posted by Mama To Many (Tn) on 05/04/2017

Dear Carolinablueskies,

I am able to find raw organic unsalted pumpkin seeds at Costco. I would imagine Whole Foods or Trader Joe's would have them if you have either near to you.

~Mama to Many~

Pumpkin Seeds
Posted by Carolinablueskies55 (Nc) on 05/03/2017

WERE YOU ABLE TO FIND UNSALTED PUMPKIN SEEDS? We love pumpkin seeds, but stopped buying the ones at Dollar General & food Lion bc of they are salty. Thank you.

Posted by KT (Usa) on 04/22/2017

Dear Carolinablueskies5,

I am female and I take cayenne everyday. I started with 1/4 tsp. in about 1/2 C water until I could get use to the heat and now am up to 1/2 tsp. It does not irritate my stomach and it doesn't take long to tolerate the heat. Stirred briskly and chug...maybe chase with a little more water, getting the residue from inside the glass. I feel working from the inside is better than topical application.

Sometimes I add 1/4-1/2 tsp. ginger or turmeric. They both reduce inflammation, fight cancer and ginger is a natural antibiotic.

I wish you and husband well.



Posted by Carolinablueskies55 (Nc) on 04/21/2017

Richard, would you please give more details how you do this? My hubby wants & needs to know. Thank you

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jim (Auckland, New Zealand) on 04/11/2017


I expect you understand the significance of high prostate specific antigen. CANCER . I have felt my own gland digitally and found no bumps on it, neither did my Dr some months later. But I had a normal low psa reading. I just have frequent voiding to cope with and found last 3 days that 2 large spoons of apple cider vinegar fixed it at least for now. If you can feel a bump, pay the money and get it fixed. In the meantime go on high vitamin D. Good luck, Jim

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jim (Auckland, New Zealand) on 04/11/2017

Have taken 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar in glass of hot water for the last 3 mornings upon waking.

I am 74 and have an enlarged prostate. Dr has had me on doxazosin to relax prostate and bladder muscle. That works well but made me weary, weak, sleepy and dropped my blood pressure down to 90/60.Then he had me cut dose back to 1/2 pill (2.5 mg) and added finasteride to shrink prostate by stopping production of dihydrotestosterone. But that hormone is what makes a male horny. While on it I had nil libido, which did not bother my wife, but I hated it. Have stopped taking both for a week now.

Apple cider vinegar last 3 mornings, seems to work for me. Only had one pee upon rising and another at 1100 after drinking tea and decaff coffee. And sleeping from 2200 to 0500. Used to wake up at least once, sometimes twice for a pee.Great now.

Corn Husk Cure
Posted by Paul (Massachusetts) on 04/04/2017

Corn husk and corn silk are different things, can someone clarify this post from 2007?

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Gary (New York) on 04/02/2017

Mohel, I have had a chronic prostate condition for 30 years. (Not a misprint.) I want this to work. I did as you suggested about 5 hours ago. I will report back in 2 weeks since that was the time indicated to reduce enlargement. I will be the acid test. I hope this works!!! (I'm optimistic.)

Posted by Gary (New York) on 04/01/2017

Hey, Richard. I love the idea. Since oral dosing only produces increased urine frequency. (Both AVC and cayenne.) How is the "paste" working for you?

Posted by Zark (Emerald City) on 03/30/2017

I've been using an iodine supplement and found it to be highly effective. When I have a bad attack (painful urination and even sometimes blood) all I need to do is take about 50-70mg of liquid iodine and that fixes it up quickly. Best part is that I am certain it addresses the underlying cause - which is most likely fungal.

How to take:

Firstly you should choose an iodine preparation that is intended for internal use. "Lugol's Iodine" is NOT a brand, it is a type of preparation named after the French physician J.G.A. Lugol, and this one is safe for internal use. I don't recommend tincture of iodine as this one contains alcohol - but if you are stuck and in an emergency this will work.

Secondly, be mindful of strength. Most preparations have about 50mcg (this equals 0.05mg). The "mcg" means micrograms, and this is an extremely weak preparation. I need about 5mg (5 milligrams) before I find it to be medicinal for the prostate, that's 5000mcg, or 1000 drops of the extremely weak preparation.

Products that use the "Lugol's" preparation are typically 6.25mg per drop (5% Lugol's solution). That is more than 100 times stronger than the weak iodine supplements on the market.

To cure prostate issues, as stated previously, requires about 50-70 mg of iodine taken once a day. I take it in the middle of the night (or you could take it several hours after food so as not to upset digestion). In the morning I take a probiotic, preferrably one with more than 10 strains.

Expect other pleasant benefits from this - such as improved memory, concentration, and in my case my sense of smell is returning. The latter was caused by chronic rhinitis that I've had ever since I was a young child, and that's some 30 odd years ago!

Remember, Lugol's is not a brand, he is a physician who standardized this preparation.

Cream of Tartar
Posted by Zark (Emerald City) on 03/26/2017

I find Cream of Tartar very helpful in treating prostate inflammation. Dissolve in hot water between an eighth to one quarter teaspoon of Cream of Tartar (CoT), then add this to your juice. Do this morning and night.

CoT is very high in potassium and this is great for the renal system. It works quickly, within an hour or so. Make sure to dissolve in hot water as instructed as it doesn't dissolve well in cold water. If you don't dissolve it the granules are a bit too acidic as they are (I can get a canker sore), and it is also likely to not work as well.

The Squeezing Method
Posted by Zark (Emerald City) on 03/26/2017

Do you also squeeze like your trying to hold pee in at the same time? (ie. squeezing the prostate)

Posted by Richard (Nv) on 03/23/2017

Why bother with the whole digestion.? I am for doing tropical treatment say Glycerin with cayenne pepper applied near the prostate area. It can absorbed through the skin. no hassle with the stomach.....

Posted by Bill (French Polynesia, Moorea) on 03/18/2017

However, cayenne powder is much lighter than either of these substances. 1 average tsp of cayenne powder is the equivalent of 2000 milligrams.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Barry Tesar (Walnut Creek, Ca.) on 03/12/2017

Years ago, a good friend of mine, C.W. Smith, who also happened to be an amazing doctor of chiropractic, recommended the following combination to me: equal parts organic apple cider vinegar, raw honey, and black strap molasses. You mix it together in a glass jar and then you cover the top with cheese-cloth secured into place with a rubber band. You mix a tablespoon each day with hot water and drink it like a tea. The longer it sits (preferably a year or more), the better it is for you. The reasoning behind that is that the longer it sits the more the vinegar helps to pre-digest the other ingredients. It is good for your blood, and so much more.

Posted by Surjit (India) on 03/13/2017

Yes, half of Radish a day works good for improve urine flow and evacuates the bladder well. I eat this every late after noon and feel comfortable for night sleep. I am 65, have enlarged prostate having size 35 gms about

This summer I am going to try Tea of Corn silk which is also heard to be reducing swelling of prostate. Corn is available during summer I shall try this summer.

Address Underlying Infection
Posted by Dr. King (San Jose, California) on 02/18/2017

Thank you for your article. I am a master of Applied Kinseiology through expertly applied muscle testing I literally"ask" the prostate gland specific questions or "challenges" to determine its exact condition and if negative can further determine the exact "fix" which is unique and different for every prostate gland.... Please don't misunderstand muscle testing it is an art and a SKILL that takes years to master. Without proper training and most important a tremendous amount of practical clinical experience/practice. Muscle testing is USELESS. Muscle testing properly applied is the most accurate diagnostic tool on the planet.

Dr. King....

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Natasha (Puerto Rico) on 02/17/2017

No dont use heinz, use organic Apple Cider Vinager with the mother!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mark (Arizona) on 02/07/2017

Great it's working for you, but I'd like to hear a follow up. Two days is not long enough of a trial time to write this as a cure.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Rob (Ohio) on 02/02/2017

I have slept better the last two days with three doses of the ACV. So glad I found this.Thanks to all.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Cindi (Ontario) on 01/23/2017

You wouldn't happen to have a copy of that pdf file on the nettles, would you? The link isn't working and I can't seem to access the main site either. :-/ My dog also has BPH (with cysts - does yours have cysts also?) and I'm trying to find things to help him with it. I'm currently using horsetail herb decoction mixed in with his food, but the more the better!

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