Prostate - Enlarged
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Enlarged Prostate Relief

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by El Mohel Castorena (HÖ¸ Emet, Ca) on 04/09/2013

I and other men have been using organic blackstrap molasses (BSM) to shrink an enlarged prostate. Every male that has done this has gotten relief. All it takes is 3 tablespoons of blackstrap molasses 2 to 3 times a week.

A friend of mine even had PAIN in the prostate and refused what the doctor wanted to do and give. I told him how this worked for me and encouraged him to try it. With in four 4 days, he had relief from some pain and within 2 weeks, the pain was gone and shrinking had happened.

Blackstrap molasses is a must have for me! I use BSM once to twice a week to help myself. My Flow is 80 to 90 percent back!!

Please take it from me --- Mohel Castorena. IT WORKS!!

P.S. I found this out just on a craving. As a child I remember my mother, of blessed memory, would let me try a teaspoon every now and then. Other than that, when my wife got some to make cookies it sat in the refrigerator.

Well, one day I took a teaspoon. That turned into several teaspoons and I found out to my surprise and delight my flow had improved! I tried many over the counter items - All failed!

Posted by Dorli (Kent, Ct) on 12/23/2011

How much cayenne is necessary to reduce the size of the prostate or to kill cancer cells in the prostate? I bought capsules containing 600 mg.

Posted by Luis (Valle) on 01/07/2017

I suffered a chronic prostatitis with abdominal pain and frequent urination for three months. I think it was due to retaining ejaculation for an excessive time. A urologist recommended me a prostate massage (after a negative urine culture and test) and a batch of a couple of antibiotics for two weeks I did not experience any improvement and I stayed the same.

On my own I started doing abdominal exercises by lifting my legs and bringing them to my chest. This greatly moderated abdominal pain.

Without a solution in sight, and already without hope, on my own I experienced drinking a teaspoon of DMSO 70%, and at the same time I was massaging the pubis with this liquid. I began to feel better from the first session, with reduced pain and moderation of urine at night.

Afterwards, I then decided to rub the liquid directly into the glans first in the nights, and then in the mornings too, after asepsis with soap and water, and then the relief was quicker. Today in the fourth month since the onset of chronic prostatitis I am free of it.

Yesterday I had the prostate antigen PSA taken and the result was 1.6, excellent for a man 65 years old.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by David W. (Near Waterloo, Ontario, Canada) on 09/10/2021

I have found that BRAGG's ACV has the highest content of the Mother. It is grown and bottled in Cali. Paul Bragg died in his 90's due to an accident while surfing in Hawaii. His surf board hit him in the back of his neck and he subsequently died.

Patricia his daughter runs the company now. Must-read books by Paul Bragg are "Apple Cider Vinegar" The Miracle Health System and "The Miracle of Fasting" Bragg's Complete Life Extension System. Cleansing is the secret to life without disease. All disease stems from toxicity in the bowel and organs.

The Prostate accumulates toxins from the body, its job is to cleanse. It's our job to help cleanse the Prostate as it collects and stores toxins from our system. So many environmental toxins enter our body through inhalation and in-gestation. Cleansing techniques are the most effective way to heal and promote well being.

Fasting is referenced in the Bible, King James Versions, Paul references Biblical verses in all his books to his remedies. He is a Miracle man, Diagnosed with TB in his early teens and cured by a Swedish Dr. in Switzerland using the Sun and UVB rays, and went on to compete in the world Olympics. Back in the day, TB was a Death Wish.

Posted by Victor (Spain) on 01/30/2015

I am 68, have had blood in semen for about 15-20 years, prostate checked once a year and normal enlargement for my age. I started to spice my food at lunch time with about a bit less than level teaspoon of chili pepper in liquid form. After a few days blood gone from semen completely. I also used to have one testicle where I believe some of the blood accumulated and always was somewhat larger, that testicle is also back to normal size. I have had no difficulties with urination before but perhaps urine flows a bit better. What beats me is why regular doctors, whom I respect and consult when I need to, do not seem to receive any training on natural medicine as a complement to modern medicine. It only damages their image when people experience what I have

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Larry (Clarksville, Indiana) on 09/03/2015

I started using ACV and raw honey 2 weeks ago, but only because someone said that it was good for you. I never gave it a thought about how it would help me. I have been taking Flomax for about 2 years now, but today, I have not taken a Flomax for two days, and I don't need flomax now. Thanks to the ACV and Raw Local Honey.

As an added benefit, my Ohio River Valley allergies have all but gone away. Yea

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Henry (Wichita, Kansas) on 11/20/2014

I had both the acid reflux and the slow urine stream and getting up two and three times a night to urinate. I started on raw and organic apple cider vinegar; two teaspoons in 8 oz. of tea or water first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and after 2 weeks I am much improved. In hot tea add raw honey as well. I am able to empty my bladder better and now get up once during the night. Urine stream is also better. I take the Apple Cider Vinegar "cocktail" every morning and so far great results. Take at least 1 hour before meals.They do recommend not taking over two tablespoons per day.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Zark (Emerald City, The Land Of Oz) on 11/07/2013

ACV works really well :) I use 1 or 1 and half tablespoons of ACV in a glass of juice and take that once or twice a day.

I started taking ACV for my prostate issues and found great relief using this. ACV is the best remedy I have found to date. No more pain when urinating. No more pain after sex. Wonderful! Sometimes the pain was really really bad, sometimes I would have erections that would not go away, and were not sexual at all..

Wonder of wonders, after taking ACV I soon noticed my mild reflux was gone.. and also my rhinitis had further improved. I use the No Starch Diet (quite similar to Paleo Diet actually) for my messed up immune system and that had already greatly improved my rhinitis (and other inflammatory immune problem too).

== Other things I tried ==

* Molasses - actually seemed to work reasonably well, but the ACV remedy is better!

* Top quality Multivitamin & Mineral & Antioxidant supplement (Pharmaceutical grade). ACV is still better hehe

* Making the renal system alkaline helped. That includes things like Cream of Tartar mixed with juice. Baking soda and water on an empty tummy. Lots of fruit & veg.. etc.

== Things that make it worse ==

** Chocolate! (due to sugar content perhaps?)

** Sugar

** Coffee

* Excessive protein consumption - makes the urine too acidic and my prostate doesn't like it.

Posted by Len (Toronto, Ontario Canada) on 02/02/2012


No specific quantities as there are no claims that it kills cancer cells. Just some studies suggest it does in mice. It has not been tested on people.

Powdered quantities suggested range from 1/4tsp to 1 tablespoon in 1 cup of water 3x a day (preferably after meals as the food has a "gentling" effect). A lot depends on how much you can tolerate. Upset stomach is a common first reaction.

I started with (and am still using) 1/2 tsp in 1/2 cup of warm water. I had a little bit of "turmoil" (still do--it's not a "leisure" beverage to sit down with and enjoy) but it settled down quickly.

Everything I've read says powdered in very warm water (I'm using 1/2tsp of Bulk Food Store cayenne powder--25 to 35 thousand SHU--in 1/2 cup very warm water) is best. It's benefits hit you immediately whereas the capsule has to dissolve.

Capsules work too but are slower.

As a side benefit to the prostate issue, it is clearing up my sinus and coughing/congestion issues related to the bronchitis I'm currently "enjoying".

It's a wonder pepper. I do believe in it at this point.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Big J (Tn) on 02/14/2018

I swear I started organic Apple Cider Vinegar a week ago for weight loss. I am surprised what it has done for my prostate. No more dribble in my pants after peeing. I am actually shocked at how well it worked.

Not sure weigh loss is helped but prostate is under control for sure. I am 48.

Posted by Doug (Phoenix, Az.) on 04/01/2012

Cayenne does so many wonderful things. There are so many testimonials it will make your head spin, just like ACV. Buy your cayenne in powder or liquid form. Forget about the capsules; when your mouth senses the heat, your stomach will immediately release juices to protect itself, something the capsules don't do. Also, the more heat units, the better. I am taking 160,000 heat unit cayenne pepper that I buy on-line. Research Dr richard Schultz and Dr. Christopher (can't remember his first name) on the internet. Good luck everyone.


Posted by Zark (Emerald City) on 03/30/2017

I've been using an iodine supplement and found it to be highly effective. When I have a bad attack (painful urination and even sometimes blood) all I need to do is take about 50-70mg of liquid iodine and that fixes it up quickly. Best part is that I am certain it addresses the underlying cause - which is most likely fungal.

How to take:

Firstly you should choose an iodine preparation that is intended for internal use. "Lugol's Iodine" is NOT a brand, it is a type of preparation named after the French physician J.G.A. Lugol, and this one is safe for internal use. I don't recommend tincture of iodine as this one contains alcohol - but if you are stuck and in an emergency this will work.

Secondly, be mindful of strength. Most preparations have about 50mcg (this equals 0.05mg). The "mcg" means micrograms, and this is an extremely weak preparation. I need about 5mg (5 milligrams) before I find it to be medicinal for the prostate, that's 5000mcg, or 1000 drops of the extremely weak preparation.

Products that use the "Lugol's" preparation are typically 6.25mg per drop (5% Lugol's solution). That is more than 100 times stronger than the weak iodine supplements on the market.

To cure prostate issues, as stated previously, requires about 50-70 mg of iodine taken once a day. I take it in the middle of the night (or you could take it several hours after food so as not to upset digestion). In the morning I take a probiotic, preferrably one with more than 10 strains.

Expect other pleasant benefits from this - such as improved memory, concentration, and in my case my sense of smell is returning. The latter was caused by chronic rhinitis that I've had ever since I was a young child, and that's some 30 odd years ago!

Remember, Lugol's is not a brand, he is a physician who standardized this preparation.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by V-man (Florida) on 07/21/2016

BSM ... Has helped my bladder, urethra and prostate by the 8th day... No more bladder pressure and from drips to stream. I mixed it with organic maple syrup and detox tea or green tea and a meal replacement.

DIY Prostate Massage
Posted by Caterina (Maryland) on 03/07/2021

Link for prostate massage for treatment of BPH or benign prostatic hyperplasia (enlargement of the prostate gland) due to age.

I wanted to let men know about this technique and website. Having to get up multiple times a night and not being able to fully empty the bladder wrecks havoc on mens' quality of life. I hope this will be helpful to someone.

Hopefully, one day, our doctors will be taught to help their patients with natural remedies instead of drugs whose side effects are so destructive.

Chronic Prostatitis Remedies
Posted by Tony (Tn, Usa) on 01/04/2014

I just want to add my 2 cents here. I've suffered from chronic prostatitis for over 5 years myself. Been through all sorts of treatment options. The doctors always want to throw antibiotics in me. I've also tried numerous supplements & other natural remedies. They just don't work! Let me tell you why.

It's most likely not a problem with bacteria or viruses. It's more than likely due to CANDIDA. I've learned a ton of things from Bill here at EC. Prostate problems can be a problem with candida and also actually directly related to the thyroid as well. How many of you know that thyroid problems can also lead to prostate issues?

I would suggest to look at the Candida page here at EC for more help. I'm currently under the anti-candida protocol provided by Bill myself. You have to remain disciplined on the protocol & keep a positive attitude. It's not going to be an overnight cure.

Candida takes years to build up in the body but you won't see very many traditional medicine doctors acknowledge that if there life was on the line. Candida untreated can certainly lead to a number of debilitating diseases such as cancer. I really think the poster needs to consider candida as a probably cause. Thanks & God Bless!

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Mohel Castorena (San Jacinto, California) on 01/19/2011

Prostate and Blackstrap Molasses

I have suffered with enlargement I have tried ACV with no help. But I have found that blackstrap molasses Fixed Me up and every other day 3 Tbs in 8 oz of yogurt and milk has done it for me. A friend of mine had his prostate in the stage of pain and VERY SLOW FLOW! He did not want to do the Doctor thing I told him about blackstrap molasses and in 5 days flow was better and pain started to subside. In a Month Much better! He is continuing with blackstrap molasses. It Cured him and Myself.

Posted by Nick (Johannesburg, South Africa, Gauteng South Africa) on 02/19/2009

One week before I turned 40 I became very ill- flue like symptoms. Docter told me I had prostrate problems. Since then, urinating wasn't what it use to be! 2 years ago I met this friend who only took natural medicines, and she recommended Cayenne Pepper. I've been taking it in powder form -3x per day with luke warm water- and I can honestly say i pee like a 30 year old!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jim (Fl) on 02/14/2018

I have been using ACV now for two weeks and taking a cap full (tablespoon) to 2oz of water three times a day. Morning, Noon and before bed. I have to say after ready this and looking's help me not pee as much at night, no dribble afterwards either as well as not starting and stopping. I was actually just taking it to cleanse or detox my body plus try to raise my PH because I was told it does that too.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Chris (Great Oakley, Northamptonshire. England.) on 09/04/2017 3 posts

Hi Jim, I've been on Flomax for the last 4 years and for years before that I was on various generic tamsulosins. Flomax works best for me.

However, I have tried various 'cures' over the years, including sawpalmetto but nothing works apart from pumpkin seeds that I blitz into a smoothie with a teaspoon of turmeric, cinnamon, maca powder and crushed linseeds. I say 'worked' but that just means I don't get up in the night like I used to.

My urologist tried me on finasteride for a year but it made no difference. I was glad to get off it. I've had all the various tests and he told me that TURP is next on the list so I told him bollox to all that, I'm not taking the knife.

Anyway, I'm happy to stay as I am on Flomax, which I take at 10pm and I get a good nights sleep. BUT, I'm still searching for the elixir that makes Flomax redundant so I bought some ACV and a kilo of borax which I've made a measured diluted drink with.

I am investigating avenues like K2 and D3 and garnicea. I'll come back on here with the results in the future.

I am 77 and everything works so fingers crossed mate.



Apple Cider Vinegar and Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Gary (Hackensack, Nj) on 05/24/2018

I read about this and added a heaping tsp of vitamin c crystals to the Apple cider vinegar and blackstrap molasses and after a week or so it's working wonders. It started working by the 2nd day and I was very bad off.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Philip (Lexington, Ky) on 09/30/2015

Larry, how do you take/mix the ACV and honey?


Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Peter (Victoria, Australia) on 08/09/2015


I've had a swollen prostate for over a year now and I've tried most of the natural remedies, like ACV with bicarb, saw palmetto, willow herb and molasses with bicarb I also take MSM (Organic Sulphur) with vit C (calcium ascorbate) everyday. I am constantly waking throughout the night to urinate from 4 to 6 times a night. None of the above apart from the ACV and bicarb have had any relieving effect.

My problem now is that after I've urinated, for several minutes I have a sort of urinary incontinence not a lot but quite a few drips running down my leg. Do you have any solutions?

Yours Gratefully, Peter

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Barry Tesar (Walnut Creek, Ca.) on 03/12/2017

Years ago, a good friend of mine, C.W. Smith, who also happened to be an amazing doctor of chiropractic, recommended the following combination to me: equal parts organic apple cider vinegar, raw honey, and black strap molasses. You mix it together in a glass jar and then you cover the top with cheese-cloth secured into place with a rubber band. You mix a tablespoon each day with hot water and drink it like a tea. The longer it sits (preferably a year or more), the better it is for you. The reasoning behind that is that the longer it sits the more the vinegar helps to pre-digest the other ingredients. It is good for your blood, and so much more.

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