Fungal Infection Treatment: Folk Medicine

Posted by Kristy (London, Uk) on 07/27/2011

A few months ago I scratched my inside vaginal opening with period pad which I was wearing. Next 2 days I saw orangish red blood spots but I ignored it that it will be healed by itself. But as the time passed I found out that particular area getting bumpy, itchy and inflammed. I went to the GP. Fungal infection was diagnosed & hence I was given Diflucan. Ater the completion I was again tested and slight bacterial infection was diagnosed but the doc said it's alright. A month later I had to take metronidazole and I started getting the same fungal symptoms hence I went to a doctor and bacterial infection was diagnosed. I inserted canesten (broad-spectrum antimycotic with fungal action and trichomonacide) 1 vaginal suppository 2 times for 3 days. When my periods date approached (same day when last period started in the previous month) the pad was stained then no periods again for full day. Next day it happened again. Today is 3rd day. I am having period pain. But the periods are still stuck.

Please help with your good suggestion what is it and what should I do in the longer run as well? Thanks.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Shelby (Evansville, Indiana) on 06/06/2011

18 months ago, I contracted what I assumed what was MRSA or an STD from a dionysian splurge. It was on the left labia major and was quite painful. I went to the doctor and pointed it out to her, managing to get it on my hands and then brushing the skin near my right eye. The primary infection eventually went deep under my skin so I was not able to see it, but I could still feel it there. My attention was constantly on the infection near my eye, I was not interested in it spreading and causing blindness. Antibiotic creams and pills were ineffective. Eventually I got it under control with stabilized allicin and a few times I even assumed it was gone completely, although it flared up every now and again.

The primary infection bothered me a great deal as well, and I attempted GSE on it, with limited success. I had the eye area tested for MRSA, but it was negative. It was also negative for being a viral infection and I was at a total loss. The things I used supposingly hit all three, virual, bacterial and fungal, so I assumed I had all bases covered. The doctors continued to insist nothing was there, but I felt it pulling at my eye and down below, constantly aching.

A few weeks ago, my eye was itching a great deal, and I put some vaseline on it. Immediately it spread like crazy, all over my face, down my cheek and began to burn. I began to seriously doubt a bacterial infection is supposed to do that, and a new thought entered my head. Perhaps it was a fungus. It was a long shot, but I researched fungus remedies and took a few baths with ACV and began to regularly apply it and am still doing so. It is a thousand times better now, the ACV seemingly the only thing in 18 months to do anything to this monster. Though the ACV is rough on my skin and I do have to moisturize with olive oil.

As I began to think about the infection being a fungus, it began to make much more sense to me, rather than a bacterial infection. I'm not ruling out a bacterial infection, but a fungus one seems to be more accurate.

Please do not rule out a potential fungus infection when approaching your doctor about possible STD issues or suspicious infections in the nether regions. I believe a dropped condom on a sock or shoe was the cause of mine, and I can finally sense the end of this frustrating journey. It never occured to me, as women do not tend to deal with jock itch or things of that nature.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Merryanne (Orange City, Florida, Usa) on 05/18/2010 115 posts

This problem on the feet can also be fungus,,a fungal problem in the skin can come in many forms and fashions,,,if it is not an infection by bacteria, and not a virus, then it may be fungal and it can be anywhere on or in the body. My daughter gets cracks in the heels of her feet and it is alway fungus, we use a cream from the pharmacy, and soak in 1/3 ACV and 2/3 water for about 4 days, 30 min. 2 times aday, when dry apply the fungal cream.

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Zanz (Nelson, New Zealand) on 08/08/2008

i have recently stumbled apon the most fantastic cure all!!!!!! grapefruit seed extract has served as a mirical cure for my double whammy fungal infection which then spawned impetigo! i had been back to the quack 3 times prescribed antibiotics which 1/2 worked but then the sores spread! i was devistated as they were set to take over my whole face! then fate stepped in and handed me a little bottle of GSE whithin 3 days the impetigo was peeling away to reveal beautifull healthy skin underneath and after just 8 days my face was compltetly clear and even the annoying hormonal breakouts i get on the sides of my chin have shown dramatic healing and i mean dramatic! I took GSE internally and i wash my face with it morning and night and put a couple of drops in almond oil as a moisteriser.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by John (Los Angeles) on 01/06/2006

I spent 100 of dollars on creams to cure a fungal infection I caught at the gym...nothing worked. I read about apple cider vinegar, and let me tell works. The vinegar cleared away the dead skin and exposed the fungus. Now let me tell you it stings like hell!!, But I rather take the pain than to have this infection.

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