Heel Spurs Treatment - Home Remedies that Work!

Rolling Heel on Golf Ball
Posted by Nancy Nelson (Texas) on 05/30/2020

My heel only started hurting 2 days ago but checked my favorite site, Earth Clinic an hour ago. Did a couple minutes of the foot stretch that others posted on here then fixed the acv, molasses and baking soda which I'm drinking while soaking my foot in Ice water.

Ironically, before I soaked my foot I noticed I didn't have heel pain any long er!!!! Wow. So folks, try the foot stretches first. They work!! Thank you Earth Clinic/ Deirdre as you've done so much for me as I've used this site for years and told many peeps about it!!!! Blessings to you.

Borax Foot Bath
Posted by Debbie (Gloucester, Uk) on 08/24/2017

Where are you buying it in the UK? I haven't been able to get hold of it.

Borax Foot Bath
Posted by Art (California ) on 08/24/2017 2165 posts

In reply to Debbie (Gloucester, Uk),

Here is one place you might be able to get it.



Apple Cider Vinegar, Molasses, Baking Soda
Posted by Sharon (Nsw, Australia) on 11/26/2018

Curious as to whether this recipe is applied to the heel spur or do you drink it. There is no mention of water in the recipe!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Molasses, Baking Soda
Posted by Sur (Texas) on 01/26/2017

Would someone please give me the recipe for ACV, baking soda and honey/molasses they are drinking for heel spurs? I assume drinking. I found a couple of places that said they are rubbing on. Please clarify.

Apple Cider Vinegar Soak
Posted by Maria (Manalapan, New Jersey) on 10/25/2016

I have heel spur pain for about two months now, I saw a doctor and he is sending me for physical therapy, buy I will like to try the apple cider vinegar soak. Please tell me how many times a week and how much vinegar, do i mix it with water, and how long do i soak my feet in the vinegar?.

Posted by Denise (Sydney) on 05/29/2016

Heel Spurs:

I have a friend from Africa and he said to

  • Get a rock 1/2 the size of your heel and put it on the gas cooker to make it really hot.
  • Put a sock on your foot and then put your heel on the rock and keep it on for as long as you can.
  • Do this three times in a row. Keep doing it for three weeks and it will be gone for ever.

I have tried it for the last week and it works. I have had a heel spur for two years and it was so painful.

Good luck, Denise

Apple Cider Vinegar Wrap
Posted by Sarah (Indiana) on 09/13/2015

Did you use the organic ..my heel spurs/and plantar fasciitis had been a problem for GOING on 5 month now and no relief in site.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Molasses, Baking Soda
Posted by Mary (Tx) on 06/24/2014

The ACV, molasses, and baking soda really helps heel spurs after ONLY one day! I can really tell the difference.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Molasses, Baking Soda
Posted by Sam (Miami, FL) on 06/25/2014

Heel spurs could be caused by calcium supplements. One don't need supplement calcium. It should all come from food. Body can't absorb calcium supplements. For centuries it has been know by herbalists that regular intake of horsetail helps prevent bone loss and will speed up the repair of broken bones. Yet, horsetail contains little or no calcium. What it does contain is rich amounts of silica. Apparently, the silica atoms in horsetail can be converted into calcium atoms by the body. However body can't transmute just any old silicon into calcium. In fact, ingesting inorganic silicon will cause decalsification of bones, page 669, book: The Chemistry of Essential Oils by David Stewart.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Molasses, Baking Soda
Posted by Erica (North Carolina) on 09/26/2015

I have never tried this but I have a question? Is this a drink or do you just simply rub them on your feet?

EC: A drink...

Apple Cider Vinegar Wrap
Posted by Krishna (India) on 12/09/2014

I tried soaking a brown paper in ACV and putting it in my shoe, but I realized that it can't be reused as the paper tears into several smaller pieces and it also dries up quickly... Can I just dip the part of the sock that goes near the heel into ACV and wear it?

Apple Cider Vinegar Wrap
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 12/09/2014

We use vinegar on a cloth or sock as you describe with great results!

~Mama to Many~

Posted by Peterp (Melbourne, Victoria) on 04/16/2013

I have had a heel spur for 9 months and went and had a remedial massage ( it was hard) on the calves and hamstrings. One hour treatment and the pain in the heel was gone.

The spur was chronic and I done hours of research, nowhere did I read about getting a massage till my massuer mentioned it. Makes sense as all the muscles are interconnected and the massage loosened the tight muscles.

Posted by Md. Rais (India ) on 08/19/2017

Hey.. Guys I read many healing home remedies for bone spur round the corner. People suggest using ACID-A-CAL is very effective in bone spur healing. But I couldn't find the acid-a-cal in nearby medical shops.. What actually is this?... Please tell more about acid-a-cal...

Posted by Karen (Florida) on 08/20/2017

I used extra magnesium citrate tablets to get rid of my bone spur. I am not familiar with this other product.

Posted by Sheryll (Dallas, Texas) on 05/30/2012

I have been taking 1000 mg of Calcium/day for several years as I have a family history of osteoporosis. I have recently developed moderate heel spurs on both feet, as well as bone spurs on my wrist and along the spine. The bone spurs are thought to be a result of psoriatic arthritis. Calcium has not prevented them.

Posted by Lita209 (Sanford, Fl, Usa) on 05/30/2012

Sheryll from Dallas, Texas: I am sorry to hear about your heel spurs. I can only tell you about my own experience. I spent near 8 months with a heel spur on my left feet. It was painfull in the mornings and every time I would sit for a while, it was painfull when I got up. The only solution I kept hearing was surgery and I didn't want that. So I remembered this website from when my cat was sick and I learn about ACV to cure his uti (which by the way worked! ). So when I searched for heel spurs I was surprised that it also suggested ACV. Also to take calcium, but with magnesium to help the calcium absorption and retention and Epsom salt/baking soda baths. Sheryll I can honestly tell you it worked for me. I did the baths at least 3 times a week and the ACV and calcium/magnesium everyday. This was around 3 or 4 years ago so I don't remember how long it took for me to feel the difference but it was not long. Try it and have faith. Good luck and good health to you.

Posted by Lucy (Santa Cruz, Ca) on 06/08/2010

HEEL SPUR...too much uric acid in the system. I had to alkaline, and there is several ways to do that, but I chose lemons. I watched a doctor on a talk show who said he took 5 lemons per day for his health. I did 1 lemon in water three times per day. I don't remember how long it took, maybe a week and the spurs on my heel were gone.

Posted by Linda (Sugarcreek, Ohio) on 05/30/2010

In response to the person who had a heel spur on the back of the heel I have THE answer. I went to a Chiropractic physician whom I told I had the problem (didn't actually know what it was-but painful). This particular doctor treated me with ultra-sound and it was gone THAT DAY! He treated it as part of my routine visit. It was painless (just warmth) and far from a surgical treatment which I hear usually fails. Not all naturopathic or chiropractic offices might do this so please check around. My help came from the Fedorko Chiropractic Clinic in Canton, Ohio. Contact to see if there is a similar situation in your area. Good luck! Linda

Borax Foot Bath
Posted by Leelannee (Sussex, Nj) on 09/27/2009

Brook, I had bone spurs on my wrists for many years. I took a certain type of calcium, and they dissolved and haven't grown back.

Borax Foot Bath
Posted by Connie (Diana, Tx) on 09/09/2009

I tore my achillles about 3 weeks ago on a cool down part of dance video..The pain is awful when u first get up in the morning..I couldn't wear my sandals or go barefooted I had to wear my tennis shoe from then on..I started the search for remedies a week ago and saw Ted's borax bath remedy..

I made a Foot Bath of 1/2 tsp to 1 liter of COLD water and soaked my feet in it for 30 mins every night..

The very first night I could feel the pain lessen all the way up calf..You'll have to wear a good shoe.. But I was able to start stretching that part back out..I'm only a week into this but so far this has really helped..Many, many thanks Ted..

PS: I wish I had looked here a lot sooner.

Posted by Bimal Kanal (Shanghai, China) on 07/29/2009

Heel Pain / Spur

I have suffered acute heel pain caused by a condition described as heel spur since 2004.The treatment which has given me 99% relief was very simple which unfortunatley was introduced only in 2009 by a sports medical specialist.

The person needs to wear a night brace on the foot for a period of time. I wore it for one month before i coild see any improvement. The nigh brace is available in large pharmacies. This costed me HKD150 only.

secondly, please meet a podiatric specialist in a hospital and get the insouls for yr shoes. These in souls are specialy made and cannot be purchased over the counter. These are expensive as i paid HKD 2500 for a pair.

Thirdly, there are two simple excercises that should be done. One is to sit on the floor and stretch yr legs. Take a towel and put it accross yr toes of the foot and pull the toes towards yrself.

the second excercise is to stand against the wall with one foot forward and strech the second leg which is at the back.

The logic here is that from the spine to the heel the flexibility should be improved.

A lot of rest is needed for acute case as the heel is swollen in some cases.

Apple Cider Vinegar Wrap
Posted by Lori (Lincoln, NE) on 07/06/2009

I used the ACV wrap at night w a bag around my foot for 7 days and saw no relief at all. And it stunk up my house and my bedding. Not worth it!

Posted by Thomas (Missouri City, TX) on 05/16/2009

A month and a half ago, it was sheer agony just to walk to the mailbox; to get out of bed, I needed a cane. Then I came here and read-up on calcium.

For the past month and a half, I've been blasting calcium into my system with a daily dose of: a multi-vitamin with 162 mg of calcium in it, PLUS a tablet of 600 mg of calcium and 400 I.U. of Vitamin D.

Three days after starting my calcium-blasting, I noticed that I was feeling less pain. Now, a month and a half later, I am PAIN-FREE (except after I stand or walk a lot).

Water Therapy
Posted by Cheryl (Scone, Australia) on 04/27/2009

i have tryed the ice water remedy and found no difference in the time the other people did but after using it constantly for two months it did work and i have not suffered from my spur in the last 18 months to two years i do now highly reccomend it

Posted by Mike (Moses Lake, WA) on 03/23/2009

My wife has had painful heel spurs off and on for yrs. Now when they start she goes to the grocery store and buys her favorite jello, which contains gelatin of course, and proceeds to make a cup of hot jello tea. She uses 1 heaping tablespoon of jello in a coffee cup everyday and usually gets results in 2-4 weeks. She stays on it for for a while longer then stops until the next time usually a year later.

Foot Wrapping
Posted by Leta (Bolton, NC) on 01/30/2009

I have been suffering from pain in my heels for about two years. Since that time I had a child and gained weight and it really became unbearable. I figured it was heel spurs because my mama always suffered from them. I went with my daughter Christmas shopping right before Christmas and was unable to stand up for very long after a few hours of shopping. I had to continously sit down and I knew it was time to get help. I had previously purchased inserts for my shoes over the internet over a year ago and it helped but they had wore down and I didn't use them this day.

The next business day I scheduled an appt. with the foot doctor only to find out what I already knew BUT it wasn't the bone spur causing the pain. The muscle under the foot becomes weak over the years and with the added weight it would become inflamed. The doctor told me he would wrap my feet with tape and I thought, "he must be crazy", tape is not going to help my pain. I figured I would have to have shots in my heels like my mama did years ago. After he wrapped them, it felt strange and it was really tight. It was uncomfortable at first and he told me to wear them for 5-7 days without getting them wet. Again, I thought, "he must be crazy". I put my shoes on, left and that evening noticed I had less pain. The next day, even more less pain. Well, by the fourth day, I had little to no pain BUT they were beginning to smell because you weren't suppose to get them wet, and of course, I did when I washed. (I tried wrapping my feet in plastic, didn't work). So I took the tape off and thought, well, now what. I had went to Texas with my husband and wouldn't be back to NC for three weeks so I knew I had to do something. I first tried wrapping my feet with sports tape but just about cut my circulation off so I got on the old faithful internet and came across Duct Tape. Yes, duct tape. I wrapped my feet around the arch, snug but NOT tight. I wrapped it from one side of my foot, around the ankle to the other side. It worked a MIRACLE! NO pain all day long.

I went back to the doctor after I got back to NC and told him what I done. He was surprised the duct tape didn't tear my skin but I told him I used the generic kind at a dollar store and it worked wonderful. I would then get in the shower and let the water loosen it up and take it right off. Please keep in mind, I use the exercises they tell you to do to help alleviate the stress on the muscle and my feet are doing much much better. I still have to wear the tape and do the exercises and DON'T go barefooted and my feet aren't hurting like they were. I can go all day long and at the end of the day, they feel fine. Also, he had prescribed me pain medicine which I did not take after two days of using the tape.

Hope this helps. Leta

Water Therapy
Posted by Geoff (Neptune, NJ) on 01/05/2009

Heel Spur Remedy (Cold water/Hot water, Tennis Ball)

I found many of the suggestions quite helpful and ended up combining a number of treatments which had immediate results.

Although my foot did not seem as bad off as some others, it was still impacting my mobility and posture forcing me to walk on the outside of my foot. I was schedule to see a doctor tomorrow and feel as if the treatment has eliminated the need to see the podiatrist. After reading many of the "Standards of Care" remedies used by doctors, they did not sound very helpful. They sounded expensive and invasive...

One tub of very cold water about 3 inches deep. Non chlorinated.

One tub of very hot water with a half cup of epson salt about 3 inches deep. Non chlorinated.

First start by placing the foot in the cold water and leave submerged for about 5-10 minutes or as long as one can stand the extreme cold. Then placing the foot directly into the hot water.

This was repeated twice by replacing the water over a 30 minute period.

Then a tennis ball was used for about 20 minutes under the arch of the foot.

Using a combination of fast rolling and pressing the ball motions, the objective was to compress the ball as much as possible and apply pressure to the back of the arch near the heel.

I intend on following through for several days with this treatment to make sure that the heel is back to normal.

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